Fontissue when Exporting to PDF CS5
commented on linked thread , advised start new tread.
when exporting pdf id cs5 have seen font displace , disappear.
have done tests since post on linked tread, , find out, using pdf/x_1a:2001 (pdf version 1.3), works fine. when use pdf version 1.4 , above fonts randomly dissappears. see first picture below.
ok, me going print, 1.3 loose hyperlink , bookmarks if used in other media.
have seen font displace when exporting pdf, (second picture) , in case there no way right options mentioned above. way came out right outline font...and ps - distiller worked fine.
i have found workarounds, trust export pdf in future way adobe advice use.
workaround 1. use pdf version 1.3
workaround 2.
in (application folder) adobe indesign cs5 - presets
make new folder - ppds
put (adpdf8.ppd or adpdf9.ppd) folder. (i had backup of these files, cant find them online...!?!?)
makes possible print ps indesign , use distiller.
mac - 10.6.x - id int. english
i believe mentioned in other thread these files not new creations in cs5. have seen new file?
also, if in fact legacy files of sort (or possibly conversions quark or pagemaker), have tried exporting .idml form cs5, or better, .inx version in created?
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