
Showing posts from April, 2015

Don't leave gaps in the timeline when editing

hello,   just in case helps else ...   i working on project 2hrs long.  finished project, added menus, , ready encode, pre8 kept crashing on me during encoding.  thought end markers (since there's been lot of discussion them), end markers problem when placed @ end of project, since movie return menu anyway @ end of video.  checked outdated drivers, drives defragged - still no help.  getting blue screen of death periodically during encoding process.   well discovered comment gaps in timeline can cause issues, removed gaps had , - problem solved!!   so, think i'll use longer fade-outs, or dip-to-black transition gaps on.   i'm posting challenges, in case helps else.   cheers, shama shama,   you correct gaps can create issues, dvd projects. dvd-specs. based on video, , authoring programs want see 100% contiguous video track. if necessary, 1 can insert synthetic video, black video, or transparent video, "fill gaps." in cases, adjusting either in & out points, of

Is there a good primer on the new book within a book feature?

hi,   a collegue of mine struggling book within book feature working.  following blurb him have go on, perhaps enough out there steer in direction. i'm trying use new framemaker feature book within book. sadly cannot feature work. fms user guide next useless , tells can done using drag , drop , either using folders or groups, reality loses chapter numbering.  volume numbering advances correctly, every chapter ends numbered "1."   he in uk , in california, due time difference, feel free email him directly @ .   thanks, dave dave, have not played feature, there blog post aspects of it:   - michael More discussions in Adobe FrameMaker adobe

Am I stupid ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i don't want answer that, however, opinions. i have had website 10 years , friends etc, gone pretty well. have never achieved or feel want. however, has come close me, point decided give joomla try, s template joomla based. after messing few weeks, cant head around it. sure many of saying easy, how come. i considering trying find template designer see if sell me template standalone template, doubt do. any advice or words of encouragement appreciated. yes. sorry, couldn't resist. no, you're not stupid - it's understandable unable comprehend system you've never used before. you're having trouble understanding? issues or questions can posted here on forums, , 1 of locals here out. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

sh404sef problem on multiple domain names - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i using sh404sef on website, , works until tried access site using second domain name. bt saying second domain name, mean domain name pointed same server of main domain name, there 1 web server , 1 website here. the url rewirte using wrong relateive path following. main domain name: http:// /menuname/itemname.html works well secondary domain name, url looks this: http:// / /menuname/itemname.html the url im expecting should this: http:// /menuname/itemname.html anyone knows prolem? thank you alex no reponse in 9 months? i'm having problem , not sure of solution. ever figure out? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Thread: latex suite \cite{ F9 does not work at all

i download vim-latex-1.8.23-20100129-r1104.tar.gz soureforge net, extract $home/ .vim folder add these things .vimrc ,following instructions said on offical net filetype plugin on set shellslash set grepprg=grep\ -nh\ $* filetype indent on let g:tex_flavor='latex' let g:tex_compilerule_dvi='latex -src -specials -interaction=nonstopmode $*' let g:tex_viewrule_dvi="xdvi -s 4 -fullscreen -editor 'gvim --servername latex-suite --remote-silent'" 1 now,every function seem work except auto completion , every time after typed \cite{ f9 ,nothing happened . 2. problem \ref{ f9 can cause apperance of _outline_window,but corresponding key "n","p" has been bound windows not work 3 use ubuntu 10.04 ,apt-get install vim-gtk,i have checked vim supports python. has similar problems? i tried this, years ago, , gave pretty quickly. day-to-day work vim (withou

