
Showing posts from July, 2012

Trying to make an illustrator made image smaller in proportion?

hello have made image in illustrator using pen tool. large imagine , when group lines , arches , try downsize image can image smaller lines , arches remain thick putting whole image out of proportion. how make in proportion when downsizing , keeping enough quality use logo? new , appreciated.thank in advance. double-click on scale tool in tool panel. choose "scale stroke , effects." strokes scale in proportion rest of art.   More discussions in Illustrator adobe

รบกวนผู้รู้แก้ปัญหา ปรับโค๊ด Theme ของ Flash+XML Code ครับ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

มีปัญหาเกี่ยวกับการปรับแต่ง template นิดหน่อยนะครับ ปัญหาสำหรับ theme ที่ผมใช้มีอยู่ว่า.... ด้านบนของ template นั้นเป็น header ซึ่งเค้าเขียน code ให้เล่นไฟล์ flash แล้วเชื่อมกับ images ต่างๆ ที่เป็นแบนเยอร์ ด้วย flash script แล้วเชื่อมโยงกับไฟล์ images.xml อีกทีหนึ่ง เพื่อให้ banner image ที่เป็นไฟล์ jpg หลายๆไฟล์วนเข้าวนออกเป็น banner ได้ ซึ่งผมว่า ดีมาก เพราะเวลาเปลี่ยนภาพ ก็แก้แค่ไฟล์ jpg อย่างเดียวครับ ปัญหาคือไฟล์ flash ต้นฉลับนั้นจะมี text อยู่ซึ่งผมอยากเอาออกมากๆครับ เพราะก่อนเริ่มสคริปมันจะโชว์ text เป็นชื่อ template ก่อนนานพอสมควร แล้วภาพ images ค่อยเข้ามา .....ผมทำอยู่หลายวิธีก็เอาออกไปไม่ได้ เพราะต้องไปแก้ที่ไฟล์ .swf ต้นฉบับ ซึ่งผมลองใช้ sothink swf decompiler บีบไฟล์ออกมาเป็น .fla แล้วไปลบออก text ออก แล้ว publish เป็นไฟล์ swf แล้วก๊อปปี้ทับไฟล์เดิมแล้ว ปรากฎว่า สคริปที่ใส่ไว้ (ผมก็ไม่แน่ใจว่าเป็นที่ flash script หรือ xml ที่ไม่สั่งให้ดึงภาพ images ต่างๆ มาเหมือนเดิมครับ เพราะผมไม่ได้ลบอะไรเลย ลบแค่ text ออกอย่างเดียว ผมพอมีความรู้เรื่อง code บ้างเล็กน้อย พึ่งลองให้ joom

Uninstalling CS4 from side-by-side CS4+CS5 setup?

i own both photoshop cs4 , cs5.  when cs5 released, downloaded trial , installed side-by-side cs4.  after period expired purchased cs5.  both installed on machine, , both functional.  primary questions follows:   is there advantage having cs4? don't use anymore, there might useful for? (that cs5 cannot do?) will uninstalling cs4 cause issues co-dependencies?  i.e., required re-install cs5 afterwards?   my system windows xp 32-bit sp3, feedback appreciated. 1. no.   2. no. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

How to do this in joomla? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have following requirement. 1)store list of clients , contacts in database 2)enter details of each interaction contact – date, person contacted, comments 3)store name of employee made contact 4)set email alert future contact 5)search facility based on client name, location, contact name 6)facility create , format letter online printing purposes 7)mail merge facility print same letter multiple clients name , address of each client on top facility print name , addresses of single or contacts address labels send letters courier is there extension in joomla? sachinp Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

RoboHelp v7 Publishing error

hello,   i not robohelp user, team tasked support of robohelp v7. although have multiple users not having problem when attempting publish, have 1 user continue's following error:   the title bar of error window states: webhelp pro publishing has been cancelled. connection failed. please check connection , post again. native error: access denied.   the client has had problem couple days now. prior worked fine, there no other computer robohelp installed within department works in. so, cannot have him log pc try it.   is access denied rights issue server not allowing him access it? read of similar errors in forums. talked of bogus temp files created on server need deleted. however, wouldn't have effect on more 1 user?   any , suggestions appreciated newbie robohelp 7 support.   thanks,   jim does server have robohelp server installed on it? if not webhelp pro wrong output.   if have installed, other authors publishing server or working on different projects different publishing

