
Showing posts from April, 2013

Session Expired - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear all, in administrator,can extend ( site->global configuration->system )session handler time 40 min? though set session handler time 40 min,it not working.the session expiring 20 min itself..if set session handler time below 20 min working fine.we have enabled memcache our website.will it(memcache) affect session handler time?where 20 min coming from? my client told me extend session expire time 20 min 40 min.if 1 know solution, please reply me..thanks in advance.... thanks & regards, dharmaraj j this guys never answer our quetion Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Why DNG files are bigger when converting from TIFF?

when shoot in raw, normal workflow convert images dng , start editing in lightroom. know, there photos need editing in pixel based software such photoshop.   when right-click dng in lightroom , chose "edit in... » edit in adobe photoshop", photo opened in photoshop 8-bit tiff file editing. demonstration of issue, let's assume don't changes , save file is. new tiff file created next source dng "-edit" in it's name.   back lightroom, both files same, 1 dng, other in 8-bit tiff. point (assuming did change in photoshop, otherwise point in opening there) should further editing in lightroom in tiff , not dng one. let's i'm done work , export final edited tiff file dng (i format , keep metadata changes can revert original). i've exported original dng file comparison.   and realize following: dng dng » ~7mb (basically same original dng) tiff dng » ~15mb   why such big difference?   i didn't editing either in original dng or photoshop converted ti

DisplacementMapFilter bug?

hi, all~ i'm studying displacementmapfilter image-distortion. but, found strange thing. that is, displacementmapfilter not work exactly(?) or linearly(?). i'll show u test result.   left-top image original image;(256x256) right-top image displacementmap image;   - gray part non-transfer section (channel value = 128)   - gradient part transfer section (channel value = 0~255)   - black part maximum transfer section (channel value = 0) and.. bottom 2 images result of applying filter, different yscale parameters.   as think, transfered top of gradient part , top of black part same. changing yscale, difference changed.   adobe online page says. dstpixel[x, y] = srcpixel[x + ((componentx(x, y) - 128) * scalex) / 256, y + ((componenty(x, y) - 128) *scaley) / 256) with same componenty, same y, make same result pixel data. above test result shows it's can calculated when solid part, gradient part not working correctly. did have experence this?   please help~ looks ok me.  

JoomGallery : impossible telecharger images : pb FTP? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

la fonction telechargement de photo (upload et download, dans les 2 sens) ne fonctionne pas (erreur 500) sur mon site web utilisant joomla! et joomgallery, alors que cela fonctionne parfaitement sur mon ordinateur en local. j'ai essayeé de renseigner le fichier configuration.php avec les references ftp, mais je ne sais pas quoi indiquer pour $ftp_root mon lien ftp pointe directement sur le répertoire de mon site web, qui est installé chez '1and1' faut-il taper un lien complet du genre ou bien seulement 'root' ou plus compliqué en fonction d'informations '1and1' ? (que je ne trouve pas !!) merci de votre aide moved french forum. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone French Forum Le bistrot!

Travelling Tour's Packages & Hotels Website - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm interest of using joomla since version 1.0. have lot of websites joomla cms. , used experienced problem also. solve reliable friends onboard. now, i'm wondering of creating "travels website using cms". my site created , running nice of template other free components & modules. what want are: - contents @ frontpage images thumbnails of tour packages , hotels i've created. - booking links different each of contents, hotel a, hotel b.. package 1, package 2.. - i'm not posible easy create each content of 1 hotel, 2 hotel, 100 hotel, 100 tour package in simple article board of joomla. these important things create tours & travels website. * component or compartable tools use in joomla? * people use create kind of website? joomla *which component or tools easy created content of above aims. if know please share resource board , let me express thankfuls. khmeng wat i found site running have too. there tab in contents, mak

Want module i'm programming to call itself. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

have menu item when clicked displays section, , new module displayed "display restaurant menu" menu item. want module following: read , display list of categories in category table. have hyperlink on each category, when clicked re-display same page, however, time listing records item table matching category id (this restaurant menu, categories example, lunch, dinner, etc). can simple module or need component? doesn't seem complicated. can point me in right direction, can't hyperlink work, tried jhelper, getmodule, etc. i trying 1 "displayitems.php" program. how code hyperlink on category call same page(module) variable of selected categoryid. thanks, rick Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

how to unload externally loaded swf which contains 3D Carousel?

