
Showing posts from June, 2014

Scrollpane issue with .swf

i have issue scrollpane (as3 - cs5) in swf called gigholder.swf loads in swf called gigs.swf.  , scrollpane scroll vertically show whole of gigs.swf.  has stopped displaying scrollbar , therefore can't see whole gig.swf.  strangely, if scrollpane load in .jpg, scrollbar appears , functions expected.  files (gigholder.swf, gigs.swf , .jpg in same directory).  downloaded latest flash player requested several weeks ago - there 'issue' latest player in windows 7.   hope can help More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Pictures Coming out darker after I turn them into jpegs/tiff.

hey everyone,   i've been having problem photoshop quiet while.  when edit photos in ps, fine, great , when save them jpegs or tiff come out darker. dont understand problem is. i've been trying figure out if color settings. iam not sure. tried downloading calibrators online didnt know how use them. thought installing latest version of ps make difference nothing works @ moment. giving me hard time , lot of clients have complained photos being dark.   has else came across problem? appreciate help. thank you. i dont understand problem is.   as found out already, it's absence of color calibration. have set graphics card , monitor color far off standard srgb profile, outside ps values awful, while inside program ps able correct them. in such situations helps reset factory defaults , start adjustments color biases/ color temperature scratch. there's realyl no perfect way of doing without calibration device, may use calibration color chart (essentailyl image large areas of p

Keep losing downloaded application

i have paid , downloaded acrobat professional 9 , moved folder applications folder.  however, once clear download manager file desktop, program disappears, though there appears file in application folder.  ideas? thanks. the downloader dmg file. need opened. doing creates virtual disk. run installer within virtual disk. not put downloaded file applications folder. there applications work way. adobe applications not. More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Thread: Removing Wubi from Win7

hi all, need little removing wubi windows, because formatted linux partition ubuntu install was, , can't install again. if start wubi, tells me please first uninstall. go uninstaller, pops error: "error executing command: command=c:\...\bcdedit.exe /delete" comes registry key... "stderr = error occured while attempting delete specified entry. system cannot find file specified." , gives huge log file. guess searches files, or keys, can delete chunks run again wubi installer? idea? go drive c , programs files. delete ubuntu folder , go Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [wubi] Removing Wubi from Win7 Ubuntu

I can't alter or give MCs new instance names - why?

i've run interesting problem while working on file. going until got work morning, , couldn't change instance names on existing movie clips. movie still compiles fine, , had instance name still has instance name. however, cannot change instance names, nor can give new movie clips instance names. instance name text box grayed out , can't select it. else works fine, , can give instance names text fields create. have no problems saving files, exporting swfs, drawing, or animating.   after doing research, appears issue limited computer - else can give instance names movie clips, using same files. also, problem appears affecting every file open on computer. has else heard of before, or have solutions? thank you. well, deleting preferences file seems have solved problem, i'd still know why happened, , how avoid in future. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Changing CS5 Master collection regional language to English

hello,   i  have cs5 master collection. it's upgrade previous cs4 version  in italian language, in consequence, cs5 in  italian.   the  problem: in previous cs versions change installation  regional language english, now, cs5 , because it's an  upgrade can use 1 (or @ least retailer  told me). looks this: when try install collection, i  have initial window possible language options the  drop-down menu, than, enter serial number, langauge  remains italian.   question:  there possible way change italian language english? if  not whole package @ least photoshop, illustrator,  aftereffects... .   my operating system: windows 7, 64-bit     thanx lot useful information.   mare unfortunately, nobody here can this. you'll need contact adobe directly.   let know how make out.   bob More discussions in Creative Suites Windows adobe

Working with cake and joomla frameworks in one - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm wondering if possible , can't see why not. think cake need install of joomla located within vendor directory, don't see why have either. novice both in terms of frameworks put more seasoned php developers see think. the reason want is a) cannot find answers enough doing in joomla framework and b) doing custom widget in cake means can take website. tx jake - Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

