
Showing posts from January, 2010

Thread: What applications is python used for in linux?

although program bit in fortran engineering problems, wondering people using python for? bb linux itself, python part of lsb (linux standard base) , "standarized" linux have python. used can imagine... batterys included Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] What applications is python used for in linux? Ubuntu

What containers do we need to use when working Flex 3 States

hi ,   my question , when mx:states defined in  other container , other mx:aplication , showing compile ime error. please check code , let me know , whats problem :   i working flex 3 states . is  sample program , working absolutely fine : as can see states defined under application container .   <mx:application     xmlns:mx=" "     currentstate="bad">             <mx:states>         <mx:state name="bad">             <mx:setproperty target="{label1}" name="text" value="bad day!"/>             <mx:setproperty target="{linkbutton1}" name="label" value="go good"/>         </mx:state>         <mx:state name="vgood" >                 <mx:setproperty target="{linkbutton1}"  name="label" value="go good"/>         </mx:state>     </mx:states>   the code not working below : her

Playing Flash animation in FLEX

hi, i've created 5 animation in adobe flash , want use in flex app. want use 2 buttons, start/stop , pause, every animation. i've tried use flashcomponentplaceholder don't know how control animations. i've allready tried find in google, can't find anything. how use animations in flex app , how control them buttons? there posibillity change animation speed in flex? how disable animations autostart when app loads?   thanks ;] why don't create simple movie player, that:           <mx:metadata> [   event (name= "complete" ,type= "" )] </mx:metadata>     <mx:script> <![cdata[   import mx.controls.videodisplay;   import;   import; [ bindable ]   public public   var video : string;     public function play(): void {; }     public function stop(): void {   if (videodisplay.playing) videodisplay.stop(); }     public function get pl

Filtrix coversion software

has used software. sent me link , have tried demo. have interleaf (qs) files want convert fm files. continue errors , have yet make file @ all. yes, have made aschi file, have saved version 5, 6, and, 7.   right saving files out interleaf 5 , opening them in fm, there quite bit of clean , of course have every graphic out opening pdf in illustrator or photoshop, cleaning graphic , saving them appropriate file. hoping filtrix might miricle!!!   anyone know of software or better way of converting interleaf fm?   fm9 xp all available patches     thanks,   ls i've used filtrix stuff in distant past , wasn't impressed.   if had go interleaf, i'd try (assuming still have interleaf) outputting pdf , saving pdf rtf, open in frame. you may able spin out graphics if open pdf in word , saveas html -- that'll spit out graphics separately.   another possiblity if have or can find older fm software -- i'm positive (arnis? shelia?) fm versions around 5.x , 6.x had dire

Trouble with file/folder path

hi there,   here´s problem. (images screenshot attached simplify  whats about)   when started pse, had several external drives connected wich use backup (separate backups professional stuff, private, etc)   now, see pse still search files on old directories (not existing anymore)   when use "reconnect files" (image 1),                                               i can see old file identic new suggest "reconnect" (image 2)   after suggesting new file "connect" old thumbnail, pse tells me in past, there file linked image......     honestly, don´t know if pse has problem "reconnect" instruction or if don´t it.   i mean - obvious file has changed directory. dont want adobe work on files on external usb drive (slowing down, talking overall 120.000 pics) - after first tryouts, got clean structure , now, cannot reconnect  files? (image 4, "reconnect" button grey , unusable)     thanks kind of helpful advice on this.... either solution simple

crazy preview issue with PS CS5

hey!  have rather odd issue i'm dealing on 2 separate digital painting projects   on desktop have psd file, , throughout day hit space bar quick preview of image.   today had been using cmd+c , cmd+v on selection wanted on new layer, wouldn't it.  saved image, , restarted ps, , seemed trick. -- able copy/paste fine.   so issue is, when hit space bar on desktop view image, seeing piece trying copy/paste!!   the rest of image on thumbnail there, , of layers visible inside document.    kinda crazy!  imput!   kyle have saved additional channels (as seen in channels panel)? those seem throw preview. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

