
Showing posts from August, 2013

Thread: ssh networking - sync home folders ?

ever since had hard drive had unexpected mechanical failure 2 years ago (& had pay $1400 have drive pulled apart in vacuum & copied), i've been understandably paranoid ensuring keep multiple up-to-date copies of hard drive. currently, i'm running 3 computers- tv computer, wife's computer & main computer. second hard drive in main computer & external hard drive both act solely backups home folder. tv computer & wife's computer keep identical home folder main. have ssh installed on computer's & have made bookmarks via places menu's 'connect server', it's easy me exchange files between computer's... problem this; every time save/download/change file, have copy 4 other hard drive's. it's kind of annoying. can suggest ways me save time ??? it's wired network static ip's. 3 computers pretty turned on 24/7. i'm open middle-of-the-night scheduled type of thing or whatever.

Problem with adobe reader print dialog box

i using acrobat reader application embedded in our product.   we opens reader using our application .then opens pdf document .   then try print document.   but print dialogue box not display looks corrupted.and textbox location , label location in dialog box have been changed can not use print option.   please me getting solution. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedVariableException Error

we have existing site in cf6 , working fine.we have installed cf9 on same server testing purpose , using copy of db/application files used cf6.what happens in cf9 gives error coldfusion.runtime.undefinedvariableexception: variable q_data_stat undefined in cfc file has variable q_data_stat used inside function this <cffunction name="get_total_status" access="public" returntype="query">   <cfquery maxrows="" name="q_data_stat" datasource="#application.datasource#">   the query in actual returns 0 records if check in sqlserver,and above error cfc fcntion called.the same cfc file , script works in cf6 though has 0 there setting in cf9 handle resultset returns 0 records? or has idea how handle error.   thanks in advance harish cf9, or cf9.0.1?   there bug in cf9 in - combinations of sql - zero-row result set not returned, instead variable set null.   here's ticket it: http://cfbugs.adobe.

multiple templates - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

seems newbee forums also... see below question... martin van der valk mvalk70 wrote: ls, this maybe dumbest question ever... proves total newbee... i want use joomla! seperate content layout... i want publish articles , use specific template these. i want publish, call, copyright pages, pictures , stuff, may use, , use different template these. different article template, is. i think using different templates allowes me change layout of these different items seperate/independant each other. layout should change each article, if 'parent' layout changes. same copyright pages... first question: right in using templates way? second question: can done? third question: how? thanks comments total newbee... martin van der valk Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

How to use "onLoad" in a Spry

i trying basic spry entire page fades in when page loads.  if choose within <body> tag, dw tells me need "selecdt target element id".   select id, such <ul> , can choose apprear/fade behavior fine, "onload" not 1 of options.   so tried select different tags within portions of body, such <li> items , <table>.   "onload" not event option of these. the time can "onload" event option when select image.  surely there way have text (better yet, entire page) fade in.  need please in selecting contents , ensuring "onload" 1 of event options.   help. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Changing resolution for external monitor

i running ubuntu 9.10 on hp nx9030 laptop. 22" monitor attached laptop. trying change resolution of attached monitor. select resolution (1680x1050) , after click on save system asks me password. after new dialog appears, telling me log off , new log in. when that, same before (old resolution). laptop has intel 855gm video adapter. why can't change resolution? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Changing resolution for external monitor Ubuntu

Download sekcija - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

posto sam tek sada vidio da postoji dio za nas jezik da postavim pitanje ovdje. hocu da na web sajtu moje firme postavim download sekciju odakle bi ljudi mogli skidati razne stvari, uspio sam da napravim nesto ali je mjesto gdje mogu samo postaviti link ka rapidu, sendspace-u slicnim sajtovima. e sad mene interesuje kako da napravim da ljudi mogu skidati direktno sa mog web sajta znaci nesto kao atachment. nadam se da ste razumjeli sta me zanima molim za pomoc. takodje me zanima zasto nece da mi prihvati slova "ć" "č" ostala "ž" "đ" "š" rade bez problema. veryija je 1.5.8. p.s. ako treba mogu postaviti adresu da pogledate. pozdrav, posto si tek otkrio ovaj deo foruma, da znas da o svemu tome sto pitas je vec pisano ovde: za download pogledaj ovde ... /downloads a ostalo ... azuriraj joomlu na 1.5.14, potrazi u ovom delu foruma sta se sve pisalo o enkodingu ili encodingu...

