
Showing posts from May, 2013

Positions not displaying a module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

solved - read next post i trying welcome page on frontpage only, needs disappear after click different link on nav menu. have welcome writeup inserted user1 (milkyway template) stays @ top no matter link click on. have tried use user5 , setup user3 neither display k2_content module trying load there. except if put in ?tp=1 see writeup user5 position (the user3 pos shows dosent display writeup. im not sure im doing wrong, trying welcome write on main page, been @ days, cant see im doing wrong. any ideas why might see ?tp=1 or why user3 wont show modules. btw tried differetn modules in both positions same results. in extensions -> module manager, open custom html module made, , check applied home page (look near bottom on left side) can put pages, no pages, or select pages - make sure it's selected on 1 page. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Breadcumb (navigation) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello people, why breadcumb doesn't work in site? the way create pages was, section > categories > articles . that's way isn't? but breadcumb works @ section page: ex: ... 2&itemid=3 (produtos page) and inside of products page, have category , doesn't show, see below: ex: ... &itemid=15 (produtos > usinagem) what wrong? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Red Font Displays Badly Depending on Panel Background

i have panel background color #05c898, , have text control color #ff0000   the red text rendered badly , don't know how around this.   see screenshot issue.   bump... More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

InDesign: Hyperlinks funktionieren nicht

hallo zusammen!   ich habe in indesign ein dokument erstellt. dieses enthält hyperlinks, die urls und email-adressen als ziel haben. wenn ich das dokument jedoch als swf-datei exportiere, funktioniert kein einziger link. das vorhandensein eines links wird mir zwar durch die hand angezeigt, wenn man daraufzeigt. aber anklickbar ist gar nichts.   hat jemand 'ne idee, woran das liegen kann? sicherheitseinstellungen oder fehlende konfiguration für http und mail handler auf dem lokalen system bzw. blockierung im browser (aus für gründen auch immer).   mylenium More discussions in Deutsche Foren adobe

Thread: OpenOffice Graphical Weirdness (10.04)

i've been searching around can find no reference anywhere. instance of openoffice 3.2 in installation of lucid shows graphical weirdness in menus, labels, etc.. patches of colour come , go - black, totally obscuring text. text becomes struckthrough, letter , number characters become distorted. appears multiple characters stacked in same spot. components of suite affected. no other installed software on system shows problem. version of ooo ubuntu repositories. uninstalled ("complete removal") , reinstalled no change. has else seen this? are using 'dark' theme in ubuntu? ooo has lot of difficulties dark themes. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] OpenOffice Graphical Weirdness (10.04) Ubuntu

Subscriptions komponent - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg er igang med et medlemssite en patientforeningen, hvor man skal betale sit medlemskab og dermed få billigere priser vm og adgang til specifikke hjælpesider. umiddelbart passer cbsubs godt til dette, da der er cb og vm integration. men jeg kan ikke bruge epay nogen foreslag til andre komponenter, som kan dét? /martin hvorfor kan du ikke bruge epay? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.5 (Tidligere langtidssupporteret version indtil sep. 2012) Nethandel, betaling m.m.

Joomla menu suddenly got empty in backend - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, a few weeks ago went joomla backend make adjustments in menu manager top menu. reviewed , changed mind, pressed cancel, didn't make changes. tossed menu manager , top menu gone. at front-end links still there , functional in top menu navbar, since it's gone in backend can not make further changes/updates. i assume must still there, since works in frontend, tried recreating in backend again. problem might old top menu had unique name "top menu" space. can not seem recreate. when try type "top menu" in unique name filed , save, ignores space (which know stupid have there in first place) , unique name "topmenu" without space. think if create new menu same unique name old menu, should menu links in top menu? i appreciate this. perhaps idea of getting menu wrong, might require different approach. if know how workaround problem, please enlighten me. your appreciated! i've got same problem today. empty menu's in backend , working menu

Getting links into sidebars (modules) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo, on page , want have section links advertisement, polls , who's online are. for instance, below poll want put couple of links in writing eg. etc, etc. how do that, in module? thank you! riaan hello riff88, create new custom modules goto admin side of joomla, click extensions -> module manager-> click new button. select custom module there , open editor can give link list , place module in right position. thanks Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

