
Showing posts from September, 2015

how to get &format=raw working on a vanilla installation? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

in past have been able xml out of joomla adding url parameter &format=raw outlined here ... ouput.html however, not seem working on current version out of box. have raw xml output? i have experimented adding view.raw.php file no joy (i have not found documentation how this). can point me in right direction? how articles xml? ok- solution create view.raw.php ( by copying , renaming view.html.php ) handle raw format request Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Dreaded Reinstall

so need juggling partitions. need reinstall windows again wondering best way go around doing that? backed personal files want keep on windows partition don't need backing tools. plan wipe windows partition , reinstall it. question is, best way this? oh , not want wipe ubuntu partition, backed windows files wish keep. thanks! chapacha p.s. information on conflicts grub , stuff when wipe appreciated. if using grub2, see here: grub 2 if still using grub legacy, here: scroll down section entitled installing windows after ubuntu Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Dreaded Reinstall Ubuntu

Gavik Photoslide GK2: Not able to upload photos - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my first slide show works. i upgraded joomla 1.5.14. created new slide show, no images shown. i checked firebug , found images should go ... es/thumbm/ directory. however images go /components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/ directory. catalog permission says followings. 1. images/ unwritable 2 images/thumbm/ unwritable 3 images/thumbs/ unwritable 4 configuration/ unwritable 5 configuration/plugins/ unwritable 6 configuration/extensions/ unwritable i checked chomd ftp , 755. could tell me how fix please? thanks in advance. you'll have better luck on developers website, bug component , there 2 or 3 different reasons. seem remember 1 thing make sure php extension enabled on server. fixed problem hacking php files months ago have assumed had fixed bug. dm Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Upgrading motherboard and will install 10.04

i have older amd motherboard on 5 years old. plan replace board new board supporting intel i-7 chips. question have experience particular motherboards , support in linux, 10.04? looking @ major boards, gigabyte, asus, evga, msi, , intel. problems these boards? how support? appears @ least evga seems give personalized reply queries while others typical boilerplate. note there quite few versions of intel i-7 chips (looking @ newegg). intend work in graphics, video editing in particular , video hd, suspect need powerful chip. have no intention of game playing. observations here more knowledgeable intel chips. newegg pages on various i-7 variations not helpful. btw, installing new hard drive , 64bit ubuntu. probably, include windows xp few programs in windows need. any newer mb should support ubuntu. replaced mines (see sig) , had no issues. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Communit

Thread: Problems with bootcamp

ok im trying set linux bootcamp problem teling me need update software though have updated ive used disk utility repiar permissions hi, if wouldn't use bootcamp install ubuntu or other linux flavour on mac - have @ instructions posted dual/triple booting refit - simple set , works great. if have more questions feel free ask guide may not cover everything. if post mac , os x trying perform on (e.g. macbook pro 6,2). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Apple Hardware Users [other] Problems with bootcamp Ubuntu

Thread: Hide Partitions in BURG (bootloader)

greetings - have installed burg bootloader successfully. however, wish hide partitions showing up. have used fold command ('f'), , worked beautifully, there still 2 more wish hide. dell utility , windows xp embedded, believe dell media direct partition. wish hide... '/dev/sda1' '/dev/sda5' how achieve in burg? entries must make '/etc/default/burg'? have burg-manager (kind of startup-manager or bootup-manager), if helps... uploaded picture of burg imageshack. wish hide 2nd , 4th listed partitions. uploaded thank you, [::ap::] burg not bootloader, decorates grub bootloader. need edit menu.lst file. open terminal , this: code: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst now remove/comment menu entries don't show up. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community

Any chance of recovering Admin password - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

we have user changed admin password setup , naturally forgot it. there way recover out having complete new site , reload content?? you cannot recover it. but, reset it. review document more information. in case, if want create new administrator, review following document. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Is it possible to script a palette that interacts live with Illustrator?

i trying script palette window ineracts live illustrator document. have slider changes colors or moves objects in real time.   is possible? there samples of similar scripts have at?   thanks help. with scriptographe r  possible .   // values: var values = {     positionx: document.selecteditems[0].bounds.x }; // interface: var components = {      positionx: {           label: 'position x',           type: 'slider',           range: [-2000, 2000],           onchange: function(value) {                document.selecteditems[0].bounds.x=value;           }      } }; var palette = new palette('x move', components, values); More discussions in Illustrator Scripting adobe

multiple selection but delete single item

hi, please me find solution!! i have 2 listboxes. listbox description populated xml. when user selects multiple items @ same time description listbox, populated in listbox , removed description listbox. works fine.   but issue if user accidently selects 1 of multiple selected items @ same time wrong , want delete single items, doesnt work anymore.   i can not click on each single item.   i try find way how enable user populate multiple items @ same time , able delete each single item, should return description listbox.   i appreciate if me on this!!!   this sample:   thanks,   diana More discussions in LiveCycle Forms adobe