64bit Flash Player

is true flash player not available in 64bit version, or have wasted $2500 on cs5 master collection. i running windows 7 64bit. & ie8   it says 'insallation successful' nothing.. appears in programs , features uninstall yes! unless want downgrade production accomodate 32-bit browsers. quite possible adobe has been concentrating efforts, , development personnel on 'mobile'-oriented individuals (telephone , pda users) instead of hiring more programmers. maybe 64-bit, multi-core, , multi-thread programming beyond abilities. More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Problem With Drop Down Menu on yoo flux template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi have problem site on at: under "our services" section wanted create drop down menu on yooflux demo site at: ... lor=carbon however sub menu items visible , disproportionate. encountered many problems first joomla site , have managed solve them myself 1 eludes me totally! guys can give appreciated! btw in mainmenu module parameter have set this: menu style: list start level: 0 end level: 5 always show sub-menu items: yes (these settings recommended yoothemes guys). have tried many variations none seem work. "our services" menu item set separator here see when @ site: liamfoneill_1.jpg can describe better want changed? it's possible fixed it. let me know. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Usual problem: IRQ11 shares sound and graphics

hello fellow ubuntero's, done on machine, system pretty configured realtime audio. there 1 big clinch left , still can not understand tutorials setting irq. , or not possible change irq software?? want reach seperate irq onboard alc888, wich has proven not bad after all(not talk pulseaudio!) or maybe shift irq of graphics card?? can not believe isn't possible in 2010 , want every effort there set right, if takes shortcircuiting , soldering, or must buy external firewire audiodevice, risk goes irq11 again. tried shift pci-irq , works although can't find logic in here. seems change every irq in stange order, not 11. i'm lucky works well, there accidential xruns , of them can't hear or messure when zooming out recording thousand times. dare take pc on stage now(hidden in case) wander why manufacturers of mainboard come idea share audio , graphics on same channel, feels drm me. don't eat , *** @ same time either

Upgraded from Photoshop 7 to 8, photos won't transfer to

after upgrading photoshop 7 8, when try send album, album there no photos. none being backup reason no photos being transfered. had no problem 7. ideas? More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Code for Flickr Attributes - Creative Commons - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

maybe used wrong keywords, can't find answer this: i have image found on flickr , want use on site. image available under creative commons , there attribute author wants included follows... <div xmlns:cc="" about= ...blah, blah, blah... /</a> / <a rel="license" href="">cc 2.0</a></div> in flickr following advice: quote: the page came contained embedded licensing metadata, including how creator wishes attributed re-use. can use html here cite work. doing include metadata on page others can find original work well. where put html code? or there plugin takes care of this? (i'm not looking plugin shows gallery here - it's putting specific photo in specific article). thanks in advance help. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information

Thread: Clock settings?

okay, die-hard kde user here. due problems described in thread [remote desktop connection issues], i'm doing experimenting gnome. main question is, how change appearance of clock in panel? see no way alter font, font's color/size/anything else. nor see way display more compactly, on kde, i.e., time above date. what's trick? from lack of replies, despite many views, can safely deduce gnome clock cannot customized kde's can? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [gnome] Clock settings? Ubuntu

How is this done is it SEO - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i came across site here in australia , wondered how have achieved url's the site loads , designed. magic how fast loads how did achieve url's. actually wouldn't recommend use index.php/category/subcategory/ format of urls. anyway should keep 4 sub-levels under root domain indexing. however, check popular seo extensions, believe few of them suppor kind of url structure. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

How do I format my picture on a card?

i create own cards watercolor paintings, scan pse.   in previous version of photoshop elements, go "print" edit screen, choose size , paper type , move print around on page centered.   in pse 8, can no longer this. go create panel, choose print greeting card local printer, , then, not seem have sufficient options print centered appropriate margins. essentially, choose letter size page, locate print on one-half of page , stuck. template not flexible result picture not centered , big or small.  tips? override options , tell print page how want print situated on page.    thanks help! do need create template? otherwise i'd create new blank file size of paper use @ resolution use, save printing template , paste card onto before printing in editor. way can use move tool reposition before enter print window. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe


i have photoshop 6.0 (i can see eyes rolling type) , wondered if i'm able upgrade later versions here.  still able and, if so, recent version upgrade to?  thanks. no , no. adobe stopped selling cs2 years ago, have been last version entitled upgrades ps 6. wouldn't waste time on trying find somewhere on ebay. futile exercise - upgrades can transferered original license , may not @ run on system. , of course usual triple warnings potential scams. sensible thing: wait 2 or 3 months more , save money new license of cs5.   mylenium More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

