
Showing posts from March, 2014

Need Extension. Can't find it anywhere - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! i'm new on forum. i've been reading, never needed register. i'm relatively new j!. i'm looking mod/plugin/component, whatever, this: when costumer opens site, ligts dimmed([youtube] example), , gets advert right in face. i've seen it, i've googled it...but can't find anywhere. thought right place ask it! regards! bruno it seems it's made facebox, using's not module...this know now. here example ... ng-jquery/ here's facebox site: now i'm searching joomla foruns again, see if better results. hope helpfull! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Can't luksAddKey, No key available with this passphrase.

i'm trying add key new slot keyfile created, keep getting error , don't know problem is. code: root@ubuntu:~# cryptsetup luksaddkey --key-slot 1 /dev/sda5 -d /media/ubuntu_10_04/etc/cryptkeys/swap.key no key available passphrase. content of swap.key code: nbpencr_ps-yev5syeyyzaeextlldlo7ahs7yzgw9dtc48gdlte6wyqe7ig2pojr84u6twxu1dimzcyobpb1q1ajyaanpsre7qlr7vnn4g6u1x_wg-sja6u_pvnks9ctgcd4umfbw9mkru3yy4gknqxtplvkibkm1soj0syyq2r-7cdzjvaiyjb9eokkbmsjlreg39ibdqwdcep3d7pk5patyzdvhu2ygrjvjy-sjly4oqb2274do8hbyviqspdawetglkhhhhhhh98h4erwjerfkasjnfhsahfoclnbpencr_ps-yev5syeyyzaeextlldlo7ahs7yzgw9dtc48gdlte6wyqe7ig2pojr84u6twxu1dimzcyobpb1q1ajyaanpsre7qlr7vnn4g6u1x_wg-sja6u_pvnks9ctgcd4umfbw9mkru3yy4gknqxtplvkibkm1soj0syyq2r-7cdzjvaiyjb9eokkbmsjlreg39ibdqwdcep3d7pk5patyzdvhu2ygrjvjy-sjly4oqb2274do8hbyviqspdawetglkhhhhhhh98h4erwjerfkasjnfhsahfoclnbpencr_ps-yev5syeyyzaeextlldlo7ahs7yzgw9dtc48gdlte6wyqe7ig2pojr84u6twxu1dimzcyobpb1q1ajyaanpsre7qlr7vnn4g6u1x_

Cannot use cursor keys with move tool

when first start elements 8, can use cursor (arrow) keys on keyboard move layers pixel pixel. sometime thereafter, stops working , cursor (arrow) keys seem act tab keys within windows. i'm not sure if i'm doing trigger or not. in order use cursor keys layers again, have restart program. can't find information on elsewhere, turning experts here help! your not doing wrong. it's bug in photoshop elements 8 and real pain.   the arrow keys stop working after using effect or layerstyle from effects panel.   if , when arrow keys stop working, using free transform works. when arrow keys quit working, hitting ctrl(cmd)+t puts in free transform modeand arrow keys should work long use them in 1 of transform modes.   mtstuner More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Flash player x86 linux dual screen w/compiz

recently tried use flash player on dual monitor desktop setup running gentoo w/compiz , noticed full screen flash player on left (main) screen regardless of browser position.   does know of dirty fix bug? (one doesnt include not using compiz) compiz should have nothing it. and want flash do? do want go browser is, or go both screens? More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

CiviCRM and Joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, we have using civicrm joomla , civicrm part show same way rest of joomla articles. using civicrm 3.0 joomla 1.5 website: civicrm donation page: ... itemid=132 thanks help hi aaca, i don't know if understood correctly want background of donation form white articles background? if so, in file "civicrm.css" add line end of page: code: select all table#content {background:#fff;} regards. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: No fb device under /dev/

does know why there no fb device under /dev/ ? if there missing modules, please tell me name of modules. main problem is: dmesg | grep fb omapfb omapfb: failed allocate framebuffer omapfb omapfb: failed allocate fbmem omapfb omapfb: failed setup omapfb omapfb: probe of omapfb failed error -12 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] No fb device under /dev/ Ubuntu

