
Showing posts from May, 2015

Thread: banshee PPA

i trying install latest version of banshee 1.7.x have version 1.6.x installed banshee team ppa removed current version of banshee off system reloaded repos still shows banshee 1.6.x tried sudo apt-get install banshee 1.6.x tried update after installing 1.6.x says have latest version ppa installed (plz see thumbnail) attached images screenshot-synaptic package manager .jpg (96.2 kb, 5 views) screenshot-software sources.png (46.5 kb, 5 views) at bottom of page got ppa instructions from, see list of packages in repository. newest version 1.6.1-1 doesn't latest version available there. have date version ppa. ppa need appears available here...

Flash Player 10.1 - Motorola Droid?

so, i've been checking on mymotorola droid update, have android 2.2, says in bold "upgrade flashplayer10.1", the"get adobe flash player" button shows now.  me indication should available, click button, end @ pahe says it's coming "late summer", i've seen before.  well, summer's on , flash player 10.1 doesn't show in marketplace on phone, yet shows featured download @ . i'm confused here.....i understand update may available on other phones, why in world update page phone itsself if phone still can't download it?!  what's deal here?  idea when gonna ready/fixed? davegx2 wrote:   … shows featured download @ …   that link returns error:     g o o g l e   error not found the requested url /marketplace not found on server.       maybe deleted being premature.   in event, forum here making comments on forums , software on run.   try posting in flash forum. Mo

Problem getting on to my admin log in page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi im new joomla, im using 3 weeks, today typed in site address followed /administration try log in following error message appeared in browser not found the requested url /administration not found on server. additionally, 404 not found error encountered while trying use errordocument handle request. apache/2.2.13 (unix) mod_ssl/2.2.13 openssl/0.9.7a mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 frontpage/ server @ port 80 any on matter appreciated ahh, misspelling: try this: you used /administration , /administrator. hope helps! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

flash / struts : how to display a dynamic flash document

hi,   i want display flash document dependant on context. choice of document performed struts action must return content of flash.   i use following environment: ie 8, jsp, struts, tomcat, oracle   here jsp code:   <object id = "banner" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44553540000"                                          codebase=",0,40,0 "   width="<bean:write name="topbanner" property="width"/>"          height="<bean:write name="topbanner" property="height"/>">                                              <param name="movie" value=""/> <param name="quality" value="high"/> </object> here generated html code: <object id = "banner"  classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"              

Help with Formating promblem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i new joomla , web design @ that. trying create staff pages on our church website cant seem move text , photos around want them. every time try move things moves in sorts of directions. thought using word isnt. suggestions on how format pages when using images , working text? have included link page working on. ... &itemid=83 thank may able offer! what mean "using word"? extensions have? editor using?the page show not give clue problem. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Which computer and why?

looking buy new computer used ps cs4 (perhaps cs5), lightroom , videoediting. no games demand heavy graphics acceleration or stuff want cs4/cs5 run smooth , without problems.   i´ve been looking @ computer following parts:   intel® pentium® processor g6950 2.8ghz 6gb ddr3 (1066mhz) ati radeon hd5670 1gb   is more enough accomplish what´s necessary in cs4/cs5 or should choose better? you need way better if going video editing   go read in , click link above messages says "what pc build?" , list open subjects read   my cs5/avchd 1st impressions includes link built More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Precomposing Question

hallo,   precomposing cool thing, have 1 question it, didn't find answer yet:   to make clear, meaning, describe example here:   1. made text 2. precomposed it 3. on precomposed layer did many things, applying effects etc... 4. precomposed layer effects again (nested precompose)   now have precomposed layer effect settings, use many times ...   now want duplicate it, cause want use multiple times within composition. in duplicated layer want change text. have duplicate nested precomposition , in there text. after have 2 different precompositions of same thing, different text. when want fix/change later on precomposition have on duplicated precompositions...   now question, possible use precomposed layer, described above, kind of template. don't want physically copy it, want make instance of text withing changeable...   text example, picture or video footage,....   is possible after effects cs5, , if yes, how? if doing applying effects in text precomp, couldn't take of effe