500 error after installing new template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, i'm not newbie joomla i'm needing little push in right direction. installed new template (mynxx template rockettheme), set default, refreshed page , blank screen on firefox. when try access site using ie 7.0 shows 500 internal server error. i check .htaccess file (root dir) , file permissions on index file (root) , seems fine. did same template index file no avail. uninstalled template , it's modules every template returns same blank page/500 error. i've searched rockettheme forums , there no mention of anywhere i'm kind of @ loss. ideas? thanks nevermind, i'm dumba$$ Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: accessing localhost subdomain from the internet

greetings! relatively new ubuntu , linux in general... , have been playing website development on laptop @ home. have setup server serve web project working on , accessibly via subdomain on localhost (locally, obviously).. project inside folders within /var/www/ want make subdomain accessible internet share project other people.. have made relevant router changes , base php folder /var/www/ accessible web when visit ip. however, when attempt access 1 of subdomains (i.e. http://subdomain.myip ) have setup 'server not found' error in browser (firefox). see same error if attempt navigate project subfolder instead of subdomain.. i.e. http://myip/projectname . can point me in direction of how resolve this? i've looked in apache2 logs don't see helpful me. subdomains setup way of adding entries 'hosts' file , have created files in 'sites-available' folder each of projects/folders/subdomains. cheers p.s. i'm using standard

Thread: Wow ocassionally crashing

hello all, installed wow on ubuntu linux using easy guide on ubuntu forums. wow lock when first logging on. everytime occurs i'm forced restart computer. wondering if there way stop having restart when happens. try alt-tab / super-tab / ctrl-alt delete, , i've bound terminal ctrl-alt-end nothing seems able close wow, or switch out of it.... can provide me ideas ? hi! system configuration? have installed appropriate drivers video card? have tried disabling desktop effects? see login screen, there graphical garbage, corrupted textures, buttons? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Wine Wow ocassionally crashing Ubuntu

Download Acrobat Pro Hangs on Trial download

hello - first of all, i've added safe sites , disabled popup blockers. windows 7 ie8. i click on download trial of adobe pro , enter password on prompt. click download , spins ever , ever - ran night last night. i can't upload rtf image of screen image captured.  signin screen spinner never stops spinning. when run task manager kill job doesn't not "not responding" i'd appreciate this... michelle you can directly download installer . i did same , works. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Thread: Ubuntu Default workspace

hi there accidently deleted panel @ top of screen sytem, applications , on, when added panel back, had find shortcuts again, there way of reverting default workspace similar when first install , use ubuntu? in advance regards g the way know of finding gnome related configuration files in $home , deleting them. once that, restart, , new ones generated default settings. pick right 1 delete it'll regenerated, , keep other settings, don't know file responsible that. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Ubuntu Default workspace Ubuntu

Translucent Colour

please see picture below.   i'd make bg colour text partially translucent, allowing wall seen. many advice.   paul   how have coded see? div grey background or image or else? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Placing as an inline object...

hi     i need place inline element, repeating 2 times. can't find why? can 1 give suggestion on this...?   note: highlighted 1 having problem. "h1box" groupped library element. "rule" single element, element repeating 2 times.     function placeanchor(style, objname, objstyle){         var mydoc = app.documents[0];     var mylib = app.libraries[0];     app.findtextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing;     app.changetextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing;     app.findtextpreferences = null;     app.findtextpreferences.appliedparagraphstyle = style;       myfind = mydoc.findtext(true);     var mycount=0;     (i=0; i<myfind.length; i++)         {             mytext = mylib.assets.item (objname).placeasset (myfind[i].insertionpoints[0])[0];             mytext.appliedobjectstyle = objstyle;             mycount++;         } }   placeanchor ("bch_ha", "h1box", "h1"); placeanchor ("bchfa_tt", "bygrule", "rule");