hello all   i learning as3 , have been taking on various tutorials found on net. while learning as3 came across lesson on titled "vertical 3d carousel as3 , xml".   i completed tutorial , worked fine wanted load swf existing project. loading of swf goes fine , when unload loader removed visually in output panel in flash cs5 error follows   typeerror: error #1009: cannot access property or method of null object reference. at carousel_c_fla::maintimeline/movecarousel()   this error repeats on , on again slowing swf movie.   so mean main flash movie trying still play / find unloaded 3d carousel?   if how unload remove as3 trying run 3d carousel?   i have included as3 below tutorial page , understand have remove "break free" 3d carousel swf when unloaded. stuck knowledge of as3 limited - can guys / girls help?   //import tweenmax import com.greensock.*; //the path xml file (use

Blank Page when user try to register Joomla 1.5.14 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, untill yesterday users regiser site without problem, today when try register blank page come on. try replace user login files , user com register files , problem remains. try use jfusion login module, same resolts. blank page! the site . sorry bad english , thank in advance replies can check php , apache error logs see if wrong? can enable joomla's error messages see if help. can take site offline log frontend test registration page without visitors seeing error messages. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Including big images kills the memory!

i think title says all.   after time used profiler included in builder today , experimented bit design. i have big application 1100x1000 includes 2 spark bitmapimage components. each 1 embedding picture application background. even though i've optimized as 2 images (made size 11 kb), fact widths , heights big causing problems.   i've noticed if dont include these images application consuming 10 mb less images (25 mb after data has returned server).   i think huge difference!!! if see wrong way please let me know.   i have tried using mx image components without embedding picture no difference. next thought include graphics in html template. i've managed swf isnt transparent, no luck there either.   anyone else experiencing such issues? 1000x1000 = 1 million pixels @ 4 bytes per, 4mb per image in bitmaps.   if bitmaps copied, eat more.  use profiler see what has say. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Some modification for Virtue Mart - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, i want modification in virtuemart. as in virtuemart when select add card, pop comes 3 seconds , ask continue shop or go cart.i want change. i want redirect user directly to cart page without showing popup. i have 1 problem "add cart" button stops working without doing changes. know impossible happening. going wrong. please suggest me. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Need Networking Basics Help

well , have set server , 60 local computers @ our college.there guest account on 60 systems(all of these on same network) in lab , user accounts on server 1 can ssh server. having been facing problems off late , use bit of in following: 1) proxying : net provided server allowed ssh hostels upload files people started using socks server , stealing bandwidth. after bit of research set allowtcpforwarding no ,but people started running tiny proxy in accounts how stop (i don't want delete files manually have open home , break privacy)? 2) local ssh : during lab hours when systems engaged, users start mischeif ssh 'ing other local systems , kill 'ing processes , ejecting block ssh among local systems , allow ssh server? 3)when user logged in server through terminal able browse through file system though cannot edit except home folder barge other users privacy ain't how can restricted? 4)is there way give restricted

Thread: Toshiba laptop virtualbox Windows XP

this computer running ubuntu , windows xp in virtual box. i've installed windows xp home edition in virtual box on ubuntu. problem xp instillation isn't detecting graphics driver, yet else working perfect, sound, networking etc. i've tried several graphics drivers windows xp , yet they're giving me "not compatible message." appreciated. regards oh, forgot i'm getting error saying "you have 0.0mb of graphics." can help? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Toshiba laptop virtualbox Windows XP Ubuntu

