
Showing posts from January, 2014

Diminish Flicker

my camera having difficulties , exposure started flickering between 2 shutter speeds, video has visible flicker. ideas on how correct it? flickers between lighter , darker exposure in pattern of 1 dark frame, 2 light (dlldlld...) there expression help? the color stabilizer effect can help.   you might want try auto levels temporal smoothing set other 0.   neither perfect, did ask diminishing flicker, not removing flicker. More discussions in After Effects adobe

Thread: CA (Cyber Audio) Mic not working

this in ubuntu 10.04. (it cyber acoustics, not "audio" in title) have checked settings in pulseaudio volume control , tried different things moving volume above 100% pulseaudio device chooser . mic same one: the actual model of mine is: cvl-1124 the model of link gave: cvl-1124r my soundcard is: nvidia corporation mcp61 high definition audio (rev a2) subsystem: biostar microtech int'l corp device 8108 solved!: 1) installed " xubuntu 10.04 " instead of " ubuntu 10.04 ". 2) installed " sound recorder " testing purposes. 3) clicked on speaker icon next clock in upper xfce panel bring " mixer ", sound card: " via vt1708 8-ch (oss mixer) " selected, click " select controls... " , check " in-gain ". 4) turned in-gain way up, tested " sound recorder "

Default export location not set to pbk file location

(pixel bender 2.1.432154 on windows 7 64-bit) after opening existing .pbk file , going 'file>export filter flash player...', default location [username]\documents\adobe\pixel bender in stead of location of file trying export. when 'file>save filter as', default export location set same location of file.   is intentional?   i prefer 'export filter flash player' always use location of file trying export, not after did 'save filter as'. save me time .   - rc-1290'dreadnought'       p.s. since pixel bender 2.0, gpu mode not functioning, using ati hd3870 or ati hd3200. fine hd3870 , hd3200 we tried reproduce bug seeing, haven't been able to. should work way expect (exports same location loaded from). can give exact steps make bug happen?   also, glad know working correctly on card!   thanks!        kevin More discussions in Pixel Bender adobe

Nyheds oversigt deriller lidt - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej alle jeg spurgte tidligere efter en nyheds oversigt og jeg har også fundet et gosdt modul men oplever dog et lille problem, nå man f.eks. har valgt oktober 2009 så skal man bruge sin tilbage knap sin browser, nogen der har en ide til hvorfor. link til modulet: ... ting/10182 navnet på modulet: article list month ( blog ) i kan se det aktivt højre side da det er et nyt modu forventer jeg ikke et svar. løsningen var @ vælge k2 som er et super godt værktøj, faktisk så godt @ jeg nu vil bruge det fremover. til alle mine artikler på mit site. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.5 (Tidligere langtidssupporteret version indtil sep. 2012) Administration - Generel brug

Alter description of "Joomla! Bug Reporting" forum. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my previous topic moved right forum. subject: improvement suggestion jloader (include_once!) dam-man wrote: mod note: moved right sections thanks putting right, dam-man. i didn't put there because description of forum talks bugs only, not improvements (to code). this suggestion change description. e.g. "...bugs or (small, code) improvements..". just want evade others (and myself in future) post such things on wrong forum again. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information

Is lookup dialog possiable with LC?

dear all,   in form have dynamic added rows, , each rows, have many categories , sub-categories user choice.   and there many categories make performance of form getting bad.   i wonder if can make lookup dialog windows application, don't need to: - save data of categories in form - rebuild sub-categories drop down every rows user add   regards bill hi all,   any information on this?   a "no" confirm not possible welcome.   regards bill More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

Dark outline of pixels around images in PDF

when saving pdf illustrator,  close cropped psd images have dark edge of pixels in final pdf. looks black outline when viewed in acrobat. have since found if flatten transparency before saving pdf , displays fine. why pdf having problems illustrator’s use of transparency? to version of pdf saving ai file? sounds it's 1.3 or using pdfx-1a flattened file. if save 1.4 or above should handle transparency ok. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

free newsletter component for joomla?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is there free newsletter component available joomla??? have nice feature send email user?? have gui?? try extensions such vemod news mailer ( ) , acajoom ( ). other such extensions available @ . Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