Thread: connect several computers - home network

hello everybody, connect several computers. here have: -rooter comtrend hg536+ -laptop ubuntu 10.04 + vista -netbook ubuntu 10.04 - hp printer wifi -laptop windows xp computers conect internet wifi cards windows xp laptop can print using wifi, ubuntu one's have connect cable. them in network through wifi , able print. samba installed on both ubuntu computers cannot modify config file doesn't let me (i don't know how open in root) when share directories other computer doesn't see them. tutorial have found around complicated give e link easy one, step step configuration. thank in advance if samba installed may able access other machines. first printer access system > administration > printing. select add > network printer > windows printer via samba , browser printer. (provided doesn't auto populate.) network shares check places &g

Email capture help

i building style guide , 1 of features needs able capture email address updates on product.   what looking have user input email , have saved notation on product being requested. list or email sent address subject line being product name. assume i'll doing of in flash builder, i'm not sure need before (i have text input , submit button sorted, don't know tell them do). appreciated. the series entry point. building custom data entry form component   also see adobe flex in week content: - building data-driven flex application   best, tanya More discussions in Flash Catalyst adobe

Redirect to a specific topic based on topic references in application

life full of challenges...   i building online deployed orion version of microstrategy (mstr). we replace mstr our own specific applications have built.   we have customized out of box mstr gui , build replacement our own content. within gui, mstr has (?) links direct specific help. in versions prior newest orion (v9.x) - had 10 topics. this easy enough deal with, duplicated these topics , used starting point discuss functionality. now, in orion, have mutlitude of new topics , may unweildy find , replicate them all. additionally, have parsed out content 1 dialog window in 3-4 topics. not ideal how help.   i can list of htm topic file names , replicate them.   or   i hoping list these topics htm file name somewhere within project , redirect 1 topic.   is possible within robohelp project? i using robohelp x8 , building webhelp.   thanks --   michael f weart you can create blank topic, added inside head section:   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=path/file_nam

Text jumps to top in chat box

hello all,   1st time post forums please redirect if in wrong field.   after last update of flash, game play has chat screen , fills jumps straight 1st line of text. continue on typed next , continue auto-scroll down.   i have spoken user using win7 (not sure bit type) , browser chrome.   i using win7 64 bit , ie8, appears win7 common denominator.   i have xp pc choose not try update until came here 1st   thanks, matt flash not available 64 bit ie8. so guess not using it. and why dont try on other browsers mozilla firefox or chrome? this may browser problem too! More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

default template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm taking on managing website. previous person used html. strictly wysiwyg. i want change few things on default template don't know how access it. and, when do, how viewed & edited wysiwyg? thank you, toni unfortunately, if want customize template, template cannot changed through wysiwyg tool/utility. have edit files manually. please review following links know more templates.!_template!_modules Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

IE Results are not accurate?

i running mac, , have been trying test site on internet explorer versions. live url, , have never had problem before, on browser lab ie's (6,7, , 8) way want them to, when talked client uses pc says can't see major elements on page.   since not able re-create seeing, nor able see (if any) effect changes make on site in ie, can't anything. can't think of how unless guys aren't using ie, rather sort of emulator or something?? results seem accurate, having second thoughts.   can help? first, let me assure using ie, not emulator.   we've seen issues in past people see differences our renderings because they're running @ different screen resolution. of our shots taken in browsers sized 1024x768. possible client seeing because running @ different resolution?   can post url here take at?   thanks, mark More discussions in Adobe Story adobe

Publishing Probs to Connect Pro

i new captivate user mac os 10.6.4 , recent elearning suite2. have searched threads no joy question.   i created project in captivate , chose publish adobe acrobat connect pro metadata , clicked appropriate boxes in publishing preferences, such publish project files, zip project files , publish video files .flv   it appears connect pro not .cptx of captivate file.  know likes file 1 of following formats: *.ppt, *.pptx, *.flv, *.swf, *.pdf, *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.mp3, *.html, or *.zip.   any super!!   thanks again, ted More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Thread: Easy to use e-commerce software

i'm looking starting web shop digital items, , have been searching appropriate e-commerce software use. i've got domain can use started, php/mysql/etc, i'm sure job, software opt for? far i've seen oscommerce, open source , long tradition, though possibly bit dated now? batavi, building on oscommerce, more date seen comments it's difficult install virtuemart, runs part of joomla cms ubercart, plugin drupal magento, community edition open source, miss that's in paid versions? ...and few more. since takes quite bit of time know either of these enough know strengths , weaknesses, thought i'd ask pointers. i'd choice free , ideally open source, , if possible i'd rather avoid spending massive amount of time setting things up. on other hand, won't need massive amount of features basic solution should okay. background, know way around shell , can install , configure stuff confidence, though haven't done in way of