How to change "Application Install" screen behavior?

i'm part of team building commercial air software. air file bundled installer (install shield kind of program). i've exported air file flex builder , included in installer. installer installs adobe air runtime , air file (using adobe air application installer).   in second step (when application air installed); "application install" screen displayed installer runs air file. on screen there way change behavior of checkbox "run application after install"?   1. check box "checked" default. can disable checkbox , "uncheck" it? 2. there way totally remove checkbox? 3. other customization options available this? cannot seem find documentation.   thanks in advance, ashok can please throw light on issue (i've added image clarity)?   specifically how disable "autochecking" of "start application after install"? or other customization on screen?   thanks in advance guys - ashok   More discussions in AIR Installation Issue

A scriptwriting question about Scene Heading - Continuous

hello, was hoping give me insite how correctly use "continuous" in scene heading.   thanks input   r hi,   could please provide details want do?   regards, neeraj gupta More discussions in Adobe Story adobe

Premiere Elements 7: video/audio asynchronous in recorded HDV only in PrEl

i recorded 5 tapes prel hdv camera (sony hvr-hd1000e, european version) on harddisk each 1 large mpeg-2-file. edited hours , found audio increasingly did not match video in 1 of large files (about 3 sec. max; although others same kind: hdv mpeg 1080i 25fps 48khz) in preview, timeline , export.   i tried: playback vlc/media player classic , womble mpeg video wizard okay in every test case until end of video file. opened file in new hdv 1080i project same re-record: first seemed okay, today found it's same again. no frame drops reported (option "report frame drops", translated german, active), too. i tried demux projectx , pvastrumento ("no system header found"). both programs canceled errors. squared 5 mpeg streamclip says "warning: 8 data breaks"). again successful demuxed projectx says (translated german): "first video pts starting later last pts in stream! critical synchronicity ... 11 frame(s) (264ms) added". used mpeg2repair: worse result

Not able to add reviewer to Shared Review

hi   we've started using acrobat shared review (on internal server) start tracking team reviews of department documents.   i'm using adobe acrobat 9 pro extended - understanding should have functionality available in tracker etc.   i want able add reviewer open shared review there's no option that. when select document in left hand menu, right hand pane shows file details , reviewers gives me option email initiator (which me anyway) or email reviewers.   should there not option add reviewer , start new review current reviewers?   any on great i've been unable find useful in documentation.   thanks, in great anticipation! lou hi again!   i've no idea why has worked - perhaps can explain me?   when opened tracker task bar - options add reviewer or start new review not available. so, opened document it's shared review location on server , selected 'comments' in top menu bar , 'track reviews' option. opened tracker showing correct options - add rev

Fejl "Forbindelsen blev nulstillet" - på localhost - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej, jeg sidder og roder med et website en lokal installation. jeg bruger infuse-skabelonen fra rockettheme og k2 til indhold. siden har virket fint, indtil den pludselig ved refresh kommer med fejlen: forbindelsen blev nulstillet forbindelsen til serveren blev nulstillet, mens siden blev indlæst. * siden kan være midlertidigt utilgængelig eller travlt optaget. forsøg igen om et øjeblik. * hvis du er ude af stand til @ indlæse nogen sider overhovedet, undersøg da din computers netværksforbindelse. * hvis din computer eller dit netværk er beskyttet af en firewall eller proxy, sørg da @ firefox har tilladelse til @ tilgå nettet. jeg har dog stadig adgang til administratordelen, der fungerer fint - jeg kan altså bare ikke få adgang til frontend af sitet. har nogen mon et bud på, hvad det kan skyldes? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum

Trouble installing Flash Player

i play farmtown on facebook , never had problems, of sudden not load.  told me need install adobe flash player, won't install.  tells if popup doesn't automatically install, , in cases have click yellow bar below address bar, there none in case.  have been on troubleshooting , can't seem find resembles this.  can tell me doing wrong?  don't see downloaded on computer can uninstall , try , reinstall.  run windows xp if can grateful!! have great day! hi, need post browser versions use. xp service pack?, , edition.     thanks,   eidnolb More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Thread: Unwanted pastes from mouse wheel

hi i'm plagued unwanted paste actions, caused inadvertently touching wheel on mouse. there relatively simple way of disabling function? roger d oops! should have googled harder - working in openoffice, it's piece of cake: tools>options>view> mouse middle button - no function roger d Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Unwanted pastes from mouse wheel Ubuntu

jQuery still confused

i changed links reflect change to   i added following <script type="text/javascript" src="spryassets/spryurlutils.js"></script> <head> of page   here's wher confused. don't see spryassets/spryurlutils.js in spryassets folder. file add server?   second, i'm not sure place code: <script type="text/javascript"> // grabs values of url parameters current url. var params = spry.utils.getlocationparamsasobject(); </script>   lastly, did replace original code code on page   $(function() {       $("#jquerytabs").tabs({         event:"click",         collapsible: false,         selected:'( ? : 0)',         fx: { opacity: 'none', duration: 1 }         }).tabs( "none&

Thread: Why is my OCZ USB stick read only, nomatter what I install?

it looks problem ocz web stick. there special firmware or work around these usb stick? has 16gb , trying make boot ubuntu on run, both on computers have grub2 , ones boot windows or apple. found solution 8gb stick 16gb stuck in read only. suse boots debug screen , ubuntu wont give me black screen or text moves fast read. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Why is my OCZ USB stick read only, nomatter what I install? Ubuntu

Elements 8 (MAC) sends error message when I quit

every time purposely quit elements 8 application, error message has "unexpectedly quit." not affect performance of elements 8. nuisance. suggestions? running mac 10.6.4 thanks yeah, too, sometimes. try this:   go username>library>preferences , delete   com.adobe.photoshopelements.plist adobe photoshop elements 8 paths adobe photoshop elements 8 settings   repair permissions , see if behaves while More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Blog of external links as a Joomla module ... how? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

what's best way run blog of external links on side of joomla site? client wants choose links manually, straight rss feed won't work. it's more of set of hand-picked links top stories each day. should link archive containing past picks. it's not main content of site don't want client creating articles each of these links -- way time-consuming headlines link elsewhere. the client uses [url banned] now, , know pull in using rss extension. thought there might native joomla works blog, drop [url banned]? thanks ideas. you're right, using rss best, , there joomla modules you, if want more "manual," creating category "blog links" , single article in client can list links in order wants them appear, create instance of newsflash module comes joomla, set display article "blog links" category, , name whatever appropriate. client have 1 article modify when wanted add/remove links. no archive necessary. as dropping [url banned], may want keep

german text pdf to english text pdf

hi have pdf file text in german , want change english. please advise me on how this. many neil More discussions in PDF Language and Specifications adobe

How to fix dynamic rigistration point in movieclip?

how fix dynamic rigistration point in movieclip? i'm not sure mean "fix".   if mean want remain same, fixed , cannot changed dynamically.   if mean want change dynamically, cannot.  however, can make appear reg point changed adding empty parent , assign x,y that's opposite of amount want change reg point.  can reference parent act in ways child adjusted reg point.   if mean want repair it, need explanation. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Thread: Trying to understand the difference between file managers.

what difference between dolphin, nautilus, konqueror, , kfm? posted sagmate what difference between dolphin, nautilus, konqueror, , kfm? dolphin , nautilus, not much... both support ftp, smb, etc. (pretty sure both support sftp) konqueror web browser, text editor, terminal emulator, picture viewer. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [all variants] Trying to understand the difference between file managers. Ubuntu

خطأ في قاعدة البيانات كيف اعالجه؟ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