Importing Chapter Points / Creating video loop in chapter icons / Shift Chapter markers points

hi, i'm super new software , far love on dvdsp apple.   1. shift chapter markers "seconds or frames"     2. best way import chapter points final cut pro encore?     3. instead of using still each chapter, have small video clip.         all on cs4.   thanks! as exact placement of chapter markers, perhaps placing them on av files, gop (group of pictures), such transcoded mpeg-2's? if so, can place them on i-frames, limited points only, , not on "difference frames" in between.   i on pc, , edit in prpro, cannot comment on chapter markers fcp - sorry.   for motion thumbnail, set poster frame timeline, , choose animate buttons.   hope helps,   hunt More discussions in Encore adobe

Clear String Output on Next Frame

hello   i working on typewriter text effect short movie, , works great. when testing, however, output called local text file doesn't clear on next frame, causing overlapping frame content. how remove string of output during next frame of movie. not work flash on regular basis, guidance of great help. below code set 1 frame. thank in advance:   var mytext:string; var counter:int = 0; var format : textformat = new textformat(); format.size = 16; format.font = "verdana"; format.bold = true; format.color = 0xffffff; var textfield : textfield = new textfield(); textfield.width = 600; textfield.height = 350; textfield.selectable = false; textfield.wordwrap = true; textfield.defaulttextformat = format; textfield.x = textfield.y =10; addchild(textfield); var textloader:urlloader = new urlloader(new urlrequest("text.txt")); textloader.addeventlistener(event.complete, function(e:event){inittext(;}); function inittext(string:string):void{      mytext =

Joomla 1.5.14 errors - maybe database problems - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone! i have been using joomla time , find useful needs. although worked months without problems, these days started giving me errors. first hand, started logging me off administrator panel when working in (like known joomla 1.x problem) , making admin panel pretty unuseful. having problem enabled debug log in admin panel can see problem , got 19 queries logged: code: select all 19 queries logged.    1.       select *         jos_session         session_id = '69f1ce8a08b126a2b34cd5a7e17a1305'    2.       delete         jos_session         ( time < '1255950557' )    3.       select *         jos_session         session_id = '69f1ce8a08b126a2b34cd5a7e17a1305'    4.       update `jos_session`         set `time`='1255951457',`userid`='62',`usertype`='super administrator',`username`='admin',`gid`='25',`guest`='0',`client_id`='1',`data`='orvafzeviqfc2nrvulrjnisg1nbbofgzyqy3qxzoqxi4bayu7n_e2fjpzuq

Coldfusion 9, Sybase 11.02 on Redhat Linux 5.3

i've got coldfusion 9 installed , working sybase.  cannot coldfusion see sybase, assume needs see interfaces file, i'm not sure how that.   any appreciated!  joel what edition of coldfusion using (standard or enterprise)?   it looks lowest sybase version supported database drivers bundled coldfusion sybase 11.5   if have jdbc driver version of sybase can try configuring own datasource. .html .html More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

Actionscript error occurs in Firefox but not Internet Explorer and only in 1 specific page

i have website has regular non-flash pages each page has 2 elements done in flash:  logo , small slideshow.  no page of site has ever had errors before.  set credit card checkout, , payment confirmation page gives following error:   an actionscript error has occurred:  error #2044: unhandled ioerrorevent:. text=error #2036: load never completed   since logo , slideshow things done in flash, have assume 1 of these causing error.  , error shows particular page , in firefox, not internet explorer 8.    does have possible explanation , fix this? since there no information on site talking about, , flash documents sites, i can guess problem , try suggest solution.   i think problem is, in 1 of flash docs, trying load file (image? text?). on event of load doing (like addeventlistener). event on have put addeventlistener should on event.complete (i assume have put on progress event or similar).   basically loaded content used before loading has completed. might occurring on firefox because,

unable to launch PSE8. Error: 150:30

recently reinstalled kasperksy internet security (trial).  cannot open adobe photoshop elements 8.  message product has encourtered problem requires restart computer efore can bge launched.  error: 150.30. talked technical support.  told problem virtual memory. not able launch. had been able launch pse8 until recently.  don't know if has kaspersky or what.  kaspersky suscription had expired downloaded charter security suite comes free internet service.  had mega problems.  uninstalled css.  did system restore corrected of problems.  have kis on trial.  problems pse8.  can me?  technical support @ adobe closed until in a.m. run solutions mentioned in below link , see if out...also disable antivirus program while running these steps:   regards, ankush More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

رسالة تعذر تجسيد وظيفة البريد - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

