
Showing posts from July, 2014

Thread: Best config for a media center?

so i'm thinking building custom system server/media center. want play hd videos lcd out flinching. (i tried old tower of mine , keep crashing). , want simple samba/ftp transfer laptops. nothing extreme on server part focus video. anyway ive never built syestem ground , im kinda overwhelmed , have no clue start. thought cpu/mother board ideal or mayb should start @ graphics card? thinking maybe i5 or core 2 dou. wanna stay around $500. have optical drives , stuff need cpu, board, ram , gonna try use old case. can point me in right direction here config be? , if im high thinking i'm gonna stay under $500 haha. thanks! hardware: cpu: amd athlon x2 250 mobo: gigabyte 890gpt-ud3h atx ram: 4gb kingston value ram kit gpu: onboard (this should work) sound: onboard psu: antec earthwatts 550 can use ubuntu 64-bit , use mediatomb shuffle files across. system has grunt play 1080p .mkv's. other bit

twitch problem

hi everyone i have adobe after effects cs4. installed twitch plugin correctly there problem it well see self and did in scene activating slide didn't touch amount or else i belive seppose slide rendomly not change color , inverse , didn't apear. so please realy need if have idea please tell me thank you it looks wrong.  rendering opengl (you shouldn't be)? using latest version of twitch? More discussions in After Effects adobe

Thread: Digital Cameras, Older Computer using Koala

i know posted before inquiring digital camera usage , ubuntu. when using hardy heron, still. have upgraded way koala. noticed in first post made digital cameras , ubuntu, mentioned using cards come cameras nowadays. thing is, computer old enough not have media slots. secondly, trying save other things digital camera, , need relatively inexpensive camera works out of box koala, using usb cord. in no position new tower have media slots (about workings clueless). got ideas can ponder? blessings, kat ^.^ i have little usb/sd card converter - plug memory card converter use usb stick (its same size). works well, quick, , cheep (i got mine free memory card). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Digital Cameras, Older Computer using Koala Ubuntu

update / refresh stage

hi,   i write picture on hd air command , want show message user because takes while calculate , write data. of course stage isn't refreshed while executing calculations. there way directly refresh stage? saw updateafterevent won't work here.   tia updateafterevent works timerevent , mouseevent. try implement timer. keep in mind flash doesn't support multithreading though. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Component - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, i'm developing component want accessed registered user's. have tried bit of code telling me wether user logged in: code: select all $user =& jfactory::getuser(); if ($user->guest) {    echo "<p>you not logged in.</p>"; } else {    echo "<p>you logged in.</p>"; } but wanted know best practice be? should called in controller? ideally user prompted login if aren't , redirected component, can done? thanks in advance. then need edit file redirect them component log people in. far know can et parameter in login module. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

How to display article to only non-registered visitors - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have article on front page, want display unregistered visitors. once has logged in, don't want displaying on front page. how that? ok making articles show registered users, want reverse. thanks, would require coding. not sure depth of coding start digging through com_content. you need put hook somewhere using below code wherever articles looped through. $user =& jfactory::getuser(); // logic check article id, if match following code if($user->guest){ // show article } i wouldn't recommend hacking com_content. maybe see if doable plug-in if coding. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: Upgrade Kubuntu 7.10 to 10.04?

hello, i'm using kubuntu 7.10 on notebook. works , have working correctly, nice on newest version of kubuntu. in addition, of development tools requiring newer versions of glibc what's installed on os. question: there safe, reliable way upgrade kubuntu 7.10 instance latest 10.04 release? or better start on fresh installation? thank you!! -ryan i start fresh. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [kubuntu] Upgrade Kubuntu 7.10 to 10.04? Ubuntu

Is a 301 redirect the answer? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi here's dilemma - had website called example primary domain , purchased new domain called same host. asked host make primary domain instead of . now appears google having problems indexing site. wondering if need 301 redirect of whole site enable google crawl new domain in order index it. google still has indexed pages of old site on google don't lead where. i'm unsure do??? any appreciated. it sounds if having duplicate content problem - google not index site content copy of existing site. the way through 301 redirect old site new. tells google old site has been permanently relocated. hosts might able you. otherwise, if server supports it, can use mod rewrite achieve this. put following (suitably modified) .htaccess file on old site:- code: select all rewriteengine on rewritecond %{http_host} ^www\.oldsite\.com [or] rewritecond %{http_host} ^oldsite\.com rewriterule ^(.*)$


acrobat 8 standard acrobat 8 pro   acrobat 9 standard acrobat 9 pro   any advice on purchase, , best purcashe them?? that depends.   you should @ specifications them (might hard find 8 since it's not sale adobe more) , decide on own. don't know need. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

