How to call Flex app from Javascript in portal question

i've setup flex 4 app callback function. flex app embedded in java portlet on weblogic portal 10.3.2. how can call flex app portlets javascript function? code below shows how flex app embedded in wrapper jsp.


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


                    "src", "<%= srcpath %>",
                    "id", "<%= (string)request.getattribute("portlet_name") %>",
                    "name", "<%= (string)request.getattribute("portlet_name") %>", 
                    "width", "<%= request.getattribute("width") %>",
                    "height", "<%= request.getattribute("height") %>",
                    "align", "middle",
                    "quality", "high",
                    "flashvars", "portlet_ws=<%= request.getattribute("window_state")%><%= wsrpencodedchannel %>",
                    "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
                    "pluginspage", "");         

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