
Showing posts from March, 2015

ممكن شرح طريقة تغيير حالة عرض المقالات - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

اخواني انا عندي مشكلة بظهور المواضيع هي تظهر تحت بعض وكأنها موضوع واحد وهذه صورة وانا اريدها بهذه الطريقة تفضل إقرأ هنا: viewtopic.php?p=1450566 وطبعا توجد المزيد من المقالات حول نفس الموضوع بالتوفيق Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Arabic Forum 1.5 !جوملا لوحة التحكم

Question about duplicated content - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey everybody, i'm new joomla, i'm far! i've build site (which strictly not published yet, no live link, sorry ) , have question in regards seo, more diplicated content. i know how duplicated content can screw google rating, question this: if have menu item in top menu leads article, , sublink under menu item leads exact same article - statute duplicated content? , if - should it? i know 1 way around duplicated content problem add code: select all rel=”nofollow” anchor links. if solution should put bit of code? thank in advance, //deaf_digit deafdigit wrote: i know how duplicated content can screw google rating, question this: if have menu item in top menu leads article, , sublink under menu item leads exact same article - statute duplicated content? , if - should it? will both links point same url? ie - link in top menu , sublink under menu item both point ? if both point same url, don't have worry duplicate content. on other h

No Acrobat in my CS5 Design Premium

last week installed (i thought) newly downloaded acrobat cs5 design premium.   today went create pdf - , found no acrobat installed.   i went "programs , features" , selected cs5 installation.  while gives me option de-activate or remove, not list acrobat pro.   at first thought had chose version without - 'compare suites' indicates *should* have acrobat pro v9.x   ideas anyone?   - rich. hello,   acrobat shipped along cs5 suite separate dvd. not find acrobat listed in suite install/uninstall option screen. please check suite box again , shall find acrobat dvd there.   regards ajay jain More discussions in Creative Suites Windows adobe


こんにちは。CS3とCS5が一つのPCに混在しています。そのときに、CS3ではファイルメニューからスキャナーの読み込みが出来たのですが、CS5ではそこにスキャナーが現れてきません。 ネットワークスキャナーとUSBスキャナーと2つ試したのですが、両方とも同様の現象でした。 FireworksではCS3もCS5もスキャナーからの読み込みが可能です。どうしたらよいか教えてもらえませんか?よろしくお願いします。 自己レスです。解決しました。 Photoshopコミュニティフォーラム (Japan) でのその他のディスカッション adobe

How to get rid of the teal blue frame in adobe premiere elements

hey everyone, have ever had problem put video onto timeline , teal , won't play without being teal? after doing little reasearch found answer problem.                       first go edit,                go prefrences,                                      go uncheck "gpu playback"   then should done! thank tips. many, has been matter of updating video card's drivers, not all.   i add link thread in older one, in hopes helps many solve issue.   thank you,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

installing 1.5.14 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have downloaded latest joomla 1.5.14 installing on localhost thru xampp when installing these messages on first page deprecated: assigning return value of new reference deprecated in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla\libraries\pattemplate\pattemplate.php on line 1424 deprecated: assigning return value of new reference deprecated in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla\libraries\pattemplate\paterrormanager.php on line 202 can body me peter284 hi, try play parameter error_reporting of php.ini best regards, Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

excel issue using cf

hi all,         in application wanted download information in excel file user , user can edit downloaded file , upload dynamic excel creation... downloading working fine, when tries upload , @ time when cf server reads file, brings problems...i tried 2 ways read file   1) using cfx_excel2query custom tag read   case1 : in case,  created file using cfcontent-cfheader, gives error like  12000 bytes read , -244545000 expected.   case2: in case, created file using ben nadel's poi utility , try upload, giving error error occured..  '3'     and 2)         ben nadel's poi utility read     case1 :using poi create file , export user,  in case, in cases not consider column in excel file, if 4 columns there in excel, dump after reading shows 3 columns..looking strange   case2: in case,  created file using cfcontent-cfheader, gives error object instantiation problem in poi read function..     note : if create excel file in desktop manaully filled data, work in cases

