
Showing posts from February, 2011

How do you use Notes?Isn

1. notes feature used make notes when hand file off designer? have other practical uses?   2. i'm guessing leaving notes on file without deleting them not have material effect on file, correct?   thanks. 1) i'm guessing can leave notes if want that's it 2) can leave them if don't bother you, won't print or anything. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: Boot freezes after processing 'pages-non shared'

hi, installed latest version of ubuntu on laptop 3 days ago (dual booting windows 7). issue after select ubuntu grub loader(?) cursor blinks @ terminal. removed 'silent splash' , surprise found out right after displays 4.343344 pages-non shared, on newline cursor continues blink. have 0 experience linux in general. i'd appreciate if answers reflected newbness. posted sumanyu hi, installed latest version of ubuntu on laptop 3 days ago (dual booting windows 7). issue after select ubuntu grub loader(?) cursor blinks @ terminal. removed 'silent splash' , surprise found out right after displays 4.343344 pages-non shared, on newline cursor continues blink. have 0 experience linux in general. i'd appreciate if answers reflected newbness. bump! Forum The Ubunt

Force the Student to go slide by slide

i'm new captivate , learning way around 5. i've found 1 slide can set slide properties / action / on exit "no action."  when that, slide fades out @ end of slide time learner can still press next button i've added.  however, on slide (all settings same far can tell) slide advance automatically when time up.   are there other ways i'm not seeing?   my ultimate goal have each slide display until user clicks (added) next button, ensure paying attention , course moving @ right pace them.   is best practice set each slide time hour if called away, won't advance far?   thanks! alison hello allison,   a button pauses slide until user clicks on button. pause occurs on moment decide in timing region of properties panel of button. here screenshots, , try explain using example on timeline see slide duration of 4 sec. there button on slide, labeled 'nextbutton' (will explain properties later on), text caption 'hellocaption', appearing after 0.1sec du

Need some help modifying some code - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, im not sure right place or topic have j1.5, rsevents component , jreview. i have venues setup in jreview , rsevents covers events @ these venues. im trying locationurl in rsevents point url of jreview listing opposed rsevent listing. i have found code in helpers/rsevents.php on line 191 code: select all (135) $event=$this->get('event'); (191)$link = html_entity_decode(jroute::_('index.php?option=com_rsevents&view=locations&layout=show&cid='.$event->idlocation.'&idevent='.$event->idevent.$itemid)); however wish change code: select all (135)$event=$this->get('event'); (191) $link = $events->locationurl however echo of locationurl comes blank/non-existant. im dont know php im not sure im on right track think may correct in saying 'event' array not have locationurl in it, , cant find 'event' set. can me out on this, im sure pretty quick , easy, cant seem last mile. thanks Board index

OK,it's a BugReport now-Re:Prevent unescaping in com_content - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

original topic title: wrote: how display (not execute, not format) code in content i found 2 threads ask question. the offered along lines of "use 1 of many code-in-content plugins this". after posters clarified aren't trying put executable code in content, instead trying display bare code , no responses. anyway: i'm in same boat. actually, using jce, am able save code in content display. but when later open same article editing, jce wrecks displayable code. it takes characters have been saved in database (the first time) proplerly escaped <'s, , unescapes them, code supposed escaped display actual html, xml or php tags (because jce un escaped them). obviously effect either jce strips these tags , or, if tags present in jce's "extended elements" configuration, they're not stripped, they're not escaped either, so, either become invisible or

Premiere CS4 Title: How to Create a Knockout?

