
Showing posts from August, 2015 not working - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've uploaded extracted files ftp directory on streamline site hosted , built using sitewizard (which think correct thing do) when type start remote host installation, 404 error. what missing, doing wrong or not doing means things aren't connecting up? first off, need know default ftp folder name is. it's public_html or www, etc. that's ftp files (after extracting them onto local drive). if have done , put them folder named /public_html/joomla/ (or whatever), should able browse , start setup , configuration process. if you've done above , getting 404, then, well...i use ftp program , have ensure there index.php file in /joomla/ folder. if it's there, shouldn't getting 404, unless website not setup handle php or .htaccess file has done extension revamping. most hosting servers joomla friendly offer automatic joomla installs totally hassle free. Board index

Migrate Contents from Joomla 1.5 to 1.5 Site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi.. we have joomla 1.5 site , has around 5000 articles. now need move 5000 articles our new joomla 1.5 site, has 17000 articles.. all need is, transfer 5000 new site. whats best possible way ? we stuck use phpmyadmin make sql dump of content table proper settings append articles target table. i google "phpmyadmin tutorials" more specific guidance. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Centering background header image - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

in short, i'm working this, . need top background image centered. i've tried "usual" way, here how css now: code: select all h1.logo {    display: block;         background: url(../images/random/rotate.php) no-repeat;    background-position: center;         width: 800px;    height: 175px;    z-index: 100; } i've tried many variations placement of "background-position", including putting after url in same line, , can't figure out. thoughts? edit:to change url. despite centering problem, site live. looks me have header image hard coded in template: here's output code , overrule <div id="ja-header" class="clearfix" style="background: url<!--( ... eader2.jpg )--> no-repeat top right;"> Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

nesting and text 'tremble'

hi,   i trying work on project , using trial version of cs5. have general questions | need with.   basiucally trying create video segments moving faster 'real time'. have done far spliced clips, added text, , images.   (1) have many segments blur out part of clips, therefore | have items in video 1 4 lines. have noticed can't make speed of clips items in video 1 4 move faster 100%. thinking of nesting sequence , trying move faster. wanted ask if should render teh clips before nest - or if doesn't matter when render (just before completing project).   (2) have created text images using powerpoint. slides created in powerpoint, , saved in *.png format. have imported files cs5 , included them images. chose way it's faster include text relative using titler. have noticed when clip playing , gets slide looks parts of text trembling. did have scale images frame size. wondering if there way fix tremble. scaling or because it's saved png?   thanks help.   k did right-

I need some how to info that I cannot find on AS3 CS5

how make a dynamically created tlftextfield editable or impossible??? please specific , give example, if possible. not sure mean, think want:     import fl.text.tlftextfield;   var tlf:tlftextfield=new tlftextfield();   tlf.border=true; tlf.x=100; tlf.y=100; tlf.width=200 tlf.height=15 tlf.text="hello world" tlf.type=textfieldtype.input   addchild(tlf);     the border, x, , y properties being set make easier see. think part need type property. check out in files. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Cannot see my module on two pages? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have slight issue cannot seem figure out. have website, , has java module supposed run across top of pages. installed artforms , created form , published on web reason top module not show on either page. if click on "enroll now" box under seal taken page has "request information" link , can see 2 pages without module? have tried create menu items, create categories , sections no avail? why can not module show on these 2 pages? must simple fix, don't seem getting it? thanks open mod , @ menu list on bottom left - ensure either marked off - or if have select marked off - page marked off using ctrl-click Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Dynamically change PopUpButton's popup width?

anyone know how solve problem when open popupbutton's popup, can dynamically make width larger opening width.  have attached example code slider bound width of popup , if play it, notice can drag width smaller cannot drag width larger original popup width.  limitation of flex or bug of popupbutton?   thanks advice or workarounds can offer...   have attached code below.    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:application layout="vertical"                 backgroundcolor="white" verticalalign="middle"                 xmlns:mx="">     <mx:popupbutton id="mypopupbutton"                     label="open">         <mx:popup>             <mx:canvas id="canvaspopup"                        width="{slider.value}" height="150"                        horizontalscrollpolicy="off"                        backgroundco

Exported Fireworks rollover won't work in DW???

