
Showing posts from August, 2011

Upgrade to Photoshop CS5 from CS3/CS2/6.0

i purchased adobe photoshop 6.0, upgraded cs2, cs3.   can upgrade cs5?   if so, can install trial , later activate once have key?   since key upgrade key, going ask verify fact cs3 version (which upgrade) based on full retail version?   the reason these questions i'm going upgrading vista 32 bit windows 7 64 bit. i'd install photoshop cs5 , try out, order upgrade complete install later. i'm concerned upgrade not being appropriate (1) , need install photoshop cs3 , run update cs5. if have that, may install cs3 after windows upgrade.   thanks in advance responses. while did see questions upgrading, missed exact scenario if posted.   the rest - current installers ask serial of previous product , not require them installed. anyway, such sales questions can answered doing phone call , having them verify serial , send out proper package...   mylenium More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: Virtualbox netflix choppy video playback

trying watch netflix instant using virtualbox, xp sp3 video playback choppy. running lucid 10.04 on fresh install gnome 2.30.0, kernel 2.6.32-24-generic, 2.0 gib ram, intel(r) celeron(r) cpu 2.40 ghz, 49.8 gib available space. running oracle vm virtualbox 3.2.6 r63112. set virtual xp sp3 using youtube tutorial posted on youtube here . virtual machine set 984 mb base memory, 32 mb video memory, 3d vid acc enabled, 2d vid acc disabled, guest additions installed. set virtual machine on 10 gib partition, actual size right 1.88 gib. machine used have xp primary os , @ time netflix instant worked well. tried adjusting screen resolution 1024x768 1152x864 mentioned no avail. max system 2048x2048. ideas on whether or not system support non-choppy video playback? suggestions appreciated, let me know if can provide other specs.

joomla - sessions - referring urls - is it possible? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys, hopefully should straight forward need know joomla , session use following scenario: basically record referring url site when user goes specific page user given separate set of options other users. so if user1 comes, use like code: select all < ?php session_start(); if(!isset($_session[’referrer’])){ //get referrer if ($_server[’http_referer’]){ $referrer = $_server[’http_referer’]; }else{ $referrer = “unknown”; } //save in session $_session[’referrer’] = $referrer; // store session data } ?> ... record referrer. when user1 goes form , submits (created code via jumi) can use switch or show separate options. therefore question in - joomla use session $reffer can automatically called on page? or there way around pass relevant information? i looked components , while great , record lot of information unsure whether in situation. btw. using j 1.5 many in advance. you might want at

News flash ili sta vec - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

zdravo narode!!! radim jedan sajt sada sam sve probleme resavao pomocu pretrage ovog foruma,pa samim tim nisam ni imao potrebu da pisem. e sad se ta potreba javila... dakle, na sajtu imam strane 1. pocetna 2. o organizaciji 3. blog sada bih ja hteo da mi se na pocetnoj strani pojavi deo teksta sa bloga ili bilo koje druge strane, nesto na foru "novo na sajtu" ili tako nesto. probao sam foru da u article stavljam opciju read more show on front page, ali mi tu dve stvari smetaju. prvo, deo teksta koji je prikazan na prednjoj strani se ne pokazuje kada kliknem na read more,a drugo, voleo bih kada u meniju kliknem na link blog da se tamo pojavi pun clanak, bez read more dugmeta. da li neko ima neku ideju??? pričam za j1.5x ,, što ti se nevidi intro tekst imaš da podesiš u "parametars" za sve članke kao u svakom članku za sebe - beše nešto tipa "show intro text" e sad druga problematika da se na str. blog prikazuje odmah full tekst u korespodenciji sa tim n

New Facebook component com_joomfb - some ideas? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i working on component display articles , modules in facebook application in fbml (so can displayed inside tab in facebook page). - articles can displayed using article ids - modules can displayed position - modules can displayed titles , types - html tags can inserted customize page the first version simple , use feedbacks , comments improve. the component has been submitted review (so won't available on site few days). ... onent.html let me know if noticed bugs! newnectar wrote: hi, i working on component display articles , modules in facebook application in fbml (so can displayed inside tab in facebook page). - articles can displayed using article ids - modules can displayed position - modules can displayed titles , types - html tags can inserted customize page the first version simple , use feedbacks , comments improve. the component has been submitted review (so won't available on site few days).

