
Showing posts from March, 2012

eCommerce and Social Networks (Mighty Extensions anyone?) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have reposted under extensions forum. thanks! my first post...!! i have built around 5 joomla sites far - have found straight forwards. looking build ecommerce site , separate social network site. 1. the ecommerce site sell around 200 products need shipping around uk , possibly globally. volume quite low. need solution designed joomla (so not zen cart etc). have narrowed down virtuemart , mighty commerce (part of mighty extensions portfolio - used joomsuite). is virtuemart bad people is? have seen great shops powered it? has latest release cured issues? have bought book on subject, , doesn't bad. has used might commerce? have looked everywhere review. easy configure? reliable? can compare virtuemart? 2. social network site, users going have own log books can use diaries, recording weather conditions, locations, review day , add pictures etc. able keep diary entries private, or publish friends. expect going need cck. i guess have 2 options - either use community builder , sobi 2


i cannot flash player install. same error message, can't register. administrator.  have followed trouble shooting tips 5 or 6 times, uninstall. reboot, internet settings med, reboot, download manual installer, reboot, reboot, shut down, name it, i've tried it. kids use online school, have have flash player. going nuts. help you have registry permission problem.  way overcome described in article More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

can I email a Dw site?

i need clarify something.   if create new site in dw , want share friend has dw in computer, is possible email friend complete site - images , all?   the thing can see can email html file. but if open html file not able see site looks like since don't have images , not in computer. able see -in design view- empty table, correct? , in code view of course they'll see code, correct?. even if have dw in system, won't able see site html page, correct?   iis there way email entire package, is, can preview site , see it as on browser?   thank you!!! assuming static (html) site , not dynamic (database driven) site, can zip entire local site folder , e-mail attachment.    use 7-zip this.   your friend need extract zipped contents view @ end.     nancy o. alt-web design & publishing web | graphics | print | media  specialists More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

No Joy: Still Crashing CS5 in spite of Adobe updates

well bob spoke soon.   yes updates got programs running, upon first simple task--copying graphic in ai , wanting paste photoshop smart object...boom...both crashed.   i feel i'm in 1991 iici , illustrator 5. frustrating $$$ spent.   now what??? please post issue ai , ps forum, there guess noticed crash related functionality of features in application. More discussions in Creative Suites Macintosh adobe

Flash player scroll button bug - FP 10,1,82,76

folks, i've run issue latest version of flash player.  can't seem find in knowledge base, apparently i'm not allone.  can adobe help? l=en you don't give info - none, actually.  issue: ? More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

What's happening on project start?

i've read several threads concerning or similar problems , i'm still confused.   basic observation everytime launch ppro cs5 , start existing project last step loading file assets of project in process takes annoyingly long time complete.  example project has 300 pure video files (m2v) , 20 audio files (wav) takes 8 minutes load these assets - each time start project anew.  judging progress note in lower left of window, virtually time spent on m2v video files, not audio.  see no evidence of video file conformation - preview file folder , encoded files folder empty , media cache has audio files (.pek) in it.  going on takes long , why go on each time reopen project?   particulars of system:        i7 930 2.8ghz quadcore hyperthreading        12gb of memory       windows 7 64-bit        nvidia quadro fx 4800 display processor        4 7200rpm 1tb drives os on one, cache folders on another, , project files on third   no networked storage, no reloation of files or folders during pr

Thread: Connected but not connected

help guys use bluetooth connect net. has worked before mn-applet shows connected not synaptic download parkages nor firefox connecting pages. need update desperately. bump coz desperate Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Connected but not connected Ubuntu

Problem with JA News - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've installed template on site uses ja news module display news on frontpage. when disable it, no article appears on frontpage, marked "frontpage". how can disable module , use joomla classic frontpage news? thanks. i'd know answer well. not want show latest articles every section/category.....and since module not allow customization...i'd prefer classic frontpage may pick , choose want displayed on frontpage. working on website library , ja news module holding me up. please explain how may overriden allow classic frontpage work. thanks ahead of time!! sarah Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: How to fix this apt-get error?