Exporting to AVI in Captivate 5

hello.  need able publish / export project avi in captivate 5, don't see option format.  available in cp4.   does know how publish avi?   thank you. hi there   the forums have search feature. plugged avi search , found thread answers question.   click here view   cheers... rick     helpful , handy links begin learning captivate 5 moments now! $29.95 captivate wish form/bug reporting form adobe certified captivate training sorcererstone blog captivate ebooks More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Thread: Motorola RAZR2 V9 Fails to Charge

topic says everything... pag sa windows ko sya sinasaksak, nagchacharge naman sya. kaso nung isaksak ko sa ubuntu 10.4, tumatalab naman (use modem , flash drive) pero di sya nagchacharge. nahahamper tuloy yung aking pagsusurf kasi ung battery consumption nya mataas. salamat! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Ubuntu LoCo Team Forums Asia and Oceania LoCo Teams Philippine Team Motorola RAZR2 V9 Fails to Charge Ubuntu

LR3.2RC - Bug Report: wrong date extracted for print and web

lr3.2rc shows wrong date when printing files shot between 0 , 2 am. example picture shot on july4th 2010 @ 1am shall printed , photoinfo "date" shall visible underneath picture appear 2010july3rd. this happens when using web-modul, not affect iptc-data in exported files such. maybe lr3.2rc subtracts local timeshift (here in germany 2 hours gmt @ moment). there seems no way add hours again. in lr3.0 works perfectly. can reproduce phenomen? what do, besides waiting final release?   thanks martin yes, i've got same problem, , have reported adobe ( ). think gmt date/time displayed, rather local date/time.   for web galleries, manually change date/time in various html pages created or in \resources\mediagroupdata\group.xml, that's hardly structural solution.   i've been experimenting bit slide shows, , default "exif metadata" template show correct time. template uses com.adobe.datetime instead of i

Template error in html.php file - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, i still new joomla . installed template fine have error. when on main menu in admin side of website following error: warning: parameter 4 jhtmlmenu::treerecurse() expected reference, value given in c:\xampp\htdocs\gatewayholdings\libraries\joomla\html\html.php on line 87 warning: array_slice() expects parameter 1 array, null given in c:\xampp\htdocs\gatewayholdings\administrator\components\com_menus\models\list.php on line 143 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in c:\xampp\htdocs\gatewayholdings\administrator\components\com_menus\models\list.php on line 147 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in c:\xampp\htdocs\gatewayholdings\administrator\components\com_menus\views\list\view.php on line 65 when click on frontpage manager, following error: warning: parameter 1 jhtmlgrid::access() expected reference, value given in c:\xampp\htdocs\gatewayholdings\libraries\joomla\html\html.php on line 87 warning: parameter 1 jhtmlgrid::checkedout() expected reference, value giv

How to create Action that adds torn edges to a screenshot

it awesome if create photoshop action automatically adds "torn edges" effect right , bottom margin of loaded image.   just in example:   your appreciated. knubbi wrote:   it awesome if create photoshop action automatically adds "torn edges" effect right , bottom margin of loaded image.   just in example:   your appreciated. that simple why don't try create action yourself. add shape layer has 2 "torn edges" top layer  , blend layers below.  record steps action. if have elements time upgrade photoshop fill requirements... More discussions in Photoshop Scripting adobe

Thread: Toshiba Satellite L505-S6946 wireless keeps dropping

hi toshiba laptop keeps having wireless drop every , then, shouldn't router fine , drop every often... posted jewfromdahood hi toshiba laptop keeps having wireless drop every , then, shouldn't router fine , drop every often... i've had problem, , resetting router fix it. i'm not sure causing it. how know router fine? have device can connect wireless access point when laptop can't? how working again? happen after resuming suspend/hibernate? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Toshiba Satellite L505-S6946 wireless keeps dropping Ubuntu

