
Showing posts from April, 2010

Solar senntinel template help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! this last try on problem.. have tried rocket themes forum, joomlapolis forum , regular template design forum , havent got answer... really need help... i must find change width right module/column on solar sentinel template... i dont kknow if im aloud write css code in message or if im suppose upload file... can plz me.... byberg, did ever find solution problem?? trying exact same thing.. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

How do I recover & replace password through SQL database? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've been attempting on past 2 hours info found here , on g. here's came across isn't working me: q. how recover admin password? [i]a. cannot recover existing password, can reset new password. the passwords stored using one-way md5 hash prevents recovering password. but can reset password editing password field in database. set password known value , may log-in using new password. the password stored in mysql database jos_users table password field. (change table prefix if different) use mysql utility such phpmyadmin or mysql query browser edit field. open table, find admin username, , select row editing. the password must hashed, cannot enter text field. set password known value - password = "this md5 hashed password"[/i] hash - means along line of gobbkedeegook ------------------------------------------------------ - admin = 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 - secret = 5ebe2294ecd0e0f08eab7690d2a6ee69 - ou812 = 7441de5382cf4fecbaa9a8c538e76783 i'm not seein

Popup box

how create popup box in action script using itemrenderers? hi               little bit simple , easy .. extend ur class popup class or titlewidow class .. add childs class u want add.. use item renderer in ur program display popup                              var popup:iflexdisplayobject = popupmanager.createpopup(this, mytitlewindow ,false);                              mytitlewindow ur item renderer  ... have nice day More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Can send email via gmail but wont send registration email? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

well have spent on 5 hours on today , have ti working point. my settings follows joomla 1.5.14 var $mailer = 'smtp'; var $mailfrom = ' '; var $fromname = 'my site'; var $sendmail = ''; var $smtpauth = '1'; var $smtpsecure = 'ssl'; var $smtpport = '465'; var $smtpuser = 'admin@mydomain'; var $smtppass = 'mypassword'; var $smtphost = 'ssl://' i can send emails mass email section. works fine , sends them out registered users (right have manually enable them). however cannot, life of me, send new emails user registration. i keep getting "cannot connect smtp error". i have tried pretty on forums. took me 5 hours send emails via mass email. any ideas why mass emails work, new user registration doesnt? thanks here phpmailer resonse. again appears working correctly. still not sending new user registration emails. smtp -> get_lines(): $data "" smtp

How to call Flex app from Javascript in portal question

i've setup flex 4 app callback function. flex app embedded in java portlet on weblogic portal 10.3.2. how can call flex app portlets javascript function? code below shows how flex app embedded in wrapper jsp.   <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">           ac_fl_runcontent(                     "src", "<%= srcpath %>",                     "id", "<%= (string)request.getattribute("portlet_name") %>",                     "name", "<%= (string)request.getattribute("portlet_name") %>",                      "width", "<%= request.getattribute("width") %>",                     "height", "<%= request.getattribute("height") %>",                     "align", "middle",                     "quality", "high",                     "flashvars&quo

Thread: Where is the Ubuntu 9.10 configuration

when trying load kernel module dynamically see disagrees version of symbol module_layout in /var/lo/messages file. have come understand not vermagic string .ko must match running os configuration of running kernel , kernel used build .ko well? question how running configuration ubuntu 9.10. can source archive , build ko against it. not see ubuntu source code typical install, /usr/src/linux-headers... help. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Where is the Ubuntu 9.10 configuration Ubuntu

Thread: New to linux, can someone help please?

hello, ive used windows since ive first had computers years ago, , have managed find way around without help. have laptop without windows licence on, , decided try ubuntu, since ive read meant user friendly. after installation incredibly easy, im absolutly stumped on how couple of things. have specific linux driver lm005 n wireless dongle, ive downloaded off official site. how on earth install it. there isnt obvious, , ive tried clicking on things, im guessing unlike windows youd have setup file or whatever. not being able install new hardware has got me quite frustrated. must missing basic knowledge, can me. also, had round ubuntu software centre, idea of. decided install couple of programs, @ complete loss theyve been installed. ive looked everywhere in start menu type lists, , ive looked in computer, dont have idea of folders since im new. can please tell me installs new programs, since not in list of installed programs, when find whatever ive ins

Can CS5 Bridge Generate a file of Thumbnails of a Stacked Group?