How to create an intropage with flash animation using templ. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello! trying figure out how can insert intropage flash animation template purchased rockettheme (infusion template). other words entering website want see first intropage (with flash animation) , user can click on "skip" or watch animation. afterwords want see homepage. another question is, in format should create intropage? .php? .html? thank you! one of easiest ways creating "index.html" file , embed flash movie in it. servers configured parse "index.html" file before , "index.php" file. place file in root of web account , place link joomla! site in it. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Module class suffix... not in "view source" - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, i'm working on site (in wamp, not online yet) , trying darndest personalise specific modules using module class suffix. following instructions , trying different things hours without success, realised module class suffix wasn't appearing in code when went "view source". that's not right, it?! the css of theme (called greenlife) seems use term "box" rather module, modules laid out using various "box" divs, rather (it seems) "moduletable". tried theme , had same problem (that theme seems use "box" design of modules). tried 1 of default themes , had no problem @ using module class suffix, amending "moduletable" bit of css. so problem must module-specific. both themes problems have modules gifs rounded edges - have no idea if that's relevant. i can't work out how use module class suffix chosen theme. ideas?! thanks, tom Board index Joomla! Older Version Support

Creating PDF's in PS CS5

i'm using 12.0.1 on mac pro 10.6.4 , graphics update.  i'm trying create pdf using automate > batch > save photoshop pdf.  have source 1 opened psd 'opened files'.  i'm selecting 'save , close' destination.  file closes , that's it.  no pdf.   i'm doing exact same thing in ps cs4 , 'save as' dialogue box , expected options pdf file , pdf file.  need differently here?  thanks!     also how create multipage ps pdf documents ps cs5?  thanks! has tried this? More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: Trying to compile Minitube from source

i'm trying install latest version of minitube on 64 bit ubuntu 10.04 installation. thought adding ppa let me upgrade version 0.9 latest version didn't seem work. i'm trying install source (i've never done before i'm complete noob when comes compiling). checked install instructions in source reads: code: # build instructions ## prerequisites compile minitube need qt >= 4.5 installed. on debian or ubuntu system type: sudo apt-get install build-essential qt4-dev-tools libphonon-dev windows , mac users can qt libraries from: ## compiling compiling on linux easy. run: qmake , make beware of qt3 version of qmake! if things go wrong try running qmake-qt4 instead. ## running type: ./build/target/minitube ok installed prerequisite packages, safe wanted run ./configure command, when try "bash: ./configure: no such file or directory" message. idea i'm doing wrong? also, based o

adding custom keyboard shortcuts to Bridge?

hiya,   anyone know of script allow custom keyboard shortcuts?  hoping able assign shortcuts can in photoshop told in main bridge forum pretty no-go.  thus, i'm looking scripts.   any suggestions appreciated.   thanks!   -greg i don't think possible script, require keyboard handler. it might better put in feature request. More discussions in Bridge Scripting adobe

Thread: Scanning windows from Ubuntu

how scan windows computer ubuntu laptop via network? have ubuntu 10.04 on laptop. first windows computer scan has windows xp home edition second windows computer scan has windows vista home basic have avast 4 workstation , klamav insalled on it. steps make computer scan windows computers. , how set firewall work firefox , empathy? av scanning should done locally on windows machines. avast has client windows can installed, or think make bootable cd can used (might better option). either of options easier. scan should run while computer disconnected network (so long av signature files date). web browsers , im clients should not require additional steps in order function long defaults have been maintained after installation. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security [ubuntu] Scanning windows from Ubuntu Ubuntu

Anyone know what has happened to Neoworx Counter?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all i have used neoworx counters on 3 sites, expensive subscription service - quality incredible support painfully non existant, last subscription made had hassle them real hard. i notice joomla version dated 2008 , in last 12 months on there site have changed counter lot guess need new version of joomla, latest requests going nowhere.... see example of working and isnt newly registered version (and latest extension downloaded dated 2008) can shed light on please or have better contact email address? thanks george they have shut down. received following email roberto. ------------------------ dear user, it saddens me inform after 9 years of services, stopping web counter activity. the shift blogs social networks , overwhelming competition of free services has dramatically decreased customer base point can no longer pay hosting of servers. i best refund pro rata of time elapsed since last payment. please