this 1 driving me crazy!  can see in titler presets include word "frame" in title, there box set knock out portion of background.  life of me, can't figure out how create 1 scratch.  there appears no kind of dialog offers option.  these boxes set 0% opacity, , doesn't seem matter else going on in object - edges, formatting, color, anything.  please enlighten me!  make me feel dumb if have to.  how can create knockout box or text?   many thanks, tim this interesting. managed isolate 'box'. i able duplicate or reshape 'box' in whatever wanted. but not make new 1 available tools. it's kind of garbage matte solid black background.   usually make text or shape in titler , color pure white. set on timeline superimposed on video , use track matte. More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earlier adobe

delete metadata

is there way yet save picture without metadata?   if not, why not? is there way yet save picture without metadata?     in safe web can choose excluded metadata , there seem be scripts can strip metadata of files, if have few can copy past file new 1 , strips metadata (open a file, cmd a / cmd c / cmd n/ cmd v , flatten new file 1 layer.)     if not, why not? in general metadata useful various reasons , other applications can benefit metadata also.   not many people have need such method hence such feature will not implemented until many user request More discussions in Bridge Macintosh (read only) adobe

Batch image merge? In need of automation

i'm creating customized forms using acrobat , elements of livecycle. i've managed first (of 20) form work , pretty great. challenge is: form cooperative has 28 members. each member wants identical form, logo , address/name throughout. text parts seem easy: find/replace, or make field can write in name. part i'm more worried how place logo on each 1 without having go in individually on each of 20 forms, each of 28 coops. any headache saving advice? there anyway designate drag-drop region using acro or livecycle?   thanks in advance @ all! hi,   here solution based on kingphysh's secret space:   it based on authorised person knowing required input first 3 fields (in red text in example). when entered hidden subform made visible. data inputted in here (including image) have global binding objects on form.   note imagefield on main form has script in docready event access set readonly.   it worth looking @ john brinkman's

problem with jommla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i warnings in joomla warning: parameter 4 jhtmlmenu::treerecurse() expected reference, value given in c:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\libraries\joomla\html\html.php on line 87 warning: array_slice() expects parameter 1 array, null given in c:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\administrator\components\com_menus\models\list.php on line 143 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in c:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\administrator\components\com_menus\models\list.php on line 147 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in c:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\administrator\components\com_menus\views\list\view.php on line 65 i have windows 7 in computer knows how resolve ? i believe using xampp 1.7.2 contains php 5.3.0. @ present joomla! not certified work php 5.3.0. have use lesser version of php (e.g., php 5.2.9). so, uninstall current version of 1.7.2. download xampp 1.7.1 , install it. should solve problem. alternatively, try test version of joomla patched work php 5.3.0: http:/

Customize Registration or additional registration. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i need have custom registration form. there module or how go this? looked maybe i'm not phrasing search term correctly. or alternatively, possible have separate registration persons participate in event? here situation. work charity , fund raiser , holding talent contest. possible have basic registration form site can register if wants participate in contest go additional registration form joomla populates info have them , there additional fields such address, phone numbers type of talent, members in group , on? need have kind of payment. there registration fee , eliminate bogus signups we'd have have pay registration fee front. thanks! you looking event registration form or site registration form please clarify. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Server Issues with SEF and Firefox - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i encountering server issues site misconfiguration error comes randomly in firefox only. occurs when click through main navigation on , on per section. running aristo joomsef on joomla 1.0.13. here our url - . error below. contacted hosting provider , said issue lies joomla , not apache. suggestions? ok the server encountered internal error or misconfiguration , unable complete request. please contact server administrator, [no address given] , inform them of time error occurred, , might have done may have caused error. more information error may available in server error log. 0 http/1.1 200 ok date: wed, 28 oct 2009 22:32:20 gmt server: apache/2.2.8 (unix) frontpage/ x-powered-by: php/5.2.6 expires: mon, 26 jul 1997 05:00:00 gmt cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 pragma: no-cache last-modified: wed, 28 oct 2009 22:32:20 gmt keep-alive: timeout=5, max=97 connection: keep-alive transfer-encoding: chunked c


my flatmate talked me installing registry cleaner called ncleaner. first crashed microsoft security essentials & have spent of day fixing that. find entire adobe suite won't work. error message (slightly different each app) effect have missing or invalid personalized information. access original software is, shall say, problematic, or re-install it. go help? there's lot read find solution in adobe knowledge base article. several people on forum (in cluding me) use ccleaner clear out registry errors , other superfluous files. has not affected adobe programs. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Text on a path...