The table tool in CS5 else finding table styles don't seems should able to? it's incredibly detailed tool...i'm making paragraph styles, assigning them cell styles, assigning cell styles table style, making sure there no buried character styles assigned text, etc., still hardly anything. still have go in after fact & assign cell styles, example. missing something? i'm in cs4, find have option-click none in cell styles, option-click table style want before applies. More discussions in InDesign adobe

How to treat multiple instances of the same image

in w/f use lightroom catalog , main edit tool create (using capture nx) tiff images edited in ps , create jpegs in different formats web browsing or slideshows.   to knowledge, while lr provide powerful version tool maintain different edits of same image, doesn provide manage different processing  stages of same image.   does face same issue ? how manage ? different files treated different images, if 1 derivative of another.   the best can stack 2 (select , hit ctrl+g). when stacked , if stack closed collapsed, 2 images appear 1 in grid view. note 2 images can stacked if in same folder. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Thread: PPStream with totem-pps + chrome

hello, i'm using ubuntu 10.04 chromium (5.0.375) main browser. i've installed totem-pps described in the instruction found . there number of problems: i cannot see category list of video (on sidebar) when using chrome open pps:// based uri in pps movie index site , failed without error message. example, if open link this: pps://ouu2wygqea.pps/%e5%8d%81%e4%ba...%bd%b1&subgen= chrome uses xdg-open open uri, try run command this: code: xdg-open pps://ouu2wygqea.pps/%e5%8d%81%e4%ba%8c%e7%bd%97%e6%b1%89.rmvb?maingen=%e7%83%ad%e9%97%a8%e7%94%b5%e5%bd%b1 tried run command directly. , reports: code: error showing url: specified location not supported problem? suggestion? i have same problem. check thread: looks ppstream may blocking 3rd party applications. maybe it'd idea ask them it...

Thread: Open ogg file with VLC tries to open text files

i hitting bizarre error, , i'd please. nautilus (or desktop), if open ogg file vlc, tries open other text files. specifically, find if there text file in same directory containing ogg file's name, vlc tries open it. example explain: in directory, have file aq.ogg . i double-click (or use right-click) open file vlc. vlc correctly opens aq.ogg , but... vlc tries open files asyo uaqs req.txt , youaqeep.txt , youaqop.txt . notice these files contain aq in names, name of ogg file. vlc gives error messages shown in screenshot attached. vlc ignores files don't have extension .txt, , files don't have ogg file name within it. (i've experimented different names , same thing.) bug must report? same results? attached images screenshot-errors.png (27.6 kb, 14 views)

swfobject.embedSWF transparency issue

hello,   i've embeded flash movie i'm having problems getting transparency work. ideas appreciated.   damien   here code :-     <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en" " "> <html xmlns=" " lang="en" xml:lang="en">     <head>         <title>john sike</title>         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />         <script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script>         <script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfaddress.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">  var params = { allowfullscreen: "true" }; var flashvars = {};         var params = {};         params.wmode = "transparent";         swfobject.embedswf('preview.swf', 

Can't stop elements loading at startup

can tell me how stop elements 8 keep connecting startup list in msconfig/start menu. keep unticking , re-starting comp stop next time start comp check box reticked , loading again????   very new stuff   this on both xp , vista machine. anyone???? More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Reference one field for 2 scripts

i using livecycle designer es 8.2.   is possible reference 1 field 2 scripts?   i working on order form.  there many different types of items different pricing , clothing sizes each.   i want use description field bring item number , fill ddlist appropriate sizes description.   it this:   item #     description     size     price   thanks dawne hi dawne,   i not sure after. attached has code on description drop-down exit event capture item selected list. populates other fields based upon selection.   // form1.page1.description::exit - (javascript, client) var description = this.rawvalue; switch (description) {   case "small trousers":     form1.page1.itemnumber.rawvalue = "000001";     form1.page1.size.rawvalue = "28-32";     form1.page1.price.rawvalue = 45.99;     break;   case "medium trousers":     form1.page1.itemnumber.rawvalue = "000002";     form1.page1.size.rawvalue = "33-38";     form1.page1.price.rawvalue = 47.99;

