
Showing posts from September, 2014

Thread: Can't increase partition size

i'm having problem gparted. i'm trying increase size of ext4 partition maximum set 9970 mib. option increase size greyed out. how can fix this? make sure partition unmounted; right click on in gparted , "unmount" if showing. if that's not answer, come again. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help Can't increase partition size Ubuntu

Changing a Variable across a Book to text

i have journal open here , has modification date on master page.   i need change june 2010 throughout.   the variable called date , uses "modification" type. grep won't find user created modification dates."~o" won't work.   i have files open , copied variable grep when hit find won't find it.   anyone ideas? there's lot of files!   i can't find variable have other variables going on in running heads. ~o seems work me (small letter 'oh') in cs4 ?? More discussions in InDesign adobe

Shopping Cart Price Formula - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

thanks wonderful support! i trying build ecommerce site price of items dependent on parameter can changed admin settings? example, jewellery store, price of chains , rings on site dependent on gold price, so, if change gold price in admin settings, price of items should change accordingly. can done in shopping cart solutions out there? we use virtuemart @ work , have csvi component installed. not have ability dynamically change prices have requested, can export details csv, use excel prices appropriate amount , re-import. works , developer helpful - Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Remove .php on Joomla Components - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello guys, enabled friendly urls, use apache , mod rewrite, add suffix urls on joomla configuration , uploaded .htaccess. work , found index.php remove on of urls. however, didn't work of installed joomla component. index.php still appears on urls of almond classified component installed on site. how remove them completely? index.php still appears on of installed joomla component. want them disappear , change .html instead. please help. in advance. you'll have use 3rd party sef extension lets deal extensions. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Thread: Keybind to restore Minimalized windows with keybind ?

so far liking openbox being more responsive fluxbox. fluxbox great liking openbox more having features more of liking. thing bugs me included in fluxbox when toggle desktop "showdesktop" action , have clean desktop open new window , restore other windows "deiconify all" action. openbox have same action ? alt-tabbing lowered windows on screen pain. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] Keybind to restore Minimalized windows with keybind ? Ubuntu

Help Needed: RSS Reader - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

greetings, i sort of stuck. have "latest posts" on frontpage, rss feeds (blogs specifically). an example of want on site : i sure relatively simple, have spent last 2 days scouring internet, installing mods, , can't find solution. thanks!!! see: rss readers Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Wherer can I find jre 5.0

hi all, have been searching jre 1.5 without luck. can point me in right direction? had no luck sdn page. , regards, vishvesh try link: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Wherer can I find jre 5.0 Ubuntu

Front Page - Second article in 2 columns - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi in website have 2 articles in front page. why second article presented in 2 columns ? if change order of articles second article allways presentend in 2 columns, , if change template problem persists. please see @ (portuguese site) thank you mario edit default main menu item front page. on right in parameters (basic) drop down change column field 1. fix problem. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

En feil har oppstått! Kan ikke åpne config filen for skrivin - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hei. jeg har nettop installert jomla på mitt webhotell hos domeneshop. så gikk jeg på "nettsted-konfigurasjon" administrator panelet og skrev in tittel, global metabeskrivelse og stikkord nettstedet. da jeg skulle lagre dette fikk jeg følgende feilmeldinger: " * jftp::login: unable login * jftp::write: unable use passive mode " og: "en feil har oppstått! kan ikke åpne config filen skriving!" under installasjonen viste alle anbefalte instillinger å stemme overens med tjeneren hos domenshop med untak av @ display errors var satt til "ja" jeg la også inn ftp tjener, brukernavn, passord og sti til katalog under installasjonen. si meg.. må jeg endre chmod config.php? tusen takk hjelp! mvh karl-arne hos domeneshop, eller andre med suphp-oppsett el.t., skal du ikke bruke ftp-laget (ftp layer) joomla!. rediger din configuration.php manuelt via ftp/ssh. Board index Joomla! International Language Support

Preview standard photoshop fonts without having to view each one?

