
Showing posts from July, 2015

How to get XSD data in workbench!

    hi all,              new adobe lc. want know steps how form data process using xsd. have 1 xsd , created new data connection using xsd schema , drag & drop fields form. have 1 submit button also. requirement if click on submit button data given in form captured in process(workbench) xml. please tell me steps.     regards, srujan More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

Suddenly missing option for enabling and menus gone - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this wednesday joomla went bad. menus gone, (main menu empty , other menus) it's no longer possible select wheter article should published in open area og restricted area. in module manager , plugin manager cant enable modules or plugins anymore. i did not site prior happenings. i did complete re installment of joomla, still problem same. no possibilities enabling modules or plugins. row blank. what reason this? php built on: linux srv143 2.6.26-2-vserver-amd64 #1 smp wed aug 19 23:56:39 utc 2009 x86_64 database version: 5.0.51a-24+lenny2-log database collation: utf8_general_ci php version: 5.3.0 web server: apache web server php interface: cgi-fcgi joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.14 stable [ wojmamni ama naiki ] 30-july-2009 23:00 gmt user agent: mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 7.0; windows nt 6.0; trident/4.0; slcc1; .net clr 2.0.50727; media center pc 5.0; .net clr 1.1.4322; .net clr 3.5.30729; officeliveconnector.1.4; officelivepatch.0.0; .net clr 3.0.30729) http://

flash builder 4 Verifying payload integerity : Failed with code 1

where install flash builder 4 on windows servers 2003 32x got error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ exit code: 7   -------------------------------------- summary --------------------------------------   - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 2 warning(s)   warning: payload {7e5aa19b-0b85-4f44-ba26-728851489200} adobe flash player 10 activex installed , session payload {5ee868d6-7b6b-49ee-af60-09b1358affd7} adobe flash player 10 activex has no upgrage/conflict relationship it.   warning: payload {40f95a03-885a-45fb-9a14-486befeddf34} adobe flash player 10 plugin installed , session payload {fb7f30b6-bfbf-4d2c-9f61-b5533659acbe} adobe flash player 10 plugin has no upgrage/conflict relationship it.   error: verifying payload integerity : failed code 1   error: unable root inchildpath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------   who can me,i'll thank much hi, please dese

How do I get "Save As" to open to save to where I opened the raw from?

"save as" use save file opened raw file from, doesn't.   how "save as" open save opened raw from? assuming you're running photoshop cs5, there's new preference entry can set have file - save dialog "remember" different default folder 1 opened file, or way want work:     -noel More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: Can't update anything.

hi! got error everytime upgraded packages that code: csomagok előkonfigurálása ... dpkg: helyreállíthatatlan végzetes hiba, megszakítás: syntax error: unknown group 'cdemu' in statoverride file e: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned error code (2) egy csomag telepítése meghiúsult. kísérlet helyreállításra: beállítás: vhba-dkms (20100822-0ubuntu1) ... error! dkms tree contains: vhba-20100822 cannot add same module/version combo more once. error: failed add dkms add module dpkg: hibás feldolgozás: vhba-dkms (--configure): installed post-installation script alfolyamat 1 hibakóddal kilépett hibák történtek feldolgozáskor: vhba-dkms so removed vhba-dkms package. error , still can't upgrade anything. synaptic doesn't work either. code: csomagok előkonfigurálása ... dpkg: helyreállíthatatlan végzetes hiba, megszakítás: syntax error: unknown group 'cdemu' in statoverride file e: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg retur

Dialogs and popups

it seems popupmanager doesn't work in creative suite sdk. i can't use manually , can't use alert. get: argumenterror: error #2025: supplied displayobject must a  child of caller.   why? thought popupmanager handle "inwindow"-popups understand popup not start new window shouldnt work inside plugin window? update:   it's problem standard parent given when using popupmanager. (application.application parent doesn't work) it works when manually setting parent else. More discussions in Creative Suite SDK adobe