joomla 1.5.14 just hacked about 10 minutes ago - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

joomla 1.5.14 hacked 10 minutes ago killed template xaxax links!! how can find out how happened stop it! ... or_tricks# Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Upstart and Sudo - Emails from Root

i getting weird issue. running 10.04 of ubuntu. have postfix mail server installed , set send alerts. when have following script in in /etc/init/airvideo.conf file described here . code: start on runlevel [2345] stop on shutdown respawn exec sudo -h -n -u johnnytk36 /usr/bin/java -jar /home/johnnytk36/avs/airvideoserverlinux.jar /home/johnnytk36/avs/ when boot air video server starts , have no issues it. im having issue if have airvideo.conf file in etc/init/ folder needs to boot receive email postfix server subject. code: *** security information server *** & body of code: server : aug 30 18:30:30 : root : *** the *** in body random strange combo of few characters. think has permissions, don't know issue is. think email trying tell me tried guess root pass. know said karmic linux , i'm using lucid. might issue, don't know. update: after spendi

Thread: linux and windows hosts IP conflict

what happen if assign static ip address both linux , windows host? consider host ubuntu machine , host b windows machine. first set static ip host (w.x.y.z) , connect through ssh. duplicate ip host b (w.x.y.z). result no longer connect ubuntu machine!! idea? posted mahmoodn what happen if assign static ip address both linux , windows host? consider host ubuntu machine , host b windows machine. first set static ip host (w.x.y.z) , connect through ssh. duplicate ip host b (w.x.y.z). result no longer connect ubuntu machine!! idea? each machine has have unique ip address (in same subnet). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] linux and windows hosts IP conflict Ubuntu

Thread: no wireless detection

hi , using msi cr400 install ubunti 10.. ah forgot , problem cannot use wireless seems not connected , says off line, plss me. new user of ubutu i have started using computer today, have noticed post. try not expect much. need more information. in top right corner of screen see icon network manager. can left click on , right click on it. information give you? when left click see list of available networks? network among them? if left click can edit connections. select wireless. see network listed? have marked network connection connect automatically? when left click there tick alongside enable networking , enable wireless. if tick missing on either 1 not able use wireless connection. click on them enable them. un-ticking , ticking either of these cause network manager search available networks. may need when making adjustments. re-boot may necessary allow changes take effect. hope of helps. try using ubuntu

Firefox - Proslava petog rođendana - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

proslava fajerfoksovog(firefox) petog rođendana mozila srbija, srpska mozila zajednica, uz pomoć ubuntu srbija, srpske ubuntu zajednice, 8. novembra u domu omladine u beogradu, organizuje proslavu petog rođendana fajerfoksa(firefox), jednog od najpopularnijih veb pregledača današnjice. svi mi koji smo koliko-toliko doprineli prodoru fajerfoksa na srpsko tržište veb pregledača njegovoj lokalizaciji na srpski jezik, bi voleli da ovaj dan proslavimo uz nekoliko kratkih predavanja na temu slobodnog softvera u srbiji. manja grupa predavača se već prijavila za učešće, govoriće se o open sors proizvodima, alatima zajednicama na nivou srbije. konkretan broj predavanja nije dostupan, jer još uvek čekamo na neke predavače da potvrde svoje prisustvo. kao što smo već najavili, celokupna manifestacija će se održati u prostorijama doma omladine, u nedelju, 8. novembra ove godine, sa početkom u 16 časova. ovaj događaj su finansijski podržale mozila mozila evropa, ali su takođe obezbedile promotivni m

problems in encore cs5

hi,   i have finished wedding in premiere pro cs5 , using dynamic link sent encore. great of footage has vertical bars +-40 of them red tint. have reinstalled encore , pp , still same. used media encoder , made mpeg 2 file , imported encore , ok. running intel xeon dual quad core 2.33 16 gig ram fx 3800 card 1tb seagate os  2 x (2 x 1tb raid 0) win 7 64 bit ultimate. project dv pal 1hr 45min fx showstoppers  , digitaljuice fx.   please need finished saturday.   before using cs4 , worked great   regards   darren in nvidia control panel, set adjust image 3d settings let application decide.   -jeff More discussions in Encore adobe