just wondering if there way view fonts available without having going through first see like? perhaps there site out there images of fonts?   thanks what os?   what photoshop version? More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: SSH Server and Router Port Forwarding

heya, i'm trying ssh server set on home box working behind router. 2wire 2700hg-b gateway, in fact. now, know server working fine, because can via loopback, anywhere inside lan machine, or if go router's config , enable dmz machine. however, don't having dmz on time because of kludge-ness of it, , security issue of complete absence of hardware firewall. if try port forward , access outside lan using external ip (or dyndns, because it's dynamic), times out. have nonstandard port (45) listen port of server, keep away hack attempts if using standard 22. used this see if port open, , said was. but, tried trick of telnetting ip port, , timed out, instead of printing stuff openssh. attached screenie of router's firewall page, can @ , see if i'm idiot , doing wrong. might notice utorrent there, it's because machine dual-boot 7, , router doesn't differentiate os's. ssh @ 46 port windows side, freesshd. changed por

Thread: Patching Ubuntu Kernel to

hi, i'm new ubuntu , linux, i've installed latest version of ubuntu (64 bits) on notebook (acer aspire 5535), has amd athlon x2 ql-62, ati mobility radeon hd 3200 , 4gb of ram. system runs pretty well, experience hangups time time, resuming hibernation won't show image forces me shutdown computer, , ubuntu applications lock up, administration > system test (if decide not give admin priveleges). believe kernel (using 2.6.32-24-generic actually), intend patch newest stable release in after download used command: "patch -e -p1 <patch" lots of *.rej files, believe error files. tried same command "sudo". restart system , nothing happens, end same kernel. there easy way step-by-step noobs , keeping drivers/programs/and graphical appeareance? thank you. pre packaged ubuntu specific kernels can found here - you'll find latest maverick kerne

CSS override in article - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! i've searched forum , didn't found looking if repost i'm sorry. this have in template.css: code: select all a { color:#323232; text-decoration:none; } so when submit article in jce puts links color:#323232, how can prevent of happenning? want website have links #323232 want write article , give link other color. i believe called css override haven't found way it. if helps gratefull. peter when place link in article, reopen html before saving article , place "class" in tag this: code: select all <a href="" class="article_link" target="_blank">link text</a> then in templates css stlye sheet place this: code: select all a.article_link { color:#000; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; } or whatever want article links be. you should know, however, best practice usability have links on website styled same, same hover behavior. if think it, you'll realize why.

Scripting or batching repeated HTML entries to a webpage?

i may have worded wrong understand want. let me explain.   i have excel spreadsheet, needs regular updating , posting website. excel export spreadsheet .html page. know, several people have advised me make csv file , import table, several practical reasons not feasible.   so, have excel generated html file. (yeah, crappy format no alternatives yet).   i need modify 2 fields have lightbox statements inserted, rel="lightbox", title statements adjusted , 3 spry tooltips inserted.   currently hand, i'm looking way make script or batch file automatically. getting cumbersome hand time, question is, how can automate these adjustments?   here page i'm talking about: , can see there 2 lightbox fields , 3 tooltip entries. how can modify excel generated html file automatically include modifications want?   sorry such basic question, still learning.... the problem - how can uniquely identify fields need modified?  there way other "column 4

odd curve targeting in cs5

according keyboard shortcuts, should able set points command or shift/cmd clicking image. eyedropper creates points wherever click, , turns scrubby adjuster, or whatever it's called. thought worked cs4. i'd turn target box on or off. if turn off in 5 can't set points, , if on hyper points. page 592 in using ps cs5 tells me should able do. not working should. do have turn off legacy shortcuts? not working in curves anyway. when turned target box off, did click on box in curves panel?   new cs5 preference automatically selecting target adjustment tool.   you try unchecking (hightlight below in blue)   i don't think legacy shotcuts affect adjustments panel, other the shortcuts select channels.       mtstuner More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Spell-check improvements over CS3

