Thread: Shocking September 2010 Screenshot Thread
it's september somewhere already.
1. stay within board rules, no matter how hot may believe wallpaper/screen shot be.
2. if going quote, there isn't need quote img-embeded picture - don't it. please reference post page number/page link/etc.
3. off topic posts edited or removed.
4. desktops thread not used means post explicit or suggestive, , provocative images (they must safe kids and/or boss see). please keep thread relevant , safe browse everyone.
5. moderators of forum reserve right edit or remove posts necessary may comply our community rule set.
6. please use reduced-size thumbnails, out of respect people running on lower bandwidth or screen resolutions.
7. avoid having users having ask them. when possible request format posts in following order: note optional
themes: name/where got (with link nice).
wallpaper: name/where got (with link nice).
icons: name/where got (with link nice).
programs: name/where got (with link nice).
important note: image posted on 800 x 600 removed! use thumbnail or use text link image. if image removed, why.
here goes:
gtk: modified version of jurialmunkey's victorious elements.
metacity: 1 included in absolute gtk theme (
icons: faenza cupertino (
wallpaper: clicky
font: segoe ui semibold size 9
dock awn custom theme.
gtk wow nale12
icons faenza
font droid sans
wall dvno , got on da
same last month
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