Folder moving - any alternative to drop & drag



it seems day asking basic lr3 questions.


i have quite complicated folder system have operated manually quite while , comfortable it. without going many details, 1 of basic premises have separate area work in hand - can see have , don't forget (which @ age happen more like!). having done processing, move folders completed processing area. has benefits in splitting photos across physical discs safety , helps in copying stuff laptop necessary. works ok me doing manual copies using windows.


in lr3 move operation possible drag , drop ok until have structure large have both (source , target folders/discs) visible on screen @ once. @ point in windows, either open 2 windows make both visible or use cut , paste. given relatively small space folder structure on lhs of lr3 feel need alternative drag & drop.


any suggestions?

no alternative move folder inside lightroom.


two workarounds:

  1. move folder in explorer , update folder location in lightroom.
  2. select photos in source folder, right-click folder in want move source folder, select create folder inside, select option include selected photos , click create. finally, delete empty source folder.

More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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