السلام عليكم أخواني الكرام فجأة حصل خلل في قاعدة البيانات لم تعد تظهر محتويات الصفحة الأولى للموقع ويظهر فيها الخل --------------------------------- warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: unable save result set in /home/user/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 223 warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument not valid mysql result resource in /home/user/public_html/hd/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 344 ---------------------------- وعند طلب صفحة عرض محتويات قسم رئيسي يظهر الخطأ: ----------------------------------- warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/user/public_html/components/com_content/models/section.php on line 347 warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument not valid mysql result resource in /home/user/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 344 --------------------------------- وللتأكيد بأن الخلل في القاعدة وليس في الملفات فقد قمت بتنصيب نسخة اخرى جديدة من جملة على نفس القاعدة وي

Win7 scratch disks full cannot open Photo shop 7

hey new win7 , ps. bought win7 6 core amd machine 8g's of ram 2 750's set in raid 0. loaded phptoshop 7 , said somethimething different volume needed. image ready ps7 opens fine , little know how works. when try open ps7 says "scratch disks full cannot open ps7". can me this? you try running administrator right-click. i think ancient versions of photoshop have problem large drives , raid setups mentioned. you better off getting latest version of photoshop elements everythig , more ps7. (except cmyk.) More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: cdrom

cdrom not mount when put blank cd in, can mount manually when put picture cd in. how can fix this? new installation. have been using ubuntu on computer , did not have problem. do see.....main menu>places>blank cd-rw disc....if yes, click on , post results of action. post copy of "/etc/fstab". change boot order of devices in bios boot on hdd first cd. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] cdrom Ubuntu

Thread: Installation on Crosshair IV with PhenomII 1055T and 2 SSD WD SiliconEdge in RAID 0

hi, i'm trying install ubuntu 10.04_01 on machine config: - phenom ii x6 1055t - crosshair iv formula - kingston 2gb memory ddr3 1333mhz - ati radeon 5870 - 2 ssds western digital siliconedge blue 64gb. i've configured 2 ssds in raid 0, , tried install ubuntu on it. amd64 version doesn't boot totally. i386 version install finishes, when try boot nothing happens. help? out of curiosity, install , run on non-raid set up? here's input (take it's worth): had very, similar set yours (1055, asus xtd, ati 5770) , have spend last 2 weeks struggling system instability, crashes, lost data , general grief. common element in troubleshooting asus board. i'm going rma board faulty, i'm wondering if (asus) doesn't play terribly nice lucid. it's pretty big jump assume that, given how similar setup yours, figured contribute own tale of woe. 1055 sitting in crummy gigabyte right n

Thread: Atheros network card not working(802.11n card)

hi, atheros network card (ar9287) work ath9k driver, reasons, need uninstall it, , install madwifi os version 10.04, , kernel 2.6.32-21-generic; followed howto link: , downloaded madwifi in , (surely, branch version); when "make",there some warning, "athstats.c: format not string literal , no format arguments", , alse "wlanconfig.c: ignoring return value of fgets, declared attribute warn_unused_result",etc. when "make install", 1 warning:"-e needs -e or -f modprobe ath_pci module, reboot, lshw -c network returns "ar9287 unclaimed", suggestions? thank you. 1 thing more, system>administrator>hardware drivers, ati card included, nothing more, wireless card integrated laptop isn't there, can work! what's wrong Forum The Ubuntu Forum Communi

Thread: Changed 2nd CD/DVD player from swap to default...

this first post , i'm long time windows user making switch. currently, i'm running windows 7 , ubuntu(latest version), dual boot, , i've locked myself out of ubuntu. have 2 hard disks , 2 cd/dvd drives. working on getting 2nd hard drive mount on boot , succeeded. should have left enough alone, changed 2 cd drive swap default, (just see if mount automatically), , can't boot ubuntu. hangs. can't in using recovery mode because updated graphics drivers won't allow me read screen during boot ubuntu until boot has completed. if has ideas, please help. had been working pretty until set back. thank posted hiro51 this first post , i'm long time windows user making switch. currently, i'm running windows 7 , ubuntu(latest version), dual boot, , i've locked myself out of ubuntu. have 2 hard disks , 2 cd/dvd drives. working o