Alternating row colours in a repeating list?

hi guys   sorry if has been asked before couldn't find after doing searching.   i wondering how go implementing alternating colours (i.e. how expect in datagrid in flex) in flash catalyst?   also side note - i'm pretty sure isn't possible pages i've read online since i'm here i'll ask: there way of implemeting datagrid (or ideally advanced datagrid) in flash catalyst , bringing flash builder?   thanks. there's no capability in current version of fc - though take @ thread.    adam suggests work-around.   and here chris helps datagrids:   best, tanya More discussions in Flash Catalyst adobe

PHP debugging in Netbeans only for index.php - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi netbeans 6.7 , beta 6.8. scenario: i'm trying debug joomla extension php files served on localhost, 'run local web site' , not run script. xdebug initializing ok, stop on first line of index.php, once ide leaves index.php debug (breakpoints in other module non-functional) until code re-enters index.php. maybe losing project path information somehow http://localhost/joomla1.6/ however, if thats case cant life of me see where. to way, debugger works on index.php not work on other .php file executed. any advice appreciated. php ver 5.2.10 xdebug php_xdebug-2.0.5-5.2.dll firefox 3.5, netbeans extn, firebug 1.4.3 tks kindly. al. ps fear may not able fixed: i'm more convinced path problem netbeans has. can debug php files on of older projects placed php files in project directory. however, using joomla, php files spread out in subdirectories under main path directory. think parsing netbeans on project instantiation sort out php

Thread: sed expression question

good day everyone! sorry ask how in sed "if 'string1' not exist add 'string2' end of file once"? thank in advance! use awk can keep counter/flag signify found. code: awk '/string1/{f=1}end{ if (!f) {print "string2"}}1' file use best tool job. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk sed expression question Ubuntu

Photoshop CS 3 error message?

i tried googling error message , came empty.  seen it? (first one).  thought id ask others well. thank in advance!   - adobe photoshop cs3[613]    failed send request 0: -1   - [0x0-0x3d03d].com.adobe.photoshop[613]    objc[613]: class epicpanel implemented in both /applications/adobe photoshop cs3/adobe photoshop , /applications/adobe photoshop cs3/adobe photoshop 1 of 2 used. 1 undefined.   - [0x0-0x3d03d].com.adobe.photoshop[613]    objc[613]: class epiccontroller implemented in both /applications/adobe photoshop cs3/adobe photoshop , /applications/adobe photoshop cs3/adobe photoshop 1 of 2 used. 1 undefined.   - [0x0-0x3d03d].com.adobe.photoshop[613]    adobe photoshop cs3(613,0xa0c21500) malloc: *** error object

Cannot access flash.globalization from .as file

hi, i appreciate in this.   i created flash builder 4 project air framework.  created package layer, example.   when in [cdata] section of project, using actionscript, can access flash.globalization package.   but, when inside package, in .as file containing class, can access limited subset of flash package: ..filters, geom, media...   does have idea why can access flash packages in mxml file, not in actual actionscript class file?   thanks help.   ron More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Login Greeting Colour - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, another quickie. how change colour of 'hi <username>' text? background makes white unreadable. there way of getting rid of comma @ end? thanks, wasila the best place change colour of username via template's css files. since login form in left column check css selectors applicable column first. if have difficulty finding correct selector , don't mind hacking module code directly (not rocommended) open "modules > mod_login > tmpl > default.php" , following code: code: select all <div>    <?php if ($params->get('name')) : {       echo jtext::sprintf( 'hiname', $user->get('name') );    } else : {       echo jtext::sprintf( 'hiname', $user->get('username') );    } endif; ?>    </div> , change first "div" tag like code: select all <div style="color: colour here"> change "your colour here" whatever colour wish. you can remove comma after &qu

Vilket tillägg - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej! Är det någon som vet vad ett bra tillägg för att installera så att personer kan logga in till en egen profil. lägga upp bilder som samlas på en sida med små thumbnails som man kan kommentera. jag skulle vilja att alla kan kommentera varandras bilder. kanske också ett forum. tacksam för alla svar. mvh eva du kan alltid installera cb (community builder). där kan du göra hur mycket som helst.. det finns och ladda hem på jag kan säga direkt att alla dina saker går att fixa den komponenten. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Forum för Joomla! med långtidssupport Forum Joomla! 1.5 Komponenter, moduler och plugin

