
Showing posts from April, 2012

Thread: disappearing paths problem

hi, installed ubuntu few days ago , 1 of first things did create shortcuts on desktop directories use "my documents" , "music". today links created "broken", , default partition shortcuts missing. after entered computer , clicked on each partition corresponding link appeared on desktop. problem or missing something? how did install ubuntu? separate os, in it's own partitions? or "inside" windows wubi? mention of "my computer" , "my documents" leads me think have wubi install... folder names don't appear on standard ubuntu install. next, how did create shortcuts (more correctly named "links" under linux)? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] disappearing paths problem Ubuntu

Moving local server from pc to laptop

i set website using pc few years ago.  have laptop pc , update website laptop rather pc.  need in order manage site new laptop? thanks huh?   are looking manage sites laptop using dreamweaver or talking having apache or iis running on laptop?   if doing moving website creation laptop , installing dreamweaver on it, here do:   deactivate license dreamweaver on pc. install dreamweaver on laptop. activate dreamweaver on laptop.   copy entire structure of websites manage (all files, folders , everything) laptop.   get work. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

JCE Editor has black workarea - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i finding difficulty in working using jce 154 editor. features good, admin section workarea black background makes difficult work. how change white. i attaching screenshot of editor visual. did read docu or search forum? the issue created , solved stylesheet apply. 1 of commented issues. why nobody bothered answer you. have @ docu. under configuration find option use templates css. if template has black background should create custom style sheet white background , let jce use 1 (also under configuration) cheers, edward Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Display resolution frustration solved by Fedora, why not Ubuntu?

i have bad news ubuntu fans. here's story: fed windows world, earlier year decided set linux on 1 of spare machines , try make work me. ubuntu seemed distro buzz, tried it, , tried hard make work, have given up. installation smoother , nicer remember red hat years ago, , -- until display came in 800x600 resolution (on 1280x1024 lcd monitor) , no better resolutions offered through monitors gui. worked on hours, googled everything, tried xrandr, tried editing xorg.conf in of arcana , folklore, trying determine monitor timings , junk that, , somehow coaxed monitor display in 1280x1024, stuff clipped off on both sides no amount of fiddling various settings fix. asked many people including knowledgeable , helpful people seemed speak for/from ubuntu , canonical, , told problem monitor reporting wrong edid (?) values. maybe so, windows handles aplomb. did try installing ubuntu using different monitor , helped, worn out trying solve should non-pro

Thread: QMC2 mame

hi, i've been struggling here.. i've installed qmc2 (m.a.m.e./m.e.s.s. catalog / launcher ii) website got .deb file. when try run missing error: **qmc2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory** can't figure out where/how find right package.. on "" appreciated -- i'm on lucid 32bit *bump* or mods maybe can please move general section it's not being noticed , has more apt-get.. ! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Gaming & Leisure QMC2 mame Ubuntu

Thread: Geeqie Custom Scripts

hello all, hoping can me. i'm trying write bash script run geeqie. created .desktop in geeqie , pointed @ script. .desktop file looks this: [desktop entry] version=1.0 type=application name=test # call helper script tryexec=/home/andrew/documents/systemsetup/programs/ exec=/home/andrew/documents/systemsetup/programs/ %f # desktop files usable in geeqie should marked this: categories=x-geeqie; onlyshowin=x-geeqie; # show in menu "test" x-geeqie-menu-path=editmenu # can made verbose # x-geeqie-verbose=true mimetype=image/jpeg; made both .desktop , .sh file executable. when save file , go main window in geeqie can't find link/launcher run script. ideas appreciated. cheers andrew i had same issue!! script appears good, place under ~/.local/share/applications/ , appear in edit menu of geeqie Forum The Ubuntu For

Thread: How do i get a webpage to send local telnet commands?

hello; trying make webpage when links pressed sends telnet commands, possible? page hosted on machine telnet commands sending to, nice have option connect machine if not difficult achieve. help, seem going no fast @ moment! andy i think best bet split web-application in two; client-part , server-part. server part generates html client (web-browser), while @ same time using standard socket programming send telnet commands whatever server/ip point to. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk How do i get a webpage to send local telnet commands? Ubuntu

