
Showing posts from March, 2013

Auto Sync and Sync Settings suddenly greyed out, not accessible?

hello folks   this morning trying add keywords library adding them 1 image , using auto-sync add images, auto-sync , sync settings totally greyed out.   does have suggestions on may have done happen.   i using lr3 on imac.   regards,   jim only 1 photo selected, perhaps?  try selecting photos first. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Confused about relaltionship between menus and articles. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have link (in slideshow image) when clicked handled home menu. problem want other modules on right side of article. home menu handling article. therefore can't assign other modules home menu because that's frontpage , don't want modules on front page, right of articles. how assign menu handlers article. article link goes handled menu thati didn't assign. section or category that's causing this? has eluded me - how articles being handled. i'd need more information help. however, if understand trying here goes: you must have menu item able assign module results of menu item whether category list, article or added extension's link type. if have articles don't have menu item link , don't want link in main menu or other menus, can create "hidden" menu create such links able assign modules articles. there document here: ... _menu_item Board index Joomla! Older Versi

Thread: Cant turn off speakers when headphones plugged in

i'm sure has come before, could't find existing thread. have ubuntu 10.04 , when plug headphones headphone jack, come on, speakers don't shut off. how fix this? have downloaded , installed latest alsa drivers. , still can't figure out. there more few threads regarding issue. it's addressed in forum sticky, believe. however... use alsa-info-script provide detailed information. run command in terminal: code: wget -o && bash enter user password when prompted. choose upload option , provide link output. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Cant turn off speakers when headphones plugged in Ubuntu

mod_mainmenu output override to specific class - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! i have /templates/mytemplatename/html/mod_mainmenu/default.php and structure of menu: <div> <div class="moduletable"> <h3></h3> <ul class="menu"> <li></li> </ul> </div> </div> my question is: add default.php make <h3 class="specific class1"> , <ul class="menu"> <ul class="specific menu2"> i did find lots of tutorials php not great. looking forward reply. (ps no module hacking) what you're looking called module chrome. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Can you open/edit indesign files on CS3 that were created using CS5?

i bought indesign cs5 , using internship; however, boss still using cs3 , said not open or edit indesign file sent her.  looked under "export" see if there option , did not find anything.  using mac , believe using p.c., also, when last sent file, still using free trial - of make difference?  please help!  this has been covered endless times anyway, i'll again!   you have export idml file cs5, open idml in cs4, export inx file there open in cs3 , save indd.  sorry there no way round it, fullstop, end of story etc etc.  if using cs3 , you're using cs5 there no route between them unless have cs4, , route littered pitfalls!  here rather long discussion / rant on subject.   ultimately she'd have upgrade, or see if buy cs3 or 4 version is hard legitimate copy, way buy off know , people aren't selling because they're upgrading.   best news last, there short term fix, go this guys blog , can download trial version of cs4 last month. More discussions in In

Images are fuzzy and garbled

hi,   i inserting images of screen shots captivate 4 , coming in fuzzy , garbled. captured them in snagit , tried saving them gif , jpeg.  none of these formats seem in enhancing image quality. can tell me how bring in screen shots aren't garbled?   thanks. hello , welcome captivate forum,   please check video quality of slides: default setting low (8-bit) , perhaps not sufficient images. can find video quality in properties of slide (use enter if slide selected, or right-click menu). change video quality 1 of 3 other options , watch result see appropriate.  beware: increase filesize, perhaps change quality slides needed. gif 8-bit can sufficient, jpeg or png24 not.   lilybiri More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Thread: Netbook vs Desktop

does have experience both netbook , desktop versions of ubuntu? netbook work better on laptop? have less functionality? honestly, netbook edition waste space on laptop screen , may not having menu visible on desktop. go desktop version... can install netbook interface try out though code: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook then can choose @ login screen desktop boot Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Netbook vs Desktop Ubuntu

Thread: how to search in files text that is one-byte encoding? (enc. that's not unicode)

how search in files text one-byte encoding? places - search files searches utf-8 text. i have asked in , in . , asked in freenode channels. know 1 way: install wine , total commander, search it. better ways? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] how to search in files text that is one-byte encoding? (enc. that's not unicode) Ubuntu