i'm trying put text on path , got: but want go other way... this?  (i flipped text, thats why backwards!) i 'm not sure if guys dilemma..     thanks much! i don't know want, this?   More discussions in Illustrator adobe

How do I permanently save edits I make in LR3?

i new software. i  have existing collection of on 40,000 images. amateur photographer making images for my own amusement, , document objects brought me restoration. both purposes important me.   i have been using picasa manage photos several years. while limited, elegant , easy use. not change original file until request made permanent change, @ point backup original made. once saved, picasa edit can viewed other viewer, software or browser aware of.   i liking manipulations possible lr3. concerned there seems no way save edited file can viewed using other (non adobe) software. want able upload images website, , able share customers, friends, family etc.  not want locked in flickr . concerned might spend huge amounts of time learning lr3 huger amounts of time editing images it, find @ point down road locked in , unable see work using software/viewer/browser. i.e. if convert mac , decide use aperture 3 instead? if else comes software prefer , wish change?  going bound lr see edited work

Having problems with moving a joomla site to another server - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i have problem moving joomla site/database server. the thing have done is: 1. installing fresh joomla on new server, downloading configuration.php. 2. delete files again. 3. uploading bakup file on new server , unpack. 4. import database on new server. is there have forgot gives me problems site.? the problem content visable (so conclusion database found , working). template not shown. (so white page static left sided text). see can me.? many thanks must because never copied template files old server, or? templates can see available in backend? i reccommend using joomlapack next time move joomla! site ... it's dead easy, , works me each , every time. making zip file extension, uploading zip file new location , follows instructions. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed

MX to CS5 Lost text with CMS

hello i trying edit flash file done in mx. have cs5. when open file, save , export there slight problem. once published , uploaded, dynamic text box meant load text cms appears blank.   is there can lost in translation when saving mx cs5?   any advice or clues appreciated.   thanks michelle i worked out. i had open in cs5 , 'save as'  cs4 , save cs5. fixed problems. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Thread: search for the best program

i montessori teacher looking program categorize/create digital map/record of classroom, students, , interaction between two. ideally use program list students , works in class, if unfamiliar montessori works "things do" in class. then, little of myself, create real-time record of students' interaction works , note progress. excellent if done in few clicks. thank ubuntu community. note: if feel create program such 1 defined above happy hear Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] search for the best program Ubuntu

Help Printing Booklet

i have indesign cs4   have 8 page booklet need print can't figure out settings need set.   i wanting legal size piece of paper folded in half.     the way prints close right shrink print  not filling pages.   any apprciated! introduced cs3 less stellar print booklet feature file menu. from print booklet dialog, cycle , forth print settings dialog (button @ bottom of print booklet dialog window) setting paper sizes , orientation. if successful in less 2 cycles, go head off class.   you may need enter printers advanced features print dialogs setup button (again, button @ bottom of print dialog window) enable printer duplex, fold or stitch settings. go out recess if nail these on first try should more familair them.   or manually paginate 8 pages. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Overflow option in CSS for individual HTML page (not for all pages)

hello,   i creating website 1 page need add vertical scroll bar. i'm working divs , css. know can add text overflow option css affects every other page in website folder. want vertical scroll in 1 particular page. can please suggest how can this?   thank in advance.   m option #1 -- embed page specific css rule web page between <style> , </style> tags.  embedded styles take priority on external styles.   <style type="text/css"> /** page specific styles go here**/ #content {overflow: scroll;} </style>   option #2 -- use inline css rule in html.  inline styles take priority on embedded , external styles.   <div id="content" style="overflow:scroll" >this content</div>     nancy o. alt-web design & publishing web | graphics | print | media  specialists More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Collection set totals do not total all the pictures in each set.

if total number of pictures in series of collections within collection set number of pictures not equal total ie. set total = 565 cummulative total = 901.   to make sure select photos in collection set multi-select of collections within collection set.       problem exists in both 3.0 , 3.2rc it’s surely possible have same photo in more 1 collection? More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Saving files over vs packaging.

i curious best file structure files use on year after year.     being publishing company , produce updated editions each year. each new year contains changes, corrections, new images etc.   for past 3 years have done "save as" each individual id file , saved each file on new folder each year. takes forever moving 65+ individual id files! understanding don't move/copy paste files new folder since we've had problems file corruption in past , don't consider safest way. there truth that? or problems moving many files? (we're on pc's only)   all these files , images stored on 1 drive don't have many issues links breaking. we've been doing slow save each file many years.   for instance 2010 section 1 becomes 2011 section one.   each year archive older year's files packaging them , moving packaged files cd backup. save our 2010 files , save files 2011 renaming files accordingly.   i suppose point quickest effective way save files on each year? moving

Problem with text frame and paragraph styles

i have book number of documents in it. in 1 of documents there problem text frames , paragraph styles. when create new text frame, put text in it, , apply paragraph style, style doesn't apply properly. of elements apply , don't. example, bullets , numbered lists apply italics , font size don't. happens new text frames, , older ones work fine.   it doesn't happen in other documents, one.   the book synchronized, , synchronization options include options. without seeing file can guess, sounds you've applied text settings defaults unintentionally. happen if made sort of text settings adjustments no text selected. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Choose Theme by URL change - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

1. have joomla 1.5 site running on subdomain ( using modified version of ja_purity. on subfolder of main site ( ), running wordpress. 2. under joomla have components generate , display information in tables. pages these tables can directly linked to. 3. want display of these tables inside posts under wordpress. way can think display joomla page in question inside iframe on wordpress page. i've tried far, , works nicely. 4. want table appear in iframe, , not menus , headers etc, want create blank theme under joomla has main content (or perhaps second index.php theme references removed...?) 5. want keep joomla site accessible proper theme. question: possible have 2 themes available, , have functioning theme default theme, , apply minimal theme way of change in url in iframe, such /index.php?option=com_whatever&theme=plain ? or create cut down copy of index.php , call index3, example, , make iframe link point /index3.php?option=co

Thread: Games and wine 1.2

nothing seems working me lately... first ipod, icons, wine... first had version can download software center, later updated 1.2 installed warrior within playonlinux, installed perfectly, did in windows... doesn't perfect now. when try run game, when cd identification thingy comes up, computer either crashes, or shows pop logo moment, , nothing happens. same thing counter strike 1.6 installed it, when try run it, shows starting cs 1.6, , after few moments it's did nothing. love ubuntu, things getting frustrating... hope that's because i'm beginner.. anyone? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Wine Games and wine 1.2 Ubuntu

CB Community: Synliggørelse af medlemmer for besøgende? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej! jeg er ved @ opbygge et cb community og den forbindelse vil jeg gerne kunne vise sidens medlemmer besøgende. som det er nu, skal man være registreret @ kunne se de andre medlemmer. findes der et plugin der kan synliggøre medlemmerne besøgende? eller er der nogle bestemte filer jeg kan redigere i? på forhånd tak! kristian hej cristiano1 velkommen til... mener @ du kan styrer det under moduler/usermenu ved @ sætte den til offentlig.. /polle Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Komponenter, Moduler og Mambots

Uninstalling Joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i;m new joomla , appreciate help. installed joomla on pc 3 days ago , not figure way through customizing entire joomla template, decided uninstall , did through cpanel using fantastisco , manually deleted files file manager, under "public_html" folder. time fine after couple days had passed decided reinstall joomla using same procedure, firstly going cpanel "fantantisco" , installing joomla scratch , thereafter doing entire upload thing in file manager, after extracted tfiles in folder in "public_html" see joomla takes me front page automatically, time did not have go through entire step step proceedure done initially. is ok happen not go through entire process on again?? well, let's see kind of install ending :-). the catch may here: if using fantastico, full joomla install, including connection database. there no need overwrite install described above. if think may have leftovers previous installs, check public_html , delete files, click refresh