i limited work indesign. create business presentations company in it, marketing , fund-raising. i've been using cs3 few years , need. haven't seen in cs5 matters me based on reviewing adobe products site.   the 1 thing matter enormously me, though, fact spell-checker in cs3 atrocious. in addition having list of suggestions small need microscope, fails flag me when accidentally ended sentence comma, fails flag me when accidentally have spaces between words...   and can go on.   can please tell me if spell-checker in cs5 has these things fixed?   and/or, better yet, if go cs5, can please tell me practical way export "all" text in 1 shot text file or word doc can use word spell-check since it's lot more robust cs5 might have (grammar checking too)? unless cs5 "that" good.   thanks much.   jay a spell-checker checks spelling, not spaces or comma's. that's not in cs5 either (i think spell-check has not changed; or, possibly, may perform bit worse us

Thread: [Unknown Command] fontload

hello, when try boot ubuntu, error 'unknown error: 'loadfont' , restarts. installed wubi, can't boot livecd. work arounds found? appreciated. have searched, , found 1 thread.. no fix stated. there's fix here, requires live cd you'll need 1 somewhere. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] [Unknown Command] fontload Ubuntu

Thread: [GTK] Distributing an application

hello everyone! i'm kind of noob, ask patient started programming few months ago, in march, , got decent deftness writing programs in c (i'm self-taught, had stick kernighan - ritchie). had experience ruby, few years ago, , never studied it. anyway, after spending time writing command-line-style programs, decided move on , started learn using gtk. i've begun; i'm using "the official gnome 2 developer's guide" , (finally) finished glib , gobject sections. i'm starting make something, realized whenever i'll able (and willing) release (groundbreaking) applications can't make install developer's libraries. so, here's question. how distribute application without having make install tons of dependencies? haven't slightest idea xd and, while we're @ it... if has advice on , free unix-understanding manual (both meanings of free, beer ), please let me know.

Thread: ps3 /pc networking.. not what you thing

asking question can imagine flames starting ignite around me... have own reasons wanting so... there way stream internet connection received through ps3 pc via either usb or ethernet? i'm guessing not, wouldn't able see why not. for awhile, there several threads sharing internet ps3 - i'll need around one... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [all variants] ps3 /pc networking.. not what you thing Ubuntu

Create Plug-In

hai friends,                     how can create simple plugin indesign cs4.                     have indesign cs4 sdk , xcode 3.0..                     first have deactivate default menu action "save" , "exit" in indesigncs4.                     next create checkin plugin. plug automatically save , exit.. thanks in advance, divya. More discussions in InDesign SDK adobe

Make URL show just submenu, - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, just upgraded newest version of 1.5, great , found no longer need sh404sef add on make nice short urls. have many articles , have create submenus main menu tags have articles main page. the url showing menu names , use able show menu (sub menu) in url without main menu showing. have url. but want any ideas or have go using sh404sef add on . thanks joe just answer own question. yes, had install sh404sef. had version few months back. turn on in .htaccess file , if keep seo setting on url friendly , apache rewrite, make site faster. think anyway Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Decided to Use Joomla for my own site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been using joomla several months , impressed redid whole site,, i have used components such projoomla installer, using flash chat support, decided use joomla because of ease of use, , how make dates web site. of recent clients have used joomla absolutely love way can lo in , make changes themselves, created flash extension flash show work in header image..... after looking on hte structure , code able flash working needed working. what think..... the more share site, more feedback receive. give little info used, how accomplished things, why chose joomla site Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed 1.5 Site Showcase - Archived

Can I call a function using array index?

i've defined array stores function name, this:   var aresetbuttontop:array = new array(resettop1,resettop2,resettop3,resettop4,resettop5);     then have button named"btnresettop" when clicked call 1 of 5 functions stored in above array(aresetbuttontop). functions called @ run-time depending upon conditions. need figure out how can call functions using array index. i'm using following code call function. value of has been calculated. btnresettop.addeventlistener(, aresetbuttontop[i]);   after doing i'm getting following error when click button:   typeerror: error #2007: parameter listener must non-null.     @     @ gallerytest_fla::maintimeline/thumbtopclick()   note: thumbtopclick() is function inside these codes written.   i need find out whether posible in as3 call function name using array index or not. if yes, pleas ehelp me out. you can that.   in case looks out of range. show loop. More disc