Drop-down Lists

i have 3 questions regarding drop down lists:   1: have 500 entries in excel import drop down list. how do without having add each entry drop-down field pressing plus sign , pasting each entry @ time?   2: design form when push button drop-down list appear. under insert tab, under custom there subform instance controls: add      thought custom feature allow me how link 2 subform (in case drop-down list , button) when push button drop-down list appear , if don't push button, 1 not exist.   3: when drop down list populated 500 different entries format drop-down list when user using form he/she can narrow list of entries adding custom text drop-list field , entries containing characters entered show.      experimenting adding numbers 1-20 drop-down list , checking allow custom text entry box. if type in field without clicking drop down arrow none of list entries show - characters typed. in order search field narrow had click drop down arrow, highlight field , type. there way alter dro

Sharing as WMV audio is only noise.

i've used prel 8 several months no problems.  i've done several projects , saved share settings presets.  worked fine.   now, when render these same projects again, audio files come out noise.  original audio not heard, series of pops.   no updates premier elements have been applied between when worked , now.  of course many microsoft xp automatic updates have been applied.   i can render video mpg or flv , audio fine.  appears windows media has started have problem of sudden.   i've experimented different audio settings within windows media nothing seems help.   i've been searching see if there has been wmv codec update or cause haven't found anything. any appreciated.  frustrating. what exact wmv export/share settings have tried?   when run resultant wmv through g-spot , show audio portion?   here look: good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

How do i get the effect of holding the sun the size of a table tennis ball?

in next film want have effect of me reaching out horizon , grabbing sun out of sky. need know how create sun in adobe after effects. can please help? one quick search one finds many things, such these: 522   i recommend do own search before asking question this . we're happy answer specific questions, exhaust people's patience if don't appear trying yourself, too.   i recommend getting started after effects start here: More discussions in After Effects adobe

HTML and Java script in menu link - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, joomla rocks !!! , love ! yesterday tried , got stuck. does have idea how put html , java script in menu link ? i tried think putting html code directly menu table in database. didn't work i trying use code triggers popup window highslide js... anyone idea or plugin can me there ? any highly appreciated cheerz, guby hi all, user wanted put html code in menu title field. how? thanks Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Merge Paths?

one basic important feature welcome merging paths can layers. example have 3 files of objects clipping paths , need combine them 1 file 1 clipping path of them. mean starting 1 path , redoing other 2 or keeping 3 separate paths. thank you. you can merge paths. of course separate objects can more flexible on layout...   maybe explain little more you're trying achieve. if path x highlighted in doc , drag in path y doc b, y added x. can combine them. can copy , paste paths each other, , combine them. More discussions in Photoshop Feature Requests (Locked) adobe

Thread: converted kvm raw to vdi format, but Windows keeps crash

i converted xp , windows 7 raw image vdi format, used qemu-kvm hosts; virtualbox, xp guest booting progress bar starts rolling, crashed bsod; windows 7 guest, keeps saying can't boot , want repair. there problem way i'm doing (convert vdi , put virtualbox?) how can diagnostic problem? ubuntu 10.04 amd64, virtualbox 3.2.8 (also tried virtualbox ose 3.1.6) cheers, anyone? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Virtualisation [ubuntu] converted kvm raw to vdi format, but Windows keeps crash Ubuntu

Why does Bridge have trouble with accents in filenames?

we work in in-house studio creative suite 4. being in montreal, canada, many of our documents have accented characters in file , folder names. when bridge attempt display these accented filenames, capital letters converted lowercase letters , trip finder window (we on os x 10.5 , 10.6) shows folders doubling, tripling , going normal no human intervention, if 'springing' on own. files on mounted server. folders , files created through adobe bridge cs4 or through dialog box in indesign cs4, illustrator cs4 and/or photoshop cs4.   i've posted video on dropbox account can see problem.   we've contacted apple , it's not problem. there known bug regarding adobe aware of? when bridge attempt display these accented filenames, the capital letters converted lowercase letters , trip finder window (we on os x 10.5 , 10.6) shows folders doubling, tripling and then going normal no human intervention, if 'springi

Everything moved to center alignment.

i'm new robohelp having taken on maintenance of our system after developer created us.  add contect , update other.  made kind of change resulted in of topics in our project being center aligned.  left-aligned.  can not figure out did make happen.  have tried going , fixing topics 1 one (there on 200 not ideal approach), when compile moves center alignment.  have done layout?  advice on how fix a[ppreciated. hi,   a few questions: - version/flavour using , kind of output create? - did change style sheet? - did change templates/master files? - happens if create new topic? correctly aligned, or text there center aligned?   greet,   willam More discussions in RoboHelp HTML adobe