Error message showing up after installation: SOLVED - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this first time im using joomla xampp. after install joomla, , see initial empty web page, menu displays error message, following: warning: parameter 1 modmainmenuhelper::buildxml() expected reference, value given in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla15\libraries\joomla\cache\handler\callback.php on line 99 i installing on local machine. what it, , how can fix it? thanks i believe using xampp 1.7.2 contains php 5.3.0. @ present joomla! not certified work php 5.3.0. have use lesser version of php (e.g., php 5.2.9). so, uninstall current version of 1.7.2. download xampp 1.7.1 , install it. should solve problem. alternatively, try test patch use joomla php 5.3: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Fel filrättigheter bland filer som skapas genom installation - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej, jag sitter på joomla 1.5.14 och har sedan ett tag tillbaka fått problemet med att filerna som skrivs samband med installationer utförda joomla backend får filrättigheterna/chmod 600 istället för 644. de blir med andra ord alltid oläsliga, vilket tvingar mig till att manuellt ändra rättigheterna på alla nyinstallerade filer. detta har visat sig vara ohållbart längden, speciellt då man har galleri komponenter - alla bilder man laddar upp blir oläsliga då de tilldelas chmod 600 rättigheter. problemet sitter enbart hos filerna, mapparna som installeras får chmod 755. Är det någon som känner igen problemet och/eller vet hur det kan åtgärdas? hoppas att någon upplyst själ kan hjälpa mig få bukt med problemet. tack på förhand! Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Forum för Joomla! med långtidssupport Forum Joomla! 1.5 Instal

Annoyed by Adobe Reader

all users know annoyed fact adobe reader installs system , checks updates. even more annoying , arrogant fact after each update developers have decided desktop icon should created. isnt enough reader check updates when lauched? need every piece of software running own update managers in background or our pcs. need shorcut on desktop. if there decent open source alternative pdf ive no doubt admins dump software desktops in heartbeat this user user forum. if have suggestion adobe, here appropriate place:   it odd complain bitterly free software. there open source programs can view pdf files. guess must definition not decent. there alternatives, of free, not open source though. please search web find them. viewed quite favorably. not have features reader does, quite respectable if want view pdf files. More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

How to add footer links? (and K2 editing) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i add menu in footer showing contact, about, sitemap , on. site ( has - seperators. i have no idea how write php therefore ask here. where in mess shall written, , tell me write? code: select all <!--begin copyright section-->          <?php if ($this->countmodules('footer4') or $show_copyright == "true" or $show_topbutton == "true") : ?>          <div class="copyright-block">          <?php if ($this->countmodules('footer or footer2 or footer3')) : ?>          <div class="footer-div"></div>          <?php endif; ?>          <?php if ($show_copyright == "true") : ?>          <div id="copyright">             &copy; <?php echo $copyright_text; ?>          </div>          <?php else: ?>          <div class="footer-mod">             <jdoc:include type="modules" name="footer4" style

Installed CS5, now I can't administer a site using CS4

i installed cs5 recently. client still has cs4. changed ftp pass codes. updated connection contribute using cs5, can not access site , gets error message "this site being managed newer version of contribute". cleared preferences in cs5 , trying re-establish connection using cs4...but everytime half way through set process , error message saying site being managed newer version of contribute (even though have cleared cs5 preferences in library , site doesn't exist anymore on cs5 version).   how can still use older software client doesn't have cs5? thanks. melissa i message contact site administrator...i site administrator, see no way of changing within contribute. please help! More discussions in Connection/Administration adobe

Manage site - Restrictions on certain files

hi everyone...   situation: share en specific html file managed.   question: is possible assign privileges inexperienced users avoid making disaster on site structure? i mean, have possibility allow external users modify particular html file, avoiding touch other files in whole site.   thank you. with dw, no. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Is it normal for Light room to delete files on import

i copy cf images hard drives before import lightroom option of not moving.  tried directly import cf card , after import, no files on cf card , around 40 images had not been copied (error message of images not imported.)  able use image recovery software save recovered image hard drives. missing setting let lr 3 not erase images after importing? lightroom not delete images memory card or camera. has been policy first beta in january 2006. if you've lost images not down lightroom did. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Smart Object Display Issue CS5 - Anyone else?