Thread: NAS Saving Existing Files Fails

i have nuisance problem. have 2 nas servers - different makes - both of work under windows xp. can write new files, save existing files without error. both servers have drives formatted fat32 - option - although os's embedded linux. both units recognized ubuntu 10.04 - , can write new files them both without problem (although directory not refresh - have reload it). can delete without problems. if try , save on existing file error "unexpected error: invalid argument" - presume implied delete failing not sure. new files seem saved read flag set. ok - can work round problem deleting files (that works ok) , saving them anew. works fine - backup impossible changed file give rise error. ideas please? (i have tucked both drives hosts files in /etc - although attach ip address (which fixed) anyway. if try , save on existing file error "unexpected error: invalid argumen

installing other language for yoomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i absolut beginner @ joomla , want install yoomla server in language english. possible (guess yes) , find other language modules? (like dutch) kind regards, roger when install, first question language use. (sorry, don't know languages available.) after installing, can install further languages front-end: ... for-joomla Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Why are my files so big?

i'm no pro @ this. doing small ads, etc., , files huge when adding 1 photo relatively small photo? never had problem before. it photo sends on top....what doing wrong? again, i'm beginner:) define huge... if you're used working on web graphics image print resolution might appear "huge" on-target.   while varies depending on specific output conditions (digital press, desktop printer, offset press, etc.) widely-used catch-all image resolution 300ppi (pixels per inch) at print size . if images larger that, or if 300ppi @ large print size , you're reducing them fit ad size you're creating unecessarily large files. More discussions in Print design adobe

Problems with permalinks - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi im trying migrate wordpress joomla, found interesting tool convert posts, problem is, turn on in seo settings, in permalinks id of every post before title. example this how links should show: http://[spam].trt/videos/some-video-name.html but get: http://[spam].trt/videos/ 3306- some-video-name.html how fix that? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: I can see the wireless networks but it will never connect.

so, having problems connecting available wireless network. due stupid keyring default. putting in password , nothing working it. came here , found this: rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring supposed delete password keyring. believe did because next time tried keyring asked whole new password entered. after entering new password never asked keyring again. problem cannot connect network. find in wireless thing @ top. click on it. password window pops connect network. put in password wireless , password window goes away. wifi bars @ top begin scrolling. (i'm not sure how describe if have seen know mean). try on firefox , says there server error. aka network isn't connected. wait , wait , wait until password window pops again. aka failed connect. works fine on windows 7 in other partition. can't going in ubuntu , it's driving me insane. if know wrong please me. i'm dyin here. update: success

I got E_ADEPT_DISTRIBUTOR_AUTH from Package web service

hi developing .net solution our ebook website   i created below request message packaging   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><package xmlns=" " action="add"><resource></resource><voucher></voucher><resourceitem></resourceitem><filena me></filename><location></location><src></src><metadata></metadata><permissions></permissi ons><!--either data or datapath element, not both--><data>         hakan yıldırım         00 49 231 8823233      </data><datapath></datapath><expiration>2010-08-06t06:23:19+02:00</expiration><nonce>zwnm ytjjmzgtntfmnc00mgy5ltllzmmtzdk4mwexyjq2nzfj</nonce><hmac>l8ldkmilmryqkkb1r0/hnnehd7e=</hm ac></package>   the response acs server is   <error xmlns=" &

Auto page numbering in ID CS4.

i hoping advice correct page numbering problem in 30 page doc. i have included page marker on master page , numbering shows up.  however, page 6 starts again @ 1.  page 13 shows 8. have tried correct removing marker master , reinserting marker.  problem still exists. any suggestions please? right click on page 6 icon in pages panel, choose numbering , section options, make sure "automatic page numbering" selected , not "start page number at..." More discussions in InDesign adobe

