
Showing posts from September, 2010

site migration using joomlapack - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying move site new host , following after going through joomlapack install: fatal error: class 'jrequest' not found in c:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\libraries\joomla\import.php on line 33 site url is: thanks assistance may offer. john do mannualy. improve skills. google "joomla move site" Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Touble with article editing and selecting - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello every time go access, add or edit article in article manager error messages comes , page not accessible, can edit, select etc. else in room except stuff articles. know going on? i have checked extensions/plugins/moduels/changed template etc. , still stumped. i thought perhaps html code have no idea how fix if is. should do? this comes on tab ( http://acaciaco...k=edit&cid []=46 ) blank white screen. please me if can ashley Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

newbie seeking directions on what modules to choose - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, first little presentation since first post here. my name andre quebec, 15 years in wonderful world of multimedia. did few websites in past steered away that. last few years had concentrated skills on 3d , photography. discovered joomla! god, how did pass me by? joomla let me in world of web design. enough me, here's need with. situation this... have client, funeral home, wants website, main things stumped me wanted able manage ''recently deceased'' entries , add comments & wishes option guests leave messages on ulogy article of each person. oh yeah , wants able add picture , video in each artcle. my big question can joomla handle job , start with? made quick template try out here can guys me through process bit might stumped few times here , there . garantee teh second time around lot better , might able newbie on forum

Skinning the player

i dont understand how skin player, pdf doesnt code pointing new bitmap images supposed go..   where put <skin>content</skin>?? e please follow following steps: 1. put skin bitmaps on web server 2. create xml file on web server skin configuration (like example in pdf), e.g.: skin.xml   <skin>   <element id="playbuttonoverlaynormal" src=" http://myserver/path/bigplay.jpg "/>   <element id="playbuttonoverlaydown" src=" http://myserver/path/bigplay.jpg "/> </skin>   3. use flashvars load skin (example: skin= http://myserver/path/skin.xml )   please use configuration page @ create embed code easier. More discussions in Strobe Media Playback adobe

Thread: Bacula Version Browser on XP Client

i have bacula 2.2.8 on ubuntu 8.04 server. have installed windows bat admin tool , seems working fine except when try browse through files in version browser, not list of files. have triple checked make sure filtering wasn't preventing in terms of limits. files show can browse , restore no trouble. in "directories" list version browser window, stops listing @ point. see attached image. note there additional directories 06 jobs, 07 jobs, etc. don't show , can refreshes , directories in list may change... it's odd. when use bconsole on server, there , works fine. can see files folders don't show in bat.exe utility , restore them. it's lot more tedious. ideas? attached images 1.gif (65.7 kb, 4 views) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours

Streams generated in linux using fms default to permission 660

hi   the problem have on linux, flv files generated fms having permission 660. due become kind of useless cant them. there way make fms generate streams better default permision ?   any appreciated.. hi rajdeep,   when make file or directories under directory default permission them determined umask setting. you can edit umask setting. called environment variable. set set env variables such as:   umask=666 export umask you'll see file permission different.   also if dont want above after generating streams can run command recursively change permissions, need chmod -r 777 <folder name> command (-r says recursively). files , folder take 777 permissions under directory specified in command.   regards, amit More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

Mass Enable Users ( Edit or Activate ) SQL Code - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i had set users activate using email server did not send out emails 40% of people registered 3 ids activation email. want activate disabled accounts. any plugin or sql code change disabled account enable account? thanks in admin backend, in user manager can not use filters select disabled accounts , enable/activate them? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

fresh insallation solution to code problems? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

we've had big problems our site not loading , think might coding (lots of errors coming up). if install fresh copy of template it: a) preserve our data old site or b) delete our data/ accounts / images etc? if there's way of backing of our data can use them on fresh install, can please tell me how can this? there copy content extension may work you Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Flash Settings Manager Not Saving Decisions

for reason, settings manager not remember choices have made. in global privacy settings version 3.23 panel, choose always deny camera , microphone. pop message stating "the deny setting specifies time website tries access camera and/or microphone, not asked whether allow or deny such access..." click confirm button , think well. nope, still not saved continues state "websites must ask permission access camera and/or microphone."   under global storage settings , set amount of disk space 0 kb , check never ask again checkbox. within 5 minutes, resets 100 kb box unchecked. doesn't matter setting change, manager not remember decisions have made regarding global settings. rather annoying , extremely frustrating. have uninstalled flash computer other on google chrome. there, disable chrome about:plugins panel (and rename gcswf32.dll file gcswf32.dll.crapola ) until need again.   any other ideas? i'm ready make name change permanent , leave flash off comp

setting time to load mc

i creating game load mangoes numbers on it....i'm using numbers -9 9 i  set time of each mango load...for example: #2  mango loads every 48th , 15th second of time, #-5 mango loads  every 38th, 15th, 3rd second of time code that???   i have code loads mangoes in random x position...but when character caught mango, doesn't load again... here's jpg of i'm trying do...     this code i'm using: code attached in (-2) mango   onclipevent (load) {   //if (_root.time == 50) {   ----------------> tried put if statementto determine loading time doesn't work       function reset() {         this._x=random(550);         this._y=-250;        _root.speedb=-5;     }     reset(); //} }   onclipevent (enterframe) { //if (_root.time == 50) {  ------------------------>i tried put here doesn't work too...     this._y-=_root.speedb;     if (_y > 380) {         reset();         }      if  (_root.mango_mc.inmango_mc.hittest(_root.caloy_lr.caloy_right.inbaske 

"Import layered file" comes up for every single psd

i'm using cs3.  when import multiple psd files @ once, "import layered file" dialog box every single file i'm importing.  there way have select "merged layers" of them default?  i'm importing on hundred psds @ time, , gets extremely annoying have click rid of box on hundred times.   i've tried find answer on google, can't find it. welcome forum.   i not know of way globally change this. each file have different requirements, asked each one.   if there preference change dialog, have never heard of it.   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earlier adobe

Native Installer works with Net Use, but AIR File does not.

i'm building air application runs "net use" command in windows 7.   strangely, installer type appears impact run permissions:      + export release build "native installer" -> "net use" works , see test alert boxes.    + export release build "air file" --> animations run , app responsive, don't see of alert boxes , "net use" command shows no sign of running. update - partial resolution:   apparently have use native install use native functionality (don't know why includes alert boxes).   i found bit on adobe's web site:        packaging air application in native installer    adobe, please work address this.  i'd release cross-compatible code , creates situation user has choose different installer based on platform.  minor, annoying when air file works both in other instances.   it nice sort of error message.  had no

Please Help an Idiot

i apologize in advance posting basic , stupid i'm ask. deadline looming , i'm tad frustrated.   i want make html page 1 graphic in it. regardless of how proceed, unable forward page , graphic in folder can open , @ in browser. not uploading server anywhere, must transportable when opens page on machine, page opens , finds graphic. if define site on local hard drive, reference graphic doesn't work them.   again, basic thing , stumbling because of it. i've forgotten how code reference image or i'd hand.   help! ok, have problem. have webpage display in ie , firefox won't in safari. shows source code. me please!!! More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

need some help in after effects cs5

hello have problem in after effets cs5 whit green cross on vid and its stays when render . can on me fix this? are using trial version of third party plug-in?  if so, cross vanish when buy/register it. More discussions in After Effects adobe

destructive and fatal automatic computer re-start after update

i'm fed automatic computer re-start after flash player update. if don't notice moment adobe update manager re-starts computer find corrupted system after re-start. if ms outlook open needs >30min recover.   who responsable such mess , how stop it?   john More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Thread: Question about Wubi

i've moved having ubuntu on dedicated partition using wubi , installing within windows (due problematic failed start errors windows on partitioned setup) working great , it's have nicely setup system again. while wubi 100% same dedicated partition installation, question ever possible wubi ubuntu install hibernate, know because installed within windows, wubi doesn't have real file system, ever possible? i haven't done it, it's possible according creator of wubi. need physical swap partition though. might not work if deleted ubuntu partitions. if have swap partition need place uuid in file (e.g. if swap on /dev/sda6) code: echo "resume=uuid=$(sudo blkid -o value -s uuid /dev/sda6)" | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume this replace contents of file /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume this: code: resume=uuid=ae4c3dd7-e7fd-4443-9f50-8cbd8aedcae7 then update initial

Issue with Tab manager component com_gk2_tabs_manager - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i have installed com_gk2_tabs_manager full package , using 'mod_tabmods_gk2 'module.but ahve issue module show first tab active out of tabs have created. presently using 2 tabs , calling 2 different modules on these 2 tabs . in codition need second tab active.for example plz go through url: ... &itemid=37 at middle of pages there 2 links inside "dozen poker room " module 1 'top' , other 'flop'. plz open both links new tab 'top' tab active on new page default, whether click on 'top' or 'flop'. this because of 'mod_tabmods_gk2' module show first tab active default. so can how can remain 'flop' tab active when go on other page clicking on 'flop' tab.. please give me positive response soon.. thanks , regards kamlesh rewapati Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions f

Thread: VirtualBox with XP guest in 2 different IP ranges

hi, running virtualbox 3.1.8 on ubuntu 10.04 xp guest system in vb. physical machine runs on ip (assigned wirelss router), , on virtual xp machine have application running on (i cant change that). question is, how need configure vb network can access virtualbox-app physical machine via webbrowser ? in advance oliver was assigned virtualbox or necessary webapp function? simplest way change virtual network adapter on guest os bridged. allow real ip network , allow direct network access if real system. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] VirtualBox with XP guest in 2 different IP ranges Ubuntu

Strange line - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how remove line, marked in red square ? and custom-made html code strangely appears in chrome web brwoser: though, in ie appears normaly. thanks answering it tricky having access image, , not actual page. if install web developer extension firefox, allows analyze different parts of web page, including css elements contribute style. can select display outlines of tables , other elements should allow identify source of line. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Acrobat CS4: Swapping pages in a PDF

i've got adobe cs4. i've downloaded pdf document, pages jumbled booklet printing.   is possible swap pages in pdf? sure. open pages panel , drag them around. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Thread: Create new folder using a hotkey

hello everyone, want create hotkey create new folder in ubuntu 10.04 hotkey want use: ctrl shift n possible this? i'm guessing going involve remapping keys somehow... ctrl+shift+n default key combo create new folder in nautilus. try combination , presto! new folder! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Create new folder using a hotkey Ubuntu

100,000+ page collection on pdf, some show no text.

i have on 100 ,000 pages of automotive parts , repair manuals on pdf in on 100 folders on external drive g:. got new computer , wanted transfer these on clean names , folder organization. doing organizing on drive g: , of files don't open. when right click on them can't properties box. can't copy them individually since when right click don't "copy" option, able copy folder contains group of them , can open pdf there has strange shortened name.  example have title of 1 400 page pdf file on drive g: as: "1997 dodge intrepid, chrysler concorde, lhs, hew yorker, eagle vision (lh) parts manual" , have 1 file each year 2004 in folder. nothing happens when click on 1 of them. if copy entire folder drive c: can access each 1 name has changed "1997do~1" example. , when try rename was, after 15 or characters wont let me type more. whats going on here? why can't access these files? did corrupted when moved them around on g:? looks problem of mi

Thread: Setting up godaddy with home server

i have server @ home small website , static ip address. have registered name @ godaddy. can site going how "link" domain name bought this? need on server or through godaddy? you need point godaddy address static ip. talk godaddy - have pretty web control panel recall configuring of settings domain. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] Setting up godaddy with home server Ubuntu

String index out of range: -2

hello,   when submit form message string index out of range: -2 on line 126 formfields of cfinsert. have ideas or suggestion on how debug issue.   thank you jim it difficult diagnose problem without seeing code in question. More discussions in ColdFusion Rich Forms adobe

Thread: Sharing Internet with Guest OS

hi, have installed debian , rhel guest os. host machine in ubuntu 10.04. connected internet through 'wvdial' utility. manage connect both guest os host machine , can ping them host guest , vice versa. problem not able share internet. there way, connect internet guest. i've been wrong before, i'm not sure guest os should have bearing on ics. here page ics, may need tweaking work wvdial . Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [SOLVED] Sharing Internet with Guest OS Ubuntu

Thread: Older version of GIMP required

hi ! have been running linux (hardy) past 2 years , during of time, have found excellent , stable. foolishly, however, accepted suggestion repos up-grade ver 10.04 ... , problems have arisen. every attempt install, either commercially-available dvd, or iso image made down-load canoniacal has failed @ last stage error message "irrevocable error !" ... doesn't diagnosis of problem 1 little bit ! totally exasperated distro after more 3 long days spent working on problem , have therefore decided go hardy. have installed commercially-produced dvd without difficulty whatsoever have encountered further problem in getting copy of gimp photo-processing. latest version available in synaptic 2.4.5-1 , know full of bugs. past year ... have been using ver 2.6.6., total satisfaction. however, have searched cannot find ver (which know works hardy , totally suitable needs). can on forum kindly advise me can older version of gimp (2.6.6.) ? best regards ...

running an action from a script

is possible piece of j avascript code runing action from  script?   do{wait(); >while(run.theaction)     jpd only possible 2 system level languages vb or applescript not estk javascript… More discussions in Illustrator Scripting adobe

Thread: Grub > restore

i deleted ubuntu partion in windows xp. begginer ubuntu user. have no clue did nor know how fix it. using netbook. have no cd. can access bios , can boot usb. can please lead me in right direction? first step? thank plug xp cd, run recovery console , run fixmbr. more detailed: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help Grub > restore Ubuntu

Thread: ubuntu 10.04 root, bin, and other system file unable to access under admin.

hello, i'm new ubuntu10.04. i'm running window xp , unbuntu 10.04. ran problem reinstalled unbuntu erasing old 1 under cd boot. during installation, asked me place files , placed in /. when log in single user (only user or other @ login screen) , try change system files, said don't have permission. can't change or access root file. try chmod function , said don't have permission well. please help, thank you. the simple answer, if haven't done customizing, reinstall. went wrong during installation. if want try fix, sounds may need use command line , program called visudo permissions back. can go through in simpler terms if you'd like, first let's make sure haven't misunderstood. when "login single user" mean login recovery console root? when "only user or other @ login screen" mean? how many users have set on system? trying use sudo under account

Søgefunktion som kun søger i een bestemt section? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg er ved @ opbygge et lille tequilaleksikon her: ... a-leksikon jeg har blot lavet en sektion med kategorier der hedder a, b, c osv. på den måde kan jeg lave list views af artikler fra hver kategori. men jeg ville gerne kunne lægge en søgefunktionn ind som kun søger een section, således @ jeg ikke får resultater fra resten af sitet også. skal jeg have fat en extension eller kan jeg nøjes med joomlas egen søgefunktion ? hvis jeg skal have fat en extention - har så nogen forslag? kh bjørn hmmm. ved ikke om den duer til formålet: ... ajaxsearch Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.5 (Tidligere langtidssupporteret version indtil sep. 2012) Administration - Generel brug

Thread: Connection to a Hidden Wireless WiFi with Ubuntu 10.04

i needed linux capability installed on toshiba net-book windows 7 starter service unix/linux products in field (ssh system, etc.). needs, decided ubuntu 10.04 installed wubi ideal solution. have been happy decision. having no problem connecting internet wired lan or open wifi, having kinds of problems connecting hidden home wireless thought vanilla get. linksys using wpa-personal tkip encoding. searching internet got me kinds of gobbledygook editing files in /dev/xxx, etc., , sorts of irrelevant advice. after hacking, prevailed, , following simple explanation (i hope) using existing ubuntu tool. should cover pc installations of recent ubuntu releases. go top of ubuntu desktop, find network icon (a pizza-slice of concentric circles) next speaker icon. (if you're connected wired lan, icon 2 opposite-pointing arrows) left click , drop-down menu appear. click on "create new wireless network...". dialog box open, , click on "wireless secu

Thread: Connecting iPhone

is there way transfer files iphone in ubuntu (9.04) without using ssh or running windows in vm? you can run ftp sever on iphone , access through filezilla. (i assume device has been jailbroken) or see: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Connecting iPhone Ubuntu

Lowercase Roman Numeral Page Numbers

i'm working on book , i've set page numbering in document first section uses roman numeral page numbers , following section shifts regular numbering. numbering set on applicable masters. on first section's master (master d), place holder capital d. every time try re-type it, letter remains capitalized. isn't problem caps or shift lock because have checked , cannot seem find option lower/upper case. within page numbering box, roman numerals lowercase. doing wrong? thank immensely in advance. the page number placeholder short name master page. master pages don't display actual numbering -- how they? correct page number appear on pages applied master page -- formatting defined in section page in, precise.   (ed.:   the numbering set on applicable masters.   nah.) More discussions in InDesign adobe

Dynamic content in article - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, is there way dynamically alter content contain user session variables in links? instance if had link in article going shopping cart if pass userid part of link url. i'm hoping there might global variables can put in content html gets swapped when rendeering on site. thanks i "anycode" things that. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Get variable from a Component

i have main .mxml there filterfunction @ main. want retrieve variable component. variable should come textbox changes when item clicked on dg in component. statement like:   public function processfilter(item:object):boolean {   if (mytext.text == item.proxy || item.proxy =="") { return true; } else { return false; } }   the mytext in differnet component named detailscomponent. so thought add mytext :  detailscomponent.mytext.text   but no go   thoughts?   george hi george,   do have detailscomponent placed in main mxml file..???   if have placed component in main mxml file giving id access mytext below...   //in main mxml file <comp:detailscomponent id="mydtlscomp" /> // mytext text property can access as   var mytext:string = mydtlscomp.mytext.text;     thanks, bhasker More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

[SOLVED] - Simple Image Holder Module not showing - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my image in simple image holder module not showing in ff. shows in ie 7. site can please tell me wrong? i reviewed site. the link image in html generated follows: \images\stories\logos\jfk_logo.png however, ie , google chrome pick up. fails in firefox. fifefox see image if link image follows: ... k_logo.png review how entering parameters in extension simple image holder. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Bug? Alert window refuses to go away

when i'm in print module , insert value cell size width box big alert window pops telling me "a number between x , y required. closest value inserted". when click ok, alert window remains. no matter do, won't go away. have force-quit lightroom , restart things running again.   is (known) bug or there in settings that's causing this? (i tried entering in bug report, message site temporarily unavailable (we're sorry, site area you've requested unavailable. please try again later.))   help appreciated. what lr version?   is in contact sheet or picture package layout mode? More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Thread: pymtp bindings out of date?

i have been trying hack around mtp plugin exaile music player, first hurdle getting basic mtp operations succeed. following python calls caused segmentation fault: code: >>> import pymtp >>> dev = pymtp.mtp() >>> dev.connect() >>> tracks = dev.get_tracklisting() segmentation fault i had @ pymtp , think not in sync libmtp8 package (version 1.0.2) have installed on xubuntu 10.04 system. have looked @ libmtp.h file 1.0.2 , made changes pymtp appear job - no more crash, haven't yet tested other parts of interface. feel free use attached patched file. try package owner further testing , eventual package update. attached files pymtp_patched.tar.gz (7.0 kb, 0 views) see bug

Error 150:30 on PC, PSE8

i see answers concerning macs not pcs using dell pc running vista. getting error 150:30 when try  bring pictures on lightroom or when try go directly pse8. had computer worked on. did computer?  please help. explain me if talking senior citizen not savy young geek. may licensing service needing activating application not installed or not running on machine. please go through below link , try running solutions mentioned in , see if resolves problem:   regards, ankush More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

.html menu links instead of .php - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i'm new joomla , need help. how create .html links on joomla website? example, installed module on site or extension. let's install, jobline component on site , name menu jobs, how make html link menu instead of ... itemid=114 ? want . and 1 more seo friendly? please me. review tutorial Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: Set multiple videos to the same volume.

i have bunch of videos adjust volume same on of them. have searched , can find how normalize volume in video. have tried , works great on movies action louder talking. problem on video lot louder im changing volume when new video starts. what programme did use adjust volume? format of videos? ideally, give output (see terminal ) of code: ffmpeg -i the_video.suffix Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Set multiple videos to the same volume. Ubuntu

Thread: hosting

looking hosting server support, sql 2008 , isn't costly you can visit site, Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] hosting Ubuntu

Thread: File Installation

hello, have ubuntu box @ home no internet connection. emulators installed before moved not work usb logitech controller have. so, have dl'ed znes (file format .tar.bz2) , fakenes (file format .tar) onto thumbdrive bring home. how install these apps once home? till now, have used package manager apps , have never installed "raw" file. in advance! -dylan ps: love , have used znes before - have feedabck on fakenes? as usual, instructions part of archive. there lists of files application depends upon run - need these install & run; may or may not part of installation already. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] File Installation Ubuntu

الخطأ 500 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

وصف المشكلة: ادارة المقالات لاتعمل وتظهر صفحة الخطأ 500 بدلا منها رسالة الخطأ التى قد تكون ظهرت لك عند حدوث المشكلة - سطر رقم : http 500 internal server error الإجراءات التى اتخذتها بنفسك في محاولة حل المشكلة: لاشي معلومات الفحص joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.10 production/stable [ wohmamni ] 27-march-2009 23:00 gmt configuration.php: writable (mode: 750 ) | rg_emulation: n/a architecture/platform: linux 2.6.18-128.2.1.el5.028stab064.4 ( i686) | web server: apache ( ) | php version: 5.2.11 php requirements: register_globals: disabled | magic_quotes_gpc: enabled | safe_mode: disabled | mysql support: yes | xml support: yes | zlib support: yes mbstring support (1.5): yes | iconv support (1.5): yes | save.session_path: writable | max.execution time: 10 seconds | file uploads: enabled mysql version: 5.1.39-1 ( via tcp/ip ) معلومات تفصيلية أكثر: sef: disabled (without rewrite) | ftp layer: disabled | htaccess: not implemented php/suexec: user , web server

Illustrator text won't resize.

hi there,   i using illustrator cs2. want able tpye , resize , change font. thought have type words , click selection tool select text , allow me pull side resize it. not work me. doing wrong? thought able type words , click on different fonts , see text change on screen go font font not work either. must doing wrong here. appreciated.   thank you. mancunian,   i using illustrator cs2. want able tpye , resize , change font. thought have type words , click selection tool select text , allow me pull side resize it. not work me. doing wrong? you can drag corner of bounding box (if shown, see view) , resize way (proportionally if hold shift @ same time). also thought able type words , click on different fonts , see text change on screen go font font not work either. must doing wrong here. appreciated. if type (with type tool) , click new font/size/whatever, next letter(s) should changed accordingly.   if things not work, may need reset preferences or close down disturbing applications, s

Lock Fields in subform

i having trouble getting javascript click event button lock fields in subform.  have downloaded paul's po form , copied script still didn't work.  changed (form1) subform name , put button in subform under hierarchy still nothing.  saved form dynamic pdf , tried other things suggested in other posts i'm stuck. should myscriptoject variable come up? when ctrl+j in preview pdf tab following error: "myscriptobject not defined" what missing?   thanks, joe hi joe,   paul's example contains script object (look in hierarchy myscriptobject under variables). script object contains lockallfields function called click event of button. function of work.     you can drag script object fragment library, make available in other forms. in form drag library hierarchy, on first page. insert fragment variables. can right-click on fragment , convert embedded object.         it should work then,   niall More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

changing document presets for multiple documents

i have indesign book containing multiple documents layed out on same document preset.  preset values need adjusted each document.  have entered new values document layout , saved updated document preset.  there way apply blanket change of documents without having go each 1 , apply changes individually?   i tried layout adjustment option under layout taskbar nothing happened. tried selecting a-master pages , going through process again-nothing.  haven't been able find on forums or knowledge base either. without knowledge of presets want synchronize may help.   create book (file/new book), add documents book synchronize options —here lies list of style sources choose from, check applies , hit: synchronize.   does help?   don't forget put icon (this being document style source) document want documents styled from.   if not clear go search "synchronize" More discussions in InDesign adobe

Spread preview, not individual preview CS5

hey everyone!   is possible indesign save preview used spreads rather first page , preview them pdf file has in bridge. this image should explain bit better.         we can't see weather or not second page on spread completed or not!   please help!!!! thanks in advanced.   michael. bump help More discussions in InDesign adobe

Thread: Emoathy msn contact list is empty

hi, i've used empathy msn client , has worked fine. since week ago (or more) on-line contact list has become empty, of contacts marked off-line. checked @ meboo , had lot of on-line contacts, must empathy issue. me that? wouldn't want change messaging client, way empathy integrates gnome desktop. issue solved! of msn contacts had become blocked strange reason! used emesene unblock them , fine. p.s.: noticed mispelled thread's title (emoathy instead of empathy)! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Emoathy msn contact list is empty Ubuntu

Picture or live display in module configuration page?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this first exploration forum please excuse n00b mistakes might make. did search on forums couldn't find related question. this... is possible display picture (like diagram) on configuration page module? you see did lot of searching nice vertical slider , never did see 1 liked, @ least not module in extensions directory. looking swaps out pictures arranged in column of 5 small (180px square) thumbs. did find used javascript (jquery), css, , html, wasn't joomla module. after doing lot of research on how incorporate article, figured i'd have hunker down , learn how write module. have done , works great. started tweaking parameters don't have edit css , html manually. post on extensions directory. think people module more user friendly. i'm thinking if display diagram of vertical slider, sections , names on module configuration page, make vastly more user friendly. ideally i'd live display of module on module configuration page. once changed bunch of para

Thread: Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 Problems Booting & Wireless

i've installed ubuntu 10.04 netbook hp netbook pc. have 2 issues now. getting hung on booting up. flashing dash in left hand upper corner keeps flashing , doesn't show hard drive activity. not load , have force shut down holding on/off button. ideas? when did have running before, had no wireless capabilities. shows wireless disconnected , not connect means (wirelessly), wired fine. ideas well? correction post - wired not work , iwconfig shows "no wired extensions" , "no wireless extensions" Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 Problems Booting & Wireless Ubuntu

Thread: Installing driver software for a Samsung 130

i trying install wifi driver new samsung 130. hardware driver tool, has not flagged drivers. do? know need install video card divers, there other drivers i'm missing? sorry ubuntu newbie here. appreciated. cameron murray posted cameron murray i trying install wifi driver new samsung 130. hardware driver tool, has not flagged drivers. do? know need install video card divers, there other drivers i'm missing? sorry ubuntu newbie here. appreciated. cameron murray if computer connected internet, have looked in system » administration » hardware drivers ? run sudo apt-get update in terminal first go there. if no drivers there post output of command code: lspci Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] I

Thread: Says I'm connected to the network but can't get on network

this second day ubuntu on dell mini 10v broadcom wireless card. hooked wired connection , ubuntu installed drivers broadcom card.when put cursor on wireless icon on desktop shows name of wireless connection,active,and ip address when open firefox "server not found". i'm confused put in boxes ssid,mode,bssid,mac address,and mtu under network connections. i've tried pretty every conceivable method @ disposal,even went on d-link router settings , nothing has worked.i not have windows installed please delete post! duplicate: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Says I'm connected to the network but can't get on network Ubuntu

Preventing Spam Registration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm new joomla, , hoping there's easier way handle this. i'm getting lot of spam registrations on web site, , of posting ads in shoutbox. i'm using joomla 1.5.14, , have securityimages module installed try , block spam. have web site set require simple math problem register, , have activate using link sent email. while don't have hundreds of spam registrations day, i'm getting 5+ @ least every day, , having delete 2 or 3 spam messages in shoutbox every day. i'm concerned if don't under control now, once site has been around bit longer, it'll worse , worse. is there better way of handling this? some suggestions... - change url of registration page - use robots.txt block access new registration url - use captcha instead of simple math problem are using communitybuilder? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5