JosC install errors - Newbie Help Please... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i in process of setting web site localhost using following, , use in determining cause/source of error messages below:

1. running wampserver 2.0 , dropped php 5.3 5.2.9-2 oscommerce compatibility.

• server: localhost (localhost via tcp/ip)
• server version: 5.1.36-community-log
• protocol version: 10
• user: root@localhost
• mysql charset: utf-8 unicode (utf8)
web server
• apache/2.2.11 (win32) php/5.2.9-2
• mysql client version: 5.0.51a
• php extension: mysqli
• version information:

status: working


2. also running:

oscmax v2.0.3

status: working


joomla 1.5.14

status: installed without errors , can run administrator.

3. now josc install:

when installing: com_joscproject-1.0.0stable [install may take several minutes].zip

a. first install error message:

the josc! project – 1..stable:

notice: undefined variable controller in c:\wamp\www\joomla\adminstrator\components\com_joscproject\admin.joscproject.php on line 22

* @version $id: admin.joscproject.php 1.0.0stable 2009-08-19 21:16:59z dvanwijk $
* @package joomla
* @subpackage the josc! project
* @copyright all content copyright (c) 2009 esales limited - rights reserved.
* @license released under gnu/gplv2
* joomla! free software. version may have been modified pursuant the
* gnu general public license, , distributed includes or derivative
* of works licensed under gnu general public license or other free or open
* source software licenses. see copyright.php copyright notices and
* details.

// check ensure file included in joomla!
defined('_jexec') or die( 'restricted access' );

// require base controller
require_once( jpath_component_administrator . ds . 'controller.php' );

// create controller
$classname = 'joscprojectcontroller'.$controller;
$controller = new $classname();

// perform request task
$controller->execute( jrequest::getcmd('task'));


b. notice: use of undefined constant box_width - assumed 'box_width' in c:\wamp\www\joomla\plugins\system\oscommerce.php on line 127

warning: require(catalog\includes\application_top.php) [function.require]: failed open stream: no such file or directory in c:\wamp\www\joomla\plugins\system\oscommerce.php on line 143
c. fatal error: require() [function.require]: failed opening required 'catalog\includes\application_top.php' (include_path='.;c:\php5\pear') in c:\wamp\www\joomla\plugins\system\oscommerce.php on line 143

* @version $id: oscommerce.php 1.0.0stable 2009-07-13 12:00:00z dvanwijk $
* @package joomla!
* @subpackage the josc! project
* @copyright all content copyright (c) 2009 esales limited - rights reserved.
* @license released under gnu/gplv2
* joomla! free software. version may have been modified pursuant the
* gnu general public license, , distributed includes or derivative
* of works licensed under gnu general public license or other free or open
* source software licenses. see copyright.php copyright notices and
* details.

// check ensure file included in joomla!
defined('_jexec') or die( 'restricted access' );

jimport( 'joomla.plugin.plugin' );

* oscommerce system plugin class josc! project component
* @author daniel van wijk <>
* @package joomla!
* @subpackage the josc! project
* @since 1.5
class plgsystemoscommerce extends jplugin
* constructor
* @access protected
* @param object $subject object observe
* @param array $config array holds plugin configuration
* @since 1.0
function plgsystemoscommerce(& $subject, $config)
parent :: __construct($subject, $config);

function onafterinitialise()
global $mainframe;

// don't run plugin in admin admin run in backend of joomla within wrapper
if ($mainframe->isadmin()) return;

// required keep url in tact
$option =& jrequest::getvar('option');
$view =& jrequest::getvar('view', 'default');
$itemid =& jrequest::getvar('itemid');
$http_get_vars =& jrequest::get('get');
$http_post_vars =& jrequest::get('post');
$php_self = $view;

$db =& jfactory::getdbo();

$query = 'select '.$db->namequote('configuration_value').' '.$db->namequote('configuration')
.' '.$db->namequote('configuration_key').' = '.$db->quote('default_language');
$language_code = $db->loadresult();
$query = 'select '.$db->namequote('languages_id').', '.$db->namequote('directory').' '.$db->namequote('languages')
.' '.$db->namequote('code').' = '.$db->quote($language_code);
$result = $db->loadassoc();
$language = $result['directory'];
$languages_id = $result['languages_id'];

$currency = $mainframe->getuserstate('com_joscproject.currency');
if (is_null($currency)) {
$query = 'select '.$db->namequote('configuration_value').' '.$db->namequote('configuration')
.' '.$db->namequote('configuration_key').' = '.$db->quote('default_currency');
$currency = $db->loadresult();

$oscdirectory = $this->params->get('oscommerce_directory');

// configuration defines defined early
$uri = new juri(juri::current());
$uri->setscheme( 'http' );
define('http_server', $uri->getscheme().'://'.$uri->gethost());
$uri->setscheme( 'https' );
define('https_server', $uri->getscheme().'://'.$uri->gethost());
$path = $uri->getpath();
if (strpos($path, 'index.php') !== false) { // accounts joomla! homepage may not display 'index.php' in uri
$path = substr($path, 0, -9); // removes filename (index.php) path
define('enable_ssl', $this->params->get('enable_ssl', 'false'));
define('http_cookie_domain', $uri->gethost());
define('https_cookie_domain', $uri->gethost());
define('http_cookie_path', $path.$this->params->get('oscommerce_directory', 'catalog').ds);
define('https_cookie_path', $path.$this->params->get('oscommerce_directory', 'catalog').ds);
define('dir_ws_http_catalog', $path);
define('dir_ws_https_catalog', $path);
define('dir_ws_images', $this->params->get('oscommerce_directory', 'catalog').ds.$this->params->get('dir_ws_images', 'images').ds);
define('dir_ws_icons', dir_ws_images.$this->params->get('dir_ws_icons', 'icons').ds);
define('dir_ws_includes', dirname(__file__).ds.'oscommerce'.ds);
define('dir_ws_functions', dir_ws_includes . 'functions'.ds);
define('dir_ws_classes', dir_ws_includes . 'classes'.ds);
define('dir_ws_modules', dir_ws_includes . 'modules'.ds);
define('dir_ws_languages', $this->params->get('oscommerce_directory', 'catalog').ds.'includes'.ds.'languages'.ds);
define('dir_ws_download_public', $this->params->get('dir_ws_download_public', 'pub').ds);
define('dir_fs_catalog', jpath_site.ds.$this->params->get('oscommerce_directory', 'catalog').ds);
define('dir_fs_download', dir_fs_catalog .$this->params->get('dir_fs_download', 'download').ds);
define('dir_fs_download_public', dir_fs_catalog.$this->params->get('dir_ws_download_public', 'pub').ds);
$config =& jfactory::getconfig();
define('db_server', $config->getvalue( '' ));
define('db_server_username', $config->getvalue( 'config.user' ));
define('db_server_password', $config->getvalue( 'config.password' ));
define('db_database', $config->getvalue( 'config.db' ));
define('use_pconnect', 'false');
if (($config->getvalue( 'config.session_handler' ) == 'database') && (($config->getvalue( 'config.dbtype' ) == 'mysql') || ($config->getvalue( 'config.dbtype' ) == 'mysqli')) ) {
define('store_sessions', 'mysql');
} else {
define('store_sessions', '');
// end modify these fields work params
define('filename_also_purchased_products', 'also_purchased_products.php');
define('filename_product_listing', 'product_listing.php');
define('filename_upcoming_products', 'upcoming_products.php');
define('filename_new_products', 'new_products.php');

// main application_top inclusion
define(box_width, 0);

$cart =& joscshoppingcart::getinstance();
$mainframe->setuserstate( 'com_joscproject.cart', serialize($cart) );

$request_type = (getenv('https') == 'on') ? 'ssl' : 'nonssl';

$navigation =& joscnavigationhistory::getinstance();
$mainframe->setuserstate( 'com_joscproject.navigation', serialize($navigation) );

$mainframe->setuserstate( 'com_joscproject.language', $language );
$mainframe->setuserstate( 'com_joscproject.languages_id', $languages_id );

$customer_id = $mainframe->getuserstate( 'com_joscproject.customer_id' );

$query = 'select '.$db->namequote('variable_name').', '.$db->namequote('object')
.' '.$db->namequote('#__joscproject_globals')
.' '.$db->namequote('scope').' = '.$db->quote('osc-includes_application_top')
.' , '.$db->namequote('enabled').' = '.$db->quote('1');
$apptop_vars = $db->loadassoclist();

// set oscommerce globals , store @ joomla userstate
foreach ($apptop_vars $apptop_var) {
if ($apptop_var['object'] == '0') {
$mainframe->setuserstate( 'com_joscproject.'.$apptop_var['variable_name'], $$apptop_var['variable_name'] );
} elseif ($apptop_var['object'] == '1') {
$mainframe->setuserstate( 'com_joscproject.'.$apptop_var['variable_name'], serialize($$apptop_var['variable_name']) );

// check if customer has filled out default address in address book yet
$query = 'select '.$db->namequote( 'customers_default_address_id' ).' '.$db->namequote(table_customers)
.' '.$db->namequote( 'customers_id' ).' = '.$db->quote($customer_id)
$customer_default_address_id = $db->loadresult();

if ($customer_id > 0) {
if ((substr($view, 0, 8) == 'checkout') || ($view != 'addressbookprocess') && ($option == 'com_joscproject')) {
if ($customer_default_address_id == null) {
$query = 'select '.$db->namequote( 'address_book_id' )
.' '.$db->namequote(table_address_book)
.' '.$db->namequote( 'customers_id' ).' = '.$db->quote($customer_id)
.' limit 1'
$updated_default_address_id = $db->loadresult();

$query = 'update '.$db->namequote(table_customers)
.' set '.$db->namequote( 'customers_default_address_id' ).' = '.$db->quote( $updated_default_address_id )
.' '.$db->namequote( 'customers_id' ).' = '.$db->quote( $customer_id )
$mainframe->setuserstate( 'com_joscproject.customer_default_address_id', $updated_default_address_id );
} elseif ($customer_default_address_id == 0) {
$mainframe->setuserstate( 'com_joscproject.customer_default_address_id', $customer_default_address_id );
$mainframe->enqueuemessage( 'you must fill out default address book entry before can purchase @ our store.' );
$mainframe->redirect( juri::base().'index.php?option=com_joscproject&view=addressbookprocess&itemid='.$itemid );


most newbie fubar, still need help. btw, same issue using vista 64 or xp pro service packs , updates, iis not installed.

about myself: retired real time system engineer, experience in c, c++, solaris, oracle administration, unix posix 1003.4, networks, dos-windows vista 64, etc.

thanks in advance…

these notices, not errors, can turn off display errors in php if they're displaying on site. otherwise, looks few files went corrupt during ftp transfer, may want reupload plug-in.


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