Spanned tables locks up ID CS5

i started laying out book has multiple large tables flow regular text.  i've applied spanning style paragraph contains table flow text in 2-column layout.  ever since applying style, id has become sensitive. if try resize text box contains table, spinning cursor , id never recovers . . . have force quit , restart. if edit table text style in way causes table have reflow, same lock up. if "select all" in side story , cut , make changes style or text box , paste text story, app not lock up. text tables came ms word, i've reformatted using cell styles , exported entire file idml , opened try , clear out corruptions. i've worked smaller tables in id cs5, first time working large tables , using spanning columns feature. has else run problem or have run fluke?   cs5 on mac 10.5.8 i'm positive issue in spanning option.  had page table flowing on regular 1 column textframe.  table empty--i had cleared of content accept row , column headers. clicked on textframe , on

create PDF with IDML file

hi all, sorry bad english i'll try :-) we have application create idml file using cs4 sdk. the idml file created aplication opening whit indesign whith out problems.   but now, problem using same file generate (idml file) pdf file.   how give pdf file using sdk or other thing?   thanks answers. vanessa. there no immediate route idml pdf, @ point have open indesign, import document, write out pdf. although these steps can scripted, or plugin written. More discussions in InDesign SDK adobe

Thread: Skype video overlay issue

hi there! i've strange video problem skype when during call i'm starting video. looks skype made copy of top part of screen , put on bottom ... on right side of video. may described not clearly, screenshot example ... don't have 2 tvs in living room skype shows me. bottom part copy of top part. pc: laptop dell studio 15, integrated web cam (already tried usb web cam - same result) , ubuntu 10.04 (on oldest same bug). ideas, should dig? video codecs, webcam drivers or settings them? no clue, anyone? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Skype video overlay issue Ubuntu

Mijn website verplaatsen - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik heb de domme fout gemaakt om mijn website in een aparte folder te maken in mijn public folder. oftewel, om naar mijn website te gaan moet je intikken. dat niet echt handig,ik weet het. weet iemand hoe ik mijn data uit mijn foldr haal zodat ik hem ka installeren in de public folder? terugdownloaden en uploaden in de public_html lijkt me? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Algemene vragen

Thread: RT3572 not working after kernel upgrade

i updated , installed kernel 2.6.35-19. ususally when upgrade kernel can re-build drivers , restart , good. time errors during "make" step. rebooted previous kernel , works fine. suggestions? attached files uname output.txt (82 bytes, 7 views) make output.txt (6.9 kb, 7 views) bump diddly bump bump Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] RT3572 not working after kernel upgrade Ubuntu

How to put an images on the Tabs in TabNavigator

can use skin this? way? hi,   if want display icons, check example More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Modd files

what easiest way me change modd files from  sony elements 7>i need easy way understand. had brain surgery , im little slower usual. know can done   thats why bought it,   you here article plenty of links.   note pre 8, jvc employee, chris, states there direct, native support of mod files. has replied several similar threads on last year.   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

Joomla Programmierer gesucht - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

gesucht wird ein bzw. mehrere joomla programmierer, seo-bearbeiter, sowie marketingstrategen die mit einem mtl. budget maximale erfolge herausholen können. hier einige seiten die aktuell bearbeitet werden müssten: es sind auch eigene komplett neu struktierte seiten möglich - je nach individuellen fähigkeiten des programmierers. die bezahlung kann individuell erfolgen - je nach aufwand und erfolg. es ist auch eine umsatzbezogene bezahlung denkbar. bei interesse bitte unter 03362/500609 melden. ansprechpartner ist herr giesel. sehr geehrter auftraggeber, als beratende internet- und medien