Joomla 1.5.14 - Duplicate menu item types - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when want add new menu item, confronted section titled "select menu item type". contains tree structure number of branches. if select articles, expands show 5 branches entitled "section" each of has 2 leaves entitled "section layout". these duplicates. on expanding other branches have same problem. know of problem and/or way of fixing it? i predominantly using xampp on windows although mysql instance running wamp. thanks. if on windows, believe have install latest service pack. remember seeing solution in couple of discussions. if want, may search them. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

CS5 Photoshop "CMD H" for hide selection

when photo retouching, i'm using hide selection in (cs3, cs4). now, i'm using cs5 , hide selection "cmd h" no longer available. pull down menu feature. slowing me down , time of essence when photo retouching. there patch out there hide selection? i'd have "cmd h" back. please come back..... thank in advance can provide! hi,   you can configure cmd + h using edit> keyboard shortcuts... in dialog, go view> extras , set cmd + h kbsc, or view> show> selection edges marching ants , not other visible guides.   for background on cs5 change modified expected behavior, see post:   regards, steve More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: video encoding - MEMORY HOG

the problem: past few weeks have been encoding dvds ogmrip. working fine until few days ago. no changes knowledge - when load dvd structure hard drive - loads, crop window reveals no video whatsoever. if go ahead encoding, stops , error. furthermore... both ogmrip, k9copy, , thoggen have become memory hogs , quit or not respond when try read dvds - makes me think may hardware problem of kind. yet handbrake works fine - reads , encodes - though output glitchy why prefer ogmrip. libdvdccs installed , can play dvds fine vlc player. have no clue what's going on. ideas anyone?? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] video encoding - MEMORY HOG Ubuntu

Thread: Not booting after new install

this first time working ubuntu. computer has 2 internal hdds. have 250gb sata running windows xp off of , have 160gb ide going use install ubuntu 10.04. used program shred drive before doing anything. used usb install ubuntu drive. seemed install fine. didn't errors. when computer restarted after install, used bios boot menu boot 160gb drive has ubuntu on it. when tries boot drive, message says "read error". says. have tried installing several times , keep getting same error. used use 160gb storage while using windows xp. never had problems saving or reading it. don't think there wrong drive. can still boot 250gb windows drive , can run ubuntu usb no problems. ideas? did grub2 install ide drive? lets see at: boot info script courtesy of forum member meierfra page instructions , download: paste results.txt, highlight entire file , click on # in edit panel

Thread: Listening to music from Windows?

hello ubuntu community! i'd pose question desperately seeking answers to. installed ubuntu using wubi, , i'm liking far. however, still have windows 7 installed primary os, , have accumulated large collection of music. however, cannot listen music in ubuntu system, shame. i'm missing something, though double-check , ensure wrong before going further. possible access music windows partition on ubuntu 10.04 lts partition? help! you can mount windows partition read-only in linux i'm trying find concise howto Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Listening to music from Windows? Ubuntu

Thread: Thermal sensors / fan control on Dell Adamo

there appear 5 thermal sensors in dell adamo. 2 two cpu cores. other 3 assigned to? how can tweak fan control? fan state binary (on/off) far. finer control nice. ole bump dell cannot tell me other 3 thermal sensors for, because "company secret". yeah. sure. strange way admit have no clue. questions persist. ideas sensors or fan control? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Thermal sensors / fan control on Dell Adamo Ubuntu

Thread: Multi RAID with SSD config for build server

we have new g7 2 x5680 3.3ghz i7's , 48 gb ram. question is, how config storage max benefit ubuntu build server. came 2 raid cards: p410i max of 8 devices - not fastest controller p812 max of 8 devices - fast controller have 14 disks , 2 ssd populate way want. what's best config build server? i'm puzzled how configure raid controllers maximum benefit. i'm thinking should put 1 ssh on each controller, configure raid 7 disks on each controller linux sees 2 raid vols, , 2 ssd. let me use flashcache create 2 ssd cached volumes. eg: flashcache_load cachedev /dev/sdc /dev/sdb load existing cache on /dev/sdc, calling flashcache volume cachedev. sdc ssd , sdb raid vol. then, use lvm aggregate these 1 vg. or, use 2 ssds in raid os , aggregate other 2 raids build storage? or? there lot of options on how set up. i'd appreciate suggestions. a

