
Showing posts from February, 2013

Help with DW8 error messages please....

suddenly dreamweaver 8 has ground virtually halt - think might since recent dmx activeslideshow update.   when load dw8 error message:- while executing onload in actslideshow10-onstartup.htm following j'script error occurred:in file "actslideshow10-onstartup"" reference error:on startup not defined.   when open html file error message: while executing onload in-onopen.htm, following javascript error occurred; in file ""-onopen"" reference error: on open not defined.   other error messages coming up:   1/the following translators not loaded due errors: asp.htm: has configuration information invalid. server model  ss1.htm has configuration information invalid. xslt.htm has configuration information invalid. 2/while executing on-load in teamadmintempdelete.html following javascript error occurred in file “”teamadmintempdelete”” reference error: deltempfile not defined.   grateful can give me. i tried reload dw made no difference. troubleshooting

Running header

has ever got javascript put running header text variable (paragraph style) text frame?   the documentation woefully inadequate -- seems might secret or something! hey!   i think work apply paragraph style "title" "running header" variable, , insert selected text frame.   var mysel = app.selection[0]; var myvar = app.activedocument.textvariables.item("running header"); myvar.variableoptions.appliedparagraphstyle = "title"; mysel.texts[0].textvariableinstances.add({associatedtextvariable:myvar});   -- tomaxxi More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

Make footer width span entire browser window? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm working on tweaking template client's site @ what i'd know how make footer background color (not content) span entire width of browser page. i've been looking @ other posts haven't seen applicable css or joomla-specific solutions. any appreciated! thanks, julian move footer outside of div class="sheet" Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

flickering when export

hi all i work avchd 1080i50 clip,work premiere , send encore dynamic link , create bluray(i obteiy m2ts files). the problem when see work on full hd tv image flickering.(the original clip don't flick if camera connected tv). i'm new of premiere pro do suggest me use antiflicker video effects or in video option deinterlace entire work? or there better solution? hi , tnx check field order.  avchd 1080i upper field first.  make sure edit in uff pr sequence(s), , send uff sequence en.   -jeff More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Problem uploading images - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i getting error message "image file not supported" while trying upload .html images media manager. i used photoshop cs4 save web gave me option save html. obviously, newbie:) i not expert photoshop. but, how file .html image file? try following add new extension types in media manager. (a) open global configuration (site -> global configuration) (b) click on sytem tab (c) in bottom, in media settings, add extension text in parameter legal extensions (file types) (d) save settings. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Latest news mod - different bg alternately - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, is possible make different bg colors behind topic of article in list of new articles in latestnews_mod? if so, me? , sorry english. hope understand me. hi, you can change background color of module in css file: e.g. add module class suffix " latest" (without quotation marks, space). and add following css: code: select all .latest li { background-color: #ff0000; } olaf Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Driver install for Asus PCE-N13 Wifi Card

hi all, i've been having trouble installing driver new wifi card (see title) in ubuntu 10.10 alpha 3 64-bit. put in driver cd , went "linux" directory. driver tarball (which extracted), reason, ./configure, make, , make install aren't working (specifically ./configure, "bash: command not found" or that). appreciated. thanks! -vegetarianshrimp p.s. attached readme file driver cd. attached files readme.txt (11.5 kb, 10 views) bump Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Driver install for Asus PCE-N13 Wifi Card Ubuntu

template it´s not work with pollxt - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everybody: i have 1 problem component pollxt , template. first) installed component polltx , test template default of joomla. second) componet polltx can create poll similars links example: i have poll of "which favorite color?" access poll can 1 click in text "which favorite color?" , display opcions , bottons aside poll. when active template y can´t see opcions , bottons poll. in address bar change text similar when works other templates default of joomla. other template of joomla works. somebody helpme , give ideas solve problem. thanks can post link site? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

can't access admin panel - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok, have installed joomla , xampp run on computer, , seemed go pretty smoothly, go http://localhost/joomla15/administrator/ , , there's blank page "ok" on – not administrator control panel. i've been searching can't find info how fix this. seems maybe i'm missing step (and i'm newbie), i'm stumped. can help? i'm running newest versions of software on mac os 10.5.8, on macbook pro. thanks, pam you'll have check apache error logs, sounds permissions/ownership issue. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Choppy fullscreen video in OS X with latest player