سادتنا الأفاضل السلام عليكم لي فترة ليست بالقليلة لديكم وأسألتي قليلة بسبب أني أبحث في المنتدى ويتم حل المشكلة فجزاكم الله خيرا وأنا تلميذكم ولكن مشكلتي هذه لم أجد حلا لها فقد أحببت أن يتم التسجيل في الموقع لأني منعت بعض الأقسام إلا للمسجلين فقط فصارت تأتي الزوار الراغبين في التسجيل هذه الرسالة ((تعذر تجسيد وظيفة البريد. رسالة * لقد تم إنشاء حسابك و إرسال رابط التفعيل إلى عنوان البريد الالكتروني الذي أدخلته. ملاحظة يجب عليك تفعيل الحساب عن طريق النقر على رابط التفعيل عندما تصلك الرسالة على البريد الالكتروني قبل أن تتمكن من تسجيل الدخول.)) ثم لايصل إليهم أي رسالة أرجو إفادتي أسعدكم الله وسهل أموركم وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته وانا سعيد بطريقة استخدامك للمنتدى وهذه هي الطريقة الصحيحة فشكرا لك اما مشكلتك فسببها اخطاء بملفات التعريب ويمكنك ان تقوم بتجربة الموقع باللغة الانكليزية وتتاكد من ان البريد يصل بشكل صحيح أعد تحميل ملفات التعريب الرسمية من موقع جوملا بالتوفيق Board index Joomla! International Language Support Internatio

Problemi sa bezbednoscu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pozdrav svim ucesnicima foruma. od skoro sam poceo da koristim joomla, licno sam odusevljen kako funkcionise. moje odusevljenje je trajalo prvog hakovanja. potreban mi je strucnak koji ce mi obezbediti joomla od hakerskih napada cuvenih iframe koje postavljaju na sajtu. sada kada sam ga god podigao (u zadnjih mesec dana) izdrzi dva dana, nakon toga preko iframe mi naprave problem. za uslugu postavljanja sigurnosti zastite spreman sam da platim odgovarajucu cenu. ima li takvih strucnjaka na ovom forumu, ako ima moze te mi ovde ostaviti svoje podatke ili poslati na email . zaboravih da napomenem da je site uradjen u joomla 1.5.14 timotijegaga wrote: pozdrav svim ucesnicima foruma. od skoro sam poceo da koristim joomla, licno sam odusevljen kako funkcionise. moje odusevljenje je trajalo prvog hakovanja. potreban mi je strucnak koji ce mi obezbediti joomla od hakerskih napada cuvenih iframe koje postavljaju na sajtu. sada kada sam ga god podigao (u zadnjih mesec dana

chamada de noticias - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

vou ser breve -- quero criar uma galeria de videos. (utilizarei o componente videos) cada vídeo vai ser criado como um novo artigo. depois vou por um menu de blog.... cada artigo tem que aparecer apenas uma imagem miniatura video escolhido (só isso e nada mais), o titulo artigo/video e miniatura... quando clicar, abrir o artigo e carregar o video. sem mostrar imagem miniatura... como faÇo isso acima?? alguem me dÁ uma luz? vi um desses no site , achei perfeito.. obs. já usei outros componentes legais, seryet etc.. mas tem muito bug de sql injection.. e me lasquei. depois o usuario poderar listar os artigos por (mais vistos / ultimos postados / mais votados ) dentro artigo nas parametros dele uma das opções é não mostrar introdução, desmarque isso. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Portuguese Forum Componentes, módulos e mambots

Clone stamp not working, help!!!

hey guys,   can me figure out what's wrong clone stamp in elements 8. whenever try define source using option-click meesage comes up: "could not use clone stamp tool because area clone has not been defined" (option-click define source point). when option-click still comes up. i've tried restarting program, computer , many other forums no avail.   any appreciated! initially try this:   reset tool. via little downward facing arrow @ top left of tool's option bar. also, sure not working on adjustment layer, , layer on cloning active in layers palette.   if still having problem, please repost. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Reading cue point parameters on video start

im trying create table of contents navigate various points in .flv file.  i've encoded flv cue points in media encoder. i've added parameter each cue called toc_title lable should represent time in video jump to. occurred me though parameters might not available flash player until frame of cue reached. need toc visible when video starts. first of all, entirely wrong approach? want make video player dynamic can , reuse several different videos different tocs. parameter data set on cue points available @ time in video playback or when cue reached?  thanks, john hi john, may receive more advice , on flash forum. can start thread there or perhaps threads may discussing concerns.     hope helps.     eidnolb More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Thread: Login as Root or as Guest?

