
Showing posts from January, 2013

Thread: Disk space warnings

i'm little puzzled why i'm getting warning running out of disk space. seems others have similar issues little resolve. i'm hoping horde can help. received warning how have little disk space remaining. got message when writing files /home directory. output of df -h is: code: filesystem size used avail use% mounted on /dev/sda1 7.4g 5.9g 1.1g 85% / none 984m 288k 983m 1% /dev none 988m 280k 988m 1% /dev/shm none 988m 76k 988m 1% /var/run none 988m 0 988m 0% /var/lock none 988m 0 988m 0% /lib/init/rw none 7.4g 5.9g 1.1g 85% /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs /dev/sda5 63g 5.7g 54g 10% /home you'll see have distinct partitions / , /home. root @ 85% capacity. /home using 10%. but, ubuntu's disk usage analyzer reports root (/) directory @ 100% usa

Thread: Lightweight mail application with image/HTML composing for Ubuntu 10.4?

i've started using ubuntu week ago after joining current company - entire office fitted ubuntu. unfortunately me, pc given me old , slow - has 512mb of ram. long story short, thunderbird bloated me slows down work pc. i've tried claws mail on suggestion, doesn't work out well. while it's really fast, can't insert images @ when composing e-mail - appears garbled text. apparently developers decided html unnecessary in e-mails. while don't compose in html, office does, have play rules. short of forcing boss install more ram on current pc @ gunpoint, have suggestion on lightweight mail application can use has support composing e-mails images , html? apologies if not correct section post in. i'm new , little lost here. in advance guys! since office using ubuntu. why not request light weight ubuntu xubuntu or lubuntu. have try both. fast , easy use haven't try mail applicatio

How to override master iems

hi all,   i've been trying override master items following codes, nothing happen. pls kindly let me know what's wrong this.   thanks in advance,   kimmex   //---------------------------- code snippets--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do {   uidlist pageuids;   idocument* idocument = utils<ilayoutuiutils>()->getfrontdocument();   if (idocument == nil) { sdkerrorhelper::message("idocument == nil"); break; }   // document's database     idatabase* idatabase = ::getdatabase((ipmunknown*)idocument);     if (idatabase == nil) { sdkerrorhelper::message("idatabase == nil"); break; }     uidlist pageslist(::getdatabase(utils<ilayoutuiutils>()->getfrontdocument()));      cmdutils::processcommand(utils<imasterspreadutils>()-> createoverridemasterpageitemscmd(pageslist)); } while(false); your pageslist blank. More discussions in InDesign SDK adobe

Unable to Open video files in Premiere 8

unable open files in elements premiere 8 exported roxio creator 2010 in avi format.  source files created vhs videotapes imported roxio.  files appear in organizer , can played in preview screen.  have tried changing project settings when opening new project in premiere nothing works.  after giving project name , clicking ok nothing happens.  screen blank; no error messages clue me in wrong.   pc dell inspiron 530s 2.00 ghz pentium dual core processor , 2gb ddr2 sdram. the secret inside roxio files. avi wrapper, , can contain sorts of "stuff." article give background, , give tips on finding out inside. info, can direct on how proceed.   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

Big problem with Flash Player - please read.

so got new computer, , everything's fine. avast, spyware terminator, , start going usual.   i go play game, , says need plugin, of course, flash player. i click button , go install it: in end, spyware terminator blocks downloading process warning message: trojan discovered in download process. everyone, if have problems flash player, lowering defenses , on has high chance of increasing problem. avoid downloading (for now) , try find earlier version.   thank reading this,   someone_who_helped only download installers original developers website, in case or   if need help, please post more information ( ). More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Seagate 500gb SSD hybrid as a boot drive?

just wondering if has tried these yet.  understand know applications use , give faster boot times.  they're $130 on newegg.  not quite ssd cheaper.  if has experience please post.   if found article reviews them.... pretty disappointing results. samsung f3 way faster around half price.   you may shave off 0.1 sec on each boot. not make wise investment imo. More discussions in Hardware Forum adobe