in cs5-bridge/mac, want generate quick thumbnail of images within stack. when click on edge of stack, bridge displays thumbnails of in stack, in its' preview window. in mind..., file preview window (as described above). the reason can represent group of related images in 1 record within database i'm building, instead of separate records each of related images. i can in photoshop, of course, it's hassle , want increase workflow within cs5 , database.   if there's way this, isn't obvious. hoped "generate thumbnails" doesn't, far can tell.   does know way this?   thanks, mike hart reply own question. reckon grab works pretty task, actually. don't know why didn't occur me, earlier. duh. More discussions in Bridge Macintosh (read only) adobe

legal issue - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how inflammatory info off joomla site has been labelled business website author/designer of site never handed info on , therefore have no admin rights etc? one way rename database, via host, or doing it. render blank screen or such when site comes up. , prevent him further editing, unless has access hosting info, cpanel or whatever. if want site remove stuff, phpmyadmin have search feature delete comments. need lock him out perhaps renaming administrator folder wise, cannot log in. no doubt slicker ways may reply with, immediate, work. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: looking for open source python project

looking python project (preferably bit small) looking contributors. small bit because i've never worked in team before , haven't read source code that's 1000s of lines long, i'm not sure can keep up. python fu decent (i think), wrote small archive/grimoire program (command line only) can store multiline text title, tags, , basic search functionality (not using curses entry, once entered, can't modified), entries stored in pickle file. have suggestions? i'm keen work on others, both learning , i'd bit meaningful, plus i'm sure it's fun. look here: list of launchpad projects, newest registered first. because new projects, still quite small. lots of them written in python because popular language. out names starting 'py'. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support

Thread: PHP session.gc_probability = ?

hello, have been noticing bug in 1 of websites reads as: error 8: session_start() [function.session-start]: ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php5) failed: permission denied (13) 0 error occurred on in function session_start 1 called line 333 of file session.php in function require_once now... if on google, old post this: ...which in short tells me undebian sitting in php.ini , need set session.gc_probability 0, because usual function won't work due file permission restrictions , crontab in place cleanup me. thing is, on ubuntu server 10.04 amd64, session.gc_probability set 1. have checked friend has fresh, clean install , session.gc_probability set 1. yet file permissions still set restrictively , crontab right there! have set session.gc_probability 0 rid of error, not sure if there wrong setting or not? should file bug report session.gc_probability configured incorrectly? file permissions

Migrate Section of Main Configuration is greyed out - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, i attempting migrate 1.x 1.5. having trouble. attempted migrate on actual server , fiasco. if there error in sql script can't re-do install goodbye site. fun. luckily, had used phpmyadmin replaced update or messed data original. so, trying install locally (os x 10.5) test things out. installed copy of old database, went through install , ran sql error when running migration script again can't run migration script again. when hit 'previous' after error, entire bottom section migration options etc greyed-out. re-installed original data again luck. how should doing this? running migration tool, downloading it. prefix site low_ entered first time ran migration , failed. second time left blank , again failed. think got error around line 8 of sql. there kind of script other browsing sql backup database? missing here? thanks! one possible problem trying reuse dump file. can used once modified during migration. can use copy of dump file , save original make others

How to make nonbreaking space and/or hyphen

i'm trying figure out how to make nonbreaking space and/or hyphen in dynamic textfields in as2 (specifically cs4 publishing flash player 7 or 8).   i tried new tlf textfields in cs5 , able use & #160 , & #8209, requires publishing as3 , flash 10. codes don't seem work classic textfields.   i've tried & nbsp; didn't work.   anybody have other way? More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Anti-flicker doesn't export

i've got video clip has bit of flicker picked computer monitor in background.  i've tried anti-flicker effect (0.5) and, when viewing in program monitor,  works pretty well.  isn't exported, however, adn find exported clip identical original.   did miss step?   marion marion,   can please furnish full specs. of source footage, project/sequence preset, , computer? article give tips on info useful , how gather of it, if it's not readily available.   good luck, , info, should able out.   hunt More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earlier adobe

div repeat-y background image works in dreamweaver but when previewed in browser it doesn't

hi   i have seen thread here regarding same problem solution doesn't me @ all... can me cause doing head in @ moment...   thank you     im uploading screenshots if of help   here's css code: highlighted in red i've tried use bg repeat-y   * {     margin: 0px;     padding: 0px;   } body {     background-color: #cccccc; }   a:link { color: #ffffff;          text-decoration: none;          } a:visited {text-decoration: none;} a:hover {color: #b23937;} a:active {text-decoration: none;}   #wrapper {     width: 1151px;     margin-left: auto;     margin-right: auto; } #wrapper #header {     height: 120px;     width: 1151px; } #wrapper #navigation {     height: 32px;     width: 1151px;     background-image: url(../images/nav.home.gif);     background-repeat: no-repeat; }     #wrapper #navigation #navlabel {     padding-left: 125px;     padding-top: 5px;     color: #ffffff;         }         #wrapper #navigation #navlabel #nav li {             display:block;             width: 100p