Thread: Photo Slideshow app with comment ability

hey everybody, use shotwell photo manager photos , love app can't comment on photo slideshow. want put around 300 or photos in slideshow , put comments on them dont want import each photo individualo oo presenter... have idea? i looking similar. had shed built out back. set camera , took shot every 30 seconds. dump them on time line, add music , make quick movie. kind of time lapse flower blooming thing. have found/loaded far looking video not jpegs. pointers. ed Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Photo Slideshow app with comment ability Ubuntu

Help Streamline With Joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

we have been using joomla build our sites 3 years now. until point have been using couple of different solutions our clients, list growing , of these technologies pay monthly adding up. we wanting streamline as possible , know if of joomla experts may have suggestion(s). currently in use: - basecamp manage clients , support after site goes live - freshbooks ...manage billing , invoicing monthly recurring invoicing pros: professional functionality cons: expensive, many logins each customer, hodge podgy having go 4 different logins...( basecamp, freshbooks, joomla admin, cpanel) what want do: - type of community builder/jomsocial/jcommunity integration - user login through our main site , taken profile page - profile page have access ticket system (replaces basecamp sites setup) - profile link wrapper or api our freshbooks (think keeping freshbooks going have since functional) - kind of login on our site access through 1 login if possible or @ least streamline more having 4 separa

Pass captivate variable

i used following code on frame within swf imported  cp4 slide. worked fine in as2. i'm wondering how write the  same code in as3.   _parent._parent._parent.rdcmndnextslide = 1;     thanks try:   movieclip(parent.parent.parent).rdcmndnextslide = 1; More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Scratchboard Tool in PS

hello,   i wanted suggest brush i'm missing in photoshop , think i'm not one. it's called scratchboard tool in painter 11. brush has many advantages sketching , painting. main advantage has large thickness range. can sketch out thin lines , if press harder wacom tablett lines become thicker. if not possible nice if adobe increases possible size dynamic on brushes. just suggestion side. keep adobe, you're doing great work . sincerely amigastar. could give more information?   what need accomplish can't accomplish now? what specific aspects of painter tool needed work? can give concrete examples? (remember, have explain managers, , other engineers).   photoshop's brush pressure radius range 2500 pixels 1 (of course, tablets don't have precision). More discussions in Photoshop Feature Requests (Locked) adobe

Flash player wont automaically install and there is no pop-up to click allow

i have uninstalled flash players , trying install newest version.when click agree , install i'm sent page of instructions on how click on bar above , click allow active -x .but there no bar click on.i cant find way install flash plaer . please help! More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

BrowserLab Capture Does Not Include Page's Entire Length

attempting use browser lab, bummed experience. far 1 page i'm attempting preview in ie8, i'm on mac, not show page's full length. there built-in limit on page length browser lab preview? actually does.  it's easy overlook sli der bars @ side & botton of of scree n shot. More discussions in Adobe Story adobe

Error everytime I add an image - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i hope can me following problem. every time add image, keep getting code on site sidebar! warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: unable open '/home/porrio/public_html/images/resized/images/stories/menuporrio/core_14_20.jpg' writing: no such file or directory in /home/porrio/public_html/modules/mod_jabulletin/helper.php on line 322 can please tell me why happens. thankyou create folder '/home/porrio/public_html/images/resized/images/stories/menuporrio/' or give permissions read , write.. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

what will a Video Card do for Lr3 performance?

aside adding more ram system, if video card potentially (or should theoretically?) increase performance of lr3? i installed ati radeon hd2400 pro 256mb ddr2 thank-you, interesting coincidence, see similar post has been written.  nevertheless curious video card, modest one, conceivably lr3 performance... More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

url of framed page to be somewhere clickable - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

joomla 1.5.14 cb 1.2.1. com wrapper + iframe plug in wrapper , using often, need functionality: url of framed page somewhere clickable (new window), or delivered in form can fit in (javascript) or (html)href target="_blank" line all found far solution: "might add added query string parameter (if detected) $this->wrapper->url on line 24 of \com_wrapper\views\wrapper\tmpl\default.php " help needed! thanks. hi, you cannot change destination of links of "framed page" unless change source of framed page. you might able use kind of javascript, need make sure joomla site wrapped page on same domain. otherwise run cross domain security issues. depending on trying do, might want rss feed reader well. olaf Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Codin