Migrate from Joomla_1.0.15 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i want migrate joomla_1.0.15- joomla 1.5 i have tested , other things working fine, in mu current installation have urls in form of now possible have same url structure in joomla 1.5? as when enable se friendly url in joomla 1.5 urls in different form ? have @ post Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Fatal error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i have joomla site problem. site url: please me how solve it? the error shown: fatal error: cannot redeclare afe() (previously declared in /home/stonexbd/public_html/w/index.php(1) : eval()'d code:1) in /home/stonexbd/public_html/w/configuration.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 1 thank you! mamun Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: Creating new partitions

i have 10.04 64bit install, , want re-organize partitions. specifically, want move /user separate partition make future upgrades easier last 1 was. possible compress existing root partition, split in 2, , move /user portion of filesystem newly created partition? presumably there other settings required keep in sync. if can't done simply, work adding fresh install of base system root partition after moving /user data above? if bombs out well, there other way can preserve existing /user data while ending in separate partition? many thanks, pcal what did last time wanted move /home different partition was: 1. backup valuable data 2. boot livecd 3. create new partition house /home (i had enough space) 4a. mount root partition ~/oldroot 4b. mount home parition in ~/newhome (create directories if dont exist) 5. copy old ~/oldroot/home directory newly created partition taking care preserve

Thread: Apache HTML include files problem

i seem unable use html code: <!--#include virtual="test.txt" --> i have tried following advice in thread makes no difference. file there, line delivered browser as-is. using lucid , new install of apache 2.2 repository. appreciated. tia nick hi nick, please confirm apache configuration includes following lines --> code: loadmodule include_module modules/ ... addtype text/html .shtml addoutputfilter includes .shtml ... <directory "/var/www/..."> # wherever want includes active options ... +includes ... # , other options want please confirm apache error_log -- /var/log/apache2/error_log (or wherever it's located, don't have ubuntu machine hand check) contains no errors when restart apache. confirm test.txt in same directory (this have specified virtual= path)

flash cs4 shared library problem

hi,   i able make shared library movieclips , import them .fla file. problem when make new .fla file in different folder original library give me error saying "error opening url". don't know what's problem because when go in library changed target same level of library... try rechange right level still doesnt want work.   how can fix ?   thank you   sebas More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Poll Sub Groups - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is there way have polls accessed subgroups? example: in pollxt can - allow registered, author, etc... what want is: poll 1 - accessible grade 9 students poll 2 - grade 10 students poll 3 - grade 11 poll 4 - grade 12 is there add-on pollxt, or community builder... allow me give access based on grade level field , not registration level? i also, want students vote once. poll xt great if add userlist of sort. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Loading external SWF over top of the previous

hi..   i have slideshow loads multiple swfs on button click , automatically.. i"m trying rid of white flash right after prev swf unloads , before new swf lods. tried moving removechild(loader); after loading function of next swf doesn't work.. can point me in reight direction please? effect i"m trying achieve:   and code i'm working now. ahead of time:   //import classes easier use import fl.transitions.tween; import fl.transitions.tweenevent; import fl.transitions.easing.*;   //timer var slideduration:uint = 8000;  // or use whatever var slidetimer:timer=new timer(slideduration,0); slidetimer.addeventlistener(timerevent.timer,autoadvancef); slidetimer.start();   var btna:array = [one_btn,two_btn,three_btn]; var previousbtn:simplebutton = one_btn // use class type of buttons   function autoadvancef(e:timerevent):void{ nextbuttonf(previousbtn).dispatchevent(new mouseevent(; }   function nextbuttonf(btn:simplebutton):simplebu

Forgot password not work.. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, pls me... i try click @ link forgot password in website..but cant work properly.. after put email address , enter...have error: ---------------------------- forbidden you don't have permission access /index.php on server. additionally, 404 not found error encountered while trying use errordocument handle request. apache/1.3.41 server @ port 80 ---------------------- but when open email receive token.. what should do..pls me... is sef enabled? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Security - 1.0.x

Initial directory for openDialog

hi,   i wondering if it's possible set initial directory file.opendialog() function - can folder.selectdialog(). the file.opendialog() function keep last folder in memory, set initial directory first time click on browse button.   thanks no problem: create file instance using desired path , file name, call file object's opendlg() method. var f = new file("/c/temp/myfile.txt"); f.opendlg(); the dialog displaya contents of "/c/temp", , name field preset "myfile.txt". More discussions in Photoshop Plugin and Companion App SDK adobe

