DeviceN: _ASExceptionInfo at memory location

i'm problem in creating devicen color space:


error: first-chance exception @ 0x000007fefdcbaa7d in test.exe:  microsoft c++ exception: _asexceptioninfo @ memory location 0x0012e620.


testing devicergb, works normally, devicen not. idea why error occurring?


following code:


    pddoc = pddoccreate();                    /* create new document  */


    mediabox.left   = fixedzero;              /* dimensions of page   */    = int16tofixed(4*72);     /* in case 5" x 4" */
    mediabox.right  = int16tofixed(5*72);
    mediabox.bottom = fixedzero;


    /* create page dimensions , insert first page     */
    pdpage = pddoccreatepage(pddoc, pdbeforefirstpage, mediabox);


    /* acquire pdecontent container page */
    pdecontent = pdpageacquirepdecontent(pdpage, null);  


    memset(&pdefontattrs, 0, sizeof(pdefontattrs)); = asatomfromstring("times-roman"); /* font name */
    pdefontattrs.type = asatomfromstring("type1");       /* font type */


    pdefont = pdefontcreate(&pdefontattrs, sizeof(pdefontattrs),
        0, 255, 0,        /* widths         */
        0, asatomnull,    /* encoding       */
        0, 0, 0, 0);      /* font embedding */


    /* following code sets default graphics state.  that
        * can free pdecolorspace objects


    memset(&fillclrvalue, 0, sizeof(pdecolorvalue));
    memset(&gstate, 0, sizeof(pdegraphicstate));


    // -------------------------------------------------------


    char inks_process[] = "cyan";
    char inks_spot[] = "spot1";
    char functext[] = "{pop pop 0.0 0.0}"; // tests


    asatom inks_process_a = asatomfromstring("cyan");
    asatom inks_spot_a = asatomfromstring("spot1");


    asfixed valuesc1inkspot[] =
        floattoasfixed(0.0), floattoasfixed(0.5), floattoasfixed(1.0), floattoasfixed(0.0)


    cosdoc cosdoc = pddocgetcosdoc(pddoc);
    cosobj newcscolorants = cosnewarray (cosdoc, false, 2);
    cosarrayput (newcscolorants, 0, cosnewname (cosdoc, false, inks_process_a));
    cosarrayput (newcscolorants, 1, cosnewname (cosdoc, false, inks_spot_a));


    int domaincount = 2;
    cosobj domain = cosnewarray (cosdoc, false, domaincount * 2);
    for(int = 0; < domaincount; i++)
        cosarrayput (domain, * 2, cosnewfloat (cosdoc, false, 0.0f));
        cosarrayput (domain, (i * 2) + 1, cosnewfloat (cosdoc, false, 1.0f));


    int rangecount = 4;
    cosobj range = cosnewarray (cosdoc, false, rangecount * 2);
    for(int = 0; < rangecount; i++)
        cosarrayput (range, * 2, cosnewfloat (cosdoc, false, 0.0f));
        cosarrayput (range, (i * 2) + 1, cosnewfloat (cosdoc, false, 1.0f));


    cosobj funcdict = cosnewdict (cosdoc, false, 4);
    cosdictput (funcdict, asatomfromstring ("functiontype"), cosnewinteger (cosdoc, false, 4));
    cosdictput (funcdict, asatomfromstring ("domain"), domain);
    cosdictput (funcdict, asatomfromstring ("range"), range);


    asstm stm = asmemstmrdopen(functext, strlen (functext));
    cosobj function = cosnewstream (cosdoc, true, stm, 0, true, funcdict, cosnewnull (), -1);
    asstmclose (stm);


    cosobj components = cosnewarray (cosdoc, false, 1);
    cosarrayput (components, 0, cosnewname (cosdoc, false, inks_process_a));


    cosobj process = cosnewdict (cosdoc, false, 2);
    cosdictput (process, asatomfromstring ("colorspace"), cosnewname (cosdoc, false, asatomfromstring ("devicecmyk")));
    cosdictput (process, asatomfromstring ("components"), components);


    cosobj spotseparationcs;
    createseparationcolorcos_2(pddoc, inks_spot, valuesc1inkspot, spotseparationcs);


    cosobj colorants = cosnewdict (cosdoc, false, 1);
    cosdictput (colorants, inks_spot_a, spotseparationcs);


    cosobj attributes = cosnewdict (cosdoc, false, 3);
    cosdictput (attributes, asatomfromstring ("subtype"), cosnewname (cosdoc, false, asatomfromstring ("nchannel")));
    cosdictput (attributes, asatomfromstring ("process"), process);
    cosdictput (attributes, asatomfromstring ("colorants"), colorants);


    cosobj  newcolorspace = cosnewarray (cosdoc, true, 5);
    cosarrayput (newcolorspace, 0, cosnewname (cosdoc, false, asatomfromstring ("devicen")));
    cosarrayput (newcolorspace, 1, newcscolorants);
    cosarrayput (newcolorspace, 2, cosnewname (cosdoc, false, asatomfromstring ("devicecmyk")));
    cosarrayput (newcolorspace, 3, function);
    cosarrayput (newcolorspace, 4, attributes);


    pdecolorspace = pdecolorspacecreatefromcosobj (&newcolorspace);


    //pdecolorspace = pdecolorspacecreatefromname(asatomfromstring("devicergb")); // rgb works, devicen not


    fillclrvalue.color[0] = floattoasfixed(0.91f);
    fillclrvalue.color[1] = floattoasfixed(0.73f);

    // fillclrvalue.color[2] = floattoasfixed(0.0f); // rgb
    // -------------------------------------------------------


   // example sdk samples = pdecolorspace;
    fillclrspec.value = fillclrvalue;
    gstate.fillcolorspec = fillclrspec;


    gstate.miterlimit = fixedten;
    gstate.flatness = fixedone;
    gstate.linewidth = fixedone;


    memset(&textmatrix, 0, sizeof(textmatrix));    /* clear structure */
    textmatrix.a = int16tofixed(24);     /* set font width , height */
    textmatrix.d = int16tofixed(24);     /* 24 point size       */
    textmatrix.h = int16tofixed(1*72);   /* x,y coordinate on page */
    textmatrix.v = int16tofixed(2*72);   /* in case, 1" x 2"  */
    pdetext = pdetextcreate();           /* create new text run    */


    pdetextadd(pdetext,             /* text container add to  */
        kpdetextrun,                /* kpdetextrun, kpdetextchar */
        0,                          /* index */
        (asuns8 *)messagestr,    /* text add    */
        strlen(messagestr),      /* length of text */
        pdefont,                    /* font apply text */
        &gstate, sizeof(gstate),    /* graphic state apply text  */
        null, 0,                    /* text state , size of structure*/
        &textmatrix,                /* transformation matrix text  */
        null);                      /* stroke matrix  */


    /* insert text page content */
    pdecontentaddelem(pdecontent, kpdeafterlast, (pdeelement) pdetext);


    /* set pdecontent page */
    b = pdpagesetpdecontent(pdpage, null);      // error!!


    error: first-chance exception @ 0x000007fefdcbaa7d in test.exe: microsoft c++ exception: _asexceptioninfo @ memory location 0x0012e620

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