Thread: VirtualBox OSE appliance exported will not boot correctly in VirtualBox 3.0

howdy all, trying export appliance virtualbox ose installed on 10.04, , import appliance onto virtualbox 3.0 on 9.04. able that, or not possible. have not been having luck googling anything, otherwise im not searching right words. exporting appliance hp mini netbook running 10.04, , importing appliance onto dell d630 running 9.04. appliance imports correclty, , virtualbox 3.0 recognizes options. when start virtual machine, can far screen forming set resolution vm. there no harddrive activity. have on screen solid cursor in top left hand corner. thank folks. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] VirtualBox OSE appliance exported will not boot correctly in VirtualBox 3.0 Ubuntu

Flowed subforms don't flow

hi again!     i've been trying fix problem myself couple of days(!!!), seems wil never succed... need again..   here piece of hierarchy... problem expanding fields cover fields below. have read similar discussions here , followed instructions. created subforms within subforms, set flowed, nothing happend. hope guys tell me i'm doing wrong, because don't know.   flowed subforms names flowed make clear, other set positioned. i really need you!!! any positioned subform expand needs within flowed subform, don't want have flowed subform within flowed subform. try unwrapping flowedtable1 , flowedtable2, long expandingtable1 , expandingtable2 positioned subforms should ok. More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

XML loading ISSUE

hi,   i unable load xml.   package {     import flash.display.sprite;     import;     import;     import;     import fl.transitions.easing.strong;     import flash.text.textformat;     import flash.text.textfield;     import flash.text.textfieldautosize;     import fl.transitions.tween;     import flash.filters.dropshadowfilter;         public class ps extends sprite     {         private var graphcontainer:sprite =  new sprite();         private var tween:tween;         private var tf:textformat = new textformat();         private const bar_spacing:int = 150;         private var nextbarpos:number;                         public function ps():void         {             // text format                         tf.color = "000099";             tf.size = 40;             tf.font = "century gothic";                         creategraphcontainer();             //createbars();         }                 private functi

Thread: Install Grub2 to Ubuntu root partition

hi. have grub2 in mbr, installed mac os x , decided want use chameleon instead (i know grub can boot os x, chameleon more, , besides that, grub booted os x 1 time, next time restarted said didn't find module or something.) chameleon doesn't recognize ubuntu, because doesn't have bootloader installed. so, have install grub ubuntu root's partition. identified partition mounted "/" "df" command. /dev/sda5. so, typed: code: sudo grub-install /dev/sda5 it returned: code: trying install grub partition instead of mbr. bad idea. /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: can't embed. grub can installed in configuration using block lists. however, block lists unreliable , use discouraged. /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: if want block lists, use --force. so got bit scared, , don't know do. decided ask help... can give me advice, please? thanks, jpcanaverde

Color Picker has the Button skin

hey guys,   i'm using color pickers in application. use mx buttons in places i've created css style these includes bitmap graphics well. problem color picker has skin of mx button though didnt define style anywhere. it looks weird definetely prefer default skin.   am missing here? depends on css, colorpicker control uses button in implementation. guess missed styling issue, there's reason moving (partially) spark library. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

pdf converting to xml in email attachment

hello   i've created simple .pdf file email submit button. when click email submit button, opens email box , pdf attached .xml extension, not pdf. want in pdf form. there way correct this? check image.   thanks srini         More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

How to display article teaser with thumbnail - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i new joomla (using 1.5) , trying figure out how display articles on front page thumb next them similar how looks on page "new articles" section. ... itemid=311 would appreciate pointing me in right direction. have worked out how display portion of articles using "read more" links - can't figure out how include thumbnails thanks paul this post bit old if interested in solution this, autoreadmore plugin may help. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Alert! root-disk does not exist. dropping to shell. initramfs

ok driving me mad . have wubi install of ubuntu 10.04 on ide hard drive(/dev/sdc1) on machine. when go boot goes above error message , can't find root-disk although defo there lol. if use recovery mode can text based log-in , run "startx" desktop. "quelle surprise", root-disk must there after all having done reading on this, common cause seems windows file system (ntfs) marked "dirty" .i have run chkdsk /r on drive in windows many times ... , seems ok. tried moving ubuntu folder , wubi.mbr , other config file onto drive, deleting partition , formatting /dev/sdc1 , moving moving wubi stuff thinking "dirty" washed snow white, no ...still same problem. there has answer somewhere, stumped. suggestions? ok ...bit of update. after wiping , reformatting disk containing wubi error on start has changed. : error: device not exist (string of numbers) error: cannot find

