
Showing posts from May, 2014

Naming convention for .idlk files?

indesign , incopy avoid stepping on each other's toes putting .idlk lock files in same directory files they're working on.   it's evident filename pattern is:   "~{lowercased filename}~{6-character string}.idlk"   any documentation or ideas how 6-character string generated? seems based on filename-a checksum of sort?   thanks, -matt i'm searching same solution if found out please help. More discussions in InDesign Server Developers adobe

Help needed with Javascript, MooTools and Ajax - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

one or of above causing me grief on site i'm working on...but i'm more designer developer , use figuring out what's going wrong. obvious problems i've seen far, navigation menu @ top doesn't have animation effect it's supposed on pages. it's correct video gallery: ... &itemid=80 i've used firebug...and says there's problem xajax...that it's not defined...and it's saying mootools version 1.11...but it's in red, it's problem. and on articles, plugin i'm using vote article, no longer accesses animation nor auto update...instead goes blank page text note @ top. yes, know third party app, working few weeks ago. i've added conflicting in trying test 1 @ time, i'm @ loss figure out on end. i've run joomla debugging, can't make heads or tails of it. i have lot of traffic coming site next week , appreciate assistance. thank you! good news! found

Flash Player 10.1 not working somewhat

i've installed, , uninstalled, , installed, etc. 10.1 (win 10,1,82,76)   i have 3 accounts on laptop.   the administrator account works fine (ie 8-32-bit under windows 7 64-bit).   the 2 user accounts not, , display empty boxes. reports flash player installed on each of accountsaccounts. not show image on user accounts,indicating not installed. show successfull installation on administrator account.   elevating user accounts administrator accounts not help.   thoughts? this has been discussed in multiple topics on last few weeks (see more this on right side of topic).   i have not followed these topics, don't know if solution has ever been found. More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Dr Browns 2.0.4 not saving folder destinations setup etc?

before upgrading cs5 using dr browns 2.0.3 , cs4, menu save destination , file parameter setup, current 2.0.4 doesn't. there prefs related script should trash or new version not save these parameters?   thanks the script saves user's preferences when finishes run. unless stop script should save destination folder. might perference file bad. can find in the  adobe photoshop cs5 settings folder under name dr. brown's 1-2-3 process.xml. More discussions in Photoshop Scripting adobe

Problem with Adobe Illustrator 12.0.0

i want make card logo , text on adobe illustrator, when try save pdf message: "an unknown error has occurred", , can't save it. how can fix this? version i'm using 12.0.0 on windows 7. is first time you're using version on windows 7? if worked before try find out what's different time (fonts instance). try , save basic file no text see if works.   if first try illy cs2 on win 7 first try find out if can expected work. start ressource here:   and search knowledgebase. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

can login fron server address but not domain address - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i set site on host server before changed dns. have site pointed domain. problem can log in joomla admin typing in hosts temporary address (or direct address server). cannot access login page domain name itself. i think may need change few things, can point me in right direction? site link: [/size] diagnostic information joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.14 stable [ wojmamni ama naiki ] 30-july-2009 23:00 gmt configuration.php: writable (mode: 644 ) | rg_emulation: n/a architecture/platform: linux 2.6.18-128.el5 ( x86_64) | web server: apache ( ) | php version: 5.2.10 php requirements: register_globals: disabled | magic_quotes_gpc: disabled | safe_mode: disabled | mysql support: yes | xml support: yes | zlib support: yes mbstring support (1.5): yes | iconv support (1.5): yes | save.session_path: [color=red]not writable[color] | max.execution time: 30 seconds | file uploads: enabled mysql version: 5.0.81-community-log ( localhost via unix socket )

Thread: GNOME Do will not display Thunderbird as a program to run

i installed latest version of thunderbird downloading tarball , copying contents required folder , point launchers thunderbird file. cannot gnome run thunderbird. when type run in gnome do, go through entire list without having thunderbird option. plugin can find 1 allows copy thunderbird contacts clipboard. have set thunderbird default mail client, when type email address can choose compose mail in gnome do, opening thunderbird check mail not possible. google gives me nothing. please show me need done. bump Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] GNOME Do will not display Thunderbird as a program to run Ubuntu