data lists and photo galleries

hey there!   i have few questions data lists..   1.) possible somehow program left , right buttons (arrows) scrollbars act normal buttons (i don't want user click on them switch item item, want make them act thumb taking through track mouse over, , stop when mouse moves out)   2.) want make horizontal photo gallery data list. let's have 10 photos in horizontally aligned data list, they're not same size.. of them horizontal , vertical. if make first repeated item picture of lets 900x600 px, others fc generates (or ones can generate) of same size. when want put vertical photo next horizontal ones, goes out of boundaries because it's not 900x600 px. i'm wondering there easy way put both sizes in 1 data list inside fc or how it? i'm looking easiest way make galleries on horizontal scroll width both horizontal , vertical photos (900x600 px , 400x600 px)   thanx!   jelena here 2 tutorials cover of you're talking about.   1. scrolling on mouse-over 2. data list i

Thread: error: implicit declaration of function ‘gdk_gc_new’

i trying build evolution packages debuild, build fails with: e-spinner.c:702: error: implicit declaration of function ‘gdk_gc_new’ error warning. how can compile without getting error, e-spinner need header file? there way compile without getting error? e-spinner.c: ... gdkgc *gc; ... window = gtk_widget_get_window (widget); gc = gdk_gc_new (window); gdk_draw_pixbuf (window, gc, pixbuf, dest.x - x_offset - allocation.x, dest.y - y_offset - allocation.y, dest.x, dest.y, dest.width, dest.height, gdk_rgb_dither_max, 0, 0); g_object_unref (gc); thanks. you can fix including gdk/gdkgc.h gtk include directory included in main gdk file gdk/gdk.h Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Packaging and Compiling Programs error: i

Thread: Problems with Gmail and Gmail Chat

i curious if else has had issues in past couple of days gmail , or gmail chat? several times i've tried log out of gmail , hangs logging out. firefox has killed manually after this. i've noticed gmail chat has same time happened added video support on linux side , wonder if may culprit. when opening chat window minimized screen go white less second , fine. seems have started around time of change chat applet. else noticing or me? see firefox general troubleshooting steps tutorial. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Problems with Gmail and Gmail Chat Ubuntu

Has anyone else seen this warning in log?

does know causes warning appear on jboss log:   [com.adobe.workflow.template .document.defaultprocesstemplatedocument] varible userlcid can not matched exact same case, assuming case insensitive.   thanks in advance!! i receiving error daily   not able find solution that.   2010-07-29 07:26:15,328 warn  [com.adobe.workflow.template.document.defaultprocesstemplatedocument] variblestatus can not matched exact same case, assuming case insensitive.   nith More discussions in LiveCycle Workbench adobe

Thread: edit avi metadata?

i've looked not found way edit metadata of avi (or flash) video file. thought nautilus would, lets 1 add/edit notes. i'm looking whatever controls text displayed in window frame , such when video played. must added in digital format when file created, in cases wrong, mis-spelled, or absent, why can't find way edit it? i'm looking analogous tag-editors ubiquitous audio files, handles avi, mpg , such. ct Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [kubuntu] edit avi metadata? Ubuntu

Extend Features in Adobe Reader

hello,   i'm working on form has several dropdown lists fields wrapped individually hidden subforms become available (visible) once assigned check boxes selected. after testing form, works fine. however, issue i'm running coming after extend features in adobe reader. issue has dropdown items, in i'm using loop display list of items very in same way "purchase order" form comes adobe livecycle. problem before extending features in adobe reader, dropdown list shows items populated in loop planned, however, once extend feature in reader, list items appear twice i.e. item1, item2, item3, then, item1, item2, item3 again if "shadows" items.   when noticed issued in form, thought had done wrong, after double checking confirmed issued occurred on extended file , not on original file. so, decided test on "purchase order" form "extending features in adobe reader" , and same thing occurred "part no." items. can check out yourselves!

