
Showing posts from July, 2013

Thread: I can't mount the main filesystem

i have ubuntu , windows installed on computer, , need folders have on windows , mount main hard drive. it's telling me "not authorized" what's that? you need mount root privileges; open terminal , run: code: sudo fdisk -l that's lowercase "l" btw; print list filesystems, identify windows 1 , use information run: code: sudo mount /dev/sda1 -o defaults /mnt/ this mount filesystem /mnt directory , let use normally; if don't want every time want access it, edit fstab file gets auto-mounted when log in. more info at: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] I can't mount the main filesystem Ubuntu

PROGRAMMING QUESTION... HOW CAN I SCRAP A WEBSITE FOR INFO - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

please @ site... how can pull info site, such gold bullion "last price" , save server? it doesn't seem hard, since visible in page source... first, you'll need host doesn't block outgoing calls. allow 1 or two, not multiple calls. second, you'll use php command http_get($target, ""); third, you'll use php (or perl, or python, etc.) parse page data , extract info need. this not kind of thing non-programmer going sit down , code, , not programmers out there sitting around nothing write free scraper apps people. so, buy programming book , learn or hire developer. , you're still dependent on host. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Using .htaccess - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, i trying .htaccess rewrites work i'm having little trouble. tried using core search engine friendly url's feature messed of links trying rewrites manually. in .htaccess far have following ( commented out core joomla sef section) rewriterule ^([a-za-z0-9_-]+)$ index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=$1&itemid=68 rewriterule ^([a-za-z0-9_-]+)/$ index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=$1&itemid=68 rewriterule ^home index.php?option=com_community&view=frontpage&itemid=68 rewriterule ^home/ index.php?option=com_community&view=frontpage&itemid=68 i've uploaded file yet profile , home page not rewrite friendlier url's? anyone have advice? thanks colin put core .htaccess place, , grab copy of sh404sef. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Fontissue when Exporting to PDF CS5

commented on linked thread , advised start new tread.   when exporting pdf id cs5 have seen font displace , disappear. have done tests since post on linked tread, , find out, using pdf/x_1a:2001 (pdf version 1.3), works fine. when use pdf version 1.4 , above fonts randomly dissappears. see first picture below. ok, me going print, 1.3 loose hyperlink , bookmarks if used in other media.   have seen font displace when exporting pdf, (second picture) , in case there no way right options mentioned above. way came out right outline font...and ps - distiller worked fine.   i have found workarounds, trust export pdf in future way adobe advice use.   workaround 1. use pdf version 1.3 workaround 2. in (application folder) adobe indesign cs5 - presets make new folder - ppds put (adpdf8.ppd or adpdf9.ppd) folder. (i had backup of these files, cant find them online...!?!?) makes possible print ps indesign , use distiller.   mac - 10.6.x - id int. engli

Transforme anchor

i'm having strange transform anchor disappear...when select object "selection tool(v)" transform anchors not showing...i need go on "free transform tool(e)" resize need...dose any1 know how them back? try re-installing still not working..     tnx you've inadvertently turned off bounding box. turn on. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Can't open links

i have adobe reader 9 came on computer.  when try open documents on websites or people send in emails, window pops it's trying open, smaller window pops says internet explorer has stopped working.  have tried repairing adobe reader, , have checked make sure enabled.  wife's computer works fine.  frustrating.  suggestions?  thanks. have tried using other browser mozilla firefox, or facing same issue on other browsers well?   does adobe reader works fine when open pdf that's located on computer. provide more information "display pdf in browser" setting. you'll find in adobe reader, edit -> preferences -> internet -> "display pdf in browser" setting. More discussions in Purchased Downloads adobe

Thread: Computer has been crashing a lot

my desktop pc running ubuntu 10.04 64bit, has been locking lot , has been needing frequent hard resets. it's irritating. there way diagnose causing system crash that? alt-prtscrn-reisub trick doesn't work, let alone ctrl-alt-f1 or anything. it's locked solid, 100% unresponsive except power/reset button. thanks, bm this many things , suspect hardware issue. first thing should boot live ubuntu cd , run memtest check ram. let memtest run through test @ least twice ensure thorough check. if ram clean without error should check hard drive problems. boot again live cd , open terminal. code: sudo e2fsck -n -f force check not make corrections. important not mount drive before or during check. let test run. if errors show ,start , run terminal again code: sudo e2fsck -p attempt correct drive error. if run both tests , nothing shows up, may need have power supply checked technician.

