
Showing posts from May, 2011

Hi have problem with opening a image for raw or photoshop

i purchused cs5 on line download upgrade. when go open raw image automaticaly opens in internet explorer. or when go file/ open with/  says- internet explorer 8 (default). how can change open in raw when click on image twice when raw file, or when tiff file open photoshop when double click on image. thank you. in bridge go edit/preferences/file type associations.  set cs 5 default file. More discussions in Bridge General Discussion adobe

Create a Wavy Lines Effect

i've seen effect done in few places lately , wondering how it. looks row of straight lines warped , skewed create wavy effect. can't believe 1 have draw each curved line individually, can offer suggestions on how effect might achieved?   here examples:   this done adobe illustrator, using blends: select 2 or more paths, , blend make either smooth transition or series of discrete steps between them. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Corner options for line in InDesign CS5 js

hi, cs5 update getting error message 'object  doesn't support property of method corneroptions' when use code cs4:   myroundcornerleftbottomverticalwhite = mydoc.graphiclines.add (mydoc.layers.item ("die")); var mypathpoint = myroundcornerleftbottomverticalwhite.paths.item(0).pathpoints.add (mydoc.layers.item ("die")); myroundcornerleftbottomverticalwhite. corneroption = corneroptions.rounded_corner ; myroundcornerleftbottomverticalwhite.cornerradius = myradius;   i not sure can use instead.     thank help. yulia check omv -- corner options changed cs4 cs5 plain 'corneroption' topleftcorneroption, toprightcorneroption, bottomleftcorneroption, , bottomrightcorneroption. it's possible set each corner value, instead of having them same.   you'll have try see 'top left', 'bottom right' etc. mean 1 single corner in graphic line ... More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

Photo editing problem?

please excuse if inthe wrong place, i'll explain problem if may? i have seen photos of plant example, photo have insert, blown-up/magnified portion of same plant closer inspection. can tell me looking , suitable product adobe? i have photoshop elements in pc if helps? thanks can assist in way, hazy. you can you're describing in photoshop elements. attaching example of after great. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Sum multiple fields then multiply answer by 1.5

hi,   i have order form 3 boxes (box1,box2,box3).  numbers or quantities put these boxes(i.e. want order 1 of , 2 of these , cost $1.50 each).   need add numbers in 3 boxes , multiply $1.50.  can addition work won't recognize multiplier.  can me? i use thing similar following js code in "calcuate" event of totalcost value goies .....   if (!box1.isnull && !box2.isnull && !box3.isnull) {      this.rawvalue = (box1.rawvalue + box2.rawvalue + box3.rawvalue) * 1.5; } More discussions in LiveCycle pre-ES (6.x and 7.x) discussions adobe

Thread: Error upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04.1...

i'm bit of rookie here , use bit of explanation of error message... "error during commit 'e: couldn't configure pre-depend jre writer2 latex, dependency cycle." on mother's system when trying upgrade 10.04.1 upgrade manager, gets of way through process, receives message , system goes 8.04. me understand error message , possible solution problem? in advance... eric upgrading 8.04 10.04 not recommended, have problems system anyway after such massive upgrade. while can't problem, suggest make clean install of 10.04, save time , effort. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Error upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04.1... Ubuntu

Thread: adding icons to the applications menu

hi, installed spotify wine second time, icon has not appeared in applications>wine menu did first time installed it, there way add icon wine menu, or reason why icon did not go straight wine menu when new program installed? actually lied , got put in 'other' folder, still know how wine folder.. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] adding icons to the applications menu Ubuntu

Rezolucije[problem] - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

skroz sam se razocaro kad sam shvatio da sa razlicitim rezolcujima sajt potpuno gubi smisao, slike se razvlace gube to..npr header mi je iz dva dijela, strane headera su u stvari pozadina kad smanjim rezolucija ostane prostor veliki izgleda kao da je header iskidan na 3 slike... moze li kako da se napravi, da se nekako autosizuje citav sajt ili nesto tako? misliš da je na 1024px npr font 11 slika od 500px a na 1680px je font 14h slika je 700px ? verovatno da može kroz js/css/template zezancije ali zar ćeš se smarati stim imaš puno belog prostora na većim rezolucijama - pa šta, nisi jedini tako ide,, stavi neku pozadinu koja će pokriti belinu Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum Šabloni