Trying to sort out running headers.

i have 2 paragraph style text variables running headers. both styles have keep options set start on new page. there 4 occurrences of 1 one occurrence of other.   for example have:   week one   item one item two item thee item four   week two   item one etc.   a problem occurs @ beginning of week 2 when item 4 previous cycle appears in header, when in fact need item 1 week 2 appear there. doesn't appear because set start on next page.   i've tried combinations , permutations think of within boundaries of paragraph styles , haven't been able make work. 1 thing work put week number in separate text frame @ top of page, , have items start in new frame. edit text have continually adjust frames keep them in correct position, that's not great solution.   are there others knows of?   the basic thing need week number start @ top of page in text, , items start either @ top of page, or below week number. craigatadobe12345 wrote:   i have 2 paragraph style text variables running

Thread: Window Manager won't start

hi everybody. i've ran problem window manager in 10.04. installed code::blocks 10.05 downloading deb files website , when restarted, noticed window manager hadn't. meant couldn't close windows opened. writing "compiz --replace" on console started compiz particular session, when restarted problem remained. fixed issue "by hand" adding compiz startup applications, want have fixed, , not this. ideas? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [gnome] Window Manager won't start Ubuntu

how to do integration of joomla username pw with other site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear all, i trying integrate user of joomla 1 more forum site have. simply want have 1 login joomla site , site ... means when login jooma , if click on external link of dat site should not ask me username password dat site should take integration of joomla user automatically can 1 tell me how , there extension available process quick great me n project.....pls mail me on sharad you not receive support via email here, idea allow others same issue read solution here, why suggest search of forums prior posting. what want "bridge" , there entire section of extensions area bridges. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

zero duration with cloudfront rtmp stream

i'm testing strobe player , while playing rtmp streams fine, duration 0 , cannot seek - missing something? hi,   can try out stream rtmp:// ?   try replace url yours src fmp in url below:   (mind urlincludesfmsapplicationinstance=true )   does url above still have issues when used url? if yes, we'll need check asset metadata using metadata inspection tool.   looking forward reply. More discussions in Strobe Media Playback adobe

Migration - question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i wonder if can convert/migrate flash website (not joomla flash template) joomla ? bcs din't newbie ...sry hi first should design joomla template similar flash layout. and should import content hand. because there's no converter/ migration script that. and should know can't implement fancy effects in non-flash website. regards Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Ready to get my system to full performance.. How can I?

"hardinfo" output: system specs: -computer- processor : mobile intel(r) celeron(r) cpu 2.40ghz memory : 492mb (334mb used) operating system : ubuntu 10.04.1 lts user name : charles (charles) date/time : thu 26 aug 2010 01:02:03 pm edt -display- resolution : 1024x768 pixels opengl renderer : software rasterizer x11 vendor : foundation -multimedia- audio adapter : ich4 - intel 82801db-ich4 -input devices- lid switch power button power button macintosh mouse button emulation @ translated set 2 keyboard video bus ps/2 mouse alpsps/2 alps glidepoint -printers (cups)- hp-910 : <i>default</i> -scsi disks- ata hitachi_dk23ea-3 toshiba dvd-rom sd-r2412 -version- kernel : linux 2.6.32-24-generic (i686) compiled : #41-ubuntu smp thu aug 19 01:12:52 utc 2010 c library : gnu c library version 2.11.1 (stable) default c compiler : gnu c compiler version 4.4.3 (

How to create completely opaque custom brush?