Spark Panel with Squiggly Component doesn't work

if create spark panel , insert textarea using squiggle recognizes word misspelled not display list of corrections on right click. if change spark panel mx panel works fine. there fix this?   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:application xmlns:fx=" "                xmlns:s="library://"                xmlns:mx="library://" minwidth="955" minheight="600">     <fx:script>         <![cdata[             import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.spellui;         ]]>     </fx:script>     <fx:declarations>         <!-- place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->     </fx:declarations>     <s:panel>         <s:textarea id="ta_en" width="100%" height="100%"           creationcomplete="spellui.enablespelling(ta_en, 'en_us');"/&

Twitter/Blog Feed for Improving SEO? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, question. installed twitter , blog feed our website, in hopes google crawl info post, , optimize our efforts little bit. is there way ascertain google crawling text on feeds? webmaster crawl stats don't seem suggest it, want make sure that text being picked google , working us. have tips? thanks insight. jb create google alert feed. might lucky.. , why google optimise content seo? thats meant job. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

SWC files stop working in large project

hi,   my company working on casual game entirely made in flash. speed development/compile time split of swc files, example dialog controls, cutscenes, particle effects controlled via swc files.   this working great until few days ago, have been working on project 8 months no major problems. however, of sudden, when compile game, none of swc files work. game compiles , runs ok, nothing swc files working.   the strange thing if remove 1 of swc files folder (the game reads swc files 1 folder) game work. if remove swc isnt used game still work. it's if there limit how many swc files can have loaded. (there 10 swc files in folder loading from).   so else heard of problem? or can suggest fix?   thanks, greg     --- update: i did reasearch , problem might java heap size being low when tries compile. lots of people seem have posted similar problems. possible increase size of java heap flash?   interestingly, went actionscript settings in "library path" section , removed "tex

Thread: How do you fix this error/problem in linux?

this error message appears when try run application through terminal - error: not load classifier cascade /usr/share/opencv/haarcascades/haarcasca… not initialize gstreamer: error re-scanning registry , child terminated signal the reference "registry" implies ms windows program. inclusion of "haar" makes me guess trying run app uses adaptive techniques facial recognition. either way, not mentioning name of app, you're pretty ensuring you're not going help. when want help, more info better less info. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] How do you fix this error/problem in linux? Ubuntu

How to capture a regular letter between italic ones?

i have text 1 letter phonetic sign typed in regular style.   but words in italics should have sign in italics either.   i tried grep buy not built sequence check regular letter inside italics.*   thank you.     actual   ik ʉ   required ik ʉ *in 6 words phonetic begins word , in 50 words ends it: if search finds in between (not beginning or ending) enough , res=t may done manually unfortunately, can't make lookahead , lookbehind @ format settings: whatever format set in "find format" applies whole expression. there way around this. in such situations replace italics tag can search italics text.   step1: find what: .+ find format: +italic   change to: <i>$0</i> change format: +regular   your example looks this: <i>ik</i>ʉ   now replace move italics-off tag after phonetic character. maybe this:   find what:  </i>([\x{0250}-\x{02ff}])\b replace $1</i>   this 1 word-final phonetic characters, maybe more clever 1 fixes them @ be

Moved site, now html entities displayed in module titles - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

problem: actual < h 2 > tags displaying in titles of modules after moved site 1 server new host. view source shows html entities less-than , greater-than symbols in code generated page. where should try track down happening, can fix it? ...tom greetings tom: i recommend working hosting company support department identify cause. at first glance, first thought files transferred in wrong mode (i.e. binary vs. ascii) or otherwise came through [dos] vs unix or vice versa. thank you. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