hi,   basically, downloaded latest player , it's broken fullscreen video; it's choppy/jerky/slow.   i'm on brand new i5 15" macbook pro. graphics cards in intel hd graphics , nvidia geforce gt 330m.   i think problem new gpu acceleration in flash, when turn off hardware acceleration in flash, problem stops. stops when turn off automatic graphics switching in mac os x system preferences. so, believe flash using intel hd graphics handle accelerated video, instead of gt 330m.   what people think? advise? turn off hardware acceleration in flash, that's bit annoying.   if came it, how downgrade version of flash ships os x 10.6.4 (i think version 10.0.xx)?   thanks,   james. hi, not familiar mac. have seen this? don't know if applies edition, able decide. -snow-leopard-graphics-update/       thanks,   eidnolb More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Unable to get index.html to override index.php - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying create splash page, know post has been done many times. wondering if has encountered problem before? have created new 'htaccess.txt' file correct code 'directoryindex index.html index.php' have tried '.htaccess' file although server not running apache. both methods still directed directly homepage, 'index.php' file? works on xammp setup on local machine. server issue, or in joomla coding somewhere? there way of bypassing index.php? any gratefully appreciated. toby is module mod_dir initialised in set up? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Prompt Terms and Conditions while installing AIR application

can modify air installation prompt terms , conditions agreement while customer installs our air application? it nice, no, that's not option. need make own @ app start , read local variable @ startup check if has been presented. that's how mine.   i'd put in feature request. i'd think easy point eula in meta-file somewhere , have air installer present before installation accept or reject button. More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

error when trying to get database online (intermedia)

someone here recommended using intermedia coldfusion hosting, , i'm relatively happy them, can't offer support problem i"m having.  i'm trying mysql database online, error:   cannot restore database backup 'mymindsnotrighttest.sql' (error  occurred while evaling command (errstr = [error] [2010-08-17 13:16:24]  main::imedia::hp::mysql:: restoredatabasefrombackup: cannot restore database backup 'mymindsnotrighttest.sql' ([error]  imedia::hp::mysql::imedia::admin::backupmanager::mysql::restore: cannot restore backup database via command 'cat /mnt/smb/backup/mysql/mikewycklendt/mymindsnotrighttest/mymindsnotrighttest.sql | mysql --user=mysql_svc --database=mymindsnotrighttest'  (exitcode=1, error=, stderr=error 1064 (42000) @ line 102: have an  error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds your  mysql server version right syntax use near 'using btree )  engine=innodb default charset=latin1 row_format=compact' @ line 12 cat:  write error: bro

email and hyper links displayed as plain text? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i using jsjamba template. have altered css file menu links on left not underlined. the problem have if insert hyperlink, or email address in article looks plain text, , not know link. blue , underlined, norm these sort of links. there anyway can make default within articles, without effecting menu links on left? thanks mark without seeing site it's impossible tell css code need alter, find div contains content , add link rules underline; eg #content-container a:link, #content-container a:visited {text-decoration:underline;} #content-container a:hover {a:hover:text-decoration:none;} where content-container div contains articles Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Cannot install extensions after migration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i migrated 1.5, , cannot seem install extensions. all permissions seems ok. going off of suggestions issue in joomla wiki post: problem issue 1: tmp directory **[i checked tmp , permission 755] problem issue 2: session path **[i ran diagnostic assistant , save.session_path writable. things showing "red": configuration.php: writeable (mode 644) mysqli: "no" register_globals: "enabled" mbstring: "no"] problem issue 3: php.ini **[i not locate "php.ini" file in file directory] any here appreciated. i've been trying work out days.... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Overflytning med problemer i templates - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg har overflyttet mit template, som jeg oprettede på når jeg så ser det på det nye domæne er der kommet en ekstra hvid bjælke på lige on teksten. hvordan får jeg den væk - jeg synes jo det hele burde være ens, når det blot er kopieret on på en nyinsstallation. domænet ligger hos servage og domænet ligger hos unoeuro hvis det har nogen betydning. prøver @ rette det hele til, så spørgsmålet stilles bero. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.5 (Tidligere langtidssupporteret version indtil sep. 2012) Installation, backup, opdatering og flytning - Godt igang