การปรับขนาดรูปใหญ่เมื่อคลิกรูปเล็ก ใน Simple Image Gallery - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ใช้ plugin sig v1.2.1r2)j1.5 ครับ (่กับ joomla 1.5.14) อยากปรับขนาดรูปที่ขยายหลังจากที่คลิกรูปเล็กแล้ว มันใหญ่เกินหน้าจอ 16 นิ้วของผมอีก photoshop ครับ เป็นคำตอบสุดท้าย รูปใหญ่อยากได้ขนาดใหนก็จัดไปก่อนอัพโหลด Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Thai Forum

simple replacment with regex - problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! i tried write simple replacement plugin j1.5, replace text between {mytext} {/mytext} html, error: parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_variable, expecting '{' in /home/techniczne/www/html/kreatywwwny/plugins/content/reqreplace.php on line 14 my plugin code: code: select all <?php defined( '_jexec' ) or die( 'restricted access' ); $_mambots->registerfunction( 'onpreparecontent', 'plugreplacer' );    function plugreplacer( $published, $row, $params, $page=0  )         $regex = "{mytext}(.*?){/mytext}";       $row->text = preg_replace_callback( $regex, 'run_replacer', $row->text );        return true; } function run_replacer( &$matches ) {         $text = $matches[1];         $text = "<b>$text</b>";         return $text; } ?> where problem? ideas? thanks! the left curly bracket missing function definition: code: select all  function plugreplacer( $published, $row, $params, $page=0 

"Package operation failed" error when trying to create ICAP file

why happening? create new assignment , select "package incopy" , error message "package operation failed". doing wrong?  draft 1 of mac indesign cs5 file created new "assignment 1" , icap file , emailed pc incopy cs4 client. sent idap file , well. need send draft 2 client same way why unable create new icap file? can't replace icap file draft 1. please help. thank you!  lynn first things first, update 7.0.2. secondly, moving these files between versions not recommended.   all said, make sure checked in before packaging.   bob More discussions in InCopy adobe

Thread: Only partial list of kernels in grub

i have ubuntu 8.04 (32-bits) installed on /dev/sda , ubuntu 10.04 (64-bits) installed on /dev/sdc (this update 8.04 64-bits installed on /dev/sdc). there grub on each of these 2 disks. both old grub (prior version 2). here top kernel listing /dev/sda: title ubuntu 10.04 lts, kernel 2.6.32-24-generic (grub sur unite1) root (hd2,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic root=uuid=761c3d13-cc55-4117-934f-693766e122b6 ro quiet splash locale=fr_fr initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic quiet , here top kernel listing /dev/sdc: title ubuntu 10.04 lts, kernel 2.6.32-24-generic (menu sdc1) root (hd2,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic root=uuid=761c3d13-cc55-4117-934f-693766e122b6 ro quiet splash locale=fr_fr initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic quiet problem top entry see when boot refers kernel 2.6.32-22 , not have comment in parentheses (that use indicate menu.lst information from). cannot boot recent kernel , don

Google Maps and letting registered users enter data points.. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, let me first point out i'm beginning study php , javascript. i'm looking component handles google maps following features 1. lets registered users geotag points , enter limited amount of text , image on frontend. specifically, nice if similar google earth. i'm looking simple , easy use interface average person. 2. ability hold user's upload pending until admin can review them. 3. in specific instances able create external link panoramas. i'm using shadowbox play them. view them @ , click on 1 of samples. in case, more happy enter code work. 4. map functional (zoom, types of maps, ect) this little pet project bit new me fee free point out potential pitfalls, mistakes, or points missing too! thanks! ben Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Suggestion on A4 Margins for a book/magazine

hi guys,   i designing magazine/book journal psychiatric association. called book/magazine because reading long articles running text , few photographs . interior pages black , white , no colour  pictures. the  layout , design has "serious"  trying make more  interesting -considering cannot use color inside- while keeping formal style. client want use  garamond.     1) size , leading of garamond like? trying adobe  garamond pro 11.5 pt 14 pt leading. take in account is  people on 40 or 50 years , older reads long articles and  complaint magazine small minimal type size.   2) thinks of these margins a4 size? here sample.   margins:   top: 24 mm (0.944 inches) bottom: 16 mm (0.629 inches) inside: 16 mm (0.629 inches) outside: 16 mm (0.629 inches)     sample layout text   a) 2 columns , half footnotes (not centered)   b) 2  columns centered.