Thread: Ophcrack for Ubuntu

i have been told many different users here check out ophcrack. know there ophcrack version in ubuntu 10.04. however, every example have seen on net ophcrack talks use on ms windows os. installed version synaotic package manager , when started download rainbow tables labelled windows xp, vista , 7. gives here? there native version of ophcrack ubuntu? there tutorial ubuntu version of ophcrack? forget windows. newport_j i don't know ophcrack or other crack program. why don't give other crack programs chance. there dozens of them. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Ophcrack for Ubuntu Ubuntu

Navigation links - should it be hard work?

i'm putting first css site , have 2 questions:   i've used listamatic cheap osx navigation ( ).   it may sound dumb question there easier way go changing various links other going every page , checking each detail.   many thanks   paul   <div id="navcontainer">   <ul id="navlist">   <li id="active"><a href="home.htm" id="current">home</a></li> <li><a href="training.htm">training</a></li>  <li><a href="boarding.htm"> boarding</a></li> <li><a href="behaviour.htm">behaviour</a></li> <li><a href"puppies.htm">puppies</a></li> <li><a href"sheep.htm">sheep</a></li> <li><a href="testimonials.htm">testimonials</a></li> <li><a href="

Thread: Hardware Drivers Downloading and checking

hi, windows user.i started using ubuntu yesterday , i'm concerned drivers, audio , graphics card.i have lenovo ideapad y560 laptop. when using windows, lenovo offers list of drivers download specific model. ubuntu, can find drivers hardware. i'm total noob. >.< specs: intel® core™ i7-720qm processor 1.6ghz ati mobility radeon hd 5730 1gb 8gb ram ddr3 posted zawmai hi, windows user.i started using ubuntu yesterday , i'm concerned drivers, audio , graphics card.i have lenovo ideapad y560 laptop. when using windows, lenovo offers list of drivers download specific model. ubuntu, can find drivers hardware. i'm total noob. >.< specs: intel® core™ i7-720qm processor 1.6ghz ati mobility radeon hd 5730 1gb 8gb ram ddr3 hi! can find list of installable drivers in system > administration > hardwa

Is this right for Joomla? and How do I do it? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i know find on own in time, trying site yesterday , new content management programs. i want set political debate site has page each issue has, besides header , wigits on 1 or both sidebars, article (one column, center page) describing issue. under want 2 forums, 1 pro , 1 con, each semitransparent shading color code them, red pro , blue con. so, can joomla, or need cms? if can, can lead me configuration need set up. i think have solved of other problems, sure more come. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Plugin issue with CS4 - please help

i'm trying open indesign cs4 file , "cannot open file, please upgrade plug-ins latest version or upgrade latest version of indesign." did indesign upgrade can not find on upgrading plugins. plus what's weird is saying can not find adobe pluging , have of them loaded.   please help!!! it's cs5 file, likely.   bob More discussions in InDesign adobe

Suppress echo

hi all, microphone.useechosuppression() seems not working. i'm trying record sound stream (user's talk, published) while possible speaker playing preload audio. cause endless loop. without headset plugged, can achive echo suppression while microphone recording. can switch between recording user's talk , playing preloaded audio, better can happen @ same time. anyway that?   -s   this not echo. 2 different audio streams. same question though? More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Two Problems in CS5

just installed cs5 , there 2 things photoshop didn't before , find annoying.   1- used if hit delete key selection disappear, replaced background color.  dialogue fill when hit delete, driving me crazy, way reset old way?   2- used hold down space+command magnify tool draw rectangle around area wanted enlarge.  seems magnifying glass works clicking.  when try draw rectangle define specific area enlarge enlarges several times, if clicked many times.  how reset rectangle back?   kevin 1. hit cmd + delete instead of delete (only on background layers). delete work old way on floating layers. 2. select zoom tool , uncheck "scubby zoom" in tool options bar. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Sicherheit bei Registrierung neuer User - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo! user können sich ja für das frontend selbst registrieren. ist es denn hier möglich, neue accounts solange inaktiv zu lassen, damit sie vom admin überprüft und von ihm dann frei geschaltet werden können? im voraus vielen dank für die hilfe, sascha. nein, trotz vielfacher wünsche schon zu 1.0-zeiten immer noch nicht per core-einstellung. angeblich soll es in der 1.6 endlich in den core übernommen werden. ich lasse mich überraschen... vielleicht gibt es dabei ein plugin, das das problem bis dahin löst: ... a-security ansonsten gab es mal irgendwo eine anleitung für einen core-hack. das ist aber ein hack, der möglicherweise von updates überschrieben wird. "joomla user activation administrator" dürften gute suchworte dafür sein. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone German Forum Joomla! 1.5 Allgemeine F