i have created custom brush in cs3 on computer running windows 7. want shape opaque , scattered. however, @ moment, the clones or iterations of shape transparent. have "shape dynamics" , "scattering" checked brush.   i tried selecting , filling larger shape created brush, expecting create solid shape, however, recreates brush effect of having opaque, less opaque shapes.   any appreciated, thank , take care.   i think russell brown video explain want do. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

user registration spam - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello new forum , looking solution spam problems. have been getting lot of spam registration , it's making user database rather dirty point not send out mass mails etc.. domain vip club life dot com if view site further assist me. site running on joomla 1.5.9 , install captcha security easy me use since not know how code. thanks! get upgraded 1.5.14. back entire site first - recommend joomlapack. alpha reg has captcha may some. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Module parameters explanatoins - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

<params addpath="/administrator/components/com_poll/elements"> purpose of "addpath"? can add <params group="advanced"> advance group parameters. other groups can add? lara_shadow wrote: <params addpath="/administrator/components/com_poll/elements"> purpose of "addpath"? this tells framework add new parameter element class resides in folder. lara_shadow wrote: can add <params group="advanced"> advance group parameters. other groups can add? it depends on type of extension e.g. component, module, plugin , template. module, joomla supports advanced, other, , legacy group. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

Thread: LDAP with apache2

i enabled ldap authentication group in apache2.2 working fine. when enabled sub group search using authldapsubgroupdepth 1 showing error invalid command 'authldapsubgroupdepth', perhaps misspelled or defined module not included in server configuration here below ldap coding apache2 running in ubuntu 10.04 authzldapauthoritative on authtype basic authname "xxxxx" authbasicprovider ldap authldapsubgroupdepth 1 authldapbinddn "cn=username,cn=users,dc=domainname,dc=co,dc=i n" authldapbindpassword password authldapurl "ldap://ipaddressofserver:3268/dc=domainname,dc=co,dc=in?samaccountname?sub?(obje ctclass=*)" require ldap-group cn=groupname,cn=users,dc=domainname,dc=co,dc=in checked enabling authnz ldap. working. #a2enmod authnz_ldap considering dependency ldap authnz_ldap: module ldap enabled module authnz_ldap enable why error showing. if body knows please reply

Thread: startup script for trackpad

in order trackpad's (eeepc 1201n, ubuntu desktop 10.04) multitouch scrolling work, paste these commands terminal every time start machine: code: xinput set-int-prop "synps/2 synaptics touchpad" "two-finger scrolling" 8 1 xinput set-int-prop "synps/2 synaptics touchpad" "synaptics two-finger scrolling" 8 1 1 xinput set-int-prop "synps/2 synaptics touchpad" "synaptics two-finger pressure" 32 10 xinput set-int-prop "synps/2 synaptics touchpad" "synaptics two-finger width" 32 8 i want turn script runs on startup , process seems "proper way" isn't working me hoping fill me in i'm doing wrong. here steps take: first, create , save file (i called trackpad) in /etc/init.d/ these contents: code: #!/bin/sh xinput set-int-prop "synps/2 synaptics touchpad" "two-finger scrolling" 8 1 xinput set-int-prop "synps/2 synaptics touchp

Non fatal error in IE8 with document.write('<script ... src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js ...

the following instruction:        document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/swfobject_modified.js"></script>');   works ie8, gives error message: 'swfobject' undefined.   there no problems ff (and ie8, if put instruction directly in page, without document.write).   can go on it, or way avoid error message?   thanks in advance post link uploaded page can troubleshoot please.  far can tell it's not document.write causing problem. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Members Area and Payment Gateway - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, wondering if new of template or how set 'join now' section works this: ... &itemid=62 so requires payment , validation before becoming member. suggestions? thanks Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: math question

what complex expansion? example: log[i*tanh[pi/2]] transforms/expands i*pi/2 + log[tanh[pi/2]] //mathematicas complexexpand function previous thread(that got deleted) if have @ our uf coc section ii-6 while happy serve resource hints , asking questions when stuck , need little help, ubuntu forums should not thought of homework service. please not post homework assignments expecting else you. such threads taken offline , warnings or infractions may issued. sorry, must deny such questions, 1- because we'll overloaded , 2- because not part of learning program. people gather here support ubuntu distribution. have removed thread. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Resolution Centre math question Ubuntu