Need extension for child adoption website - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm building site society working in field of child adoption in africa. want create account "father" in wich can see pictures of child, read updated news regarding him , send message him: of course informations should visible him , admin insert informations in db through control panel. is there among extensions use starting point , modify it? sorry english thanks in advance! claudio Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

File permission issue in Windows Apache - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear all, i facing download denied using ftp download joomla site using ftp client. i have installed joomla windows hosting using apache. working fine adding menus, create contents, upload images, install modules/components. but when want download images uploaded using joomla/jce...i cannot download using ftp client. whats going on? below find out. 1. when using joomla upload images, can delete/move using joomla well. cannot download or delete using ftp clients 2. when upload image using ftp client, can use joomla delete or move image file. 3. have checked hosting , claims have put iusr correct permission on images folder. please advice.. regards; normally, ftp allow 2 downloads @ once. is message in ftp program "server disconnect"? try sfpt instead. hope helps! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

CS5 crashes on HDR or Photomerge - possible Solution

hi friends,   after ps cs5 extended crashed everytime when tried merge pictures or make hdr pictures tried including lot of adobe support without efford. finally ended installing whole system scratch including photoshop test , saving of recovery point after every bigger software installation... and! @ end fix "bad" piece of software corrupted functionality of ps.   system: win 7 ultimate, cs5 web premium   the whole installation process went fine until installed ptbsync (a desktop calendar tool). after installation ps showed same error behaviour before - induced generating stitches or hdr. program freezes , windows reports ps not working anymore. after uninstalling ptbsync , restoring system @ point before installation ps worked flawless again. maybe helps withe same problem - took me lot of time , nervs find (particular) solution @ end.   woolfi More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Cairngorm 3 modular sample application - does not work with parsley 2.3

after last update repository modular sample not work. not able compile api project parsley 2.3 libraries - there error 1046: type not found or not compile time constant: stageeventfilter. compiled project parsley 2.2.2. other projects compile ok parsley 2.3, when run insyncmodularextendedshell, there runtime error: error #2044: unhandled error:. text=error building context - cause: error. 1 or more errors in compositecontextbuilder: 1 cause(s). suspect can due libraries mismatch.   when return version parsley 2.2.2, ok.   zdenek m we're in process of upgrading parsley dependent libraries parsley 2.3. support 2.2.2 shown here:   however, if checkout trunk libraries converted 2.3 version. More discussions in Cairngorm Development adobe

[locked] how to do business

i sales manager in china. our company let me business friends abroad. don't know should do. hope can tell me method of doing business western. thanks. you asking in wrong place: these forums discussion of adobe products users. More discussions in Forum comments adobe

Thread: New user applications, ideas

i came home little sister lives, she's 10 now, , our grandmother got new computer gave old 1 me , gave little sister. computer dell dimension 4600 series 256ram , p4 proc. anyway came home , found 1 of unix textbooks , told me started reading told put unix(ubuntu of course) on computer , agreed wondering if knows of applications/games/resources can point little sister to, keep interest in unix , computing. below starter packages (at main & universe repositories). project name/title package name in synaptic package manager ================================================== =============== debian jr. junior-* (many / includes apps also) gcompris gcompris tuxmath tuxmath tuxpaint tuxpaint supertuxkart supertuxkart supertux supertux hex hop hex-a-hop there many more of course, search on

Border of the frame problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello i'm using jommla 1.5.14 milky way template. the website in hebrew, aligned right. i had no problem (i had small problem, on machine , ignored it) until today. today in morning tested few guest books component , after have chose 1, i've uninstalled others. ones tested were: jambook, community builder (contains 1 com , 3 mods), mambook , phoca. phoca installed yesterday , 1 have left. others uninstalled including mods of cb. i not know if caused left part of frame (it's picture mw_shadow_r.png of template) missing , background of main container out of it. also, lowest menu have, cut bottom. bottom of it's frame not shown. looks top footer area covering on it. see items in menu. i'm using ie 8 has compatibility view button. when set on messes up. when it's off in place. when check in chrome, it's fine. older versions of browser shows incorrect. it fine yesterday. see website correct on explorer 6, it's designed new browsers. does have idea should it?