[Ask] JoomGallery - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

all, gw pake joomgallery untuk menampilkan gambar nah, klo udah di upload dan masuk ke dalam category kan tinggal di buat link dari manage menu. apakah bisa menggunakan 2 link berbeda untuk menampilkan category yang berbeda-beda? misal: home > gallery1 ----- ini untuk menampilkan gallery dengan category1,category2,category3 home > gallery2 ----- ini untuk menampilkan gallery dengan category4,category5,category6 apakah bisa menggunakan joomgallery untuk kasus seperti ini? jika tidak apakah ada solusi lain? thx. hi, gw lom pernah pake joomgallery.. gw pake pocha gallery nemu tutoriallnya disini ... -foto.html bisa bikin galery percategory.. nampilin galerry di frontpage, bahkan bisa masukin gallery ke dalem artikel juga.. far soo sih, boleh dicoba.. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Indonesian Forum Komponen

Extensions to rate articles - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, know of extensions - have looked in depth users - (im using community builder) can rate other users articles on "out of 10" basis?? i surprised isnt common extension..... many thanks! chris most rating systems based on "out of 5" basis since multiple of want, ought easy enough adjust. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: server installation asks for a second CD

i download serve cd, @ point, installation ask second cd, how rest of cds? think 4. there link available can download dvd? there 1 server cd. ubuntu 10.04.1 lts server 32-bit: download or ubuntu 10.04.1 lts server 64-bit: download Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] server installation asks for a second CD Ubuntu

Thread: Compositing issues

the compositing option set off default. when installed os though, used on default. checked kde's page , tried few commands they've put up, in vain. i've press alt+shift+f12 each time log in, make work. works fine; there no issues graphics card. want turn on default. hi, problem in kwinrc file. located at: /home/yourname/.kde/share/config/kwinrc these kde forum posts might of help. plasmoids mentioned might worth too. try going system settings -> desktop -> advanced -> disable functionality checks. might stop turning off compositing @ startup. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Compositing issues Ubuntu

Thread: Lost 2 GIGs of RAM After Uninstall of Wubi

like title says, uninstalled wubi 10.04 last night , noticed computer running extremely slowly. checked amount of ram , said had 1 gig wrong. have 3 gigs. idea on how can recover lost memory? i've tried searching google , haven't found promising.. also: i'm running windows 7 32-bit on sony vgn-cs190. appreciated! installing wubi should not change ram. bios see. have run memory checks? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [wubi] Lost 2 GIGs of RAM After Uninstall of Wubi Ubuntu

cannot recover 'file' please try opening it using the file menu

hello,   we have had issues document corruption in indesign, user morning received following error:   cannot recover 'filename.indd'. please try open unsing file menu. the file 'filename.indd' has been changed since adobe indesign last quit (error code: 11)   when user uses file menu open it works fine i have googled message not found information on it.   does know means or how resolve it? give clues why users having problems documents getting corrupted.   thanks, tom are several people working on these files? there issuein 7.0, listed fixed in 7.0.2 update, lock file files stored on network not recognized , 2 users opeing same file simultaneously.   this sounds user has had crash, might related, or not.  try installing update. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Thread: Live CD for 9.10 is too big!

i trying make live cd ubuntu 9.10 i386 burning contents of download disc, didn't fit on 700mb x12 cd-rw. i'm using old version mac parallels support it. doing wrong? thank you! sorry if i'm asking dumb question, burning contents directly disc, or burning entire .iso image onto disc? livecd work, must latter, not former. there should option in disc burning software allows burn images, not files, onto discs. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Live CD for 9.10 is too big! Ubuntu

Thread: install library

i'm setting autotools project, , in working, except library ( gets installed /usr/local/lib , program looks in /usr/lib. how install linking work automatically without manually creating symbolic link? heres code: lib_ltlibraries = plotincludedir = $(includedir)/plot plotinclude_headers = \ canvas.h \ plot.h libplot_la_sources = \ $(plotinclude_headers) \ canvas.c \ graph.c \ linkedlist.c \ plot.c \ skewt.c \ linkedlist.h \ common.h \ graph.h am_cflags = -wall \ `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags` libplot_la_ldflags = `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs` its more configure script $ ./configure --prefix=/usr right install locations in makefiles generated Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Packaging and Compiling Progra

Thread: Partitoning/Permanent links help

hi, have been linux user 2 years now, know how create shortcut links files , folders how partition system. problem this: have 30gb solid state drive , 1tb 5400rpm hard drive in laptop. want have /home partition on solid state configuration settings , things load lot quicker on hard drive, want hard drive automatically mounted , default music, videos, etc folders permanently linked corresponding folders on hard drive. want hard drive automatically mounted, ask me password allow access (so encrypted long alphanumeric password). best (most secure) encryption , how can ask password automatically? partitions set follows: /dev/sda = solid state , /dev/sdb = hard drive sda1 = / sda2 = swap sdb1 = /home in advance, appreciate community's Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Partitoning/Permanent links help Ubuntu

