Why does my hSlider thumb jump instead of slide?
for reason hslider jumping on place when click on track insted of sliding used to. have no idea why.. looks slide movement jumping instead of sliding. , forth 3 times before settles down.
<mx:hslider id="slidervideo" stylename="slidervideo" width="515" sliderthumbclass="no.cathrine.sliderthumbs.slidervideothumb" buttonmode="true" livedragging="true" allowtrackclick="true" maximum="100" change="onslidervideochange(event)"/>
as far can see there's nothing wierd code, , still jumps around if don't skin , don't use own thumb. suggestions why?
edit: happens sometimes. or @ least magicaly stopped when posted message.. tried before posting , still jumping then. have no idea whats going on cause sure didn't change anything.
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