Thread: connecting to XP pro through parallel port

i using ubuntu 10.4 , trying play games (warcraft iii , starcraft) xp user sitting next me. able establish connection, really, dont know next step be. selecting lan multiplayer doesn't work. also, on starcraft, did notice direct cable connection option, when try it, freezes when click "ok", , have force quit program. thinking create lan network uses parallel port, have no idea how. 1 more thing: neither computer not connected internet , has no possibility of being connected long time ideas? remember: ultimate goal able play games xp machine. if 1 game can succeed @ that, better nothing! edit: there slight possibility connected on lan, after connected wont need Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] connecting to XP pro through parallel port Ubuntu

Yes it is the dreaded pemissions issue again. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've looked thru forum , keep getting bounced page page there no definitive solution. my folders set 755 keep getting 'failed move' error messages folders not writable. don't want have go in via ftp change permissions time. i run website on same server folders set 755 writable , have no problems. this suggests server setup issue don't know questions should asking server people. ideas? jim note not foolproof, benefit enabling "ftp layer"... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: sendmail

hi, i've been trying install sendmail, have been running following errors, need 0b/3494b of archives. after unpacking 254kb of additional disk space used. selecting deselected package sendmail. (reading database ... 18546 files , directories installed.) unpacking sendmail (from .../sendmail_8.14.2-2build1_all.deb) ... setting sendmail-bin (8.14.2-2build1) ... doing new install, or have erased /etc/mail/ if you've accidentaly erased /etc/mail/, check /var/backups. creating safe, default , can run sendmailconfig later if need change defaults. /etc/init.d/sendmail: line 35: /lib/init/ no such file or directory dpkg: error processing sendmail-bin (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sensible-mda: sensible-mda depends on sendmail-bin | mail-transport-agent; however: package sendmail-bin not configured yet.

Thread: PSFTP syntax question

can please tell me putty sftp syntax required copy file computer, on user t0p's desktop (eg /t0p/desktop/file.txt , xp computer? putty instructions seem make no sense me. thanks. use winscp on xp box instead of putty Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] PSFTP syntax question Ubuntu

Got error message when attempting to install the cameraraw6-2

attempted install new camera raw patch labs.. received following message 'error loading updater workflow' adobe application manager - updates screen. any word adobe on this?   i getting same "error loading updater workflow" when trying install acr 6.2, comes pretty when adobepatchinstaller.exe run.   it happening on 2 separate systems, 1 windows xp sp3 , same error on running vista sp2.   thanks, john More discussions in Adobe Camera Raw adobe

Xin module menu đa cấp - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

các bác có ai có code module làm 1 cái menu đa cấp cho joomla cho em xin tham khảo cái.1 cái mod giống như trang web này : . menu nhìn đẹp thật, nhưng hình như mới chỉ là 2 cấp thôi mà. bạn có thể tham khảo họ cũng xài cái menu này. trang của mình cũng dùng template này của rt nhưng tính năng đó mình bỏ. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Vietnamese Forum Thành phần mở rộng cho Joomla!

Any way to take a subclip & generate a new original file of subclip's length without recapturing?

when capture large length of footage (say 30 mins) , import footage pr pro cs 5 project, typically extract section of footage timeline using source monitor.  throughout edit end using multiple portions (subclips) of original footage.  make specific subliclips, use different instances in timeline of different lengths.   what able create new original file each edited clip each piece not referencing same full portion of captured footage.  trying create smaller files referenced.   in other words, guess looking way "capture" in reverse?  rather having go , recapture portion edited subclip, there way in reverse?    it ideal if there command took subclip , created new original file length of final edited clip or piece in time line.   i trying reduce size of original file having referenced premiere pro each time speed editing process, without having go , redo capturing process. export each section. ( ie. export each subclip) More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

move a movieclip along guide layer with action script?

hello, hoping there solution this.   i'm trying movie clip follow guide layer using action script.   one thing have "create movieclip , put on guide layer. have go along path." in ide in 2 new layers create guide (in 1 new layer) , tween movieclip (in 2nd new layer).  once it's working way want right click in tween span on timeline , click copy tween as3.0.  delete 2 new layers , paste code in actions panel.  add movieclip (that want tween code) stage.  test. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Issue copying/pasting special characters into CS5

we upgraded our dreamweaver 2004 cs5 , i've been having issues copying , pasting word , emails. appears special characters not being translated correctly html , they're appearing question marks on published web pages. had same problem many years ago when using frontpage never had of older versions of dreamweaver. are there new settings have update copy/paste work correctly? don't want have go through , manually update ?s appear. frustrating! investigate character encoding on each page -     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />   normally utf-8 gives flexibility special characters. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Roto brush strokes limit bug

i have poorly prepaired footage requiring lot of brush strokes. noticed of strokes went missing, checked strokes in timeline. have around 1080 strokes, , when scroll way down 80 timeline window turns black (strokes under number 80 seem ignored).   i assuming there limit on strokes in 1 effect (apparently 1000), since works fine when split clip , delete half of strokes. have tried freezing rotobrush solution? simple performance issue many live strokes...   mylenium More discussions in After Effects adobe