Thread: change right-click menu appearance?

is there way change appearance of menu comes when right-click? know nautilus-actions, seems affect options in menu, not of menu itself. i'm not sure want do, menu looks boring me. maybe adding border, or changing background solid white nice. the color of right click menu dependent on gtk theme . can enable transparent menus opacify setting in compiz . i'm not sure if borders possible . Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] change right-click menu appearance? Ubuntu

Having Problems Inserting Images into an Article - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying insert images in article , encountering problems. i using mac osx, joomla version 1.5.12. the "upload" button grayed out, , appears inactive. if refresh page, see "live" button (lozenge-shaped), goes gray , flat again before can use it. why the button not active? also, in media manager, same thing: upload button inactive. plus, move existing images 1 directory in media manager, can't see how this. drag , drop not work. how do this? thanks assistance! steve Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

content-rating appears at the bottom AFTER article text. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i have problem cannot find answer anywhere. as explained @ title, content rating appears last under the articles content text. its not big problem when add comments, appears also after comments @ bottom of page. i'm using joomla 1.5.8. any great. thanks ps. if check websites source code see lines position: <script type="text/javascript"> </script> //article content <div id="jc"> // jcomments </div> <div class="article-ratings"> //content-rating mod note: topic moved extentions forum note: please upgrade joomla! 1.5.14 first. 1.5.8 not s save think.. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Auto-Resize Textboxes

i’m laying out book, , when synchronized book (including page masters), of textboxes resized .5” on sides. not how set them when first auto-flowed text, , have on 400 pages of text boxes need resized!   is there way across documents, automatically (or mostly-automatically)? i’m not relishing thought of manually resizing them all...   thanks help. resizing them in way? there's 2 plugins know of this:   1) typefi's (free) autofit:   2) own (commercial) autoflow pro:   there quite few differences between 2 products, there overlap, , assuming talking non-threaded text frames, either plugin job.   i'm not sure autofit in case because fitting settings need set manually each text frame.   autoflow pro can set using object styles, if used object styles, settings can applied whole document @ once. if one-off problem, can use autoflow pro in demo mode. (it's functional 30 days.)   harbs More di

CS4 / CS3 licensing issues & uninstalling errors

hi everyone,   last year on november, had installed trial version of ae cs4 on mac 10.5, after 30 days, purchased cs4 production premuim , installed mac machine. since cs4 cannot used because of "license expired," have been consulting adobe techical support use cs3 , cs4 cleaner clean affected files, , fool computer clock, still cannot reslove issues on 9 months.  recently, tried following suggested solutions: - copying adobe pcd, caps, backup folder desktop , reluanched applications -- doesn't work!! - fooling computer clock -- doesnt' work! - deleting flexnet publisher preferences folder - doesn't work! - running license repair tool "" - 2 attamps still don't work! - repairing disk permissions - doesn't work! now, adobe crisis are 1)  can't unistall both cs3 , cs4 application:      error : alias "uninstall adobe after effects cs4 [or other application name]" not opened, because original item cannot foun

Kategori sayfalarından makalelere link vermek. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

merhabalar, forumun türkçe kısmı olduğunu yeni öğrendim. problemimle ilgili post yapmıştım ama cevap veren olmadı belki burdan birileri yardımcı olabilir. viewtopic.php?f=428&t=454547 problemimi özetlemem gerekirse; site kategori sayfalarımda 10-15 adet makaleyi özet olarak yayınlamak istiyorum. bunun için joomla core com.component değil de modül kullanmak istiyorum ama modül kullandığım zaman, makalelere tıkladığımda makaleyi ait olduğu kategori sayfasının sonuna ekleyerek gösteriyor. günlerdir uğraşıyorum ve çözemedim. yardımlarınızı bekliyorum. herhangi bir seo eklentisi kullanıyormusunuz ? yoksa default ayarlardamı bu şekilde oluyor ? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Turkish Forum Genel Sorular