Special submit form - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i make users kind of query form , when submit query should posted in specific section/category. i don't know if explain i'll try. i want make site have suppliers , buyers. buyer enter site , submit specific form being sent suppliers subscribed specific category. for example: buyer submit query vw car part; query being posted on site , email sent suppliers subscribed category contact potential buyer. i need similar this: i have fields: car details: 1. make ( drop down list of categories named car maker post written in category when user select ) 2. model ( user should write himself ) 3. body style ( drop down menu ) 4. trim ( user write himself ) 5. year ( drop down menu ) spare part details: 1. name 2. quantity 3. new or used ( checkboxes ) buyer info: 1. name 2. telephone number 3. mobile number 4. email 5. city 6. address 7. country 8. post code is there way subject of article automatically written? like, when buyer submit form, article subject generated - category - m

Lightroom 3 Eats Memory - Please Help

in lightroom 3, use library mode review , cull wedding images. typically, each folder starts 3,000 images , whittle down around 800 - 1000 images. however, can review 200 images @ time before lightroom eats 99% of memory. happens every 200 or images. when ram utilization gets high hangs whereupon press ctrlq few times , quit. open lightroom again , go through few 100 more images before hangs again. killing productivity!   here i've tried far correct (in no particular order).   1) started new catalog 2) build 1:1 previews; have tried them @ various sizes , settled on 1:1 previews @ 1440 @ medium quality 3) changed cache drive 4) updated lightroom 3.2 5) defragged hard drives 6) reduced amount of data on drives < 50% of total drive space 7) downloaded , installed os updates. 8) downloaded , installed latest video drivers 9) optimized catalog (many times) 10) close other programs 11) restarted 12) minimize maximize (which recovers ram) 13) turned off nav 14) enlarged cache 30gb , 5

help về trang chủ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

em mới làm quen với joomla. em đã tạo section và tạo category mới. và có viết bài trong đó. ở bài viết có chọn chế độ đưa ra trang chủ. nhưng trang chủ của em vẫn trắng trơn, không hiện chủ đề, cũng không bài viết. làm thế nào để hiện các chủ đề và các bài ra trang chủ. thansk chắc là index.php ở template của bạn bị xóa đoạn này rồi: code: select all <jdoc:include type="component" /> Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Vietnamese Forum Bài viết cũ Joomla! 1.5

New Blue Presets

hay room,   have premiere elements 4.0 have cool presets new blue, presets in program new blue. upgraded to cs5 pro. notice cs5 program doesn't have new blue presets. have tried copy presets cs5 although didn't work. know how or download from, or how instruct correct method copy presets cs5?   thanks in advance   chancedogusa More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Components show 500 - Internal server error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i set iis 7 server on server (ws08). setup php, mysql , phpmyadmin. works fine! when installed joomla! went until wanted install component. when server shows '500 - internal server error'. i've tried several things try , rid of these errors, nothing seems work. i have activated friendly url's on joomla! has got idea of causing error? thanks in advance, maxstor.. the link provided not work. you should deactivate friendly urls unless have rewriter module installed iis knows how process friendly urls. htaccess.txt file provided in installation package apache servers , not work in iis. be sure don't have php 5.3 since joomla not yet compatible. you can better error description in browser setting ie not show friendly http errors (advanced settings). iis issues can related permissions or setting within php (max script timeout, exceeding maximum upload, etc). Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5

My custom styles from editor.css don't work in the front end - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm new joomla. have installed version 1.5.14. i want add custom styles tinymce. have added new css tag editor.css in templates\system\css folder , appeared in editor's dropdown. the new css style follows: code: select all .teststyle {    background:#ff0;    text-decoration:underline; } when select line of text , apply new style can see working ok in tinymce window , in preview. text underlined , color yellow. when go front end there no change. when page source can see span tag class = "teststyle". seems me template doesn't see class definition in css file. i'm using rhuk_milkyway template. missing? thanks in advance help. as workaround have added same css tag (.teststyle) template.css of milkyway template (templates\rhuk_milkyway\css\) of course solved problem text line on front end being displayed should be. but i'm wondering why template doesn't use/see editor.css templates\system\css folder? regards, sigman Board index

can't close indesign. have to use task manager repeatedly.