Help! Photoshop CS3 liscensing quit working!

ok have had cs3 design suite few years , have never had problems, past few months keep getting errors saying liscensing on product has quit working , need uninstall , reinstall fix it.  looked problem on internet , found article on adobe's site telling me fix flexnet issues , whatnot.  did told me , photoshop still wont launch, continues give me error!  uninstall program , reinstall , works fine 3-4 days starts on again...i @ end of rope here, cant work done cause photoshop down.  running windows vista, part of problem maybe?  appreciated, im not sure @ point if should new version of windows or new computer or what...something not right , cant keep doing portrait sessions without being able deliver proofs in timely manner! my problem photoshop , cs3 are  triplicating photographs each time launch , adobe seems continue to  give me excuse they working on problem of catalogues aware  of.....................  4 th month problem and  still have nothing resolved.   janisue rigel     

Show slide notes during presentation

hi, everyone!   i'm trying replicate of project created using presenter (to comfort higher ups change in software).  training working on has audio mentions fact can read slide notes in area next presentation (where table of contents is).   in presenter, skin allows tabbed dock, table of contents, notes, etc.  possible create in captivate? hello,   i tabbed dock in presenter too, , please if want similar in captivate, fill in wish form (link in main page of these cp-forums).   so understand not available in cp right start. toc (even better) way in presenter, because can build hierarchy (by grouping slides) , have ability show checkmarks completed slides. did not tell version of cp using, if cp5 can collapse groups (can expanded user) , add video toc (like in presenter). not possible have notes tab in same place. can add closed captions , show them in published movie. search feature (like in presenter) available if use toc.   hope helps, , please, fill in wish form, understand , su

Submit your own article question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm not sure understand aplication can use on site. don't have active right if allow post article on site can approve first. possible? can set place article on page purpose or articles automaticly go front page? info, sean if understand question correctly, asking joomla "as-is", not third party component, right? if so, answer not aware of way allow guests submit articles without third-party component, there simple work-around.. just create user named "guest" username "guest" , password of "password". give new user level of "author". have module informing visitors may submit articles logging in guest password "password". articles submitted not display until (or user publisher or admin status) choose "publish" article backend. whether article displays on front page or not , section / category displays in can set/changed admin or publisher before article displays. Board index

Insert main article URL into frontpage - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm developing plugin add retweet link top of every content item. plugins (ie, tweetme) grab url address bar (i think), retweeting article posted onto front page link frontpage rather article's main page. i want make plugin insert main article's url, whether person clicked retweet button main article or frontpage. how go doing this? if don't know, can refer me guides dealing how joomla generates frontpage can try figure more of out on own? thanks -sam hi sam, you can plugin. the url can create using article information. e.g. have tried contenthelperroute::getarticleroute() ? olaf Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

Problem with a News Module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

client on 1.0.15 ( know, old) website: i created module beneath "latest news" module. it's called "follow spirit" simple 3 button module links different websites. well, when did that, it's possible messed "latest news" module. but, i'm not sure how possible. when news item clicked on, article doesnt pull up. notice url change. ie, showing correct id in url. looking corresponding article, not fetching content. see title of article show in tab. i have tried un-publishing "follow spirit" module see if affecting it, still no dice. have created test articles see if problem 1 news article, still no go. i'm stumped. any help?! --thanks! still having tough time one. disabled seo safe search stuff in global config, didnt either.... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Workspace Layout in CS5

i have jumped ps 7.1 21st century cs5 extended, , there seem have been changes least. right get-go have problem workspace. when open file image placed in teh centre of screen whatever size. 8 x 10 image has gray space left of it, 5 x 7 has yet more space on left. in photography space instance ruler starts @ -1.5! in essentials starts @ -3.5, , image further right minus 3.5? needs negative space? meanwhile assorted preset panels(?), history, adjustments, actions etc. squished space right. opening of them results in part of image being obscured. why can't have image open hard against left edge, right beside tools, dare it, ps7? way there'd room open of panels without obscuring anything.   any enlightenment appreciated   david hi david, never fear - there's way there here.    if you'd rather see floating windows you're used to, rather "new" tabbed-view, there's preference that:   edit - preferences - interface , uncheck [ ] open documents tabs .   re