Multi-Criteria Rank System, Search and Comments - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, i'm creating website needs have multi-criteria rank system, allows search per category, have comments per item , can show list of items best ranked items each criteria. the rank system filled using xml file generated survey result contains values each rank-category. create php file include values inside database. each item ranked different things, , need show list of best ranked items each category. here things tried: install simple_review ( ... views/4725 ): i can create different ranks each item can't make search per category. install sobi2 ( ): sobi2 allow give 1 rate per item can't create different categories items. i guess best solution problem extensions called jreview it's commercial extension , find free solution this. i'm developer i'm thinking in use 1 options above , make changes requirements. i know best solution , if else has other ideas try. sa

Pantone colors in Illustrator

hello everyone,   i using illustrator 10 , send job printer using image pantone color. however tell me image cmyk , need color pms color i've indicated.   created image in photoshop, first made gray sclae created as a duo tone.  not correct way?  i've checked in illustrator options i see rgb hsb , cmyk.   can please?  in advance. this better handled in photoshop or illy forum. if has clue offer here ok. More discussions in Design adobe

I'm experiencing a red cast when converting from prophoto profile to srgb.

this cast not show on monitor on other monitors , iphone display. i'm using imac 10.6.4 , cs5. have re-calibrated monitor makes matters little worse. have system preference set prophoto well. i'm truely stumped please help.   bob bob redd wrote:   …i have system preference set prophoto well…   it's not @ clear mean that.   if means have set prophoto rgb monitor space, absolutely wrong , of course.    i don't know iphone display irock, doubt it's color-managed application.   can post screen shots of all color settings? More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: Dual Boot

i have 10.04 installed , installed/dual booted 10.10 need remove 10.10 , keep 10.04 need accomplish this. henry it depends on how boot - can please provide output of boot_info_script . (if don't know how run script, look here .) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [SOLVED] Dual Boot Ubuntu

Importing CSV data into contacts? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i love able import data contacts - there extension this? alternatively use ldap w/group filters... does sound it? if not, check out other extensions in group. i didn't see out there. let me know if can't find anything. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Drop Down Menu selection query for recordset.

i looking utilize dynamic drop down menu query recordset...i using colfusion import ms access database contains following fields: "model date", "name", "points" , "target".  each time database updates, "model date" field contains date , time model run.  have figured out how create dynamic drop down using select distinct "model date" , have figured out how create dynamic recordset displayed showing "name", "points" , "target" data.    i want user select "model date" drop down, hit submit button , have appropriate "name", "points" , "target" data queried , shown below.   the query should take selection "model date" dropdown , query "name", "points" , "target" fields particular "model date"   i admit knowledge of sql , coldfusion not best, seems simple task , missing 1 or 2 pieces of cog put together.     the da

How to connect oracle data through BlazeDS in flex 4

how connect oracle data through blazeds in flex 4 hi                    if u want connect database oracle paste ojdbc14.jar file lib folder of blazeds project..                              blazeds distribution version contains blazeds.war file... upload war file tomcat or other application server..                           u build path , in lib folder paste ojdbc14.jar file connect oracle , u r stuff @ server side java ....                       if reslove ur problem please mark answered.. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

YooLogin module don't display any info after incorrect ... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

. hey everyone, the yoologin modules seems nice, professionally designed module. there 1 thing hesitate me. on joomla 1.5.14 site yoologin module don't display information if login fails (after incorrect data entered). instead, refreshes page , leaves user wondering whether or not wrong. is there solution this? how redirect user page if username , password incorrect? thanks advice in advance! did search , saw unasnwered topic on issue, hope i'm not being pain! . Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Upgrading from CS2 to CS5

hello, i'm thinking upgrading cs2 cs5. if buy upgrade buying full copy or patch install on cs2? ask because i'm running 64bit os (windows 7) copy of cs2 32 bit. i'm wondering if there problems if upgrade 32 64bit version of ps. know if buy boxed copy. there manual, tutorial videos,etc. or installation disks? just disks, full install on them. can keep cs2 on machine if (and it's idea). no printed manual, maybe tuts on disks...   adobe tv:   photoshop help:   photoshop manual (pdf top right): More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

integracija vTiger-a i Joomla 1.5.14... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

potrošio sam ceo jedan dan da bih integrisao vtiger-a crm, sa joomlom 1.5.14 pomoću joomla/vtiger lead capturing ali bezuspešno. u jednoj ranijoj prilici dok je u opticaju bila verzija 1.5.8 uspevao sam ali sada jednostavno nakon popune formi za registraciju dobijem belu stranicu, odnosno nišata. instalirao sam vtiger 5.1 na istu bazu sa joomlom, povezao sve prema video tutorijalu ali ništa... da li je neko uspeo uspešno integrisati joomla vtiger? ova integracija bi obavljala dobar deo posla za većinu ozbiljnih firmi na našim prostorima. usput častim Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum Šabloni