Thread: iNexio USB Touch Screen

hello all, has been while have visited great ubuntu forums. of basic stuff do, can manage find enough information reading posts on web, searching around run mother of problems , here 1 world time. lol have usb touch screen monitor , touch part work on it. here have gotten far, way running ubuntu lucid lynx. output lsusb: bus 005 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub bus 004 device 002: id 413c:2005 dell computer corp. rt7d50 keyboard bus 004 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub bus 003 device 002: id 413c:3200 dell computer corp. mouse bus 003 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub bus 002 device 042: id 1870:0001 bus 002 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub bus 001 device 004: id 05e3:0723 genesys logic, inc. bus 001 device 001: id 1d6b:0002 linux foundation 2.0 root hub no name or device name in front of it googled around , found (inexio co ltd) product 00

How should you head up an XML file?

hi   i'm wondering if it's imperitive place...   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>   at top of xml files?  can use <xml> ?   i ask, i'm using flash , php create xml file.  works, notice want include quotes (single or double), either flash or php adding slashes, end with...   <?xml version=/"1.0/" encoding=/"utf-8/"?>   i can't find way solve problem, wondering if it's ok take line out altogether?  works, want make sure it's not needed.   thanks guys.   shaun it's have php magic quotes enabled on server.  should disable function or ask host you. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Extract graphics from fla

hi, i have load of fla files large libraries of vector graphics. is there way of forcing flash create export(jpg or swf)of graphics in library without having manually drag them onto stage or scene before publishing or exporting them? i'm thinking there might sdk or utility or can read fla files , export programmatically. any ideas? tia, paul. hi, yes can using jsfl scripts. you have write script , run it.   warm regards deepanjan das More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

how to get rid of this?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys.. i used joomla's contact menu time, bu ti want rid of this: any idea how rid of that? please help. open contact componens / contacts menu. in right side under "contact parameters", see lot of radio buttons list of items like name hide show contact's position hide show e-mail hide show street address hide show town/suburb hide show state/county hide show postal/zip code hide show country hide show telephone hide show mobile phone number hide show fax hide show web url hide show miscellaneous information hide show contact image hide show vcard hide show Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

error messages - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i new pgm , have installed per instructions on windows vista system. when @ joomla page vie local host, there no menu in menu box error message ...same boxws on left hand side when @ varios sections of pages top half of each page full of error messages for example on menuitem manager following errors displayed warning: parameter 4 jhtmlmenu::treerecurse() expected reference, value given in d:\program files\wamp\www\libraries\joomla\html\html.php on line 87 warning: array_slice() expects parameter 1 array, null given in d:\program files\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_menus\models\list.php on line 143 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in d:\program files\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_menus\views\list\view.php on line 65 and set under global configeration warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 2 array, null given in d:\program files\wamp\www\libraries\joomla\cache\cache.php on line 143 warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 2 array, null giv

Changing Repeating Text That Appears in Every Article - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i hope right section in post. all of articles created , published contain copyright 2009 notice couple of inches below last line of article. change 2009 2010, after spending several hours going through templates cannot fine string says "copyright 2009". that leads me believe string want change lives in 1 of database's tables, don't know one. i'd i know changed string year 2008 2009 know can access it. the site the template milkyway template came v1.5.8. that's in footer module. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: Failed application installation.

i message, "the installation have failed because of error in corresponding software package or canceled in unfriendly way. have repair before can install or remove further software." how find out problem , fix it? prem how trying install app? synaptic ? application trying install. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Failed application installation. Ubuntu

Thread: Help with multiple syncs?

okay have tried 3 hours way sync blackberry bold 9700 sync ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix , desktop lucid lynx, , cant. have tried barry , got no where. have bb 5.1 os. can me there? sync netbook , desktop together. file sharing not work on desktop. anyhelp here? welcome forums! syncing blackberry, try follow page: syncing netbook , desktop together, method have tried already? please explain steps used, can further. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu Help with multiple syncs? Ubuntu