Appending files to an Air Runtime

i have air app contain thousands of content files. compile app without folder containing these files , later append them since change on time while app may not. possible using  amxmlc or other tool ? i'd know more seems handy thing able do.   i know .air format .zip archive tried renaming .air file .zip. added folder files archive. renamed .air. when tried install .air file failed saying corrupted. deleted folder , .air file worked again. part of security/signing/etc. More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Unable to make links using a Mac - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i use joomla 1.5.14. update site using both imac , windows based laptop. use tinymce 2.0 editor. can add pdf links using laptop not when using imac, regardless of browser use. have scoured various preference settings cannot find blocking successful link occurring when use imac. please! nic try using jce editor ( ). sounds you're having safari issue? have tried firefox on mac? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

need actionscript help

heya, need codes honnest.   i have slide show done kind of want have 4 buttons have done code no one   "   on (release) {   if (this._currentframe == 1) {   gotoandstop (this._totalframes);   } else {   prevframe ();   } }"   but have 4 buttons , want able click each botton , button stay on image , if possible go next imag after 10 secounds.   does know of bode can this, iv sore sites have same kind of feature no possible.   and thank if reply anybody know? More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

What about Extensions that can run CONTESTS of various kinds - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

with interest in social sites lately, i'm little surprised there's nothing doing contests of various kinds. yes, i'm interested in contest feature too. looking , kinds of contests today. seems if there's 3 basic kinds of contests social sites: 1. "enter win" contests (prizes bring people site enter , maybe sign mailing list in process.) 2. photo contests: vote favorite photo. these can bring in ton of new traffic if family members promote it. 3. favorite caption contests (where people enter captions photo , members vote on favorite) i'm interested in contests because true social activity. can hard find ways entertain people. i'm interested in knowing activities people can on social site. on over facebook have endless quizzes. many, actually. quizmaker would popular. or games. games social sites. haven't played farmtown on facebook know it's popular. i'd interested in too! has heard of extension presently available simple "enter win&

Spam Blocker - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, does know whether there extension blog third party use email on website send around message? do mean how block email injection? ref. joomla has security in registration form cannot used spamming third parties, unless registeres username under else's email address. do perhaps use other forms, generated joomla extensions? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Access denied in editing template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i uploaded templates going administrator/extensions/install it installs okay , site works when want change image through ftp go folder installed joomla , templates folder , inside template go images folder when try rename or change image on folder error saying "unable transfer. this due insufficient permissions. verify both destination path , permissions, try again. if problem persists, contact system administrator or hosting provider." i can not changes. noticed template install shows owner 99 insted of account username appears in other folders. what can solve problem? your server not set correctly manage uploading via joomla. see owner nobody or root. should you. some hosts allow install php-cgiwrap will make joomla scripts run you, rather than nobody. the other solution have host supports suexec, which eliminates problem. see documentation at: many hosting firms make use of software called phpsuexec or suexec.

Flash Module won't work with my swf file! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i can't flash module work.the idea make swish max file .swf extension work on joomla site. real flash file in flash folder in images folder of joomla directory. after installing flash module,activating , specifying path of flash file display,it wont load god knows reason.i tried view source code of page i'm trying load flash on , seems fine me,right clicking on position flash supposed load see message saying 'movie not loaded' can me source code loads flash , see if i'm missing something........below code : <noscript><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="" width="230" height="300"> <param name="movie" value="/images/flash/movie1.swf"/> <param name="quality" value="high" /><embed src="/images/flash/movie1.swf" quality="high"