Template problem IE! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone! this first post here, not sure if proper category this. have great problem. namely, designed website friend( ). works fine besides this.. when enter subpage offer of shoes, should this: however, when open ie, goes wrong.. opera , firefox read website well. here knows solution? thank in advance, karol chilimoniuk hello, what version of ie? ie6/7 have known float bug in cases can fixed it's own style sheet using display: inline; on main #content style. see here , here more information , fixes ie browser bugs: ... argin.html regards, doc Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Trim in/out point of Layer A to match Layer B?

how script or tip trim in/out point of layer match layer b?   like trim solid , trim adj layer, existing precomps/layers.   i doing this   select layer a  i select layer b option-[ select layer a  o select layer b option-]   but... need 200 times.   so script thing can me out?  like, select 2 layers, , it'll auto trim bottom layer's in/out point match top's. oh, nevermind! brain turning mush in wee hours.   i found trim layer above / trim layer below scripts lloyd alvarez. More discussions in After Effects adobe

Intregrating Powerpoint, Video, and Audio?

we investigating how replace eteach.  use create flash video of teaching powerpoint slides.  here example of have created:   i curious of how in captivate, or if it's possible?  inserted powerpoint, , looked small.  switched few things, , looked better, video doesn't play whole time, , lot of work make clips each different powerpoint slide.  curious if knows of better way accomplish this? hello,   this link points manual, had hoped see example. perhaps posted wrong link?   you can import ppt in captivate or create captivate file powerpoint. issue mentioned due latest flash player, not captivate. moment not yet solved flash team, can find workaround in faq, number 19:   if want make flash movie out of ppt, perhaps adobe presenter easier choice, installs plug-in on ppt. not upgraded moment work powerpoint 2010, whereas cp can import ppt-slides latest version.   do want mo

Thread: Macubuntu

i use ubuntu netbook 10.04 , try script change theme after use script panel disappear , have problem metacity. solve must type alt+f2 , use everytime command code: metacity --replace can me solve that? disable compiz go system> preference > appearance, te last tab , choose no effects Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Macubuntu Ubuntu

Thread: 720p conversion

i did screen recordings games (using frapps) , wanted convert 720p , upload onto youtube. screen resolution 1440x900, while 720p resolution 1280x720. anoying thing is, after installing... 4 video editing programs, still has add black borders both width , height though resolution of source larger im converting to. help??? you can use -s flag ffmpeg: code: ffmpeg -i source.mp4 -acodec copy -s hd720 output.mp4 and see if video quality enough you. otherwise need higher video quality settings, i'm not familiart ffmpeg (shouldn't hard find, though). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software 720p conversion Ubuntu

Thread: KTader does not find postscri[t part

i looking @ program attempting display ps file , using ktrader find suitable component. code called is: code: ktrader::self()->query("application/postscript","'kparts/readonlypart' in servicetypes"); this returning empty list , program reports unable continue. need in order call succeed? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] KTader does not find postscri[t part Ubuntu

IonCube - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i downloaded " membership " extension joomla ! site , asked me install ioncube loader .. anyone can me please .. please want sample way ... thanx ioncube means extension encrypted. you'll find ioncube loaders here: i recommend talking host , getting them you. normally, hosts have this. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

mavik Thumbnails öppnar thumbs i nytt fönster? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

som tråden heter så har jag ett problem med att mavik thumbnails öppnas ett nytt fönster/flik och inte en snygg nedmörkad popup som det bör. någon som vet vad det kan bero på? mvh nicklas det är nog samma som jag skrev om för en annan lightbox här: viewtopic.php?f=451&t=442772&p=1859815#p1859815 testa byt till annan teknik för att visa de stora bilderna. har för mig att det finns som val den pluginen. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Forum för Joomla! med långtidssupport Forum Joomla! 1.5 Komponenter, moduler och plugin

Mighty Extensions, CCK, eCommerce and lots more...! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my first post...!! i have built around 5 joomla sites far - have found straight forwards. looking build ecommerce site , separate social network site. 1. the ecommerce site sell around 200 products need shipping around uk , possibly globally. volume quite low. need solution designed joomla (so not zen cart etc). have narrowed down virtuemart , mighty commerce (part of mighty extensions portfolio - used joomsuite). is virtuemart bad people is? have seen great shops powered it? has latest release cured issues? have bought book on subject, , doesn't bad. has used mighty commerce? have looked everywhere review. easy configure? reliable? can compare virtuemart? 2. social network site, users going have own log books can use diaries, recording weather conditions, locations, review day , add pictures etc. able keep diary entries private, or publish friends. expect going need cck. i guess have 2 options - either use community builder , sobi 2 'logbook' or old mighty extensions , u