Thread: MAC OSX Source Code here: kernel source under xnu folder. did not know published this. here more stuff: yep, osx built on top of bsd darwin . Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe MAC OSX Source Code Ubuntu

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, have searched forums , found other posts similar problem none of suggestions have helped. i'm stumped: exported database using phpmyadmin version 2.10.1 sql version 5, new database version 5 , following error: sql query: -- phpmyadmin sql dump -- version 2.10.1 -- -- -- host: localhost -- generation time: oct 04, 2009 @ 03:53 pm -- server version: 5.0.45 -- php version: 5.2.5 set sql_mode = "no_auto_value_on_zero" #1064 - have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near '-- phpmyadmin sql dump -- version 2.10.1 -- -- -- ' @ line 1 now thing changed removed 'create database' because can't create server, it's created me. here first line of sql: -- phpmyadmin sql dump -- version 2.10.1 -- -- -- host: localhost -- generation time: oct 04, 2009 @ 03:53 pm -- server version: 5.0.45 -- php version: 5.2.5 set sql_mode=&quo

Need assistance with a bad uninstall of JConnector - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have plugin/module has not uninstalled (jconnector - warned if using it, causes problems community builder when uninstalled). re-installed , tried again , same thing uninstall instructions must wrong. it out of joomla control panel , module files gone there files still in plugins directory. deleted those. there way see other things did when installed (maybe changing core files?) can go make sure undone? or files uploads does? i'm not familiar architecture of modules , plugins have original install zip file can in there find out if tell me file @ (assuming more upload modules , plugins directory) hello, typically, check install.xml file reveal files extension installing. can't think of right off hack joomla! core files, might in luck there. may need ftp app directory comparison feature check folders. regards, doc Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5


os:windows vista 32bit のマシンに acrobat 9 pro extended がインストールされた環境で、 3DCADデータを Acrobat へインポートしてPDFデータへの変換は可能なのですが   元々のCADから、直接PDF(3Dデータ)が出力されたような動作をさせたいと思い、 SDKをダウンロードし内容を確認してるのですが正直よくわかりません。 そもそも、acrobat sdk を使ってそのようなことが可能なのでしょうか?   具体的には、SDK内のサンプルファイルに「readcadfile」というサンプルソースをコンパイルし 実行したときのような動作を、元々のCADアプリから実行させてみたいのですが、PDF出力前に 一瞬acrobatが起動してきます。 これを、裏処理のような形で見えないように隠蔽してしまうことができないものなのでしょうか? 一時的に中間ファイルを書き出し、それをPDFに変換するような方法でもかまいません。   本来、インシデントを購入し、adobeのサポートへ質問すべき内容なのは十分承知しているのですが 「そもそも、見えないようにはできません。」で終わってしまうようなら、質問することが余りにも無駄になりそうで ひとまず、こちらでご意見を聞ければと思い、書かせていただきました。   どなたか、このようなことをプログラムされたことのある方の、ご意見をお聞かせください。 Acrobatコミュニティフォーラム (Japan) でのその他のディスカッション adobe

Thread: Ubuntu installation problem at step 5

the installation reaches step 5 "who you?" not allow me click 'forward' after filling out required fields. appreciated. solved: on 5th reboot error message displayed @ step 5 instruction me use lower case letter start user name. good. please mark thread 'solved' using 'thread tools'. welcome forum, way. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Ubuntu installation problem at step 5 Ubuntu