Ruler Calibration

hello.  i'm realatively new ps user using ps cs5 extended , have question cannot seem find clear answer to.  i'm running ps on late 2008 15.4" mbp screen resolution of 1440x900.  how can calibrate rulers in ps (and other cs5 apps) equal real life scale.  in other words, if ruler says 5 inches in particular document can safely know 5 inches when printed.   any appreciated.  thank you,   aj     model name:    macbook pro   model identifier:    macbookpro5,1   processor name:    intel core 2 duo   processor speed:    2.4 ghz   number of processors:    1   total number of cores:    2   l2 cache:    3 mb   memory:    4 gb   bus speed:    1.07 ghz   boot rom version:    mbp51.007e.b05 see old thread:   if want exact displaying print size: open new 500 pixel x 500 pixel file in photoshop, , set 100% (view actual pixels) if not come way. get out ruler , measure image on screen in inches. divide 500 measurement. this resolut

Change Background in Menu Creation Encore CS4 and Photoshop

i creating menu using encore , photoshop. used encore libray create blank background , created series of buttons adusting them in photoshop cs4. however, when try change background new jpg or psd file open picture in photoshop not new background layer  trying achieve. can tell me going wrong?  there should no problem when adding image of choice, edit in photoshop.   when choose edit in photoshop, several things happen:   1.) tmp psd menu created. 2.) links created between en , ps 3.) ps launched, , tmp psd opened in ps.   when 1 has edited tmp psd in ps, must save allow links en*.   if doing save_as, or save_as_a_copy, links not followed, , menu not update in en.   good luck,   hunt   * have encountered instances, single save not follow links. experimentation, have found 3 saves (ctrl+s) force links followed, , menu updated in en. not sure why happens sometimes, 3 seems "magic number," @ least me. More discussions in Encore adobe

Thread: Deleted bottom panel and moved top panel to bottom. Now have ghost top panel!

hi. deleted bottom panel , moved top panel bottom. have ghost top panel. how rid of it? every time maximise window, ghost panel altered. attached images top panel ghost.jpg (11.5 kb, 11 views) did log out , came back? may have added many panels. try right clicking ghost panel , click 'delete panel' Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Deleted bottom panel and moved top panel to bottom. Now have ghost top panel! Ubuntu

Thread: Ubuntu Install - Completely New

hello, i'm having trouble installing ubuntu 10.04. new ubuntu, , linux matter if take time me please understand lack of knowledge. i'm not adept computers in general please try explain things possible. trying wipe things on computer , install ubuntu. have followed instructions ubuntu's homepage on how download iso, , ran program put onto portable usb device. through doing of this, receive no error messages. tells me change bios boot usb, did that. i've accessed install menu , filled in information requested (i.e. computer name, account name, etc.). select want delete current partitions , use ubuntu. starts install, @ 67%, while copying files, receive error. error is: the installer encountered error copying files hard disk: [errno 5] input/output error due faulty cd/dvd disk or drive, or faulty hard disk. may clean cd/dvd, burn cd/dvd @ lower speed, clean cd/dvd drive lens (cleaning kits available electronics supplie

I keep seeing white in the font

when put logo on web page looks white grains around edges.  how rid of that? thank can post screenshot? how did remove logo background? More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Applying just vignette or other develop presets in Export-Post processing

is there anyway apply vignette in export phase ? there post processing option last step seems external application, e.g. photoshop. wedding photographer might want provide clients both dark , white vignettes, sepia variants or black & white ones. beneficial have these export operations. maybe e.g. vignette logical or operation main develop settings kept while vignette added on top.   -janne would plugin ok? More discussions in Lightroom Feature Requests adobe

Restricted backend - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying figure out how can restrict access our joomla back-end? want managers have access virtuemart , csv improved components (there no frontend avaiable). what remove other positions in menu (like articles, menu etc.) manager user , leave access vm &c sv imp. joomla 1.5.12 virtuemart csv improved thank help. leave setup super administrator and set administrator perhaps? hope helps! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Voorpagina met 4 artikelkolommen welke los van elkaar functi - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik wil graag weten of het binnen joomla ook mogelijk om mijn template zo aan te passen dat mijn voorpagina 4 afzonderlijke kolommen laat zien die los van elkaar staan. met bijvoorbeeld in de eerste kolom 1 artikel terwijl er in de tweede kolom 3 artikelen komen te staan en in de derde kolom weer twee. ik kan wel instellen dat ik 4 kolommen krijg, maar deze functioneren niet los van elkaar, zodra je een artikel toevoegt schuift de rest door naar de 2e kolom terwijl deze artikelen in de 1e hadden moeten blijven staan. ik zou bijvoorbeeld aan kolom 1 een categorie met een eigen blogopmaak willen toekennen, aan kolom 2 een andere categorie etc. wie kan mij helpen? gr. luc Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.5 Templates