Change filename index.php root - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, unfortunately have change index.php in root because present site still running , has index.php. can not set present site offline. so have changed index.php of new joomla website 'index_new.php' when click on urls see urls still contain 'index.php' e.g 'index.php?option='. in script , param should change index_newp.php used in urls? i hope can me. thx, marteijn mmout wrote: unfortunately have change index.php in root because present site still running , has index.php. can not set present site offline. then recommend install joomla in subdomain or subfolder. olaf Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

How to set x axis inside symbol

i need set x axis 0 left of stage, , dont know how it. if have created symbol, need open/edit symbol , shift of content such leftmost edge of aligns @ x=0 axis--the align tool handy doing things can select option align stage, in case regostration points define how things align when select different options.   if haven't yet created symbol, can select orientation in create new symbol interface (there small grid select orientation of registration mark. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Stuck on saving project at "Discovering Unreachable Audio"???

i tried publishing project , got stuck @ 15%.forced quit. tried saving after restarting , reopening. stuck closing with: "discovering unreachable audio   cp5 on mac.   any ideas? in file might corrupted. not fun. i had happen once (on pc), , had rename , open backup of file. worked fine. More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Thread: Routes not persistent

hello, have ubuntu 10.04.1 install openvpn, have routes in /etc/networking/interface file. ever reason when boots routes don't come , have restart networking before come up. once well. idea's why it's doing that? thanks! i added , down commands in config , come should. though tried @ 1 point don't think ubuntu can handle, instead had give full netmask. ie cheers Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [SOLVED] Routes not persistent Ubuntu

Adobe Reader 8.1.2

i error reads......  error1606.could not access networklocation %appdata%\ ... i can not figure out , unable update or use adobe @ all... wouls much appreciated.. i can try if provide me more info:  trying update reader 8.1.2 ? 2.what os , have upgraded recently?   if have no problem,you can upgrade free reader 9.3.4 following these steps:      -download  9.3.3 installer , run it.      9.3.3 installer automatically uninstall reader 8 , install reader 9.3.3.      -download 9.3.4 update , run it.   More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Code shows but no video in AllVideos - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i have tried search on , sifted through quite bit of threads on subject , yet have not found answer problem. i have installed joomla version 1.5.14 legacy: 1.0 , joomlaworks "allvideos" plugin v3.1 joomla! 1.5. install success , have enabled plugin work. have read documentation plugin. now problem, go in add new article. pasted in code: code: select all {[youtube]}dv81baghxbu{/[youtube]} , have tried google video code: select all {google}-814361516845782676{/google} then when go preview it, see code , no video. can please me work? soooooo appreciate it! what happens if switch legacy off (as recommended) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Plugins/Mambots

Modulo/Componente Noticias-Imagenes - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

buenos días, quería saber si alguien me puede asesorar con lo siguiente. necesito un modulo, componente o plugin de joomla que cumpla la función que pongo continuación. sería una especie de spotlight de noticias o no sé el nombre específico, pero se trata de cuando uno pasa el mouse sobre la imagen, aparece una descripción de la noticia. y al hacer click, te lleva al artículo: aquí en ejemplo: (son los cuatro ensayos abajo del principal) he descubierto que gavick tiene algo similar, pero sólo funciona con venta de productos, y yo lo necesitaría para noticias: aquí el ejemplo: también encontrado en joomlart, (ja sulfur) pero al hacer click me lleva la noticia + la imagen, y yo no necesito que aparezca esta última. espero que se haya entendido, desde ya muchas gracias ss Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum

Virtuemart - layout issues - help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

first , foremost wanna being freelancer sucks. second, wanna give shout-out great guys out there take time answer super specific questions newbies me can't figure out how things done. the site: ... ory_id=151 the problems: - text under thumbnail not showing ok. - wanna remove ( manufacturer ) link. - wanna remove "informatii vanzator" downstairs - need great gallery put in 1 of tabs, must plugin , not module because there's wysiwyg editor in there can add gallery's can implemented {xxx}/foldername/{/xxx}. current gallery not ok 2 reasons: 1) pictures way big , don't have clear control on them + considering there +100 products need fast way control that; 2) has cooliris link in top right, view in 3d; 3) isn't connected thumbnail in top left side. thus, resume gallery needs: when click thumbnail, must show other pictures in dropdown tab. here example of how should work:

Joomla Duplicate Title Problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

alright, 1 has me stumped. i have joomla 1.5.14... installed , working great. but, title tag doing weird repeat thing cant figure out. have acesef installed. the title tag doing this: site title - page title - site title i have variations of settings, , disabled acesef , problem still happening. think joomla, have hint? coolmanmktg wrote: anyone have hint? give url or screenshot , might have one! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Solved: hwdVideoShare Perl Upload Method returns to blank pg - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi.. i'm using joomla 1.5.11 .. , video component called hwdvideoshare (version 2.1.1 alpha) .. component allows large video file uploading via perl scripts.. perl script called uber uploader.. have special uberuploader modifyed component. downloaded it, , uploaded it. correctly. checked permissions, fine. seems work fine.. go video upload page, , uploads completely. sends me success page. @ flv file through ftp. it's there. when click on actual video page, on website, video page returns blank pg.. when go joomla admin panel, manage videos section, click on video, , returns blank page. view blank page's source , shows this: code: select all <script> alert('hwdvidsantileech::store failed - table 'myaccountusername_mydatabasename.jos_hwdvidsantileech' doesn't exist sql=insert `jos_hwdvidsantileech` ( `expiration` ) values ( '6a420ad26537bcd70a6abf1aeced887b' )'); window.history.go(-1); </script> can please me figure out? someone.. help

Acrobat stopped working

hello:   i installed acrobat , swear working.  when try open windows installer opens , goes round , round , nothing. tried reinstall , keep getting error 1603.   below windows error log.  how fix this?  tried follow posted remedies 1603 error , did not fix problem.   any suggestions welcome   thanks randy   which version of acrobat, using? , last action performed on acrobat, turned working acrobat stop functioning? please mention os , service pack installed on machine. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

How to get column title of AdvancedDataGrid from QTP with flex plugin?

hello,   i use qtp 10.0 automation test plugin flex 4.0 installed. based on test requirement, need column's title of advaceddatagrid, couldn't find way that.   if knows how that, please tell me. it's urgent me because schedule strict. in advance everybody's attention on problem.   thanks, stone More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Does Joomla pass PEN test - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i designing website using joomla going subject pen test before going live. can tell me if joomla pass pen test , provide advice on this? thanks in advance, michael greetings michael: if pen test means penetration test, then: 1. make sure server secured; , kept secured (there no such thing 1 time server hardening). 2. make sure mod_security part of server hardening. 3. make sure on latest version of joomla. 4. see 5. make sure other applications on server (server wide or customer) date , secure. thank you. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Probleem met gastenboek - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

op dit moment ben ik bezig met het maken van een website maar heb een groot probleem met het gastenboek ik maak gebruik van jambook, en kan hem ook niet deinstaleren als ik in backend op deinstall druk komt er helemaal niks te staan! ik hoop dat jullie mij kunnen helpen of als iemand een template heeft die ik kan plaatsen zou dit makkelijker zijn, (is het trouwens mogelijk om die tabbellen te verwijderen en om te zetten naar div's?) heb nog geen verstand van jambook dus weet niet wat waar moet komen te staan! hoop dat er iemand die mij kan helpen! (als dit in verkeerd gedeelte van forum staat mag het verplaatst worden! opgelost!!!! gooi er maar slotje op! bleek dus ff ergens een / niet goed te staan xd Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Algemene vragen

Canadian Pharmacy links on my site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

after having cleaned template problem embedded links month ago, again have seen viagr/cialis/canada @ top of keyword list. search of 'my site' + 'viagra' brings result shows ton of links 'above' site's template when @ cached version. links wordpress blogs, academic sites, etc, link canadian pharmacy. notice there za lot of sites out there similar problems. anyone know how rid of pestilence? see: viewtopic.php?f=432&t=335090 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Configuration file and paths - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

clarification please. i using freevirtualservers (fvs) right now. all of localhost joomla structure ftp'd public_html diretory @ fvs i created new database called joomla in cpanel. i exported table localhost site database , imported new database fvs - no problems i created new user called mark , fvs prefixed m21cjbl (this account name or guess) problems: var $user = 'm21cjbl_mark'; (would correct or should mark - "root" on localhost) var $host = ''; (is correct) var $log_path = '/var/logs'; (is correct) var $log_path = '/var/tmp'; (is correct) no matter cannot work. please ask anymore info , provide. thanks the username should correct the host should still 'localhost' the log , tmp path's may need similar to: /home/m21cjbl/public_html/<joomla_directory>/logs /home/m21cjbl/public_html/<joomla_directory>/tmp i can't sure on file paths though, not familiar hosting environment. hope helps