[Yoo Mellow] Logo dosen't show ????? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello!! i installed yoo mellow it's work fine but logo dosen't work ??, cant see and search in template's files can't found i download templates not official site warez sites so can u give way put css code in header , download original logo demo , put in templates files this site: anyone can me plzz ? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Internal link no longer work - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i using joomla 1.5. after building site moved files root directory. change info in config file , didn't come right. few things showing. moved files orginal directory internal links no longer work. external links work fine. when @ menu links pages seem fine , can bring content pages through content manager. 2nd website being moved root, 1st website moved root came fine. did change "rewritebase" value in ".htaccess" file? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: No HP printer toolbox

hi, newbie ubunto , have searched forum answer cannot find one. have dell 1300 inspiron hp 3840 printer in works fine cannot open toolbox or check ink levels etc. followed instruction ie... hewlett-packard (hp) printers: press alt+f2, type hp-toolbox , click run. select supplies tab in hp device manager window appears view summary of ink levels. got this..... not open location 'file:///home/owner/hp-toolbox' error stating file '/home/owner/hp-toolbox': no such file or directory has got ideas?? many thanks. have got hplip-gui installed? in synaptic. if have installed, should have shortcut icon under system>preferences. click on (after installing hplip-gui, if haven't) & see if returns same error. if installed, try reinstalling , retry opening it. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubu

Pings the server to get more frequent stats on QoS metrics?

is possible control how player pings server more frequent stats on qos metrics? or, in simpler terms, possible ping server @ set frequency adjust dynamic multbitrate streaming switch switch between streams @ faster pace? do want switch manager check bitrate switch more or want actual switch happen quicker?   for former, right there isn't way without implementing own switch manager. latter, "fast switch" feature of later release of fms address issue.     -wei zhang senior computer scientist adobe systems, inc. More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Thread: wordpress and uploader unable to upload/upgrade

hi, apologize if has been posted elsewhere/ if have mis-posted this. have tried solution unable find them. have 2 problems , think both of them related. 1). wordpress plug-ins unable update, says unable create folder etc 2). have uploader php supposed upload files server. works on school server on ubuntu server, fails upload file have feeling www-data involved in somehow, have clue on how can fix these 2 problems? thank Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] wordpress and uploader unable to upload/upgrade Ubuntu

Reuters OpenCalais - Tagaroo - plugin for Joomla? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

anyone making extension joomla tagaroo plugin wordpress? may 13, 2008 – 8:15 am tagaroo designed make wordpress blog better you, better readers , more accessible search engines. you’re writing, tagaroo analyzes text in post , suggests intelligent tags things , events you’re writing about. i'll working on several plugins , modules related open calais in coming months. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Feature Requests - White Papers - Archived

Solved: web installer: Clicking "Next" not working - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i trying install joomla 1.5.14 on godaddy linux hosting server. have uploaded joomla files ftp , can see web installer when go url, when click "next" advance select language screen, returned select language screen. when click "next" pre-installation check screen, , 1 time got way license screen, clicking "next" returns me select language screen. novice here , have no idea start looking fix. guidance appreciated. please try different browser. i've run similar situations ie , switching firefox got me through installation process. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Thread: correct network settings for different applications/tasks

i'm trying set networking various applications , tasks new machine running lucid. there 3 main tasks. 1) accessing servers on local network (including windows share) 2) remote access these linux boxes offsite using ssh 3) setting webserver regarding 1), have machine sitting here running karmic (9.10) accessing local network servers , windows shares. shouldn't hard. can't seem working on 10.04. must done enable access local servers on subnet? example, if go places -> network nothing shows icon windows network. on machine running 9.10 see several servers. i'm using tutorial here: under nautilus click file -> connect server -> windows share , after entering information error: failed mount windows share. should mention have internet connection , can ping between these 2 linux boxes. once access windows machine perhaps can tackle 2 , 3

Thread: Avantfax chown permission denied

hi friends first time on ubuntu forums. need help. i've been setting hylafax server avantfax front end. have been following steps set out on link: went except here: code: # cd /var/spool/hylafax/bin # mv faxrcvd faxrcvd.old # mv notify notify.old # ln -s /var/www/avantfax/includes/faxrcvd.php /var/spool/hylafax/bin/faxrcvd # ln -s /var/www/avantfax/includes/notify.php /var/spool/hylafax/bin/notify # mv /usr/bin/faxcover /usr/bin/faxcover.old # ln -s /var/www/avantfax/includes/faxcover.php /usr/bin/faxcover edit create_tables.sql use avantfax database: # nano create_tables.sql add "use avantfax;" top. edit chown "root.root": # nano change apache.apache "root.root". run setup script: # ./ i believe have changed ownership of file correctly still when run error: code: -bash: ./ permission denied

login problemer - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

heisann. jeg sliter med innlogging, jeg er positivt sikker på @ jeg ikke har glemt passord, og brukernavn er admin. jeg har lett rundt, lest og prøvd... blannt annet prøvd alle råd denne : viewtopic.php?f=444&t=382042 det jeg vet jeg gjorde av endringer før jeg fikk dette problemet var å legge til en kommando å løse problem med søkemotor vennelige urls, dette la jeg til configuration.php, kommandoen har jeg senere fjernet. så er mitt spørsmål kunne jeg på noe vis ha rotet til configuration.php slik @ jeg så får login problemer? siden ser ut som den skal, men ved login får jeg altså bare beskjed om å bruke riktig brukernavn og passord.... jeg ser ikke bort fra @ jeg kan ha forkludret noe config filen da min php er mildt sagt rusten, men jeg skjønner altså ikke hvordan dette skulle forkludre login funksjonen. mvh skrette kanskje du har en backup liggende fra tiden før problemet oppstod? har du prøvd dette uten suksess? ... assword%3f

mXcomment længe om at load - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg bruger komponentet: mxcomment på min hjemmeside. desværre er jeg stød på et underligt problem, som jeg ikke rigtig ved hvordan jeg skal løse. når folk trykker på, overskriften, læs mere eller kommentar. så har det altid være sådan @ nyheden kom frem med det samme. det gør de også stadigvæk, så længe der ikke er skrevet en kommentar til nyheden. hvis der er skrevet bare 1. kommentar til en nyhed, så bliver vente tiden pludselig vanvittig lang. der kan gå op til flere minutter før nyheden bliver loadet helt færdig og vises. det undre mig rigtig meget, og da jeg fik problemet første gang der løste jeg det ved @ opgradere til den nyeste version. nu er problemet så pludselig kommet igen, og denne gang virker intet åbenbart. jeg har prøvet @ fjernet kompontentet helt, både databasen og mapperne joomla, @ geninstallere den originale fil fra udvikleren. det virker skam også. men så snart jeg smider en backup af alle kommentarerne op databasen, så opstår problemet igen. min mistanke går der

Old Posts as New Posts

on bridge forum today have noticed old posts disguised new posts.  there no response these posts can see.   one near bottom 2 years old.       has else noticed problem?  visited , reloaded site several times , same problem. there has been spammer on forum today. posing legit question , text involves series of urls related ipad , other subject 5 lines long. know because have seen of them because email notifactions show text version of post. happens moderators see them kill them because activity registered new activity. old threads show up  i've suggested marking archived item  older 6 moth read only.  don't know if can done or not. More discussions in Forum comments adobe

A Strange Thing Happened to my Tables...

this has happened me twice now.  first time discovered right away , able revert previous saved version without issue.  time, however, wasn't discovered until after made many, many changes document , therefore avoid going previous version if @ possible.  able me figure out how correct this.   i have catalog 1 large table flowing on many pages.  cleaning paragraph styles caused rows shift different pages.  result see in provided image.  not sure how describe other tables seem overlap somehow.  diagonal lines not supposed there , appeared on own.  idea how fix this?  i'm using cs4, way. are there table , cell styles applied? perhaps when updated paragraph styles had impact on cell styles (paragraph styles part of cell styles). quick edit there might on track. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Uncompressed AVI file issue

i having problems uncompressed avi files created cs5.  creates uncompressed avi files movi chuncks have id of '00dc' compressed chunk id , has fcctype id of null instead of 'dib '.  meet specifications should either have movi chuncks ids of '00db' or fcctype id should 'dib '. this forum suite specific issues only. please post in appropriate product forum.   bob More discussions in Creative Suites Windows adobe

Execute question

i have form execute button, calls webservice populate field data.   i away button, , call webservice change event on dropdownlist.   how can this?     thanks hi,   you try copy script click event in button exit event of dropdown.   just need check referencing of objects make sure references complete, taking account subforms, etc.   should work,   niall More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

How to make variable bindable in mxml?

i <s:number id="mybindable"> bindable.  closest thing see <fx:metadata>, can't seem attach var. you need in way <fx:declarations>     <s:number id="mybindable">   </fx:declarations>   and use in way   <mx:textinput text="{mybindable}"/> if post answers question or helps, please kindly mark such. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: Weird Mouse

to right click, have hold down ctrl. somehow got messed up. guys? not on desktop, firefox , stuff! oh yeah if dont hold down ctrl, moves whole window. whats window manager, compiz or metacity? it's possible changed rightclick on own moves window... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Weird Mouse Ubuntu

LR3 flickr upload

hi,   i've several jpg's in lr3 , tried flickr upload, , saw before uploading lr3 reencodes jpg's acording flickr-upload-settings quality "%". but want upload jpg's (1:1) - without reencoding. how can this? right-click flickr publish service , choose edit settings. uncheck "resize fit".   note flickr won't show original format on web, unless have pro account. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Installing Joomla 1.5 on an existing web site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i created web site using plesk sitebuilder , ftp'd web hosting service. if install joomla 1.5 overwrite original web site? or if not can use joomla edit original web site? thanks! hi, if have web site, better install joomla in sub directory of site , create sub domain point dir; eg, if site, create sub domain called develop joomla site in there , when it's ready, transfer root of site (where current site files now). if sound foreign you, should call host , ask help. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Flash Pro CS5 & Collaboration SDK for Connect

we have purchased elearning suite flash pro cs5.  recent version of collaboration builder sdk connect seems in 2005/2006.  2 questions - first missing newer version of sdk?  sdk work in conjuction flash cs5?   if work together, there instructions on find extensions once installed?   thanks traci More discussions in Connect General Discussion adobe

Login Module in Multiple Positions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been pulling hair out on login module! bit surprised wasn't designed way trying implement it...but try best make trying clear: i'd place login module in standard location in right-side position throughout of site, yet placing within main content area on pages. example, if reach 'secure' page , not logged in, make sense login form fields appear in content area. yet reason, displays key-image , links register new account, retrieve forgotten password, etc. i've tried dozens of methods try , make happen , can't it. don't want make login fields occupy content of time, of time. site working on here: ... &itemid=74 thanks insight - i've reached end of rope on one. there way add login module articles. first log backend , click on extensions -> plugins. click on "content - load module" , choose "no wrapping - raw output" right. click save. click on extensions -> module manager. if don&

Load external MovieClip

this might more complicated can handle @ moment but... right i'm trying find way load custom, animated artwork , external .swf file. add movie clip .swf file's library application. happily, class seems load successfully: function created returns proper value. since flex components don't regular movie clips, i've added uimovieclip application, , add contructed object that. nothing appears! puzzled, tried use following. property "container" uimovieclip. when box drawn, both , external clip display marvelously. nothing @ shows when box not drawn. why? because has no dimensions?   container.visible = true; with( {      linestyle(3,0x00ff00);      beginfill(0x0000ff);      drawrect(0,0,100,100);      endfill(); } addelement(container);   oh ya, , there way find of applicationdomain's definitions or loop through them? drawing in container gives size.  adding child size should well, child reacting parent size or maybe not added @ right time.

Adobe 9.3.4 install problems

          if start adberdr933_en_us.exe (the current full download on  adobe's site), steps update 9.3.4 on a  new install?  when install acrobatupd934_all_incr.msp on top of  adberdr933_en_us.exe, secunia tells me i'm still insecure.   there installer 9.3.4 without going through hassle update?   thanks. your post shows have installed reader 9.3.3 using adberdr933_en_us.exe.just reference,path same is now want update can of following method: reader 9.3.3.goto help>check download updates , install it. or 2.manually download updates from , run it. there problem secunia scan not recognising reader 9.3.4 earlier checked today on machine , working fine.i guess secunia not pointing right file earlier (its working fine me latest version of secunia). for reference: http://secuni

Post isn't Showing - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, i made site code: select all however, when made post hasn't appear, not @ top can see 'sections' however, deleted them , added 1 - know have done wrong? regards, josh learn please : Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Long term future of textual programming/scripting/interactive command interfaces?

textual programming in cases way go of today (if know usable/serious non-textual programming methods, tell me!). , command line shell still vital tool doing out of ordinary (or it?). while time apparently brings ever increasing amount of gui applications each narrow purposes there seems no gui capable of handling such generic case of constructing efficient algorithms or putting set of machine interpretable commands*. maybe one of issues of "application isolation". 1 gui app cannot speak others, leaving apps single tasks, left limited whatever results app can produce alone. in android there seems (-n early) suggestion how solve such issue. another issue programmer seldom see machine sees in graphical (non-textual) programming environment, or rather, shows on screen conceptually further away zero's , one's traditional programming languages. interface become high-level , non-generic. the third , relevant issue might difficulty in fi

how to change the width of column guide itself?

i'm doing trifold brochure , set way in layout.  space between column guides (represented thin purple lines) narrow.  want make wider.  thought that space "gutter" when change gutter default .25" nothing changes in page.  expect thin purple lines more further apart.  adjusting wrong thing or what? thank you! the guides don't anything. visual cues designer can use or ignore. actual column gutters change need go "text frame options". use command-b (mac) or control-b (pc) or right click access contextual menus , choose text frame options list. once dialog pops up, can change gutters. if want actual gutters , guides match, you'll have edit guides. can under layout menu, "margins , guides."   hope helps More discussions in InDesign adobe

Thread: Firefox "server not found" problems

i've been using ubuntu couple of years. have older hp desktop. 3 days ago, firefox started display "server not found," sites used able access no problems earlier. if try reclicking, or if wait while, firefox might (just might), let me on, it's been unpredictable. have charter, , ethernet through netgear. kids both have laptops windows 7, , they're not having of these problems. happening? of have ubuntu? apologize if stupid question, situation frustrating. my kids both have laptops windows 7, , they're not having of these problems. it strikes me problem ubu machine , not lan / wan. personally, reinstall system files others may have more finesse solution. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Firefox "server not found" proble

Thread: endless cycle of logging in and out error

i updated compiz fusion plugins , decided try out, , when tried reflected windows, logged me out , had log in. long it's active, can't login long enough me disable it, can me out here edit: nvm, managed fix it. login under failsafe gnome session, , it'll in safe mode, add-ons disabled, can manually turn them off i'm having similar problem. after installing renoise & rebooting. no longer able login. on attempt logged out within 5-10 seconds. tried failsafe uninstall renoise/reinstall gnome. got dependency errors, ran dpkg & tried again. seems have worked out alright. still have same issue upon reboot. startx or xinit fail work while in failsafe well. may try installing desktop environment. aside that, ideas? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] endless cycle of logging in and out err

Screen getting briefly black when using flashplayer Please help

hello, i on firefox 3.6.8 using flashplayer win 10,1,82,76. when watching tv or similar on fullscreen screen gets briefl black second or , keeps on playing. this has happened since reinstalled windows. seem remember did when first installed 2 years ago can't remember how solved it. thanks! hi, go youtube , bring video , right click on it. click on settings , display settings , uncheck hardware acceleration feature.   hope helps.     thanks,   eidnolb More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

which files can be deleted from root after installation ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

one of website being stalked hacker, clean as possible. can delete following files after clean install ? - changelog.php - license.php - licenses.php - copyright.php - credits.php - install.php - configuration.php-dist thanks. hi, let me add install folder list. i'm not sure if delete copyright.php , license*.php files best regards, Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Embedded Flash Animation Won't Pause with Slide; Gray Screen on Resume

hello,   we've added flash animation slide when pause slide, animation keeps playing. furthermore, when resume, whole movie goes gray.   extra: slide has audio. add animation, that's not problem, animation needs work first!   thanks! hi,   to first question of animation not pausing when slide pauses expected behavior. the animation object timing , slide timing independent of each other.   if using captivate 5 version, animation can made pause along slide adding animation slide background. (animation slide)   on resuming slide, animation should not turn out grey unless has grey colour!! is possible share animation? can e-mail e-mail address .   thanks, vikranth. More discussions in Import/Export adobe

Master Collection Upgrade Question

i've got cs3 master collection , learned premier , after effects cs3 won't handle avchd video new camcorder.  can upgrade these programs cs5 themselves, or need upgrade entire master collection @ once?   thanks assistance. you need upgrade whole thing @ once....  sorry bad news that's how adobe runs it.  in defence become unpenetrable mess if there options upgrade components only, list of possible combinations massive. More discussions in Creative Suites Windows adobe

Is it possible to change the position of the FMS chat component in different frames?

i have developed application using various fms2 communication components.  1 of chat component.  application has various display modes (minimized, normal, maximized).  these display modes require chat component instance resized , repositioned on screen.  took approach of having separate frame represent each of display modes.   the problem having chat component won't resize or relocate size/position on first frame.  visual layout isn't respected, , calling this . moveto (x,y) has no effect either.  way can component have desired behavior comment out last line of chat component actionscript:   this . setsize ( this . _width , this . _height );   of course, doing this, chat component appearance horrible.  have narrowed down 2 set assignments occur within setsize function.  if either one, or both called, component gets "stuck".  assignments are:   this . _xscale = 100; this . _yscale = 100;   anybody else run , come solution? try chat_mc._height , chat_mc._x instead.

Connect to XML

i run flex 4 connect xml wizard. then run configure return type wizard, can't set return type xml. how set return type xml?   i want use textflowutil.importfromxml method but can't find way xml object service wizard generates using configure return type wizard, return type can set datatype or custom datatype. xml not datatype, hence treated custom datatype.   you have write code or function xml format custom datatype.   hope helps. More discussions in Using Flash Builder adobe

Eraser tool will not work on image

hi,   i new this. want remove areas of image eraser tool. don't know whats missing when select eraser tool , hover mouse pointer on art board, pointer changes pencil can't icon on it.   this have done point. "placed" png image illustrator did a  -> live trace -> live paint -> selected graphic , changed outline colour -> changed fill colour nothing   i have tried export image jpg , reimport again, although app allows me erase parts don't want, transparency lost. know why happening , point me right direction.   many thanks -rrd the eraser won't work on jpegs @ all.   after live painting expand art , should able erase. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Which hardware upgrade to solve The Unbearable Slowness of Lightroom 3?

hello,   i’m not going start thread slowness of lightroom 3 because encounter of problems mentioned in forums since upgrading lr3: slow response when using adjustment brush (which slow on machine when using lr2), loading images in develope module take 30 seconds, browsing through images takes forever, etc. read lots of threads , tried several solutions nothing works. there no fun in post-processing images anymore.   i’m planning upgrade 4y old hardware soon. i’m using intel core 2 duo e6600 2.4ghz, 4gb ddr2-800 ram, windows xp 32-bit, nvidia 8800gt 1gb ram, wd velociraptor (for os, lr catalogs, lr cache).   i’m worried upgrade faster hardware won’t solve performance issues. called colleague-photographer last week bought macpro dual quad-core 2.26ghz , 8gb ram in december last year , claims lr catalog 150k images works fast , smooth. on other side, have read several contradictory stories on adobe forums fast configurations suffer performance issues, normal configurations work more f

Thread: Server For Non techies

hey forum, have freenas set , running, don't think can up/download files via webgui. guys suggest file share server put pictures , stuff on parents 1,200 miles away can access? please keep in mind them gui necessary. cannot have them ssh thing , like. also, looking free solution , using windows 7. everyone, alphaa check out ajaxplorer: think needs webserver running php. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Server For Non techies Ubuntu

Horisontal menu? Hvordan? Løbet tør for idéer. Hjælp! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

kære eksperter arbejder offline via jumpbox på en joomla 1.5.14 hjemmeside, men kan ikke på nogen måde få en horisontal menu frem nogen af mine templates - ikke engang de pre-installerede. eksempel: jeg har en template fra rocket theme (moxy) - se demo her: (vælg moxy) som det fremgår af demoen, findes der både en menu "left" modulet og en "toolbar" modulet. venstre side kan jeg godt få frem og den virker fint, men uanset, hvad jeg finder på indenfor min begrænsede joomla-viden, kan jeg ikke få menuen frem "toolbar"-modulet (hverken på denne template eller nogen anden). har forsøgt @ vælge "toolbar" positionen "main menu"-modulet, men så forsvinder menuen venstre side, og der dukker intet op "toolbar"-positionen. hvis jeg vælger "toolbar module position" moxy templatens parametre, får jeg nogle meget små og sammenpressede tekstlinks højre hjørne af "toolbar" modulet, men de lig

How do I detect the name of any object pressed?