How to make a poll box disappear after voting - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i've looked time on joomla, forum , google, can't figure out. i want visitors have not yet voted, have ability vote (in other words, poll menu should visible). visitors (guests or members) have voted should not see vote menu more. is there plugin popup menu's options put poll in there. or there sort of menu manager plugin witch enable users click specific menu away? or there way hide menu after voting? any appreciated. p.s. i'm building 1,5 joomla site locally artisteer template Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Joomla + VirtueMart: Search problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys, i 'm using standard joomla search on site. works ok on pages, exept virtuemart, big problem typing keywords returns tech support pages none of actual product pages. virtuemart has it's own search plugin, enabled, don't want confuse customers 2 search modules on page. is there way make standard joomla search work correctly on virtuemart pages? or anythining solve problem? thanks! upd : virtuemart extended search plugin enabled joomla search returns product pages, kinda helps, problem show items pages (not product pages) in search results. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Crashes when saving

this has become quite problematic obvious reasons. can't save @ tall. save project bar comes nothing happens , have force quit. no longer have ability save. using macbook pro i7 8 gig of ram. thoughts? i'm in quite panic here. i had problem 1 project on macbook pro (same specs you). increased frequency of auto save 5 minutes, max number of auto saves 20, , saved manually every few hours. reason auto save worked fine manual save freeze program. discovered if waited 2-5 minutes after manually saving, program unfreeze on own. switched different external drive , problem went away. More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Drag from Lightroom 3 to Photodex Producer

i use able drag media expressions/ivew media pro photodex producer when building slideshows, worked fine. i tried using lightroom 3 library module producer , did not work.   is there way in lightroom3? i wanted use dam part of lightroom instead of media expressions don't think microsoft going keep updated. you can use "photo/edit in" or set export dialog open image(s) in image app choose after export. windows @ least, "photo/show in explorer" let right click on original image , use "open with" dialog.   fyi, microsoft has sold expression media phase 1 , phase 1 assume responsibility support sometime later summer/fall. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

[SOLVED] Problem producing pdfs - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have strange thing happening. when (several) of viewers of site click on pdf button produce pdf, blank screen. @ bottom of screen right of 'done' messages, "unknown zone - | protected mode on'. when try using up-to-date firefox browser, have no problems seeing pdf. is kind of ie security thing? site uses joomla 1.5.14. site url is: there issue ie7 , pdf. please @ joomla! documentation on how fix it: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Can I have TWO background images? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, i'm using jsn epic pro template. want have 2 background images: 1 top left no repeat , 1 top right no repeat. can alter css top left image possible have bg image? i've tried putting... <html><body bgcolor="#ffffff" url(../images/bgright.jpg) no-repeat top right></body></html> index.html no joy. any ideas? thank you! give 1 bg in body {} and other 1 like... give new <div style=" ....... . "></div> after body in edit html. you can give class"" , call in css Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Separate cache in Grid mode writing to install drive?

hello all,   working on pc, win 7 64bit, lr 3.0   so, noticed odd tonight while culling shots catalog of 1000 images in grid mode; went through each shot in loupe mode on main monitor , grid mode on secondary picking , rejecting shots; catalog, photos , previews on "d:" drive, raw cache on "f:" drive , lr installed on "c:". 3/4 of way through photos lr starting bogging down horribly, taking 10-15 seconds move next photo or register i'd flagged it, etc. wasn't sure causing shut down lr, have hdd monitor on desktop shows me capacities , notices @ time lr closed c: drive 99.9% full , after lr closed drive space started opening , drive returned it's normal capacity (about 14% free)   my question is, why did lr write 20gb of temp data install drive, putting , there way change that? since lr grabbing photos , previews separate drive, kind of cache on install drive?   thanks help!   -justin virtual memory (pagefile.sys) maybe? More discussions in

features: index inside pdf-document possible and referring form fields?

hi @ all,   i know whether possible adobe acrobat 9 pro extended   1. create index inside pdf-document (like in word-documents)? i not mean index on left hand side, index @ beginning of document (i.g. inserting additional pages) showing page numbers, chapters etc.   2. refer form fields copying 1 form's values (value = text-format!) to automatically   --- once again in german / und nochmal auf deutsch:   ich würde gerne wissen, ob es möglich ist, mit  adobe acrobat 9 pro extended   1. ein inhaltsverzeichnis innerhalb eines pdf-dokuments zu erstellen (vgl. word-dokument)? ich meine nicht das verzeichnis auf der linken seite, sondern ein verzeichnis anfang des dokuments (d.h. zusätzliche seiten einfügen), das seitenzahlen, kapitel usw. anzeigt   2. formularfelder aufeinander zu beziehen indem der wert eines feldes (wert = text-format!) automatisch in ein anderes kopiert wird 1. acrobat has no built-in option creating index or toc. need to do in editing application, word or indesign

