
Showing posts from June, 2015

Joomla! 1.5.15 udgivet - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

joomla! projektet har idag udgivet 1.5.15 [wojmamni ama mamni]. de mest væsentlige ændringer denne udgivelse er koderettelser der giver kompatibilitet med php 5.3 og større rettelser tinymce. derudover en række bugfixes og 2 sikkerhedsrettelser. det er 3 måneder siden joomla 1.5.14 blev udgivet den 30 juli 2009. den fulde engelske meddelelse her: ... eased.html download her: 1.5.15 faq: dansk diskussion: viewtopic.php?f=260&t=457498 Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Meddelelser

Embeded video displays properly in FF but not on IE

hi, website childpoolalarmsystemsdotcom, wife , created youtube video. took the code , put on home page. displays , runs fine in ff when open in ie version 8.0 have believe displaying red x in upper left corner. this an ie thing or else?   any suggestions or appreciated...dan copy , paste new document.  tested , works in ff , ie.   <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>untitled document</title> <style type="text/css"> #flash {width: 500px; margin: 0 auto} </style> </head> <body> <!--begin flash --> <div id="flash"> <object width="469" height="352"> <param name="movie" value="http://www

Component displayed as Joomla-Homepage - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey everyone, i want use joomla marketplace , found nice plugin that. main problem right marketplace accessible when clicks in main menu on "market-place". the joomla installation serves purpose of providing solid-base marketplace. i following: display component on homepage display component module display module on homepage in center. is anyhow possible? when opening path joomla want users see marketplace right away. thank much. in administrator area, go menu manager , set menu link market place default link. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Missing WWW from domain - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey all, yet noob question solved joomla guru's here. my domain name shows instead of . is there way change this?? better load either. my host godaddy (linux deluxe). joomla 1.5 at @ beginning of htaccess file (rename htaccess.txt .htaccess) code: select all rewriteengine on rewritebase / rewritecond %{http_host} !^$ [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [l,r=301] and replace "" actual domain data this take care access auto redirected "www" leo Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Module to show on all pages - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have installed joomla 1.5 fantastico , installed sample data. wanted latest news module , popular module show on pages. i had put module on position later removed , replaced same modules not showing. in position "user 2" below screen print of admin/extension/module manager/ popular & latest news the reason had removed these modules wanted put other modules in position , make them show on pages not appearing in pages , when tried return old modules in position did not show up. what doing wrong , how can make 2 modules show on pages? you have settings done correctly accomplish trying do. don't think problem there. try , see if helps: 1) try putting them in position , see if show up. know problem user2 position. 2)create new module clicking "new" on in module manager under "extensions" tab. can create multiple modules of same type. create new "latest news" or "most read" , try put new 1 on pages. if works problem solved.

I all of a sudden cannot open PDF attachments in my email. It does everything right but doesn't open

i cannot open pdf attachments anymore in emails.  right not display attachment once opened it. what "it everything" mean?   what email client using? how trying open pdf (double click within email, saving hard drive , double clicking...etc)? version of reader using? happens if save attachement computer , try open there?   all of above questions important please try , answer them all. may have more depending on answers. More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Converted CP4 files to CP5 - yes another right clicking question

hello,   i converted cp4 files cp5.  converted successfully.  having problems right clicking functionality in cp4 - fixed on machine amending flashplayer security settings.  works when loading sharepoint.   problem need publish these files quite number of usb's.  several people have tryed playing published versions on machines , right clicking functionalty not work.  please tell me surely not have instruct people change flash player settings view files usb.  definately not option.   rik - if out there know can me one.   thankyou kindly   ali More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Thread: problem with restarting lm-sensors service

i can not restart lm-sensos service. get: code: mahmood@localhost:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/lm-sensors restart .: 39: can't open /etc/init.d/functions thanks idea. from terminal run: sensors. that? running applet sensors? manually starting or have set run automatically @ each startup? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [kubuntu] problem with restarting lm-sensors service Ubuntu