Newbie Question

i pdf files variety of sources , need copy name , address in order create address book.  have acrobat 9 , use word 2003.  how can copy info , paste word , able edit word if necessary.  i've tried know (which isn't much) accomplish simple task. thx if understand asking, want copy text body of pdf , paste word file.  if mean that, open pdf , put text mode clicking symbol in toolbar looks text cursor arrow beside (or perhaps uppercase h on side arrow beside it! ;-) )   then, able select text want , either right-click>copy or ctrl-c put text clipboard.  clipboard can paste wherever like. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Editor that searches joomla menus including external links - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there - apologies if i'm duplicating - had around - couldn't find on this. wondering if knows of joomla editor allows searching through menus? installed fck editor , noticed 'jlink' button enables quick search through articles. noticed jce editor allows navigate through specific menu items - have large amount of links need create 'quick (menu) search' functionality in editor handy right now. either subscribe jce , extended link manager, or try "linkr" Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Creating photo gallery shopping cart - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi...pretty new joomla , i'm looking create web shopping cart selling photos. i looking "rokquickcart"? would program photo shopping cart? how knowledge of php need able set up? thanks!!! i either virtuemart (e-commerce package supports downloaded purchases - perfect selling high-res photos. use combination of aec (account expiration control) , docman... shouldn't need php knowledge set up. (workflow-related) customizations... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5


hello friend,,,,i have problem, publishing project in fc, next paste main.sfw in dremweaver, next save main.html, server deploy-to-web page show ....   index of /       * cgi-bin/     * deploy-to-web/     * imagenes/   apache/2.2.11 (unix) mod_ssl/2.2.11 openssl/0.9.7a mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 frontpage/   please me try renaming main.html index.html   in case should work: main.html More discussions in Flash Catalyst adobe

كيف ستكون المقالات الانجليزية اذا كان الموقع عربي؟؟؟ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

الاخوه الكرام السلام عليكم عملت موقعي بالعربي مع جمله 15 ولكن هنالك بعض المقالات بالانجليزي فكيف لي ان اعمل المحاذات بالنسبة للمقالات الانجليزي من اليسار وليس من اليمين مثل المقالات العربية...ملف الاستايل العام بالتأكيد سيكون الكتابة من اليمين الى اليسار ولكن لا اريده لكل المقالات , بحيث لو كانت هنالك مقالات بالانجليزي فيجب ان تبدأ من اليسار وليس من اليمين... شكري الجزيل لكم مقدما حسين وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته يجب ان تقوم بذلك يدويا عند فتح صفحة جديدة وقبل اي شيء قم بوضع مؤشر الماوس ضمن الصفحة فتتنشط ايقونات المحرر اعلى الصفحة ثم اضغط على ايقونة align left ثم على أيقونة direction left right ثم اكتب مقالتك بالتوفيق Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Arabic Forum 1.5 !جوملا القوالب و التصميم

Thread: dlink 125 help needed

hey guys. i'm running ubuntu 10.4. i've got dlink 125 , i've done fresh install of os. need getting wireless thing work. i'm pretty new linux , don't have way connect desktop internet. did download drivers adapter link in thread , installed them best flash drive. still no joy. don't know else do. appreciated. i've looked @ other threads , none seem help. please asap. thanks. for every hour don't reply i'm killing puppy. lol... no really. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] dlink 125 help needed Ubuntu