i'm trying install new, no matter try install errors. have tips? first run instance root@nagios:~# apt-get install nagios-plugins-standard reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done nagios-plugins-standard newest version. might want run `apt-get -f install' correct these: following packages have unmet dependencies: nagios-plugins-standard: depends: radiusclient1 not going installed e: unmet dependencies. try 'apt-get -f install' no packages (or specify solution). ok, try: root@nagios:~# apt-get -f install reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done correcting dependencies... done following packages installed: radiusclient1 following new packages installed: radiusclient1 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 remove , 82 not upgraded. 9 not

Windwos 7 und Premiere Pro

hallo, ich wollte fragen, welche versionen von premiere pro mit windows 7 funktionieren. wie sieht es mit treibern von recordern aus. ich arbeite mit dem ca. 10 jahre alten recorder von panasonic, panasonic digital video - geräte nr. nvdv10000ec. hat jemand erfahrung in dieser richtung bzw kann mir einen tip geben?   schöne grüße walter firewire für dv/ hdv ist in premiere eingebaut. sofern die steuerung das standardprotokoll verwendet, sollte das kein rroblem sein. der rest ist 'ne reine treiberfrage im betriebssystem. und für win 7 kommt eh nur cs4 oder cs5 in frage.   mylenium More discussions in Deutsche Foren adobe

Thread: Standards to manage linux hosts

hi all, i've been employed linux admin on around 100 linux desktop machines. wondering, there kind of standards manage huge amount of hosts. kind of document (e.g. book, lessons learned, ... etc). posted mba7eth i've been employed linux admin on around 100 linux desktop machines. wondering, there kind of standards manage huge amount of hosts. common sense. btw ... how did job? because imho if you're qualified shouldn't asking such questions .... wondering posted mba7eth kind of document (e.g. book, lessons learned, ... etc). hmmm ... think wise if tell more background , level of experience? total beginner? if yes won't last long on job ... on other hand if have unix admin skills helpful ...

Thread: pam-auth-update question

hi, running ubuntu server 10.04 file server , integrated active directory (ad users validate use samba shares same credentials). long time ago configured setup, went wrong pam , since everytime type sudo asks me password twice, every single time, tme consuming , annoying. having no other option leaved server until today fearing if changed users not able access shares or root unable login (you can kind of things if mess pam , dont know doing). read ubuntu has pam-auth-update utility simple tool configures files automaticaly. here questions: 1- have manually edited 3 files on pam.d directory, if remove them (obv have backup) , run pam-auth-update re-create files proper setup? 2-will users still able authenticate samba using active directory credentials? 3-if goes wrong, can put live cd in , copy backup files on /etc/the pam.d directory , have normal? in advance help/feedback can provide Forum Th

Thread: Generating intermediate files with kbuild

i'm doing development , require intermediate .i files. files used generated after preprocessor ran, gcc typically uses internal preprocessor i'm having issues generating them. i'm working gcc 3.4 , ubuntu 8.04 makefile. tried added --save-temps flag makeflags, , added -save-temps hostcc, gcc --save-temps run on every invocation. worked (.i , .s files generated) files in first level of directory hierarchy. example none generated c files in net/core. ideas appreciated. thanks. the -e flag of gcc generate .i files. can add cflags. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk Generating intermediate files with kbuild Ubuntu

Component for making profile - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm looking component 2 kind of different people can make profile, upload pictures, more information their-self, not dating system don't show online people and.... also disappear parts contact information , after online payment can see contact details. visitors can search specified questions. i think these abilities aren't in 1 component if it's true, please tell me them. thank you you can have @ community builder free , jomsocial not probably contains more social networking site features. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Lightroom - Edit Original In Photoshop - Serious Rendering Issue

it kinda bothers me seems no 1 else on entire internet has had problem...   this started happening when using lr2 , cs4 several months ago, , reason problem came me through lr3 , cs5... when try edit image in photoshop using original, weird whitenoise-like abberation color banding. if edit lightroom adjustments, there's no problems... hate having make intermediate step... lightroom isn't dealing multiple full-res versions of file is.   i , have been using up-to-date software, plugins, updates, etc. i'm on windows 7.   i have attached screenshot.   might hardware problem (overclocking, bad ram etc.) More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

addInstance help

i stumped why "add" button not work add row table. script correct. can send form take @ , possibly tell me going wrong?   thanks much, jenny before make sure saved form dynamic pdf. if still not work send livecycle   paul More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