i wondering when playing around on computer doing normal things, guys advise login root or guest? read somewhere best login guest. can please explain me why? in advance! keep work guys. normally (the default) ubuntu not have root account. have normal user account can elevate privileges when root access needed. reason running root discouraged can security issue. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Login as Root or as Guest? Ubuntu

Problem opening index.html

i have user using cs4 on mac. when navigates network share , clicks on index.html open it, dreamweaver comes , says *path*:index.html not found. there , can double click on , open in firefox no issues. dreamweaver says file not found. no other user having issue , can drag file mac , open loses formating. didn't try drag folder in because large folder. i'm baffeled because not happening on other machine. checked permission , correct. did effective permission make sure getting right permissions. any @ appreciated.   thanks sean it's way network shared drive mapped mac.  have similar network setup , don't see problem (all of shared samba shares, whatever means!).   is mac user? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

to implement two functions from a link button

i have created script:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:application minwidth="955" minheight="600" xmlns:fx=" "     xmlns:s="library://"     xmlns:mx="library://"      initialize="createlistener()">   <fx:declarations> </fx:declarations>   <fx:script>     <![cdata[         import;         // define custom function labelfunction property         // display object in ddl control.         public function mylabelfunc(item:object):string {              return item.firstname + " " + item.lastname;         }         // define custom function labeltoitemfunction property         // convert new value object of correct format         // storage in data provider of control.         public function mylabeltoitemfunc(value:string):object {              var temp

Change To another template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm wondering how change template data well? know when upload fresh copy of joomla + template ask upload data well. have site , running products in virtuemart. have template much, not able put module correct place on demo. so can upload new template data it, plus able switch on data current virtuemart? thanks joomla 1.15.14 typically in situation work on development site, not live site. make clone of current site. install new template. find module position layout schematic , reassign module positions module names in new template. replace live site development site when well. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

AS2 code for button to make media display component fullscreen

hi,   i using media display component display short flv cartoon.  have given component instance name "fcep01" , controlling play, rewind , pause functions using buttons using "on (release) {;}" , on.   i want have additional button allow viewer toggle component fullscreen (and back).  using as2 in flash cs3.   i realise may necessary use movie clip instead of regular button, tutes i've looked @ haven't worked.   any advice gratefully received.   thanks.   daftoons you'll need to     1.  resize component stage's size, 2.  change stage's displaystate property fullscreen and 3.  make sure publish settings allow fullscreen. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Thread: How do I get my files?

i installed ubuntu on secondary hd. ran sudo fdisk -l , got: disk /dev/sda: 40.0 gb, 40020664320 bytes 240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 5169 cylinders units = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes disk identifier: 0xc06e7af3 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sda1 * 1 2690 20336368+ 7 hpfs/ntfs /dev/sda2 2691 5169 18741240 f w95 ext'd (lba) /dev/sda5 2691 5169 18741208+ 7 hpfs/ntfs disk /dev/sdb: 163.9 gb, 163928604672 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19929 cylinders units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes disk identifier: 0xcae973e7 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sdb1 1 19929 160079661 7 hpfs/ntfs disk /dev/sdc: 320.1 gb, 320072933376 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes dis

page palette numbers won't change

for reason, of sudden page numbering on pages palette has stopped working   when go 'numbering , section options' , change number say, 5, number on page in palette reminds 1. i've opened previous designs, i've numbered accordingly, showing pages 1.   what has gone wrong?! not enough info.   is part of book, have created file>new>book , inserted documents?   tell more on how set files. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Question regarding div alignment with images

i have following code:   <div id="container" align="center"> <div id="header"> <div id="toplogo1" align="center"><img src="images/header1.jpg" width="184" height="95" /><img src="images/header2/jpg" width="701" height="95" /></div> <div id="toplogo2" align="center"><img src="images/header3.jpg" width="184" height="57" /><div id="fadeshow1"></div></div> <!--end #header--></div>   on first div, "toplogo1", both images align , right next each other, touching each other. correct. on seconf div, "toplogo2", first image lined correctly image above it, right below it, however, slide show, "fadeshow1" not right next "header.jpg" image. there's large empty space between two, , can't image , slide show ap