Joomla Fish, niet alle menu items zijn twee talig. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik loop twee problemen tegen. 1:) niet alle menu items/componenten in mijn site zijn twee talig. de doelgroepen zijn niet het zelfde. daarom wil ik een aantal menu items niet in het vreemde taal vertonen. er een mogelijheid binnen joomla fish voor deze? 2:) ik heb aantal extern links aan mijn menu. echter target van deze links zijn niet aan te passen in joomla fish. ik kan de link label en menu alias aanpassen maar de link url niet? ik heb op google gezocht maar geen resultaat. alvast bedankt. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.5

Simple (hopefully) Linkage Problem

alright, i'm pretty muhc new as3 despite programming bit in as2 , java, , i'm having frustrating sort of problem.   package {     import flash.display.*;     import*;     import flash.utils.*;     import flash.utils.gettimer; public class game extends movieclip {     private var leftarrow:boolean=false;     private var uparrow:boolean=false;     private var rightarrow:boolean=false;     private var downarrow:boolean=false;     private var char:box = new box();     char.x = 100;     char.y = 100;     addchild(char);     }   }     on stage have movie clip named box of class box. instance name mybox. everytime (no matter how struggle) these 4 errors: line 14 1120: access of undefined property char. line 15 1120: access of undefined property char. line 16 1180: call possibly undefined method addchild. line 16 1120: access of undefined property char. oh , here's line 14      char.x = 100; line 15      char.y = 100; line 16      addchild(char);   strangely enough

Brush creates Noise in CS4

i can't life of me figure out why cannot soft edged brush without noise in ps cs 4. screenshot attached....   i'd that's because layer in dissolve mode...   andre More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

sketch some lines and record the developing line as animation

hello i working lot adobe first time flash. have been searching net past hours didnt find looking maybe guys can help.   what need small animation records pen movements make visible path. want sketch logo company , want the logo being drawn on spot presentation. all come make dot, next frame next dot next frame next dot , on. not crap doesnt seem brightest choice me... maybe thankfull.   joscha you can create array of drawing points while drawing , use array redraw object according points in array. use as3 drawing apis achieve this. end result can achieved using multiple different ways, 1 of ways using mask. sharing few samples net, might achieve same:   & More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Completely erased my entire file when trying to convert

i tried convert .rtf file morning, looked working when tried view file blank. went , tried open file in wordpad , completly blank. i'm kinda ticked off this. there way file back? it's there... it's blank. agriviated. hello there,   i'm sorry hear you're having trouble. unfortunately, i'm not sure understand process was: not change content of file during conversion pdf, , not think conversion server capable of deleting content. if wouldn't mind giving more detailed account of process went through convert .rtf file pdf, can figure out went wrong. said, not have erased material, there may else going on. thank patience!   kind regards, rebecca More discussions in Adobe PDF Pack (read only) adobe

1.5.15 Breadcrumbs - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

after upgrading 1.5.14 1.5.15, i'm getting following error message in breadcrumbs module: warning: cannot yet handle mbcs in html_entity_decode()! in /hsphere/local/home/root/ on line 209 any ideas? same error occurs in multiple templates. you using php 4. see ... _decode%22 for solution. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

K2 Read more link help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey there!! i've installed k2 component on joomla website. i've linked in main menu [home] itemlist/category. ok here problem, articles in homepage when click on read more button shows me full article in homepage! example. my read more link: ... 2&view=i.. . and have: ... 2&view=i.. . without homepage stuff! possible? thank you! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

warnings call time pass by reference... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

why getting these warnings , how solve them? i new joomla used yahoo site builder before different. warning: call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/content/35/5107635/html/sd/templates/rt_affinity_j15/rt_sectionrows.php on line 184 warning: call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/content/35/5107635/html/sd/templates/rt_affinity_j15/rt_sectionrows.php on line 266 warning: call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/content/35/5107635/html/sd/templates/rt_affinity_j15/rt_sectionrows.php on line 348 warning: call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/content/35/5107635/html/sd/templates/rt_affinity_j15/rt_sectionrows.php on line 429 warning: call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/content/35/5107635/html/sd/templates/rt_affinity_j15/rt_sectionrows.php on line 634 please help joomla version? php version? Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Si