After installation Menus are not working on demo site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

see attached. default menu has no links or dropdowns. first installation done on web server, menus fine, 1 done on localhost using easyphp client. i'm wondering if there mysql problem can see none of module managers items show status menu item enable/disable? possible reasons anyone? thanks, al. i believe using php 5.3.0. @ present joomla! not certified work php 5.3.0. downgrade php version 5.2.x (e.g., 5.2.9) alternatively, try test patch use joomla php 5.3: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

How to enable a module to show only at certain times? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have radio show website (and companion site ) enable module appear on chat room pages only when radio show on , disappear, people can listen live on network's stream while in chat room without having have window/tab open of website. module "custom html" html code flash player provided radio network. this convenience afford listeners , registered members of websites. don't want limit registered members, enable , un-enable module on saturdays 12-2 pm cst on weekly basis. i have graphic banner says "if can see banner, iconoclast report live on air right - click here listen" want show @ same times weekly , likewise disappear when show not live (obviously in different position on websites). have graphic, script lacking information on - how accomplish these 2 things. banners animated gifs links chat room on radio show website. i assume cron job function, , have installed jcron on joomla! 1.5 websites -with necessary legacy enabled- (although have access cro

Cross-References : small viewpoint makes finding difficult

hello,   when creating cross reference viewpoint  select specific link extremely small , cannot expanded. i  have 300 lines select adds unnacceptable amount of time  complete task.   any suggestions? please note removed sensitive text in document: dropdown , right-column areas. hausnfranz1041 wrote:   hello,   when creating cross reference viewpoint  select specific link extremely small , cannot expanded. i  have 300 lines select adds unnacceptable amount of time  complete task.   any suggestions? please note removed sensitive text in document: dropdown , right-column areas. the arrows @ bottom of hyperlinks , cross-references panel (window > interactive > hyperlinks) move insertion pointer cross-reference source or destination. can see markers in story editor window (edit > edit in story editor).   hth   regards,   peter gold knowhow proservices     More discussions in InDesign adobe

SharePoint 2010 and InDesign

i have requirement media company needs indesign capabilities within sharepoint 2010. havent found on subject , curious if there connectors available and/or 3rd party resources may have built work between 2 systems. or references appreciated.   cory cory,   you may ask in indseign forum: More discussions in Forum comments adobe


hello there,   i want have linkbutton instead of label on title of titlewindow or panel. how can convert title clickable link, ideas?   thanks hi abaki,   in title window or panel component write below function...     override protected function createchildren():void   {    super.createchildren();       var lnkbutton:linkbutton = new linkbutton();    lnkbutton.label = "your link button";     lnkbutton.width = 100;     lnkbutton.height = 25;    this.rawchildren.addchild(lnkbutton);     }     thanks, bhasker More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: How to install Mac snowleopard in vmware

hi having mac snow leopard. want give try using vmware. dont know how install 1 in vmware. have format in .dmg file in dvd image. can please step step install it. mac os x may legally installed inside vmware fusion ... mac product. apple inc. sees installing mac os x on non-apple hardware illegal , discussing here might draw unwanted attention apple's legal department. there other forums out there might find better answers, please use google find them. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] How to install Mac snowleopard in vmware Ubuntu

Thread: Please help with ruijie .......

i using ubuntu 10.04 having problem connecting internet b'coz require authentication university server . problem solution have been solved on thread since done on older version of ubuntu not able configure correctly.i have following problems 1) not able copy file myxrgsu file bin folder,i dont know whats problem .i did on ylmf os . 2) not same problem of copying file libstdc++5 file kindly me are copying file root (e.g. sudo)? directories don't have permissions regular user. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Please help with ruijie ....... Ubuntu

Search Engine Friendly URLs - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying turn on search engine friendly url's joomla 1.5.9 install. after clicking 'yes' selection search engine friendly urls in global configuration section , previewing site, result url sef pages lose formatting if path style sheets broken. have suggestions? if want enable seo settings, review following documents , set seo settings accordingly. may have type site url in variable $live_site in file configuration.php or use .htaccess file.!_1.5 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Lens Corrections in Bridge. Lens Distortion not in Bridge.