Need help with flash upload component. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys, fairly new joomla development , having troubles, not joomla cant figure out great. i have basic file uploader component users upload , share files. basic nothing fancy. want use flash uploader files uploading can 12-15mb high quality pdf artwork. want flash can have progress bar. problem once file uploaded flash needs call action manage uploaded file, works fine directing function in component no problems there, action manages file want send email user link $user =& jfactory::getuser(); echo $user->email; doesn't work within function, im guessing because function being accessed directly flash file , not through joomla , cannot figure out way work. if access function through joomla visiting task works fine. so can me little issue? if need more info ask. cheers nath you include file of class. search in joomla file classe jfactory or inclure config file of joomla create connection the database self. there nothing wrong doing that. Board index

customization automation?

hi, haven't used indesign, curious if able sort of automation. want create multiple copies of same file different graphic. example, let's have brochure , want automate brochure created ten different photos on cover page. template used? how can automated? sort of batch droplet in photoshop. thanks! one option comes mind data merge, data file lists various image filenames, , merge produces copy of document each instance of filename.   check out indesign file data merge syntax images, or check out michael murphy's indesigner blog regarding data merge ( see episode 43 ).   there other methods can used, such object layers, not know automated data merge.   -mt More discussions in InDesign adobe

Stuttery cursors

has else noticed this?   if select adjustment brush or graduated filter tool , move mouse around on image, respective cursors follow immediately, resulting in smooth motion.   if select spot removal or red eye tool, however, respective cursors move slight delay, resulting in stuttery motion.   in both 2 cases above, i'm moving cursor; i'm not applying tool.   this shouldn't case. can see no reason why lr should precompute in latter cases warrant stuttery motion.   perhaps behaviour related complete breakdown in performance of spot removal tool? if so, graduated filter tool should able bring lr3 crawl. think i've seen this, haven't tried confirm this.   fyi, i'm 1 of see breakdown in lr develop module performance once have applied number of local edits.   does know why there difference between these cursor types? are you, chance, in before/after mode? there issue spot removal tool , before/after.   could post system specs (e.g. os, ram, processor, video card, e

Receiving "Fatal Error" message when attempting to burn BluRay

i have completed bluray project , trying burn bluray.  process goes fine until starts burn process.  project 19g , ttrying burn 25g bluray bd-r.  takes 6 hours go through process.  when progress meter shows 100%, goes burn process , after few minutes, receive "fatal error" message , that's it, no further messages , nothing written bluray.  end clicking on "cancel" button takes me project.   running elements 7.0 on windows 7 plenty of horsepower.  can give specifics if thinks problem.  there way burn hd project computer , use other software burn bluray internal burner?? first thing want know i/o setup, i.e. hdd's, size, speed, free space, controller type , how allocated.   then, i'd curious brand of blank media used.   last, have energy management in use, screen savers, etc. plus active anti-virus programs running?   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

I don't where to display my modules - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone, the situation bit tricky first of sorry if post loooong. please brave enough read whole story ! to have nice frontpage images, created 4 custom modules display image , point article (which i'll call article pages more understandable). want modules appear on these 4 article pages. created menu & modules here problem begins : modules published on pages display on 4 article pages. if choose "select menu items list" in menu assignment block, check items, still not modules display on 4 pages. so tried create hidden (unpublished menu). created menu, created associated module, unpublished module, still not working, , not sure understand whole "unpublished menu" thing. has got ideas me ? i'm quite puzzled. thanks !! best, baby_lone i guess need publish thing attractive in module positions. if want, first of all, check module positions will show module positions and then, use custome html module , set in position want displa

Tutorial for Wave/Zoom Effect

hi there,   i'm hoping 1 of can point me tutorial kind of wave/zooming text effect:   it's pretty dated , tacky effect, know, that's client wants! can animate each letter individually using motion tween , alpha, have feeling there's easier way since it's such common effect.   any suggestions? buch! these links might help  you lash-cs4-c-387.html More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: White or black Kindle?

i really, really split on this, i've decided go majority. yes, know that's stupid way it, can't decide reason. 1 looks best, white: or black: white - clashes less screen. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe White or black Kindle? Ubuntu