CS4 / CS5 design premium questions

hello,     in regards both cs4 , cs5 design premium packages, there other programs install 64-bit edition?   when cs4 installed @ our location, photoshop had 64-bit version.all other programs had 32-bit version only. the computers have windows 7 64-bit, , our staff members use more 3gb of memory on programs.   are there 64-bit versions of rest of cs4 programs available? if not, software programs in cs5 include 64-bit version?   please let me know. thank you. i think need go forums index , select forum design premium   as far know, premiere pro cs5 64bit only... have no idea other products More discussions in Forum comments adobe

Displaying XML w/ XSLT styling in Flash

hello -   i have file displaying .xml info in flash. styled .xml document outside of flash w/ .xslt. works fine outside of flash doesn't work when displayed inside of flash- there way make work ???   thanks no, there no way make work natively. also, flash has limited support html tags , css. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Looking for Cardfile replacement

i'm giving xp computer, i'm wondering if there linux equivalent of cardfile program came windows 3.x. it's incredibly useful simple databases , i've used store needlework threads many years. know won't able transfer data, though wonderful, similar simple , flexible way of storing information great. thank suggestions. have used such on rh7, many years ago, , old app. then. pc implementations of card files have fallen out of favour on last decade, or so, guess google 'cardfile linux' , pick lot of golden oldies still run ok. alternative try old ms cardfile.exe under wine. after 'notepad' still runs in wine - , pretty same vintage. atb rjbl Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Looking for Cardfile replacement Ubuntu

Cant vote on the Hall of Fame Finalists - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i cant vote joomla bcs doesnt work me vote. i have tried several times different browsers etc cant dot dont know whats problem. maybe drupal votes counts? anyone else having problem?? didnt hear guys... rgds ssnobben-aka darb ------------------------ info case -------------------------------- dear ssnobben thanks sending me error message. i've written tech team, , i'll hear them. best regards kushal snobben wrote: hi answering! nope doesnt work. have ff 3.5.2 , xp64 , no problem other voting system.. have tested voting system? know if others have problem or should start asking around in joomla forums? n o t if exclude people voting ..... got error.... navigation webpage canceled can try: refresh page rgds ssnobben from: to: subject: re: cant vote joomla in &qu

discussion pages

hi   really silly question, client wants "feedback page" such see on hotel sites log on see "food wonderful" etc etc   need php mysql script can't find correct name. keep getting feed forms email form owner not display on live pages.   can assist correct term?   thanks   ian guestbook, or blog. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Database error when applying meta tags? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

anyone know cause [and solution] this? sh404sef component installs fine. once enabled applying custom urls no probs. but on trying apply custom meta tags, run problem: db function failed error number 1146 table 'database_name.jos_sh404sef_meta' doesn't exist sql=select * jos_sh404sef_meta newurl != 'index.php?3de69ea13a27d1ead96ff5d7b47efae3' order `newurl` asc limit 0,50 presumably underlying problem database? how can fix it? thanks i've been phpmyadmin , checked out tables: jos_sh404sef_meta exist so why joomla /sh404sef component not able find / use it? prefix used jos_ Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: cant create liveUSB on cruzer 8gb

i bought sandisk cruzer 8gig last week hoping make ultimate linux companion, multiple ubuntus , all. alas!.. wont work!. tried xubuntu, ubuntu, linux mint , windows vista, boots ends error. when use cheap coby 8gb works fine. cruzers make them unusable linux live usb? itworksforme™ in seriousness, have 2 8gb cruzers , 1 2 gb data traveler, live environments. used unetbootin. wish give more assistance that. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] cant create liveUSB on cruzer 8gb Ubuntu