Thread: Changed hard drive location-now no grub loader

i moved hard drive installed ubuntu 10.04 installation external box , installed in pc box. now, no grub. windows loads without grub options. have tried many grub reinstall directions in ubuntu documentation no avail. ideas how can boot loader offer grub. know has got simple, i'm not finding correct instructions. regards, daryl welcome forum. can give general instructions better see at. livecd run this: boot info script courtesy of forum member meierfra page instructions , download: paste results.txt, highlight entire file , click on # in edit panel(code tags) make easier read. or can generate tags first pressing # icon in post's menu , paste contents between generated [ code][ /code] tags. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Changed hard driv

Screen shot preview too small! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello here feedback extension page. if people want add extension site, upload viewble size preview pic. i'm not sure controlling size of pics , extension developer or team incharge of everytime want preview see if see , try it, or @ least see (a picture speaks thousand words), instead see pictures around 100x100 px fit ant's eyes. so please upload larger preview pic of extension in action please. if hard on server, there imageshack. thank you! @kelvin : jed team have set mosets tree directory resize images there nothing extension developers can it. @jed team: it pita full-screen captures re-sized down point text in images not legible. could please increase size of images 50%. hdd space , bandwidth both pretty cheap these days. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information

CA Internet Security Suite Plus 2010 blocking access to web help.

i installed photoshop elements 8 , when try access photoshop says it's not responding.  uninstalled ca internet security , photoshop , installed photoshop.  able access help.  installed ca again , had same problem.  know settings modify?   thanks there place in security software set internet settings blocking various programs.   for example in mcafee it's called  web , email protection.   you find elements 8 , set outgoing.   you don't need use internet everytime, go help page elements 8 on adobe website , download pdf. then anytime want help, use adobe reader view files.   the link download pdf in upper left corner of page. just right click , choose save target as....     mtstuner More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Moving my catalogue from windows to mac with photos on network storage

hi   i've been using lr while , have catalogue of 15,000 photos.   i import camera files windows vista machine periodically move them on network attached storage (linux host usb drives) have more space , file backup available.   i want move catalogue windows pc onto new macbook i'll moving photography work.   so how move catalogue onto mac , retain links photographs on external drive.   would easier move files on vista hard drive , export catalog negatives or can export catalog , somehow relink files?   i've got lightroom 2.7 installed on both machines , can access network drive photos stored mac   thanks   colin hey colin,      well, didn't have problem when moved main editing pc mac.  backed onto fileserver, loaded onto mac.  opened fine.  "find" files again, right click on left hand side menu shows question mark of missing folder, , let browse find it.  finding new drive locations top level folder easy, , rest fell place automatically.   i routinely backu

Launching flash panel from menu other than Window -> Extensions

hey all,   i've got 2 related questions: is possible open flash panel (created extension builder) custom menu item? can open multiple swf panels 1 menu item? panels defined in 1 manifest.xml in teh same bundle   thanks lot! so far, i'm able instal flash dockable panel(s) through manifest.xml thrown in special submenu , act 2 separate panels (no panel group association)   i can launch palette new window("palette") it's not dockable. i've looked @ panel class , seems dead end - read-only properties ..   there has way. i've seen flash extension launched custom menu , after clicking menu item, panel group opened, in each panel swf extension. More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

set alpha.state with as3

hello!   someone know if there way set property of dynamic created spark object specific state via as3   some thing this:   <s:skinnablecontainer id="mycontainer" alpha.state1 = "0">   </skinnablecontainer>   but via as3   var sc:skinnablecontainer = new skinnablecontainer();   sc.state1.alpha = 0;   obviously code above wrong, trying find way that.   thanks lot. this post might helpful: More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

profile info - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

joomla 1.5.14 i notice below every page in admin there entry below how rid of never seen before. •profile information• application afterload: 0.002 seconds, 0.32 mb application afterinitialise: 0.056 seconds, 2.58 mb application afterroute: 0.058 seconds, 2.73 mb application afterdispatch: 0.213 seconds, 6.27 mb application afterrender: 0.259 seconds, 7.09 mb •memory usage• 7482400 •19 queries logged.• * jos_session session_id = '4e0d50ee1637b8b4b0ea22609b67cd4a' 2.delete jos_session ( time < '1254342867' ) * jos_session session_id = '4e0d50ee1637b8b4b0ea22609b67cd4a' 4.update `jos_session` the output produced debug mode. can turn off global configuration. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