Image won't convert to CMYK

hi. working in photoshop cs4 , have run across i've never encountered before. provided image, psd file transparent background, use in brochure i'm working on. image rgb. need convert cmyk printing, when go convert i'm given option of grayscale, lab, rgb, or indexed. doesn't seem matter do, cmyk not in mode menu option.   has run before? don't know how image created or why it's insight appreciated. thanks! check not 16 bit, either way, convert lab cmyk should work. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: Missing SCSI tape drive

i installed 10.4 on old dell being thrown out office , worked, including old scsi dat tape drive , scsi disk, via scsi card. copied needed tape, packed , brought home. before restarting, replaced cd drive dvd drive machine, , works fine, , scsi disk...but i've lost tape drive (no /dev/st0 more). dmesg|grep scsi says [ 0.465453] scsi0 : ata_piix [ 0.509133] scsi1 : ata_piix [ 0.509327] scsi2 : ata_piix [ 0.512073] scsi3 : ata_piix [ 0.553453] scsi_host host0: hash matches [ 0.553455] scsi host0: hash matches [ 1.068598] scsi 0:0:0:0: direct-access ata st340014a 8.16 pq: 0 ansi: 5 [ 1.068828] sd 0:0:0:0: attached scsi generic sg0 type 0 [ 1.081065] scsi 0:0:1:0: direct-access ata hds722540vlat20 v31o pq: 0 ansi: 5 [ 1.081213] sd 0:0:1:0: attached scsi generic sg1 type 0 [ 1.081697] scsi 1:0:0:0: cd-rom samsung dvd-rom sd-616t e310 pq: 0 ansi: 5 [ 1.083407]

Does cacheAsBitmap helps for performance of shape tweens?

i have image converted movieclip (background) , have mask movieclip (bgmask) set mask image movieclip this: background.cacheasbitmap = true; bgmask.cacheasbitmap =  true; background.mask = bgmask;   in bgmask have few linear gradient shapes animate shape tweens using keyframes. if don't set cacheasbitmap both, nothing happen since need alpha masking , work then. in scenario cacheasbitmap working me or agains me? (not have choice).   still try replace of shape tweens movieclips solid shape in them , move them around uncover part of background, , want smoother transition stick shape tweens. ?   if object i've set cacheasbitmap true no longer being animated moved sized , on, better set cacheasbitmap false?   and if have same case previous object being moved example when stage resized it's not redrawn, better set cacheasbitmap=false ?   also question. have complicated photoshop design using 3-4 blending modes final result. if use in flash performance getting terrible since it&#

sc5 save as

my cs5 photoshop extended wont save as is screen @ least 768 pixels high?   if not computer not sufficient run photoshop.  why refuses put dialog @ on systems displays short kind of mystery, though.   check system requirements here:   -noel More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: Uninstalling KDE

hello, followed tutorial on installing kde desktop next desktop, can choose 1 want. use gnome default. hated kde , uses kde login-screen, kde startup/loading screen. how uninstall dreadful kde , login/startup screens back.. in advanced. best. hi. code: sudo apt-get remove akonadi-server akregator amarok amarok-common amarok-utils apport-kde apturl-kde ark cdrdao dolphin dragonplayer exiv2 foomatic-db-gutenprint freespacenotifier gdebi-kde gnupg-agent gtk2-engines-qtcurve gwenview hpijs-ppds ibus-qt4 icoutils ijsgutenprint install-package jockey-kde k3b k3b-data kaddressbook kamera kate kbluetooth kcalc kcm-gtk kcm-touchpad kde-window-manager kde-zeroconf kdebase-bin kdebase-data kdebase-plasma kdebase-runtime kdebase-runtime-data kdebase-workspace kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins kdegraphics-strigi-plugins kdelibs-bin kdelibs5 kdelibs5-data kdemultimedi

How can I never "Consolidate All to Tabs" in CS4?

every time work in either photoshop, illustrator, or indesign, if there 2 or more windows consolidate tabs. even if arrange selection (cascade, tile, float in windows, float in windows), once move window bar area, consolidates in tabs, , windows become same size. how can prevent ever happening? adds 2 steps (move, resize original working window) do. how convenience? using imac 24. good question. in indesign , photoshop appears can uncheck couple of preferences not in illustrator. disable "open documents tabs" , (except illustrator) "enable floating document window docking" see following screen captures   More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Need help with user registration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i did not install joomla sample data, , have no login or registration options in site modules. there can do? there downloadable module purpose? help! thanks go module manager (extensions -> module manager) , create new module , shown list of module types. choose login create login module. review following links better understanding of joomla! , how can develop website. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Upset of the UK

does know how can bring attention of hunter skipworth of daily telegraph "ubuntu linux". in article today says , quote:- "linux...definitely hardest operating system learn formidably powerful etc. etc. experts." have introduced pub landlord(couldn't cope windows) reckons bees knees, mum wants install more intuitive! local builder has installed it.....i spreading word. why these people still peddle these old cliches linux rant over cheers get copy of linux format magazine uk publisher , show him. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Upset of the UK Ubuntu