hi,   i need detect name of object pressed on stage. needs done pressing mouse on particular object on screen.   i tried looking down mouse.addeventlistener , route did not far. baring in mind needs done in as2. have found way in as3 not work out how reverese works within as2   any appreciated. are looking code automatically add mouse handlers on stage?  if yes, want objects trigger cursor change (indicating can clicked) or not?  have mouse handlers defined (some) of on-stage objects? More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Installed 3.2 RC - lost 3.2 beta files

i suppose selected wrong on install.  have old lightroom 2 data (thrilled have in 1 place possibly), lost did in 3.2 beta.  can me retireve it, or lost , written over?   thanks. what mean lost? no files in lightroom? or no edits on files?   perhaps 3.2 rc started new empty catalog. , have opne catalog have used in 3 beta 2. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

I am fresher for javascript

hi all,   this first script me. run but, think contains many lines. want sort few lines. please give alter solution me below script.     app.findtextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.changetextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.findtextpreferences.appliedparagraphstyle = "tx"; app.changetextpreferences.appliedparagraphstyle = "tx2"; app.documents.item(0).changetext(); app.findtextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.changetextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.findtextpreferences.appliedparagraphstyle = "ul"; app.changetextpreferences.appliedparagraphstyle = "unl"; app.documents.item(0).changetext(); app.findtextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.changetextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.findtextpreferences.appliedparagraphstyle = "compinstrux"; app.changetextpreferences.appliedparagraphstyle = "figure"; app.documents.item(0).changetext();    app.findgreppreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.changegr

Organizer screen layout problems

whenever open organizer in pse 7 see on left side of screen thumbnails resent additions catalog.  right hand side of screen divided 3 section top albums, keyword tabs & section has tabs exif data,where picture located on hard drive etc.   my problem must doing wrong because last section exif data, file location etc. disappears screen & never know how restore there easy way restore old settings?  can layout of entire screen altered & kept way want it? More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

How do I edit the text movement/location in a fla file?

i'm building site bought template house has flash piece in header. have win cs4 , have been able swap out images , replace text having hard time finding can edit where/how text aligns/ends up. here's test location: fertilitytestsite originally there text of varying lengths slides in below each image aligning right play/stop button. tried them give me text of similar length want phone number. phone number slides in because original text longer (except 1 had ph#) stop @ different locations original 1st character came allowing align right.   so question how/where edit action? [in] actionscript? complete noob , have gotten through trial , error. able find , replace text in essentials workspace , able swap images (update) right clicking them in library view , see text export in there have high suspicion need edit don't know how access it. or maybe there's way , suspicion wrong.   any appreciated. there numerous ways things can controlled when comes animating them, there

Thread: Senior Project

sorry if doesn't belong here, wasn't sure post it. okay, i'm starting high school senior project time within next few weeks. last semester had write 6 page paper on topic of choosing. chose write operating systems (windows, mac, linux. . .) , have come kind of tangible project related operating systems. far, thought maybe learning python. i've learned little bit, , thought maybe learn rest , possibly exhibit skill in python senior project. think idea? can think of other possible projects relates operating systems? bump Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [other] Senior Project Ubuntu

Thread: how to change from integrated graphics to discrete

i have looked answer question answer find says need change settings in bios. when looked in bios there no options graphics @ all. have hp dv6 notebook. those instructions desktop pcs. i've never seen laptop more 1 vidcard/gpu except mabey alienware sli rig. in case though, both gpus discrete. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] how to change from integrated graphics to discrete Ubuntu

Elements Editor 7 stopped working...Help...(possibly visual runtime c++)

i have windows vista 64 bit 4.00 gb ram (if matters) , adobe photoshop elements 7.  had worked fine since bought in march of 2009 until 3 weeks ago (only editor stopped working - organizer still works fine).  working fine 1 day, , next day, tried load editor , got message:  "adobe photoshop elements (editor) has stopped working....a problem caused program stop working correctly.  windows close program , notify if solution available."  (of course, no notifications of solutions have magically appeared solution fairy.)  can't think of changed on system between 2 days.  far know, don't have viruses.  there may have been windows update, don't know since of automatic.  had been working on creating card had been using clip art had downloaded, don't see how problem... anyway, started searching solution , couldn't find definitive.  on course of few days, kept trying load editor in hopes had been visited magical solution fairy , fixed, got message couple of times.