I know...Another Flash Header question... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have read through posts regarding topic , still no luck. have "the flash module" installed. have swfobject.js in same folder .swf movie. have following inserted in index.php file: <div id="logo"><script src="/flash/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"/> <div id="id29031"><embed width="625" height="225" loop="true" quality="high" bgcolor="#f6f2e7" name="movie29031" id="movie29031" src="jflex_header.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var so29031 = new swfobject("jflex_header.swf", "movie29031", "625", "225", "6", "#f6f2e7"); so29031.addparam("loop", "true"); so29031.write("id29031"); </script></div> all blank white area on top. any suggestions??? bo

Module title doesn't display in footer - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i want add module in footer position, everything's fine exept title of module doesn't show up. have set "display title" yes in module option, won't show. when try put module on left or right position, works fine. any idea? thanks , have day fred check template (index.php) file, find line includes footer module , set style='xhtml'. code: select all <jdoc:include type="modules" name="footer" style="xhtml" /> hope helps Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

pomoc-editor teksta - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

uradio sam update joomle u pitanju je update sa 1.5.12 na 1.5.14 javio mi se sledeci problem ne mogu da dodajem novosti na sajt. kada kliknem na da dodam link za opsirnije (read more) on mi ode na pocetnu stranicu, kad hocu da uradim save artikla on mi ne uradi nista kao da ima samo # link sta da radim? :s resio sam problem, vratio sam neke fajlove iz stare intalacije tj. editor folder nekih 4-5php fajla ne znam tacno imena proradilo je sve Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum Tehnička pitanja

Problems when creating pdfs from Indesign CS4

when exporting graphics pdf effects applied (bevel , feathering) find graphic disappears , isn't reproduced on pdf.  i've tried various pdf settings - no difference.  if remove effects graphic exports ok.  unfortunately situation seem rather intermittent pages similar graphic (and same effects applied) export pdf ok.   any suggestions/help appreciated..   thanks in anticipation   colin with kind of graphic workig? kind not? eps, ai, pdf, pdp, psd, tiff,...? More discussions in InDesign adobe

Thread: playing windows CDs on ubuntu

i've been given cd runs on windows , discovered wouldn't work on linux. have downloaded wine not sure should next runs. apologies if i'm being stupid here. joe need more info...what kind of cd....what on cd... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] playing windows CDs on ubuntu Ubuntu

Textrollover color for label

hi,      possible set textrollover color label control.     regards, jayagopal. hi,   you can try this.       <mx:label id="lbl" text="your lable text" rollover="onrollover()" rollout="onrollout()"/>             private function onrollover():void         {             lbl.setstyle('color',0xff0000);         }                 private function onrollout():void         {             lbl.setstyle('color',0x000000);         }             hope full fill requirement. let me know if have issue this.                         with regards,   shardul singh bartwal More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: Adding Right Click Options

how can add options "right click" context menu? when right click on file have option "copy to.." options "copy to.." otherpane (which greyed out), home folder & desktop. add own option submenu. welcome. solution more ... install nautilus-actions package run nautilus-actions-config-tool add action, name 'copy whatever' program: cp parameters: %f /path/of/whatever (or %m - read available , pick suitable symbol) optionally can filter mime-types or extensions should option if action valid, should show after nautilus restart in rightclick menu in general if can done in terminal, can transform nautilus action. unfortunately doesn't show in same section default options. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Adding Right Click Options Ubunt