Text editors hang on "loading template" - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when include text editor, whether wysiwyg or not, on form page, editing iframe comes covered "loading template" loader screen , hangs. has happened form components rsforms , breezingforms. haven't investigated further that. i've tried switching jce off, switching editors, disabling wysiwyg in components, same results. thanks. problem description: editors hang on \"loading template\" diagnostic information joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.14 stable [ wojmamni ama naiki ] 30-july-2009 23:00 gmt configuration.php: writable (mode: 755 ) | rg_emulation: n/a architecture/platform: linux 2.6.18-128.el5 ( x86_64) | web server: apache/2.2.14 (unix) mod_ssl/2.2.14 openssl/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 frontpage/ ( ) | php version: 5.2.11 php requirements: register_globals: disabled | magic_quotes_gpc: enabled | safe_mode: disabled | mysql support: yes | xml support: yes | zlib support: yes mbstring support

RH8 Single project not merging

i had migrate our projects new database (rh8.0.2/rsc3.1). noticed afterwards 1 out of seventeen or projects no longer merging. here i've checked:   i'm using standard layout format peter g., , seems correct there, project being generated , in right location. toc merge marker in "parent" project replaced. i verified synchronize table of contents checked in webhelp ssl both parent , child. i looked in parent.hhc file , project listed there, in proper location. i've compared settings projects being merged , can't see there.   i have feeling i'm missing rudimentary, i'm not sure what. you check out projects, generate , publish starting parent, output in each of mergedproject folders when generate , publish, when open parent 1 project not appear in toc , cannot accessed user via index or search. scenario?   see robohelp , authoring tips   @petergrainge More discussions in WebHelp adobe

Error Jfolder::create:could not create directory - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

am getting error message warning failed move file. jfolder::create:could not create directory unable create destination this happens when try install template. i other similar messges when other things. also main menu show on homepage go subpage menu in text in middle of page. not happening before. website it small site (4 pages) sell house, cant work. also text editor incomplete (only has few functions) know because have webpage has lot more. any appreciated thanks, ian. p.s. joomla 1.5.14 dukes wrote: warning failed move file. jfolder::create:could not create directory hi ian... try check permission file. faq: joomla! permissions overview : viewtopic.php?t=121470 review discussion : viewtopic.php?f=470&t=252418 and welcome joomla forum Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Performance - Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Millor configuració

hola! avui m'he dedicat fer neteja al pc, tant al núvol(comptes de correu, gdocs...). en el pc sóc un dels que té els dos sistemes instalats. w2 ubuntu. després de netejar el pc aconseguir molt més espai, pensat que vui fer un petit arreglo per evitar un problema que m'ha passat. quan estic al windows vui veure els arxius de imatges o videos o música no ho puc fer perqué els tinc lin. per solventar-ho ara mateix el que fet és moure tots els arxius la partició de w2 aixi els puc utilitzar des d eles 2 bandes... peeeeeeeero no m'agrada la idea de dependre d'aquella partició aixi que tinc una pregunta que fer-vos... quian configuració de discs recomanarieu per tenir la informacio? estava pensant en algo tipus: disc total: 150 gb w2: 40 gb dades: 60 gb ubuntu: 50 gb (descomptant swaps coses d'aquestes eh) que em'en dieu? amb quin format els posarieu? fat / fat / ext4? grácies!!!!!

Thread: mkinitramfs failure on upgrade

i know why happened, need know problems it's going cause , how can re-install / fix problem. have /tmp folder mounted -noexec ... when did recent update 10.04.1 lts server installation, got following errors: processing triggers initramfs-tools ... update-initramfs: generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-server /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 329: /tmp/mkinitramfs_h30dak/scripts/init-premount/lvm2: permission denied /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 329: /tmp/mkinitramfs_h30dak/scripts/init-top/all_generic_ide: permission denied /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 329: /tmp/mkinitramfs_h30dak/scripts/init-top/blacklist: permission denied /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 329: /tmp/mkinitramfs_h30dak/scripts/init-top/udev: permission denied /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 329: /tmp/mkinitramfs_h30dak/scripts/panic/console_setup: permission denied /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 329: /tmp/mkinitramfs_h30dak/scripts/init-bottom/udev: permission denied /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 329: /tmp/mkinitramfs_h30dak/scripts/local