Hvordan flytter jeg vigtige filer ud af public_html - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg har læst omkring sikkerhed, @ man skal flytte vigtige filer ud af public_html. fint nok, men: hvordan skal joomla! så tilgå filerne? - skal jeg redigere stierne hånden defines.php under includes? - skal jeg lave en snyde fil hver vigtig, som med "require_once" henter den rigtige fil uden public_html. jeg er sær bekymret min configuration.php, som har mysql databasens kodeord klar tekst. det virker vildt usikkert. en hacker kan include configuration.php fra en web-side også dumpe indholdet. jeg håber @ en skarp joomla! haj har tricket. med venlig hilsen jan rou... Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.5 (Tidligere langtidssupporteret version indtil sep. 2012) Installation, backup, opdatering og flytning - Godt igang

Cannot select graphic

hi,   i have logo , want make change it: stroke in supposed transparent.   however, cannot select part of graphic. on same layer text can select. nothing seems locked.   can please me? belsen,   ... graphic...   is raster image or vector artwork?   if former, stroke assembly of coloured pixels, makes things more complicated.   if latter, may have closer in layers palette/panel, , tell findings.   if group, may able select path forms stroke in palette/panel or using, possibly guided clicking direct selection tool. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Warp tool distortion

hey everyone,   this i'm trying do:   so in step 1, that's how now. step 2 when i've used warp tool , dragging down. according how it's projected come out @ stage, that's how want it. @ step 3, distorts shown.   i thought perhaps because circles , rectangles didn't have enough points , that's making distort. upped amount of points , same thing happened.   what i'm trying left part have wave effect , rest stay same.   any appreciated.   thanks!   - chris use wrap object (object --> warp --> make front object) instead of deformation tools. has huge advantage of being able deform regions based on vertices of surrounding wrap object while leaving other parts in default state...   mylenium More discussions in Illustrator adobe

can anyone solve my niggles?

hi, sorry if repeated somewhere   i'm quite new indesign 5 (switched quark) , i'm finding these niggles annoying, wondered if else has them , how fix them, may pref i'm missing:   1 tools revert previous tool using eg. if zoom in using keyboard shortcut go selection tool hand!   2 not annoying if drag document window make bigger or smaller erratic, rescales itself!   its brand new copy of cs5 premium , i'm on new mac pro   any appreciated!!   sarah 1. that's feel factor you'll need used to. 2. press cmd+1 rather cmd+0 , scale there. when zoom above 150% scaling goes away also. window handling bit of feel factor.   what drives me crazy there resizable windows of cs4 on edge. thought idea? i'll give hint. no other mac os x application worth damn. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Thread: Wireless Printing Help HP Photosmart

hello all. purchased wireless printer hp. having bit of issue making work ubuntu. have ip address of wireless printer , on network. have installed hplip application , able print wires. how configure wireless hp printer? going memory need have printer connected via usb windows computer input wireless configuration, while ago when did mine. once have set wireless info can via hplip toolbox. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Wireless Printing Help HP Photosmart Ubuntu

Joomla login module problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

joomla 1.5.10 legacy 1.0 ... view=login the login module shows caching , encrypt in parameters , menu has no fields , menuselection has "n/a". makes me think login module not installed correctly. believe site joomla 1.x , upgraded 1.5 before me. i need customize login form read should have lots of parameters. text before form is: to access private area of site, please log in. key image how can edit this? thanks look in /language folder .ini file mod_login* or com_login* , edit Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

All files without .indd extension corrupted

being mac user, never bothered appending .indd extension indesign files, because never needed (or thought). however, after working on lots of projects , archiving them dvd, seems indesign files without .indd extension corrupt!   if try open any them, i'm given unhelpful "cannot open file xxx. adobe indesign may not support file format, plug-in supports file format may missing, or file may open in application" message.   the files created in cs2 on mac os 10.4.x (i think), using cs4 on mac os 10.6.x. have tried adding .indd extension (which gives file it's indesign icon, rather generic blank document icon) , opening on original mac, no avail.   i have loads of these file, same! can help, please? are trying open dvd or harddrive?   bob More discussions in InDesign adobe