Help needed in converting ArrayList to ArrayCollection

i converting arraylist (java) arraycollection of flex . please me in , dont know whether correct approach or not   i have created user vo actionscript class  on flex 2 properties uname , pass .   [bindable]                var result:arraycollection   private function displaydetails(event:resultevent):void { result = event.result arraycollection; } <mx:datagrid  dataprovider="{result}">                 <mx:columns>                     <mx:datagridcolumn headertext="username" datafield="uname"/>                     <mx:datagridcolumn headertext="password" datafield="pass"/>                                     </mx:columns>             </mx:datagrid>   this java dao file :             resultset rs = stmt.executequery("select name , pass users");             list = new arraylist();             while ( {                 user user = new user();                 user.setuname(rs.getstring(

Thread: What i7 core computer do you recommend with Ubuntu?

my next desktop/laptop computer i7 or amd equivalent. want know if of recommend specific model/make works out of box? in advance. i'm not sure if it's still sold anymore acer aspire 5534 works flawlessly ubuntu 10.04. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] What i7 core computer do you recommend with Ubuntu? Ubuntu

JoomGallery install problems - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

after whole day of searching found joomgallery whch seems have capability need site. however, after spent time configuring parameters wanted (and boy there plenty), tried test upload...and nothing. got error message , said file not uploaded. the component pulled file desktop should have file didn't upload. plus can't seem find way access "home page" gallery. can me out? thanks! -brett ok... 30 seconds after posted figured out how gallery home page going... , i've got categories organized , how want them. changed permissions of can view , post pics gallery (i thought might problem). whenever try upload image this: * warning! - failed move file. position: 1 1. busshelter.jpg filename bad, or unable copy uploaded image originals directory.: /home/onezerq9/public_html/components/com_joomgallery/img_originals/outdoor_advertising_29/busshelter_20091014_1063364033.jpg any ideas? anyone... anyone? Board index Joomla! Older Vers

CS2 Installation Problem

i installing cs2 on windows 2000 sp4 computer meets , exceeds minimum requirements installing , running cs2. have adobe photoshop 5.0 installed. after entering serial number , hitting next button during installation process, next message receive "the serial number entered indicates upgrading previous version of adobe photoshop. adobe photoshop 5.0 or later not found in default location. please select mthod validate ownership of adobe photoshop 5.0 or later." lists 3 options, option insert cd photoshop 5.0 on it, search harddrive it's installed on automatically, or browse directly location installed. have tried no success, 3 options. mention, started adobe photoshop 4.0, purchased upgrade cd adobe photoshop 5.0, , trying upgrade adobe creative suite 2, includes adobe photoshop cs2. other users on network have software installed not remember how installed remember wasn't easy. had harddrive fail , came needing reinstalled. , appreciated user unable job until it's fi

Vitual Mart - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi - again lol i have deceided brave , use virtual mart rather old zen cart - can point me in tho right direction of how start setting joomla template. i need know set joomla catagories or start using cart? is there blonde step step hanbook or something. waiting patiently lol cheers debs do have experience joomla? if no: documentation virtuemart: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: SSH Between Ubuntu and OS X

i trying use ssh between ubuntu box , macbook. i'm new ssh. able log ubuntu machine macbook fine command: ssh user@ipaddress messed around it, sent photo myself scp, looked through files, etc. when reverse process though, i'm not able access macbook ubuntu machine. tried ssh -v , seems "port 22" blocking me doing it. of course googled "open port 22 mac" find out how it, ended finding quite few discussions dangers of having port 22 open because it's first place people see if machine there, after they'll try guess pw using dict or etc. have 3 questions: 1. how open port 22 cl on mac? (if happens know) 2. should open it, or there way safely? 3. if it's concern open on mac, mean it's open on ubuntu box because can ssh it, , should close it? simply opening port 22 not far. have ssh client on mac , ssh ubuntu mac need ssh server. don't have mac, can't t

How to bake ambient occlusion?