Streaming FLVs bug in Cp5

sorry first nay sayer...have found major bug in captivate 5.   have created 3 hours of modules utilize onscreen narrators shot green screen.   exported of flvs final cut alpha channels.  video streaming amazon s3 server.   they worked beautifully in captivate 4.   when updated captivate 5 , imported captivate 4 files, streaming video stopped working.     it turns out if choose default skin applied flv stream.   if select skin of "none" not work.    reported adobe , verified bug.  while works wonderfully in captivate 4, in captivate 5 not work.   also, if use insert video dialog box cp5 inserts flv 3 second clip within time line.  somewhere within import dialog, trt(total running time)  being missed.   we have 6 30minute modules incorporate on 150 flv video clips alpha channels.   on 2 years of work. dead in water cp5.   we reported bug weeks ago , while adobe confirms bug, have no idea when patch or fix forthcoming.   ugh.   any appreciated! More discussions in Adobe Capt

HP B8850 won't print since upgrade to CS3 and LR3

i have been using hp b8850 printer time ps elements , lr2 , printer functioning well.   i upgraded cs3 , lr3 , printer not print application ( or test prints matter).   the hp b8850 manual says cs3 & b8850 printer not work hp supplied "photoshop plug in" have re-installed hp driver twice (choosing driver) no luck in getting prints.   i 1 test print after re-installing hp printer driver next print job sits in cue , "on" light on b8850 flashes.   i guessing 1 print because print spool/cue has been cleared because printer turned off.   is spool problem?   or setting in cs3 or lr3?    thanks!   dan you might better answers on hp support. means, installing new software should not interfere drivers. quick search on google revealed seems common probelm, though, none of questions ever received answer. manual gather uses a  dedicated hp printer monitoring software, maybe problem. far understand should reside in tray area in windows task bar, if isn't working, may

Banner-Slider und Unterverzeichnisse - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo zusammen! vielleicht weiß hier jemand einen rat: ich nutze auf meiner seite die komponente banner-slider 0.2.2. er zeigt auf seiten von unterverzeichnissen und bei den suchergebnissen alle banner auf einmal an. ich hatte es mit hilfe gelöst bekommen, das ich verzeichnisse erstellt habe auf dem server, in die ich dann einige dateien von banner-slider hineinkopiert habe. aber erstens scheint das nicht zu reichen, und zweitens ist es ja auch keine dauerlösung, für jedes evtl. mal entstehende unterverzeichnis ein pseudo-verzeichnis auf dem server errichtn zu müssen. weiß vielleicht jemand, wie man banner-slider dazu bekommt, auch in unterverzeichnissen einer seite korrekt zu arbeiten? danke und viele grüße marcus Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone German Forum Joomla! 1.5 Komponenten, Module, Plugins

Søgevenlige URLér - hvordan - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg har et lille problem med mine urlér de er ikke så gode med hensyn til seo er der nogen der ved hvordan man gør den søgevenlige, har nemlig set @ man kan det med joomla? min side: du skal konfigurationen joomla backend. husk også @ ændre din htaccess.txt fil roden af din joomla installation til .htaccess (altså punktum og så htaccess - ikke noget foran)...... Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum SEO

Bug: File rename shifts hour to GMT in 3.2RC

ok, rename on import bug in 3.0 has been corrected in 3.2rc, instead brand new bug.   file rename in library module incorrectly shifts hour gmt, when filename template uses "{hour}" token.   for example, file has capture time of 16:00:00 local time (gmt+3). filename template hhmmss. resulting file name 130000.nef instead of 160000.nef .   i have reported bug. ok, rename on import bug in 3.0 has been corrected in 3.2rc, instead brand new bug.   file rename in library module incorrectly shifts hour gmt, when filename template uses "{hour}" token.   for  example, file has capture time of 16:00:00 local time (gmt+3).  filename template hhmmss. resulting file name 130000.nef instead of 160000.nef .   i have reported bug.     it not lightroom without date / time bug. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