You don't have permission to access /about.htm on this serve - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have problem it... started wamp server. so when tried surf website.. error forbidden you don't have permission access /about.htm on server. how fix this? fyi im running on company server worked. dont have cpanel configure it.. im not sure.. any idea guys out there? think maybe have fix permission on file or folder.. problem how fix it? if run webhost, know can use cpanel.. running joomla 1.5, wamp server switch off sef , rename files extention in global configuration admin panel , try Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

How do I fix an error with "Picture Timing SEI"?

hello, sorry terrible screen name, taken. i'm tom.   i having disappointing , difficult problem creating blu ray encore cs5.   i've created pal format bd disc, using h.264 720p50 main feature, , mpeg-2 576i25 extras. it's time go , make ntsc version. took 720p25 master (yes, 25p - used 50p pal-bd demanded) , placed in after effects, using 59.964 composition , re-creating frame rate. result avi plays ok. passed adobe media encoder , asked ntsc h.264 file vbr 12-24mbps. seemed ok.   placed new ntsc project in encore, built ok - quality poor here , there encoder had run out of bandwidth. did again time let media encoder take 2 passes. encore wanted transcode it! huh? it's same settings?   so gave original avi encore , allowed transcode that, 2 passes. seemed ok. when building disc said: "error invalid format , code 14, stream doesn't include picture timing sei."   same result if forced original output media encoder - "doesn't include picture timing s

JPagination problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

so, first traditionally sorry english , ok problem : i use jpagination class, example, request is: index.php?option=com_custom&view=show&itemid=12&id=23; and jpagination create link me: index.php?option=com_custom&view=show&itemid=12&id=23&start=16; so it's not because don't need id variable in request, specyfic problem hope me Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

Communication and Information Sharing across multiple SWFs

i creating interface project , have components distributed across several swfs.  change in state in 1 (usually due button press) triggers change in state others.  have experimented localconnection, have discovered 1 way solution connects 2 swfs.  need bidirectional communication across multiple swfs.  other options there, , how should implement them? does no  1 know how this?! More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: Tutorial Compat-wireless Aircrack and Wlan0 fixed permanently on channel -1

this tutorial people have got wireless card chip supported compat-wireless there last few months issue compat-wireless , wlan0 mon0 being fixed on channel -1. have ubuntu 10.10 , kernel tested on 2.6.34 , 2.6.32 try explain how if u have me zd1211 chip download latest compat next u need patch zd1211 --- drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_mac.c 2010-01-12 18:24:21.000000000 +0200 +++ drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_mac.c 2010-01-12 18:41:21.000000000 +0200 @@ -220,14 +220,19 @@ void zd_mac_clear(struct zd_mac *mac) static int set_rx_filter(struct zd_mac *mac) { unsigned long flags; - u32 filter = sta_rx_filter; + struct zd_ioreq32 ioreqs[] = { + {cr_rx_filter, sta_rx_filter}, + { cr_sniffer_on, 0u }, + }; spin_lock_irqsave(&mac->lock, flags); - if (mac->pass_ctrl) - filter |= rx_filter_ctrl; + if (mac->pass_ctrl) { +

Looking for a specific image slideshow extension - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, hope out there can me. i looking slideshow 1 found on website: its slick , zooms in , out on each picture. any ideas if joomla extension out there ...have looked can't find it. cheers chris thameshead united kingdom Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

auto-complete not working (preference is enabled)

hi - using 25 page form won't auto-complete on pages -  document created in adobe acrobat pro 9 , sent employees  complete after document has 'features extended in adobe reader'.  auto-complete not work on pages in either original  version or 'features extended' version.  feature enabled in  preferences.  hope knows answer frustrating  glitch!  i've read through forums , adobe , can't find  refers problem.  thanks...judith :-) More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Thread: Evince reader giving "Permission denied"

i using evince document reader on ubuntu netbook browse shared folder on windows xp system. of pdf's in there can open, other downloaded pdf's can't! why? samba share working. it's pdfs! complains "permission denied". font issue (i doubt it?)!? several month later, unfortunatelly no answer since. have bumped such issue first time freshly installed ubuntu 10.10. concerns pdf extension .fdf. nice detail: file fortunately opens xpdf, looks if evince issue. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Evince reader giving "Permission denied" Ubuntu