Organizing in LR 3

over years have used lr , drifted iphoto , pse, want commit lr 3.  combining several family members photos in 1 place.   my stuff:  imac 21.5 (3.06 gh, ati graphics), 4g mem., 1tb, backed 500g hd , mozy. os x 10.6.4;  iphoto 9, pse 8 , lr ;.  6,000+ images in iphoto;  25g of cr2 transferred son's hd inclusion in family history.   can add additional hds necessary.   question:after move iphoto "originals" desktop , import lr can place originals on mac hd/decade/year/title ...... and keep them in home/pictures/collection/sub/sub/sub ????  tag appropriately keep "picures" folder outline of activities rather years.    if somehow symbolic of form of ignorance, i'm guilty .   but, appreciate advice ..   ed lightroom recognise files on of volumes, cards , external hdd hardware. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Thread: Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 from a PC that initially had Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04

hi... after while ago, whatever reason, windows decided give on me, leaving 192gb of hard drive's primary partition unusable. don't dislike not having windows on computer, have lot of programs use wine , playonlinux can't handle. not mention, reason, ubuntu can't pick full hardware capabilities. now, clarify, have windows xp sp3 main os on main partition. hasn't worked little while. have ubuntu 10.04 on section of pc, taking 39 gb of hard drive space on separate partition. want install windows 7 on existing partition windows xp, without removing ubuntu computer. know if capable of doing safely? maybe have tutorial or how me out this? i've never attempted install windows 7 before, don't know in installation. imagining though, more powerful xp installation. if has helpful tips, complete instructions or me, please let me know! love have end working again. in advance. is ubuntu on same

Thread: Rhythmbox

how can listen radio in rhythmbox music player? click on radio link in left hand pane, double click on 1 of presets on right, or add own right clicking on radio link , choose new internet radio station.... not working ? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Rhythmbox Ubuntu

Beginners window-size-problem

hi!   i'm beginner @ html , css coding , have following issue:   i'm  building basic site list/menu on left of screen, , material each "menu-option" shown right of menu. this typically series of images in table multiple rows 1 column. images have width of 800px , that's size prefer use. problem on smaller screens , windows, table shifts position , shows under menu. ugly.   what i'm looking way make table stay in place on right of menu, regardless of screen , window size.   i'd extremely grateful solutions this!   /moglurg         the code:   html:   <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" " "> <html xmlns=" ">   <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>john stenborg</title> <link href="styles/jstenborg.css" rel

Stabilize Motion: new track point?

i pan across landscapes, jerkiness in movement of pan - don't know whether blame tripod or arm.   ae great motion tracking , stabilization, , can pans doing stabilize motion first (which applies results anchor point property) , using more sparse position keyframes recreate smoother panning motion.  if pan more width of frame, or several times wide?  in "analysis" step, when original track point run off edge of frame, need way "start over" new track point near other edge.  tried dragging track point on there, still "connected", tracking gradually moves width of frame , zips on other side in 1 frame!  how "break link" , tell ae starting @ frame have new point instead of continuation of same one? when reach frame want offset track point, place cursor inside inner search box (but not on center cross) , hold down alt key. cause cursor switch small white arrow , move icon. keep alt key down , drag tracker want continue tracking from. offset searc

Thread: I need some help with Ubuntu 10.04 and the internet

okay, had old ubuntu 9.10, , last night updated 10.04 (lts) on ubuntu internet quick fast , nothing wrong it. when finished upgrading 10.04(lts) tried going onto mozilla firefox , no matter do, cant go quickly, either freaking slow or says connection timed out, or cannont find page, 404 error know not internet connection because have 3 other computers in house , running super fast internet, , when have 9.10 internet super fast, since updated 10.04(lts) internet has been going super slow. can me please? im new ubuntu, im quick learner , im getting through super fast, other tips , information appreciated check nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf . ipv6 has been blamed slow internet access - has mtu. dunno how many (if any) have changed since 9.10. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] I need some help with