when closing out indesign cs5 shows few popups in upper left corner fast (it when save in illustrator well) , doesn't close. have open task manager listed "not responding" , close every time. have restarted , run defrag , disk cleanups , doesn't help. mellymels wrote:   when closing out indesign cs5 shows few popups in upper left corner fast (it when save in illustrator well) , doesn't close. never seen that, perhaps it's dialogs asking if want save, , staying open waiting response, have disappeared off screen. see 2 listings in task manager application? can "switch to"?   how many monitors have, , version of windows , id? More discussions in InDesign adobe

Site Administration Controls Missing - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, running joomla 1.5.9. logged administratioin section of site no longer receive of adminsitrative controls. uninstalled third party components, via installer, not using, unsure if cause problem, since few days since i've logged in. there no issues on frontend of website. i've tried debugging , found no useful errors. can recommend method resovling problem. screen shot attached. missingcontrols.jpg thanks in advance, mitch hi, you may have switched off modules admin menu , admin sub menu. if open database phpmyadmin , open jos_modules, can check admin menu , admin submenu have published set 1. if 0, change 1. if have deleted them...we in deep merde , may have take administration folder new 1.5.14 download , overwrite yours. not preferred option. there should way remake them via mysql...i haven't perfected yet! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

moduls - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everybody, how can make when click on modul on right side, menu on left still showing? thx mark hi mark... do mean module on left side not showing in page ? on module manager, make sure module on left side showing on page (open module, @ menu assigment box on bottom of page) or explain more issue regards Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

mod_mainmenu not working correctly - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all i have strange problem, when use «list» in «mod_mainmenu» it works 2 levels deep, afterwards «resets» the menu-tree start... if use «previous version - vertical», works correctly... first things first, specs: website: - joomla 1.5.14 - php-version: 5.2.9 - seo on or of <- no difference - did not change in «mod_mainmenu» folder! - did not change «mod_mainmenu» via template! menu-settings: style: «list» caching: none what heck did wrong? thanx & greez hello, sorry hear menu woes. i'm bit confused statements regarding testing between default menu <<list - , flipping around in other 3 legacy menu classes. running joomla! 1.5.14 in legacy mode? it understanding, <<list [default] should used in modern day joomla! builds utilizing advanced parameters>module class suffix "set class" "menu" , depth of 10 should you. way can control in of it's css , mootools or other scripts glory (vertical , horizontal menus styl

Detect If the video is loaded

hello   i want detect whenever video loaded because display png of first frame of video , when video start play want remove image, try smooth effect   here code load video   var netloader:netloader = new netloader(); var resource = new urlresource( url ) var metadata:metadata = new metadata();                           metadata.addvalue(captioningplugininfo.captioning_metadata_key_uri, caption_url); resource.addmetadatavalue(captioningplugininfo.captioning_metadata_namespace, metadata); mediafactory.additem(new mediafactoryitem("", netloader.canhandleresource, createvideoelement)); mediaelement = mediafactory.createmediaelement(resource);   i don't know add listener know if video ready     thanks help i believe use instance of mediaplayer , object need listen mediaplayerstatechange of mediaplayerstatechangeevent the values player state can found @   -wei zhang senior computer scientist adobe systems, inc. More dis

Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 & Office 2010

hi, installed microsoft office 2010 & acrobat pro 9. have noticed in word , excel add-in tab missing , not showing @ all?,can tell me if compatable office 2010?, add-in missing?thank you. read this: More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Spam Blocker - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, looking setup each individual contact in joomla own form emailed from. want have automatic spam blocker on form - or other way of blocking spam - people have enter in automatically generated (and impossible read) text. you know how when sign gmail or asks enter in random text - i'd happy have or other option. thanks in advance. that hard read image thing fight spam called captcha. can find existing extensions here: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Embed .mp3 in .pdf without controller?

whenever embed .mp3 in interactive .pdf, gray "controller" box appears sound triggered. , once sound triggered, box cannot made go away without closing , reopening pdf. have no use @ these things. feel should able include interactive audio in document without being forced have these unhelpful controllers cluttering carefully-designed documents. (i mean, it's interactive audio ; should there obligatory visual component?)   am missing something? there doesn't seem way "turn these things off." appreciated! More discussions in InDesign adobe

