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Thread: unable to boot custom liveCD

hello there,

in order let other colleagues try tools use, build customised live-dvd of ubuntu. goal incorporate 2 versions of open-source command-line hydrodynamics software openfoam within it. traditionally, software designed installed in one's home directory, customised , enhanced easily. hence method try apply, based on (in french, based on :

  1. build first modificated ubuntu live-iso stuff necessary compilation installed on it, i.e.:
    1. extract official ubuntu iso , squashfs filesystem,
    2. chroot system install packages need compile openfoam.
    3. add <my_new_system>/etc/skel source files of openfoam,
    4. reconstruct squash filesystem , iso.

  2. boot virtual machine iso, ,
    1. mount (virtual) device on virtual ~/openfoam folder
    2. extract , compile openfoam in folder,

  1. integrate these files in /etc/skel/ directory of custom system, personal files should be.

  1. rebuild 2nd, final, customised ubuntu system that.

the scripts wrote attached post.
i perform steps 1, 3, , 4 on 2gb ram virtual machine virtualbox ose, both guest , host being ubuntu 10.04 systems (32bits guest while 64 host, why used virtual machine).
step 2 performed same way, mounting 6gb virtual hard disk ext4 partition on /home/ubuntu/openfoam folder of virtual live machine, openfoam compiled. being on live session, necessary having enought disc space anyway (4 gb used).

everything works perfect until end of step 3: first system runs ok whole added packages, source files situated in right place. can compile perfectly, , obtained binaries work fine on virtual system.
but when try boot system i've built binaries added in, doesn't work more, due group/user errors:

  1. 1st error: “glib-warning **: getpwuid_r(): failed due unknown user id (0)”
  2. the “adding live session user” step lasts long time , fails, displaying (see
    • groupdel: group 'ubuntu' not exist
    • adduser: 'groupdel ubuntu' returned error code 6. exiting.
    • usermod: user 'ubuntu' not exist
    • install: invalid user 'ubuntu'
    • install: invalid user 'ubuntu'
    • done

  1. then have lot of “sudo: unknown user: ubuntu” errors (see
  2. after that, “init: ureadahead-other main process (xxx) terminated status 4” errors (where xxx takes value in 845 846 , maybe more (see
  3. then, instead of being automatically logged in, have log-in screen without user (see sounds logical since “ubuntu” user couldn't created. i've tried log in root (and “ubuntu too”) didn't manage to.
  4. if go tty, since it's expected log-in itself, have “authentication failure” list :-s (see

as indicated in, i've checked uid > 999 , had 1 changed 500:

root@lucid32-virtual:/# awk -f: '$3 > 999' /etc/passwd
root@lucid32-virtual:/# awk -f: '$3 == 1' /etc/passwd
root@lucid32-virtual:/# awk -f: '$3 == 500' /etc/passwd
root@lucid32-virtual:/# usermod -u 500 nobody
root@lucid32-virtual:/# awk -f: '$3 > 999' /etc/passwd
root@lucid32-virtual:/# awk -f: '$3 == 500' /etc/passwd nobody:x:500:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh
root@lucid32-virtual:/# awk -f: '$4 > 999' /etc/passwd
kernoops:x:109:65534:kernel oops tracking daemon,,,:/:/bin/false

but didn't solve problem, changed corresponding gid:

root@lucid32-virtual:/# usermod -g500 -u500 nobody
usermod: el grupo «500» no existe
according changed group id 65534 500 editing directly /etc/group file:
root@lucid32-virtual:/etc# nano group
root@lucid32-virtual:/# awk -f: '$4 > 999' /etc/passwd
kernoops:x:109:65534:kernel oops tracking daemon,,,:/:/bin/false
root@lucid32-virtual:/etc# usermod -g500 -u500 nobody
root@lucid32-virtual:/etc# usermod -g500 sync
root@lucid32-virtual:/etc# usermod -g500 kernoops
root@lucid32-virtual:/etc# usermod -g500 sshd

didn't change either :-s

i have found few problem bit similar on web:
-> 1 without lot of details neither solution (
-> other in post ubuntu 10.04 boot bugs (, mentioned solution (booting in acpi=off , noapic) didn't work me :-s

i tried few times changing details same behaviour. works adding other kind of files in skel dir, such source files, doesn't work compiled stuff. can't understand why...

does has idea ?

have tried remastersys?
latest version karmic works in lucid

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