Thread: Automount On Access

hello, possible modify /etc/fstab (or other location), filesystem mounted automatically when mount folder accessed? don't want mounted before access. solution useful sshfs folders. appreciated. try adding option "noauto" under <options> column in /etc/fstab in row of partition don't want mounted automatically. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Automount On Access Ubuntu

The MySQL adapter "mysql" is not available after moving site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

the move internal move. copy of joomla working development. have setup , configured correctly 1 one machine , works fine! i took joomla , copied machine, tweaked configuration.php host variable points db server (which original machine, know not ideal, 1 using either copy, run 1 site @ time). when try load second copy of site, following: database error: unable connect database:the mysql adapter "mysql" not available. i have dropped command line on second machine , used mysql.exe connect other machine web sites username/password. have used phpinfo function confirm have mysql drivers installed. have pdo_mysql installed. any thoughts on problem might be? sam why dont upload mysql file new machine? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Acrobat Pro 9 - Clearscan OCR

hi folks,   a collegue has acrobat pro 9.3.3 (i on pro 8 no issue) , when runs clearscan ocr engine creates hidden text reason deletes scanned text image..... clearscan!!!!! known bug pro 9? or there fix text in image     look forward thoughts on issue     john don't know why text gone, clearscan not create hidden text. either replaces text graphic actual text or leaves pure graphic may part of original page. have use other 2 options hidden text behind image. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Local Connection mysterious disconnection!!

i working on  project use localconnection between webapp , air  application, working in communication! but spend few minutes when connection drops, , let results of full day of testing! situation, every 1 second sent message webapp air ... within 40 minutes connection dropped, 2600 messages sent air app. repeated @ least 3 times these tests , getting same values failure of @ 2% , down. now started new load test! i'm sending every 1 minute message webapp air app ... until moment i'm 77 message boards , 1 hour , 15 minutes open connection ... anyone know reason? some constraint amount of posts? the amount of time connected? att victor c tavernari More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Thread: how to get D-Link DWA-525 working on Ubuntu 10.04

hey guys, today bought myself dwa-525 wireless pci desktop card, , had heck of time installing in ubuntu 10.04, until found this! thought i'd share others in same situation! tried make noob friendly possible make sure card not in computer before starting!! 0. remove pci card computer (if plugged in already) 1. download attached file (i didn't make this, , don't know found it, result of 4 hours of digging through net ) 2.unzip file terminal , find unzipped folder 4.once in folder type "make" , hit enter 5.when that's done, type "sudo make install" , hit enter 6.once thats complete, turn off pc , plug in card 7. turn on pc... , done! should working wonderfully now! or @ least did me. luck trying this! attached files (832.2 kb, 2376 views)

Using Hibernate as a Custom Component

i don’t know whether question appropriate in lc context. our scenario, have complex logic in each of jdbc store/retrieve activity in process. move part hibernate based custom component. we tried simple hibernate persistence class seems lc not loading them. 1)       is restriction lc? (using hibernate custom component) 2)       what appropriate solution?   you highly appreciated 1)       is restriction lc? (using hibernate custom component)   there no restrictions i'm aware of. custom component pojo, can write in java can put in custom component. 2)       what appropriate solution?      seems solution me.   jasmin More discussions in LiveCycle Process Management adobe

plugins - authentication - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all! i'm trying "external" authentication work, on version 1.5.14. i have not found documentation on authentication mechanisms, again - existing modules not difficult understand - hope if have understood right - mechanisms core try 1 after other of active/published modules - until gets jauthenticate_status_success returned. i assumes there test if username dos exist in user table before of auth modules called @ all. if try log inn using nonexistent username - non of modules called. but - using existing username - , password not 1 in joomla usertable - modules not called ?? - , login not accepted. using username , password joomla usertable - modules called - fails - password not 1 in external usertable. but ones - after need restart webserver - have modul called again ?? the 2 auth modules active "authentication - joomla" , mine. "authentication - joomla" has order 0, , mine has order 1 , access level "public" and yes - have "co

Need help - I Can't access my config properties[SOLVED] - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! not been able acess component config.xml properties. in config.xml have: code: select all <param name="titulo_componente" type="text" label="título da página principal" description="" default="" size="60" /> in view.html.php have: code: select all global $option; // more code... $this->assignref( 'params', $params =& jcomponenthelper::getparams( $option ) ); // more code... im layout file have: code: select all <h3 class="contentheading" ><?php echo $this->params->get( 'titulo_componente' ); ?></h3> but i'm getting 'seja bemvindo!' value used have 'default' config.xml param. can't else value. if print_r $this->params inside layout file can see right values there, when call $this->params->get() wrong( deleted ) value. may me figure out happening? maybe the parameter got overwritten in menu item links component? olaf