Thread: Dell Vostro 1000 vertical lines in video - sometimes

newbie linux not computing. - loaded ubuntu 10.10 beta (i had same problem 10.04). works after install, boot. after right in middle of ubuntu screen little red dots, colored vertical lines. (i think audio may out too). i'm having trouble figuring out because it's consitently inconsistent. ideas appreciated. (please remember used to program interrupts drivers under dos don't know hell i'm doing in linux. besides, can't command prompt.) - scott the vostro 1000 strange. these evey time shut down, , when start up. trick avoiding them on start (so can x , gdm/kdm) append "radeon.modeset=0" boot line (right after quiet splash) in boot menu. typically end adding /etc/default/config file (again, right after "quiet splash", applies automatically. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software

System Legacy Error Hell - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm relative noob, using joomla 1.5.12 components: aec subscription manager agora forum jce rsgallery2 today have been trying install ftpsystem03, , error "extension appears written older version of joomla!. must enable system - legacy plugin in plugin manager if wish complete task" in plugin manager, system legacy plugin marked enabled, logo not displayed in usual place @ top-right of screen. can me? have tried disabling in , re-enabling it? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Spotify Linux Preview, local files codec missing?

im using spotify linux preview, importing of local files working now, can not play them. error message: "there problem sound decoder. spotify can't play music" soo... codec missing? can play mp3-files in other programs(totem, rhytmbox) no problems @ all. same problem @ end. imported local library. want play songs in library (212 gb). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Spotify Linux Preview, local files codec missing? Ubuntu

What CMS Systems can easily be integrated into a site made in DW CS5?

i trying research cms systems work dw cs5.  have read business catalyst, looking similar product can self-hosted own own dedicated server.  used incontext editing before went commercial due tight dw integration.  there other products our there integrate dw?  if not, other robust cms systems can implemented custom designed html/css website not template.  not template cms systems limiting on design.  have used modx bit, found hard customers use.   can advise on options?  adobe contribute alternative?  not looking free solutions.  inline editing if possible.   thanks in advance.   bryan i use More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Weird html files uploaded.. lots of them - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm not trying fix happened, trying general understanding of has happened. after figuring out site had been compromised, deleted everything. can rebuild. if can me understand: go , search (i won't post here) about 2 or 3 pages in, you'll start seeing lot of warez / porn type links , show in "contents" directory, joomla installed. how discovered site had been compromised. visiting site, wouldn't know had happened. did think unusual cpanel reporting more , more disk space being used, blamed forum since steadily growing. i've done google searches on of these html files , found other sites comprimised same way, , i'm not sure these other sites running joomla. maybe it's php problem? filezilla hack? computer virus? otherwise read security docs Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 S

Thread: Sound device issue VIA VT1708B 8-Ch

hi, having problem ubuntu. first when start pc browser won't play audio, or can barely hear sounds, there no issue player (amarok) when reboot pc amarok audio low , browser audio working fine, everytime reboot seems issue sporadic, other 1 might work fine other not. sound card built-in asus m3n78-vm (via vt1708b 8-ch) , using alsa cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep codec codec: via vt1708b 8-ch codec: nvidia mcp78 hdmi wanted use via vt1708b 8-ch default, possible? because if open alsamixer in terminal says chip: nvidia mcp78 hdmi. don't know doing really, been googling haven't found answers yet, proposed did uninstall pulseaudio.. help. by way, when use apps bangshee or abraca works fine me, no problem @ apps , firefox, audio working fine.. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu Sound de