قوقل ادسنس- ارجو المساعدة - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ارجو المساعدة في تركيب اعلانات ادسنس للمجلة توجد مواضيع كثيرة متلقة بالجواب فقط ابحث عنها باستخدام نص البحث الصحيح بالتوفيق تم النقل الى القسم الخاص وتم حذف الرابط أرجو عدم وضع روابط للمواقع الخاصة إلا في قسم عرض موقعك بجوملا viewforum.php?f=315 أو عند طلب ذلك لضرورة المساعدة Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Arabic Forum 1.5 !جوملا الإضافات البرمجية

Thread: gnome-do freezes my desktop

after installed gnome-do , set start @ start-up, computer has started freezing right after gnome-do initiates. happens turn on laptop , log in, , when desktop initiates, gnome-do starts , prompt window login keyring pops , dekstop environment freezes. can move cursor around, when click nothing happens , keyboard unresponsive. option hard reboot, same thing happens on again. curious thing though, notification connecting network functional , system monitor continues record. i'm running 64-bit 10.04 lucid. i having same problem (but 32 bit). can terminal screen shutdown or turn off (ouch). @ moment happy stop gnome starting. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [gnome] gnome-do freezes my desktop Ubuntu

Thread: tri-boot Fedora 13,Ubuntu 10.04 and windows

this output of sudo fdisk -l disk /dev/sda: 160.0 gb, 160041885696 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes i/o size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes disk identifier: 0xf623f623 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sda1 * 1 3917 31457280 7 hpfs/ntfs windows resides here /dev/sda2 3917 4166 1999872 82 linux swap / solaris swap ubuntu /dev/sda3 7056 19458 99614720 7 hpfs/ntfs ntfs partition data /dev/sda4 4166 7056 23216128 83 linux ubuntu's / now want install fedora 13 in /dev/sda3,what should do? before giving advice, version of ubuntu running? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Commu

Thread: BCM4311 not working using STA Drivers

dear all, i'm having strange problem wireless card (i never had troubles i'd glad if help me in making work again). have installed restricted sta driver broadcom bcm4311 wireless card, , apparently card recognized, , in fact can "see" available wireless networks , connect one. strange things if connect network can't navigate. if link ethernet cable, start navigating , after disconnect ethernet , keep using wireless, can navigate without problems. can please me in solving issue? have no idea should start. cheers, -luca are using 9.10?(maybe have done already) point ,the following link suggests install bcmwl-kernel-source broadcom 4312 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking

Thread: Another Ubuntu Wireless Internet Issue. Please Help!!

i'm new linux, installed ubuntu 10.04.1 lucid via wubi run alongside win vista os (hp pavilion dv9620). obviously, ran issue there no wireless internet capabilities. , while following close dozen different forum tickets, i've; -installed appropriate ndiswrapper common(acccording ubuntu site) -installed appropriate ndiswrapper utils(acccording ubuntu site) -installed appropriate ndisgtk(acccording ubuntu site) -d/l's windows driver wireless card (which .exe file) -d/l'd , attempted install cabextract (to extract .inf file) w/o success -d/l'd , attempted install newest version of wine found on install of ubuntu, , start run in terminal somewhere in dashing lines see there no languages (i.e c,) present. -uninstalled , reinstalled ubuntu believing there wrong install process. -then did on again. can me? looking forward ditching windows , making sweet love linux after 2 days of hell, i'm disappointed.....