Trouble with animation playing correctly

i using captivate 5 , flash cs5 create video tutorial. have created few animations in flash , imported them captivate without problems; however, last couple of animations have tried import not playing correctly. did not change of settings first couple of animations. using .swf files when importing captivate , both flash file , captivate file set action script 3.   the animation i'm working simple animation of text have animated stretch , left , right. when import captivate there 2 copies of text: 1 remains motionless , second animates. other animation had similar issue. images flying onto screen, when imported captivate images doubled , animation scattered , choppy.   i sincerely appreciate suggestions how address issue. ~angela hi angela, we'll have take @ animations. can share animations us? please upload on file share like, , mail me link 'shameer @ adobe dot com'. -shameer More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Thread: Demotivational Posters.

very simple: post demotivational poster you made. not copy elsewhere on internet. recommend subject has ubuntu or other things discussed in forum. here's mine. attached images windows_demotivational.png (126.0 kb, 40 views) posted austin25 very simple: post demotivational poster you made. not copy elsewhere on internet. recommend subject has ubuntu or other things discussed in forum. here's mine. that's not fake either. able reproduce. attached images windows_nothing_appropriate.png (30.1 kb, 29 views) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubunt

DB quoting of some statements - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i have following function in mycomponentmodeluser: code: select all function geteditformuser($uid) {    // set query    $query = "select `uid`, `username`,, `organisation`, `grpid`".          " ".$this->_db->namequote('#__lighthouse_user')." ".$this->_db->namequote('lu').           " inner join ".$this->_db->namequote('#__users')." ".$this->_db->namequote('u').          //" on ".$this->_db->namequote('lu.uid')." = ".$this->_db->namequote('').          " on lu.uid =";          " ".$this->_db->namequote('uid')." = ".$this->_db->quote((int)$uid);    $this->_db->setquery($query);    return $this->_db->loadobject(); } which executed under many joomla versions. if change commented line below: code: select all function geteditformuser($uid) {    // set query    

Set TextField value when Data present.

i have form want prices appear when data in textfield present. if "textfield a" contains data have textfield b show $20.00. if "textfield a" becomes blank "textfield b" blank also. hi,   if place following javascript in calculate event of textfieldb,   if (textfielda.rawvalue != null) {      this.rawvalue = "$20.00"; } else {      this.rawvalue = null; }   that should work,   niall More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

Thread: no network connection

hi guys! trying setup wired connection in ubuntu machine 8.04. not able connect internet, internet status icon in status bar disabled irrespective of whether connect cable or not. please me!!! regards, kiran what output when type in terminal code: $ cat /etc/network/interfaces should thing code: # loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask 255.255.255.x gateway 192.168.1.x 'x' number according ip address, netmask, , gateway...typically want ip static...especially when down road may want ssh computer work or don't want have ip changes, dhcp does... type in terminal after fixing 'interfaces' file code: $ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flav

Thread: Please Help in Setting Squid proxy cache server

hello every 1 please me !!!! have posted dont know why post not being granted show. have 2 isp , configured mikrotik router pppoe server , routing trafic 0 127 isp wards isp-1 , 128 254 ips using internet isp-2 need place cache network diagram attached kindly me step step procedure ubuntu machine ( squid allready installed ) isp-1 gateway : isp-2 gateway : pppoe server : lan dhcp server : ( clients bieng assigned ip class) rules should add in mikrotik , ubuntu , squid can use cache proxy server please me out no yet Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Please Help in Setting Squid proxy cache server Ubuntu

Thread: Problemas con ISO de LUBUNTU, ¿Alguién sabe como grabarlo?

hola todos, soy nuevo y tengo un problema con el iso de lubuntu. necesitaba un sistema operativo para un pentium 2 de 198 de ram, y me recomendaron lubuntu. lo bajé de la página oficial (, quemé la imagen en un cd pero no me funciona como disco de arranque. en windows me aparece que este es el contenido del cd ¿está bien el contenido? porque no tiene autoarranque como el disco de ubuntu (que al ponerlo en el lector windows me tiraba al tiro la ventana de ubuntu) lo grabé más de una vez y no funciona. incluso con el programa daimon que crea una unidad de discos virtual para leer imágenes no funciona el autoarranque... alguién me puede asesorar? muchas gracias hola. por favor, antes de volver publicar en el foro recuerda hacerlo en el subforo adecuado: respecto tu duda, cuando instalado lubuntu me ha bastado con quemar la imagen en un cd y luego i