AfterEffects CS5 MediaCore hang on load

i had problem after months of running ae cs5 no issues whatsoever tried start application , wouldn't load.   hung on startup screen @ "initializing mediacore".   tried clearing prefs, application support folder, codecs, , still had problems after system on while, ae not start.   finally traced problem down filemaker pro.   strange reason, instant web publishing uses port blocks functionality in mediacore , prevents ae starting up.   if start fmp iwp first, ae not load.   if turn off iwp, ae load fine.   if start ae first, start filemaker pro, tell cannot start iwp (hence how discovered problem).   in unlikely event else happens trying run both of apps on same computer @ same time, , experiencing troubles, know.   i imagine there other applications out there cause same kind of port conflict.  find odd mediacore requires network port function properly.  check firewalls , check internet or network enabled applications. thanks writing in this. see document information hangs

Dreamweaver keeps asking to define site!!

hi,   i have dw cs4 i've completed site , set host via ftp connects fine.   when connect can see remote folder on left, on right in local folder have site folder files when select main site folder , press blue arrow (put) dreamweaver says "before can must define site etc want now?"   but problem i'm having i've done @ start...i tried re-defining site , still same....strange or me...???   any appreciated   andy what os? is saved file trying upload within defined site? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Having my site recognize a mobile device and redirect to the mobile site

hello, i have mobile site near complete final challenge, need current site flash based recognize when user has accessed site on mobile device , redirect user mobile site. looking on other forums seems common way using php page, confuses me little. need convert current index page on php or create separate php exists in root folder? or better there java or code can add assume index page redirect user? thanks in advance when mobile site, mean dedicated mobile site   the trouble detecting mobile devices there gazillions of them -- different makes , models.  , since iphone/ipad uses safari browser, gets complicated.   primary solution: add html link top of page.   2nd solution: use flash detection script.  if agent has no flash redirect     nancy o. alt-web design & publishing web | graphics | print | media  specialists More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Creating custom menu for web site locations

i create custom menu has favorite web sites listed. thought of using alacarte create custom menu called web sites , add web sites custom menu. right way go doing this? how can add web sites menu? trying create clean streamlined uncluttered desktop. running ubuntu 10.04 this might helpful unless know it. command open website firefox: code: firefox Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Creating custom menu for web site locations Ubuntu

Thread: Errors installing Ubuntu 10.4

i absolute newbie ubuntu, sound of wanted try tout. downloaded latest desktop version , burnt cd –no problems far. tried install on pc, page full of errors. real issue may pc , not ubuntu – need guidance. dell pentium of form – 7 years old ?? 512mb ram, >2gig processor, , running windows xp. had kernel problem late 2009 not recoverable (at least not me). question hoping can answer – need working os enable install of ubuntu ? replaced pc before xmas , have gathering dust. if somehow resurrect working pc happy, , learning ubuntu seems reason. if desktop version downloaded does need working os underneath it, there version of ubuntu not ? @ end of day pc boat anchor if cannot run ubuntu. the question hoping can answer – need working os enable install of ubuntu ? no,you can install ubuntu on system without operating s

Why does my hSlider thumb jump instead of slide?

for reason hslider jumping on place when click on  track insted of sliding used to. have no idea  why.. looks slide movement jumping instead of  sliding. , forth 3 times before settles down.   <mx:hslider id="slidervideo" stylename="slidervideo" width="515" sliderthumbclass="no.cathrine.sliderthumbs.slidervideothumb" buttonmode="true"                     livedragging="true" allowtrackclick="true" maximum="100" change="onslidervideochange(event)"/>   as far can see there's nothing wierd code, , still jumps around if don't skin , don't use own thumb. suggestions why?   edit: happens sometimes. or @ least magicaly stopped when posted message.. tried before posting , still jumping then. have no idea whats going on cause sure didn't change anything. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Can I put 2 modules in the same position side by side? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have banners want put in 'top' position , want them side side since sized way. i saw few posts says edit code have no idea once comes editing code do. is there can walk me through 6 year old or there type of plugin or mod allows 2 things on same line?? thanks in advance hello, analogy time, lol. remember when terminator melted outer "skin" in t1? , clanking frame of metal? think of template "skin" wrapped around "machine" or "framework" joomla! (if "break" template, joomla! live on). with said, custom tweaks area of concern in order. make backup of template before start. index.php file in template's root, to add positions without changing original template's code or structure, create absolute positions so: code: select all     <?php if($this->countmodules('absolute1')) : ?>    <div id="absolute1">       <jdoc:include type="modules" name="absolute1" />    <