for reason, whenever export  fireworks rollover, , place in dreamweaver, doesn't work. the  image shows fine, , slices recognized (tested by  adding links few of rollovers), rollovers don't  execute. image stays same. i've been looking on a  solution this. closest thing can come the  javascript isn't executing reason. don't see call js  in code.   can  please me out this? way, navigation bar  i'm trying work part of fireworks/dw demo. i've never had  problem doing before, don't know why problem now.   this link file doesn't work:   the direct link .htm file works fine, though. don't it.     there's problem loading pages.  might caused tilde (~) in folder name.   for best results, use graphics apps make , optimize images only.  use dw build menu rollover css or scripted behaviors.  option use spry vertical or horizontal menus com

xml installation manifest questions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying modify xml installation manifest file, not sure how things done , research has come no information. below languages, files , administration tags found following: code: select all   <modules>       <module module="mod_lastitems" title="last items" position='left' order="0" client="site">          <files folder="modules/mod_lastitems">             <folder>tmpl</folder>             <file>helper.php</file>             <file>index.html</file>             <file>mod_lastitems.php</file>             <file>mod_lastitems.xml</file>             <file>en-gb.mod_lastitems.ini</file>             <file>nl-nl.mod_lastitems.ini</file>          </files>          <languages/>          <media />       </module>    </modules> i add module language file here, , clear can done not sure how. above this, found <

Go to renumbered page via OLE

hello,   we created pdf document uses customized page numbers; i.e., author used "number pages" feature in acrobat pro add meaningful page numbers pages such reader of document can jump page typing either logical page number (1, 2, 3, etc.) or "printed" page number (v, vii, m-1, etc.) in page number field.  question is: there way programmatically go page number referencing "printed" page number instead of logical page number using ole?  openinwindowex() method allows pass in page number open document to, must integer (long, technically), don't see way pass in value of "vii", instance.   thanks in advance help!   stephen i don't believe there ole-based api that. More discussions in Acrobat SDK adobe

photoshop CS2

hallo,   sinds vrijdag start photoshop cs2 niet meer op op mijn mac osx 10.4.11 er niets veranderd hierop (ook geen updates)   als ik in logs kijk lijkt dit probleem met library te zijn   iemand die me kan helpen ?   logs :   **********   host name:      ibergmans-g5 date/time:      2010-08-23 14:28:02.207 +0200 os version:     10.4.11 (build 8s165) report version: 4   command: adobe photoshop cs2 path:    /applications/adobe photoshop cs2/adobe photoshop photoshop cs2 parent:  windowserver [64]   version: 9.0.2 (9.0.2x312 [20060822.902x312 02:00:00 cutoff]9.0.2x311) (9.0.2)   pid:    144 thread: unknown   link (dyld) error:   library not loaded: @executable_path/../frameworks/adobecooltype.framework/versions/a/adobecooltype   referenced from: /applications/adobe photoshop cs2/adobe photoshop photoshop cs2   reason: no suitable image found.  did find: /applications/adobe photoshop cs2/adobe photoshop

Importing paused video shot into Photoshop instead of creating a still image within Premiere Pro ?

i used ''capture'' video shots premiere, know how stop on still image , save image..but : there way ''import'' image (while video cam connected via firewire, paused on specific frame) without going through laborious process ?   i use canon hv30 (minidv). yes have used sd card , created pictures instead... there frames within video shots pictures.  best (and/or easiest) way ?   thanks   rob More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Moved hosting servers, getting AJAX error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys so moving servers, have done built in function joomla pack reinstall joomla on new server. db restore screen , message when click next: ajax error: parsererror(undefined) i not have configuration.php file, last 1 did same thing, restore file used on last hosting server. help? thanks! edit: seems files missing. when extract, many files said "corrupt". why this? <br /> <b>warning</b>: fopen(/usr/home/jace/domains/ [<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed open stream: no such file or directory in <b>/usr/home/jace/domains/</b> on line <b>105</b><br /> <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot; standalone=&quot;yes&quot;?> <restoredata> <error><![cdata[could not open database dump file joomla.sql]]></erro

Delete or Remove a form field in a PDF

i'm accessing form via jsobject with  vb. can field names jsobject.getfields("fieldname") , change values, want remove fields in document , haven't been able find in documentation this. there removefield or deletefield function or other way accomplish this?   thanks. use method removefield. details in acrobat javascript api reference. More discussions in Acrobat SDK adobe

Odd greyscale behavior when drop-shadow is applied.

i have file 4 images in it. 1 rgb , 3 greyscale jpeg images. fine.   now, when put drop-shadow effect on images, rgb image looks expected; but, greyscale images lighter before.   i exported pdf of 2 pages (i made duplicate 1 page has shadow , 1 not) pdf-x/1a profile. of greyscale images lighter, page without shadow, looks darker in indesign. rgb image looks same on both pages in pdf.   why greyscale images lighter when drop-shadow applied? or, maybe better question is, why image without drop shadow darker? (the darker image looks more natural. opened greyscale images in both apple's preview , in photoshop. preview displays nicer-looking darker image, photoshop shows images being lighter, way looks in exported pdf.   any ideas? indesign doesn't have grayscale working space. instead puts grayscale data onto black plate unaltered , displays using current cmyk working profile. accurate idea of how file should turn on overprint preview.  trust photoshop , acrobat lot more preview.