Thread: Cron Job with litespeed pdf to mail

hi have install ubuntu 10.04 server litespeed web server php5 / mysql , tcpdf every think working well. have url run tool: info -> profiler (drop down menu) ask email id once provide sent mail use 1 link question want think happens through cron , dont know how coding if 1 has done before wise pls share me have suggestion on above question if have same think watch /root/datatools/report/integramed-echo "$(date)".pdf (grep -i todays date) wget "$(date)".pdf Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] Cron Job with litespeed pdf to mail Ubuntu

Thread: Is it possible to change permissions on a mac-formatted hd using ubuntu?

i have external hard drive has mac os filesystem (hfs+) , read-only. trying things 'sudo chmod 777 /path/to/my/drive' or 'sudo chmod -r u+w /path' wasn't working. want able have write permissions, know how? is drive hfs or hfs+? journaled or non-journaled? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Is it possible to change permissions on a mac-formatted hd using ubuntu? Ubuntu

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Help simplifying complex vectors?

hi all, i'm experienced noob when comes illustrator, , i'm looking issue.. simple one.   i have illustration i'm getting ready print, it's complex vector , want simplify it... here's pic layers/elements outlined..   i'm trying simplify end simple image following i don't want individual elements, create headache if try print vinyl, etc.   anyone got advice me? sounds job pathfinder panel choose objects , fron pathfinder panel, choose top left icon. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Photo Gallery Management - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, it's been while since last post in forums, , must i'm glad guys here - here unparalleled have ever seen. one of clients (non-profit me , them) has specific need , haven't come across extension (free) can need. several events daily/weekly/randomly, , have page each event has 1 picture, , description, , when clicked, takes them gallery. gallery should have 1 main picture @ top, while other pictures (in thumbnail view) should below it. when click on thumbnails should come main 1 (think filmstrip view in xp). when click on main image, should open full size in own window. example: luncheon: (image) - (description) volunteer fire department: (image) - (description) weekly meeting: (image) - (description) benefit fund raiser #1: (image) - (description) benefit fund raiser #2: (image) - (description) now if click on image weekly meeting---> (description of how use current page) (main image (by default, image #1)) (image #1,image #2,image #3,image #4,image #5) (if click o

Messed up again! Startpage disabled somehow - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello again dear forum! here deal, have been playing around configuration , setup , somehow startpage missing have been looking everywhere: in oven, in closet, , in imaginary friends house cant find it!! can me find it? @ startpage there must configuration problem have no idea look thank you! //urban Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Production Print installation files

can explain me can find production print installation? i supposed es2 component, isn't on configuration manager components list. thanks production print separate install lc es/lc es2 not appear in configuration manager.   steve More discussions in LiveCycle Collaboration Services adobe

Layers disappearing randomly

i'm having entire layer group disappear @ random.  still there in layers panel, it's not being displayed on stage.  had added new subfolder group, , believe culprit.  removing subfolder stops problem happening.  here steps cause issue:   my layer group ("a") showing. i start editing layer (text field, font) the "a" layer group disappears. i select "a" layer group , move tool. when move "a", shows up.  can select "undo" have go (and stay visible). if try edit textfield again, "a" group disappears once more.   if remove specific subfolder group "a," stops problem happening.  did have vector layers in subfolder, had moved them out.   has else had happen?  have never seen issue before.  wondering if it's memory issue, since i'm using large font files (fonts lots of detail).  file corrupt?  tried saving file.   i using photoshop cs4 extended v. 11.0.2 on windows 7 64-bit.   thanks.   brad More discussio

Code Embded Videos Not Work ??????????????? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello i have problem in code video embded u see added code , video u can see in editor but when u click save , go preview article u cant see video u see yellow thing shows url of video video doesnt show note: things here ... n_1.5.8%3f and site: i have joomla version 1.5.14 please me flv not native flash - use extension. joomlaworks allvideos plugin ideal Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5