Curving the inside of a joined corner...?

hey everyone, im working on creating custom lettering in illustrator , have ran problem there might simple fix for. create letter forms out of paths put stroke weight on , join on corners. set 'corner' attribute round on joins , works on outside corner. inside corner still square, easiest way accomplish overall rounding of joint? see image below clarification....   thanks!     the end of line determined cap. corner style tells illustrator whether or not extend handles. therefore sharp corner has no handles since not need , curve shows handles. the see handle hit lowercase on keyboard direct selection tool , click on point. can drag handles change shape of curve.   to regualar move tool hit lowercase v on keyboard. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Thread: No sound through headphone Jack. Gateway T-1625, STAC9250

i not getting sound output headphone jack. realize has been common problem many people, have searched , searched forums , cannot find works. line " options snd - hda - intel model=eapd probe_mask=1 position_fix=1" added alsa_base.conf file seemed solve problem people sigmatel stac9250 soundcards. did not work me. new ubuntu user running lucid lynx current version of alsa (1.0.23). thanks, goody use alsa-info-script provide detailed information. run command in terminal: code: wget -o && bash enter user password when prompted. choose upload option , provide link output. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] No sound through headphone Jack. Gateway T-1625, STAC9250 Ubuntu

Can I use a pdf file as a website and can it be protected?

if create pdf file (that end around 600 a4 pages) how can use file alone website, please?   is possible pdf file website not allow visitor to save, print or in way store copy of pdf file, please?   any here appreciated know little pdf files.   many reaidng me. kevin the pdf can linked on web site, not html , not display web site. always  downloaded , opened in pdf viewer -- acrobat, reader, gview, etc. can not restrict saving of pdf. once has been opened on client machine, has been saved locally. user have copy file download location -- though many users not know how this. if want pdf secure in sense can not used if copied , such, have use digital rights @ substantial cost (in $1000s). More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

_root. or _parent. or whatever?

i have problem now.   i load external file main mc. file flash doc. has buttons in movie clip. code buttons is   on (release) {      loadmovie('8.png' ,; }   but problem is. box instance in file. , when use _root. gets main document doesn't exist , want stay way.   i mean how refer loaded file same loaded file not main one. kind of path or something? if put...   this._lockroot = true;   on main timeline of file loading, _root references used in loaded file refer loaded file's _root, , not main file's _root. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Thread: how to delete 1 of 2 operating systems on one hard disk ,,please help me

hi ,,,i new form have installed ubuntu today , enjoying far there still problems having explain start ,,,i have hp laptop has 1 hard disk c,d d not planing mess because has hp recovery , might helpful 1 day ,,,,so downloaded ubuntu external hard disk when installing selected installed on c thought automatically delete vista didn't when restarted computer saw 2 options vista , ubuntu wondering if can tell me how delete vista , keep 1 operation system , btw have no cd or dvd or floppy available cant download on cd format c , install ubuntu again need away delete vista c while keeping ubuntu in c hope makes sense :s ,,,thank reading sorry abit long dont have way explain thank time since installed, easiest, , quickest, thing reinstall. read screens carefully, ones want install ubuntu, , make sure choose removed on partition , install ubuntu exclusively. have media vista ?? if so, wipe whole thing.