Corrupted TIFF in LR3.2

i did initial changes in lr edited in ps5 , again no problems @ all..  exported flickr image fine.  opened lr morning , tiff corrupted weird line of noise, if check in finder see tiff has indeed been currupted , lr has done dirty deed somewhere.  exported jpg carries line.  i'm glad shoot raw , can go that.   my fault doing client work in 3.2 guess..   however i'll bring attention. have many other tiffs in same shoot unaffected.  i'm hoping it's 1 off here image within lr3.2 if helps.   thanks s   can provide more info on file. is, contain layers, did export original retaining layers in exported file, lr set add exported file catalog (option in export dialog)? More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

checkbox in formItem

hi all, can display 10 check boxes in 2 rows in formitem? thanks in advance.   johnny <mx:formitem>     <mx:vbox>         <mx:hbox>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx1" label="checkbox 1"/>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx2" label="checkbox 2"/>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx3" label="checkbox 3"/>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx4" label="checkbox 4"/>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx5" label="checkbox 5"/>         </mx:hbox>         <mx:hbox>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx6" label="checkbox 6"/>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx7" label="checkbox 7"/>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx8" label="checkbox 8"/>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx9" label="checkbox 9"/>             <mx:checkbox id="chbx10" la

Can a Drop Down List (DDL) have a different functions ?

hello,   can ddl field 2 different functions depend user selection radio buttons? for example: 1)  if user select radio button allow user manually fill form new employee. in case, ddl allow user pick/select choice ddl list. 2)  if user select radio button b allow user automatically execute web service existing employee populate data form including ddl above since ddl same field above in #1.   please advise if possible , explain how can done.   thanks, han dao you can achieve both. code execute different functions should written in click event of radio buttons rather in dropdown events.   thanks srini More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

cannot update, reinstall, uninstall 9.3.3 in windows 7 pro 64 bit

acrobat reader 9.3.3 not complete update 9.3.4. complains not having permission key (error 1402). other forum posts , adobe knowledge base articles not supply solution. when try uninstall reader 9 completely, windows explorer crashes , restarts. when try install update manually, gives windows installer error 1719. when try reinstall 9.3.3, windows installer error. can install acrobat reader 8, when update 9, , apply updates 9, same errors before. search shows not person having problem. have solution? thank you. from of things looks windows installer files have become corrupted. microsoft has published steps deal same, , same can found at:   meanwhile, can please let me know, exact key receiving error 1402.may in further zeroing in on issue. More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Rocket Theme and My Module javascipt error conflict - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i developing site using rocket theme i designed own module , published in template on home page on top banner (rotating @ top of home page) it working fine shows javascript error in status bar of ie not good if change template there no javascript error i think there confliction in javasript files , rocket theme you can see live on site i have attached javascript files used in module can 1 me Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Anyone having difficulty with MultiAds? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, as of know, multiads popular adsense plugin right now, installed it, put ads code, didn't show ads on front page or under section blog view. anyone else faced this? the ads show when click on individual post link. else have been flawless plugin. cheers ps - ads on front page shows if html codes pasted onto 'before content ads' want appear on "content top ads" ok little worrying seeing no 1 replied this. i'm having same problem. i want ad appear @ start of each article (before text starts). unfortunately ads don't show when goto front page. help me ob1 kenobi Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

module that displays the current user's login group - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i looking module nothing display current user's login group. login group being: author editor publisher administrator registered or change mod_login displays current user's login group. have suggestions module or code changed required mod_login. your appreciated. you have edit modules/mod_login/tmpl/default.php at line 4 above <form> tag paste in this: <p><?php echo $user->usertype; ?></p> Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: convert ubuntu 32 bit to 64 bit

is possible convert ubuntu 32 bit 64 bit on existing installation. posted jamesbon is possible convert ubuntu 32 bit 64 bit on existing installation. no. must clean install. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] convert ubuntu 32 bit to 64 bit Ubuntu

ORM Question: Abstract Class

this simplification conceptual level, if like, can specify lot more details. in nut shell, have objecta contains objectb. objectb nothing more shell, containing 4 objects: objectc, objectd, objecte , objectf. objectb abstract class, others concrete, each corresponding table. if tell hibernate objectb non persistent, ignore , not create of it's children, persistent. cannot tell it persistent either, because cannot point table , column link. here more info: we cannot make design changes objects, because these reused in multiple applications. we considered using embedded attribute, work if objectb persistent, while others not. our case opposite.   so question is how handle non persistent object contains persistent objects   thanks More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