Background removal

i got stuck in image. can me out isolate girl image. cs5  appreciative. do write me steps can follow easily. if possible send copy of edited file   thanks in advance samskar to able extract subject background behind need have someway develop strong contrase between subject , background behind it. not think able extract image using third party plugins designed mask subject. image not have required contrast.. , More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Missing MSVCR71.dll Error Message During Launch

i wanted pass along error message have found solution , have passed onto adobe through bug submission process. i have discovered quicktime component causes adobe encore cs5 give error message during launch.   the error message states “the file msvcr71.dll not found. please reinstall adobe encore resolve problem” (well, close that.   i did not write down error message before fixing problem).   there “ok” button below message continue loading adobe encore. the error message displayed if other cs5 programs closed.   during findings, discovered if open adobe encore cs5 through premiere pro cs5 or after effects cs5 using dynamic link, error message not displayed. the quicktime component causes error message “xiphqt”, used play xiph formats in quicktime based application.   the component can located here: when installing latest version of program “juicer” digital juice, quicktime component installed.   juicer run without component, gives message missing.   i ha

Getting vector data rasterized on the fly

hi everyone,   i have whole lot of illustrator files placed indesign document. id doc exported pdf ready high-resolution printing. in addition high res version, need create lower res version used on web. problem since images in file placed .ai or .eps files, can't resolution down low enough. i'm having open each of images, save them medium-res .png or .jpg files , place them indesign before creating pdf.   i'm looking faster way done since file contains 500 pages , lot of images. know forum illustrator know prepress professionals contribute, wondered if there other program printing might me solve problem. thought when digital files sent imagesetter, data rasterized why had idea prepress program being of help.   i wondered if me out here or point me in right direction. appreciated. try using smallest file size adobe pdf presets list , make pdf. should in rgb , 72 ppi images. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Confused by SEO settings... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, about make jump seo friendly url's in joomla sites. however - have questions: 1 - in global configuration - "search engine friendly url's" , "apache mod_rewrite" go hand-in-hand? meaning both have activated? (we do use apache) - section isn't clear on subject. 2 - have use extension also? or it recommended? i tried this, perhaps year ago on 1.0 site , never work. want try 1.5 site. appreciated. thanks! read attached: sef urls.odt Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: IcedTea Java doesn't work in google chrome

every time visit webpage has java applets error message pops saying icedtea plug-in has crashed. since java work fine in firefox , eclipse ide think it's kind of bug in chrome or icedtea. in advance! i suspect approach unpopular: when want java, want real thing. if google cool shisen first result java game. can play icedtea? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [SOLVED] IcedTea Java doesn't work in google chrome Ubuntu

Can't change the language default - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have problem this: want change english ant other languages in " site ". have installed language translation, shows in language manager "site" . appears in "adminitration" how resolves problem. i dont have knowledge language translator in site development .any body suggest site tips.and plz post source code if available Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Language - Joomla! 1.5

Question for users or agencies that have many Joomla Sites - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i have used joomla years, 1.0 , 1.5 , great me , clients! find training non technical people hard. working on solution non technical people , need feedback ( explain more below) i find when come train non technical user on how use site little scared mass of buttons, links , things presented them in admin. can let them edit via front end still want able add pages etc. i find hard explain them need add content item, put in category, add menu link , if needed add relevant menu content item have added. so working on allow non technical users add administer sites without messing up. have been working on 2 years , ready. need help. need feedback other agencies , companies have multiple joomla sites , issues have training non technical customers. have set simple survey on survey monkey here - , appreciate input. should take 2 mins tops! thank you mark hammersley ps if wondering uk agency doing posting

