
Showing posts from May, 2010

Novos Campos no registro de Usuário - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pessoal tem um problema sério inseri campos novos no registro de usuário na versão 1.5.9 funciona maravilha mas quando passo para versão 1.5.14 ele não funciona alguem já passou por isto? o arquivo que eu modifico /components/com_user/views/register/tmpl/default.php a modificação no arquivo code: select all <tr>    <td width="30%" height="40">       <label id="namemsg" for="name">          <?php echo jtext::_( 'nome completo' ); ?>:       </label>    </td>      <td>         <input type="text" name="name" id="name" size="40" value="<?php echo $this->user->get( 'name' );?>" class="inputbox required" maxlength="50" /> *      </td> </tr> <tr>    <td height="40">       <label id="usernamemsg" for="username">          <?php echo jtext::_( 'use

[JS][CS5] Storing a variable in the document label

hi. i need store id number of item document label.   i have tried: mylabelstring = new string(mydoc.allpageitems[n].id) mydoc.label=mylabelstring;   but got error result: error: invalid value set property 'label'. expected string, received function data.   i can add id number by:   mydoc.label="713"; but need variable.   i have seen posts using function 'insertlabel' passing value , key.  'key' in this?   any ideas?   cheers   roy   hey roy!   take here: it's article insert , extract label document.   -- tomaxxi More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

Preserve link redirects from 1.0 to 1.5 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys, i upgrading site 1.0 1.5 installation. it's heavy article site (1.0) , uses built in joomla sef url facility. these links have been used third party external sites, when change site on 1.5 , employ sef component encourage further traffic previous style /content/view/number links return 404's. how can preserve link structure generated 1.0 site 1.5 site. is there way cache links 1.0 site , have them redirect in htaccess file or there clever commands can adopt in htaccess file force these redirects new article links? any advice received. thank you. there backlinks plugin in joomla 1.5 suppose save old links, @ least assumption have found no documentation on time have looked. here plugin's description the backlink plugin provides support legacy joomla 1.0.x links. redirects old style urls , document links correct joomla 1.5 targets. if there option save backlinks during creation of 1.0 site dump file sure selected. Board index Joomla!

creating a submit button to fetch topic tile and other info and send an email

i required make feedback form have comments text box , submitt,i want submit button fetch topic title , comments , send email e-mail address given.i not able figure out how topic title.any suggestions? hi sonypix2008 , welcome rh forums. you may want check out this link should point need know.   the robocolum(n)   @robocolumn   colum mcandrew More discussions in RoboHelp adobe

Program won't open entirely.... VERY frustrated

no matter how try open program, never loads. have tried every "fix" can find on website, reinstalled softwa re, checked firewall settings, etc... no avail.   last time used program (about 2 months ago) didn't happen. using same computer little changes on system. please help!!! as says @ top of forum, we'll need more information before we'll able make specific recommendations.   how fast processor, how ram ahve , how free, defragmented space on hard drive?   what  operating system using? have manually gone windows  update , ensured have of latest updates (including the  optional ones)? have ensured have latest version of  quicktime   have gone premiere elements menu , selected check updates ensure have 8.01 patch? More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

Dynamic Stamps lost their Identity

yesterday morning working fine.  after doing latest update acrobat dynamic stamps used "reviewed john doe 8/25/10 8:06 am" "reviewed 8/25/10 8:06 am".  checked dynamic.pdf , still looks correct, checked idendity fields under edit - preferences - identity.  stuck happened. it may new restriction imposed update. javascript code in dynamic stamps use identity object, , may restricted. recall reading security update addressed social engineering concern. happens when add new stamp document? More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Contribute enters unwanted <p> </p>

i have created website in dreamweaver cs5 , edited client in contribute cs5, however, when test in contribute inserts <p> </p between banner , spry widget menu bar.   any solutions? can please provide url of page, in facing problem? More discussions in Site Design adobe

The following plug-in has crashed: Shockwave Flash

i receive error in chrome on websites   i running latest version of chrome   i have been unable find fix on adobe website   when working plug-in available - or there fix now?   thanks you give no information, difficult you... what operating system? what module has crashed? what shockwave player version? what flash player version? what chrome version? More discussions in Adobe Shockwave Player adobe

Location of ADE Books on a Nook??