RSS Feed showing image code - any ideas to remove or render? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i having problem have not been able resolve. rss feed site shows code image opposed image. an example of rss in question is: ... d&type=rss i using phoca gallery images. i willing go without images, of course prefer have them in feed. i found , installed extension thought may remove code called "hide include_content_item in rss feed" ... icate/4948 i made required adjustments rss.php file required plug-in outlined here: ... s-feed.php - no luck i have inquired in phoca gallery forums , suggested post here seems joomla or rss issue. i have searched forums here , have not found anything. any ideas? my guess have phoca gallery plugin installed takes care of replacing text proper html , plugin not firing when rendering rss feed. don't have experience either of these, can try out if want. let me k

Why does PM7 sometimes print a different font than selected?

when print entire file of 20 - 30 pages, pm7 prints small section of file in font looks arial though text in times new roman. i've double-checked ensure text in fact saved in times new roman. when printing 1 page, print normal correct font throughout. problem happens twice in 410-page document, , on same 2 pages in same location. help! if you, try re doing 2 pages. in case, don't expect program discontinued many ytears ago. extra line break kindly provided non updated software of site. More discussions in Adobe PageMaker adobe

Recreate old template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm trying recreate site: code: select all i have basic index.php , css file down, can't figure out how menu on right done. have set 3 categories on right (home, village administration , photos), , have them list new articles added? you need use module that. try looking @ of these: [ulr][/url] let me know if have questions. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

html editor missing functions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all. as did understand i'm started joomla. i'm curently following "quickstart" tutorial getting stuck on part: ---------------------- 9. article screen. there lot of different things can here: ○ add title article, , put section , category. ○ have option publish or un-publish article, choice whether display article on front page. ○ large box article's contents. ■ can use “page break” button divide article pages. ■ can use “read more” divide article section display in a summary view , full view. ■ can use “image” button insert image article using the simple upload form in combination joomla!'s media manager. because of missing functions in text editor --------------------------------- the problem there no such options for: “page break” “read more” i include image visual expertise well. is bug or what? if not or advice welcome. go extensions > plugin manager > click on editor tinymce on right side under functionality, select 'extended'. you

Are the templates sellers respecting the GPL Licence? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm sorry see quiet lot of joomla templates , extensions under proprietary licences . legal, knowing using joomla or virtuemart code wich under gpl ? i not know if must laught or cry when see system of licence of templateplazza, perfect copy of microsoft licencing practices: templateplazza.jpeg i let on there forum little post: hi there, joomla , virtuemart represent great amount of work, provided open source community. are templates plazza under gpl licence, such joomla , virtuemart ? can copy them, , modify them want, can freeware ? is there part of code or of design under proprietary licence ? if yes, respect gpl licence knowing templates using joomla code ? when must join have permission of using templates in 2 or 4 or unlimited domains, way ask giving money (like usual in open source), or trying copy licence system of microsoft windows ? if download templates on p2p (like did legally joomla, viruemart, apache, php, , debian) , if modify them , share them on p2p, attack me on

Canon and Adobe Premiere: cinema size?

hey guys,   i attempting make short film inside of adobe premiere cs4 using canon t2i. unfortunately, stumped trying figure out 1) best way import mediai adobe, , 2) how alter frame sequence size display in cinematic widescreen format. can create sequence fit camera's current setting , display frame size of 16:9 (green). however, create frame size wider (blue). how can that?     i have camera settings set capture video @ 30fps , in 1080p. dimensions of media 1920 x 1080. how media way i'd like? can't seem find video tutorial or anywhere online. want throw black bar overlay on top , bottom of sequence , call quits, figured i'd ask here first.   chris chris,   as capture/import, not know camera. record tape, or flash/sd media? determine how ingest it.   as filling of frame size, want new sequence , match 1920 x 1080, par = 1:1 square pixels, @ 30 fps. should it.   good luck, , let know sure camera's recording.   hunt More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earl

afficher les metadonnees dans un diaporama "galerie flash lightroom"

bonjour,   je viens de créer un diaporama dans adobe photoshop cs5 extended,  par bridge, avec le choix de modèle "galerie flash lightroom", avec comme aspect l'option défilement. c'est nickel, sauf que je n'arrive pas à afficher les métadonnées liées à chaque diapo.. si quelqu'un déjà connu ce soucis ... d'avance merci. More discussions in Forums en français adobe