Is it possible to make article author name clickable!? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm curious if possible somehow make author's name clickable, example great if can link author's name forum profile or else don't know. i'm curious if there kind of author management allows me setup authors page personal info, photo, contact , list of recent or popular articles!? i did search way , best thing found far module 'show other articles of author' @ bottom of article. demo: ... in-seconds 10x in advance teo i spent while yesterday searching this, i'm posting service others' searching same thing. check out these extensions: - gauthor - author details - , there's community builder plug-ins Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

ID3 Tag trouble.

let me apologize, first being newbie , second if has been answered (i searched didn't find anything, simple i'm overlooking).   i'm trying id3 information mp3 being streamed fms.  followed samples found online , using following client-code, doesn't work:   var nc:netconnection = new netconnection(); var ns1:netstream; nc.connect("rtmp://someserver/someapp"); ns1 = new netstream(nc);"id3:song");   ns1.onid3 = function (info) {     trace ("triggered"); }   as note above code works fine play actual file (substituting mp3: id3:, of course) doesn't seem trigger onid3 method (i've tried onid3 samples use).  able view id3 information windows explorer , other external readers.   the platform i'm targeting flash lite 3.1 as2, i've tried various configurations , haven't had success.   any appreciated. can try below code:   var nc:netconnection = new netconnection(); var ns1:netstream;   nc.onstatus = function(info){ t

Inspecting test tree

when run flexpmd 1.1 via maven, checks main source tree (src/main/flex).  how can check test source tree (src/test/flex)? in pom can add configuration option:     <plugin>      <groupid></groupid>      <artifactid>flex-pmd-maven-plugin</artifactid>      <version>1.1</version>      <configuration>           <ruleset>${basedir}/your-flex-pmd-ruleset.xml</ruleset>                <sourcedirectory>${basedir}/src</sourcedirectory>      </configuration> </plugin> More discussions in FlexPMD adobe

FRONTPAGE PROBLEM PLEASE HELP ME!!! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi im complete newbie joomla 1.5, need on changing frontpage's link. the reason here: (this working page) my website url: (notice has 2 backslash @ end "//") my home page links me here: (this broken page) index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage which is: (notice has 1 backslash @ end "/") then after clicking home button redirects me blank page couple of plain text written there. the summary of post made learn how change url link of frontpage can link working page written above. thank in advance! your site pulls fine me after clicking on home button. just sure home menu item set default under menus > main menu Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Div Tag background transparent

hi i've been using cs5 little bit , wondering if there convenient way in program change opacity of div tag ground without having deal code. you can use css3 alter transparency of background color or image, however, typically reliable in firefox , safari/chrome.  if want compatibility ie8, easiest way can without code save background image/color png image , tile like:   .background_class { background: url(pathto/image.jpg) repeat;   then png has transparency information , if want change opacity change image.  not work ie prior version 8. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Help!!!! Urgent Framemaker page numbering problem

hi there,   i have make last minute update old project have in framemaker. i've never used before i'm clueless!!   problem have book, consists of several chapters, each of seems have .fm extension.   i need build pdf , page numbers in flow chapter chapter. problem i'm having right chapter 1 ends on page 10 , chapter 2 begins on page 13!   this wouldn't bad if inserted couple of blank pages in pdf, doesn't number goes out of synch!   in main page area lists .fm files, i've right-clicked on chapter 2, selected numbering , selected continue numbering previous file in book, pressed set. doesn't make different though!!   also chapter 2 ends on page 18 , chapter 3 begins on page 21 isn't right.   i need document finished today, if pls really appreciated! ok, first theory: book file critical. container holds , controls formatting of chapter files.   if open component files outside book, they'll contain page number may inaccurate because you're working

JQuery vs. Mootools - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how can 1 tell extensions use jquery , ones use mootools? i'm trying rid of jquery (since jce uses mootools), think it's causing ie compatibility issues, , can't figure out of extensions use if it's not in description or parameter. thanks! i search through files "jquery". have tutorial how on windows: there lot of tools out there make doing easier. let me know if need more help. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Questions

what desktop manager do? $ do? loop in command line? best way switch user? using command line? hi desktop manager gui between , os Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Questions Ubuntu