i working on textures udk. told need bake in ambient occlusion want do. have ao map don't know put it. use alpha channel specular highlights. not sure how bake texture. assume done in photoshop. this tutorial might bit (or @ least going in right direction): More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: earphone plugged sound still coming from headphones

hi everybody; using ubuntu 10.04 , still couldnt find solution sound problem..i using msi computer, couldnt figure out model, if can me that, can give information too.. try running command in terminal 10.04 or later: code: ubuntu-bug audio reference ubuntu-bug audio link in sig. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] earphone plugged sound still coming from headphones Ubuntu

I.D. ing people in photos

i have photo of 50 people sitting at dinner , want insert numbers and names identify them, there way , how done--it not have in same photo there original , 1 name---help please in simplest case choose t (text) tool in tools panel, click on or under each person, type numbers/names.  text entered on 1 or more layers above image, , manipulate separately (e.g., moving after entering it, making text visible or invisible manipulating layer visibility, etc.).   hope helps.   -noel More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Creating link through text - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo! i want create link web page through text, instance want write: "you can visit site here ". , says "here" - if people click on direct them website. thank you! riaan no sweat... suppose have sentence in article shown below , when clicks on joomla! have taken joomla! site @ . i want go joomla! (a) open article edit in article editor. (b) type sentence want go joomla! (c) select word joomla! , click on image link (the icon has popup text insert/edit link) , window title insert/edit link popup. (d) in popup window, in field link url type url want - in our case (e) click on button insert. (e) save article. hope helps. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Template missing from menu pages - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm using joomla first time put basic site friend at: i have spent time putting template when click menu item template disappears. when revert default template , click shows server 500 message. be grateful insight. thanks, steve just found this.... working viewtopic.php?f=428&t=446752 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Please look at this website and help me - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this site has functioned page number 1 site on 4 years , on 1 october fell search engines. looked fine in firefox (now doesn't) , looks incomplete in ie , in safari shows duplicates. have re created frontpage on numerous ocassions yet still somehow corrupt. the code catlins accommodation - catlins area of coastal otago indeed natural wonder. <p><img src="images/falls2009.jpg" width="274" height="219" hspace="5" align="left"></p> <p>accommodation @ the catlins mclean falls motels , holiday park perfect place stay whilst explore catlins region of coastal otago, part of famous southern scenic route of new zealand. </p> <p>the newest, remote accommodation , catlins holiday park, country club feel, conveniently nestled @ epicenter of area referred forgotten coast. &lsquo;village-like&rsquo; atmosphere, hidden gem in middle of catlins provides perfect wilderness basecam

Problem installing form component & Chmod issue - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

need faster support 3rd party extension developer provides. reply tech support hello, this issue joomla!'s configuration, not rsform! pro. cannot install components current joomla! configuration. please make sure temp directory writable (usually it's folder named tmp in joomla! installation). if not set 777 using ftp program. another solution go global configuration - server , change temp folder /tmp (if hosted on unix server). also please make sure have permissions set 777 on components/, administrator/components well. after you've done can install rsform! pro , other component without issues. ------------------------------ funny, because in web server (my own server, not company's) didn't have install developers extension. i when try install * jfolder::create: not create directory * warning! failed move file. i went ahead , did forms extension install still gives me jfolder error message :/ you have ftp layer turned on in global configuration. t

Flash Catalyst CS5 interaction to URL preview problem

i'm incorporating flash (via flash catalyst) dreamweaver designed site.   on flash catalyst designed portion, have incorporated interactions including "go url" when buttons hit.   it seems interactions automatically assings " http:// " before page address.  unfortunate because site has not been launched yet , of html pages still local.   the result far not able test links prior launching site... missing ... or have live with???   thanks! yes.  gotourl interaction prefix http://   you test locally using http://localhost/   address files on computer.   tanya More discussions in Flash Catalyst adobe

password automatically reset site hacked! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my admin password changed hacker , homepage has words by kronickq // 1923turk-grup i using j1.5.14 mysql5 , php5 on server 2003. i looking @ files in website directory , saw file name kro.aspx, modified date same day website went down. i dont know if should post contents of file. @ the signature cobe zombie. i tried post assistant nothing happens php isn't executing how restore homepage? [if backup isn't available] j1.5.14 if answers: forum rules absolute beginner's guide joomla! <-- please read before posting, means you. security checklist forum post assistant - if serious wanting help, use tool post. right on top of forum Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Help with PDF Form Calculation