Hi,problems with display screen when using cs5

just bought new mac comp daughter cs5 extended s tudent , teacher edition. disc didn't run straight away , had go files run install. installed ok when did this. however have toolbars around outside of screen , despite changing background settings black or grey still our screensaver there. if click on toolbar disappears , have go file re-open. can advise why don't have grey background per previous versions work on photos? if try open pic work on still doesn't open full page in window drop down tick application frame More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: After unexpected shutdown, my filesystem has a lots of errors

hi, using laptop without battery because doesn't work. ubuntu have had started when somehow charger failed , laptop turned off. when tried boot ubuntu again error appeared on screen , said gdm couldn't start because cannot access /var/lib/gdm . ubuntu started in console mode. checked /var dir , found out lib not directory symbolic link. obviously, permissions wrong. i've made lot of fsck , first time reported errors, didn't solve problems. lots of files have worng permissions , think partition in read filesystem state. can't run commands such apt-get, aptitude, etc. , can't turn off ubuntu correctly because when starts stopping services stucks in "saving system clock". haven't found solution , appreciate if me. i'm using ubuntu 9.04 , important note hard drive still working , doesn't have bad sectors because have scan gparted , didn't report me errors. also, i'm posting same laptop using windows , haven&

cfpop delete with uid

i'm trying delete specific messages using cfpop, passing uids. if headers account using   <cfpop action="getheaderonly" name="getmessages" server="#mailserver#" username="#username#" password="#password#">   and copy particular uid, such as:   210761.wqc,rx8qn3pzchby0otvd8qheqk=   i can not delete using   <cfpop action="delete" uid="210761.wqc,rx8qn3pzchby0otvd8qheqk= " server="#mailserver#" username="#username#" password="#password#">   i saw conversations suggestions made use parts of given uid, , tried various permutations, to no avail. thoughts? 210761.wqc,rx8qn3pzchby0otvd8qheqk=   i not know specifications uid values. assuming commas allowed, out of luck. cf assume comma delimiter , treat string 2 (2) separate uid values, not 1 (1).  in addition checking bug database, may want search. since not first 1 have problem, there may cfc or custom tag available can handle

Sudden slow responses on cs5

premiere cs5 has started crashing on me , being slow. not although rendering can slow. have been on same project month , footage had been imported start. ive played keeping footaage in internal , external drives test performance. when premeire not responding cpu running between 60-80% , ram around 70-80%. if possible can technical reasoning explained can follow because im not clued terminology e.g forced paging, think thats term got used someones problem rendering.   my specs are:  intel(r) core(tm)2 quad cpu    q9400  @ 2.66ghz                        win7 64bit                       4 gb ram                        500 gb interanl 7200 hdd                     1tb   usb external hdd                       512mb graphics card.   sorry info basic, way ordered more ram apparently motherboard accepts 8gb!   thanks ed btw, premiere has literally started playing today, after month of being fine More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

HELP - Select an Article Dialogue Box in top left corner - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying establish school's website, , new glich has surfaced...when try select article assign menu item, select article box shoots top left-hand corner , not allow me choose article because small corner of box there way fix this? thanks, john hi j, we experiencing same issue (ie7 v7.0.5730.13co). select article, , lower-right portion of pop-up appears in top-left corner of browser. unfortunately, our school network not allow install ff , admin can't select articles because links articles displayed off-screen. any ideas? Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Bug Reporting

CS5 library bug - important!!!

see .fla , try replace image in library one. works fine export .swf, try save, close , reopen .fla - images in library same!   here zip contains .fla + "good" .swf, "re-exported" swf , folder images. link ->   thanks! none of library images have extensions. how imported images named? More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Problem with "The Flash Module" module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've installed "the flash module" plugin on both testing server , clients server can see, module works fine on testing server in windows (firefox & ie) & mac (safari & firefox) but, clients server works on mac (safari & firefox) , not on windows (firefox & ie) on windows machines i've tried, black box. i've tried multiple windows machines no success. it's driving me insane! can't figure out issue is. can help? thanks, chad i ended figuring cross domain policy thing. links work fine if have www. in front of url. still haven't figured out why crossdomain.xml file not correcting problem work www. my crossdomain.xml written follows. <?xml version="1.0&q