i have of pieces , parts of ade , nook functioning can't find ade ebooks on nook  not showing up.  must have missed important step.  idea need nook sees ade books?   thanks   debby did copy book ade onto nook?  need plug nook computer , when do, "nook" show in left column of ade.  click on book want copy nook , drag on nook.   should able view book on nook.  if it's not barnes & noble book, you'll see under "my documents." More discussions in Adobe Digital Editions adobe

can joomla detect cnames? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have retail site set (, , there distributors want own site, can credit sales make. sites use exact same site original/existing site, except couple pages. i wondering if need re-load entire template new host, or can tell joomla use page 1 cname/subdomain , page subdomain. does make sense? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Timeline NOT Responding

hi all, reason, 1 of projects not working. can play it, move & down timeline. move clip or copy & paste clip, circle icon, 1 minute. stops, seems well. move clip again, same thing happens.   has run this? do have track targeted in timeline?   are moving clip location in video track?   does clip have muxed audio?   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Arquivos externo - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

boa noite! estou começando usar o joomla, e no meu site tenho um formulario onde existe uma função em javascript que chama um arquivo externo em php para realizar insert´s no banco de dados, porem não sei onde devo salvar este arquivo php? sera que alguem poderia me ajudar olá leomozart, seja bem vindo ao fórum. se você quer fazer algumas coisas mais complexas, que tal dar uma olhada na no docs e na api joomla? e quem sabe para começar você não lê esse tutorial para ficar mais por dentro: ... t_-_part_1 no joomlarj tem link para uma versão em português deste tutorial, talvez só não esteja atualizada Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Portuguese Forum Programação e desenvolvimento

Problem of menu link to wrong category blog layout - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have problem regarding have made (other)menu should show category blog layout. it works fine year, i've noticed of them begin have problem. when click on other menu, linked other category blog layout instead. for example>> other menu1 -submenu1 -submenu2 other menu2 -submenu3 -submenu4 -submenu5 when click on submenu5, shows list of articles belong submenu2 instead. i tried check , however, no luck. still link wrong one.. can advise how solve problem? thanks in advance. best regards, when edit menu items in backend, have correct category selected in parameters? if modify selected category, change on front end? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Keyword filtering problem in Smart Collections

all, i’m trying create smart collection based on keywords, unfortunately can’t seem work. criteria collection must contain keyword phrase “publish flicker & facebook” not “published image”. i’ve tried variations of following: match of fallowing rules keyword doesn’t contain = published image keyword contains = publish flickr & facebook   this should give me images want publish services have not been published of yet. if either of these separately work not filter. fyi i’m using beta 3 version. - ces try keyword contains =  flickr & facebook the use of publish , published may confuse. should find images containing both fickr , facebook not publish. if want flickr or facebook may need create separate entries. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Which version needed to read Panasonic DMC-FZ8 movie files?

i have panasonic dmc-fz8 digital camera bought 2 years ago produces quicktime mov m-jpeg movie files. have unopened copy of adobe premiere elements 1 don't instant expect able process files. know version might? thanks davy davy,   most users have found if add either morgan , or mainconcept mjpeg codec machine, editing mjpeg material works nicely.   also, possible panasonic ships version of mjpeg codec. might on utility disc, or might installed, driver, or utility camera. first there. codec installed in system, , many other programs can use it. see article more background.   most often, mjpeg inside avi "wrapper," seems yours inside mov "wrapper." see article more background on "wrappers."   if having proper mjpeg codec still not work, there faq entry (right of main page), step through converting mov files dv-avi editing natively in pre.   good luck,   hunt   ps - here faq on conversion prpro-wiki . More discussions in Premiere Elements a

Alphanumeric Comparator

i have implemented alphanumeric comparator running performance issues. wondering know existing alphanumeric comparator can use along advanceddatagrid... tried assigning sortcomparefunction = mycustomcompare every column being created. thats not happening.   i quite sure need assign function sortfield not able figure out control coming far have understood using existing comparator nice idea instead of implementing own...   nachiket what comparison function you've come with?  maybe can assist algorithm you're using since indicate might slow-down. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