Ændringer gemmes ikke - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej, jeg har efterhånden arbejdet med joomla! et stykke tid, men støder jævnligt på forskellige forhindringer. på det seneste har jeg erfaret, @ mine ændringer joomlas backend ikke gemmes. det kan fx være en ændring global configurations, en artikel, et modul eller noget helt fjerde. det der undrer mig mest, er @ dette store irritationsmoment går igen på online installationer (hos gigahost) og på mine lokale installationer (wampserver). er der en indstilling jeg har misforstået, en opdatering jeg mangler - eller hvad kan forklaringen være? det er helt uendeligt irriterende @ skrive en tekst, eller ændre indstillinger - blot @ erfare, @ intet er blevet gemt. ethvert bud vil blive modtaget med stor taknemmelighed! venligst mathias Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla

Need a component for unique user content asap!` - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

thanks in advance help... i'm start project we'll need able have several admins upload content specific users. so say, user a, user b , user c sign through joomla registration module. should each have page / article unique them. user signs in , can go "user a's page" can download files him, doesn't have access pages / articles user b or c. anything exist now? or need custom quote php development project. you can precisely community builder. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Breezingforms position delemma - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys check out it working showing in middle few days later (no 1 touched thing) got crazy on me. know how fix this? position problem? just add did contact breezingforms , got no response @ in week , half give now. it may have nothing breezingforms such. stylesheet may have been changed made element push form right. best way analyze structure of page install firefox extension called web developer allows view style information in graphic detail. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: What's in your backpack?

i saw this article on lifehacker , enjoyed reading comments, thought i'd bring ubuntuforums. backpack dell mini 10v netbook power cable usb stick earphones binder w/ lined , graph paper 4 spiral notebooks whatever text books decide have in there (i try not carry text books though, keep 'em in locker until class needs it) i sort of articles well! mines messenger bag - laptop - alienware m11x power cable usb cable mouse ebook laptop lock few live cds 1 bootable usb various distros various normal flash drives a4 pad folder torch bottle of water energy bars earphones ipod touch htc hero wifi tethering Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe What's in your backpack? Ubuntu

Article in multiple menus - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo everyone, we have site publish key article under number of menu points. at moment article allocated specific section , category , so, when select blog view particular menu item cannot actively 'add' article allocated different section/category , therefore published under menu-blog. all can think of doing duplicating article , allocating each section/category separately. of course complication don't want have. any ideas or tips/tricks solving problem great help. many thanks, alan searle your template may have module position beneath main content area, if not, 1 can added. there number of modules in extensions section of site have purpose of displaying 1 or more articles, in whole or in part. see: news display modules one "ultimate content display" module. good luck! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

The Best pdf reader out there

hi guys,   there many free pdf readers out there in market...adobe reader being dominant one...still, many people not use adobe reader because of size big , there many update pop ups....   so, pdf reader choose? (i have been using foxit reader..and find good...stable...and fast..) so, pdf reader choose? adobe reader 9.3.3 More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Thread: KDE 4.5 upgration

hello, have upgraded kubuntu lucid amd64 desktop kde 4.5 using kubuntu ppa backports. impressed overall visual , performance improvements. facing following issues after upgradation - 1. when execute application root user (using kdesudo <app name>) load primitive gui. have attached copy of dolphin application loaded root user (kdesudo dolphin). not sure how restore latest gui them. tried running systemsettings root user , tried customize theme little bit. not has changed 2. 1 new short cut expoblending has comeup in section graphics. unable execute it, since has multiple missing dependencies, neither able uninstall it. 3. installed kpart-webkit , configured using keditfiletype utility. while browsing websites such facebook(after loading farmville application in facebook), can see few dummy popup windows. attached file contains 1 such screenshot. pointers resolve above issues highly appreciated. in advance. regards ganesh

Joomla Administration directory - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

please provide solution: 1) how possible hide or rename administrator directory joomla. 2) how put captcha in amin login form, prevent hacker injection attack for ex: /administrator change /noadmin and login : password: captcha: [signature removed, set signature in forum ucp] you can not remove or rename administrator folder. try ... te-access/ Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