Captivate page with 2 click boxes, report

hi,   i have problem problem quiz in adobe captivate 4. have 1 page have 2 click boxes , think how can condition may click 1 of these click boxes go next page , ad 1 points global (because if add 1 point individually every click box global points 2 want 1 point).   thank , sorry bad english.   greet paul hello , welcome on forum,   do report lms? because moment, captivate doesn't support partial scores question slides, , there no way change score reported too. if want achieve ask for, you'll need construct own question slides, , use variables advanced actions. if want go way, did write tutorial workaround recently, post link.   lilybiri   questions partial scores , customized feedback More discussions in Quizzing/LMS adobe

Thread: New icons don't work

what title says. downloaded new icons gnome art, installed them when select it, it's selected regular gnome icons. ideas how can fix this? , i'd happy if answer 1 too...: in advance. it might broken icon package. don't know other that, sorry :/ Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] New icons don't work Ubuntu

Thread: Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0301 Webcam displaying no image

when plug z-star microelectronics corp. zc0301 webcam displays no image. tested camera on windows virtual machine, , working properly. on linux, not working. tested on cheese, amsn, , newer google voice , video plugin. none of them seems work. quicken process, i'm putting info get: lsusb displays: bus 004 device 003: id 0ac8:301b z-star microelectronics corp. zc0301 webcam when connect device dmesg shows: [16472.300030] usb 4-3: new full speed usb device using ohci_hcd , address 3 [16472.466410] usb 4-3: configuration #1 chosen 1 choice [16472.479297] linux video capture interface: v2.00 [16472.483115] gspca: main v2.7.0 registered [16472.484966] gspca: probing 0ac8:301b [16474.304936] zc3xx: probe 2wr ov vga 0x0000 [16474.450919] zc3xx: probe 3wr vga 1 0xc400 [16474.708876] zc3xx: probe 3wr vga 2 0x0000 [16474.764868] zc3xx: sensor unknow_0 force tas5130 [16474.772976] gspca: probe ok [16474.773010] usbcore: registered ne

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

java.sql.SQLException: The url cannot be null" faultCode="Server.Processing

hi getting following exception while envoking java method flex using blazeds. highly appreciated.   fault faultstring="com.employee.employeedetails.connection.daoexception : java.sql.sqlexception: url cannot null" faultcode="server.processing" faultdetail="null"] More discussions in Configuration and Getting Started adobe

how to remove the front page ?

hi all i installed fms on standalone win 2003 server act service , when open url ( ip address ) of server show introduction page of fms video ( rtmp , http streaming examples ) , how can change , open custom page or redirect ... ect ?   thanks i'll try more details on of give pointers, go <installeddirectory>/webroot -> there see index.html. take of or rename index_1.html , place own custom .html page name index.html. clear cache of browser, restart server , open fresh instance of browser - should display custom file.   its playing around apache settings feel - try more info on more gracefully , methodically More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

Thread: Installing Ubuntu on 2nd partition with WinXP

hi! i'm newbie here, , ubuntu. have questions. please me! have winxp sp3 on c: disk. possible install (boot) newest version of ubuntu.iso, on 2nd partition (d: disk) without conflict windows? , if posible, here guide me that? sorry english! here's info pc: code: summary operating system ms windows xp professional 32-bit sp3 cpu amd athlon xp palomino 0.18um technology ram 256mb sdram @ 134mhz (3-3-3-?) motherboard asustek computer inc. a7a133 (socket a) graphics syncmaster @ 1024x768 64mb radeon 9200 series (ati aib) hard drives 33.0gb fujitsu maxtor 6l040j2 (ide) optical drives sony cd-rw crx300e hl-dt-st cd-rom gcr-8520b khizid afsh2zotujwl scsi cdrom device audio unimodem half-duplex audio device cpu amd athlon xp cores

Thread: Wireless won't work..

i relatively new linux, , dual booting ubuntu 10.4 (lucid lnyx), , love it, wireless won't work , wired connection not option. have tried using wireless usb adapter class n, didin't work tried other wireless adapter dell wireless 1450 wireless usb adapter. windows not option. in advanced help! for dell wireless 1450 wireless usb adapter if can connect wired connection, run terminal: code: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree if have no inet access computer, can download deb file on box , use flash drive or cd transfer , run on machine. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Wireless won't work.. Ubuntu