ok don't know if possible wanting clients enter income in "income" felid , "contribution" felid pre-populate how can have contributed...   if value less $31,920 equal $1000 – works if value more $61,920 equal $0 – works   if value between $31,920 , $61,920 apply following formula: 1000-(0.0333*(income-31920))   - stumped!   i have used following code works lesser / greater queries... when ask take value in box , use make calculation have no idea begin (or if possible) (as can tell) have made sort of code doesn’t work...   if (this.getfield("income").value<31920) {   event.value = 1000   } else {     if (this.getfield("income").value>61920) {     event.value = 0   } else {       event.value = 1000-(0.03333*((this.getfeild("income"))-31920))   } }   any takers? you close. try following calculated field's custom calculate script:   (function () {       // field value     var v = getfield("income").value;     

Limiting users to 1 digital signature

hello all,   using adobe acrobat 9 pro , adobe livecycle designer 8.   i have created several forms using livecycle designer 8 distributed internally.  add signature field , looked buying verisign signatures have been quoted $320 for, far pay.  forms internal use only, there way can limit user creating 1 id?   or if has other ideas on how provide secure digital signatures without price tag?   thanks in advance help. you can't prevent users creating more 1 digital id, there many tools\utilities available can used create digital id's (including acrobat)   you use "seed value" feature when creating signature field adobe designer.  can restrict certificates (digital id's) can used sign pdf (see attached signingcertificates.gif).  problem in case (when using self-signed certificates) would have identify each , every 1 of user's certificates in signature field configuration.   you might want setting own certificate server (there open source servers available), way

corregir grabacion de voz

hola amigos,  les cuento que soy nuevo en esto del home studio y adobe 3.  grabado una cancion pero quiero corregir errores. tengo 2 pistas,  en una la base con los instrumentos y la otra mi voz.  quiero corregir algunos detalles de afinacion que no me gustan.  grabe en una 3ra pista los detalles corregidos los inserte en la pista inical de mi voz ( corte y pegue),  pero al realizar la edicion me trae la pista original con lo errores.  como puedo reemplazar definitivamente los errores que cometi en la grabacion con las correccion3es que hice en la pista 3???.  gracias. More discussions in Foro en español adobe

Instalacija, problem sa bazom - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

sta da kucam u polja ne znam ime servera, pise mi u phpmyadmin "localhost'' li to? sta mi je korisnicko ime...probo sam da ukucam ono sa kojim idem na cpanel ono koje sam ukuco kad sam pravio bazu ali nista...ukucam pasvord koji sam dobio od provajdera u poslednje polje ime baze koju sam kreiro javlja mi gresku da ne moze da se poveze sa mysql bazom... pa lepo ti kaze localhost... korisnicko ime baze, ne joomle, lozinka baze, ime baze koju si napravio za joomlu kroz phpmyadmin... Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum Instalacija i početnička pitanja

Thread: Nvidia VDPAU PPA

i bit confused here regarding nvidia drivers. trying 2 things working under lucid. 1. mplayer/smplayer hd mkv files vdpau. 2. mythtv vdpau. have enabled nvidia ppa , x-swat ppa here first bit of confusion: there nvdia ppa , , nvidia-vdpau ppa, , x-swat ppa , claim have nvidia drivers. 1 has right ones? know current release 256 drivers why 3 repos claiming have nvidia drivers , have different debs listed? next, of how to's enable ppas , install drivers there lot of debs in each repo , there 3 repos. debs need install repo(s)? after download whatever debs, how know nvidia drivers installed correctly, , vdpau supported? installed bunch of debs repos looked relevant , set nvidia current drivers in lucid hardware drivers utility, enabled nvidia drivers x , rebooted, seems fine , output when running vdpauinfo command have no idea if installed right drivers, right sources, in right order. can shed light on how nvidia drivers/ppa installs s