Thread: Package upgrade messes up UI

hi! i'm running 10.04 lts lucid lynx on ibm lenovo r61. after upgrading following packages: adobe-flashplugin ( devicekit-disks (007-2ubuntu6) 007-2ubuntu7 ifupdown (0.6.8ubuntu21.2) 0.6.8ubuntu2.1.3 tzdata (2010j-0ubuntu0.9.10) 2010l-0ubuntu0.9.10 mouse-cursor turned black cross , costum shortcuts became unusable , shown red cross. along that, workspace-configuration (2x2) reset single workspace, , no longer able alt-tab between applications. application windows reduced in no longer resize them, minimize, maximize or close them through upper-right corner shortcuts (you know, ones in windows ). shortcuts , bar not present in windows or application more. oh, firefox refuses start well. , keyboard stop registering input in arora. menu-bar containing applications, places, system aso disappears whenever open application or window of sort. so, yeah. ****ed up. sadly, i'm of noob know how revert u

How do I get thePDF/Print/E-mail icons on non-article pages? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how pdf print & e-mail icons - ones appear in .buttonheading classed paragraph - appear on section & category pages in articles? the global values these icons "show" , if override on individual menu items (i.e. change "use global" "show") still don't appear, , they're not in source code either. i don't want start changing menu item layouts articles defeat object of having section & category layouts. any ideas gratefully received! did receive replys? i serious solution because want same functions articles in blogs of sections , categories. thx Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: how do I make sure CONFIG_PROC_KCORE and CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO are enabled

how make sure config_proc_kcore , config_debug_info enabled in running kernel. code: zcat /proc/config.gz | grep config_proc_kcore /proc/config.gz contains config of current kernel. edit: actually, ubuntu kernel not create /proc/config.gz, so code: grep config_proc_kcore /boot/config-`uname -r` Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk how do I make sure CONFIG_PROC_KCORE and CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO are enabled Ubuntu

Clickable map for Reservation Manager Pro component - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello exparts i building site using reservation manager pro hotel reservation based on europe. client want place clickable europe map on home page user able click on country , country select on joomla reservation manager pro search module. there suitable clickable map can integrate reservation manager pro search module. functionality can test clicking on country @ map country selected on right hand site search option. my client ready purchase module this. thanks pothik Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Calendar.setup: Nothing to set up (custom component) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey hello, i'm working on custom componet, use calendars inputs in form using joomla calendar, on ie , chrome when users logs in , redirected component or click link other page takes page has form 1 of errors: "calendar.setup: nothing set (no fields found). please check code". errors each calendar have on form (4). , if try open calendar selector won't work of course. if refresh page error not show up, on fire fox works fine on case. in combination i'm using usableform.js script js script lets hide or show html depending on selection radio or select, calendars part of block of code hidden/shown. not sure if affecting how (i'm working on javascript skills @ moment that's why ask ) have ever had trouble calendar before, have on forums , there reference error conlflict on article writing page not lot on other scenarios. any appreciated , thank in advance. i use firefox webdeveloper toolbar , firebug when developing js. there lots of options, esp in fireb

Need Help with openWithDefaultApplication()

i can open adobe illustrator files stored locally on hard drive calling openwithdefaultapplication() on file path.   however when select file stored on server doesn't work because converts file location file path   e.g http://someserver/images/   becomes http:\\someserver\images\, , obviosuly, file doesn't exist , error saying so.   so how can call openwithdefaultapplication() on file stored on server? you can this   var loader:urlloader = new urlloader(); loader.dataformat = urlloaderdataformat.binary; loader.addeventlistener(event.complete,     function(e:event):void     {         var air:file = file.userdirectory.resolvepath("downloads/adobeair.dmg");         var fs:filestream = new filestream();, filemode.write);         fs.writebytes(;         fs.close();         air.downloaded = true;     }); var req:urlrequest = new urlrequest(""); load