Thread: English to Spanish Translation

would mind checking english spanish translation. software writing. translation intended es_mx (mexico) locale, learned spanish in honduras , don't use often. let me know if there corrections think should make, thanks. original english: debreate first run thank using debreate. message displays on first run, or if configuration file becomes corrupted. default configuration file created. delete file, type following command in terminal: rm -r ~/.config/debreate !!--> debreate 0.7 in alpha stages. software not recommended everyday use <--!! es_mx translation: ejecución initial gracias por usar debreate. este mensaje se muestra la primera ejecución, o si se introduce errores en la configuración. ya se crea la configuración por defecto. para eliminar el fichero de configuración, escribe la instrucción siguiente en un terminal: rm -r ~/.config/debreate

Thread: no sounds from headphone and speaker

i installed ubuntu remix on asus eee pc 1015p few days ago found out hear no sound headphone or speaker. used 7 , worked fine. me fix this? you may have change output "analog output" or "analog speakers". Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] no sounds from headphone and speaker Ubuntu

How to set my TextEditBoxWidget value from ActionComponent?

sorry newbie question can't seem find myself.   i have panel , panel contains texteditboxwidget so: ... texteditboxwidget     (      km5tablemodelvaluewidgetid, // widgetid      ksyseditboxpmrsrcid, // rsrcid      kbindnone, // frame binding      frame(110, 10, 180, 30), // frame (l,t,r,b)      ktrue, ktrue // visible, enabled      0, // widget id of nudge button (0 don't one)      0, 0,// small, large nudge amount      0, // max num chars(0 = no limit)      ktrue,// read      kfalse,// should notify each key stroke      kfalse,// range checking enabled      kfalse,// blank entry allowed      0, // upper bounds      0, // lower bounds      "-", // initial text     ), ...   i action panel menu , catch in m5actioncomponent class. want change texteditboxwidget's value "something".. now, how can that? use itextcontroldata or set text km5tablemodelvaluewidgetid;   for instance first find icontrolview widget.     interfaceptr<icontrolview> yourcv(thepa

Video Extension .. Help ! Help ! Help ! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have posted question under extension category haven't had luck posting under general. apologies! i looking extension different -different embeded videos can display on main page slide show , when select any, should play video straight away. has got idea? thanks sairam checkout flash video gallery demo here Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Changing Font In Skype: Is It Possible?

just wondering if there way change small 10 point font in skype. read post in december 2009 trying qt3 or qt4 didn't work. wondering if has changed font , been able save change. dislike small font default. i'm using skype in windows xp because of that. prefer use skype in ubuntu if had decent font. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Changing Font In Skype: Is It Possible? Ubuntu

Thread: USB hard drive disappears

i have added lacie usb hard drive desktop running karmic. can list ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid, , mount uuid, , shortly afterwards disappears totally. after unmount can't see drive while, , pops in again, below: code: patrik@patrik-desktop:~$ ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-09-03 00:18 0f0afba9-e83a-47fe-a3ce-61afafa6dff3 -> ../../sda6 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-09-03 00:18 18953995-0744-4de4-a5c5-7fb88cb1e5da -> ../../sda5 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-09-03 00:18 27f4d688-43e5-41da-b26c-44e6bbe670d4 -> ../../sda1 patrik@patrik-desktop:~$ ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-09-03 00:18 0f0afba9-e83a-47fe-a3ce-61afafa6dff3 -> ../../sda6 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-09-03 00:18 18953995-0744-4de4-a5c5-7fb88cb1e5da -> ../../sda5 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-09-03 00:18 27f4d688-43e5-41da-b26c-44e6bbe670d4 -> ../../sda1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-09-02 22:31

Thread: restore ${HOME} howto

a few questions non-backup-tool-related parts of restore (on lucid box, if makes difference): have hostname=foo running lucid (64-bit, if makes difference), on user=foo. regularly foo external hd using `duplicity`. foo needs return home service, take @ least week. gf has hostname=bar, running lucid (but 32-bit, if makes difference), on user=bar. she'll let me use bar while foo elsewhere, want transfer foo:/home/foo bar:/home/bar. i'm guessing way is 0 ensure ubuntu , duplicity uptodate on both foo , bar. 1 backup foo:/home/foo with code: foo@foo:~$ duplicity ${home} file:///media/hd/foo/home/foo 2 restore with code: bar@bar:~$ sudo duplicity file:///media/hd/foo/home/foo ${home}-restore (duplicity won't restore existing directory, seems safe. sudo create restore dir on /home, has lotta free space.) 3 replace bar:/home/bar bar:/home/bar-restore. since bar has sufficient space, i'm planning do code: bar@