Thread: 64 bit Desktop vs Laptop

think running lts, laptops right? anyways, wondering advantages of running desktop version considering on desktop. whats difference? , there way can install desktop version while still keeping files in tact, desktop configuration? posted jinba.ittai think running lts, laptops right? anyways, wondering advantages of running desktop version considering on desktop. whats difference? , there way can install desktop version while still keeping files in tact, desktop configuration? lts stands long term support every couple years release version provide longer support , more stable normal 6 month releases have latest , greatest bells , whistles may have more bugs. current version 10.04 latest stable release. if have normal gui desktop not blinking courser on desktop version. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community

Working on Menu's in Encore CS4

i have couple of sessions made in premiere pro cs4 , imported them 2 chapter marks @ beginning encore. once there need build menu this....? according on-line video made intro want powerpoint couple of text's coming in different places , pictures appearing @ different parts. want intro move 2nd intro similar things while song playing. 2nd intro have 2 chapter buttons appear link 2 sessions made , imported premiere pro. sounds simple, lost. made both intros in photoshop element 3 , tried layers , naming conventions, no see ability text move in powerpoint. when import menu encore cs4 separate layers appear on timeline edit them coming in during song @ certian parts in premiere cs4.   i hope isn't confusing, because very. please help. then want intro move 2nd intro similar things while song playing. you can't while audio plays continuously.  can try fake it, make 2 intros one, fade out/in , keep audio going.   make easier on yourself.  first project 1 sequence , 1 menu , no i

Flash 10.1 not working on selected webpages (all browsers)

i'll admit i'm @ wits end when comes problem. have done of logical , suggested methods try , fix it, no avail. don't recall when problem started, unfortunately, hasn't been problem.   first, basic specs.   hp pavilion d4600y windows xp-home edition firefox 3.6.8, ie 7.0, chrome 5.0.375 webroot spysweeper anti-virus   i run winpatrol, , ad-aware.   i have done clean uninstall , reinstall of both flash , shockwave, no avail.   i can't discern noticeable pattern between websites work, , ones don't. youtube, google video, megavideo work. espn , selected other sites don't.   the same sets of sites work , don't work in 3 browsers listed above, makes me think it's flash problem.   any appreciated.   cheers, cameron More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Thread: Using samba with an external HDD?

so have server running ubuntu 10.04 , have latest version of samba running on it. since server built old desktop, harddrive 160gb. tried use 500gb external usb drive on it, gets screwed along way. also, i'm trying make public on lan can use share files , printers family. if share folder on main hdd, works fine. can access both windows , mac , read/write fine. if create share using folder on usb drive, 1 of 2 messages windows. 1 tells me location i'm looking not spelled correctly (and is) , other 1 says don't have permission view folder (which do). mac says cannot connect. great. thanks! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Using samba with an external HDD? Ubuntu

How to install Extensions ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this first time using joomla i have installed correctly , , installed extension - virtuemart in have found modules , plug in folders, in each folder contains folders zip do upload zip directories or unzip , upload and on site default joomla page how can rid of can view shop/ecommerce/virtuemart ? thank you each of zip files within virtuemart archive can installed extension. add virtuemart menu item, , make "default" Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

entering domain to redirect to a subdirectory - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i not sure proper way is. htaccess should use this?? saw somethign explaining htaccess's redirect didn't know if included using domain name or how write in code...i wanted joomla stuff in separate subdirectory , not mixed these other folders dont understand, making backups more easy. not sure if htaccess used this. yes can .htaccess. think known 301 redirect. here tutorial how this: ... direct.htm . if dont find tutorial helpful there plenty of others if google "htaccess 301 redirect" becareful though reset rankings. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Linux Install Nvidia Gforce310m Driver for Asus K52 Laptop