Thread: Create Desktop Launcher and include sudo password?

hi. i'm using xampp development work , have 2 launchers on desktop, 1 start xampp , 1 stop it. xampp needs started sudo, have: " sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start " command in 1 of launchers. however, pain keep typing password, there way include password sudo inside launcher (so can click , go)? cheers max just 'lil old bump! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Create Desktop Launcher and include sudo password? Ubuntu

Submit botton issue

hi.    i added "submit" button form, adobe generates default message body of email , recipient email. how customize or eliminate it? see message below:    form returned: ms-new hire checklist-color.pdf  the attached file filled-out form. please open review data.  hi,   here sample:*eb8bm9jtqfwwxymsa   on form there 3 email buttons.     the first 1 standard button (set 'regular' type in object > field tab), custom script in click event. gives full control on email recipients, subject line , message. approach suit you.   the second button button, type set 'submit' type in object > field tab. give standard email message.   the third button have on form, submit button.   hope helps,   niall More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

photoshop cs5 extended 3d issue

hi, i made selection made 3d layer reproussé , turn 3d object , part works fine but accept changes make, , start use 3d rotation tool , start rotate it. background goes transparent while dragging/rotating object . enoying coz cannot see background while doing this.. has same problem , or solution it? i checked photoshop preferences ( ctrl + k  ... performance) , played settings. nothing usefull. updated system latest video drivers. runs smooth photoshop.   my hardware specs pretty decent im sure isnt that, although enable or check somewhere , can me issue...   my specs :   software : windows 7 x64 bit adobe photoshop cs5 extended x64 bit   mainboard: mainboard model  ms-7380 ( msi p7n platinum silent )   memory :  4gb dual channel   cpu :  q9450 quadcore 12mb cache   video : nvidia geforce 9800 gtx/9800 gtx+ revision  a2 codename  g92 technology  65 nm memory size  512 mb memory type  gddr3 memory bus width 256 bits pci device  bus 3 (0x3), device 0 (0x0), function 0 (0x0) vendor id  0

Thread: Ubuntu won't install

hi, thought i'd give ubuntu try downloaded file , created cd. put in laptop, re-booted , started ok. got "ubuntu" logo on screen series of 5 dots changing red white , under it. dcreen flickers, , goes black. then.....nothing! computer fujitsu c series lifebook, running windows xp -in fact still is, ubuntu refuses load! suggestions? thanks kevin posted nzkevin hi, thought i'd give ubuntu try downloaded file , created cd. put in laptop, re-booted , started ok. got "ubuntu" logo on screen series of 5 dots changing red white , under it. dcreen flickers, , goes black. then.....nothing! computer fujitsu c series lifebook, running windows xp -in fact still is, ubuntu refuses load! suggestions? thanks kevin 10.04 has issues graphics cards. 1 have? check link

A Question of JAWS or JFW and Audition

hello,   brand-new audition , in fact testing out free trial version. visually impaired , use jaws or jfw version 9.0 , have audition 3.0 installed.     have been told these 2 versions work together, can find resources on jaws 5 , audition 1.5 or 2.     appreciate on how make audition accessible or points might find such information. with thanks, chris    More discussions in Audition 3.0.1 and earlier adobe

ทำไมเว็บผมบางคนก็เข้าได้ บางคนก็เข้าไม่ได้ครับ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

เรียน กูรูทุกท่าน ผมใช้ joomla 1.5.14 พัฒนาเว็บ ซึ่งบางคนก็เข้าเว็บได้ปกติ แต่บางคนใช้เวลาเข้านานมากหรือไม่ก็ค้าง จนต้อง restart เครื่องใหม่เลย บางคนเน็ตแรงก็มีปัญหาครับ ไม่ทราบว่าตรงนี้พอมีวิธีแก้ไหมครับ เทมเพลตหนึด มีโค้ดที่ไม่จำเป้นอยู่เยอะ รูปก็ค่อนข้างเยอะไป Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Thai Forum

hackers putting code on my index page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, big chunk of code keeps getting put on index page hackers. either takes site down entirely, or covers site links viagra sites. don't know it. thought long using latest version of joomla shouldn't problem, i'm not sure if i'm correctly updating site. problem out of hand, i'm hoping there easy solution i'm missing. please help! thanks have read security docs, beginners guide, run forum post security tool, checked file/folder permissions, done virus scan of pc, told host Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Thread: unable to boot custom liveCD

hello there, in order let other colleagues try tools use, build customised live-dvd of ubuntu. goal incorporate 2 versions of open-source command-line hydrodynamics software openfoam within it. traditionally, software designed installed in one's home directory, customised , enhanced easily. hence method try apply, based on (in french, based on ) : build first modificated ubuntu live-iso stuff necessary compilation installed on it, i.e.: extract official ubuntu iso , squashfs filesystem, chroot system install packages need compile openfoam. add <my_new_system>/etc/skel source files of openfoam, reconstruct squash filesystem , iso. boot virtual machine iso, , mount (virtual) device on virtual ~/openfoam folder extract , com

Thread: how do i turn offf autocomplete in open office word processor?

i'm using karmic , using open office 3.1.1. autocomplete pain. tell me how turn off? have seen other open office programs nothing word processor. in document, new 1 work; format - autocorrect - autocorrect options word completion tab. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu how do i turn offf autocomplete in open office word processor? Ubuntu

Error when going to website after installing Joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

after installing joomla first time, i'm getting following error referencing site: the page isn't redirecting properly firefox has detected server redirecting request address in way never complete. the installation went (no errors or warnings)... @ end of installation process, after removed installation directory, instructed, clicked on "site" button go new site. brought appeared default joomla site (without site being displayed)... closed browser , went site ( ) , message. any appreciated. i'm new joomla... i not seeing error. try clearing browser cache , try again. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

DW CS5 Widget & MyWidget & Presets Workflow

recently moved form dw cs3 cs5   some questions widget configuration & workflow in dw cs5.   in widget browser have saved widgets mywidgets.  have configured widgets own presets using config interface form offered in widget browser , saved custom preset under new name.   it appears presets mywidgets & presets saved (at least in xp) in profile/'myname'/application data/adobe/widgetbrowser/.... so sure data!   now in dw cs5 if insert widget preset mywidgets web page, widget's necessary files (javascript, css, ...) copied web site space.  inserted widget totally separate mywidgets. further customization of mywidget preset in widget browseer have no affect on widget inseted web site.   am correct here?   my main questions ....   now if want further customize inserted widget, have totally via manual css changes. there no configuration interface have in widget browser used create custom preset????? and, further customization of mywidget preset in widget browser have no a

ponuda za posao - webmaster za - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

potreban nam je jedan ili dvoje zaposlenih koji bi se bavili poboljsanjem sajtova (za sada). poslovi bi obuhvatali dodavanje velikog broja novih opcija servisa, azuriranje sadrzaja, redizajn, seo itd… prednost su iskustvo poznavanje web tehnologija, iskustvo sa joomlom, smisao za dizajn, sposobnost da samostalno razmisljate donosite ispravne odluke, da vas zaista interesuje taj posao… nudimo stalno zaposlenje na neodredjeno vreme (prijava, socijalno itd se podrazumeva), rad u potsticajnoj normalnoj atmosferi, u perspektivi partnerski odnos... fleksibilni smo otvoreni na sve predloge, dogovore u vezi radnog vremena ostalo. kontakt email: ps izvinjavamo se moderatorima ako poruka nije adekvatna za ovaj forum. ako je tako, brisite je... evo, bio sam fini poslao sam mail Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum

Importing XML data with static objects

hello,   i have read in section possible integrate static text objects when importing xml data (so there e.g. using recipe list each recipe static text.)   now question is: possible declare other objects static (e.g. images) , copied each data entry static text?   thanks lot , kind regards, mannyk More discussions in InDesign adobe

uncontrollable "perspective" when scaling

hello, i used 3d rotate 160° perspective create background image. i'm using cs4 illustrator.   when scale it, perspective reshaping whole figure... not want. it cuts off of image:   why cut off bottom corner? and how 'freeze' perspective, can scale propotionally...   kind regards, eveline i not same result using selection tool resacel?   how scaling it? More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Hide users jomsocial - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi question above: i use jomsocial , on frontpage of jomsocial community, in users block, , in search/search results want display users, have selected field (male example) or specific field users (female example) user not display in fontpage , search... please thank me. cheers brunna. you may have change code able this. if can send screenshots, me understand different areas want configure. do want use different fields limit each of different areas? same fields or change often? let me know. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Reading RAW files from Canon EOS 550D

i take pictures in raw , process them elements 8.  had no problems when using canon eos 1000d using 550d elements not reading files.  not not open them - not read them files. i know camera capturing files, , transfering computer because can read them canon utility digital photo professional. what need in order elements recognise files? having same problem More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Thread: CLI interface to Yahoo

i love yahoo webdev, , optimizing images single command image type super duper. prefer on other tools `pngcrush` , `jpegoptim` , `optipng`. use cli on servers don't have these packages, i'd cli command (using bash alias php script, perhaps) like: $ smush someimage.png so, has written kind of shell script posts image file , gets result yahoo service? long shot, know. hey anarkhos, wrote such tool few days ago. feel free have look: regards benjamin Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [all variants] CLI interface to Yahoo Ubuntu

Thread: Compiling gfortran in ubuntu before installation?

i'm complete beginner in both linux , fortran , not sure go next this. installed ubuntu dual boot on dell week ago, have little knowledge of using command line , getting head around terminology. i've downloaded fortran compiler 4.6 /usr/local , know have compile (something?) before installing gfortran compiler. i've found difficult find clear instructions on how either things. i'm not sure if have gfortran files in right directory either to begin building or installing or if makes difference (i have feeling might). hope can help, or send me in direction of helpful documentation! thanks. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Compiling gfortran in ubuntu before installation? Ubuntu

SEF, Apache mod_rewrite and Google Verify - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

we have enabled search engine friendly urls , turned on apache mod_rewrite our urls looking should. however, experiencing confusing us. first, before this, had created /htdocs/twitter/index.php if used url , redirected our twitter page ( ). not working (404 error) , i'm wondering if mod_rewrite causing problem. if so, need make work? second, tried verified google's webmaster tools , installed file, e.g. google23989873467ddd.html, in /htdocs google indicated. google cannot find file -- same 404 error. i appreciate direction issue. thanks! chip rename htaccess.txt file in joomla directory .htaccess should fix problems being caused sef settings. if need more check out link. ... t-sef-urls Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

HTML Formatted Text in List Control

i can't seem find way list control show html formatted text (example list item = "this <b>bold</b> text"). list control doesn't interpret html, , shows full string instead of formatted version.   thanks in adance!   patrick in spark, assign content, not .text.  in mx, use html renderer blog -- alex harui flex sdk team adobe system, inc. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Backup Trouble

i have pse8 running on win7.   i trying backup external iomega hd 500gb via usb.   when go through backup sequence final part says "organiser preparing backup", waits few seconds , gives error message "error writing file"   i have tried several times, , once did backup, images backedup small safari files not opened.   any ideas? did manage sort this?  having same trouble... More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

"Buttons" still there. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, perhaps can lead me answer on this.... for odd reason, pdf/email buttons still appearing after have entered global configuration , set hide of these, also, params set "global" any suggestions thanks devon go article manager , in upper right there parameters button (providing haven't done that). way, don't have parameter settings in article window because what said, becomes global settings. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5