i can open bridge without opening photoshop; also, can edit cr in bridge without opening photoshop cs4. cmd+r puts images raw editing. there lens corrections feature in bridge has no access lens distortion control in bridge. opening several hundred cr's in photoshop halts productivity immediately. lens distortion should 1 of first accessible tools in bridge cr. if available in bridge, it? next question: lens distortion available in cs5 bridge?   befuddled. i can open bridge without opening photoshop; also, can edit cr in bridge without opening photoshop cs4. cmd+r puts images raw editing.   yes, because using adobe camera plugin bridge (cmd + r or 'open in camera raw'). can use camera raw plugin in ps itself when choosing open, in fact, can use them when having on save images can let happen in background while using other for next altering on other files.   there lens corrections feature in bridge has no access lens distortion control in bridge.   no there not, see sta

Getting Quotation Marks to look like they were mirrored. In GREP or Regular find and change

hello,   is there anyway make quotation marks come out image below. right have 2 text boxes make work, cannot first double quote mirrored version of right double quote ;-( this needs like.     thanks, babs this not answering question, alternative thought, why not use font smaller ball shape on quotation marks this: More discussions in InDesign adobe

Thread: Pls help, I am new to Ubuntu

hiii here. new ubuntu.i use windows in p.c. want learn ubuntu , switch linux windows.can pls suggest me free e-book can download, read , first details regarding ubuntu can install , learn using ubuntu. hi..a book read on line called ubuntu pocket guide. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Pls help, I am new to Ubuntu Ubuntu

transforming a shape, maintaining area

hi,   i'm beginning work infographics. have quantities blocked onto illustrator grid, 2 fluid ounces 2 block rectangle. want change shape circle of identical area. left geometry book @ home, , there's info. there tool >> convert shape different shape of identical area? no. might scriptable, doubt it. geometry pretty simple, though. if want maintain relative areas, double radius (or diameter). e.g. if item 1 4 units , item 2 16 units, item 2’s circle should have double diameter of item 1’s. area π × r², doubling radius (or diameter) makes area 4 times larger. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Trying to Alter Margin for Modules? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

here site: whenever add custom html module puts quite bit of padding above , below html items seen on middle left module on site. the form used had way minimize , looking way minimize other modules. have tried blank module ( )? module gives ability enter values paddings , margins. believe may give more control on placement of module. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

How could i launch another adobe program from flex?

i want launch adobe illustrator flex app?   any ideas how achieve this? my research indicates isn't possible air library in existing flex sdk.   this describes supposed workaround: More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: External hard drive case

so had old laptop stopped working. extracted hard drive , put in nexstar sx case. new laptop can read new external via usb mounts 255 mb filesystem, not data on 40 gb drive. i'm assuming because filesystem bootable mount reading bootable portion. maybe? don't know. think? i'm using ubuntu 10.4. thank all! attach drive in case , run code: sudo fdisk -l (that's lower case l @ end) , report here output. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] External hard drive case Ubuntu

Thread: virus

i have got virus in pen drive , unable delete in ubuntu. unable change property auto execute program, or bring other change file. shows icon similar recycle bin in windows vista in windows vista o.s. new user ubuntu, please me solve problem. if using new version of ubuntu, should have format option when right click on pen drive icon when appears in desktop. if not, can open terminal , force erase old rm -rf /mounted/path/ careful when give path. if go wrong, due typo end deleting everything! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security [ubuntu] virus Ubuntu

Trenger hjelp til registrering/endring av ekstra brukerinfo - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg har dag et phpbb-forum og har brukerene kun registrert brukernavn og epost. på den nye nettsiden jeg jobber med skal jeg bl.a ha en nettbutikk og derfor må jeg få på plass fullt navn, adresse, postnummer og poststed. jeg vet @ dette kan gjøres med community builder, men hadde håpet jeg kunne fått til dette uten å måtte bruke en ektra komponent. jeg vet @ det finnes muligheter til å gjøre dette manuelt ved å legge til oppføringer jos_user-tabellen og endre noen av "core"-filene, men vil helst ikke rote mer enn nødvendig med dette. takker så mye hjelp! nettbutikken har vel egen registrering av nødvendige opplysninger, eller hva mener du? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Norwegian Forum Eldre versjoner av Joomla! Joomla! 1.5 Administrasjon/installasjon

Informed that I have been hacked. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i received email today through contact form on joomla site informing me password had been changed in demonstration of vulnerability. body of email here: this enquiry e-mail via http://****.org/ from: ******* <***********> administrator irformation (also joomla) username: **** password: changed check security system have not hacked site changeled password,so know have no securty. i have 1.5.14 installed. fact hacker states info 'also joomla' suggested me perhaps exploiting new vulnerability in current joomla version , enjoying flaunting flaw while remains undetected or perhaps have noob oversight stumbled upon. appreciate advice. please read: viewtopic.php?f=432&t=335090 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

iframe or php in article - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all i need have php code <form></form> in article page. when paste php code editor code change/commented out. tried iframe, when paste below code editor deleted again. code: select all <iframe src ="url" width="100%" height="300">   <p>your browser not support iframes.</p> </iframe> is there way can php code on page? regards ryan ahhh got working using this: viewtopic.php?p=1826263 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Help with interactive 3D earth

hi,i'll keep short , simple possible!   we're making page flash element,and basicaly,in end should this:   except users able add speech bubbles flash ball rotating,and clicking on make pop form,enabling user add text speech bubble,which saved on server.   since i'm quite novice in flash,some short basic guidelines of tools use,or general of great help. thanks in advance!:) if there no interaction earth object , movieclip symbol, can add code make react mouse interaction, same way button if know how.  if using earth difficult reason, add shaped movieclip on earth, set alpha property 0, , use interaction.   for form, can create movieclip contains form elements intend user fill out, , control visible property hide/show it.  when click earth, form movieclip's vsisible property changed true--and may want disable earth clickability while form opened.  when click submit button of form, you  set form movieclip's visible

How to invoke Joomla login module and open my page after? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! i'm new joomla development , need help. the problem have own component works fine, not logged users have no access it. message 'restricted access' displayed if try open page inside component. need somehow invoke joomla's login module , pass task , several additional parameters after successful login user should redirected particular page inside component. i've tried without success. please, help. thank you! kind regards, alex hi, you use return parameter of login page, base64 encrypted value of return url. olaf Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

How can I open .mfg files in adobe illustrator?

i have cs4 , have escoartwork plug in open .ard files can not open or place .mfg files created artioscad.   any suggestions? thanks hello james,   unless esko makes plug-in them in future, way open them artioscad , exporting illustrator compatible format. don't think plug-in possible since mfgs complex. not used layouts, may have dieboard, stripping, , counter data. contain embedded ard files own sets of layers.   the best thing ask person providing them make eps or dxf.   rc More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Thread: panp7 Bison Pro could not connect to video device

hello, when launch camorama, 'could not connect video device' error message. when received laptop, there no books or cds. got ubuntu stickers. normal? thanks, kms3 in effort greener company y using less paper, no longer ship welcome manuals our systems. still available online, in pdf format, locating system here: . there hotkey turn on webcam. press fn+f10 toggle on , off. turn camera on, restart program want use. this'll working. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support System76 Support panp7 Bison Pro could not connect to video device Ubuntu

Is it possible to cine-loop in Captivate?

i new captivate , forum. @ risk of looking foolish, hoping 1 of might able enlighten me on best way loop video in captivate 5. using captivate create medical educational material. material contains medical videos (cines), typically 1 cardiac cycle in length (about 1 second). clinical medical viewing software automatically loop cines repeatedly give impression of indefinite capture length. continuous looping easy achieve in traditional slide-show software, microsoft powerpoint or apple keynote, clicking on "loop until end" checkbox. problem have found captivate wants play cine/video once, , can find no option "loop until end". 1 second long videos not interpretable unless repeatedly loop.   i wondering if users of forum might have suggestion how achieve effect of "loop until end" in captivate. can envision 2 scenarios, (1) slide audio track or defined length speaking video playing in background, , medical 1-sec cine on frame , medical cine should loop until

Two fields, two scripts. User can enter data into field 1 or 2

hi all,   new here, , acrobat forms, please bear me!   what i'm trying achieve form calculates total invoice value, based on total number of hours worked, , rate. user fills in total hours, problem people know fixed rate, , others have changing rate. changing rate know amount invoicing for. i'd like, way totalinvoice value calculated rate*totalhours when user enters value rate field... or ... rate calculated totalinvoice/totalhours when user enters value totalinvoice field.   i can make go 1 way or other (so script in totalinvoice field or rate field), can't manage go both ways. possible?   to summarise: user can enter manually field1 , value of field2 calculated, or user can enter manually field2 , field1 calculated.   thanks! what propose can difficult, becuase you're describing circular reference between 2 fields. when 1st value changes, want 2nd value calculated based on 1st value. when 2nd value changes, want 1st value calculated based on 2nd, ad infinitum. there

About license of Photoshop Elements

greetings)   i plan buy photoshop elements software use @ home. , i'd clarify if posible reinstal if computer totally replaced?   i mean - bought , installed on current pc. time later (6-12 months) decide upgrade pc , replace it. will still have right install photoshop elements on new pc , should activate on new pc?   regards, dmitry   p.s. sorry bad english, it's not native language) you should ask either in or More discussions in Forum comments adobe

How do i get my components to work outside the index.php - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all firstly, ve installed joomla first time , fab , im enjoying finding out how works my question might bit daft cant figure out i have installed number of components, (forum, guess books etc) practice with, have set them external links , tried opening them in new window , works fine i have figured out how use index2.php menu items on home page not displayed (print preview) when click on other link on component links home page , shows menus etc. i d know there way set joomla these components dont link index.php , show menus? i hope makes sense , in advance assisting newbee doesnt know hes doing yet thanks gibbo create menu links external url's , add "&tmpl=component" url destination page. remove module positions. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Links in Articles Opening like wrapper links in menus? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i links in specific article open target pages within wrapper, if links had been menu items wrapper type. additionally, solution user-friendly possible, content manager not technically adept. i've seen similiar-ish questions had answers involving load module plugin , {loadposition userx}, doesn't appear leave information link, opens target within article. link, when clicked, replace article within joomla. any great! thanks, i need this. have menu wrapper item, want link item within wrapper within article. not want create wrapper menu item, link in article. update: modified menu structure , found way implement acceptable. i know how in straight article link without menu link. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

a multi-threaded PDF conversion exception(Conversion service:WatchedFolder)

hi,            have multi-threaded conversion exception(conversion service:watchedfolder)              some can converted successfully, , reported following error        exception information follows      alc-pdg-16004-000: com.adobe.livecycle.generatepdf.client.conversionexception: alc-pdg-016-004-an      error  was  encountered while processing microsoft word file pdf generation. @ com.adobe.pdfg.bmccaller.checkresult( @ com.adobe.pdfg.native2pdfcaller.callnativebmc( @ com.adobe.pdfg.native2pdfcaller.createpdf( @ com.adobe.pdfg.generatepdfimpl.createpdfinternal( @ com.adobe.pdfg.generatepdfimpl.createpdfcommon( @ com.adobe.pdfg.generatepdfimpl.createpdf( @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method) @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccess

flash player download problem

i'm using windows vista, & have ie 8...i have tried download flash player many times...but hothing happens according instructions on download page. plz help. hi, make sure administrator , use account when uninstalling , installing flash player.   download , save desktop uninstaller here:   download installer ie , save desktop here:   once have done, go tools, internet options , set security medium internet zone. (this installation process; can change afterwards) before start process, know how disable applications may in system tray(area near clock) use flash, such yahoo messenger, or other messenger services. you'll disable them until after fp(flash player installed) may want disable anti-virus runs in realtime , browser add ons pertain anti-virus program.   once done, close browsers, , looking @ desktop. run uninstaller , when finished, re

Thread: Shocking September 2010 Screenshot Thread

it's september somewhere already. rules: 1. stay within board rules, no matter how hot may believe wallpaper/screen shot be. 2. if going quote, there isn't need quote img-embeded picture - don't it. please reference post page number/page link/etc. 3. off topic posts edited or removed. 4. desktops thread not used means post explicit or suggestive, , provocative images (they must safe kids and/or boss see). please keep thread relevant , safe browse everyone. 5. moderators of forum reserve right edit or remove posts necessary may comply our community rule set. 6. please use reduced-size thumbnails, out of respect people running on lower bandwidth or screen resolutions. 7. avoid having users having ask them. when possible request format posts in following order: note optional themes: name/where got (with link nice). wallpaper: name/where got (with link nice). icons: name/where got (with link nice). programs: name/where got (with

How to retrieve the "Path to Image Folder" from my extension - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. i'm coding extension (my first one), containing "uploadfile" field, can't figure out how retrieve path image folder set in global configuration panel. i must 1 move uploaded file "media storage". regards. i found answer in post: viewtopic.php?f=304&t=417812&p=1767273&hilit=image+folder#p1767273 (note have been reading & searching forum hours, didn't thought relation between image path , com_media) Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

php mail fuinction, on joomla 1.5.14 mails late - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all i using php mail fuinction, on joomla 1.5.14 the problem mail got users late sometime 2 3 hours. may have misconfigure something. so there way can mails quicker 2 3 hours? if mean registration emails, joomla sends messages straight away. rest depends on servers , mail proxies message has go through recipient. message not each destination if recipient's server considers spam. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: Weird split screen effect on arcade monitor

i've been using ubuntu while on laptop thought i'd run on arcade machine. monitor can handle resolution @ least 704x513 60hz (the resolution original arcade game used) , uses composite sync. i've spent time using xrandr resolution, refresh rate , sync polarities need. these commands used set resolution. gtf 640 480 60 xrandr --newmode "640x480_60" 23.86 640 656 720 800 480 481 484 497 -hsync -vsync xrandr --addmode vga-1 "640x480_60" xrandr --output vga-1 --mode 640x480_60 tried gtf 640 480 60 xrandr --newmode "640x480_60" 23.86 640 656 720 800 480 481 484 497 -csync xrandr --addmode vga-1 "640x480_60" xrandr --output vga-1 --mode 640x480_60 has same effect since have hsync , vsync wired composite sync anyway. weird split screen effect that's in picture. looks i'm missing cant figure out! in advance! - i've seen similar posts referring computer monitors , end saying edit /etc/

PHPMyAdmin upgrade to Super Administrator - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm trying website owner joomla website. he has 1 joomla user has administrator privileges (not super administrator). because of this, cannot create new users super administrator privileges. can alter user account in phpmyadmin change administrator super administrator? thanks, steve. you create new super administrator: ... assword%3f Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Playing a move effect in reverse after it has finished

i've been experimenting move effects , i've noticed seems possible reverse effect whilst playing. there way reverse move effect after has finished?   i have effect called "movecoverimage2" , syntax makes play syntax movecoverimage2.reverse() doesn't seem make play in reverse.   can suggest anything?   i have specified xfrom , xto coordinates effect. i believe there few ways accomplish in flex 4, without seeing code hard doing different expect.  here example of animation reverse. tml#includeexamplessummary   also note if have value of 0 repeatcount, play animation indefinitely .  , if has value of 1 play once. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

How to change Bg colour of Latest news and Popular modules? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been long time lurker , time has come me build own joomla site. the template im using 1 called pjo_joomlaforall , can found here, free template website example ... omlaforall download ... orall.html my problems after changing website colors editing css file im stuck @ few things: 1 - though latest news module enabled doesn't display, instead shows 2 popular modules on front page 2 -i cannot find how change background color of the popular module or text 3 - polls module cannot change background color or text color if can appreciated, please see following pic oif problem do have url website? olaf Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5