PS won't open image from Bridge

if double click on psd file or select "open adobe photoshop cs5" in bridge, start photoshop sits there without opening file. i've checked file associations , looks good. seems know needs open photoshop photoshop doesn't seem know open file. running osx 10.6.4 on macpro 6gb ram, ps ver. 12.0.1. any appreciated. further clarification on problem: double-clicking on *.psd filename in finder starts photoshop cs5 not open file. i have ensured *.psd files opened "adobe photoshop" in mac spotlight utility. not sure if related photoshop not display preview images *.psd files in it's open->file dialog. bridge, on other hand, does.   so, problem not appear bridge. seems related photoshop or other configuration issue? More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Need a Better Event Component - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

okay, i'm @ loss. event components i've been trying commercial, pay them, realize don't should (rsevents! recently). and, seem have require form component registration frustrating, what's point of posting events if aren't supposed intend rsvp. i've used dt register lot of stuff like, rs events lot of stuff like. demo'd red events on website , looks horrible although states things i'm looking for. can point me component all, if not of these things? calendar view category (without having select category - works in dt register not rs events) or category view sorted closest date first (rs events supposed this, doesn't work) add outlook calendar (rs events has this) front end event posting (works charm on rs events) front end event posting w/custom rsvp fields. attendee list accessed on front end custom fields view on front end (rs events works won't see custom fields, ie., if want rsvp yes, lunch order, drink order, etc.) hello, rsevents has b

Can Language files do this? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have several users different countrys , thought nice if choose language in joomla see things in native tongue without going through poor quality translators (according them ) google. installing language files of joomla , components use enough accomplish this? have no clue how write custom languages joomlafish says do. hi, the core jooma! translations translate core strings 'search...' in search box , 'forget password' , stuff that. so if want have multilingual content (articles , on), can use automatic translator google, or translate , use component joom!fish manage content. regards, carolien Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Language - Joomla! 1.5

Adobe Flash Update deaktivieren

hallo,   wir arbeiten mit winxp-sp2 in einer domäne und vor ca. drei wochen habe ich den neuesten flash-player verteilt und inzwischen bekommen die user schon pop-up-meldungen, dass es bereits ein update gibt. dieses update lässt sich jedoch nur mit adminrechte installieren, diese jedoch kein user hat. ich habe inzwischen herausgefunden, dass es über den „einstellungs-manager“ ( ) lokal die möglichkeit gibt, dieses update abzustellen. ich möchte jedoch keine aufwändige doku alle verteilen und dieses update zentral abstellen.   wie kann ich das update zentral auf allen rechnern deaktivieren?   was mich auch noch stört ist, dass adobe schreibt: „ adobe hat keinen zugriff auf die einstellungen, die sie im einstellungsmanager sehen, oder etwa auf persönliche daten, die auf ihrem rechner gespeichert sind.“. wieso läuft dann alles über den hosting-server von adobe? s. meine antwort in http://forum

How do I configure which symbol to play upon release of a button?

i installed flash template has "read more" buttons.  see actionscript button is:   header 1 onclipevent (load) { num = 1; this.title2.num = 4;   // line frame number of symbol button links to this.title2.name1 = "more 04"; }   after experimenting, realize 3rd line controls page (ie/ frame number) button links to.  in above example, button link frame 4 of symbol.  in button same line reads:  this.title2.num = 5 , clicking button link frame 5 of symbol.     nowhere in above code shows symbol go - seems know go (it goes symbol called 'content movie y6').  question is, how know symbol link to?  i'd know in case want change link in future.   more info:  of these "read more" buttons have roll-over effect movie clip symbol called 'button_more'.  actionscript code button_more symbol is:   header 1 on (rollover) { if (<>6) {   _parent.gotoandplay("s1"); } } on (releaseoutside, rollout) { if (<>6) {

License delivered, screen stays black.

i've compiled sample player, have 'working' license server , packaging looks working well, playing scrambled content goes wrong.   1.       if using policy made createpolicywithoutputprotection, “nodigitalprotectionavail” error message in client, tomcat says : a.       2010-08-16 15:24:36.0300 info http-8080-1 com.adobe.flashaccess.refimpl.web.refimpllicensereqhandler.requests . response: license id:{30ba0f80-f885-3cbf-8546-1ab339e81834} policy id:{44fae9d2-3170-3797-b290-93665f8c398f} root license id:{null} license start date:{null} license end date:{null} license license caching end date:{null} license type:{leaf} 2.       if using normal policy authentication, player stays black, returns following , server throws policyevaluationexception: (error code: 306): authentication required.  fails @ : licensereq.generatelicense(desiredlicensetype); type leaf.             3. strange documention referrers tenant-configuration setup, while application still seems use oldfashioned

Botões - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

não sou programador, apenas um "atualizador" de um site joomla. não há muitos recursos de botões na galeria deste sistema. como devo proceder? É possível ter mais imagens de botões simples, como "entrar", por exemplo. grato. olá jorjao, seja bem vindo ao fórum. quanto à sua pergunta, realmente não ficou claro o que quer. se você quer uma resposta melhor, seria interessante tentar passar melhor sua idéia para que tenha uma resposta mais eficiente. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Portuguese Forum