How to adjust a div position?

well, here attempt adjust div container discovered can't apply styles declared.  can please take look.   is ok me convert 'data' text_layout_format? why aren't css styles being applied? and orginal question, how can adjust/justify/move div element?   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:application xmlns:fx=""                   xmlns:s="library://"                   xmlns:mx="library://" minwidth="500" minheight="500" creationcomplete="application1_creationcompletehandler(event)">      <fx:style>           @namespace s "library://";           @namespace mx "library://";                      .body           {                font-size: 18;                }                      .divright           {                padding-left:      100;

Thread: Cellwriter doesn't work properly in kubuntu 10.04

hi all. have tablet pc. upgraded kubuntu 10.04. apart minor problems had solve seems work fine, except cellwriter. cellwriter recognize manual writing , converts in digital characters. can't recognize multi-stroke characters (these need several strokes write it, h, !, à, $, etc...). . once first stroke done, cellwiter finish recognition , fails in giving correct digital character. however, cellwriter works fine in gnome. problem relates kde 4.4. has idea how solve it? thank in advance. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [kubuntu] Cellwriter doesn't work properly in kubuntu 10.04 Ubuntu

Thread: A Japanese character wont display in Amarok

i have asian fonts installed, have ipafont , ipamonafont installed, can see every character in firefox. every character ususally works in amarok, except one 黒 (the character 'black' if can't see it). displays empty square character. tagged entire album japanese characters, , every single 1 displays correctly. except one. may seem overkill open thread this, i'm guessing there may other characters turning squares... ideas how around this? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] A Japanese character wont display in Amarok Ubuntu

website link in header area-how do you remove - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

thanks answering previous questions. question concerns header area of website. have link showing ( ) not sure of how rid of. here link. in advance. hi tch click link see different module positons the logo , link modules guess published on "top" position. just login admin , unpublish module. for more information on module positioning visit ... odule.html thanks , regards amit Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

two joomla "maidens" in distress! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there we have website - (an online magazine women on 40) - , no previous computer experience, have been building helping hand developer friend who, due unforeseen personal problems, has left expectedly in lurch several unfinished key aspects it. we trying find joomla 1.0 15 stable experience complete can establish revenue stream prior updating 1.5. we competant @ general joomla site administration , have basic knowledge of system specific issues need are: installation of new components ie forum, blog, community builder, joomla comment final completion of sigsiu online business index 2 (all loaded , ready go final tweaking) we have issue left hand side bar being out of alignment. until can these small issues resolved not in position take our business forward , make of advertising revenue , interest being offered us. we grateful if able or point in right direction. kathryn & laura Board index Joomla! Older Version Sup

help with scripting: need to import Excel files into PS type layers

howdy all,   i have series of tv commercials provided me layered ps files.  work in cs3 , export avid editing. for customization, need import excel list of phone numbers , duplicate each 1 type layer existing efx , placement. there 30-60 #s, appear in 2 locations, automation key (just finished 45 # series, , have more!)   i dont know how script this, , appreciate guidance. not asking me, me learn have do.   dave koslow from excel save file out either csv or tdt drop down 'save as' options. once have plain text file script able read text file using ever delimiter best suits , create array of string variables can use within photoshop assign contents of text layer… More discussions in Photoshop Scripting adobe

Media Manager 'browse' button doesn't work [to upload docs] - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

anyone experienced this? can't put new documents on website through joomla because media manager's 'browse' button doesn't thing [except depress] when clicked. i'm running version 1.5.12, , joomla installed on isp, don't have installed on computer. any solutions or alternative ways documents onto joomla appreciated, thanks! hi, this question commented in topic: best regards, Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5