Help! Not able to Print TIF files

i pasted 4 photos 19x13 canvass. file 1.2 gb file, not print, reduced size approximately 700mb. go file select print , nothing happens. there setting messed somewhere? i using cs5 version 12.0.1 64 bit. have no issue printing other tif photos. one thing noticed can not save particular tif, (thinking maybe jpeg work),  in other format except photoshop/large document format/open exr/portable bit map/radiance/tif, no other options. terribly simple baffled with. puzzled , frustrated want print new file asap. any suggestions and/or appreciated. is printer plugged in on both ends of cable, secure , not loose? correct printer selected? More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: I need 3D Sound

hey all there media player in ubuntu contains effects , 3d sound km player in windows help please Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] I need 3D Sound Ubuntu

editing site offline - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i need stage update website of stage place. asked me if can show them first did , put on site. can tell how can that? you can build site first on server bundle runs on workstation wamp . allows have several sites on workstation when set virtual hosts. wamp forum has tutorials it. this document tells how copy joomla site workstation remote host: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Företagswebbplats - Inter Acta - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

en liten företagswebbplats för inter acta - dialog & utveckling. inte så många fancy funktioner på sidan men däremot är den väldigt detaljrik med en genomarbetad design. Även en hel del modifiering av html-strukturen för joomla har gjorts samt lite special för menyerna. designen gjord av lina karlsson . moduler och plugins: sh404sef place here rquotes rapid contact tab & slides attachments (går det att ladda upp dokument joomlas vanliga editor?) detta gillar jag. en sida som är gjord från eget huvud och inte en färgändrad template. jag gillar joomla sidor som inte ser ut som joomla sidor om du förstår vad jag menar. "fyll formuläret nedan för att kontakta mig." den texten kunde du skita tycker jag. man förstår alla fall, den linear inte snyggt mot "e-post" efterssom de små texterna formuläret har marginalförskjutning. Även texten "inter acta erbjuder ett brett utbud av tjänster inom tre..." är lite lustigt placerad. lite m

Help getting started - introspection error - Coldfusion

when attempt introspect cfc, following error:   unable retrieve operationss , entities file.   cannot connect server. server may down.     i tried reinstalling coldfusion , rds, still same error.   i need fixed before trial runs out can decide if want purchase flash builder.   please advise. the cause configuration of server entries while creating project. can make sure able access server copy pasting url have given during project creation in browser. also make sure have enabled rds on server.   also pls. send log find in /.metadata folder   thanks -sunil More discussions in Using Flash Builder adobe

Newbie warning - XAMPP won't load localhost webpage - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

release version: 1.5.14 localhost – xampp 1.7.2 windows system information: php, apache/iis, mysql - version numbers - don't know, see localhost file version? os: xp-sp2 the problem in detail: i downloaded , installed xampp 1.7.2, followed instructions found on site. looked fine. launched xampp control panel, checked svc box apache, note service started, checked svc box mysql, note service has started , words "running" beside mysql. i openned ie , tried load http://localhost/ , , neither worked, nor in firefox. webpage remains blank. what have tried solve issue: uninstalled, re-installed, same result, uninstalled , re-installed, different source, same result, shouted @ computer (no effect). the install seemed quite straight forward, not sure did wrong. i've installed hundreds of programs before , not had many problems. first attempt @ using cms though, quite new. any suggestions on how localhost webpage show up? thanks. bonjour, welcome joomla! , forum th

beginner stuck on Joomla! pre-installation check - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i installing joomla! 1.5.14 on xampp 1.7.1 on home computer running ubuntu 9.04 in "pre-installation check" screen in "joomla! web installer", i've got several red items on list. the items red are: "configuration.php writable" (theres red no, instead of green yes) "display errors" (the recommended off mine on ) "register globals" (the recommended off mine on ) i have no idea of how rectify these. first item above requirement joomla! work. for second , third items says: "these recommended settings php in order ensure full compatibility joomla!. joomla! still operate if settings not match." to avoid many future issues possible i'd change these things recommended settings. (as opposed continuing without changing them) it suggested in different forum follwing: quote: you need check folder , file permissions , ownership on joomla installation. should owned apache user (typically www or www-data). -end quote i entered foll