I have the trial pagemaker. I want to export to pdf. Help

i asked p rogram export document.  said need download postscript software did.  when try export document says need adobe distiller 4.0/5.0.  heck that?  tried googling see if there free download didn't find please pagemaker dead program. why using trial it?   you far better served indesign.   bob More discussions in Adobe PageMaker adobe

[newbie] LoadVars action before acceptConnection in onConnect handler

hello, i'm fms beginner (server side newbie in general)... i pass password , user name fms while connecting, , communicate php script carry authentication task, send result fms , accept or reject connection client application depending on result. can in onconnect handler (pls give me clue how if yes)? if not, there other way achieve described data flow?   i need prevent user interaction fms (streams publishing ect.) before identifying identity... yes can write code in onconnect, till accept connection of client in pending state.   you can think of using access or auth plug-in doing authentication instead of server-side script. if php doing , can said above use ssas , put code in onconnect. More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

"throwing away 'preferences'" ?

i have heard many photoshop problems can solved 'throwing away preferences' how do [windows]? . press ctrl-shift-alt after starting photoshop.  have quick.  prompt you.   you should know i've never had this.  it's repeated advice not necessary.   if clear prefs, prepared have reconfigure defaults.   if save workspace first, can through window menu.   -noel More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

CS5 Installation - how to change shortcut location

using adobe application manager enterprise edition automating cs5 packag e deployment used , works fine. need change location of shortcuts. don't know how that, installing root of programmenu folder needs customised each product , subproduct. idea? edit install.db file each package.   eg, photoshop, located in \build\setup\payloads\adobephotoshop12-core.   the table containing shortcut details "createlocalias" , field name "directory"   or can use custom action (vbscript or similar) @ end of installation, whichever method prefer. More discussions in Creative Suites Windows adobe

Smart-Folder Workflow

hi there,   i´ve searched forum, did not find anything. working lr3 on mac.   for workflow want create smart-folder named "base" wich points lightroom folder. next step create smart-folder named "marked" fotos within smart folder "base" "marked". then add more smart-folders "unmarked" "published" etc. wich relate "base".   my reason ist, when adding new fotos in folder lightroom, have change "base" smart-folder new foto-folder , other smart-folders work new fotos. if have work again on older folder, change "base" again.   i tried allot didn´t work.   thanks in advance andré reply myself:   found out (i own german-version of lr) smart-folder i´m talking named "smart collection". and question using "smart collections" filtering in "smart collections". More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Thread: Help me on installing octave!

hello! iam using ubuntu 10.4 , iam having issues while trying install octave 3.2.4. followed guide comes .tar archive, cant complete installation. see errors "checking how verbose linking output ... configure: warning: compilation failed checking fortran 77 libraries of ... checking dummy main link fortran 77 libraries... none checking fortran 77 name-mangling scheme... configure: error: in `/home/ogro0/octave-3.2.4': configure: error: cannot compile simple fortran program see `config.log' more details." , when tried 'make', or 'make install', appears have download archives, guess have em. please me, , sorry bad english. unless desperately need latest version of octave, install package octave3.2 . can use ubuntu software centre or synaptic package manager this. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavour

Thread: Trouble with symlinks

i running ubuntu 9.04 jaunty jackalope. have 2 40gb drives. drive 1, /dev/sda2 has / (root) mounted on it. drive 2, has generic /data partition it. use drive 2 store music (really media)library "/data/music". added bunch of audio books last week , have become dangerously low on space (<500mb). drive 1 has gobs of space on it. got idea of creating directory on drive 1, "/more music" , move audio books there , create symlinks them. once had code: /data/music/audiobooks/... i have code: /data/music/audiobooks -> /more music/audiobooks/ as root, created symlink in following manner: code: ln -s /more\ music/audiobooks/ /data/music/audiobooks and ls -l /data/music/|grep -i audiobooks yields following: code: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2010-08-25 09:45 audiobooks -> /more music/audiobooks/ as regular user can navigate /data/music/audiobooks , view contents , seems well. problem having /data