Thread: newbie install problem

i made usb install , trying install on aspire 1 new hdd 500gig when boot following. can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow please i don't think can boot usb.... burn onto disc... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu newbie install problem Ubuntu

opensource e-commerce Multi-Vendor extension for joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, i trying build website local produce purchasing. familiar joomla , website development. wondering if there opensouce multi-vendor e-commence extensions. working multiple farmers need able upload there products , restaurants/ wholesale buyers able purchase. budget low or go through commercial product. i'm looking well, haven't found open source extensions, although have found paid multi version shopping cart. its bloody expensive though, keep looking freebie. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

What program am I looking for?

i new adobe , have worked photoshop, dreamweaver , flash. anyway, have couple projects working on require creation of cards. pretty simple concept, sheet of cards images , text. each card have different content (same background image, differnt text). far have not been able figure out program in cs can stuff well. of course create in photoshop doesnt seem right tool job.   can point me in right direction? feel lost in haystack!   i r noob. look @ indesign's data merge feature.   should make breeze.   followups should posted in indesign forum.   bob More discussions in Creative Suites Windows adobe

Components for computer to run CS4

i build computer run cs4   these parts considering:-   gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r intel x58 (socket 1366) ddr3 intel core i7 930 2.80ghz (bloomfield) (socket lga1366) corsair xms3 6gb (3x2gb) ddr3 10666c9 1333mhz triple channel western digital caviar blue 500gb sata-ii 16mb cache ocuk value geforce gtx 460 768mb gddr5 samsung spinpoint f3 1tb sata-ii 32mb cache ocz modxstream pro 700w silent sli certified modular power supply antec p183 super midi tower case   i prefer use xp pro (?)   i appreciate advice/comments , better alternatives.   thank you when comes time upgrade 64-bit edition of premiere pro (cs5 , beyond) want running 64-bit os such vista or windows 7, not 64-bit edition of xp because xp 64-bit doesn't support software , hardware. More discussions in Hardware Forum adobe

Thread: Windows Media Audio 8 Decoder - can no longer play wmas

hi guys, reason laptop has decided no longer play wmas. not entirely sure happened i'm sure used play them. when search plugin through rhythmbox comes nothing. thought, convert wmas mp3 - had done @ point anyway. after installing soundconverter can't read wma files either record, i've got installed: - gstreamer plugins - gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin - gstreamer plugins aac, xvid, mpeg2, faad - gstreamer plugins mms, wavpack, quicktime, musepack - ubuntu restricted extras i'm running ubuntu 10 (lucid) , system up-to-date (i.e. no automatic updates pending, installed). have advice? please? ps: vlc plays files alright, i'd play songs through proper music player and/or convert them mp3s... hi achtel, posted achtel ps: vlc plays files alright, i'd play songs through proper music player and/or convert them mp3s...

Problem selecting an Article when creating a Menu item - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm creating new menu option link article. i select "article layout" menu item type , after click on "select" under "parameters (basic)" popup window shows articles gets positioned on upper left corner i'm not able see entire popup. see rigth side of popup other part of screen hiden, goes out of screen!!! can solve that?? the same thing happens when try insert picture. browse or pupop window pics apperas @ upper left corner part of popup window goes out of screen , can't select anything. please!!.....i need help! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: Any good GUI-based backup software?

so dad had me build file server @ studio. old server mac running os x backup software called 'retrospect'. has 2 backup drives - 2 identical 2-terabyte external drives. each week brings in one, plugs server , @ scheduled time start backup. following week he'd bring in other drive , backup - swapping each week. if drive missing @ time of backup, restrospect display message saying needs drive backup. don't fact he's relying on himself or else plug in drives , backups, he's paranoid disaster occur in computer gets destroyed (maybe comet hitting studio... lol). anyway, i'm wondering - there sort of backup software out there linux gui can show current backup progress (if 1 occurring) , allow configure how backups can occur? can make window pop-up automatically using cron guess, after can closed in studio. i'm guessing maybe front end rsync good, haven't seen besides letting configure rsync. appreciated.

Joomla Newbie very basic question. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, a basic question. i've have wordpress site coping anxiety , panic attacks . know is: benefits of joomla on wordpress blog , there utilities migrate between two. thanks , feedback. hi, wordpress great blog tool can used website / cms. joomla great cms can used blog. if you're more of blogger, wordpress better. based on site structure, wordpress fine site. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5