Bug with 3D animations

i noticed bug when trying animate movieclips in 3d space:     basically bug occurs when trying tween movie-clip in 3d space across z range greater 5000 or so, results in odd behavior (see end of movie above). strikes me odd, whole tweening rate messed when occurs, it's if program decides tween half of distance give it.   i know can workaround problem scaling object while it's moving, that's besides point. first thing tried in cs5 , took me less 5 minutes find. doubt i'm one.   =edit=   so seems exact value 5760. that's largest distance flash tween object in z direction. also, doesn't matter range is, example can go 0 5760 or 4000 9760, both work fine. means can work around problem creating 2 seperate tweens, shouldn't necessary, , bothersome considering how new tween system works, automatically tries add new keyframe current tween, limit still applies.   best, -johannes there limitations on in flash.  said, don't see same issue using actionscript z-tw

Thread: tar.gz help

hey, i'm recent convert ubuntu windows , i'm trying xampp , drupal , running on local machine have no idea how run tar.gz file once it's been extracted. appreciated. -jumpman much easier install software repositories: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] tar.gz help Ubuntu

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Thread: Restore Default Graphics Chipset Driver

i have problem graphics. when installed ubuntu lucid lynx few days ago installed drivers , perfectly. have gone , messed graphics whilst trying cod4 work through wine , installing nvidia utility suggested someone. cod4 didn't work , want graphics how was. appreciated. its little difficult diagnose without knowing tried install , how did it. assuming tried install nvidia graphics driver try following sudo apt-get purge nvidia* sudo mv /etc/x11/xorg.conf /etc/x11/xorg.conf.backup reboot if wasnt nvidia - please let know chip lspci | grep vga Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [SOLVED] Restore Default Graphics Chipset Driver Ubuntu

Thread: Ubuntu 10.04 download problem

i tried download ubuntu 10.04 twice, @ both times download not move further 662.1 mb. speed 0.27 mbps. took around 6 hrs. download. please help. let me know if should try other source. where located? there may server closer or more accessible are. may want try downloading via torrent, best download speeds. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Ubuntu 10.04 download problem Ubuntu

I accidentally moved the Submenu in a Spry menu in DW CS4, HELP!!!!

i accidentally moved submenu in spry menu & when preview page in browser displays halfway down can fix this? help!!!!!? is late use undo (ctrl+z) revert before made changes?       nancy o. alt-web design & publishing web | graphics | print | media  specialists More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: No Sound - Help!

hi, i've done fresh install of latest stable ubuntu , have no sound drivers installed, have zotac ion n330 motherboard , have restricted nvidia drivers enabled, every instalation of ubuntu i've done in past audio drivers have installed have no idea start! have checked in audio options , there's nothing listed under hardware that's how reached conclusion drivers missing! have checked make sure isn't silly amp off or sound on mute or that, can please me reinstall/install correct audio drivers? thank you. code: sudo aptitude install alsamixer ^ if still doesn't work, i'll think of solution Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] No Sound - Help! Ubuntu

Keeping focus after validation error and alert

i have code works want 1 small glitch. alert works when character count in incorrect, , keeps focus on field. problem after correct number of characters entered in field, still keeps focus on field until tab out of it.   i need work does, exception when correct number of characters entered, needs go next field automatically.   if alert removed, works correctly, except, of course, not alert. here code.   var r = new regexp();   r.compile("^([0-9]{8})$","i");   var result = r.test(this.rawvalue);   if (result == true)       true;   else     app.alert("sap numbers 8 digits. please re-enter sap number.", 0);;   thanks you need add braces else. without braces executes first statement setfocus executes. habit use braces on if-else statements.   if (result == true) {     true; } else {     app.alert("sap numbers 8 digits. please re-enter sap number.", 0);; }   steve More discussions in LiveCyc

Thread: External USB tv tuners?

does know external usb tv tuner works on ubuntu 10.04. , there media center type programs work thank you. usb tv tuners do, you'll unlucky if buy 1 doesn't (awaits flaming!!) if in uk try cheapo novatech one, works great. media center install xbmc, you'll need tvheadend watch live tv it, @ present can't record. use mplayer or vlc that. or try kaffiene, tv needs only. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] External USB tv tuners? Ubuntu