automating onlocation

is possible automate or extend onlocation?   i want able automate time coding synchronication of eithe 1 or multiple cameras through bluetooth interface , need able perform automation onlocation. onlocation cs5 not support user scripting or other automation/interface. More discussions in OnLocation adobe

Applying hyperlinks to multiple items

i have created hyperlinks in indesign cs4 file, able applying given link 1 block of text - text highlighted when creating new url hyperlink.   i have named hyperlinks listed on hyperlink panel. if highlight text , click on desired hyperlink in panel, not apply link (i thought maybe applied hyperlinks apply color swatches). when export file pdf, first item linked has active hyperlink.   how apply exisiting/named hyperlink multiple locations? assume possible, or need create new link every location?   thank you. well, it's not possible, @ least can use shared hyperlink destinations.   (see that.) More discussions in InDesign adobe

My website doesn't load? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok on website stopped loading? says done on bottom back-end works fine it's front-end ideas? website: it's issue theme or plug-in. you'll have check apache error logs find out what's wrong. the second link has information on using tail command, useful viewing large log files. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

paste settings + immediate keyboard adjustment = only pasted settings

i've noticed when copy develop settings 1 image , 1 of adjustment sliders selected adjusted +/- keys, if move target image , hit command+v (paste) , press +/- key adjust exposure, both pasted settings , keyboard adjustment shown second , settings revert pasted ones. think may similar bug documented in thread i'm not using mouse @ all. happens if paste develop settings first thing after moving target image. if click on develop slider want adjust , paste settings (even if wait while in between), can make keyboard adjustment , works supposed to. can else confirm bug? don't see addressed in 3.2 release candidate. just tried typing adjustment exposure box after pasting adjustments. same issue weirder. adjustment color balance , exposure +0.3. made exposure 0 , hit return. preview reverted pasted adjustment after half second , second later exposure = 0 adjustment showed in history pane. when clicked on "paste settings"

Multiple TOC in same document (ID CS3)

i in middle of doing our annual report (first time major document in id) - , i'm little green in area of large document production.   the annual report broken various sections (sec 1, sec 2 , on). on first page of each section need have toc, constructed of relevant paragraph styles (heading 2, heading 3) within relevant section.   i thinking add in toc layout > table of contents , seems allowed 1 toc within single document.   so, possible have multiple toc's within single id document, , if so, how do this?   if not, method/process should use achieve desired outcome?   thanks in advance,   michael h   un-check "replace existing toc" when create second one.   indesign can 'update' last toc created; if find need regenerate them all, have go through entire process again. More discussions in InDesign adobe

Teamplate. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how remove template 1. - and how change text 2. - ?????????? go extensions/template manager open template using, select edit html , change text find near bottom. if template free, might condition of sg leave link them. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Missing footage once imported

i've got minute of footage on nikon d5000 dslr camera, uploaded footage pc , played in media player , it's fine, imported premiere , tried play footage there. footage shows 2 second of whole video , no more, have tried drag video file on track across make longer not go further, footage has gone. ideas? the nikon shoots mjpeg doesn't it?   do know mjpeg codec have installed?   i've seen duration issues before, other codec's, , not shoot mjpeg.   in case, divx footage, converted dv-avi type ii, , of conversions import , play fine. every , then, 1 show 45 sec., when should 15 - 20 mins. in case, found importing problem file prelements, , export same exact format/codec. file works fine in prpro.   with mjpeg, not sure best program/utility try "conversion."   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

cffileupload - JSON return causing error

i have page has cffileuload tag. the process page moves file new location , returns json stuct.   <cfset str.status = 200> <cfset str.message = "passed"> <cfoutput>#serializejson(str)#</cfoutput>   when run page red bar error (no number) on first file , uploading stops.  actual file move being processed.   when comment out str.status = 200 seems work fine.   i don't have understanding of ajax under assumption status 200 feedback uploader page has run.   according documentation need output json above.    any appreciated.   running: cf9.0.1 i'm having same problem. examples i've found upload handler should return following json (using own appropriate values):   <cfset str.status = 200> <cfset str.message = "this message."> <cfoutput>#serializejson (str)#</cfoutput>   but error... progress bar turns red , when output results of oncomplete js function, get   status: [500], message: [error], file: [temp.txt]  