hi all have laptop asus series k52 . , model k52jc . ubuntu installed on laptap .but when graphic drive installed. system restarting. after restarting black page displayed. problem? don't known .. went route . , download nvidia driver , , use guide , problem still not resolved code: again no answer . sad better use ubuntu genuine packages can find synaptic: boot recovery mode (hold "shift" key down @ end of bios process see grub menu, if hidden), edit boot line, remove "quiet splash" , add video=nv, boot terminal: sudo rm -f /etc/x11/xorg.conf synaptic: remove/purge (right click ) each installed nvidia packages, install: nvidia-current, nvidia-current-modaliases, nvidia-common, nvidia-settings reboot , check driver activation: system admin hardware driver (nvid

E-mail alert to a different groups when a new article... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello! i'm in search plugin, component or module joomla 1.5 notifies specific group (eg. special, registered, public) registered on site when have published new article specific group. there plugin, component or module available that? and, i've been reading how create customs user groups can't it. knows how create custom groups plugin, module or component? thank you!! well.. it's done!! (= i've created new users groups , new access level permissions. , it's working without problem. can make restricted areas easily. can send group mails, admin mails, author mails, etc. see ya! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

[SOLVED] Invalid URL - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have read through lot of beginners information on joomla's documentation site , using sitepoint's "beginning joomla" , missing something... front page shows template layout (i chose rocket theme's afterburner experiment little) , none of other pages shows template, text. what missing? also, thought switch rhuk_milkyway templage compare, , browser says have invalid url... , didn't receive message previously. help... little lost. _cindy site experimenting is: it looks me issue sef. did turn feature on in global config? if so, did rename htaccess.txt .htaccess? try switching sef off , see if fixes things. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

أبحث عن إضافة سلايدات - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

مرحباً: أبحث عن إضافة شاهدتها في عدة مواقع لجملة، وهي عبارة عن مجموعة من النصوص والصور تتحرك بشكل متتالٍ مع إمكانية التحكم فيها: ربما لم أستطع التعبير بشكل جيد عنها، وهذا مثال عنها في أعلى هذا الموقع: أرجو المساعدة، ولكم جزيل الشكر مراحب تفضل هنا: ... s-showcase بالتوفيق Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Arabic Forum 1.5 !جوملا الإضافات البرمجية

Thread: Windows DLL exploits unpatchable

Image reading ought make windows users cringe. cant patch dll exploit cause cripple applications. posted sdowney717 reading ought make windows users cringe. cant patch dll exploit cause cripple applications. nope, doesn't make me cringe @ all. forgot note it's software vendor issue (e.g., winrar, google earth , chrome, autocad, etc., vulnerable). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Windows DLL exploits unpatchable Ubuntu

Vst audio plugins

hello everybody,   to edit audiotracks, want use helpfull vst plugins, i'm used work in audiosoftware.   according adobe, thing have do, copy files (*.dll) plug-in directory. in case doesn't work.   i found pse 7 looking in subdirectory of vst-directory of audio-software. knowing that, started tot copy audioplugins particular directory. works fine,except few of plug-ins aren't visible in pse workspace, while placed in same directory visible others. strange thing of them surely loaded when start pse 7. can see in de pink start-up screen.   does have tip?   thanks, michel you don't version of program you're using, , vary bit version version. makes difference if you're using english version or 1 set language.   but in version 8 on computer, plug-ins load vst folder in plug-ins/en_us folder.   (though, of course, possible issue may not vst plug-ins compatible premiere elements!) More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

Thread: Unable to write to formatted drive

i formatted drive , reason unable write it. here happened. replaced internal 80gb drive bigger drive (189.00gb). launched clonezilla parted magic live cd , restored backup image of previous 80gb drive. after doing this, went gparted , noticed 189gb drive 80gb 115gb of unallocated space. did format unallocated space, , can't write it. enclosed screenshot. have been better off merging 80gb drive unallocated space (if makes sense or there else should doing? i'm pretty new detailed point form instructions best. in advance!! attached images storage.png (53.7 kb, 5 views) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Unable to write to formatted drive Ubuntu