Flash cs5 crashes when adding actionscript

every time try , add kind of action script (2 or 3) file, crashes.   i'm using cs5 on win 7 64-bit.   any ideas???? did try run flash administrator (right click run administrator) if didn't solve problem go use cleanup script provided on adobe whitepapers (don't remember link) , reinstall. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Grub 2 problems with plymouth and ralate accidents

hi net, i'm trying make splash plymouth working, since screen remains black @ boot. not sure of steps i'm going do, suggestion or warning welcome. i'm trying follow guide found @ . resume: have nvidia geforce gtx260 philips flat screen 220ws. nvidia-settings know current resolution 1680x1050 same value reported in output ou xrandr: djangou@esperydes:~$ xrandr screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 1680 x 1050 default connected 1680x1050+0+0 0mm x 0mm 1680x1050 50.0* 51.0 1440x900 52.0 53.0 1400x1050 54.0 55.0 56.0 1360x768 57.0 58.0 1280x1024 59.0 60.0 1280x960 61.0 1280x720 62.0 1152x864 63.0 64.0 65.0 66.0 1024x768 67.0 68.0 69.0 960x600 70.0 960x540 71.0 840x525 72.0 73.0 74.

Thread: Windows 7 / Linux dual boot

hi i've been running ubuntu while , decided dual boot, partitioned hd , installed windows 7 in new partition , works fine, when boot goes straight windows 7 , can't work out how linux partition.. can help? you need reinstall grub. need latest live cd see more details Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Windows 7 / Linux dual boot Ubuntu

disable mandatory fields when subform is hidden

i having problem new section of form i've created. when box checked section pops up. within new section, there more options choose.  problem is, when form hidden mandatory fields still being recognized mandatory.  (atleast think that's wrong). im hoping can offer help. have send form, easier explain when see form. if can appreciate it. thank you, nik instead of making field mandatory in object palette properties, check whether field null or has value using script before form submitted..   that way can have more control on mandatory check. can check if subform visible.   here sample talking about..   thanks srini More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

question about "missing glyph" error in CS4/CS5 live preflight

hi all   basically i'm wondering "missing glyph" error refers , implications of such error. file doesn't mention it, far can see.   i have pdfs (from wordperfect) causing error when imported indesign. think pages cause error have been corrected pdf editor (iceni infix) acrobat reports fonts embedded , subsetted. third-party preflight programs reports okay too.   am safe ignore these errors?   thanks, iain i'm not sure "missing glyph" picks missing glyphs in pdfs. id point when click page number hyperlink in preflight panel?   if have missing glyphs in document text, this:     -- again, perhaps cannot see pink highlight because of background (an image) or foreground (another character 'on top of it', or perhaps graphic on text).   how serious is? it's ... critical! can see in image, thing indesign can notify pink highlight , temporarily insert font's own "missing" image (which may rectangle, question mark, or space).   fortunat

Thread: VMware workstation 7 untable to compile with new kernel.

okay installed linux kernel , vmware wont run been searching few hours "fix" found few files don't seem work here's log vmware updater appreciated code: aug 20 01:04:09.520: app-140689147180800| log vmware workstation pid=22622 version=7.1.1 build=build-282343 option=release aug 20 01:04:09.520: app-140689147180800| process 64-bit. aug 20 01:04:09.520: app-140689147180800| host codepage=utf-8 encoding=utf-8 aug 20 01:04:09.520: app-140689147180800| logging /tmp/vmware-root/setup-22622.log aug 20 01:04:09.607: app-140689147180800| modconf query interface initialized aug 20 01:04:09.607: app-140689147180800| modconf library initialized aug 20 01:04:09.624: app-140689147180800| gcc version: 4.4 aug 20 01:04:09.627: app-140689147180800| gcc version: 4.4 aug 20 01:04:09.632: app-140689147180800| gcc version: 4.4 aug 20 01:04:09.639: app-140689147180800| gcc version: 4.4 aug 20 01:04:09.644: app-140689147180800| gcc version: 4.4 aug 20 0

