
Showing posts from January, 2015

Treba mi pomoc oko koda - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

e treba mi brzinska pomoc imam sledece: code: select all <div class="browseproductcontainer">                       <h3 class="browseproducttitle"><a title="<?php echo $product_name ?>" href="<?php echo $product_flypage ?>">             <?php echo $product_name ?></a>         </h3>              <div class="browseproductdescription">             <?php echo $product_s_desc ?>&nbsp;             <a href="<?php echo $product_flypage ?>" title="<?php echo $product_details ?>"><?php echo $product_details ?>...</a>         </div>         <div class="browsepricecontainer">             <h3 class="browseproducttitle"><?php echo $product_price ?></h3>         </div>                 <span class="browseaddtocartcontainer">         <?php echo $form_addtocart ?>

Thread: How-to boot Windows 7 on a different drive?

hello. have system 2 drives, sda , sdb. ubuntu 10.04 installed on sda , windows 7 installed on sdb. _can_ boot both ubuntu , windows if change boot order in bios, however, when try boot default windows entry grub menu, screen goes blank couple seconds , once again presented grub menu. when try boot of "fixes" found online get, "error: invalid signature." below default /boot/grub/grub.cfg along 6 of "fixes" have found via google , ubuntuforums, , dmesg. ideas? i'm stuck... many in advanced comments. code: # # not edit file # # automatically generated /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates # /etc/grub.d , settings /etc/default/grub # ### begin /etc/grub.d/00_header ### if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; load_env fi set default="0" if [ ${prev_saved_entry} ]; set saved_entry=${prev_saved_entry} save_env saved_entry set prev_saved_entry= save_env prev_saved_entry set boot_once=true fi functio

Joomla article preview effect in articles links - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, can let me know how recreate effect when article previewed in admin console on link in text of article. so have article links within article. on clicking on links, pop-up open containing contents of article without whole template surrounding it, content of linked article. (same preview in article editor). * include "modal" behavior in template: code: select all jhtml::_('behavior.modal'); * create link in content article want show, , add address: code: select all &tmpl=component * give link created in last step class "modal" for more info, search "joomla behavior modal" Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Article Submission - Save/Cancel buttons link destination - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone! i looking way customize link joomla links front end users after press button submit/cancel when submitting new article. hope doing great today! rafael i start looking here: .../components/com_content/controller.php code: select all    function save()    { ...       $referer = jrequest::getstring('ret',  base64_encode(juri::base()), 'get');       $referer = base64_decode($referer);       if (!juri::isinternal($referer)) {          $referer = '';       }       $this->setredirect($referer, $msg);       let me know if need more help. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Need help with new menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i having trouble getting menu show up. created horizontal top menu, published 4 items it, , enabled it's module. @ first showed on top of main menu on left position of page. changed position pathway. didn't show up. changed position "user 3" (a module named in index.php file). got nothing. changed right position, , left position. got nothing both times. have no idea might have changed or did not right. i'm wondering if, since tabbed varies pages supposed show on has it? if so, know how change all? thank time. ok, got menu work changing position user 3 , selecting of items under menu item assignments. basically, misunderstood selection meant , selected top menu items. thus, since none of main menu items selected had no way of getting top menu items. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Content Types, A Missing Part From Joomla Core! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

joomla ! defenetly best, myself owe cms , love it. a component newly developed joomla different companies. joomsuite first did it. now there 1 content type in joomla html, means whenever want create content gives html editor, can enter html code or use it's tools create content, if "product" page or "about us" or else. and after (developers) deliver website customer, customer have work html editor whenever needs create/edit content. with component joomla turned real dynamic , customized cms. create own content types accourding needs , customer can create new content entering information in related fields , component creates content. it's much, big change , think future of joomla. you can create customized website cutommer's need. i think valuable components must in joomla core. joomla can have 2 versions, easy , pro. must in joomla core. can compete joomla feature??? when component part of joomla core, more plugines, types , ... created it. please see co

Plaatje uitlijnen en tekst er NIET onderdoor laten lopen - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik ben de weg kwijt, en weet het niet meer. ik wil in mijn css een class opneme zodat je een plaatje links kan laten lijnen en dat de tekst dan rechts van de foto blijft. ook nadat de foto ophoud. zie voorbeeld schets. wat moet ik dan opnemen in mij class. me ooit een keer gelukt maar kan het niet meer terugvinden. wat ik nu heb (moet dus nog iets aangepast): code: select all .plaatje_linkslijnend_blok {    border: 0px;    float: left;    margin-right: 7px;    margin-top: 2px;    margin-bottom: 2px;    padding: 0px; /* moet hieronder dus iets anders komen, maar wat */    display: block;    clear: none;    } dat krijg je alleen voor elkaar door de afbeelding en tekst in een aparte div of cel te plaatsen of door de afbeelding heel veel marge aan de onderkant mee te geven. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.5 Templates