Importing m4v = Crash

hi!   i trying import m4v movie files downloaded itunes , crashes premier whenever try. i'm thinking maybe has drm, but...   thanks! ~tps read bill hunt on file type wrapper what codec... primer what codec inside file?   are able convert file known work, such dv avi type 2 16bit 48khz sound? More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe


how help????????  called tech support line and got god awful ivru...i tried call on here , got not understand me when spelled name , cant find anywhere on here.....this rediculous!  out there in adobe land can customer out? these user user forums, not adobe support option (though along seem have endured far, sending here bit of torture service offer when product use problem).  no information go on you're having problem with, can no 1 going able assist you.   you might want check out following forum if issue not product specific... More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe


i getting message "scatch disk full" went , got brand new external drive. in preferences, box have checked cs5 use scratch disk new external drive. that external drive solely being used cs5 has solved scratch disk full problem, but........... apparently c: drive still being used somehow because warning dangerously running low on space. i assume if new external drive/scratch disk tapped out, same old original message "scratch disk full". what going on here? why need space when new external has 300gb dedicated solely cs5? if cs5 using external drive scratch disk, using additional 35gb of space on drive has operating system? i have 15gb of pagefile/swapfile space set aside on c: neither 15gb pagefile, nor 35gb of free space should getting consummed. i can understand used somewhat, purposes program use them for, consuming them not understand. thanks help can please furnish info computer, , i/o sub-system? number of internal hdd's, size, speed, free space, , how ha

Thread: Python: IndentationError: expected an indented block

hi, trying first python program , having little bit of trouble. "indentationerror: expected indented block". tried searching google solution , found not implement them. trying after reading few tutorials , book python. appreciate if indicate me how fix error. thank you. here code: if see syntax errors please indicate them me. can see beginner. code: #!/usr/local/bin/python import time import datetime today = print "the date is", today print('this program calculates perimeter, surface, , volume.') def selection() : d = raw_input( 'enter p calculate perimeter, enter v calculate volume, enter s calculate surface, or ctrl+c exit! p/v/s :') if d == 'p': def perimeter(): while 1: a= raw_input('enter lenght: ') b= raw_input('enter width: ') print('the perimeter is'),a+b selection if d == 'v' : volume() if d == 's'

Simple AD-Hoc Query Builder

hello, i'm looking simple little app users build simple queries. them able select table want , columns, , filter , sort order. found few of these must not using right terms since can not find coldfusion, seems strange me.   i found cool jquery plugin ( ) building sql queries has serious issues how saves query , if db schema changes. concept i'm looking for.   thanks, charlie More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

Folder indicates "0" photos while its subfolders indicate actual amount. Why?

in lightroom 3, main folder - say, c:\2010 indicates "0" photos while of subfolders c:\2010\01-01; ...\01-02; ...|01-03; etc. indicate actual number in each folder. why doesn't main folder indicate sum of subfolders?  true of other main yearly folders also:  2009; 2008; etc.   might way import?  or maybe should use promote folder command?   not sure do.   suggestions. because don't have "show photos subfolders" checked (library menu or + sign next "folders"). More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

How to view first page of newsletter (Publisher file convert to ?)

i using dreamweaver cs4 on mac.  trying post first page of our newsletter on page.  see   here frontpage 2002 , newsletter done in publisher 2007.  redoing website in dreamweaver.  can save publisher file .jpg page wide.  saves 1276 px wide , web site 955 px wide.  in frontpage can specify width , still keep correct aspect ration , shrink page.  should in dreamweaver?  can save publisher file .tif or.png or .html.  afraid .png file not print well.  suggest?  thank you. hi,   to subsequent links lead pdf-newsletters. , looks fine.   therefore suggest include of newsletters single page. put them several rows, showing it's first page thumbnail picture. these images link other pdf pages in question.   hans-g. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

AS 2.0 coding standards

hi,   i need take session on 2.0 coding standards.   i not sure topic need cover. please provide suggestion.   thanks   ayathas 1.  never attach code objects   2.  keep code in 1 location   3.  if you're serious, read object oriented programming standards. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Thread: Dual boot Ubuntu and OpenSolaris?

i installed ubuntu 10.04 first , opensolaris 2009.06 second. ubuntu not appear in opensolaris' boot-loader. how install grub , have boot list come ubuntu , opensolaris appear , operational , such? thank have tried reinstall grub2 ubuntu , see if osprober finds it. install mbr livecd, ubuntu install on sda5 , want grub2 in drive sda's mbr: find linux partition, change sda5 if not correct, and/or sda if sdb wanted: sudo fdisk -l sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda if returns errors run: sudo grub-install --recheck --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda saved assumes have installed opensolaris boot loader boot sector, pbr or boot slice (like windows). menuentry "opensolaris 2010.03 snv_134 64bit" { set root='(hd1,2)' chainloader +1 Forum The Ubu

How can I get my footer to render properly in IE 6&7?

i've been successful in overcoming several other problems appear in ie 6&7, have footer div contains 2 elements create left , right content.  in every browser these appear should, in ie 6&7 left element drifts center.  i'm sure it's simple, haven't found solution i'm sure it's simple, haven't found solution i'm not sure of without seeing url page.  answers contained in code.  if can't show uploaded page can check our browser tools ,  need paste complete html , css code reply.  in web forum, use double blue arrows >> , syntax highlighting, plain.   code looks this....     nancy o. alt-web design & publishing web | graphics | print | media  specialists More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Udev question

i have server boot disk , 18 hard drives in i'm trying set raid arrays. os ubuntu 2.6.32. haven't yet been able tell why, when reboot physical disks remapped t different device names.for example, boot drive /dev/sda, yesterday, @ different times came /dev/sde , /dev/sdf. needless creating havoc raid arrays. i'm looking @ udev see if use more permanent device names, based on disk serial number. know seria number in slot of computer, , udevadm info tell me device maps serial number. know might able use uuid mdadm have arrays more permanently mapped, udev seems better answer, if work. have udev rule try set 1 of drives persistent device name, this: kernel=="sd*[!0-9]", subsystem=="block", env{id_serial_short}=="9qj5sgpv", symlink+="diskr", env{generated}="1" seems should symlink device name diskr hard drive has serial number. in testing error "unable open device '/sys/dev/sdr'

I want to Add Favicon to my website but i did not use the frameset

hello want add favicon website website   can tell me can matter did not use frames   i design website using table so can upload favicon website.     one thing want tell different loaded webpage of , copied code <link rel="shortcut icon" href=" " type="image/x-icon">   when change link of href dreamweaver from , link logo's .ico file  the problem appear shows favikon site's icon according code, you're using frames:   <html><head><title>colossaladmedia!!!</title></head><frameset border="0" rows="100%,*" cols="100%" frameborder="no"><frame name="topframe" scrolling="yes" noresize src=""><frame name="bottomframe" scrolling="no" noresize><noframes></noframes></frameset></html> More discus

Possible to feed outside blog to Joomla? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have blog on website called activerain , wondering if possible feed blog joomla website. using ja_purity , want add blog button on top horizontal menu when clicked goes blog. want appear outside blog in website. best way or if not is? in advance. heck yeah it's possible! go components -> news feeds , create category , new feed - providing rss url blog. then go menu manager , create link feed. you can start adjust number of feed entries displayed , other parameters. joomla retrieve them, cache them , display them within site. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Package get vairable from Main.mxml ?

hey, have package called 'services' (auto generated service connect) inside have alot of services example g1, r1, loc, , more...   (the packages .as)   i want package g1 vairable public , bindable in main.mxml... (labelname.text)   is possible?   thanks.   update:   i have on main.mxml: [ bindable ] public var serial:string = lblserial.text;   and on operation.url = " ******.aspx?id= " + (flexglobals.toplevelapplication.serial);   and swf wont start now....   please help.. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Is there a multple RSS feed plugin? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i want able have page has 5 different rss feeds listed, in chronological order rather grouped specific feed. plugin exist? hi... did check rss syndication extensions ? : ... -syndicate Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

[Resolved]security image plugin - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i added security image plugin joomla website securityimages or captcha joomla! 1.5 ... ptcha/1211 i activated plugin , component but not work when use registration on website normal way registration process no image confirm any 1 have idea why thanks in advance i done had add patches in file system via ftp regards Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Cannot upload or delete images - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, i'm new joomla! , i'm creating site friend. developed of on local machine. uploaded server , i'm not able upload or delete images in media manager. when browse , upload local image following error: * warning: failed move file! * error. unable upload file. when try delete image following error: *delete failed: 'image.png' when try installing module/plugin following error * jfolder::create: path not in open_basedir paths * warning! failed move file. i'm using version 1.5.14. have 'enable flash uploader' set no. tried setting yes , following error *an error has occurred! unable open configuration.php file write! also when set 'enable flash uploader' yes media manager 'browse' button stops working. doesn't respond when click on it. i'm still not able delete files i'm assuming has nothing flash uploader. when try set 'enable ftp' yes receive following error , reverts no *jftp::connect: not connect host "ft

Flash Player security Pop up when using camera and microphone.

hello friends   can body suggest me how remove flash player security pop camera , microphone through coding.   thanks in advance. the security pop-up first introduced fp7. if want bypass can name 2 ways off top of head: 1. regardless of actionscript version (2.0/3.0) in flash authoring enviroment, in publish settings dialogue box, flash tab, near bottom choose access network local playback security. 2. publish movie projector. both of these techniques allow "play" swf file locally. More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

Alpha validation

hi,   how validate user entered data whether alphabetic or numeric...   other alphabets,an alert should shown user.   regards,   manjula you can use numeric fields force numeric data capture only. alternatively, can use regular expressions force numeric or alpha data capture on text fields. attached uses following regular expressions:     // - (javascript, client)     if (!(this.isnull)) {   var tf = this.rawvalue;   // \d match character not in range 0 - 9   var regexp = /\d/;   if (regexp.test(tf)) {"the field must numeric.","validation",1);   } }   // - (javascript, client) if (!(this.isnull)) {   var tf = this.rawvalue;   // \d match character in range 0 - 9   var regexp = /\d/;   if (regexp.test(tf)) {"the field must alpha.","validation",1);   } }   steve More discussions in LiveCycle Forms adobe

Thread: Installing WOTLK on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

hey guys, i've been reading through guides on how install recent world of warcraft expansion onto ubuntu 10.04 machine. sysadmin wiki guide doesn't much, , neither many other guides. far have countlessly mounted, unmounted, remounted drives , cdroms trying damn game work. can me? many thanks, dillan posted dillanm hey guys, i've been reading through guides on how install recent world of warcraft expansion onto ubuntu 10.04 machine. sysadmin wiki guide doesn't much, , neither many other guides. far have countlessly mounted, unmounted, remounted drives , cdroms trying damn game work. can me? many thanks, dillan hi! take , , follow instructions, easy. let know if have question. luck. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Officia

Error Msg: I need to download the latest Flash Player

i seem getting error message each time visit site requires flash. apparently thinks either not have flash installed or have downlevel version installed. incorrect - have latest version installed. in fact, if go , says have flash version 10,1,82,76 installed.   the problem sites visit flash, not think so.. need latest version of flash see page content.  have installed flash numerous times, , after installing again, page flash works fine. however, once shut down , restart, seems have lost fact flash installed , prompted intstall again.  and, yes, have done uninstall of flash before reinstalling again. doesn't seem matter - continually prompted latest version. going on, , how fix problem?   i using windows 7 , ie8 latest fixes , patches installed. hi pilaar39, please let me know if still having problems or have found solution.       thanks,     eidnolb More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Script Update ?

can script below updated photoshop cs5, possible add ability or option maybe though configurator have script save layer group specific name?   #target photoshop main(); // calls other functions change visibility of layer, duplicate // document in psd format , save document. function main(){ if(documents.length > 0 && app.activedocument.activelayer.typename == "layerset") { var; var savepath = decodeuri(activedocument.path); var thefilename =; // xbytor regexp; var basename = thefilename.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1]; if (basename.indexof(layername) != -1) { var savename = basename.slice(0, basename.indexof(layername)+1) } else { var savename = basename; }; var thefile = duplayers(); var savefile= file(savepath+"/"+savename+"_"+layername+".psd"); savepsd(savefile, thefile); thefile.close(saveoptions.donotsavechanges); } else {alert ("select layer group, not so

Thread: Dual monitors Nvidia

i'm having difficulties setting dual monitors dell laptop. has dedicated graphics card (360m). laptop screen resolution 1920x1080 , external monitor 1650x1050. have tried numerous attempts @ fixing xorg file no avail (and booting low graphics mode etc). how can introduce correct resolution external display? here xorg.conf file code: # nvidia-xconfig: x configuration file generated nvidia-xconfig # nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder58) thu apr 22 20:35:23 pdt 2010 section "serverlayout" identifier "layout0" screen 0 "screen0" 0 0 inputdevice "keyboard0" "corekeyboard" inputdevice "mouse0" "corepointer" endsection section "files" endsection section "inputdevice" # generated default identifier "mouse0" driver "mouse" option "protocol" "aut

JosC install errors - Newbie Help Please... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i in process of setting web site localhost using following, , use in determining cause/source of error messages below: 1. running wampserver 2.0 , dropped php 5.3 5.2.9-2 oscommerce compatibility. mysql • server: localhost (localhost via tcp/ip) • server version: 5.1.36-community-log • protocol version: 10 • user: root@localhost • mysql charset: utf-8 unicode (utf8) web server • apache/2.2.11 (win32) php/5.2.9-2 • mysql client version: 5.0.51a • php extension: mysqli phpmyadmin • version information: status: working >>>>> 2. also running: oscmax v2.0.3 status: working >>>>> joomla 1.5.14 status: installed without errors , can run administrator. 3. now josc install: when installing: com_joscproject-1.0.0stable [install may take several minutes].zip a. first install error message: the josc! project – 1..stable: notice: undefined variable controller in c:\wamp\www\joomla\adminstrator\components\com_joscproject\admin.joscproject.php on line 22 <?ph

changing hosting - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i changed hosting provider, , doing had create new database. mean lost site information? thanks, zmon380 it depends. if have exported database using tools such phpmyadmin original site simple process of importing database @ new site. if have not exported database original site afraid data lost. have access original site? if so, try access database using phpmyadmin , export database if possible. after have take file new site. also, if had installed various extensions , customized code @ old site, should have taken backup of site files. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Tough question...

i build apps loader loads main.swf movie clip . structure this   mainloader.swf contains mainbackground.swf.   then sub pages, i.e. home, about... loaded mainbackground.swf clip there.   the reason use mainloader shows user , nothing export background has loader before preloader shows.   however, tlf text must use safeloader class work properly.   so when want popup cover stage must fire event on background.swf. i'm trying use custom eventtype class because need pass variable popup. sub page, home, firing event , background.swf receiving event , popup works fine. except when go loader.swf file , start there. when developing develop background.swf. conversion error:   typeerror: error #1034: type coercion failed: cannot convert com.richardsongraphics::eventtype@3e9ccfd1 com.richardsongraphics.eventtype. @ @ @ mepreparation_fla::maintimeline/btnpressed()   any ideas on happening , i