Is there a way to run a "used files" report in FM?

hi, i suspect have extraneous files i'm not using, book huge , going through manually isn't want do. there way run "used files" report in fm, can in robohelp? thanks! there's great $25  tool bruce foster little bit more report  -- it's archive, , location is:   other that, might want try searching leximation "tool search" believe there several utils have report feature built them: More discussions in Adobe FrameMaker adobe

Stop sound of a button

hi..   i have bit of problem sound.. have main container animation background sound that's loaded soundchannel..   i have externally loaded swfs movie clip buttons have sound on rollover on timeline..after rolling off - place the: soundmixer.stopall(); stop button playing sound once mouse rolled off.. however, problem i'm running stops sound of main container movie clip - suggestions? bunch ahead of time! use soundchannel instance in loaded swf stop sound. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Thread: "Backup" with raw HDD-image of Windows?

i've bought eee windowsxp preinstalled. naturally first thought exorcise demon (windows) cross, stake , holy-water (and perhaps garlic), since i've have paid it, wondering if can chuck elsewhere... thought use dd make raw-image of harddisk -- either complete harddisk (e.g. /dev/sda) or partition windows (e.g. /dev/sda1) -- compress (it should nothing, right), , store image on other drive. don't expect trouble this... wonder about, if possible restore windows such image -- e.g. dd-ing uncompressed image disk, (probably) using whole disk (/dev/sda)... work? or there prevent working? intend make full image of disk; mbr, partition-table, partitions , all... it's rather small harddisk, i' opting-out dual-boot... (besides, it's not intend use windows...) thoughts? method have used quite , found reliable remove files first , keep in separate backup, making backup of operating s

Geotagging support in Mac

hi   i downloaded trial version of photoshop elements 8 mac.  there geotagging support included in mac version of elements or in included bridge cs4? snooped around in trial version couldn't find kind of map view or gps support.  can help?   thanks   david no, in windows organizer. can use places in iphoto same thing fewer bugs. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Hide "Written By .." after delete FORUM component - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi know few other topic talck rid of written by.. but not case.. my website , sydneym working perfect.. last week trying forum component (agora) wasn't looking for.. juat deleted it... i believe because pass trough component can not rid of "written .." i check menu, article , global setting hide author , data.. but.. not working.. could solution delete row in include file?? , file.. thank the thing in agora can cause issue if installed agora authorbot. check plugins , if agora author installed, uninstall or deactivate it. if did not install there nothing in agora can affect articles. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

[Solved] Missing menu's items on main menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i'm new here it seems me right section post if not sorry it! so lets point problem: i'm using lampp , i've installed joomla1.5.14.everything working except main menu , other menus. actually can create new entries success when try display them, in administration panel or in home page, don't see entry, shows empty list... i've checked phpmyadmin , entries recorded database, think can't load them those messagges php log: code: select all php warning:  parameter 4 jhtmlmenu::treerecurse() expected reference, value given in /opt/lampp/htdocs/libraries/joomla/html/html.php on line 87, referer: http://localhost/administrator/index.php?option=com_modules&client=0 php warning:  array_slice() expects parameter 1 array, null given in /opt/lampp/htdocs/administrator/components/com_menus/models/list.php on line 143, referer: http://localhost/administrator/index.php?option=com_modules&client=0 php warning:  invalid argument supplied foreach() in /opt/lampp/htd