supertabbar not focusing the selected tab's canvas

hi,   i have buttonscrolling canvas, , on there hi,   i have buttonscrolling canvas, , on there supertabbar.  have lot of tabs on it, more can fit in screen, in order scroll tabs @ end have use button navigate right or left.   what correct way set focus/activate selected tab , view? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Menu Item NOT displaying in Main Menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm new joomla, using version 1.5.14, i've been asked seo , blog existing joomla site. i've figured out how insert metatags, i've edited stylesheet make space new item "blog" added main menu. problem new item not displaying on website. other menu items link articles, item type "external link" , links blog url. problem here? please help! thanks hi, its easy. just go menu manager in joomla admin. go main menu. add menu item. select type external link tree menu list appears on left. give menu title. select enable option below input title. save it. done. let me know if helps you. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

migrating: Could not create directory (Jfolder) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

problem description: i trying install component called migrationassistant v1.5.2 finish migration of website joomla 1.0 1.5. error: log/error message: jfolder::create: not create directory component install: failed create directory.: \"*/htdocs/components/com_migrationassistant\" actions taken resolve: i set 777 permissions /tmp, /components diagnostic information joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.14 stable [ wojmamni ama naiki ] 30-july-2009 23:00 gmt configuration.php: not writable (mode: 444 ) | rg_emulation: n/a architecture/platform: linux 2.6.18-5-486 ( i686) | web server: apache/2.2.3 (debian) php/5.2.0-8+etch13 ( ) | php version: 5.2.0-8+etch13 php requirements: register_globals: disabled | magic_quotes_gpc: enabled | safe_mode: disabled | mysql support: yes | xml support: yes | zlib support: yes mbstring support (1.5): yes | iconv support (1.5): yes | <br /> <b>warning</b>: is_writable() [<a href=''>fun

importing flash symbols from an external SWF using URLrequest

hello. i'm trying several days import flash symbols flex application. i can't @embed because swf file contains skins not available locally need use urlrequest.   this i've got far.   1. created flash file, lets call foo.swf contains several elements in library , each element has both `export actionscript` , `export runtime sharing` on. 1 of elements called 'test' movieclip of image.   2. created flex project creates swf flashskins.swf contains following wrapper class:           package         {             import flash.display.sprite;                      public class wrapper extends sprite                 {                  [embed(source="foo.swf",symbol="test")]                     [bindable]public static var test: class;              }          }   i tested make sure class fetchs symbols flash file properly using following code:       <fx:script>         <![cdata[             public var wrapper:wrapper;         ]]>     </fx:scr

Thread: Multiboot USB...

hey all? big 1 you... have 16gb usb flash drive. want: ubuntu 10.04 installed on it ability choose, @ boot, whether boot ubuntu, or rescue utilities put on there ideally able keep them in iso format simulate cd on fly... attempts have not panned out, resulting in either kernel panic after editing of grub files ( ) or nothing... best way of accomplishing this? using what? grub2? grub4dos? should install first ? 1 chainloads other more easily??? going half crazy on this... shouldn't hard... oh well. i've got time. going appreciated. . thanks! with 16gb flash standard full install of ubuntu if second drive. sure install grub using advanced button usb drive. can install many iso want , loop mount them. dual boot 2 drives, windows & lucid 10.04 standard full install flash or ssd: ubu

Apache Server at Port 80 error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all i have linux hosting godaddy , message 3 4 times day. …………………………………………………………………………………….. internal server error the server encountered internal error or misconfiguration , unable complete request. please contact server administrator, , inform them of time error occurred, , might have done may have caused error. more information error may available in server error log. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apache server @ port 80 ……………………………………………………………………………………… which makes impossible view website , unable log in end. have asked technical support godaddy no help. if 1 has idea please post solution when check error log looks this. ………………………………………………………………………………………… [wed oct 28 11:47:49 2009] [error] [client] fastcgi: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received server "/var/chroot/home/content/59/4985859/html-x-httpd-php5 …………………………………………………………………………………………. neverm

Memory Leak in BlazeDS

i have used blazeds in an  application push data in realtime. however, have been  experiencing heavy memory leak in application. application has  scheduler pushes data every 1 minute default  queue. without browsers opened, appication remain stable. and  closing browsers cleans flexclient object , other  associated objects browsers. leak occurs when open  , keep browsers long period, 2 3 days. memory usage  of application gradually increases , throws a  "java.lang.outofmemoryerror: java heap space" exception. on analyzing  heapdump, found there thousands of asyncmessage objects  in memory, not getting garbage-collected. channel definiton  congured in services-config.xml file             <channel-definition id="my-polling-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.amfchannel">             <endpoint url=" http:// {}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amfpolling" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.amfendpoint"/>         

Diskussion: Joomla 1.6 Alpha2 udgivet - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

til diskussion af 'joomla 1.6 alpha2 udgivet': viewtopic.php?f=115&t=454222&p=1902637#p1902637 hejsa allesammen kunne se @ 1.6 nu er så langt fremme @ det er tid @ få den installeret og testet, kunne være fedt hvis der var andre det lige ville skrive @ de også sad med den, så vi kunne udveksle erfaringer. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Meddelelser

Thread: How do I even start?

i have old intel p4 1.x system i'd pass along family cannot afford computer girls play on. have windows based system mom , dad use , want move girls off it. girls in grade school , kindergarten , beginning see computers there too. don't have o/s system , thinking ubuntu, afraid of problems may have since won't able provide assistance. i've used macs, intels, mainframes, , various assembler coding, short time unix still gives me hives! how 1 go picking of many versions? hardware requirements? p4 1.x mhz, 384mb of memory have chance? aren't real versed in windows, out of left field. how difficult use once os installed? work? ie work? else should asking (other sanity)? check out qimo 2.0 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [all variants] How do I even start? Ubunt

Pattern Overprint Conflict

hello,   i helped out printing maps using spot-colors.  turned out hall hatch patterns defined in pdf file (export mapping program) came out knock-out, specified overprint in mapping software. however, when previewing file in acrobat 9, areas filled these patterns came out overprint intended.  surprised patterns came out knockout print.   it turned out that, when looking matter, actual strokes of hatch pattern definitions defined knockout stroke, objects filled pattern specified overprint fill.   then question: 1 rules on other.  in acrobat, object fill overprint ruled on pattern stroke definition overprint, while in printing shop's rip, other way around.   does pdf-standard provide clear definition of how such situation dealt with?   it nice if interpreters handle in same way.   agnar renolen [signature deleted host] i believe depends on sophistication , how old printer's rip software is, , systems use. different shops use different software , workflows. have old equipment ,

Thread: Windows PC doesn't see Samba share, but can connect manually

i'm running lucid , and trying samba set allow sharing files on network. problem windows laptop (win7) can't see linux pc when click on network. shows own laptop , roommate's vista laptop. however, if manually connect computer (\\serenity) works fine. right i'm using smb.conf comes package , adding share info. relevant section is: code: [media] path = /media-zfs comment = multimedia storage browseable = yes read = no public = yes hide unreadable = yes guest ok = yes any ideas on why doesn't show up? i've done lot of searching online haven't found works. try joining laptop workgroup, thenaccessing how vista(i dont use win7 or vista bear me) should help. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Windows PC doesn't see Samba s

Users getting "Logged In" upon first visiting site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have website @ there secure area , have installed extension, multilingual registration approval control approval of users sign accounts. at times, if logged in website, other users log on , greeted "hello ashley worthington" , have access registered-only area. so, example, when client sends out weekly link site via email, clicks on link, if else logged on, person clicking link logged on same user. ever seen before? perhaps including session cookie in mail link.. , example of mail link might useful Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Security in Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Dual Monitor Problems

hello, i'm new here (and ubuntu). got fed xp running on laptop (its getting old , struggling bit) thought give ubuntu try. have monitor plugged laptop, can't seem working ubuntu. tried messing monitor settings (in system>preferences>monitor), have had no luck. thread may similar, unable gain it. second screen can set extension of first screen wavy , image on screen won't stay still. have dell inspiron 9400 ati radeon mobility x1400 graphics card connected secondary monitor using vga cable. laptop screen displays fine, , can set external monitor primary display , works fine too, when try split desktop between 2 external monitor said above goes wavy. appreciated, note complete novice ubuntu. thank you rr54 are using ubuntu 10.04? correct administration/hardware drivers not offer video driver? have looked @ manual computer, see says

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index