Website updaes takes long to show - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been having problem site have decided submit question see if can help. for past 2 months, have been having problem when changes made site, takes as 15 30 minutes show changes on site. have been frustrated, hate make changes or try adding site. i did research here , came across turning off caching solve problem. have done , deleted cache files, no avail. i decided see if problem caused server issues host. therefore submitted ticket outlining problem. investigated , got me following comments. " tested issue , able reproduce it. didn't find cause on server side. checked jos_content table in joomla database , found content updating in immediately. problem might related bug in joomla. unfortunately can't assist fixing that. please refer joomla support solution." i running version 1.5.8 , upgrade latest version. wondering if upgrading solve problem. not have time upgrade @ time forced if think solve problem. any suggestions appreciated. thank you. tilla i don'

Thread: iptables - [start|stop|restart] how??????

how can restart iptables service?? code: /etc/ini.d/iptables start|stop|restart does not work, code: service iptables start|stop|restart does not either. not interested in abstract script don't understand. purpose learn how use iptables across many distros, not unique , awkward way ubuntu it. want write shell script can load , run. able restart service; simple. please, just straight answer , no more guides, sick of guides, never contain information looking for, otherwise wouldn't here asking. thank you. sorry, bit frustrated this, nips brain when basic information not available. , if wishes explain devil [thumbs down] icon feel free, did not use or put there. opened thread it, iptables kernel module not service. cannot "stop" it. man iptables info on how control it. sudo iptables -f flush current r

Thread: File sharing setup

linux newbie here, , need setup simple folder file sharing few peers class project within xubuntu. each of connect each other using xubuntu. if can point me in right direction appreciated. thank you. i recommend install packages samba , smbfs , system-config-samba . can use synaptic package manager installation. link can configuration of samba: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [xubuntu] File sharing setup Ubuntu

Problems installing Joomla 1.5 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi am trying install joomla. installation process not indicate error, no configuration.php file written. log files suggest permission problem, file tree owned httpd process user , file rights copying , pasting file contents file manually allows login, error mod_feed. disabling module doesn't remove error. eventually, managed delete module , rid of message. real problem cannot make changes template. i'm assuming, therefore, posting here correct joomla-wide problem rather specific template. editing template seems okay, when try save comes 3 errors. first 2 concerned deleting temporary files: * delete failed: '5c5dcff2838a55e355e07c76addf2e78' * delete failed: 'cd4da6008507a33c0dd07ec0d0d332e9' operation failed!: failed open file /var/www/html/joomla/templates/rt_infuse_j15/params.ini writing. the log file suggests delete error caused file having not been created - there series of errors indicating files cannot created in path rights exist. again, p

HDR Help

hi, i have been experimenting hdr lately in cs5. while reading on it, hear using raw files better, makes sense. took photos raw nikon , when tried put these nef files 'merge hdr' thing, wont work. works @ first. start go through automation process usual, when done that, @ point when should open hdr window, doesnt. nothing. if had opened photoshop without files open. looked around online , people using nef in hdr, why cant i?   thanks in advance hello,   i have same problem canon 40d.  have gotten beyond failure read raw files converting tiff, result looks van gogh... wild colors on place.   going reading  raw files, have wasted ton of time trying them read, thinking best go raw.  have acquired test images on my40d tripod , manual settings vary shutter speed, manual white balance etc. no avail.   cs5 seems read first image, spins around minute or two, never displays else.  pos imho.   i have increased temp , scratch files sizes.   ideas anyhone?   edit:  got 1 read in raw, res

"Where Used" report - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have searched far , wide , can't believe it's not out there somewhere. old database days, called "where used" report. need know articles include links particular image file or pdf file. i'm trying clean large , unused jpg's , pdf's can't find report tell me articles refer particular file. if doesn't exist, i'll write , put out here i'm hoping someone's done it! thanks you can through mysql client application mysql administrator or phpmyadmin. here example how find out on published pages particular image used: code: select all select sect.title section, cat.title category, cont.title page from `jos_content` cont left join `jos_categories` cat on cont.catid = left join `jos_sections` sect on cont.sectionid = where introtext "%myimage.jpg%" , state = 1 order section, category, page Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Admin

Dynamically creating buttons and events. Event did not work.