How to enable jcomment - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi ! able install jcomment module via admin page. after how show articles? how configure after then. tnx hi... make sure check jcomment documentation configure , use : and if new joomla, suggest start and welcome joomla community Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Major Template / CSS problems in IE 6,7,8. Please help! :( - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm firefox user , coincidence went on own website last week ie8 , error: "cannot open page". went investigating issue , seems website has been impossible visit weeks while using internet explorer browsers. sometimes middle , right side of website won't load, right side , won't load @ , shows cannot load error message. paragraph text turns heading text... different ie versions bring different problems... i did not make website myself, i'm learning way joomla, templates , css bit bit. it's pretty clear people made website did horrible , sloppy job... i "scan" on website knows he's doing , me out bit these extreme errors fixed a.s.a.p. google analytics tells me 40% of visitors use internet explorer, huge huge problem! if manage clean template/css , fix these annoying errors, i'll donate you! the website in question www . numaga . com thanks in advance. darn, should not in overrides think in main templates forum! sorry mistake, please

Thread: Problems with Extended Desktop (Dual Monitor) on KDE

system config: running ubuntu 10.04 on lenovo x60 tablet & samsung syncmaster203b. kde installed adding kde-full package through synaptic. having issues setting extended monitor on kde. problem seems occur when 2 screens set different resolutions (it works fine while both screens in laptop's native 1024x768.) however, when increase resolution of external monitor x crashes on me. not problem in gnome however, extended desktop has been working fine. there seems couple lines pop on top of screen on console before crash, haven't been able read or find them. thing looked suspicious seg fault on xorg.0.log.old. tried setting monitors on console using xrandr try redirect stdout , stderr files & see possible problems, no luck. ideas? thought might bump since it's been while & i've got no replies. i've been using gnome there no problem, miss kde nice fixed.

IE7 displays tiled background - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have joomla site uses iframe module display company logo on lefthand side. reason, on ie, see .gif logo tiled background throughout site. ie8 has compatibility mode button, fixes great, ie7 , maybe 6 (haven't seen it) doesn't have button. how can background display in browsers? thanks in advance! no replies yet, maybe little more information help. the site located here: the logo in lefthand column .gif transparency, , image tiles background main column in people's ie. had 1 person report in ie8, compatibility mode button fixed issue. help! there lot of folks on corporate networks can't upgrade ie8, , need them able see site properly. advice or appreciated! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Lens profile not showing up

i'm having weird issues applying proper lens correction want.  these images taken nikon 32mm f/1.8, can make lens correction raw(nef) file.  jpg, doesn't give me option @ all, automatically puts me @ 50mm or 14-24mm f/2.8  please see screenshot see mean.   the 1 on right jpg options, , 1 on left raw(nef) file.  incase important, using nikon d5000.  appreciated.  thanks! the profiles specific raw or non-raw files.  many lenses have profiles both, have raw profile.  35/1.8 1 of has raw-only profile.   if open profile , line one:                    <stcamera:camerarawprofile>true</stcamera:camerarawprofile>   you replace "true" labels "false" labels , save new name (i.e. delete "raw" name) , work on non-raw files catch won't work profile created jpegs.  issue processing affects corrections , different cameras , different camera settings can dramatically affect processing. More disc

Editing Joomla Template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i using ja purity template 1 of sites. left column has gray background "#f6f6f6" not want. have gone css files , html file , gotten rid of backgrounds of "f6f6f6" still shows up. how rid of this? tell me it. using yoo firefly template, , lord knows why, uses same color hover on link, text. hover , can no longer read link. firebug shows color a:hover yada changing nothing. beats me. nice template, can't use if cannot edit it. for reason, template, in firebug, shows in php file. acts nothing have seen before, , don't know how fix it. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Arabic website translation problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello friends, i designing website , installed google translate auto translate between english , arabic seems translation poor. also, jce editior use cannot seem take arabic. need can type in arabic , website bi lingiual. thanks nick hello nick' for google translate concern google , extension used for. for jce editior if have installed arabic language in operation system work completely. otherwise if have problem arabic character must convert database code utf8 general. note: translation advice use joom!fish. regards mod note: topic removed section. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Arabic Forum 1.5 !جوملا القسم العام