i created new ps document (cs5 mac latest version) have few layers grouped , made smart object ease of updating , reuse. problem smart object randomly disappear or sppear "erased" other layters if move them around. still there , through random acts can them reappear.   i not sure if can explain right odd...   anyone else having dusplay issues smrt objects in cs5?   i running on new imac in 64bit mode.   thanks! try turning open gl off , relaunching document. graphics card not being able keep photoshops stringent requirements. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Community site w/photo galleries & global image rotator - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm looking solution photography studio of i'm member. owner has broken site i'm trying him overhaul. 1 of main features we're looking ability various photographers, models, make-up artists , clothing designers use studio create membership/profile allows them upload portfolio images viewable other members. that's straightforward, want able rotate "featured images" need hand-picked studio owner, preferably various galleries members have created. i'd prefer not have make copies of featured images put them in central folder, , in fact, we'd make featured images link profile of person posted it. are there community extensions or combinations of extensions can accomplish this? bostonphotog wrote: ... that's straightforward, want able rotate "featured images" need hand-picked studio owner, preferably various galleries members have created. i'd prefer not have make copies of featured images put them in central folder, , in fact, we'

Thread: No boot loader change after install on XP

i have been installing 10.4 on machines success usb. first linux distro have been excited about. i'm having problems on 1 machine though. dell precision t5400 raid 0 on dell 6/ir adapter controller. booted usb no problem, did on netbook, , laptop , did pretty standard install. i'm dual booting xp on workstation. after installer completed, didn't see grub menu. it's nothing happened. of course in windows see less drive space since had allocated ubuntu in ubuntu setup. clarify, not using wubi. post bootscript in signature in code tags described. dells have program in windows should know if needed, in control panel add/remove programs. if have data safe program, , remove may need reload grub2 mbr Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community

Possible solution for demo mode? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

as best can tell, joomla 1.5 not support demo mode. is true? i'm thinking maybe can set file, folder , mysql permissions unwriteable. allow me let people browse around admin area without breaking and/or hacking anything? thanks thanks feedback, everybody. try people out whenever can, guess that's me. guess i'll try out , see happens. if there security issues doing this, i'm sure 1 of developers around here have pointed out now. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Third party plugins not appearing in file>plugins

ps cs5 12.1 x64 on apple 10.6.4 on macbookpro model 5.3 not reading plugin subfolders. have tried noiseware, noise ninja, fixerbundle, , focus magic. none show up. these not appear under filters either. paul the x64 should clue...the plug-ins need t updated 64-bit versions run in photoshop cs5 when run 64-bit app. if command (as in i) on ps app icon can have launch 32-bit app , plug-ins should load. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: ubuntu clone or replica

is possibe clone ubuntu system , if changes made 1 system, should replicated other?. plz guide it. yes possible. follow tutorial: hope helps. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [SOLVED] ubuntu clone or replica Ubuntu

parceria para criação de templates em joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

parceria procuro empresa ou freelancer.. para criar templates para joomla 1.5. envie-nos o portefólio para in english please, that's forum rules : viewtopic.php?f=8&t=65 or use international zone forum : viewforum.php?f=511 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Login - don't have to enter User or P'word - just logs in - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have intro page site, click on 1 particular link , takes login page (i created login menu link) , asked username , password. i sent user , assigned password. problem is, don't have enter in fields, clicking login button passes part of site wanted protect.... any suggestions? ok - figured because had access level set 'public' instead of 'registered', kinda figured if gong apply login link because restricting access @ public level. anyway, has solved issue instead of redirecting designated url in menu parameters showing logout page. normal? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Changing text & url to the email sent out to new users - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have high profile corporate business website doing. in website super-admin / admins of site add new registered users through backend of site. set settings (when set up) of "receive system e-mails" yes , email sent user details of account. i wanting change url , text of email gets sent out. there way can through languages file? have tried changing send_msg found in _user.ini language file no difference. some assistance great. hello, afaik "receive system e-mails" when set in account send system message users, when new user register. if checked users better uncheck otherwise each time new user register user "receive system e-mails" receive notification. when new user created through back-office email automatically sent (there no setting available alter behavior) to able alter email notification sent should : in language file *.com_users.ini on line 28, 29 change corresponding text of new_user_message email body new_user_message_subject subject you may no

i get to where it says "loading" but video never comes up

if go (or other website), click on show, list of clips come on left, , when click on clip watch 1 of 2 things happens:  1- show commercial when actual clip supposed start, keeps saying "loading" colorful little circle thing spinning or 2- go straight "loading," no video of kind.  bothers me intermittent problem--every once in while, let me watch 1 clip next 1 won't work.  in general, can't watch videos @ all.  attempted alter browser settings, downloaded latest version of browser.  realized happens both explorer , mozilla.  have latest version of flash player.  please if can. hi, since mentioned explorer, must use windows. post edition of windows use. version of internet explorer , version of firefox.     thanks,   eidnolb More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

flex 4 migration: how to resolve css warnings

hi,   we trying migrate our flex app flex 4, , while compiling app, seeing lot of following warnings. wondering how resolve these warnings. not using flex 3 compatibility flag using halo default theme via compiler argument -theme=${flexlib}/themes/halo/halo.swc.   it seems warnings coming css packaged in datavisualization.swc , halo.swc   thanks in advance   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------      [java] c:\svn-work\flex4p3\ui\lib\flex\frameworks\libs\datavisualization.swc$defaults.css(22): warning: cannot resolve namespace qualified type 'advanceddatagrid' in css selector 'advanceddatagrid'      [java]      [java]      [java]      [java] c:\svn-work\flex4p3\ui\lib\flex\frameworks\libs\datavisualization.swc$defaults.css(56): warning: cannot resolve namespace qualified type 'advanceddatagriditem renderer' in css selector 'advanceddatagriditemrenderer'      [java]      [java]      [java]      [java] c:\svn-work\fle

How can you use Master Pages Text Boxes?

i have different master page layout chapter titles. have created text box chapter number , second chapter title. have gotten myself stuck, yet again, trying figure out how can have text boxes made can type in appropriate numbers , titltes in actual page?   any quick answer?   thanx do mean can't click on text boxes add text?   control-click on them (command-click on mac)   otherwise might variable text options have indesign automatically based on,say, paragraph styles. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Global Configuration save problem and Media Manager problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've designed website school , works flawlessly when updating outside of schools internet environment. when accessing site via schools internet connection it's different story. if try save changes in global configuration or try upload docs or images via media manager (when accessing site @ school) not allow this....if same thing on other internet connection there no problem @ , site works perfectly. i'm pretty new joomla , i'm baffled completely.. the problem doesn't seem browser related i've tried ie7 , ie8 @ school (with same problem above). - , i've used ie7 , ie8 outside of school without problems what-so-ever. does have ideas problem might lie? might cause? many offer:) justin when access site inside vs outside, urls change? for example, outside do: but inside can like: http://machinename/ that 1 cause. let me know if isn't issue , try come more things try. Board index Joomla! Older Versio

Thread: Detecting Hardware Network

attempting minimal install of xubuntu. use alternative image file, put on usb , enter command-line when prompted. somehow, along lines, @ "detecting hardware network", sorta fail. in can't detect it, or maybe didn't not work. don't remember exact wording. i'm assuming it's not able detect wired controller card. , after that, can't done without it. if go expert command-line prompt, has option give me drivers install, none of these matches 1 got. use acer aspire 1 d250-1156. it's atheros driver wired. i'm trying minimal install, feel should stop , go standard install , strip down there. harder, maybe i'm not sure how hard it'll install drivers wifi, touchpad, , work netbook. so, i'm keeping options open. google quite bit on few days, can't seem find solution. acer aspire 1 user out there trying same? or help? comments? fine. the command code:

Colorable, Draggable Objects - Needs Improvement (AS2:CS5)

  i've made simple little flash game (pictured above - couldn't see way attach .fla). basic idea have 3 little sea creatures, fish bowl, , color buttons. can click on color button , click on creature, , colors creature color. can drag creature 1 of 3 invisible (but intuitively placed) targets in fish bowl. this, did following: color buckets: make each 1 button following code: code: on (release) {      _root.fillcolor = 0x"your hex code here"      _root.brush.gotoandstop(1); } colorable creatures:   make each 1 movie clip (button work, not way made them drag) following code:   code: on (press) {      color = new color(this);      color.setrgb(_root.fillcolor);      delete color; } dragging:   i used dragndrop component flashvalley ( ). drag drag component onto each creature, drag target component onto each target (must movie clip), , drag setup component somewhere out of sight. take of these things , make them movie c