Thread: proprietary drivers

i have vaio vgn-fw230j when open hardware drivers , scan get no proprietary drivers in use on system there way of them? and whats difference between these , other drivers? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] proprietary drivers Ubuntu

Smart Collection Keyword Problem

i'm having problem smart collections.  bird photography , trying catalog bird images.  created collection set called birds, , created sub-collection sets various species.  smart collections , large job of pulling images proper smart collections based upon keywords i've assigned images.  i'm having problem couple of keywords.   i have collection set called ducks, , inside have different duck species set smart collections.  rules smart collection given species simple.  harlequin duck, rule is: keywords, contains words, harlequin duck.  of harlequin duck images correctly pulled smart collection.  if try create smart collection called long-tailed duck using same rule structure, no images show up.  same goes smart collection called wood duck: no images pulled smart collection.  however, if change rule long-tailed duck to: keywords, contains all, long-tailed duck, of images appear in smart collection.  works wood duck collection.  if @ keyword list on right of screen, both of pro

Thread: Sticky keys when entering text

hi all, working in ubuntu 10.04 , when try enter login details when entering authorised web site, , while typing, key becomes sticky. means starts printing particular key untill type other key, backspace instance. example: if type "user", might display "useeeeeee" after typed 'e' key. behaviour occurs when chat in pidgin or emesene. know cause might be? thanks. kind regards, veroslav Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Sticky keys when entering text Ubuntu

Ebook Reader Application (like Scribd)

greetings,   is there off shelf app can install on website permit reading of ebooks on website:   this particular 1 looks importing scribd reader. i'm looking unbranded , perhaps editable. i'd know if reader reading pdfs or ebooks can exported indesign. info can tell me good, don't know other have make 1 or buy one. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

recomend an extension that replicates this latest news featu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i'm looking extension or module displaying latest news in same way on several sites. using photo , headline. maybe easier point examples. any recommendations appreciated. free preffered commercial acceptable Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

<SOLVED>Padding around text in mod_custom - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm using mod_custom on front page list favorite links , text butted right against left side of module. apply padding around text can figure out how handle css, nor editor. see i'm talking about, @ on site at: any appreciated. thanks much, don try adding css: #leftcolumn .module p {padding-left:5px;} Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Help anyone know about registration addons - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is there module/component change whole registration system have pay member in subscription per year or account set inactive , can not login unless pay again. no sub member in not 1 registration , upgrade account. need payment subscription right away. does know modules/component out there has this? you can have @ community builder , cbsubs plugin. Board index Other Forums The Lounge

Thread: small cairo dock (2 docks) issue

hi all, have cairo dock set run 2 instances can main dock , 1 auto-hide without taking space on left side of screen. i've been using command "cairo-dock -o -d ~/.config/cairo-dock2/" other dock going. added command startup application reason won't appear when starts. have put terminal manually. how can make both instance of cairo dock automatically run when boot up? side issue: i've been wanting use "keep below" instead of "auto-hide" side dock's behavior. when move cursor side of screen brings dock doesn't go under window when i'm done it. how it's supposed happen? help! right click on second main dock , under gmenu click open @ startup. after have brought second dock have click away it, on application have open, put under again. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support

Thread: can't move window to 2nd desktop

all annoying problem. upgraded karmic lucid (no clean install speak). changed visual effects normal, somehow can't move window 2nd desktop. changed window manager compiz metacity using compiz fusion icon, no result. idea do. if not clear mean, please ask directions. ideas welcome @ moment while can't you'll find in specific application, applications have setting "show on desktops". i'd that. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] can't move window to 2nd desktop Ubuntu

Making news feed sort alphabetically instead of by date - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys. i'm trying incorporate billboard 100 chart site using built in news feed feature. the billboard shows ok, in order date, since not logical have sorted alphabetically. there way this? you can see site here: ... &itemid=68 *i'm running newest version of joomla (1.5.14) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Where to place a custom PHP library? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i still relatively new @ creating components , had general question. creating new component process payments via api. this, using custom php class simplifies nitty-gritty of api. application logic this: 1) controller calls "process payment" model. inside model, call custom php class process actual order using api. 2) once order has been completed, response passed appropriate view notify user whether order successful or not. my question is: should place custom library , there joomla! api call importing model? my initial thought place in "libraries" directory within component , include in model using standard php "require". wasn't sure though if there more elegant way better utilized joomla api. steve i added marc support php. contain 1 file (phpmarc.php) few classes. use library in 1 of components. put file in joomla_site_dir/libraries/phpmarc/. to use php library add next code: code: select all jimport('phpmarc/phpmarc&#

Folder moving - any alternative to drop & drag

hi,   it seems day asking basic lr3 questions.   i have quite complicated folder system have operated manually quite while , comfortable it. without going many details, 1 of basic premises have separate area work in hand - can see have , don't forget (which @ age happen more like!). having done processing, move folders completed processing area. has benefits in splitting photos across physical discs safety , helps in copying stuff laptop necessary. works ok me doing manual copies using windows.   in lr3 move operation possible drag , drop ok until have structure large have both (source , target folders/discs) visible on screen @ once. @ point in windows, either open 2 windows make both visible or use cut , paste. given relatively small space folder structure on lhs of lr3 feel need alternative drag & drop.   any suggestions? no alternative move folder inside lightroom.   two workarounds: move folder in explorer , update folder location in lightroom. select photos in source f

Access Level - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i allow visitors register, not want them have immediate access articles until administrator approves registration first. how can done? thanks, sean to me, sounds if automatic registration pointless in situation, , still require administration work. suggest having administrator in contact page, , have users email him/her register, , administrator create user/pw them. either way, it, admin have his/her "hands dirty", why not avoid added confusion associated this? another thing thinking of here... change access level on pages special, , allow users register, still have wait admin give them "special" permissions view pages... (not sure road, though) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Disconnecting clients from Streaming Server

hello, we have streaming server installed stream online-seminars clients. want manually disconnect clients during translation while leaving others online. way it? clients connect server opening web-page on other web-server embedded flash player has source streamer uri rtmp://our_server/live.   thank you,   olga butygina. hi olga,   actually possible in flash media interactive server edition can use simple server-side logic in fms application or use authorisation plugin feature disconnect clients selectively.   with flash media streaming server, cannot accomplish not support above features edition meant simple streaming usage.   thanks mamata More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

Adding Google latitude - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. i want add below code custom html menu google latitude: <!-- google public location badge --> <iframe src="" width="180" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe> <!-- disable location sharing, *must* visit , disable google public location badge. removing code snippet not enough! --> the problem add iframe part of code deleted wrong? maybe joomla doesn't recognize iframe? how solve problem? thanks kind help! andrej try using wrapper instead of custom html code: select all module class suffix: choice or blank url: scroll bars: auto or no width: 180 height: 300 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5

can't scan hp 2840 networked printer.

have vista 64 bit, adobe acrobat 9.0, apple router, hp 2840 net worked in  1 printer, scanner.  prior apple router, had netgear router , when i dropped document 2840, adobe launch window on vista , scan thru adobe. since replace apple router, local geek says vista has no drivers or capability reach out 2840.  did before, why not now??  help!!!!! have tried scanning graphics programs or such? other printer features work printer. historically, acrobat has had problems particular networks , fixes needed. however, if did change router, seems strange. if works other programs, may access trying use (i not great networks way). if not work standard graphics package, check hardware firewall , other settings in router. specifics check not sure. try turning off hardware firewall temporarily (i don't doing long, bit paranoid!). More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

where is the gradient tool?

hi,   where gradient tool in flash cs4? please reply.   thanks. hi, there no gradient tool in flash there exist gradient transform tool (which inside free transform tool, pls click , hold on tool view gradient transform tool) helps modify/transform gradient applied. however can apply predefined/custom gradient color panel , saved gradients swatches panel. define gradient color panel, can choose linear or radial type drop down , can adjust gradient on bottom of panel using gradient sliders , color stops. thanks! More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Dinamic Title - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi @ all i've question i've website on joomla , use 404sef optimize search engine. the quesion is: is possible assign @ same page more "title" , change random @ load of page ? thx lot p.s. sorry bad bad english :p replicaubba wrote: hi @ all is possible assign @ same page more "title" , change random @ load of page ? google throw on of bus this. have build lot of trust have stable rankins such random title changes Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Thread: How I (accidentally) logged in as ROOT !?!

ok, threw me, did not think logging in root possible in ubuntu. perhaps can shed light... professional photographer, , occasionally, , @ gunpoint, forced web designer, and/or graphics designer client. skilled @ this, don't enjoy it, nor do either efficiently (note reference aforementioned loaded gun...). have job bidding on, , involves shooting, writing copy for, designing, , printing tri-fold brochure venue. trying free myself of windows environment entirely, looking new linux graphics tools. not wanting go through repositories searching, instead installed artistx on small partition. ubuntu derivative seems have virtually every graphics program have ever heard of, , many have not heard of, linux. intend find new tools, install packages on production ubuntu partition. reason, not install nvidia driver though based on 9.04, went nvidia , downloaded proprietary driver. .run file, must sh'ed terminal, logged in failsafe terminal, stopped x-serve

Thread: ATI 4770hd

hello all. 1st green ubuntu, please go easy on me. seem having issue when ever install driver ati hd4770 ubuntu not boot. stuck @ screen says ubuntu , not go anywhere. here of details running 10.4 64bit amd duel core 5500 razor barracuda sound card gigabyte ga-k8n9 mainboard ati hd4770 his after installing ubuntu, update os system update. reboot os. once rebooted go system>administration>hardware drivers. after scan see need fglrx driver. after installed reboot pc. , ends. screen ubuntu , 5 red dots , freezes. no did notice screen rez seems bigger , off center have wide screen monitor , can see on left hand side nice black strip tike screen has been pushed right. again new this, detailed , grateful. thank ahead of time. it may missing working config file. after install fglrx driver , before reboot, run following command @ command prompt: sudo aticonfig --initial -f create working

Save the state of an editable listbox

i created listbox has number of elements in , created "up" , "down" arrows allow user move elements within listbox specify order want. problem have when save document state of list box not preserved. below code used save allow user move elements or down. please let me know if possible save state or if have find solution requirement.   try { if(listbox1.selectedindex>0) { var selecteditem  = listbox1.items.nodes.item(listbox1.selectedindex) listbox1.items.nodes.insert(selecteditem,listbox1.items.nodes.item(listbox1.selectedindex- 1)) } }catch(e) { app.alert(e+''); } usually checking setting automatically option "preserve scripting changes form when saved"  in form properties , default tab.   thanks srini More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

Thread: Share files

hi stupid question here goes - have desktop downstairs connected via ethernet cable (wireless) router. wish store movie files, photos, music files etc on desktop , have them accesible other computers scattered around house - these laptops connected wirelessly router there 1 other desktop upstairs connected via ethernet cable router downstairs. how achieve this? although familiar windows , have in past created windows networks this, not sure how start ubuntu/ linux. have couple of questions - 1, possible windows computers connect "network" or must network members running ubuntu? 2. can files accessed fast enough that, instance, remote computer view movie file stored on downstairs desktop? help. mike in file manager nautilus, can right-click on folder , select "sharing options." have give "share name" may name of folder, or other name. nautilus might tell install software

Cannot Install Photoshop CS5 [Please Help] :(

i have tried multiple times install photoshop cs5; never works. have tried using different internet browsers, , without akamai download application, , clicking 'run administrator'.   the first time tried install photoshop cs5, used akamai downloader. because akamai application writhing piece of garbage, i, of course, came out error. decided download files directly, without akamai downloader.   after downloading files directly, not have issues. wrong. windows found way piss me off , gave me error while extracting files using powerarchiver. error stated following:   "error writing file. "possible reasons: disk full or no write permissions. "please check if have permissions write folder. "vista users: "in microsoft vista, writing folders not allowed (i.e. c:\program files). need start powerarchiver administrator. if extracting files can use drag , drop powerarchiver main interface extract files error. "error: 0."   i have checked hard drive spac

Thread: Grooveshark rhythmbox plugin?

is there grooveshark plugin rhythmbox available? , if not, there "client side" applications spotify available utilizing grooveshark library? feels awkward using web browser music streaming. i'd rather have program it.. grooveshark ad-driven. if by-pass site might undermining them... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Grooveshark rhythmbox plugin? Ubuntu

Can't Check In Story

i working on mac os x (version 10.5.8) in server based environment. when check out stories in indesign (cs5) works fine. make changes , check story in. occasionally, when click check in story, cursor "thinking wheel" pops , 15 seconds later story says  "story uid: 41418 bad". not let me check in. way have gotten around delete story link , create new one. have no idea happening , can not find information on error or how fix it. doing wrong? please help! More discussions in InCopy adobe

Custom Data Descriptor for Tree

hey experts,   i trying create custom data descriptor tree component in flex 3 doesn't seem work. have xml file structure shown below.   <course>      <block>           <title><![cdata[introduction]]></title>           <page source = "xml/block_1/p1.xml">                <title><![cdata[overview]]></title>           </page>           <page source = "xml/block_1/p2.xml">                <title><![cdata[features]]></title>           </page>           <block>                <title><![cdata[structures]]></title>                <page source = "xml/block_2/p1.xml">                     <title><![cdata[structure 1]]></title>                </page>           </block>           <block>                <title><![cdata[samples]]></title>                <page source = "xml/block_3/p1.xml&q

Article style using CSS - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello i'm new joomla , learning on localhost. i'm trying use html , css create article contain number of images on background. i'm using article manager on backside , html option in article editor. but i'm not able change article's background. the usual template background used , code wrote on editor deleted. any advices? hi, please use id or class in backend editor example if have crate 1 article in backend html editor.please use id aor class <div id="articlecontent"> article article aricle /* content of article */ </div> and save article. and use id in template.css file , give background article div#articlecontent{ background:url('../images/flower.jpg') ; /* give imagepath*/(or) background-color:#000000; /* give background color */ } thanks Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Plugin preview: Viewfinder

hi,   i wanted let know of progress on plugin called "viewfinder". idea view of af points (and af information) onto photo preview:   it grabs metadata through sdk , through 'exifool' , draw shapes 'mogrify' (imagemagick). for works on mac , nikon d300 images (in dng @ least)   let me know think, ideas or thoughts...   luc More discussions in Lightroom SDK adobe

New to Lightroom and having trouble importing Pentax PEF/RAW

i started shooting pentax k-x in raw (not raw + jpeg because i'm forcing myself comfortable raw). until yesterday used iphoto in terms of managing , storing files. i'd drag individual photo on lightroom or photoshop one-off edits want start using lightroom manage , store files can rid of iphoto completely.   i shot 20 or raw photos (pef not dng) when put sdhc card reader macbook pro (os 10.6.4 w/ 2.66 ghz intel core i7 w/ 8 gb 1067 mhz ddr3) card reader did not mount on desktop, , couldn't find via lightroom broswer either. looking best way import , store raw files can't seem past step one.   i did search on forms number of keywords (pef, import) still confused after read. tried due diligence please don't blast me if has been answered before. first month camera, first week lightroom, , first day adobe forums.   any appreciated! thank you!!   dewey dragonfacekillah wrote: i shot 20 or raw photos (pef not dng) when put sdhc card reader macbook pro (os 10.6.4 w/ 2.66

Doing seek before movie has started?

hallo, i hope able me problem, because did spend lot time trying solve this.   the point start video @ specific time, not creating subclip. option allready know, have use whole movie work with. at moment i'm using loop checking if seektrait exists , performs seek. in cases function not find seektrait @ 30th loop. video jumps point 0, not solution looking for.   -------- <code> public function tryseektime( value:number ):void {     if ( tryseektimer ) {         tryseektimer.stop();         tryseektimer.removeeventlistener( timerevent.timer, onseektimer );     }                 tryseektimevalue = value;     tryseektimer = new timer( try_seek_timer_delay );     tryseektimer.addeventlistener( timerevent.timer, onseektimer );     tryseekloopindex = 0;     tryseektimer.start(); }         private function onseektimer( event:timerevent ):void {     if ( !seeking && ( lastseekvalue != tryseektimevalue ) ) { // seek when not seeking same value @ moment         seektime( tryseek