64Bit Issues

i'm not sure if of having problem, don't have 64 bit os. of course need 1 run premiere , after fx in cs5. under impression when download cs5 production package, premiere , after fx default cs4 version if computer 32 bit. after downloading trial, discovered wasn't true. loaded expect 2 programs. suggestions of have?   thank you, tracy shea cs5 includes cs4 premiere users 32 bit only.  see else may have. More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

drop down menu disapearing behind all videos reloaded!! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. mentioned superfush drop-down menu keeps disapearing behind videos reloaded plugin. have tried messing around z-index of both menu , av plugin still no joy. i have read adding code code: select all so.addparam("wmode", "transparent"); code, inserts flash player (swf object) solve issue. does know find code, embeds player? i have looked @ files wmvplayer.js , avreloaded.js unable locate code. you appreciated. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

WebCamera settings - video

hello,     i'm having problems configuring output stream rtc:webcamera. i trying set video size 320x240.   i have tried:   <rtc:webcamera width="320" height="240" aspectratio="landscape"/>   but application not starting. ( way can view debug information? )     also, after bit of search, tried using:   connectsession.streammanager.changesizestream(streammanager.camera_stream, 320, 240);   but video size remains "standard".     any way can change video size will?     also, there way can remove label username view? hi,   you may have use aspect ratio , resolution factor. can follow forum thread of yesterday , if want set width/height.   hope helps thanks hironmay basu More discussions in LiveCycle Collaboration Services adobe

MXF files cutting off at 10 minutes

i've been working on project in cs4 while now, , upgraded new computer cs5.  transferred project , of assets, sound files, etc. onto new machine, opened up, , converted file cs5 project.  after re-linking of source files, found reason, cut off 2 of .mxf files @ 00;09;53;28.  reference after point gives me still shot of first frame of clip , no audio.   as said, still works fine on old machine in cs4.  i've re-copied , reloaded file, has exact same problem on new setup.  thoughts? is file change 4gig in size?   is everthing formatted ntfs? More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Thread: Getting grub to show on boot & how to boot into a command-line

so title gives basic idea, i'd know how boot grub showing every time (without holding shift) , know how boot command-line form use startx start gui. easy/possible after have installed ubuntu 10.04? posted lukemk1 so title gives basic idea, i'd know how boot grub showing every time (without holding shift) you edit /etc/default grub grub_hidden_timeout=0 commented code: grub_default=0 #grub_hidden_timeout=0 grub_hidden_timeout_quiet=true grub_timeout=10 posted lukemk1 and know how boot command-line form use startx start gui. easy/possible after have installed ubuntu 10.04? edit /etc/default/grub grub_cmdline_linux_default="quiet splash" grub_cmdline_linux_default="single" , sudo update-grub

Thread: compiz effect wont stay on

ive had ubuntu 10.4 on system before decided see else out there on im here ive compiz effects on when first had ubuntu 10.4 , effects wont stay on , when enable compiz effects have check next if enable them when exit not stay enable 1 have idea have reinstalled ubuntu , dint does thread help?.. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] compiz effect wont stay on Ubuntu

Thread: ffmpeg video capture

anybody had success in getting ffmpeg work advertised video capture webcam? want convert webcam output vp8 or h264, apparently ffmpeg can't capture webcam video4linux device. code: mike@lic9:/opt/test/vp8$ ffmpeg -f oss -i /dev/dsp -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 test.mpg ffmpeg version svn-r23439, copyright (c) 2000-2010 ffmpeg developers built on jun 3 2010 11:01:08 gcc 4.4.3 configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-postproc --enable-pthreads --enable-libfaac -- enable-libfaad --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libtheora --enable-lib vorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid --enable-x11grab libavutil 50.16. 0 / 50.16. 0 libavcodec 52.73. 0 / 52.73. 0 libavformat 52.67. 0 / 52.67. 0 libavdevice 52. 2. 0 / 52. 2. 0 libavfilter 1.20. 0 / 1.20. 0 libswscale 0.11. 0 / 0.11. 0 libpostproc 51. 2. 0 / 51. 2. 0 [oss @ 0x9c1f510]