WorldAds2™ Geo-targeted Ad Management file_get_content issue - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi tried install module worldads2 , got warning file_get_contents() function: warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: url file-access disabled in server configuration in /homepages/.../modules/mod_worldads2/tmpl/default.php on line 5 warning: file_get_contents( ) [function.file-get-contents]: failed open stream: no suitable wrapper found in /homepages/.../modules/mod_worldads2/tmpl/default.php on line 5 here how solved issue: replace following line in ../mod_worldads2/tmpl/default.php : $country = file_get_contents(''.$ip); by this: ---- $url = "$ip"; //initialize curl session $ch = curl_init(); //set curl return data instead of printing browser. curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, 1); //set url curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url, $url); //execute fetch $string = curl_

Roll-Overs for this Forum - Perfect for my needs

i noticed roll-over popup boxes in forum (when roll-over person's icon on left side) perfect application requires popups contain "hit are" of popup people can select links popup.  reaon popups great don't have close them - close on roll-out manner , need!   are done if flex?  can done in flex?  suggested popupmanager, i'm going next.  not sure if more neded - looks "magic" (magic = custom as3) might needed.   thanks, doug build custom pop-up based on titlewindow. can contain text, images, links, etc. can use fade-in effect. can style way want. this accomplished using popupmanager class. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: Samba Share Permissions

hi, trying setup samba connect nas drive, far have connecting normal users have read access, have done far code: mkdir /media/data fstab code: // /media/data smbfs username=username,password=password 0 0 i know putting username , password in fstab not best, start trying working. can need give normal users write access share? thanks, gavin, add parameters file_mode=0777 , dir_mode=0777 fstab line: code: // /media/data smbfs username=username,password=password,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Samba Share Permissions Ubuntu

Different export results Ai to DWG

hi,   i exporting house plan illustrator cs5 cad 2010 , circles becoming squares in cases. created test page in illustrator , created simple circle , exported cad same settings , opened lot smoother.   can offer advice why different? ai not support parametric arcs , circles, elemnts converted paths. if turn square, means part of compound path or other grouped set, preventing ai doing conversion correctly. ungrouping/  releasing compound paths should trick in mostr cases. if not possible, make heavy use of object --> path --> add points option subdivide. paths may still exported straight segments, if there enough, smooth enough cases.   mylenium More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Playing audio files etc... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i surely getting hang when comes joomla. site using play around , familiar various ways use joomla: you notice have mp3 player on left hand side. put in main page can increase width , height can see of contents. how do this? also, how can put 2 mp3 players side side on main web site ( ). click on in transition archives see mean. thanks!! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Editor won't open anymore

i have been having such hard time getting actions installed in pse8 on new desktop.  operating in windows 7.  when tried delete mediadatabase.db3 rebuild new 1 new actions, crashed, , not open @ all.  have no idea do!!!!  purchased pse8 online through adobe.  should uninstall , reinstall?  organizer opens fine.....   please help!!!!  try reset application preference file.   press , hold in ctrl + shift + alt keys launch editor. continue hold in these 3 keys...ctrl + shift + alt...until dialog comes on screen says "delete photoshop elements settings file?" after dialog comes up, can release 3 keys. click okay accept.   assuming opens, should leave alone 10 minutes mediadatabase.db3 file understand takes 10 minutes rebuild. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Thread: OpenGL broken after Update

hi all, after updating system 2.6.32-22 2.6.32-24 kernel image on ubuntu lucid 10.4, opengl broke down, every opengl program gives following error: code: x error of failed request: badrequest (invalid request code or no such operation) that quite usual problem after updating kernel, , until today, worked me reinstall up-to-date fglrx driver(i'm running ati hd 5870 graphics card) ati website. time, neither installing driver ati nor installing fglrx via apt-get did work. in fact, after installing fglrx, modprobe fglrx still cannot find module, system runs in low-graphics mode. update: now, made stage, normal graphics mode normal resolution run, super-poor graphics performance. have no idea did change, apart rebooting system gdm switched off. now, after research, found 1 interesting thing: in kern.log. during boot, these lines appear: code: aug 25 10:10:04 ustudiomachine kernel: [ 17.896416] p54pci 0000:06:08.0: pci int -> gsi 23 (level,

Acajoom News - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i don't know do. client unable send newsletter @ time , when says sends half list shown sent. no 1 ever receives newsletters, if on list of people sent to. spoke service rep last night 1.5 hours , followed directions gave me link, ... tkid,3677/ . proceeded contact host , said nothing wrong. i've tested e-mail through host , through joomla , have received both e-mails. acajoom sends me successful acajoom mailing report. have tested out sorts of e-mail address , nothing comes through except mailing report. i have tried uninstall , reinstall component cleaning out tables in sql database. nothing seems working. have website template. although component working @ first , it's not. i have tried install other newsletter components no success! please i'm begging solution. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

How to know what compression format is used for images in pdf file? (jpeg2000 issue with iPad)

i have pdf file images compressed in jpeg2000 format ipad doesn't support. used acrobat save pdf file using zip compression images , time using jpg compression. set in pdf optimizer screen. images in pdf not show in ipad.   i not sure if doing wrong. how know compression used images in pdf file? my work around " make compatible with…’ acrobat 4.0 " not support jpeg2000 compression. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Gjestebok - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hei!! er det noen som har et godt tips når det gjelder valg av gjestebok!! kravene er @ gjestbok-komponenten er: - enkel å installere og bruke. - mulighet å legge inn bilder. takk. foreslår som alltid @ man selv velger ut fra sine kriterier og ønsker: ... guest-book Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Norwegian Forum Eldre versjoner av Joomla! Joomla! 1.5 Komponenter/moduler/programutvidelser

some internet radio stations with http protocol and mp3 format not working in AIR 2.0

first, sorry bad english. when publish swf flash 10 player stations in list works. if publish them air 2.0 stations adress end ":xxxx", xxxx port number, cannot work. problem? in advance. perhaps,  in previous post wasn't clear enough, i'll try make better: using adobe flash cs5 , as3. wrote script listening internet radio stations. in station list named use http protocol , mp3 format, cause know limits of flash in audio streamings. if publish fla file in swf flash 10 player stations can listened.. if swf file made air 2.0 there's problem: stations adress <something> can listened, , without extension behind port number (:xxx) can not. main parts of script are: .......... startbutton.addeventlistener(, listen); req.url= "< adress >"; snd = new sound(); snd.load(req); ... private function listen(event:mouseevent):void { req =; } .......... example: adress =

Need help identifying fonts used in logo

my skills in vectoring minimal yet , given logo vector. feel @ bit of loss how begin it. of different text biggest hold-up. can identify of these font styles used? wonderful not have trace each one, guess that's option if can't find fonts? because there many outlines , shading in words, i'm not sure how might otherwise trace words. did try live trace tool logo seems doesn't work one. , "rainbow" backdrop behind word smooth, best use brush tool this? on how go vectoring logo appreciated. thanks!   you'll have little photoshop work simplify , straighten letters, once clean sample can upload   hope helps More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Webengine edit_field question

i trying use "edit_field" in webengine ui. default color  input black. want change different color and  supposedly "text_color" property supposed is  not me. have is:      f:row {                  fill_horizontal  = 1,                  spacing = f:label_spacing(),                  f:static_text  {                     place_horizontal = 0.15,                     title  = "test numeric input field",                     text_color =  lrcolor("light gray"),                  },                  f:edit_field   {                     place_horizontal = 0.95,                     value  = bind "metadata.grouptest.value",                     min = 1,                     max  = 100,                     precision = 0,                     width_in_digits  = 3,                     alignment = 'right',                     text_color  = lrcolor("light gray"),                  },               },   "text_color"  works in chang

Unique Table ID ?

dear all,   my rather simple question is, if table id in indesign document unique? or have concatenate other ids (i.e. textframe) real unique value?   thanks and best regards,   jochen. it is unique — it's impossible have 2 tables same id in 1 document.   kasyan More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

problem showing page clicking link after successfull instal - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i uploaded joomla on isp , installed joomla. no errors mentioned. after installation, removed installation folder requested, toke site offline finish it. when go site, displayes homepage, new template uploaded.the problem when click on link in menu. doesn't parse proper html , page requested isn't showing anyone idea what's going on? i'll put site online can see it. it's standard template example data showing url: any appreciated this problem has been fixed. there problem .htaccess file thanks help Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

ช่วยด้วยด่วนครับ ปัญหาประหลาด - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

เรียน ผู้รู้ทุกท่าน ผมเจอปัญหาติดขัดตรงที่สามารถ เปิดเพจ เพื่อสร้าง และแก้ไข content, section, category ได้ หลังจากกด new หรือ edit จะขึ้นตามภาพที่แนบมาด้วยน่ะครับ เพิ่งเกิดขึ้นได้ไม่นานครับ ก่อนหน้าสามารถสร้างและแก้ไขได้ปกติครับ รบกวนช่วยด้วยครับ ขอบคุณครับ ปล. ปิดการทำงานของ editor ทุกตัวแล้วครับ โหลดไฟล์ภาษามาจากไหน Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Thai Forum

Acrobat V9 Pro Export Problem nto MS Word

i have purchased acrobat v9 pro.  receive medical reports in acrobat v6.  open reports no problem.  need convert them to ms word can edit them print them.  select export select word document.  creates word file not convert in pdf file.  have list of 16 doctores in columns on top of pdf form.  not bring them on during conversion.  idea of try them converted?   thanks, michael smith are pdfs scans? pdfs not mean further editing. not workflow. editing and/or conversion word last gasp effort when nothing else works More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Thread: Cant boot into ubuntu or mint!

hi all, have no idea whats going on but, try install unbuntu on 80gb hdd , install goes fine reboot , boot windows ! grub boot loader doesnt load, go unistall via windows , says there error , boot bath cant found. tried installing os few days ago , partioned hdd 3 seperate 1 formatted ntfs , cant install linux o's! have done mbr on hdd? are installing ubuntu within windows (i.e. wubi version)? or ordinary dual boot install? if latter, there's point during installation grub asks, rather cryptically, whether want on mbr or partition. need on mbr. (mbr contains bootloader mini-operating system points machine right partition load rest of os. windows point windows, grub will, after first boot , update command, point oses on drives.) linux oses can run linux-formatted partitions. us, in practical terms, means ext3 or ext4, although there lots of others. ntfs , vfat windows formats, , hpfs mac form

Thread: Restore Grub after using fixmbr in windows

i need use fixmbr command fix windows installation. i'd restore grub former state after doing so. have searched how , since configuration differs slightly, i'd rather more specific instructions. right menu.lst looks like: code: title ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-21-generic root (hd0,2) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-21-generic root=uuid=0c5d1c9c-70bb-4f61-a0ad-7dc5e59d9713 ro quiet splash initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic quiet title ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-21-generic (recovery mode) root (hd0,2) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-21-generic root=uuid=0c5d1c9c-70bb-4f61-a0ad-7dc5e59d9713 ro single initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic title ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19-generic root (hd0,2) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic root=uuid=0c5d1c9c-70bb-4f61-a0ad-7dc5e59d9713 ro quiet splash initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic quiet title ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19-generic (recovery mode) root (

Security on Acrobat PRO 9 - What direction to take?

any pointing me in right direction appreciated. gladly own research choices , vendors seem endless.   i setting company intranet server windows 7  iis 7.5, php5 fast cgi, , mysql server css menu go pdf portfolio files used addition , revision logs manufacturing procedures etc.   with set up, bad or indifferent here do.   i set security @ file level on pdf's on server. there company manuals , procedures 1 can access. there files supervisors can access. record log of accessed supervisor files should generated. these files should updated type of batch process when superviors hired or leave. files use portfolio feature addition , revision log.   1) can buy add on features/utilites if necessary not monthly fees. perfect not suitable , over-priced. have 500 files , 20 supervisors, not 20 files , 500 readers.   2) generic 1 password files not much, access logs desired. certificates looked intended email recipients not user. please correct me if mistaken.   3) per

Thread: Ubuntu vs Windows 7

i started using ubuntu since version 6 (dapper drake), , experienced lot on it, had issues video card, wireless card etc... bad things ubuntu didn't support cards etc, working if tweak. after lost hair trying machine work ubuntu happy because had never experienced such great os, when installed compiz (omg)... use play games such cod etc.. , not thinking when available ubuntu, many other people had lost hope... when wanted play games had switch windows again (which xp), after long stopped using ubuntu use more windows, installed ubuntu v7, 8, 9... , played little bit, , found can have in ubuntu (if not everything)... okay had buy new computer while ago, came windows 7, , pissed thinking come vista that's is... after while no more interested in playing "heavy games" anymore, that's when decided comeback ubuntu, , 1 thing ask myself ( why didn't before? ) it's you're saying, 'oh thanks, i'm home again' have many more option