hi guys,   i trying create application dynamically create buttons , events....creating button not problem event did not work. code below simple... 1st click button , create button (dynamic).... if click newly created button should alert test2....   does knows how implement (that works )   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:application xmlns:mx=" " layout="absolute">     <mx:script>         <![cdata[             import mx.controls.*;                         private function onload():void         {             var btn:button = null;             //                 test2();                 btn = new button();                 btn.label = 'test';                 btn.addeventlistener("click", test2);                 this.addchild(btn);                    }                 private function test2():void         {   'test', 'testing');       

Thread: k3b ok before, now, won't burn anything!

i don't know begin, using k3b burn dvds, cds, month ago, every week, now, it's not working anymore! did go wrong? here info me: 1. each time burn cd, during 15-30% stops , has error 2. when run k3bsetup, nothing seems problem: 3. i've tried running k3b root. 4. i've tried use nero linux 4 1 fails. other info me: art@lgv-server:~$ id uid=1000(art) gid=1000(art) groups=4(adm),7(lp),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugd ev),105(lpadmin),119(admin),122(sambashare),124(vb oxusers),1000(art) art@lgv-server:~$ ls /dev/cdrom -l lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2010-08-27 00:50 /dev/cdrom -> sr0 please help, don't know what's wrong. reading. i'm starting feel helplessness, i've seen other posts in google, no 1 has been able resolve this. left dead burning in ubuntu? shame! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community

Migrating an old non joomla site to joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i transfering hand built website joomla. several of links within old site liike represent link many other websites point myself point within site. i have not found way create alternate link within joomla point new joomla link location. or alter of links match older links. suggestions? have looked using .htaccess file store redirections? here example: code: select all rewriterule ^old-folder/some-address.html$ index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1592&itemid=1601 [nc,l] sef extensions sh404sef have option create redirections, , easier manage editing .htaccess file manually because syntax errors produce dreaded message '500 internal server error'. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Ubuntu vs Windows

hey, want install ubuntu in laptop, got windows 7 running. there way can install ubuntu in laptop without affecting resident os? absolutely! can install ubuntu side side windows. without complications. not need partition hdd. although, recommended install ubuntu on separate partition numerous reasons. wubi installer easiest method beginner accomplish task. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Ubuntu vs Windows Ubuntu

Thread: rdesktop Manager

at moment using rdesktop command line. in windows use mremoteng ( ) manage connections. whats best equivalent in linux (ignoring kde offerings) quick search turned gnome-rdp tsclient grdesktop peoples opinions on these? there others? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] rdesktop Manager Ubuntu

Thread: No Synaptics Touchpad

i installed ubuntu 10.04 , touchpad not work @ all. no clicks, no mouse motion. nothing. i've spent considerable amount of time trying fix this, thought put thread. i'm not sure other information need, i'll start basics: computer: toshiba satellite l505-ls5014 ubuntu 10.04 i use assistance... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] No Synaptics Touchpad Ubuntu

Locking a form Help!

i new creating forms , need lock down info intact.  have both acrobat pro v8 & v9 mac , have created form need give user locked them editing , template file.  second user opening in acrobat reader, both mac & pc.  after add in necessary info, form needs saved locally and/or email others 'read only' , not unlocked form.  if can have save locally 'locked' emailed, not need 1 step. what missing?  have read might need add script or spend more $ on livecycle.   thanks drew     in menus @ top, choose advanced > enable usage rights in adobe reader... More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Thread: upgrading Network Manager

networkmanager 0.8.1 has been released , has many new features. important feature can force connection type won't annoyed low-signal-connection-drop thing. unfortunately, new version not packed available ubuntu distro date yet manual upgrade needed. official networkmanager website doesn't mention brief step-by-step how that's why guidance how it. guidance working ubuntu lucid, may work other ubuntu version. guidance : 1. run terminal , type sudo add-apt-repository ppa:network-manager/trunk please refer this url more ppa detail 2. go menu system-->administration-->update manager retrieve new items installed or upgraded. choosing default setting (tick them all) , install 3. restart pc. go find edit connection , see can force connection type there from code of conduct: please use color , font properties highlighting portions of text, , not of text in post

Live View is so slow...

i've moved using notepad++ dreamweaver cs5 web development , of course i'm loving it. (ohhh, css inspector - drool) but 1 thing irritates me turnaround checking code.   i'm writing pretty funky asp , need test on test server rather locally, when either preview in browser, or use live view dreamweaver insists on trying sync loads (all?) files , can take couple of minutes find i've missed out comma , have start on again.   is there way of resricting files dw tries sync ones knows have changed? notepad++ ftp plugin great turnaround of second or two.   any great!   cheers,   andy where testing server?  local or remote? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Updating library items inserts spurious HTML

hi all,   i have been using library items store snippets of code shared across multiple templates in site.  works updating things shared across multiple templates, google analytics code or page footers.   however, whenever make change 1 of various library items, dw (i'm using cs5) inserts spurious code templates using item.   for example, if have library item containing:        <tr>           <td>                <p> stuff here </p>           </td<      </tr>   and insert @ indicated spot in following page:        <table>           <tr></tr>           <tr></tr>           <!--  insert library item here -->      </table>   then instead of getting:        <table>           <tr></tr>           <tr></tr>           <tr>                <td>                     <p> stuff here </p>                </td>           </tr>      </table>   instead ge

Thread: updating problems

this error says before start dating operating system " not download repository indexes repository may no longer available or not contacted because of network problems. if available older version of failed index used. otherwise repository ignored. check network connection , ensure repository address in preferences correct." , in box says "failed fetch wicked happened resolving '' (-5 - no address associated hostname) failed fetch wicked happened resolving '' (-5 - no address associated hostname) failed fetch wicked happened resolving '' (-5 - no address associated hostname) failed fetch wicked happened resolving 'mirrors.dotsrc

hjælp til templaten - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej alle håber en kan hjælpe med noget css/template værk jeg er ved @ lave siden jeg vil gerne ændre på mine undersider ikke forsiden jeg vil gerne fjerne højre colone på undersiderne dog ikke på forsiden. håber nogen kan hjælpe da jeg er helt dårlig til dette.. mvh klaus hvis templatet er lavet fornuftigt kan du fjerne modulerne den højre kolonne på forsiden, så kolonnen "kollapser". Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.5 (Tidligere langtidssupporteret version indtil sep. 2012) Template, CSS og Design

Joomla Pack - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying install extension joomla pack & can't find directions on how this. have zip file, have unzipped files. have gone extension mng under admin don't know suppose upload. or have gotten wrong? hi, read documentation once: reply if specific required. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Articles and Pages - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all! new joomla , having success far, have couple of basic questions. tend make simple things complicated over-thinking. that's case here. i have installed, including template like. have set sections , categories in manner makes sense data. have started create articles, can't seem associate them page (if makes sense). for instance.... main page has links other pages such ... oomla.html . assume "announcements" , "general-news" sections , categories? whether or not are, intentions, directories. so, how "5246-nominate-joomla.html" created? i'm asking because want link new pages. am making more difficult should be? to have page article content, have create menu item , choose menu type article layout. use menu item manager (menus -> main menu) this. there different menu types available such section layout, section blog layout, category list layout , category blog layou

Thread: Burg help

i had burg working fine , reinstalled ubuntu , installed stuff again. burg worked fine 1 day load grub2 menu , when use burg-emu lists 4 error half second , fast read goes grey , white menu. im aggravated because had computer working fine before. if need info ask update: code: disk /dev/sda: 320.1 gb, 320072933376 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes i/o size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes disk identifier: 0x000b2cd7 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sda1 1 33320 267641856 83 linux /dev/sda2 * 33321 33333 104422+ 7 hpfs/ntfs /dev/sda3 33334 38542 41841292+ 7 hpfs/ntfs /dev/sda4 38543 38914 2978817 5 extended /dev/sda5 38543 38914 2978816 82 linux swap / solaris

Showing multiple images from an access database

hi there all   another problem trying solve.   i have different products show on website, of products have 2 images , might have 10 imageds associated them.   what code need implement show pictures associated product, , how enter multiple image paths access database, seperated comma or something.   thanks   john >what code need implement show >all pictures associated  product,   you need create recordset , repeating region loops through of image paths.   >and how enter multiple image paths >into  access database, seperated >with comma or something.   each image should have own row in image table linked product table. More discussions in Develop server-side applications in Dreamweaver adobe

Thread: external microphone not working

this second microphone trying work , far no good. have tried everything: alsamixer, pulseaudio volume, regular sound preferences, padevchooser, gstreamer no luck. notice weird though , maybe guys can me out this: input of mic max. without speaking in mic, ubuntu indicates mic being used. so, volume max. include pics. attached images microphone1.png (36.5 kb, 4 views) microphone2.png (35.3 kb, 4 views) microphone5.jpg (48.4 kb, 5 views) my system: linux ecmpeek-desktop 2.6.32-24-generic-pae #41-ubuntu smp thu aug 19 02:43:57 utc 2010 i686 gnu/linux have found possible solution on page: question is: have install? 1. linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.32-24-generic or 2. linux-backports-modules-

Air application with multiple windows and ajaxes

i've made application, opens 2 window external location (for example using air.htmlloader.createrootwindow), each script starting many post ajaxes, lasts on few seconds (example benchmark page i've made test it: ) and then, before long-run ajaxes finishes, application opens second window, same script, , immedietaly close fist one. a result:  total disorder - responses ajaxes closed window interfering new one: data ajax  comes out html newly opened window, comes image, resulting in error (the '?' in box instead of image), , comes answer different ajax in new window...   strangely enough, found out when searching worse errors - in real application i've noticed similar behaviour without closing window, couldn't pinned down - have aborting ajaxes or changing images before they're loaded, i'm not sure.   well, want application able open multiple windows and  allow user close of @ time. i've sent bug adobe, before can fix it, ma

Tool to check CPU usage of flash banners

hi all   i looking tool or software me determine if flash ad uses cpu.   i work in big site, , upload dozens of new ads every day. receive ads advertising agencies link embed. of ads not build well, , raise cpu of our users' computers, of have weak computers. there way determine ads hurt cpu, except testing them on crappy old computer?   thanks ilana i, , countless other webdevelopers/webmaster/ad-managers must have same problem. i'm looking tool play flash-file , tool give me sort of standardized unit-measurement let me compare , document problems. x,x million cpu-cycles or something?   einar ryvarden, cto/head of development, aller internett as, norway More discussions in Adobe Animate Ad Development adobe

Thread: drives not showing

over past couple days, i've noticed ubuntu isn't showing dvd drive, second internal hard drive or usb flash or external drives when they're plugged in. show in bios boot menu , can boot usb drive. when boot usb, drives show fine. there short of reinstall bring drives back? hi, few option can try identify root of problem. 1) try in /media external devices after connected them. 2) else can try run lsusb in terminal window , see if of usb devices @ least detected. output got after connecting blackberry, , iomega external hdd through usb port ...$ lsusb bus 007 device 003: id 0b97:7772 o2 micro, inc. oz776 ccid smartcard reader bus 007 device 002: id 0b97:7761 o2 micro, inc. oz776 1.1 hub bus 007 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub bus 006 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub bus 005 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub bus 004 d

insufficient data for an image

dear experts,   when open .pdf, prompt "insufficient data image". acrobat 9pro seems have difficulty displaying full content of pages. suggestions?   thank you.   palinkasocsi sounds corrupt pdf file. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

How can I make my TEXT LOGO spin like a top when a mouse cursor moves over it?

i'm building own website in cs5 dreamweaver. don't want use flash. program best use fireworks, photoshop, illustrator or dreamweaver? thank you you create animated gif of logo spinning , use swap image coding have animated gif replace static image when roll over. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

The Business Of Joomla - Are we making progress? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i threw out message on twitter today regarding joomla development. framed complaint , didn't qualify (hard in 140 characters). andrew eddie kindly took time out promptly reply , short conversation went there. we touched on ideas wanted float community , andrew's permission have pieced our twitter conversation. feel free chime in. thread won't trolled oblivion ------------ quadbox said: it's been more 4 years since joomla 1.0. upcoming joomla 1.6 looks great project moves slowly. love affair over. andrew eddie said: how speed #joomla project up? quadbox said: hi mate. not dig @ or team. you're 1 of committed open source devs around feels long between drinks. 0.6 upgrade in 4 years doesn't scream progress though under hood there's been major developments. it's hard me sell joomla bigger clients. sorry verbal blurt. andrew eddie said: no offense taken makes hard sell bigger clients (and how big talking)? quadbox said: cool mate. state government. pushed co