Wrapper/ Submenu issue - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have created submenu appears when visit group of pages seen here. however, of pages in sub-menu wrappers include php pages when opened. unfortunately, sub-menu not appear on pages seen here someone please me out, im newbie on joomla.. do not believe php can executed through wrapper in joomla! it run source page, , display other page in frame. meaning, if page displays properly, display in wrapper from within joomla! hope helps! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Premiere Pro CS4 SDK - Exporter plugin

premiere pro cs4 sdk   hello, i ran sample exporter project cs4 sdk , never seems reach "exselexport" case in plugin's main entry point. instead, after clicking "ok" in exporter window, premiere pro cs4 returns selector = 14 , after nothing happens (because there no case 14) host gives selector 8 (endinstance). after adobe media encoder queue launched. seems flaw me since i'm not able handle export wish (in case, want use 3rd party exporter frames, audio/video info, etc.) in exselexport case. typical workflow pr cs4 pass compression/rendering straight media encoder? under circumstances can exselexport when i'm ready export clip? i'm using pr pro cs4 4.0.0. hi petro,   please update cs4 build 4.0.1 or later, ideally 4.2.1.  initial 4.0 release isn't suitable cs4 plug-ins using cs4 sdk.  there's thread in forum on of differences:   it's normal in cs4 export passed on media encoder.  if exp

Install problem 9.3.0 "The process cannot access the file"

after reader 7 stoppe dopening pdf files on system, removed, , attepted load 9.3.0, receieve error @ end of install:   "the process cannot access file because being used process.     file: c:/documents , settings/rsnyder/local settings/application data/adobe/reader 9.3/setup files/setup.exe info id: 32.372.03.2.20041 please send info id , file name "   i uninstalled 7, rebooted, dleeted adobe 7 folders, , have made sure there no acro processes running.   windows xp i don't know why this.  can try msi installer instead of exe - download here More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Thread: Remote Printing

i able print remotely. running 10.04 lts , have hp laserjet p1006 printer connected computer. have found number of references on net internet printing via ipp or http. , able print anywhere. sending print job via net home printer waiting me. printer marked shared. allowing printing on internet. yet if try print via ipp ip address of computer has printer connected it. unable print. can print locally 1 computer connected printer. 1) on computer try opening we-browser , type in code: ip_of_computer:631 note: pull-up cups server page. 2) click on "printers" 3) view name of printer in list. printer located at code: your_ip_address:631/printers/your_printer_name note: me, not print if use ip address alone. --------------------------------------------------->> if not have cups type in terminal: code: sudo apt-get install cups

ขอคำแนะนำ เรื่องเพิ่ม Catelogies Kunena หน่อยค่ะ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

มีเรื่องขอคำปรึกษาพี่ๆ ในบอร์ดหน่อยค่ะ 1 ตั้ง catelogies ไปได้อันเดียว เพิ่ม ฟอรั่มไรหมดแล้ว พอจะตั้ง catelogies เพิ่ม แต่เพิ่มฟอรั่มไม่ได้ค่ะ มันจะเด้งกลับไปหน้า คอนฟิก เหมือนเดิม ไปเซตค่าอะไรตรงไหนบ้างคะ เปลี่ยนไปอับเดตไฟฟ๊อคแล้ว ใช้ ไออีแล้ว ก็ทำไม่ได้อ่ะค่ะ 2 ตรง title เว็ปอ่ะค่ะ ไปเพิ่มใน home >>> parameter แล้วก็ไม่โชว์ ไปเพิ่มตรง global config ก็ไม่โชว์ ไม่รู้เพราะอะไรอ่ะค่ะ 3 เรื่อง atthatt ไฟล์ใน ฟอรั่มอีก ไปเซตค่านามสกุลเป็น พวก .jep.gif เพิ่ม แล้ว เวลาแอทแทคไฟล์เข้าไปมันโชว์ว่า ไฟล์นี้ไม่ได้รับอนุญาติ ประมาณนี้ คำถามเยอะหน่อยนะคะ หุหุ ขอบคุณล่วงหน้านะคะ พี่ๆ ใจดี Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Thai Forum

Highlight 3D PMI as a function in adobe reader?

hi!   i use catia v5 r18 , functional tolerancing & annotation 2 module create catparts include manufacturing information. means of distribution have looked using 3d-pdf functionality of adobe acrobat professional extended. transition catpart 3d-pdf easy use, , settings/configurations apparently transparent , easy use. there 1 function can't find. in catia can use geometry connection management make links between annotation , several geometries (eg. holes in 13 hole series). if apply this, linked geometry highlight if click on annotation. when view pdf file using adobe reader, function no longer available. click on annotation merely highlights annotation itself. there way configure 3d-pdf information form catpart regarding connected geometry included , viewable? as side note possible toggle highlight 3d pmi , view information if use adobe 3d reviewer open pdf file, indicating information stored in pdf, not viewable conventional reader.     tl;dr:   links between geometry , a

make a 'pulled up safety net' from a grid

hello, i found image i'd re-create in illustrator (i'm using cs4). here example it represents safetynet pulled @ top. tryed several exercises grid-tool... don't effect want. who can point me in right direction?   kind regards, eveline see pdf:   jet More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Can't nudge anchor points using subselect tool? (CS5)

hey. i've been experiencing intermittent issue in flash cs5 can't nudge using subselect tool. can, of time can't, , don't know why.   i can still click-and-drag points (or multiple points/paths), can't nudge them using keyboard.   any ideas? my guess item grouped , editing inside group? reason in case can't nudge points in manner.   break group apart , try again. sorry answer know. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: 32 or 64 bit?

i'm planning on installing ubuntu friend dual boot windows xp specs...... processor: amd athalon 64 3400+ @ 2.19 ghz ram: 384mb (seems low that's what's there) display adapter: ati radeon xpress 200 series hdd: 1 disk partitioned 3 ways: backup - 7.31 gb fat c:\ 29.99 gb ntfs 16.4 gb free d:\ (data) 111.24 gb ntfs 51.5 gb free plan shrink d:\ , make new partition put chosen os in , mount d:\ drive in fstab what's on there can shared between 2 oss. although it's 64 bit processor, there point installing 64 bit version little ram? tia g 32 better Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Ubuntu, Linux and OS Chat Recurring Discussions 32 or 64 bit? Ubuntu

Help me pick best extensions for new website. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone, new joomla! picking , liking how powerful can make website. wanted feedback on extensions should make website can purpose. it niche website have following rough idea for: 1. main landing page have blog/article type feel (this have stories , blogs concerning "widgets" other fans can comment on them, digg etc.) k2 this, if not think best? 2. "widget review", can review widgets own. (was thinking jreview) 3. vbulletin forum. now wanted way have comment + user review + vbulletin use same log-in, know if possible , how hard be? i wanted bring on main page show "latest review" , "latest posts" on right hand side. (i using fivepoint/unity template). any advice of extensions (etc.) best use appreciated (i don't mind spending few bucks). thank in advance. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Problem after installing Xubuntu desktop

my main desktop environment ubuntu 10.04. installed xubuntu-desktop through synaptic package manager , restarted pc xubuntu session. when right mouse click on desktop, getting ubuntu menu , not xubuntu menu when change desktop picture 1 of xubuntu choices, regular ubuntu choices. can xubuntu xubuntu desktop environment , not ubuntu desktop environment? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [xubuntu] Problem after installing Xubuntu desktop Ubuntu

Remove images at the bottom - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! newbie-question probably, wonder how remove green images @ bottom right @ page. see attached image... thanks! delete following lines in index.php located in directory \templates\ja_purity. code: select all     <a href="" target="_blank" title="<?php echo jtext::_("css validity");?>" style="text-decoration: none;">       <img src="<?php echo $tmptools->templateurl(); ?>/images/but-css.gif" border="none" alt="<?php echo jtext::_("css validity");?>" />       </a>       <a href="" target="_blank" title="<?php echo jtext::_("xhtml validity");?>" style="text-decoration: none;">       <img src="<?php echo $tmptools->templateurl(); ?>/images/but-xhtml10.gif" border="none" alt="<

Network Monitor and Arabic

hi guys, have problem network monitor, arabic characters display ???? in raw view of network monitor. there solution? thanks! hi,   what type of service (http,remote or webservice) using. if using remoteservice try sending data in utf8 format   please let know if solves problem.   regards, kishan More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

How do I set the value of a dynamic row text field

i have repeated row form contains button , multiple text fields.  there text field (input data field) further information want place in table , multiple buttons want read value of , set table.  apologize there multiple questions have , using pseudocode describe it.   top form looks like   inputfield   | buttonx1 | buttony1 | descriptionx1 (read text field) ... | buttonxn | buttony1 | descriptionxn   outputrow looks like   | buttonoutput | outputfield1 | outputfield2 | outputfield3 |   so do { outputtable.outputrow.addinstance(true)  //this works - else have questions on   outputtable.outputrow.outputfield1.rawvalue = descriptionx1.rawvalue /* question 1 how address location in each table set value   question 2 how value of description field in same table , row button   i effect of  outputtable.outputrow[??].outputfield1.rawvalue = this.parent.descriptionx   */   outputtable.outputrow.outputfield2 = inputfield.rawvalue /*   same question above - how specify dynamic row

return special characters from SOAP endpoint

hi there,   i looking best practice example on how return special characters in variable adding escape parameters.   for example if variable containing '\' or '<' or '>' soap interface fail return data value on html.   now if have high number of fields return hard add of them escape sequences. idea how make nice function, or there modified on lc es2 ?   thank you rgs dieter More discussions in LiveCycle APIs adobe

How do I promote an article to the Internet??? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i can create articles day long .. have spent last 2 hours trying figure out how publish them internet .. set hyperlinks new articles in bottom of 'bottom menu' .. don't know how publish articles internet .. give .. please . have joomla 1.5.14 joomgreen i'm not sure whether question have site on local server , you're asking how make appear on internet, or whether site on internet can't articles publish (display). if latter, when on create new article page or edit article page, there - "published: [] no [] yes" ..option above article edit area. also, in article manager there column "published" checkboxes. if check "yes" box, you're published, , since default, guess can assume asking first question. to put website on internet involves getting domain name; getting hosting server; setting dns pointers; installing joomla (or restoring files , database backup). you'll find instructions on

Thread: getting ready to install 10.10 - fstab

i trying ducks in row can install 10.10 it's released. i'm planning clean install, live cd, formatting root , /boot partitions in process, /home on different partition. however, has taken me time fstab how , don't want start again. not planning on changing location of of file systems. questions: best way preserve current fstab? possible / idea place /etc file system on different partition not destroyed during clean install? or doing cause possible problems during "clean install"? one of better ideas have heard create directory somewhere in /home. every time make changes configuration file, save copy of directory. way have copies of changes have made , can choose ones use again. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] getting ready to install 10.10 - fstab Ubuntu

Browser Issues, works on one not the other - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i having anoying problem joomla site working on , im stumped on how fix it. the website in question my problem using firefox website display , work using internet explorer aspects of site not work. for example... on why? page the page looks fine on both browsers using javascript popup function pictures when creating link user enlarge them. in firefox when click on them popup , work should no problem. however when using ie 8 ( havnt had chance test other versions ) happening instead of opening popup firefox open picture on new page... or open popup window , nothing appear ... or popup appears , picture appears should... its works , not others confusing me i can assume sort of compatibilty issue java script popup ability link function on joomla 1.5 editor , ie. using compatibility mode on ie nothing fix problem either. is there different way should doing or missing? im afraid open site in browser