Thread: Temperature Monitoring od atom D510

i've received advantech pcm-9362 motherboard using intel atom d510 cpu. lucid installs on no problem i'm using industrial application wanted monitor core temp of cpu. i've done before on hardy cannot work on lucid. montor temp on hardy used lm-sensors , sensor-applet. i've tried installing lm-sensor , computertemp on lucid , although sensor-detect finds sensors , adds coretemp /etc/modules when run sensor command or add hardware monitor teh task bar cannot detect sensors has managed working or can give me advice? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] Temperature Monitoring od atom D510 Ubuntu

Somebody who can help: - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

in site: got text: knows do? "notice: use of undefined constant _current_server_time - assumed '_current_server_time' in /home/users/liumo/www/modules/mod_s5_content_accordion/mod_s5_content_accordion.php on line 262" and: arning: include(header.php) [function.include]: failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/users/liumo/www/templates/rt_hivemind_j15/index.php on line 210 warning: include() [function.include]: failed opening 'header.php' inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/share/pear:/usr/local/share/php') in /home/users/liumo/www/templates/rt_hivemind_j15/index.php on line 210 warning: include(sidenav.php) [function.include]: failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/users/liumo/www/templates/rt_hivemind_j15/index.php on line 213 warning: include() [function.include]: failed opening 'sidenav.php' inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/share/pear:/usr/local/share/php') in /home/users/liumo/www

Best way to do this?

i using captivate 4 , publishing zip file uploaded our lms. have done many times. however, time little different me. after learner reads through elearning, on last page want them see signoff statement, reads,   i have read , agree blah, blah, blah .....   and options yes , no.   if click yes, app finishes , closes out , show course completed , good. this no problem , have that. if click no, app still closes not show completed course. 1 giving me trouble. app doesn't close. any advise on appreciated. More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Reset Flash After Video

hello:   i have animation in scene1 , have button launches user video in scene 2. in scene2 have following actionscript play video:   var nc:netconnection = new netconnection(); nc.connect (null); var ns:netstream = new netstream(nc); thevideo.attachvideo (ns);"homepage.f4v");     the video plays fine, how flash reset scene1, frame 1 when it's finished?   any thoughts?   thanks!   -q use loop repeatedly check ns.time.  when ns.time equal f4v's duration (you can use onmetadata function find duration), use goto method return frame 1. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

CS5 Image Processor - One script, different image sizes and save locations

hello guys!   is possible make 1 script convert several images different image sizes should saved in different locations? the xml structure clear, photoshop accepts second "script" if load test xml file 2 scripts in it.   thanks lot !!!   best regards,   tobias hey!   i solved problem action in changed picture size 4 times (4 times saving web included)   its perfect needs!   thanks anyway More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

user name when commenting

i have acrobat 8 pro installed on window 7 64 bit pc. when add comments pdf files comments show owner not user name ,the name inserted in prefrences. unchecked box use login name , still marks coments owner. how can fix besides creating new user? may issue aa8 on win7. used aa9.3.3 , got work, not quite expected. selected options in comment , selected properties>general. able set author. @ bottom of window selection making options default. checked , future comments had new name. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Thread: Problem with FreeNX

i have ubuntu 10.04 (lucid lynx) computer freenx server on it. trying access windows xp computer using nxcleint. wxp connect linux computer , desktop screen. have 2 computers side side viewing setup. on wxp don't same screen showing on linux computer (cannot see windows open etc.) have total independent system. want view same display on both computers in vnc trying. understanding remote access using freenx faster , more secure vnc on internet. suggestions on problem? i'm not expert think when connect via freenx, opens new session. not same vnc. same ussing ssh log-in not using command line. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Problem with FreeNX Ubuntu