Away 3D

hi,   i want learn away3d how start? help?   thanks hi   visit   the site has clear , precise examples, tutorials and full documentation.   best regards peter More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Mail settings help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys, i'm still new joomla pretty basic, i'm having trouble site e-mails. i'm using latest version of jomsocial site's main component , instead of notification e-mails line of "from: " users getting notification e-mails "from: ." i'm not sure if jomsocial problem or joomla problem, i'd appreciate or guidance guys might able give me. convenience, i've attached screen shot of current mail settings. please let me know think. thanks! cory first thing @ configuration.php file located in joomla root. inside file there mail settings section: /* mail settings */ public $mailer = 'mail'; public $mailfrom = ''; public $fromname = ''; public $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; public $smtpauth = '0'; public $smtpuser = ''; public $smtppass = ''; public $smtphost = 'localhost'; make sure same information. here additio

Exporting HDV to web

i've got video made using footage of model airplanes canon hdv camera , graphics in ae made using source settings of premiere sequence.  according "match sequence settings" in export dialog get:   source:  1440x1080 (1.3333), 29.97 fps, upper, 48000 hz, stereo output: 1440x1080 (1.3333), 29.97 fps, upper, quality 50   ... , wants save .mpeg.  i've exported using these stock settings , can view video in vlc, not quicktime on mac.  no biggie.  video looks there ghosting (double wings) on edges of fast moving parts of video, not clean original inside premiere.   so tried exporting .h264.  got worse results there.  similar results when exporting flv/fl4.  ghosting on edges on fast moving parts of video.  example when wing spinning around see 2 wings).  slower looks better.  hdv that's issue, adobe media encoder or settings of it?   my goal close original can get, smaller, width around 500 or so.  encoding technique , settings should using best video, sharp edges on mo

Thread: External hard drives---Will external drive work for unbuntu and Win-XP?

i need photos both sides of old dual boot computer 1 side ubuntu , other win-xp. notice external drives come windows centric software. there problems getting photos downloaded computer? have not yet bought external hard drive , appreciate recommendations along line. once have photos off of windows side remove win-xp machine. computer getting old @ 9 years of age. time retire machine soon. computer has usb 2 ports oldpath my latest external hdd came windows software installed, formatted ext4. can do, boot linux os, , access windows files there , copy direct external hdd. if going bin windows anyway, doesn't matter software pre-installed on drove. i'd format ext3 or ext4, , ntfs last bail out in case windows ever has see it. or partition drive , put ntfs , ext4. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu

How to get an event on Air Application uninstallation

hi friends                  there way event on appliation uninstallation.actually want cleared shared object when uninstall application.also want remove application system tray during uninstallation of please tell me way or logic same. tell me wheather possible in adobe air or not.i using adobe flash builder 4 , adobe air 2.0.waiting reply.     thanks , regards   vineet osho More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Scorm Aggregator

when use scorm aggregator file have lms link opening course? hi susan,   when create course scorm package, lms looks imsmanifest.xml in root folder of package zip.   imsmanifest.xml contains lms needs launch course.   thanks, deepak More discussions in Quizzing/LMS adobe

Thread: Dual Boot - XP SP3 /Ubuntu 10.4 - No XP boot after install Ubuntu 10.04

hello guys, cannot boot xp in laptop , can me please: history is: install ubuntu 10.04 in dell inspiron 6400(hard disk of 80gb) laptop , after install ubuntu , xp not appear in grub menu when power on laptop. add entry /boot/grub/grub.cfg ( read in ) follow information : title microsoft windows xp root (hd0,5) savedefault makeactive chainloader +1 entry added appears in grub menu when access entry xp not boot(appear black screen cursor). read running command sudo update-grub, might make bootable(that xp appears in grub menu , boot) xp did not work. note: path lost windows xp /dev/sda5 , labeled "nuevo_windows". have downloaded bash script in , output of script in or can found in post: boot info script 0.55 dated february 15th, 2010 ============================= boo

keywords with spaces

i'm sure there easy answer i've never found it.  when entering keywords how type name of existing keyword has space in it? eg  "st finbarre", or "john smith", or "el jem"   two situations have problems:  firstly when entering keywords in "enter keywords" panel.  if start type "st finbarre" drop down list of keywords starting "st" - list long fit on screen (i've photographed lot of churches , not saints names fit on screen in drop down box)  when continue type instead of list being reduced characters replaced list of words starting "fin..."  tricky locate keyword want assign.  aware can type whole name , add comma , keyword assigned doesn't when keyword exists multiple times in hierarchy eg under saint, under church name, , in cases place name too.  first entry in hierarchy 1 gets assigned.   the second 1 in filter keywords dialog box.  entering john smith gives keywords john , keywords smith. not i