Getting 404 error on homepage!!! [RESOVLED] - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, i noob @ joomla, couple of days ago installed , testing can make new series websites. have problems. install easy , worked perfectly. after couple of days trying understand how admin side of works, getting 404 error on front page. link here: if use link front page works fine link here: any advice on causing 404 error? don't know if did wrong in admin area caused this. thanks in advance, bustersnm tried use search top right? it's such common issue.... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Common problem with favicon solved! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey folks it seems many people (including me till now) have issues getting favicon show on site. here's handy tip favicon showing *really* know working. this firefox, i'm firefox, maybe others using different browsers can add there own fix thread well. your favicon should in site_root/templates/rhuk_milkyway/favicon.ico this in instance using "rhuk_milkyway" default template, favicon should inside template folder. now once have done may find not showing in firefox, because firefox caching old image. this fix. 1. in url bar type about:cache?device=disk , hit enter 2. hit ctrl f (on keyboard) use firefox find tool. @ bottom of browser window see search box, enter url of favicon search box. example : :see below 3. click next, should see link favicon highlighted in green :see below 4. click link, should new page, link @ top: see below 5. click link, should fire fox page has old default joomla favicon show in top

Installasjon av Easybook. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hei!! finnes det ingen dokumentasjon hvordan man starter opp denne gjesteboken. har lastet opp komponenten og lagt den inn slik @ jeg får opp guestbook entry form. får skrevet inn skjemaet, men der stopper det. må det gjøres mer? hva med standard layout? mange takk. weng kjenner ikke komponenten, men har du forsøkt å gå på menyer-->main menu-->new og sett om den ligger der?? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Norwegian Forum Eldre versjoner av Joomla! Joomla! 1.5 Komponenter/moduler/programutvidelser

AI and PDF goofiness

hi there,   check out.   i made cd insert in ai , printed pdf.  lines in several places in insert.  take above fellow's right eye.   any ideas?   i've checked text boxes , there aren't borders.   thanks,   cs it called stitching caused flattening transparency when exporting acrobat 4 , older compatibility.   a couple of options: in acrobat > preferences turn off "smooth line art" , "smooth images" in page display  make lines go away. work on screen, however, can't control how others view file recommendation be, export using acrobat 5 compatibility or higher retain transparency in pdf.   hope helps paul More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Googlemaps plugin used with kml and lightbox - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i trying setup article runs googlemaps plugin follows: {mosmap kml=''|zoomnew='1'|maptype='hybrid'|height='600'|width='800'|kmlrenderer='geoxml'} the map opens , marker ok. but when click on link inside marker nothing happens instead of opening lightbox. any ideas? tnx andy i install plugin googlemap version 2.12 joomla 1.5. have same problem. when click on marker nothing happen. idea ? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Annoying issue with URL linking

so have pdf file client ebook full of clickable links bunch of articles posted online.  created in microsoft publisher, , converted pdf.  i'm working on adobe pro trial program on pc, , has adobe reader mac.  on end, none of underlined blue urls clickable, worked fine on side.  ended taking pdf , going through each url , using link tool, punching in url manually, blah blah blah.    well problem have when hover on link box, shows proper url.  click it, , opens browser , says page doesn't exist--reason being url has additional characters.  example, link should going is: -rights-issues.html   but instead, giving me http 404 error because trying go to: p-the-man-in-your-life-with-his-fathers-rights-issues.html   i want scream!!!  not sure why keep getting these errors, , want work right!  important

Center patterns

we have patterns our customers can choose put sandblast film on windows. not sure english term it, mean:   we looking flexible way make vector file predefined pattern. like example below, when resizing outer rectangle (= window), number of squares should adjusted automatically. , squares need centered in window time. i'm not such expert in using patterns in illustrator, believe there no way define settings control pattern believe? like pattern brushes in illustrator, in settings can set scale pattern or scale space inbetween, center pattern,...   hope explanation clear. all tips welcome, illustrator feature or plugin or ... the square pattern below example, see other examples control thickness of lines, number of circles, space between stripes, horizontal , vertical scale of pattern,... but believe there no way define settings control pattern believe?   correct. infinitely tiling backgrounds. want done blends on zig-zagging path spine, though. need adjust number of blend steps ev