"406 Not acceptable" Error when editing articles [SOLVED] - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear all, i run site on joomla 5.0.14 (on php 5.2.11 , apache/2.2.14 (unix) mod_ssl/2.2.14 openssl/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_bwlimited/1.4) , since point yesterday, error when editing articles via administration interface. to precise: when click on "save", "close" or "apply" on editing page 406 not acceptable error following text: not acceptable an appropriate representation of requested resource /administrator/index.php not found on server. additionally, 404 not found error encountered while trying use errordocument handle request. it happens on articles, of them work fine. site this one , 1 of problematic articles this one . seems depend on content of article, creating new article withe same content produces same problem. new article short text works fine. other features of administrator backend seem work fine. i have seen other people getting error, none of problems/solutions seem apply. administrator/index.php there , has proper access rights (644). i'

Dreamsquare: Ændre bredde på top banner - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

er der nogen der har erfaring med skabelonen "dreamsquare"? jeg har lavet diverse tilbasninger, men kan ikke finde stedet hvor man kan tilpasse bredden på banneren som går igen toppen på alle sider. hvis jeg skifter billedet ud med et der er smallere, bliver det blot venstre stillet, og gentaget indtil det fylder hele bredden. mit mål er @ sætte et smallere billede ind og få det højrejusteret. dette skal gøres @ få plads til et større logo (dobbelt højde). jeg har fundet ud af hvordan man ændrer logo området, men desværre placerer top-banneren sig oven på. det er denne skabelon det drejer sig om: nogle bud på forhånd tak det kan du ikke umiddelbart gøre på den måde ..... det kan helt sikkert kive dig problemer de forskellige browsere. dit log ligger en div#logoarea div#logo og dit banner en div#banner ...... de ligger altså hver deres "kasse" og fordi du ændre indholdet kassen ændre du ikke på højden af kasse

How to make Components Dragable

how make components dragable , moveable?   is posible?   thanks. there's no way in catalyst. drag , drop functionality have added on in flash builder after export project in fc.   but can of course "simulate" d&d clever "on click, play action sequence" interaction.     here information on drag , drop in flash builder if want see how drag , drop coded:       to drag objects around, can use dragmanager.dodrag(): dodrag ()       also, there's interesting tutorial written krystal higgins, showing how simulated drag , drop in catalyst, might find useful: simulated drag , drop in flash catalyst . hope helps, chris   More discussions in Flash Catalyst adobe

DeviceN: _ASExceptionInfo at memory location

i'm problem in creating devicen color space:   error: first-chance exception @ 0x000007fefdcbaa7d in test.exe:  microsoft c++ exception: _asexceptioninfo @ memory location 0x0012e620.   testing devicergb, works normally, devicen not. idea why error occurring?   following code:       pddoc = pddoccreate();                    /* create new document  */       mediabox.left   = fixedzero;              /* dimensions of page   */    = int16tofixed(4*72);     /* in case 5" x 4" */     mediabox.right  = int16tofixed(5*72);     mediabox.bottom = fixedzero;       /* create page dimensions , insert first page     */     pdpage = pddoccreatepage(pddoc, pdbeforefirstpage, mediabox);       /* acquire pdecontent container page */     pdecontent = pdpageacquirepdecontent(pdpage, null);         memset(&pdefontattrs, 0, sizeof(pdefontattrs)); = asatomfromstring("times-roman"); /* font name */     pdefontattrs.type = asatomfromstring(&quo