E-mail form i kontakter - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej jeg har svært ved @ gennemskue opbygningen af flg. side : felterne fra kontakt oplsyningerne vises øverste som de plejer, men hvor kommer felterne til selve formen fra? altså dem med "navn", "stilling", "firma" osv. jeg kan ikke finde dem administratordelen. er der nogle der ved hvordan man kan rette dette? problemet er @ feltet til besked skal udfyldes @ man kan sende formen, og det skal gerne ændres til @ det ikke er nødvendigt. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.5 (Tidligere langtidssupporteret version indtil sep. 2012) Komponenter, Moduler og Plugins

Trouble Migrating from 1.0.15 to 1.5 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i getting database error everytime try migrate old database, get: error @ line 9: insert jml_migration_backlinks values(1,"home","index.php?option=com_frontpage&itemid=1","index.php?option=com_frontpage&itemid=1",""); query:insert jml_migration_backlinks values(1,"home","index.php?option=com_frontpage&itemid=1","index.php?option=com_frontpage&itemid=1",""); mysql: table 'jml.jml_migration_backlinks' doesn't exist stopped on error i joomla newbie , appreciate help thanks are using latest version of migrator, believe 1.5.2 now? not reuse dump file if try again, use copy of dump file file altered during 1.5 install. if try installing joomla 1.5 again first drop tables created in database during last attempt. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Problem with rotate function.

  i got problem rotate function. when rotate (text) object (point text same behavior area text) on gui of illustrator, resize bounds around (see screenshot) rotated can resize used to. if rotate same object javascript, resize bounds not rotated along with. how can same effect gui-way javascript thats result need? , thinking error. here code used rotation:   var docref = app.activedocument; var sref = docref.selection[0];   sref.rotate(20, true, true, true, true, transformation.topleft); hi jens, had same problem, no matter tried, rotating via scripting keeps resetting bounding box. resolved recording action rotate object, same results if rotated manually. if still need rotate via scripting, vbs , applesript can execute actions script, js can not. More discussions in Illustrator Scripting adobe

Thread: Wireless trouble with the Realtek Chipset ..please help !

hello , i'm not super-good @ english please forgive in advance poor mastership of language here thing : i'm trying days connect lucid lynx 10.04 internet . not because have famous realtek rtl8192su chipset on usb wifi . tried , tried many solutions , none worked .i tested 1 : … ongle.html after having found right driver , ,sudo make install , >>no such file or directory .i tried apply many changes on thing , none worked . tried thing : don't know don't have windows wireless drivers in system-admin … tried ndiswrapper , ndisgtk ,nothing .i tried wicd ..nothing . 'm here problem , hope able me ! when type iwconfig : quentin@quentin-desktop:~$ iwconfig
lo* * * * no wireless extensions.

eth0* * * no wireless extensions.


and lspci : 
quentin@quentin-desktop:~$ lspci
00:00.0 host b

Enhancing Scan of Faded Handwritten Notes

dear forum,   i received documentation contained 3 sheets of handwritten medical notes. unfortunatley handwriting extremely faded (and poor).   i had pages scanned @ local printers (pdf @ time. not sure if good, have work with) , suggested due quality of scanned images (even though extremely close original papers) use ps elements create brightness/contrast layer, duly did. has helped bring out notes (that faded scribbles contrast better white page (speckled) background), handwriting poor can barely make out words, let alone sentences.   however, enlarging images 66+% (in order try , make sense of these scribbles word word) handwriting becomes grainy (please excuse lack of ps imagery related vocabulary), renders task of translating virtually impossible. (the catch 22 need higher magnification attempt make sense of each word.)   so in light of above, there way of cleaning or restoring (i not asking miracles) such scans maybe sharpening or smoothing pen lines or getting rid of artefacts i

Thread: Remove inactive application icon from menu

well have uninstalled netbeans via uninstaller script came tat. listing on applications->programming menu still ther new question mark icon, hw can remove this. mover cursor on applications menu, right click , choose edit menus. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Remove inactive application icon from menu Ubuntu

Thread: Browsing Window 7 system causes instant BSOD

hi guys, new linux , ubuntu advanced user on windows. on home workgroup network, running ubuntu 10.04.1 on spare pc , windows 7 professional on fast 4 core amd pc. built both pcs myself. win7 system updated maintenance. ubuntu system. win7 desktop system sees , shares files , printers xp sp3 laptop , win 7 home edition netbook... , the ubuntu system ubuntu system can browse , see shares on the xp laptop not window 7 desktop or netbook. both win7 systems can browse , share the ubuntu system. there no current problems anywhere in windows network. ubuntu gets login loop when trying see win7 systems. before problem gets solved... have problem random bsods (00007f) on windows 7 systems when first try browse network ubuntu. effect instantaneous. click on icon browse network , bingo windows system takes bsod 00007f dump. appears new in 10.04.1. have loaded 8.04 , 9.10 in past training , and curiosity reasons , never had problem. in past, lost interest , nev

Thread: Counting numbers in filemaker pro 10 advance

i have 2 tables: 1 named grace field named history numbers reside. second named numhistory. have 30 different numbers range 0 5 in grace. want bring total of each individual number numhistory. should automatic update since new numbers come in every week. example: 0 = 3 1 = 10 2 = 2 3 = 12 4 = 2 5 = 1 function suggest? have relationship established between tables. in advance, Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] Counting numbers in filemaker pro 10 advance Ubuntu

hiding menu for Article index (TOC) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how can create hiding menu article index (toc)? my article index large, takes lot of place... i chose dropdowntoc - ... menus/5814 , component not need... this plugin not create links - selectable options. this bad seo. help please sorry english... did tried this? create different menus selecting external links of tocs. now use module show toc-menus @ desired location. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Getting Error while Joomla Installation What to do.. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i new joomla world, had finished installation of joomla, getting warning message.. warning: parameter 1 modmainmenuhelper::buildxml() expected reference, value given in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla\libraries\joomla\cache\handler\callback.php on line 99 what now.. how remove this..warning. thanks when opening article manager..or section inside joomla cms. i getting warning also.. warning: parameter 1 jhtmlgrid::access() expected reference, value given in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla\libraries\joomla\html\html.php on line 87 is there problem installation of joomla on system? i had installed joomla twice on local machine, getting same message. i working on windows vista.. and had installed joomla1.5 xampp.. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Thread: Boot progress never seen

i used see boot progress on karmic. since upgrading lucid see black screen during boot progress. following appears on shutdown not on boot. expected see: ideas please? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Boot progress never seen Ubuntu

3 column or 4 column templates ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this down personal tastes, content type, site type etc. opt collapsible 3 column template depending on page, 1, 2 or 3 columns can displayed. yip, totally agree dizzi - 4 column templates more news sites in view - 2 , 3 column more general websites. depends on how content want stick on site , how advertising , fancy modules want use entertain/distract users Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Help, I can't find a good frontpage picture plugin/module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been searching , testing days cant find module or plugin shows single image on front page , when click it opens in (preferebly animated) window full sized image. i'm planning have few images on front page feature. last plugin/module tried rokbox, couldnt open in pop up. image opened in same window white backround. do got suggestions on plugin/module me? or maybe know how fix roxbox? solved myself....problem used searching. should have looked under extension > photos , images > article images. haha im using joomslide! works great! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Adding Many EFFECT_END Listeners

a few days ago, entered post entitled, making changes object after effect has finished.  question answered (thanks that!) , suggested listen effect end event , continue on.  works in code.  turns out, need call several effects -- rotating, fading, , moving. making calls on list of objects listening effect end event still best way this?  (i know need add , remove listeners accordingly.)  thanks! hi,   you can combine effects , add event listener parallel or sequence. check doc page. b454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7fc3 More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

video streaming extension + display: any recommendation? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello! which video streaming plugin think better use? does have idea on how display videos in way please? thanks hi choubix... did check streaming extensions ? ... oadcasting for embed video, can use allvideos extension : ... 12/details Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5