Thread: Ubuntu keeps breaking my triple-boot

i have triple-boot configuration on new desktop: have 2gb /boot partition shared sabayon , fedora, 77gb sabayon partition, , 400gb lvm containing 200gb fedora partition , 200gb ubuntu partition. order of installation went sabayon fedora ubuntu. ubuntu detects fedora , adds appropriate kernel boot menu, there no sabayon (in ubuntu installer said detected sabayon gentoo-base system). got work once modifying grub.cfg include section backed sabayon bootloader while trying fix sabayon boot fedora. edit: basically, inserted menuentry sabayon manually. today ubuntu upgraded kernel , triple-boot once again broken. there way can fix triple-boot when ubuntu upgrades grub menu automatically includes sabayon well? attach grub.cfg both new ubuntu install , original sabayon install. attachments: -ubuntu's new generated grub.cfg -sabayon's old generated grub.cfg thank-you in advance offered. -kev717

How can I develop an auction based joomla site ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm looking build auction site has no connection ebay. i've asked question before , referred third party plug-in. however, connected ebay. want site totally independent. checked virtuemart see if had functionality, didn't. anyway, if has recommendations i'd surely appreciate tip. thanks you review extension joomlub ( ). component of reverse auctions joomla 1.5, it's bider have lowest , unic bid winner. however, commercial extension. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Securely deleting journaled files

this interesting conversation, think? there simple way incinerate files? commercials, old files, mistakes, etc.,? please leave semantics out of language. let's say, open or reopen used drive space , reuse in manner. want incinerate files absolutely not want or see no use. wit of open source should quite simple. understand ms versions of incinerate farces, including free , paid programs. there way erase files or spaces existed they're usable several times. luck, ~tr you posted in 2 year old thread. i've moved post it's own thread, things have changed quite bit since thread started. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security Securely deleting journaled files Ubuntu

Pixel Bender - Oil Paint Module Crashes Photoshop?? Any ideas?

i have downloaded , intstalled pixel bender pscs5. works except oil paint module. can't move sliders. every time use it, photoshop crashes!!! ideas??? thanks, joe hi, joe.   first, downloading plug-in. believe may have hit bug planning address shortly in update. i'd confirm suspicion, though, , ask if have been able re-create crash using other filters. 1 of issues addressing in our next release ui problem , not specific oil filter. if have crash log, i'd interested in checking stack, too.   let me know either way; if it's not issue i'm thinking of, i'd investigate problem.   thanks again, samantha More discussions in Pixel Bender Plug-in For Photoshop adobe

Can't Print in adobe!

i've tried adobe suggested ever since updated adobe can't print .pdf files.   please help!!   thank you! without knowing os, version of reader, printer , printer driver unlikely of help. when repost information please tell happens when try print. More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

FW CS4 slideshow problem

i'm learning how use fw.  i'd create slideshow opening page of webpages.  i'm following tutorial hit snag right out of gate.  i'm in win7 btw.   1.  command> create slideshow 2.  click "+" sign next albums 3.  choose image files include in slideshow (i "files process" dialogue "current open files" or "custom" choices . . . neither seems import images, or allow me choose folder images, or allow me choose individual image)   this hit snag -- appreciated!   pamelawriter you might find tutorial helpful. More discussions in Fireworks adobe

Thread: Wubi Migration to Partiton issuses

i have issue migration partition. used script , shell script wubi-move-to-partition, seemed go except there no entry new ubuntu partition in grub when computer started, have uninstalled wubi via windows. have ubuntu partition can't access can please me out? i've run bootinfoscript , here results, great because have put lot of work installation , hate have reinstall , start scratch code: boot info script 0.55 dated february 15th, 2010 ============================= boot info summary: ============================== => windows installed in mbr of /dev/sda sda1: _________________________________________________________________________ file system: ntfs boot sector type: windows xp boot sector info: no errors found in boot parameter block. operating system: windows xp boot files/dirs: /boot.ini /ntldr / /wubildr.mbr