Thread: restore ${HOME} howto
a few questions non-backup-tool-related parts of restore (on lucid box, if makes difference):
have hostname=foo running lucid (64-bit, if makes difference), on user=foo. regularly foo external hd using `duplicity`. foo needs return home service, take @ least week. gf has hostname=bar, running lucid (but 32-bit, if makes difference), on user=bar. she'll let me use bar while foo elsewhere, want transfer foo:/home/foo bar:/home/bar. i'm guessing way is
0 ensure ubuntu , duplicity uptodate on both foo , bar.
1 backup foo:/home/foo with
2 restore withcode:foo@foo:~$ duplicity ${home} file:///media/hd/foo/home/foo
(duplicity won't restore existing directory, seems safe. sudo create restore dir on /home, has lotta free space.)code:bar@bar:~$ sudo duplicity file:///media/hd/foo/home/foo ${home}-restore
3 replace bar:/home/bar bar:/home/bar-restore. since bar has sufficient space, i'm planning do
i'm wondering,code:bar@bar:~$ sudo -i root@bar:/root# mv /home/bar /home/bar-backup root@bar:/root# mv /home/bar-restore /home/bar root@bar:/root# exit
step 3 work intended, or should different? notably, root shell exit user=bar appropriately after having $home forklifted out under it? should instead virtual console, recovery shell, or else besides root shell in xterm? instead of exiting, should restart (e.g. `shutdown -r now`)?
b there better way step 2? `sudo` required avoid duplicity errors: latter wants create folder given $2, , folder creation worked su. problem noted that, while files restored appropriate metadata (e.g. rights, timestamp), duplicity created symlinks owned root.
c there better tool backup/restore to/from local disk? pointers docs appreciated.
tia, tom roche []
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