Design Mode vs Live Mode Issues.

perhaps can me this. i'm no expert when comes html know basics.   i'm creating html files using dreamweaver cs4, while document looks great in dreamweaver when design or split mode selected, when switch live mode changes, thigs move , colors change , can't seem them right in live mode.   can me this?   david trust live view - it's real browser.  design view approximation only.  if seeing things fly apart in live view, means code not good. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Sorry...

... what's deal necromancy rule closing threads? mean come here issue, maybe you're new(ish) user, , search (you should frikkin medal straight away) , go couple of threads search offers. right, immediate concern solve problem, not check date of postings, or thread. mooderator "witty" comment , binned thread. why tell people search in first place? please feel free move fred fridge/jail/whatever. figured people might have opinion. i never understood necro rule either, there should exception asking help. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Forum Feedback & Help Sorry... Ubuntu

Thread: Unable to connect to wired internet connection using Ubuntu

hello unable connect internet using wired connection. able use wired network yesterday. had problems flash player, had reinstall ubuntu again. able connect internet using wireless connection. need connect wired connection. using ubuntu 10. in ipv4 settings, automatically set dhcp, using which, earlier able connect. doesn't seem happening. can me this. connect cable , run code: sudo dhclient if not working pl post results of code: ifconfig -a Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Unable to connect to wired internet connection using Ubuntu Ubuntu

plain raw format -> DNG conversion

dear all,   would guide me regarding converting plain raw format file dng file?   <definition> 1. plain raw format file - file composed of bayer pixel array. example, 5m pixel raw file composed of sequential 2592 x 1920 pixels, each pixel represented 2byte value. file size 2592*1920*2 bytes. start pixel may 1 of gr or gb or r or b   2. tuning information file - files below may provided enhanced dng raw image processing - start pixel information: gr or gb or r or b - 4channel lens shading correction - noise profiling - white balance r/b channel gain - color correction matrix - gamma table   <what conversion guide?> 1. there available program or utility converting plain raw format file dng? 2. if not available, how can achieve conversion using available toolkit? 3. other idea?   thanks in advance. i don't think program exists that.   you can use dng sdk want:   sandy More discussions in Digital Negative (DNG)

Thread: unison run from cron fails

hey all, have unison set (using .unison/default.prf config file) sync directories on work computer home computer. if run unison commandline works expected: code: unison -batch -silent i set run crontab under user run each night @ 1am: code: # m h dom mon dow command 0 1 * * * /usr/bin/unison -batch -silent ...but seems fail each night... shown .unison/unison.log: code: fatal error: lost connection server fatal error: lost connection server fatal error: lost connection server each "fatal error..." line corrasponds each night cron attempted run unison. have idea going on here? hi, try redirecting output log file: code: 0 1 * * * /usr/bin/unison -batch -silent > /home/you/unisoncron.log 2>&1 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help

Thread: Afinando dicionarios lusofonía Ubuntu 10.04

veño de instalar hai uns días o ubuntu 10.04 en galego, e quería aproveitar para afinar o soporte lingüístico para noso mundo lusófono. alguén pode achegar algo destes temas: 1.- os dicionarios de galego rag/ilga estanme traballar, e responden á norma en vigor. o editar nesta mesma xanela "espazo" dáa como boa, mais non subliña "espacio" como incorrecta. 2.- para o portugués, despois de instalada esta lingua, vexo que cada unha das escollas locais (portugal e brasil) seguen ir pola súa banda, e por tanto non están actualizados ao acordo ortográfico internacional de 1990 (que entrou en vigor este ano). por exemplo, nesta mesma xanela, dependendo da escolla que faga de portugués (portugal ou brasil), sinálame "actos" como correcto en portugal e "atos" en brasil. no acordo é "atos". 3.- non fun quen de instalar ferramentas para o galego reintegracionista (agal). tiña os ficheiros pt_gz .aff e .dic manual

Thread: Huge Fonts/Toolbars in Ubuntu 8.04

hello, installed ubuntu 8.04 live cd. login screen fine, input font (when entering user , pass) huge. after login real problems start... can't because fonts , toolbars gigantic. i've tried accessing preferences , modifying font size it's impossible. know common problem i've searched forums , googled , can't seem find solution. thanks. don't know if help, might worth trying. right-click anywhere on desktop, , select "change desktop background". if resultant menu big use, know there ways move window, think holding down alt key , using arrows?? (i'll try up.) assuming can see it, select "fonts" tab. toward lower right "details" button. click that. near top left of window box specify dots per inch of screen. should number 96. screens big pixel size might use 72, small 1 can use 125. , on. can put number want in there. it'll ma

just installed joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

well ive installed joomal server website cms i have not played around yet full looks pretty straight forward hopefully wont have many questions here first...... can temple/theam cant see section in extensions link @ top. google "joomla templates" you'll find thousands of pages. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

copy to 'selected' portion only

i have image washed out sky.  have image of dynomite sky.  want copy sky of second image , impose on first selected portion of image.    i'm using b brundage pse 8 manual (great book, barb) haven't been able find directions on how this.   how copy selected portion of image?  i'd able move copy within selection before finalizing it.  also, if available, directions on in brundage manual?   thanks help. hi,   look in table of contents or index clipping mask . (i don't have book can't give specific page number.) More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

error after adding FlexBanner / VirtueMart Multiple Display - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

code: select all warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: filename cannot empty in /home/adsexchang/domains/ on line 19 fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: failed opening required '' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/adsexchang/domains/ on line 19 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

User Menu lost in migration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, have installed community builder , after following instructions it's become apparent user menu found under menu drop down has either not migrated across or, more likely, wasn't there in first place prior migration. there simple way of recreating menu? many information. i have managed recreate user menu creating new menu , assigning module specific position. there useful added user menu? @ moment have assigned community builder user profile option. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Fresh install, unable to boot

hello all, i'm totally new ubuntu / linux bare me little. i've done default install on ubuntu 10.04 64bit server edition on dell edge r300 server usb stick. seemed go fine , used grub write mbr. unfortunately when reboot machine gets through bios stage when tries boot hdd doesn nothing, cursor sits there blinking. assuming wrong setting in grub, totally unsure on how go changing them , might need changing to. appreciated simon do grub prompt @ all? or problem happen before that? try booting in again usb stick, downloading , running boot info script from: please post results.txt file here, either text file or surrounded [code] tags (highlight text, click # button on toolbar). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Fresh install, una

Media player reloaded when navigating to different pages - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have tried many mp3 players & have issue player reloads , song starts on if navigate new page. suggestions of how frame/modify newsflash or header not reload when naviates new page on site? you can see player i'm using specialhtml module in newsflash position: if click on main navigation @ top or of left column links play list reloads. trying play mp3's on site without reloading due page navigation. help/ideas appreciated. --andy check settings of used media player how avid reload on page change. of not described contact author leo Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: TINY N12 laptop: None of the hardware works

my friend has 8 year old tiny laptop, think n12 model judging labels on underside. has 64 bit cpu, tried install ubuntu 64 bit. live cd works treat, none of hardware works, except display, keyboard , mouse. don't have laptop hand, can tell lspci , lsusb list hardware, it's no drivers being used. cannot access hard drive nor dvd drive not listed in computer, filesystem is. i've not seen problem before, wrong? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] TINY N12 laptop: None of the hardware works Ubuntu

Customzie Login Module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey everybody, i want customize login module , remove border around module. have placed module in article , border doesn't fit design. any ideas how that? regards. hi, i not sure giving border. try - add module suffix, , remove border using css. code should - .login-yoursufix { border: none; } you can post link page, can have look. eli. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Passing category in menu links - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, the way site building designed, requires main menu item "active" if user on page in corresponding category. explain: there main menu @ top , corresponding left menu has section links, if user on of left nav links, corresponding main menu item needs active well. i have set content taxonomy in proper categories etc, idea send category parameter in each of links , tiny bit of php processing in each link see if categories match, if print "class='active'". i hoping in menu override, doable, or tehre better way? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Polish D&D Online (f2p) Portal, integr. forums + translation - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello! i'd present d&d online portal. it's pretty young, have 2 months now: it has integrated forums through jfusion , plust google translation - can @ least sense of what's written there . google transaltion isnt't perfect, if know better solutions - i'd use help. also, if explain me how make pics appear in pop-up flash-boxes ? need extension? suggest? i want pics open in nice looking flash window, instead of opening new tab in web browser. i've seen on every other joomla site, can't figure out how it. if you'd have other suggestions, they'll helpful. i'll need replace banner on top, that's know sure of yet. so again, here's link: thank comments, impressions , help! i'm still pretty "new" joomla. have tried looking @ joomla extensions page under ? i think want gallery plugin has lightbox feature. lightbox open pop window imag

My Download History is gone

when log adobe account download photoshop cs3 new computer, there no history.  says "you have no orders" , "you have no downloads."  have original email order number, serial key, etc. download purchase of cs3.  found input order number on adobe website, , showed cs3 purchase record.  when click on download link takes me same problem.  called customer service , said can't me because don't sell cs3 anymore.   thank help. hi,   i looked @ account information , appears have 2 user accounts same email address.  1 of them show cs3 order , able download order when login account used original purchase. i have escalated issue our production support team take @ 2 user accounts , resolve issue.  on team looking issue you.   after sort our happened , why have 2 user accounts, should able login adobe account , pull order details , go download.  i've asked them email when resolve account problem.   regards,   karen More discussions in Purchased Downloads a

Help making a Contact Form work.

hi need coding contact form.  have the website finished , need code contact form.  don't lnow when in flash builder.  , syggestions appreciated.   the website :   thanks is there no way without being coder? working on site , know going have same issue. More discussions in Flash Catalyst adobe

CF 9 Related grid columns: How update 2nd column from change in 1st column

i want update value in 1 dropdown column , display associated data in second dropdown column in cfgrid. for starters, want display current choices 2 columns database well as associated items second column in dropdown list.   since columns related, call cfc grid's bind in cfm file. function gets value of 1st column, then calls (through cfinvoke) function allowable items second column.   the second function return correct 2nd column values, but i can't display 2nd column's values in cfgridcolumn's values , valuesdisplay attributes in cfm file.   this gridcolumn code 2nd column: <cfgridcolumn name="labor_cat" header="labor category"             values="#valuelist(catnames.catname)#"               valuesdisplay="#valuelist(catnames.catname)#">   catnames returnvariable function cfinvoking second function.       here's 1st function:   <cffunction name="getftes" access="remote" returntype="struct&qu

Document library on CD for distribution using Director

i teacher trying create fun , engaging cd students in can distribute of documents/audio files/movies etc subject @ beginning of school year. rather put them onto cd/dvd boring finder/my documents cd wanted create interactive button , menu driven application. use dreamweaver , use web based application wondering if knew of tutorial take me start finish on (what believ a) relatively simple project.   thanks neil More discussions in Director Basics adobe

Blog-komponent sökes - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jag har sökt efter plugin för att ha en blog. de jag hittat har inte uppfyllt mina önskemål. detta är vad jag vill: - bloggen ska bara skrivas via backend. - man ska kunna använda bilder blogtexten samt även utube. - då bloggen blir längre än x inlägg så ska det läggas in en next-knapp eller motsvarande. - möjlighet att hoppa direkt till visst datum eller motsvarande vore önskvärt. - betygsättning - kommentar - den som kommenterar ska inte behöva logga in. däremot vill jag ha ett spamfilter (de små kryptiska teckenen man ska tyda och skriva av) Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Forum för Joomla! med långtidssupport Forum Joomla! 1.5 Komponenter, moduler och plugin