How to make or modify a Flex site that runs on Android?

i tried flex website,, on verizon's droid 2 , sprint htc evo 4g. both have flash player. in both phones, application loaded , displayed, frozen. suggestions? it may depend on version of flash on phones. use sprint htc evo 4g (with "froyo" - android 2.2), , can open site no problem. not freeze up. i've had no problems other sites i've built in flex. being said, site not optimized @ android, cannot expect deliver of user experience. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

change text

hi all   i try change text in textframe. long use dialog works. switching a window('dialog', 'a')   popup not work anymore. why that?   here source change specifiic text in paragraph: for(var = 0; < app.selection[0].parentstory.paragraphs.length; i++) {     var tf = app.selection[0].parentstory.paragraphs[i].parent.texts[0];     var start = tf.parentstory.paragraphs.item(i).characters.item(0);     var end = tf.parentstory.paragraphs.item(i).characters.item(-2);     var line = doline(tf.texts.itembyrange(start, end).contents.tostring(), delimiter);             tf.texts.itembyrange(start, end).contents = line; }   thanks pasithee does has idea? hint? More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

File import questions and folder display questions

i running lr3 on win 7 x64. have few questions. i have hard drive assigned drive letter "b:\" why doesn't file imported see drive in list of drives? have use "other drives" , browse every time want add files disk. other drives, including networked drives fine. when importing main folder , including subfolders, there way filter files in manner? never want import web galleries have made in bridge, example. these files have small jpg files, thumbnails , web images. there way exclude them form consideration whilst importing? there way reveal , show thumbnails folder structure? don't want have browse every folder individually when trying import useful images entire disk. if lr @ least show folder structure of subfolders when select photos top level folder, help. how can this? in library view of folders, how filter on files in 1 disk? can select folder under disk , see folder, lr not allow me select entire disk. there way this? how can display entire folder struct

Installing PS CS4 Upgrade

hi, is necessary or harmful uninstall previous versions of photoshop before installing upgrade? thanks, ian it's not necessary @ all.  have 5 versions of photoshop installed (7.0.1 through 11.0.2) installed , work.   on other hand, it's safe uninstall old versions.  before installing new version.  versions require use uninstaller, such cs3 , cs4, can mess newer installations when running uninstallers.  not under circumstances trash folders cs3 or cs4; use respective uninstallers. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Workspace - Properties Panel

.... "newbie" question!!    i downloaded dreamweaver cs5 (trial) , getting "feel" how works. i've been using frontage 2003 years (don't laugh).   i want display text-edit type toolbar on workspace. see there "properties panel" not have commands use to, like; center-text, left-text ..... sort of stuff.   is there way modify properties panel add commands, or there "text toolbar" can add workspace?     thanks help!! back in day there used such option(s) produced bad html code (not compliant latest html standards) adobe removed these "features" sake of better web development. instead should use css style document. if you're not familiar html , css, great time. dreamweaver rewards familiar underlying medium , can punish don't. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Ubuntu Software Center not applying changes

ubuntu software center not applying changes. have had ubuntu 4 months little problems , have been enjoying ton. naturally decided install other old desktop, version has caused me trouble. 1 of main problems can't install because usc not applying changes on anything. please help. go software sources , make sure uncheck cdrom box @ bottem of window Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Ubuntu Software Center not applying changes Ubuntu

Vemod news mailer - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej alle jeg har lavet en midlertidlig oversættelse af vemod news mailer, der skl blot læses korrektur på kompomenten. orginal engelsk sprogfil er med pakken... hej sh@rky. jeg er desperat på jagt efter god dokumentation og råd fra folk der med succes har fået vemod til @ virke. jeg er rimeligt ny indenfor joomla, men blev positivt overrasket on vemods mulighed automatiseret mails, sektion og kategori valg osv. jeg har installeret og opsat indstillinger som jeg tror de skal være, men når jeg opretter nye artikler den valgte sektion og sat compile til fx kl 12 hver dag sker der ikke noget. håber du kan hjælpe mig retning af en løsning. venlig hilsen cwscvn Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Oversættelser (lokalisering)

No swatches on the side?

i opened book have been working on , side panel of of swatches blank. opened book , same, no swatches show.   so, went add swatch , did so, nothing appeared.   not none of swatches appear on side, there nothing on bottom(trash can, new swatch...).   what did , can repair this? need have swatches appearing , have no idea need do.   i'm using windows - cs5.   thanks i had delete preferences.   ctrl+alt+shift while restarting indesign. asked me delete preferences , said yes. indesign started had installed program, (not password , information, program) had set deleted , has rebuilt, swatches back.     if knows of easier way fix w/o deleting current preferences, please let me know in case happens again. More discussions in InDesign adobe