
Showing posts from February, 2014

Little problem

i purchased adobe photoshop elements 8.  having real problem trying install find out purchased macos version , running win7 64 bit.  know real bone head mistake eyes aint used , in excitement failed read box.  think best course of action @ point?  suggestions appreciated. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Need to reinstall plugin: Content - Load Modules. Solved - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

accidentally uninstalled plugin "content - load modules" in joomla 1.5.14. can find plugin reinstall? try getting files loadmodule.php , loadmodule.xml unzipped joomla install files locally plugins/content. ftp them server , see if works. (wont harm if doesent ) i check se if need more files. on second thoughts, before ftp, might better zip 2 files , install plugin install. fingers crossed Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

best joomla seo tips - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi... register on google webmaster page, send sitemap, increase link building (especially site has high page rank , similar topic site), avoid duplicate content, update content regurarly, etc... see post : viewtopic.php?f=544&t=414537&p=1748659#p1748659 hope helps lots of backlinks, has been told thousands of times. usually, key building content rich site, need update fresh content daily. , submission, requires effort. submission directories , free listings, free website of day type of sites ,social bookmarking, writing articles etc. found resources @ seomoz blog , helpful too, have been using techniques, have found quite effective, you may want check too. hope helps. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Elements 8 last step prior to sending out for processing

i have elements 8 , have edited images ready sent out developement. should save these files in specific manner prior sending them out. i've noticed of images have grown 860kb in jpeg 7mb in psd. learning can see. you know, that's pretty small file size original jpg suitable printing. pixel dimensions of original files , size final images? quality setting in camera?   if sending files out printing, you'll want jpegs or tiff files, not psd. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

How to change registered members to Author group - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i brazilian , english language hard me, need , don´t have in brazilian sites. don´t know if place correct place question. well... have literature site, made in joomla 1.5.9, 170 registered members. now, need these registered members able submit articles. i´d change "registered members" "authors members", in general configuration can made in new user registeration. however, need changes old members registered, undesrtand? i try found topic there information several joomla versions here. i´m gonna crazy!!! e ai companheiro, brasileiro por aqui tb. para mudar o grupo de usuários antigos vá até o painel de usuários e para cada usuário mude o grupo para author ou...via phpmyadmin no banco de dados seu site, na table jos_users campo usertype, atualize os campos para author. i had same problem site i'm building. had allow people register , submit articles in web site in allowed sections categories. i'm close have final solution using different steps. 1. set jooml

Thread: Ubuntu icon replaced by gnome icon

so, have been trying customize desktop bit, , have run bit of snag. installed new plymouth screen detailed here: however, result of changing boot splash (i think?) have lost ubuntu icon. been replaced gnome foot, not fan of. here screen shot give better idea of mean: screenshot.jpg using faenza icon set, , on either menu i'm using, can't select ubuntu icon. i'm guessing fix simple, @ loss. please help! hmm. maybe should have gone in beginners forum. mods wanna me out? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Ubuntu icon replaced by gnome icon Ubuntu

Can Air 2 run on Windows XP Embedded?

i have developed air program, works fine on windows xp. once shifted windows xp embedded, crashed after running time. here screen captures indicated crash happened due failure of adobe air.dll   any ideas?   More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

How to restart my Acrobat JavaScript program from the beginning?

hi,   hopefully simple question.  i'd provide button in javascript program called "restart" restarts javascript program beginning, happens when first open pdf document.  don't want make user close & re-open document restart javascript, want provide "restart" button.   if there "goto" statement in javascript, use ;-)   although doing "goto" within button-triggered javascript beginning of document javascript bypass return statement or pop-of-the-stack somewhere.  alas, there isn't "goto" statement in javascript, that's moot point.   in case, insights how can, within button-triggered javascript , restart document javascript beginning appreciated.   thanks!   dave put code in function , call function. More discussions in JavaScript adobe

How to write back into database using FSCOMMAND?

hi experts,   we working on 3rd party application build on adobe flash technology render business dashboards. application does'nt offer generate whole code rather it's drag n drop of charts, text boxes etc components, , mapping of data. after of customizing, application generates swf file finally.   what our requirement need make our dashboard(a falsh file) write chunk of data, eneterd user, our database user action, button click. (access, mysql, oracle or any). our application offers fscommand function call wherein can enter command name , args.   now need use fscommand function write databases because believe option within our app. command write database, , arguments . also, need write java/vb script that. please informed our application generates whole swf file code..all html coding. {e.g include queryparam, "mapped data", using fscommand, can see whole code generated app, html code, wherein see embedded java script do_fscommand statament carrying queryparam comma

How to remove blue tint

hi everyone, i new premiere pro cs4 , working video filmed in low light. due lighting of footage tinted blue! i'm sure easy thing solve have no idea start, , appreciate help, i've found far tells me how isolate colours or give video blue tint! thanks guys, abi try fast color corrector. More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earlier adobe

Update links back to the original file

is there script or updates linked files through illustrator , photoshop?   for example: making car lettering. i have psd , placed in illustrator car outline file , make car lettering design -> save ai i place ai in indesign file, add text , export proof pdf te send customer. -> indd + pdf   that's example offcourse of how link , 3 apps. now  if change psd, have (afaik) manually open each file 1 @ time, update  links , save/export updated file.   is possible give command in last file (the indd in case) update links first file?   thanks! More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

Question about menu item and url - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys, ask menu manager. i need menu following items: home - - contact us the website url sth "". i need menu items written above have following url: /ny/ home.html /ny/ about-us.hmtl /ny/ contact-us.html other menus should have different text, , not "ny". the solution i've found create menu item called "ny" , set "alias". then, other menu items (the ones posted earlier) have "submenu" of "ny". everything works fine, because url want it, , in menu doesn't appear "ny" link (i think because set alias , haven't select "page"), in html code appears blank "<li>" tag. of course, crappy browsers ie, mess up. so, question is, there "proper" way asked for? thank help, paolo. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support

Localhost address - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

am still creating site, using wampserver. however have noticed homepage @ address: http://localhost/ instead of http://localhost/mypage as on other websites. will cause problems? how switch it? thanks! it depends on how have set configuration file httpd.conf and/or virtual host configuration file in c:\wamp\apache2\conf\extra. if testing , developing, can add dummy domain hosts file in both server , workstation , access virtual host through url in format instead of using localhost. the forum @ has tutorials available topic. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Problemėlė su DB - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

naudojau joomla! 1.0.15 stable versiją tinklalapis serveriuose. dabar visus tinklalapis klientus perėmė ir į savo serverius svetaines persikėlė serveriai po šio perkėlimo, pastebėjau nesklandumą. tikriausiai kalta db koduotė. keista, bet tik vienoje vietoje, apklausoje (pools kompoinente), nerodo lietuviškų simbolių: "pirmas balsas : penktadienis, 11 rugs�jo 2009 13:42 paskutinis balsas : sekmadienis, 27 rugs�jo 2009 20:36 " adminai nelabai linkę padėti nemokamai tokiais atvejais. gal kas buvot susidūręs su panašia problema? db aš žalias, nelabai žinau ko imtis. prisijungus prie "myadmin" panelės rodo, kad visos db naudoja utf_8_unicode_ci koduotę. nenagrinėjau 1.0 struktūros, bet įtariu, kad čia problema ne db, o vertimų faile. 1.5 versijoje yra faliukai prie /languages/lt-lt/ kuriuose surašyti mėnesių vertimai, tai įtariu, kad reikia tikrinti tuos failiukus ar gerai ten viskas. Board index Joomla! Internationa

Thread: Everything got screwed when i installed pclinuxos

hey guys.. had 3 os installed before decided install pclinuxos... had ubuntu, mint , win 7... cant boot non of em having pclinuxos installed in newly created partition... grub shows pclinuxos , nothing else... please help.. cant see other partitions .. installed pclinuxos root ... sorry im nub.. please try reinstalling livecd Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Everything got screwed when i installed pclinuxos Ubuntu

Thread: Graphics driver problems on TimelineX 5820TG lucid

hey ubuntu forums, i'm starting few threads problems laptop's ubuntu install. have acer aspire timelinex 5820tg-524g50mn dual-booting w7-64 , ubuntu 10-4 64 strange thing happens when try open tty (don't know correct terminology, know mean... ctrl-alt-f2 etc.): freezes, strange artefacting on screen (each occurrence of colour replaced boxes of colours pink/green/blue/red... pretty hard describe , can't take screen shot). it's not frozen display, because when blindly log on terminal , try command sudo reboot (without forgetting type in password!), nothing happens. returned normal when crtl-alt-f7 though. same kind of artefacting happens right when ubuntu boots, (green rings around loading dots), lasts few seconds until loads fixes artefacting , fine (until try ctrl alt f2). i'm running normal drivers graphics cards because when enabled proprietary drivers (amd/ati proprietary fglrx graphics driver) nerfed install , wouldn't boot. h

Menu not showing! [Solved] - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i did horizontal menu, i'm sure did correctly. 1. i've added <position>horizontalnav</position> templatedetails.xml 2. i've added <jdoc:include type="modules" name="horizonalnav" /> position want menu appear in. 3. every single thing publish , appear in front page , modules positioned "horizontalnav". 4. weird thing, not show when click on view source, if somewhere wrong, should show isn't style want. 5. can make bread crumbs show up, doing menu shoudn't difference yet can't it!!! additional information: i'm using beez "template overides" html folder. i'm not sure if affecting menus...but shouldn't be. kelvinseasons wrote: 2. i've added <jdoc:include type="modules" name="horizonalnav" /> position want menu appear in. i believe there spelling mistake in module position name - horizonalnav. per other statements should horizontalnav. Board index

How do I fix audio synch drift?

i editing concert shot canon xha1s 48 khz audio onboard mic. handed me file recorded zoom h4 in 44.1 khz. @ 7 minutes, clips drifted 5 frames out of synch, noticable. figured best thing adjust speed/duration of slower clip 5 frames, did not work. can see waveforms line on timeline, still plays out of synch.   i tried convert 44.1 file 48 khz, did inothing.   is there better way synch audio?   i have cs4 prod prem suite i've been waiting offer definitive zoom shift, none has been forthcoming yet. other, similar gear, 1 contributor, jim simon, found changing speed 104% (iirc) worked perfectly.   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earlier adobe

(workflow question) - What is the best way to handle audio in a large Premiere project?

hey all, this might suitable version of premiere, in case, use cs4 (master collection)   i wrestling in brain best way handle audio in project cut down on time working on it.   this project finished 10 minute video customer shot on minidv (hvx-200) cut down 3 hours of tape.   i edited whole project down looked good, , decided needed clean audio using soundbooth, had go in clip clip, using edit in soundbooth --> render , replace method on every clip. couldn't find way batch edit audio in soundbooth.   for every clip, performed similar actions---   1) both tracks of audio recorded 2 different microphones (2 mono tracks), needed audio 1 track - used sb cut , paste track on other track.   2) amplified audio   3) cleaned background noise noise filter   i sure there has better workflow option did (going clip clip), can give me advice on how best handle audio in situation this?     should have rendered out new audio whole tape using, , edit that?   should have rendered out audio after

An encrypted component on the JED - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, first time posting, paid , downloaded the following component ... ytics/1053 believing open-source on jed. the majority of code encrypted, frustrating. jed allow encrypted components or rogue one? thanks . first, report extension using jed report button: second, can ask questions jed policies in jed support forum: . Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: A fine weekend wasted

have ever started off on project discover, @ end, never should have begun in first place? spent day cobbling spare parts various bins around house build mythbuntu box. finally, once had put together, tried power thing on. nothing. check plugs, check connections. nothing. no fans, no hard drive--nothing. maybe wired switches wrong. pulled new switch, wired in old switch. still nothing. brand-new power supply, @ that! i'm thinking motherboard dead. fortunately, local computer emporium has sale on, hoping out of without spending darn money. oh well. some of hardware nuts, hand out system specs, make , models ? have spent countless hours numerous times fiddling switch connectors find out configuration wrong or left dang cmos jumper in reset position Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe A

Thread: Belkin F6D4050 wifi dongle not recognised

i have installed ubuntu 10.04 today on fresh pc, cannot wifi dongle recognised. want use without wifi cant. total noob linux on desktop , have used on laptop recognised out of box. appreciated. hi, google gave me thread: have tried advice offered there? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Belkin F6D4050 wifi dongle not recognised Ubuntu

Thread: Help about Synaptic

finally moved once ubuntu, goodbye microsoft! farewell virus , antivurs , updates , crack , serials!!!!! nice world ubuntu!! asking synaptic package manager: there way re-install packages on computer after fresh install ubuntu cd?? don't want build own distro. want computer after fresh install , configuring internet , clicks , waiting install need: skype, adobe acrobat, codecs, avidemux,... in synaptic file menu there "save markings" option, generate file installed packages, "read marking" again in synaptics file menu let's choose file, looking for? scared mess system, because travel place no internet sometime!! can install real player too?? have add mediubuntu , getdeb repositories before "reading markings" getdeb , mediubuntu packages automatically installed?? sorry full of mistakes-poor english! , please no command lines!! hate it, , trying convince friend start using ubuntu, commands troublesome!

Thread: External HDD adapter

hi all, after (still yet unresolved) issue mp3 player (see here: ) i'm going go ahead , consult these frums compatibility before buying new hardware. have old, still functional, 180gb 2.5" hdd old machine want use data backup. i'm going go out , buy enclosure it, either usb or firewire if such things exist? can recommend such devices known work in ubuntu 9.10? drive has old data on have no need for, i'm planning on doing complete reformat. in advance! i have 5 different usb external hdd enclosures, different makes & work ubuntu. i'd stick usb, never tried firewire. buy 1 & try it, if chance not work take back. must keep original packaging in perfect condition & stores refund. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Ex

Thread: visual effects

hi have lost use of visual effects , can not activate compizconfig , lost icon internet in top task bar times cursa go out of control , goes on page lightest touch on touch pad when happens screen flickers have check can think of , working alright can me useing samsung r580 computer i5 4gbram 600hdd 1gig nvidia graphics card have partition hdd , have window7 on (for school) hi guy's found out login problem somehow, , not let me change , not change lock me out, way fixed reinstall program again , have no troubles. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] visual effects Ubuntu

Thread: HOWTO: Headphones on an Asus Eee PC R101

i installed ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx netbook remix on new asus eee pc r101. internal speakers worked, headphones did not. it turns out known bug in alsa , has been fixed not yet released. in meantime can going following these instructions: david henningsson incredibly fast response thank post. after time of struggle solved problem. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [SOLVED] HOWTO: Headphones on an Asus Eee PC R101 Ubuntu

Textstorlek skiljer sig mellan webhost och localhost - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

texten blir större på localhost än på webhosten på bilden: till vänster localhost, till höger webhost, perfekt utseende. finns det en bättre editor än jce? jag tycker inte att den räcker till. den har lustiga saker för sig så man måste trixa ganska mycket för att få det man vill. dom har en "lager"-funktion som har räddat mig ibland, liksom lite html-proggning. ralph Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Forum för Joomla! med långtidssupport Forum Joomla! 1.5 Användning och administration

Thread: Anybody using Hauppage pvr-350 on lucid?

hey, i've got old computer i'm reviving serve media server. i've got old hauppauge pvr-350 mpeg encoder/decoder card i'm trying install in it. install recognized , seems set when @ dmesg. i'm trying figure out how run x through it. there used convoluted process involving hacking xorg.conf seems have changed lot. out there still using card , know how displaying x on it's tv-out? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Anybody using Hauppage pvr-350 on lucid? Ubuntu

Prevent system Plugin from running on the back end? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

what's best way make sure system plugin doesn't run in back-end (admin)? if possible, please provide code sample. thanks! whycali wrote: what's best way make sure system plugin doesn't run in back-end (admin)? if possible, please provide code sample. thanks! $app = jfactory::getapplication(); if($app->isadmin()) { return; } ian Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

LR3 - SimpleViewer Gallery update not working - white X's

i'm using lr3, under web panel, trying export simpleviewer gallery website through upload feature. i've set path directories, when updating gallery page, simpleviewer thumbs , pictures come big white x's.   obviously photos missing, how fix this? i'm just  wanting replace old gallery newer, more updated photo gallery -- i'm using same path/directory replacement of older file. think has wit xml file being written?   can me w/this?   here example of fine functioning gallery , broken gallery:   functioning link:   broken link sample: More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Template code - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi... i've downloaded free template themza - ... plate.html made modifications school portal - the module news_feed getting me in trouble... works fine on user2 position, not on left or right positions... can give me suggestion fix it? thanks... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: oem installation

i have bought alienware m11x (i5 version) equipped window 7 ultimate. have dual booting ubuntu 10.04 , window 7, problem every time boot window 7 automatically destroy bootloader! making impossible boot either operational system! there way fix permanently ? i have try before! install easybcd win7 , windows boot loader chainload ubuntu, if reinstall grub root of linux partition , not mbr. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] oem installation Ubuntu

title tag is missing - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys. have problem page titles of site. kind of converted normal, non joomla template joomla template. works fine, besides page titles of site. example, if title of page should "about me", instead shows hyperlink of page @ page title part. what did wrong? joomla version 1.5.14 i sorry, found problem. when read source code of website browser found out <title> tag completly missing, meta tags can seen. when apply other standard templates site title shown. don't understand title has template? and if meta tags seen title have generated... missing. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

change the colour of the grey bar (SOLVED) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

does know if can change colour of grey bar pdf, print , email friend option is? please see our website visualize. can editing css? if abouts? use ja purity template. change following css entry available in file template.css located in directory \templates\ja_purity\css\template.css. before change: code: select all .article-tools {    border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;    width: 100%;    float: left;    clear: both;    margin-bottom: 15px;    display: block;    background: #ececec; } after change: removes grey bar code: select all .article-tools {    border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;    width: 100%;    float: left;    clear: both;    margin-bottom: 15px;    display: block; /*   background: #ececec; */ } after change: removes both grey bar , grey border code: select all .article-tools { /*   border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; */    width: 100%;    float: left;    clear: both;    margin-bottom: 15px;    display: block; /*   background: #ececec; */ } Board index Joom

AIR 2.0 in MAC application of NativeProcess - Error #3014 & Error #3019

hello,   i create .dmg package mac , installed project in mac , run when used nativeprocess meanse give path of open photoshop  "/applications/adobe photoshop cs5/adobe photoshop" file exists when file given native process object nativeprocessstartupinfo.executable = file ;  gives error error #3014 , if gives .dmg path gives error #3019 , my current code :               private function openphotoshop():void             {                 if(nativeprocess.issupported)                 {                     var file:file = file.applicationdirectory;                     file = file.resolvepath("/applications/adobe photoshop cs5/adobe photoshop");                     var procarg:vector.<string> = new vector.<string>();                      var nativeprocessstartupinfo:nativeprocessstartupinfo = new nativeprocessstartupinfo();                     nativeprocessstartupinfo.executable = file;                     procarg.push("start")

Thread: HP Compaq nc6000 no sound, quick fix?

hi, here did. installed fresh ubuntu , worked fine. sound working fine far know. ubuntu start sound worked. decided install lmms bit of fun there no sound. removed lmms , wondering how "default" settings. 00:1f.5 multimedia audio controller: intel corporation 82801db/dbl/dbm (ich4/ich4-l/ich4-m) ac'97 audio controller (rev 03) subsystem: hewlett-packard company device 0890 flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, irq 11 i/o ports @ 3000 [size=256] i/o ports @ 3880 [size=64] memory @ a0100000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512] memory @ a0180000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256] capabilities: <access denied> kernel driver in use: intel ich kernel modules: snd-intel8x0 eek. can help? well, not pretty way fix it, that's when don't program guess; ran ubuntu live cd figuring re-recognise driver, sound worked, restarted, , running.

Thread: Offline Synaptic Manager

hi, have gone through severe problem while installing ubuntu in offline computer. packages suitable online installation, very hard solve dependency small softwares. trying make offline-mode (almost) synaptic manager, come cd/dvd, have lots of software package files (with dependent ones). saving them /var/cache/apt/archives. problems facing following: 1. minimal gui application run in started ( no update ) ubuntu? @ least after minimal package installation? 2. want keep track of dependency tree totally. can level wise list synaptic or, makes life harder keep track of. if knows work on this, or working, or willing me, please come forward. spread ubuntu locally, hardest hurdle. in advance, ratul. what ubuntu dvd? doesn't have more programmes on? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu

AIR works in CS5 flash debug, but does not work standalone.

i have application using following code access xml file.     var file = file.desktopdirectory.resolvepath("wbconfig.xml"); var filestream = new filestream();,; var configxml = new xml( filestream.readutfbytes(filestream.bytesavailable) ); filestream.close();   // read soldout setting trace( "xml = ", configxml ); if( configxml.soldoutenable == "on" ) soenabled = true; else soenabled = false;     it works fine in debug mode (ctrl + enter), after create stand alone .exe (alt + sht + f12). .exe  file not read file. , not set soenabled anymore. can me here?   i running cs5, air 2 on windows xp. thanks. hi, your xml trace coming properly?   warm regards deepanjan das More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Help with sequence presets

i installed student edition of premiere pro , sequence presets folders available me dv-24p, dv-ntsc, dv-pal, dvcpro50, dvcprohd, , mobile & devices. camera records in avchd , thought avchd presets came preinstalled. know can drag footage onto new sequence button, wouldn't mind having ability choose preset want. other presets? sounds you're running trial version. enter serial number activate other presets , format support. More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Thread: LMMS- change pitch and not speed?

i noticed that, when choosing different notes, lmms not changes pitch of instrument, speed. so, if instrument makes sound lasts 5 seconds, low note can make last 10 seconds, , high note can last 1 second. there way configure how lmms handles sounds changes pitch, without changing speed? bump! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] LMMS- change pitch and not speed? Ubuntu

LR3 hangs up on Import

hi, i have lr3 running on xp sp3, 4g memory; lr on c drive, data on d drive. when open , try import (in library) hangs whole pc. have power down/power up, start lr3 , can import without problems. keep computer on time. any suggestions how fix or, @ least, can cause such thing? thank much, ak do import card reader or directly camera?   do make "a second copy" during import? More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Thread: RMS is mistaken. He did not create emacs, nor did MIT.

an oracle employee did, obviously. he has built wysiwyg text editor, constraint based drawing editor , text editor called `emacs' unix systems. a claim find hilarious, given recent blog post company filing law suit against google infringing patented invention . 1972 1981 clearly , invention - did put on unix first, after all. anyways, think point here: when google came thoughts on cellphones, 1 of core principles making platform free handset providers. had weak notions of interoperability, which, given our history, objected to. android has pretty played out way feared: there enough fragmentation among android handsets restrict freedom of software developers. and: this skirmish isn'

Display FLV file on web page - what code is needed

in premiere elements 7 used share option make .flv file place on web page. code needed display file? other steps needed have file play on web page? ides need embed played on web page, how do that? find no in premiere elements file.   thanks   al maybe should ask in premiere elements forum ? More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Changed Session handler to "Memory Cache" now can't login - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm having problem logging joomla site after having trouble performing site backup (it kept timing out) changed "session settings" in "session" tab of configuration. specifically "session handler" changed , changed "memory cache". once clicked apply kicked out of session , tried log in, i've tried multiple user's credentials still won't login. is there way manually change session handler database (if indeed problem). appreciated. regards, rob change permissions of configuration.php 644 , edit configuration.php: var $session_handler = 'database'; Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

How to set cookies into index.php (for all users) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, how can in order set cookies in index.php file? i'm trying can set & print cookies logged users. i need set cookies users (logged , not logged users). thanks in advance! there's way in joomla framework somewhere, done quick, use php... code: select all $expire=time()+60*60*24*30; setcookie("key", "value", $expire); Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 Coding

how to change a background ?

hello there, i rid of elements around these figures , make background white can print out , paint gold on white ground. color show through gold paint. ultimately intentions re-photograph them. in end make decal out of , fire onto ceramic piece. i going of byzantine icons.     osx 10.5.8   cs4 photoshop 11.02   thanks advice, cheers,   nermin check photoshop manual 'selection tools' , 'masking'.   a layer mask ideal. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: Samba XP running Ubuntu on VMWare

i have xp workstation using vmware player host ubuntu 10.04. ping , web browsing working samba unable connect. i've done nothing on xp machine except allow sharing of single folder. need more? turns out need use nat rather bridged connection in vmware - shouldn't need seems work. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [SOLVED] Samba XP running Ubuntu on VMWare Ubuntu

Pop up menu

using fireworks cs4 , have cs5. start png image. then  slice image create simple roll on pop menu.upon  export "select all" go export, export "html , images". i  go dreamweaver , open html file. on dreamweaver in shows  html file, java, , css file. pop , roll on work fine  in firefox, when uploaded host server , opened in ms  explorer links on pop when clicked goes note pad and  displays css file. how can make pop display correctly the  links in ie? first, have using fw write html very bad idea.  result of suitable little other prototyping web site.  right tool building websites dw, not fw.  use fw create graphics, dw create html.   anyhow, it's hard follow explanation.  1 glance @ page worth hundreds of words of description.  can post link page? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Broken/Choppy 1080p playback after update, and confusion regarding VDPAU in 8800

hello fellow linuxers, first post here ever. have been using ubuntu 2 years now, , have lurked these forums solutions problems, , have had them resolved. time, however, @ loss. have been googling , trying random stuff 12 hours without results. after time may have original problem solve. man, bet you're excited! have 8800 ultra , quad core 2,4. here problem: i did clean install of 10.04 2 weeks ago, , installed nvidia 256.44 driver. worked perfectly, , 1080p files ran cleaner alcohol - in unmodified native mplayer. in earlier distros run 1080p flawless in xbmc vdpau enabled, downloaded time measure if didn't appear need it. flowering meadows , bliss under moonlight until pressed damned "update now" button , went crap. not sure specific updates messed system - installed them blindly - update recent. 2 days ago. xbmc can't play heavier hd without getting seizure. reinstalled nvidia driver , vdpau packages, nothing changed.

Thread: 2 gfx cards, 4 monitors fails X fail cycles

i have 2 nvidia gfx cards, if use nvidia settings tool view 2 monitors same gfx card works fine, when use 1 gfx card 1 monitor , other gfx card other monitor x doesnt start , cycles through monitor flashes. idea problem? the nvidia proprietary driver provides no mechanism drive more 2 monitors on 1 x-screen nvidia can address do, however, have options 1) seperate x-screens run 2 x-screens each x-screen uses 2 monitors (with nvidia's twinview) 2 x-screens separate (you cannot drag windows between them) each x-screen (should) able 3d acceleration 2) xinerama xinerama created ages ago, , provides way chain arbitrary number of screens together xinerama long pre-dates 3d graphical acceleration, have no desktop effects xinerama being phased out, in favour of randr (a more modern equivalent) nvidia has poor track record randr support, though 3) use nouveau

Spurious zero-width characters disrupting layout - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

problem description: i'm experiencing odd issue on front page of module ( ) whereby form of zero-width character being inserted markup , hence causes unexpected , unwanted gap between module title , content when displayed on site. the module in question 1 titled "popular wiki pages". "popular/latest messageboard topics" variants of same code, derived , , exhibit same behaviour. between code: select all <h3>popular wiki pages</h3> , code: select all <ul class="latestnews"> there newline followed 5 tab characters followed unidentified character. invisible in firefox 3.5, safari 4.0.3 , opera 10, renders tiny dot raised above baseline in konqueror 4.3.1 . actions taken resolve: i've examined module code , can't find inserting spurious character. diagnostic information joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.14

Some Button Questions (AS2.0)

i made coloring book game in 2.0 (i did way put individual pieces of code various buttons - there around 50). based off tutorial found online. works well. these codes used:   in top layer, have in frame 1 (there 1 frame in whole thing): _root.fillcolor = 0xffffff;   each colorable part of picture movie clip button inside, , each of buttons has following code: on (press) { color = new color(this); color.setrgb(_root.fillcolor); delete color; }   and have 2 color buttons can "dip" pointer into, can click on colorable areas , color them. code color buttons is: on (release) { _root.fillcolor = 0xc71e07; _root.brush.gotoandstop(8); }   note: hex code there red button; it's different other color.   anyway, works well. need 2 buttons have no idea how make.   button 1: "show answer" button pops little graphic showing picture should like. know how in 3.0 (i have object fly in off-stage on button press), not in 2.0. 1 thing tried have skip different scene or different f

Help, retrieve user input. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, building own component veering away download or using extension, need create scratch. how can retrieve user input using html form. example, <form name="input" action="?" method="post"> <input type = "text" name = "user_input"> </form> how information gathered textbox? , action in form? thanks. new joomla. know how retrieve data if using normal php code know here in joomla quite different. looking forward replies. in advance. macoi best way "get" use 1 of many fine forms extensions... i use , fabrik. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5