CS4 - Can't Get to Print Menue

when try print photo in ps sc4, following message: "before can preform printer task suah page setup or print document, need install printer."  same message using windows xp or windows 7.  able print week ago, thing.  tried resetting preferences no change.   is there has incountered type of issue before?  thanks i did check control panel, , printers installed.  i can print these printers fro other applications. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Metatag keywords - HELP! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i have new website up, web designer created it. gave me access own updates -i have had no experience joomla until now, , have been doing basic changes such updating verbiage. another webdesigner brought attention metatag keywords contain copy of metatag description. i want change immediately. webdesigner out of town , i'd change on own. can offer guidance on change this? thanks! jenny hi jenny for change metatag description, go admin site > global configuration for change metatag in spesific article, open article , can change metatag on parameter box (right of page) welcome joomla forum regards Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Video Player Joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pokusavam da nadjem video player gdje mogu da postavim live striming sa live tv na svoju web stranicu. trazio sam module na joomla webstranici ali nisam nasao nista sto meni licno odgovara, ustvari ako neko zna dami pomogne oko tog problema. -ja zelim da sa stranice naprimjer -embed- cod "<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="300" width="400" id="live_embed_player_flash" data="" bgcolor="#000000"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="allownetworking" value="all" /><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="channel=riky2&auto_play=false&start_vo

Production Premium - which platform? Mac or PC? (I own both)

as owner of both apple mac , windows 7 based pcs which, in opinion advantages , disadvantages of adobe products on either platform? i'm not looking mac vs pc discussion, instead more how same product runs on each, experiences.   my kit i've got april 2010 i7 mac book pro 17" running final cut studio.i got mac broaden skills in software development e.g. mac/iphone/ipad apps , run mac apps such final cut studio own. further develop web , graphics skills widen career opportunities , considering adobe premiere production upgrade.   i have desktop 1.8ghz core duo (64bit capable) windows 7 pc upgraded bits on ebay (runs nicely)   current thinking decision my current thinking windows , run , production in vmware or bootcamp on mac , on desktop pc. reasonings adobe license allows 2 installs provided me using @ 1 time on either machine. have convenience of having in 2 places, e.g. use mac other task while running production on pc , vice versa. don't intend buy mac on grounds of

Can I change background size for websites?

hallo,   i building website in flash , wondering if possible change background size each page of website build in flash?   i know how change template background etc. changed background size bigger size on page 3 , whole site that.   just wondering   thank you riaan yes can, depends on how site set-up. do you have separate swfs each page or entire s ite built 1 swf? in order have your pages different want to break swf separte parts ulimatly better anyways, allo ws increase seo can difficult flash site anyways , helps loading. anyways have pages size want them , when linking page page use geturl commands. and when put them html doc, focus on container style , make differ page page. hope helps. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

how to do integration of joomla username pw with other site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear all, i trying integrate user of joomla 1 more forum site have. simply want have 1 login joomla site , site ... means when login jooma , if click on external link of dat site should not ask me username password dat site should take integration of joomla user automatically can 1 tell me how , there extension available process quick great me n project.....pls mail me on sharad depending on forum application use, may able use jfusion extension. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: can anyone suggest me some books

hello friends new ubuntu. facing lot of problems in using ubuntu. of problems answered on forums, lot. of time don't understand doing exactly. dont know ubuntu. can please tell me name of books of notes or can on understanding linux thank hi, if interested in learning commands recommend getting: "ubuntu linux toolbox: 1000+ commands ubuntu , debian power users". title says advanced users, think written enough newer users too. here's 32 free downloadable pdf books through: (you don't have download them of course) here more: hope of these help. forum place learn things too. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] can anyone suggest me some bo

Thread: Hard Drive set up best pratices, how to, Vista & Ubuntu 9.10

hello all, have been running ubunto 9.10 , love it. orginally planning on using time time vmplayer , xp not sure if need dual boot @ all. have 400 gb hard drive want give more hd space ubuntu after doing searching read linux should not huge. going resize using gparted, put vista 50gb, leave ubuntu along @ 67 gb. how can make left on 275gb both used data? have hd set dual boot details below: disk /dev/sda: 400.1 gb, 400088457216 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 48641 cylinders units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes disk identifier: 0x7a2e9344 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sda1 1 605 4853760 27 unknown partition 1 not end on cylinder boundary. /dev/sda2 * 605 40125 317443136 7 hpfs/ntfs partition 2 not end on cylinder boundary. /dev/sda3 40125 48641 68410440 5 extended partition 3 not end on cylinder boundary. /dev/sda5