I have Joomla installed but there's a error message - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello dear joomla users, i have e-commerce version of joomla installed. virtuemart. the problem when press on preview button the following message appears on webpage: warning: date() []: not safe rely on system's timezone settings. *required* use date.timezone setting or date_default_timezone_set() function. in case used of methods , still getting warning, misspelled timezone identifier. selected 'europe/paris' '2.0/dst' instead in c:\xampp\htdocs\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\classes\ps_product.php on line 2245 i have installed joomla many times, still weird message. could body please explain me how can fix problem. regards, a joomla student yeah got same problem too. did try updating every file have? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

AllVideos Plugin and SWMenuFree HELP! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i presently using joomlaworks "allvideos" plugin v3.1 joomla! 1.5 on test site here: . have swmenufree module installed animated menu works on side. sub menu objects popping out under video. need on top of video there nothing in documentation can see show me how this. have idea? not using [youtube] videos on "real" site our own encoded videos on finished product. appreciated. also know how center videos in page? have never been able do. again, thank you. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Plugins/Mambots

simultaneous Trial and 2.7

i try 3.0 of course hesitant after reading problems many having. how download trial version , keep 2.7 version.  if don't trial easy delete or avoid until bugs fixed?   thanks   diana lr 3 not interfere lr 2 instillations, upgrades , creates new , separate catalog can use both applications simultaneously , if don't lr 3 after 30 days return lr 2. people have no serious problems lr 3. suggest installing rc 3.2 linked @ top of board rather standard trial. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Get color of text, odd results....

i'm trying color of chunk of text, can size, font, etc... struggling getting color.   when use code   interfaceptr<const iattrreport> fontcolorattrreport(icomposescanner->queryattributeat(charcounter,charcounter + 1,ktextattrcolorboss,null)); interfaceptr<const itextattruid> fontcolorattr(fontcolorattrreport, iid_itextattruid); uid coloruid = fontcolorattr->get(); int32 colorspace; colorarray colorarray; pmreal tint; utils<icolorsystemutils>()->getcolorswatchcolorspaceandvalue(uidref(::getdatabase(txtmodel ),coloruid), colorspace,colorarray,tint);   widestring colorinfostring = widestring(utils<icolorsystemutils>()->getcolorinfostring(colorspace,colorarray,ktrue)); the colorinfostring comes this r=1 g=1 b=1 or c=0 m=1 y=0 k=0 the thing is, these results wrong, values rounded or down, example, rgb value pale green, not pure green value suggest. not sure i'm doing wrong here. i want r,g,b values or cmyk, depending on colorspace

How do you warp a group? can you mask a group?

1. when try use warp tool on "group" (of layers), greyed out.  why can't warp group?   2. also, want make mask out of bunch of layers (like 100) , don't want collapse them 1 layer, how mask them?   if helps better understand trying do, i'm trying put multi layered hoziontal design onto arched template make coffee mug. don't want collapse layers in order this. possible?   thanks!   kate you can transform layers smart object , warp it. keep editability of layers while being able warp it.   about selection, if 100 layers have on document can stamp visible (command+shift+option+e) , command click on created layer selection. if have more 100 layers, can select them, duplicate them , merge them, , command click on merged 1 selection. after created mask can delete merged layer. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

How to hide CurrentPage and PageCount when submit via EmailSubmitButton in XML form?

how hide currentpage , pagecount when submit via emailsubmitbutton in xml form?   i have checkbox, emailsubmitbutton on page , pages n of m has 3 fields currentpage, pagecount , pages fields.   my output = <? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - < form1 > < currentpage /> < pagecount /> < checkbox1 > 0 </ checkbox1 > </ form1 > i want hide < currentpage />   , < pagecount /> when sent thru email. have preprint java code this.rawvalue = xfa.layout.pagecount();  both currentpage , pagecount.   i have 25 pages , don't want show  < currentpage />   , < pagecount /> on every page when sent in xml thru emailsubmitbutton   any aprreciated.   thanks... select "currentpage" & "pagecount" fields in hierarchy pallet , in object>>field>>binding tab set default binding "none" More discussions in LiveCycle pre-ES (6.x and 7.x) discussi

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