Only one "registered user" username and pword? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm trying out displaying our volunteers rota on test site. won't show full name or contact details, first name , date , "shift" they're on. i'll have 1 or 2 volunteers have own user names , authors or publishers, need have different username , password every volunteer wants check online rota? having 1 registered username , password security risk? don't want them edit it, view it. feel better have them log on view rota, don't know why! tia you can issue 1 login , password, person logs in using it, "boot out" whoever logged in same credentials. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Ubuntu won't boot!

help! shutdown laptop no apparent issues, , when went restart few minutes later, wouldn't boot up. after dell screen blinking cursor. can't grub menu start in recovery mode. i'm running off liveusb @ moment. i've mounted hard drive don't know next. it's running again. after shut down liveusb session, removed sd card had left in slot, powered again , ubuntu started up. can't see why have messed things because booted enough off liveusb card still in slot. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Ubuntu won't boot! Ubuntu

Thread: How to make time & date persistent in Ubuntu

i've noticed every time desktop turned on date & time last time used it, , have put in correct date & time again (this why chose word 'persistent' within tittle). when try change have write in password date time if 'login-in' once not enough! want know how put in date & time , receive correct amounts next time turn unit on again, should be? i've open terminal & administrator's authority/credentials? in advanced on this! using ntp (network time protocol) best way, because it's more accurate (usually) system clock in bios (not sure why ubuntu clock not grabbing date/time bios.... li battery dying?) use (they use atomic clock, need precise time naval navigation, , father works them, that's why picked them there many ntps) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support

Reader won't launch in 64-bit linux

reader (currently 9.3.3) tries launch fails error message : " acroread: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib32/ undefined symbol: g_malloc_n". os kubuntu 10.04 x86-64 32-bit libs installed. try make -l glib   regards: kad1r weblogs More discussions in Adobe Reader for Unix adobe

Safe to delete LR Catalog Previews?

my lr catalog previews folder has grown on 50gb , slows down backup times. is safe not folder up?  can recreate catalog previews long have catalog database backed correct? i figure in case of disaster i'll have what's important (the catalog db), , can rebuild catalog previews.   am correct in thinking that? thanks! you can recreate catalog previews long have catalog database backed correct? you need original photos, in location catalog expects them be.   i stop backing previews. still need catalog file , photos. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Please help with payment problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, relatively new joomla , client has asked me set payment facility. website visitor asked fill in details, select plan wish purchase, pay via credit card. have absolutely no idea start this. can point me @ right extension. thanking in advance. hello , welcome, pardon me, sign , pay ______? (a plan wish purchase) a product? membership site? file download? hosting package? try virtuemart, if stock shopping cart solution seek, though there many others available. being new joomla apprx 2-3 years ago, give 3 or 4 days speed on it's inner workings, , perhaps longer more intricate details , codes. as 1 webmaster another, please consider ssl project , incorporate fees. joined small group @ jday las vegas e-commerce , told liable if store credit card information , information breached. fines go domain owner, starting @ 150,000.00 per incident....just know you're getting into, if don't already. regards, doc

Ghost Login form?! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, thanks joomla before everything.i enjoy in every pice of code maked. have problem "ghost login form". we have community cb community login, , disable joomla login. when users loged in have kunena forum. after reply on topic receive mail (subscription). in mail have link forum topic. in case user not loged in, after clicking on link in mail, on front end of portal appears login form not know comes from. - see attachment, have on right login form cb , left "ghost login form" - the same happens when user session expires. my question how menage form? how remove or how disabled? ps: find solution visibility properties in css , solution not remove login heading. thanks! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

seo image error! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my website images craching when enable seo why? seo mod_rewrite etc etc working properly. cant see images when on seo why? plz me. hi mosesbrozz, check image url path , without sef. can mousing on image , right clicking see image properties. if different, know there in [dot]htaccess changing path image folder. the [dot]htaccess should not change image path. if is, re-install current version htaccess.txt file original joomla files , re-set [dot]htaccess Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Couple of Hardware Questions

hey guys. see ubuntu has been throttling cpu half speed (1300mhz). can disable command found doesn't permanately turn off. system can still throttle 1300mhz. how permanately disable cpu throttling? also, see ubuntu recognizing around 3.8gb of ram when have total of 4096mb. system bios first had problem until manually set spd settings , voltages. bios recognizes full 4096 windows 7, ubuntu not. causing error? i *think* if remove "cpufreqd" , "cpufrequtils" packages cpu should run @ ful sped @ time. dont know sure, i've never tried removing it. power , heat reduction, , if computer under load, ramps full speed. 3.8gb/4gb issue, ubuntu reporting real amount of ram avaible system (windows can lie this). though possible dont have pae kernel running, limiting 3.something bg of ram. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavour

Resolution settings - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i'm using color fall template , have choice of setting site show fluid 100 % or fixed -1024. have set fluid -100% , setting. i've had others check site on computers in different browsers , looks great. however, still insist on using older browsers , having resolution set (in opinion) low , therefore have scroll bit see site. rest of this,cater refuse stay date or use settings reflect date use? thoughts, sean i ignore people can not bothered update browsers / computer. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

404 Errors - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, new joomla! , have run through quick start guide , set landscape site directed, whole admin side of works fine , got grips easily. my problem coming in front-end , i'm receiving 404 errors when click on any/all article(s) or participate in any/all poll(s)... content @ not being displayed... front-end url am missing something, have activated i've not done yet? i'm running through remote host, tests/checks performed during installation phase came passed , aok running joomla. stuck , @ loss looking assistance :-) thanks, peter if goto go holding page <html> <head> <title> no more... *sniff* </title> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#cc0000" link="#0000cc"> <center> <table align="center" width="75%" border="0"> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"> &nbsp; <

Thread: Switching and closing windows from the top panel

hello. want know if can switching , closing windows top panel in ubuntu desktop editon ? here picture want: right click on open space in panel, add panel, window list Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Switching and closing windows from the top panel Ubuntu

Menu Bar behind mp3 Player

hi everybody, embedded mp3 players website , satisfied them.  noticed if hover on menu on left side of screen, sublinks pop , underneath music players.  know how move menu bar infront of mp3 players? , suppose in case..move them infront of else?  here link. hi,   in case use "sprymenuhorizontal" instead of vertical.   the other possibility of course regulation "padding". move down music players. space above use more explanation.   . content ( / * padding: 10px 0; * / padding: 200px 0; width: 80%; additionally place music players middle or right. done simple direct formatting. here:     hth hans-g. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: install from usb useing cd

the opensuse cd displayed when tryed install cd: (note provide information not ask means) "waiting /usb device scan complete waiting cd/dvd device(s) appear waiting usb device scan complete failed detect cd/dvd or usb drive! reboot exception: error consoles @ alt-f3/f4 reboot exception: reboot in 120sec" did in ubuntu installation made live usb of opensuse. tried install cd usb in drive (note computer cannot boot usb) , found usb , went through installation. know don’t opensuse , put kubuntu on machine cannot create kubuntu disk, have ubuntu disc wondering if same thing opensusebu use ubuntu disk allow computer recognize usb , install kubuntu usb. posted 2ndconfused1 ....... have ubuntu disc wondering if same thing opensusebu use ubuntu disk allow computer recognize usb , install kubuntu usb.

Thread: Opera Home root personaldir??

opera bugging me first time, , wanting trial separation. tried remove cli , got following message don't understand, thinking might indicate why op buggy.( find didnt install op repos, btw.) "opera: $home set /root. use -personaldir if not want use /root/.opera/" mean? somehow opera installation directed use root's folder, isn't good. should using own don't use (and won't go through hoops install unless need to), judging on error message should run: opera -personaldir /home/<yourusername> if didn't install via repos, how did manage it? executable? also, it's odd magically decided use root's folder. did log in root or use root privileges opera @ point? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Opera Home root personaldir?? Ubuntu

Thread: Netbook edition removal

so wanted give lucid's netbook edition go, thru synaptic installed it. thinking i'd able switch between normal gnome , netbook edition @ login screen, could. problem was, in normal gnome session netbook launcher still showing , when windows maximized, top window border missing, in netbook edition. figured i'd remove netbook , restore gnome it's defaults. problem i've run can not right click on desktop after doing so. files , folders not show on actual desktop (they show in nautilus, although normal default bookmark desktop not in place), , cannot click , drag highlight. i've re-installed gnome/ubuntu-desktop... think of, via synaptic. ideas need back? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Netbook edition removal Ubuntu

Thread: Start Liferay at Boot

i know ubuntu has changed startup system in 10.04 , wondering how go starting liferay server @ boot (instead of starting manually). there's startup script, can setup symlink somewhere have start automatically? i've tried searching through documentation , google of applies older versions of ubuntu. i'm not using right vocabulary, appreciate here. what command use @ moment start it, , need sudo? can write shell script command in , add shell script startup applications list if not need sudo start, or perhaps add command without sudo /etc/rc.local file, above "exit 0" line. possible init.d script may work suggest, things no longer work using init.d Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [SOLVED] Start Liferay at Boot Ubuntu

Where are PS CS3 web gallery settings in XP?

where web gallery settings have set stored in windows xp? i want transfer them newly reloaded win xp sysytem , don't want try recreate them. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe