
Showing posts from June, 2013

[SOLVED]footer menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how can footer menu seen in forum @ bottom like: home |about joomla | community | forum | extensions | resources | documentation | developer | shop any appreciated! thanks! there multiple ways of doing follows: (a) create simple text link points appropriate menu items. done using custom html module. (b) use extensions such customenu - . note: there should module position want display menu. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Possible to make "print just this page" button in Acrobat?

i know can make button print entire doc, can make button print page on button found?  if ask clients specify page print in print dialog box, forget , send entire document printer. yes, can use "print" javascript method print single page or range of pages. print current page, can use following in button's mouseup event:   // print current page silently print({bui : false, nstart : pagenum, nend : pagenum});     more info in acrobat javascript reference. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

SOLVED - Remove "Welcome" on front page? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been through of css, php , html files can find in install . . . including main directory , /templates directory , can not find way remove "welcome front page" text @ top of front page. couldn't find anywhere in admin panel. please tell me i've missed , can remove it? thanks, ken i found own solution . . . 2 different ways. first found change text in database, under jos_menu table . . . led me should changed. it little hidden. have click on main menu under menu tab on admin panel, click on "home" menu item edit it. settings text hidden in last parameters section on right titled "parameters (system)." there can turn text on or off, or change says. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Data/Services - Data binding to vairable

hey have data service generated "connect xml..." i'm reading array of strings xml   now have array in code want equal array im reading service..   how can that? the approach depends on if doing mxml or actionscript. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Switching from Microsoft Expression Web to Dreamweaver CS5

hi,   i user thinking of switching microsoft expression web/frontpage dreamweaver. couple of years ago, built simple, low maintaintence site family's business. we're small company , maintaining website part of job. in our business, website doesn't need changed if @ because gives basics of , do.   i pretty versed in computers don't know how code in straight html. i've made several attempts learn because don't build websites often, way complicated needed accomplish. decided use microsoft's expression web frontpage different name , more features build company website. , worked great me. can code little in html having design program code me helps because can visually see design , code.   however, version of expression web used still plagued common security vulnerability allows see username , password via google using specific search. wondering if dreamweaver has same kind of issue because have peace of mind when comes website.   thank taking time read , can prov

Script compatibility with Reader 7.x, 8.x and 9.x

i developed document using live cycle designer 8.0 , works charm in reader 9 fails in reader 8.x , 7.x. there tool / solution find out features causing backward compatibility issues can create version work reader 7 , above?   make sure set console appear on errors , warnings (edit - preferences - javascript). then run script. should pop-up information went wrong. More discussions in JavaScript adobe

AE CS5 now crashing on startup (Mac OS 10.6.4)

i've looked in couple of other discussions, haven't found seems help.  i'm new ae user , have been running couple of weeks no issues.  started morning , received following error message:   after effects alert last log message was: <4431105056> <dynamiclink> <5> /library/application support/ adobe/common/dynamiclink/cs5/ .   i've tried rebooting several times, repairing permissions, repairing permissions in safe mode, running ae in safe mode, nothing seems fixing it.  have idea problem might be? thanks much!   my info: after effects cs5 mac pro 2 x 2.66 quad-core intel xeon 8 gb 1066 mhz ddr3 running os 10.6.4 see if helps: More discussions in After Effects adobe

Thread: SOS Crashed during upgrade, need help reloading

help! laptop crashed in middle of upgrading hardy heron 10.04. can't boot @ all. it'll load grub , let me pick older kernal gives me reasonably familiar shell or can let go latest , gives me strange shell limited commands. have idea how proceed here? in advance. i boot livecd, important data ubuntu partition (or, alternatively, /home ), , clean install. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] SOS Crashed during upgrade, need help reloading Ubuntu

I get type lag in Flash Builder 4

i had type lag in flex too.   it 100-1000 ms lag after type letter.  if  type bunch of letters @ once, lag appear @ once.   i'm fast typer , programmer, need speed keep myself focused.   what causing lag?  autocomplete(which don't use anyway) or something?   ms word or notepad have no type lag, , have gaming computer bought last summer starcraft2, not computer.   what settings can turn off no type lag?  i'm 381 hours project right now, going publish in few weeks.  isn't stopping me programming, i'd happier , more productive if had no type lag.     the way handle lag typing expecting cursor counting lines , down move, try , press delete x times x number of things need delete, if mess up, have 5 keystrokes in advance doing major typo.  , if can't think 5 moves in advance, have wait out lag while when should trucking along in ordinary editor no lag. do lag while editing .mxml files or .as files? can tell steps reproduce issue? More discussions in Using Flash Bu

Thread: Unmounted disks keep waking up

on desktop, try instantly put disks sleep using hdparm, tests. though disks unmounted, wake in seconds. how can be? how can track process wakes disk operation? think unmount disks should default standby during system load. thank you! looks it's bug related udev. i've found info years back. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Unmounted disks keep waking up Ubuntu

php Functions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi host disabled many php functions, not able install components or modules, below list of functions disabled host can 1 tell me functions need work joomla safe mode: off open basedir: none display errors: off short open tags: on file uploads: on magic quotes: on register globals: off output buffering: off session save path: none session auto start: 0 xml enabled: yes zlib enabled: yes disabled functions: dl,system,exec,passthru,popen,shell_exec,proc_clos e,proc_open,proc_nice,proc_terminate,pro_get_statu s,posix_getpwuid,posix_uname,openlog,syslog,ftp_ex ec,posix_uname,posix_getpwuid,posix_getpwnam,posix _kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posi x_setuid,get_current_user,chgrp,apache_note,apache _setenv,apache_child_terminate,closelog,debugger_o ff,debugger_on,ini_restore,escapeshellcmd,escapesh ellarg,virtual,highlight_file,pclose,pcntl_exec,sh ellexec,chgrp,apache_setenv,define_syslog_variable s,hw_root,php_uname,posix_kill,apache_child_termin ate,php_ini_scanned_files,ps_

File links--lost formatting

hi, i'm using robohelp 8 produce webhelp. i playing links , somehow made change topic file links insert show filename instead of topic name. old link format: related links getting   around portal   new link format: related   links updating_your_profile.htm looking @ html hasn't revealed differences. neither insert links dialog offer clue. can edit html it's pain. any ideas? hi there   perhaps click view menu. sounds had 1 view (by topic title) selected , changed other (by file name).   cheers... rick     helpful , handy links robohelp wish form/bug reporting form begin learning robohelp html 7 or 8 moments - $24.95! adobe certified robohelp html training sorcererstone blog robohelp ebooks More discussions in WebHelp adobe

How do I remove unwanted printer profiles?

using photoshop cs5 on windows 7 64-bit system.   before start rummaging around registry or doing other dumb thing, figured i'd ask in here how right...   when print image, , tell have photoshop manage colors, have go through huge pile of print profiles find 1 want.  i'm unlikely need ciergb or pal/secam or of 3rd party profiles installed epson 2200 i'm no longer using.......   how rid of of these things i'll never use? put software dvd in dvd drive , see if there option remove printer software. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Our first ever plugin for Joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, we looking release our first plugin joomla. free, want make sure safe post on our website , submit jed. do need else? there cases of people hijacking other people's work own? it's small plugin, nonetheless did spend significant resources , running. shame if there issues kind mentioned above. have spent 2 hours researching extensions, docs, forums, gpl, gov't copyright page, etc. i need input people have released free plugins in past. please share experiences/thoughts/inputs. thank you!!! cheers, @mergenchuluun @webguruco the thing can practical perspective ensure copyrights in each file header. the legal consideration obtain trademark in advance, way, way overkill situations. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information

No audio after export. All checked as "bypass" under volume effects

hi guys....i've got problem got me pulling hair off!   ok, i've made project in premiere pro cs4 4.0. arranged everything, cut videos nicely, background music blended nicely levels going down when someone's talking , during picture slideshow.   the problem is, notice videos , music tracks, when click on them , under audio effects in effects control panel, notice bypass "toggle animation" (the 1 stopwatch icon) clicked. when play video premiere pro, works should. sounds , music comes out nicely.   however, big problem. whenever export, no matter format, avi, mp4, wmv or anything, sound play first few seconds of clip , becomes silent. video plays on smoothly audio gets cut off. tried different players, vlc , windows media player.   i hope can solve problem have pass video soon.   thanks lot! did try unchecking "bypass"? More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earlier adobe

Xcode 3.2.3 + Macosx10.4u/10.5 sdk Carbon?

hi,   trying compile me first plugin using available manual in developer page. i have problem mentioned in earlier thread there no real answer.   i have xcode 3.2.3 , have completed steps described in manual cs4. 1 of issues there doesn't exist carbon selection loadable bundle in xcode 3.1 , higher (as believe) , give option of cocoa loadable bundle. i had macosx10.5.sdk , later downloaded 10.4u.sdk still not find carbon option in xcode.   i completed steps using cocoa bundle , resulted folder called "content" has inside info.plist. , thats it. do need use older xcode .aip? guide me please.   thanks alot. zainab considering carbon on way out, ie apple trying eliminate believe, guess it's no longer option. not know sure, it's guess. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Category Blog Layout showing oversized images - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i have changed template ja teline iii , of setting working perfectly. however, when visit category layout items showing larger way expected them look: does know i'm doing wrong? when say, "the way expected them look", mean larger in editor? far i've found section/category blog layouts not recognize resizing in editor -- whatever actual image size is, that's gets put on make sure picture right size before link it. also, frontpage module comes teline iii (i'm using teline ii) does handle resizing whatever specify in admin. applies front page, though. (it's wish joomla better at, btw.) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Need Help!!!! have deleted setup files and no backup! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i know have been complete muppet but.....i have completed new site , doing house keeping before doing sites backup using ftp client. instead of deleting old folder started delete root of website, have lost root files configuration.php, index.php etc.. , part of administrator folder. i have backup left , have mysql database in place. have reinstalled joomla tried link mysql database limited skills end. can please me run through steps link new installation of joomla old mysql database?? many inadvance. james hello, doh, drag. did same thing 2 weeks ago, realized logged wrong site when phone rang - hit delete button. guess happy once phone rang while working....hehehe if have extracted fresh , full v1.5.14 server side, you're sitting pretty good. file should need change /configuration.php. when have had work on servers didn't know absolute paths files, got lucky auto application installer gizmos in hosts' control panel. using that, i'd install joomla build somewhere

404: Not Found error with old sef urls - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i have cleared sef urls after configuration change include category id in url (as had several categories same name). since clearing urls of search engine result links go "404: not found" page. is there way show related pages similar url/title instead of page. see yourself 1) google search on "service kit bmw 320d e90 fos" 2) click on 1 of . links 3) straight 404 page. it better have 404 page looked similar pages on site user clicks on result rather them having hunt new page themselves. example: "sorry, page looking may have been moved or deleted. however, may interested in 1 of following pages....." followed list of pages related search string entered search engine or based on url. any ideas? i tried solve problem 24 hours!! , finaly got that. here is: problem installing joomla in sub directory ( not in root) so solution is: 1- make mod_rewrite > seo settings yes in global conifguration . ( specialy first 2 radio butt

Promena visine pozicije. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pocinjem sa pravljenjem sajta, zeleo bih da promenim visinu dela gde sam probe radi stavio ovu sliku. ja sam pokusao da promenim visinu od midsection od midr od midl, ali ne ide. zakacio sam css od templet-a. ako si kupio taj template - pomoc mozes traziti na njihovom sajtu. a ako nisi, ovo nije mesto gde bi trebao da trazis pomoc. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum Å abloni

tweening alpha on MOUSE_OVER/OUT

good afternoon,   i tweening alpha of mcs make them vis/invisible on mouse_over , mouse_out.  easy me static event effect little abrubt.  i've accomplished with   function neover(e:mouseevent):void{      nezoom.alpha=.5;      netxt.alpha=1;      } function neout(e:mouseevent):void{      nezoom.alpha=0;      netxt.alpha=0;      }   i've accomplished effect in smoother manner using tweenlite such as   function neover(e:mouseevent):void{, .5, {autoalpha:.5});, .5, {autoalpha:1}); } function neout(e:mouseevent):void{, .5, {autoalpha:0});, .5, {autoalpha:0}); }   my problem tweenlite if mouse on (i.e. before mouse_over has finished), mouse_out function not run , mc gets "stuck".  there way force mouse_out tween run if mouse_over has not yet finished?   thanks in advance,   josh use overwrite property (assigned true) force rollout tween overwrite rollover tween. More discuss

Thread: Source code for iwlist command in Java

i there, writing application in java , part of need java source code similar command iwlist wlan0 scan. have no idea how works. if have iwlist installed, system.exec("/usr/bin/iwlist") , input stream / error stream process. you'd have parse got back. if don't have iwlist installed, suspect you'll end having write native replicates does. (you might want @ source of iwlist ideas.) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk Source code for iwlist command in Java Ubuntu

Thread: very poor eth0 performance

using lucid on lenovo w510, i'm having use wireless because network performance incredibly bad, ping shows nslookup , each ping takes 5 seconds complete. clues? posted bigglespip network performance incredibly bad see firefox/epiphany/lynx not loading websites possible solution. summary hint: change mtu (to 1492, or so) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [SOLVED] very poor eth0 performance Ubuntu

How to add layer adjustments to workspace?

if choose photography workspace, 4 mini icons: minibridge, actions, history, , clone source. how customize these icons?  have levels, curves, add mask, saturation, etc, mini icons. have full adjustments panel on top of layers, channels, , paths. i'm talking adding small icons appear left of this, icons change choose essentials, design, painting, photography, etc. thanks!! i don’t quite follow, illustrate screenshots (maybe mock-up)?   but suspect close trying combine menu-wise might necessitate using configurator, though not produce looking for. More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

LDAP and Process Management

hi,      using opends ldap  server , have configured group names validators inside new domain , created new user named validator1    member of group after saving changes ldap. i  synchronized changes livecycle enterprise domain against  ldap server configured. synchronization goes through fine  , can see new group and  user. assigned livecycle  workspace user role validators group   after i  created process definition in livecycle , using assign task i  assigned validators group queue, when i  logged on workspace using validator1 user can't  see validators group queue under user, why?   thanks, vik as test if assign task validator1 see work item?   paul More discussions in LiveCycle Process Management adobe

Thread: Change build path

hey guys, google isn't being of here. have follows: code: ac_init([getrichquick], [0.1], []) ac_prereq([2.59]) am_init_automake([1.10 -wall no-define foreign]) am_maintainer_mode am_config_header(config.h) ac_isc_posix ac_prog_cxx am_prog_cc_stdc ac_header_stdc pkg_check_modules(getrichquick, [gtkmm-2.4 >= 2.8 libglademm-2.4 >= 2.6]) ac_subst(getrichquick_cflags) ac_subst(getrichquick_libs) ac_config_files([makefile]) ac_output this looks like: code: #gladedir = $(datadir)/glade #glade_data = datadir = ./data includes = \ -dpackage_locale_dir=\""$(prefix)/$(datadirname)/locale"\" \ -dpackage_src_dir=\""$(srcdir)"\" \ -dpackage_data_dir=\""$(datadir)"\" \ $(getrichquick_cflags) \ -i/usr/local/include am_cflags =\ -wall\

Menu link produces 404 error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

links on main menu produce 404 error. i created article uncategorized section , category. skipped alias field , let system fill in. saved article. selected new menu item in main menu. selected articles , article layout. parameters box selected article. after saving link appears in main menu clicking on produces 404 “page not found” error. i have tried everything. created article going through same process. same error messages when link clicked. deleted articles , menu items , recreated them; same error messages when link on main menu clicked. i frustrated want cry , appreciate forum. thank you. i believe using seo settings. (a) turn off seo settings in global configuration. (b) if there .htaccess file, rename it. hopefully should solve problem. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: GParted Error - very frustrating.

hi, decided reformat entire external hard drive using gparted, now, every time attempt create partition error: an error occurred while applying operations see details more information. important if want support, need provide saved details! see more information. reason why first reformatted, problem still remains!! lot, guys. hey gary, hmmmmm... mean didn't save previous error messages? things can suggest basics: 1) did make sure deleted old partition, ever on there before. 2) might want check drive. therefore unmount drive , goto /partition/check. 3) thing might suggest search files named 'gparted*.htm' maybe saved after or maybe gparted did default. hth matt Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] GParted Error - very frus

Streaming sites using Flash prevents Window 7 from recovering after entering sleep.

i use, nova, , listen music on ,  while listening laptop typically turn off display , later enter sleep mode.  when happens can no longer wake windows 7 seven sleeping.  if flash not running in browser computer behaves expected.   the why out power down using power button.   any ideas on how prevent issue? (other not using listening online stations.) More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

four paws site

people have been telling me need fewer pages fawpaws site how design bellow look?   the black lines wont visable @ all   the red lines planning enclose stuff in red boarder with curved corners   the footer have red faded background (should background have fade in effect or better give thin solid red top boarder content area faded red)   other pages still need keept adopt page, , contact page (although contact info on contact page reduced form since info in footer , assosiates being listed on home page).   since there 2 links per page is idea have list of links on left, better place? also instead of contact link going new html file perhaps open lightbox contains form. what people think? much better!   also instead of contact link going new html file perhaps open lightbox contains form. people think?   imo contact form should accessible page on site since primary purpose (to people contacting you). don't think need place inside lightbox or modal window.  place in 1 of right or left

How come big extensions use no templates and still get popul - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how come big extensions use no templates , still popular? i'm talking in first place community builder , virtuemart. when making website client not long ago, first found out problem: virtuemart doesn't use templates (and mean there no "views" directory templates in it). in order change output, had dig code, , change there, instead of making file "html/com_virtuemart/{page_name}/{template_name}.php" in own site template. the biggest problem is: when update virtuemart newer version, lose changes (and don't want go through whole process of searching specific piece of html code through 100s of files, irregularly distributed between administrator directory , normal directory)! want use community builder own site, , decided change login module fit design, find out html hard coded mod_cblogin.php echo commands. this not how joomla supposed work, in opinion. yet these extensions popular. why? you can make css file predefinited div classes component fiels ....a

Title of Menu Module / SubMenus - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i created 1 big menu top horizontal dropdown navigation on site. on sub-pages, have submenu in left pane, it's module reads same menu structure (to avoid having create many separate menus). started level @ 1 shows subpages current "area". the problem running how display parent page @ top of submenu. example menu structure: -home -about --services --mission statement -contact when on services page, left navigation shows services , mission statement links, i'd have parent page (about) show @ top of menu (just name, doesnt need link) any ideas on how this? know make separate menus each area i'd avoid if possible. i thinking 1 workaround might throw module in outputs parent page name? not sure how though there thread exact same problem - he solved reading parent's page name breadcrumbs javascript, , set module title via javascript also. site not use breadcrumbs not think work. any ideas? thanks, tom

CS5 project build failed in VS 2008

23>performing custom build step 25>odfrc deleting old resources... 25>could not find d:\cs5\cs5debug\*.idrc 25># error: previous .fr file d:\cs5\ , current .fr file d:\cs5\ not match. due odfrc being called twice different .fr files in same project. use 1 .fr file , #include these instead. 25>project : error prj0019: tool returned error code "performing custom build step"   the error above occurs @ first time select single project solution , rebuild it, , then, if select rebuild again, error gone. looks compiler remembers .fr file build last time, , comparison current one. is there way fix it? thanks. is there have problem?  that's bad. More discussions in InDesign SDK adobe

Thread: Samsung touchscreen and Ubuntu

hello im using ubuntu 10.04 , want use samsung ld220z touchscreen. im experiencing problems getting configured x-server detect , install touchscreen. screen has audio function aswell called samsung uc audio. familiar this? regards kjartan iversen i have found out samsung use nextwindow 1950 touch screen. help? kjartan Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Samsung touchscreen and Ubuntu Ubuntu

Thread: How to 'wake up' wireless interface? HP EliteBook 8540p laptop.

after spending day trying 'suspend' (to ram) working on hp elitebook 8540p laptop, got working. took home , brought out of suspend. screen remained black left while, when nothing came of felt obliged power laptop off (hold down power button seconds). when laptop rebooted, , every boot since, wireless interface seems disabled. not possible use wireless network interface @ now. according nm-tool, "state: asleep", , according "lshw -c network", "network disabled". device recognised properly, , various data can read it, seems have somehow got disabled @ fundamental level. have idea how can re-enable wifi on laptop? not have windows installed can't use afaik. there special /sys file can read/write enable it? suggestions welcome! anything... truly bizarre. nothing did got wifi working again (reboots, power-off , wait, messing around in bios) until... put in

Is there a way to be setup for Alerts for Joomla updates? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

fairly new game gentlemen , looking around sign alerts updates. have been hit twice "bots" new them wiped out joomla sites , have lost tech guy virginia tech. never maintained site until now. there alert system joomla patches or updates. thank you. you can sign email alerts @ towards top of page says "enter email address receive automatic security updates:" Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

[cs4] Extreme pathfinder confusion

hello,   i having extreme difficulty performing task took me 2 seconds in illustrator cs3. have group of paths want add , expand can convert guide, in cs3 simple me selecting objects > click add > expand (which gave me path, not group or compound path) > convert guides.   cs4 thinks do. life of me, can't seem find way make said objects expanded path, result either compound shape or group. tried following methods:   - select objects > expand appearance > add (result: turns group) - select objects > expand appearance > alt + add > expand (result: turns compound path)   i cannot convert of these types guides.   could please explain me what's going on here? or better yet, why did adobe turned feature working fine into...this?   thanks i'm not quite sure understand after, seems me want unite overlapping shapes 1 path , use guide? if that's correct, problem expanding shapes. make overlapping paths, select them , use "unite" option in pathfi

Upload Component, Pass extra Variable

hello all.   i have been trying upload component work time now, have been having few troubles getting 1 need.  found component pretty want bar 1 thing, pass variable php script can name files unique.   my flex code - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:application xmlns:fx=" "                xmlns:s="library://"                xmlns:mx="library://"                creationcomplete="init()" width="600" height="300">     <fx:script>         <![cdata[                         private var urlrequest:urlrequest;             private var filereferencelist:filereferencelist;             private var serversidescript:string = " ";             [bindable] public var id:string;                         private function init():void {                 urlrequest

**Don't want to quit Joomla. Please help me out someone!!!** - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have spending last 3 days days , nights trying figure out how use joomla. took tutorial yesterday , found out how add articles , categories, etc. have watched many [youtube] tuts, etc, etc, etc. i've got information, nothing helping. there 0 support groups in mexico , no webinars or resources can find me want out of joomla. ***here's want out of joomla , need know how there*** my goal find out how take templates photoshop, convert them on html modify them joomla work. know 1 guy web designers , creates sites who's layouts nothing cookie cutter joomla templates square headers, main body, left & right sidebars, etc. guy's sites are customized. take here @ example: the guy designs company told me uses photoshop, dreamweaver, joomla create designs. want create similar designs need major getting started in right direction. have become overwhelmed , don't want give on joomla. don't want waste hours , hours chasing rabbit trails. wa

Embed error message with Flash files

i have created flash files using flash8 , want place them on website. i have done , see them no problems, however, number of people have told me can't see these files.   in dreamweaver, noticed message related embed lines each flash file............ warning:attributes , values embed tag vary plug-in.  please check attributes , values valid. microsoft internet explorer 5.0, microstoft internet explorer 5.5, microsoft internet explorer 6.0, netscape navigator 6.0.     an example of 1 of these embed lines is........................... <embed src="files/bulletproof/bulletprooftitle.swf" quality="high" pluginspage=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1100" height="600"></embed>       am missing here? i have tried moving swf file root directory , changing src address above, has not worked either. please help!!! €8-)   cheers! that code hasn't been valid age

v2.03 HTTP response compression causing failures

i've been tracking down bug has cropped in both existing air applications , new applications.  applications javascript/html based adobe air applications.   when test adobe air application using dreamweaver cs5 application xhr calls work fine.  when compile them , run air application calls stop working.   i can see call going out returning correct response (200) valid information air application returns status of 0 every single time.  different can see header file contains accept-encoding: gzip,deflate not in preview of adobe air application.   i have tried adding own accept-encoding using setrequestheader , ignored.   a full log of messages, returned, values, etc in forum post:   the recent release notes 2.03 ( ) indicate added feature , gzip,deflate added default.   i need find way either fix reason status code 0 being returned when can see call suc

Potrebna pomoc.. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

prije svega, postovanje svima drago mi je da sam ja poceo da radim sa joomla-om prije 20 minuta.. shvatio sam otprilike o cemu se radi zahvaljujuci tutorijalima.. ipak, imam problem u startu.. instalirao sam xampp, skinuo instalirao joomlu, ulogovorao se krenuo da pravim artikle, sekcije,.. odmah dobijam upozorenje: "warning: strtotime() [function.strtotime]: not safe rely on system's timezone settings. *required* use date.timezone setting or date_default_timezone_set() function. in case used of methods , still getting warning, misspelled timezone identifier. selected 'europe/paris' '1.0/no dst' instead in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla15\libraries\joomla\utilities\date.php on line 56" tako 3-4 upozorenja samo u razlichitim linijama. takodje, dobijam ovo upozorenje: "warning: parameter 1 jhtmlgrid::checkedout() expected reference, value given in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla15\libraries\joomla\html\html.php on line 87" o cemu se radi kako da otklonim ovo? unap

Joomla Banner Image not displaying in IE6? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have developed joomla site client of mine, banner image on home page won't display in ie6. instead giant white box little red x @ top. displays fine in later versions of ie , other browsers. this issue can seen @ . this problem because lot of company's target audience can't upgrade browser, since later versions of ie apparently not compatible dot net (go figure. way go, microsoft!). the banner image jpg. idea why not display in ie6? can fix this? thanks in advance help. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

lots of errors Bridge CS5

i thought had bypassed of cs5 errors seems went output module in bridge 4.0.2 , 4.0.3x problems started. when try open bridge bunch of errors, see attachments below. if try push forward , open bridge , attempt outputting simple pdf error enough space... , there plenty on startup, doc , app drives 300gb free on each.   i checked permissions of folder, rebuilt disk permissions , seem ok, ps working ok. 10.6.4 + graphics update, 18gb ram, quad-core intel macpro   any thoughts appreciated.   thanks   i checked permissions of folder, rebuilt disk permissions , they seem ok, ps working ok. 10.6.4 + graphics update, 18gb ram, quad-core intel macpro   any thoughts appreciated.     don't understand messages seems script related me. in your list of solutions did not find resetting preferences.   quit bridge , restart option key pressed. choose reset preferences.   on seconds thoughts, might idea first for photoshop itself, holding down shift + option + cmd key , choose delete preferences.

Why won't my creative suite applications open?

i have been running cs2 on mac 2 years.  other occasional shutdown due many applications running, never had problem, until 2 weeks ago.  now, quits try open file, message saying illustrator has unexpectedly quit.  have suggestions on how can software work again.  running 10.5.7 , using cs2 standard.  thanks. r-users.php   bob More discussions in Creative Suites Macintosh adobe

Thread: kdesvn non standard ssh port

does know need add .ssh/config file use kdesvn on repo non standard ssh port? have added following, still no joy. host <hostname.tld> port <portnumber> thanks, iz never mind, answered own question: hostname <ipaddress> port <port#> user <yourusername> Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [SOLVED] kdesvn non standard ssh port Ubuntu

Hide MySQL errors from users - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is there way hide mysql errors users , show users in "special" usergroup? if not, there way disable "note" mysql warning. there wrong me joomsef k2 sef extension keeps giving 2-4 mysql note's (not errors) page has not been visited before. after refresh errors not appear ever again. wondering if disable them (the note errors...) cuz kinda unnecessary. thanks! edit: i fixed it. under config->system error reporting set maximum. changed system default , well. stupid me Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Unusual Problem caused by/with flash?

an unusual problem developed flash , cannot resolve. running windows xp service pack 3 , have flash 10.1 running. problem have run this, when have internet browser open , leave idle 5 minutes windows error message comes says: could not find file "flash.ocx" prior 8/10/2010 never happened, additionally have looked in appropriate folders on system , program seem there. have checked program adobe , there system says program date , functioning on both internet browsers use are: ie8 , google chrome. can identify problem unsure of steps take correct issue , microsoft has become useless. hi, check in manage add ons shockwave flash object make sure enabled. if not listed in toolbars , extensions, use down arrow under show.   when checked programs, did check flash folder see flash files installed? didn't whether have 64bit or 32bit system.   thanks,   eidnolb More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Errors viewing site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, have problem i upladed website made, , tried firefox, iexplorer, in linux, etc...the works. but friend of mine reports sees site errors, cant understand why since can see everywhere test , in every browser. maybe im noob, helpfull if went , reported errors may find. no need dig inside site, open site , see if weird. thx! hi, it looks fine in chrome, opera, firefox , ie 8 no errors. template breaks on left of page in ie7 , 6 but no errors. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Best Results - Internal or External Hard Drive

what best results:   i have heard optimized (defragged) external drive required best results, not sure.   any advice helpful   thanks,   steve   welcome forum.   unfortunately, have been instructed incorrectly.   an internal best. having minimum of 2 physical internals start , having 3 physical internals better, , worth $, long have space , controller connectors.   with externals, stack way:   1.) usb 2.0  - horribly slow , prone read/write errors, when attempting edit to/from. should used archiving , backups. 2.) fw-400 - slow, better. not prone read/write errors, usb 2.0. 3.) fw-800 - faster yet. use these edit to/from, , can migrate projects computer computer 4.) esata - we're talking. these offer real world performance, bit below internal sata ii hdd's   do not have data on usb 3.0's, or sata iii's. scsi good, require dedicated controller, , not large. cost premium $'s, , performance not better well-turned sata ii.   ssd's os, 1 should have 2x physical hd