How can I add [# of days] to a date?

edit::  nevermind, found answer.  i'm using 2.0 answer: new date(year, month, date+#)  # # of days add. helpful link:   (as 2.0 & 3.0)   original question:   the title horrible, couldn't think of how word it.   anyway, want know how can take date, add few days it, display resulting date.   for example, today's date 8/20/2010.  want able add 10 days , display result in label or other output.   the label read 8/30/2010.  if wanted add 15 days today's date, label read 9/4/2010.   any appreciated, thanks! another way of adding values date object set constants, , make life easier if date math frequently, or adding date unknown until runtime (i.e., not neccessarily today's date).                 private var todaydate:date = new date();               //one day, in milliseconds:             private const oneday:number = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;               private function adddaystothedate():void {      

ApplicationUpdaterUI worked in 1.5 not Air 2.0.3

we  have been having issues since air 2.0 if not  call applicationupdaterui during   the  updater screen appears real quick , closes self.     we can not call during completion event have several environments use different versions. right use isnewerversionfunction ,  can compare value database been called during login process. this works fine in 1.5 air, started having problem when air 2.0 came out ist each time in 2.0.3     thanks steve hahn creationcomplete event: hi steve, i've forwarded along our updater api experts.  should soon.   thanks, chris More discussions in AIR Bugs and Performance Issues adobe

Thread: Java Frames and issues with load times

okay, not put have feeling of might have had problem before. i've installed netbeans on ubuntu (karmic) , i've been playing around creating programs , simple applications. yet come frames (via swing). problem that, can start frame (on testing) , it'll i'm unable close or else. think openjdk...i remember having problems 1 of other before (not sure 1 causing problems) , problem i've found since. know quick solution? posted ravenshade okay, not put have feeling of might have had problem before. i've installed netbeans on ubuntu (karmic) , i've been playing around creating programs , simple applications. yet come frames (via swing). problem that, can start frame (on testing) , it'll i'm unable close or else. think openjdk...i remember having problems 1 of other before (not sur

Thread: Most OSes you've ever had on one computer

just curious other people's limits are. me quad boot on original linux machine: ubuntu hardy, pc-bsd (later wiped , swapped track), fedora , slackware. main thing did maximum storage efficiency install each os on own minimal space partition, around 5-10gb, , use rest of drives, 160gb, home folder oses. minus bsd, gave separate 40 gb partition before swapped track. currently 5, i've had 11. beta testing fun. none of current oses tests though. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Most OSes you've ever had on one computer Ubuntu

Adobe goes iPad after all! So how about LR-Expr as well?

we spoke here hot , emotionally lightroom going ipad, maybe, or not?   now got our hint on things come photoshop express:   the charm of apple's devices cannot denied, key-less user interfaces has created new market , new habits. closer starship enterprise, anyway! question is: can expect lr-express, allowing backup, sort , preview our photography on road without netbook.   as little hp, it's slow, slow, slow, crawling slow insidious windows 7. lightroom need minute 18mpix raw file zoom. but, not slower jobo vue evolution was, , rest bonus. still, present software fatal in terms of performance. being oracle long time, on pulse this. ours bad in matter, negligent cpu , memory usage.   thomas thomash_on_the_web wrote:   now got our hint on things come photoshop express:     thomas   now go read reviews of photoshop express:  huge mess!   i can't believe application update saw light of day/ More discussions in

CS4 playback is blocky and pixelated

  hey every1!   i had 7.0 before , did not had issue. have had sort of problem , if how fixed.   problem: importing clips works fine, when playback on 2 screens on top blocky, plays smooth no jumps or skips.   any suggestions of how fixed.   plus have been reading can add graphics card onto options of playback settings when try select it, options not there. graphics card geforce 8800 gt.   any appreciated. thank you! welcome forum.   can furnish bit more info, such full details of source footage, project/sequence preset, , settings playback , program's quality , magnification settings? i'd @ magnification @ 100% , not fit , quality highest. same issue?   do have latest driver nvidia card?   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earlier adobe