Graphical layout anamoly

hi all, i building graphical layout dragging set of buttons onto canvas , connecting them drawing lines. save layout in database(by saving properties (x,y) coordinates on canvas, icon associated etc). load layout again database whenever need.   now, problem is, when populate canvas many buttons, makes canvas scrollable, connectors(lines connecting buttons) dont adjust new canvas. precise, once scroll bars appear, , scroll canvas down, buttons maintain original positions, connectors kind of stick canvas , move down canvas moves making them random lines drawn on canvas.   can tell me have make connectors maintain positions along buttons???   message edited by: ronniecr7 hi ronnie,   have fixed canvas height in adding many buttons...???   if have fixed height of canvas....remove fixed height of canvas , give container enclosing canvas vbox container , fix height vbox , make canvas extend full height without scrolling...   so structure should below..     <mx:vbox verticalgap="0&q

How to use Adobe Helvetica Fraction Font

recently purchased adobe fraction font. no instructions how use it.  if selected, rectangles show up.  can me ? trudie i'm surprised no instructions included. did opentype font, or other flavor?   all of old "fractions" fonts i've used required manual selection of glyphs, example using indesign's type -> glyphs menu.   i assume that, if well-made opentype font, type 3/4, mark helvetica fractions, , go opentype -> fractions , automagically become nice fraction. looking @ font on indicates has stylistic sets, pick 1 for   3 _ 4     or   3   /     4     (sorry ugly mockup)   by using opentype -> stylistic sets -> set 1, set 2, etc.   but guess. maybe has font see post , give real deal. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Thread: Weird sounds in conference calls in skype

this posted in skype forums, no replies. might not skype problem. thought post here. used able skype landline/mobile conference calls no audio problems. can't can 1 on 1 skype landline/mobile , audio perfect. once add third person call , have 3 person conference call skype landline/mobile weird audio sounds. im in conference call skype 2 landline/mobile phones. can hear me , can hear eachother cannot hear them perfectly. sounds blurbing or kind of bubbly sounds. i'm not sure why , didnt used before. running ubuntu lucid lynx linux skype here link audio mp3 file. me starting 1 on 1 skype landline/mobile later adding second party weird_skype_sounds.mp3 tried recording test phone call skype recorder , found out interesting. here link recorded skype test call call echo123, sun aug 22 2010, 22:15:00.mp3 yes have tried uninstalling , reinstalling skype using skype linux don't have speakers cause dog chewed e

Thread: create a web page

hi all, new ubuntu , still exploring softwares available here. wanted know if there way can run adobe dreamweaver on ubuntu , if not best replacement. in advance. i know there used nvu, may outdated now... there's mozilla seamonkey. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] create a web page Ubuntu

does anyone know how i can edit the "create an account" link - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

does know how can edit "create account" link on bottom of joomla login form subscribe instead of create account? thank you joseph i believe referring form in login module. edit file en-gb.mod_login.ini located in directory \language\en-gb. identify following line , change text after = sign. code: select all register=create account note: being core joomla! file may overwritten in future release/version of joomla! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Party Photo Site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm new joomla , comprehend internet explanations sooo hired template , install extensions. i feel there's more site keep users there, have them come back, , make lot cleaner , fresher. any feedback helpful! use: community builder, joomgallery looks great! love feel of it. don't know if it's me font seems basic times new roman? (i'm on firefox) typography icing on cake! Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed 1.5 Site Showcase - Archived

Problem sa wamp 2.0 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

imam problem sa wamp server 2.0 izbaca mi neke greške prilikom instaliranja joomle u localu ne znam kako da ih rešim :s probao sam sa wamp 5.0 isti đavo :s sredio sam problem. problem je bio u php verziji sada sam stavio da radi na 5.2.9-2, jer joomla 1.5.14 ima problem sa 5.3 verzijom. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum Instalacija i početnička pitanja