Drawing in real time in a film

test what want know is, how can effect achieved? here possible ways can done:     drawing frame @ time, adding bit more length of arrow (or whatever drawing happens be) each frame give illusion drawn in real time.   draw full thing once, , have mask reveals (like 1 going downward, reveal behind it, above it) give appearence of being drawn.     now 2 i've explained above not ways, they're tedious , wasteful. there must better way. 1 can draw on tablet pc , record actual drawing , can like... use transparency put on film. hope guys understand i'm saying. have ideas? through flash? premiere?... after effects?   if so, how? lot again.   sorry above "test" More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

How do I handle incremented varibles inside of URLRequest()

i trying set series of url links inside cycling button.  however, when try use variable, link sends me variable name instead of url.  below snippet of code:   //url variables var lk1=" "; var lk2=" "; var lk3=" "; // var mycount:number=1; //    navigatetourl(new urlrequest(lk[mycount]); //   if use above code error "error #1010: term undefined , has no properties."   navigatetourl(new urlrequest(lk+[mycount]); if use code error "1120: access of undefined property lk."     navigatetourl(new urlrequest("lk"+[mycount]); and if use code links me "lk1" rather variable value of link.   what proper code incremented variable work inside of urlrequest ???? try using:      navigatetourl(new urlrequest(this["lk"+string(mycount)]);   when use bracket notation build whole variable/instance name string inside brackets. More discussions in A

Thread: ssh restrictions per interface?

i have server 2 active network interfaces. on one, need ssh open users (it's running ltsp, , learned hard way today, blocking ssh kills ldm access). on other interface (which connects rest of network), want allow few administrative users connnect. there way cleanly using sshd_config or pam? don't want hacky running dropbear. since ssh system wide service, doesn't work way. can prevent individual users or prevent individual networks both changes affect way ssh , whole server listens , permits logins. let's call ltsp user network interface nic1 , other "rest of network" interface nic2. use iptables or firewall to: 1st - permit ssh nic1 network 2nd - permit ssh specific nic2 network ips or subnets 3rd - block ssh everywhere else allow users specific ips on nic2 network (i.e. admin pcs) ssh on server still allow users on nic1 network have ssh access ltsp functionality. of course li

Thread: capture/input volume drops by itself

i've been googling while , have had problem b4. didn't have in meerkat (developer edition) came lucid , it's back. capture volume drops on input , idk why. found solution once cant find again i hope can Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] capture/input volume drops by itself Ubuntu

What is this error message about?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my website indexed google. however, 1 of indexed title captured failure this: warning: tcpdf::include(/xxxx/xxxx/xxxxxx ... when clicked browse page. showed: warning: tcpdf::include(/homepath/xxxx.mydomain/language/pdf_fonts/gbsn00lp.php) [function.tcpdf-include]: failed open stream: no .such file or directory in /homepath/xxxx.mydomain/libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 1909 warning: tcpdf::include() [function.include]: failed opening '/homepath/xxxx.mydomain/language/pdf_fonts/gbsn00lp.php' inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php-5.2.1/lib/php') in /homepath/xxxx.mydomain/libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 1909 tcpdf error: not include font definition file does know pointed out , how solve problem not indexed google. shows webhost' home path too. that's worry me. appreciate help. thanks! which version of joomla u using??? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Quest

SEF not working - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when sef turned on search engine friendly urls yes use apache mod_rewrite yes add suffix urls no i error message: 404 not found the server can not find requested page: (port 80) please forward error screen's webmaster. i have followed suggestions in ... t-sef-urls tech support insists mod_rewrite on , active. here site url: did rename htaccess.txt .htaccess prior setting mod_rewrite selection 'yes'? if set 'use apache mod_rewrite' 'no' 404 go away? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Create an Action which saves images to same directory?

i have several folders of  tiff images.  need process them individually, save them jpg in same folder original tif in.   i  created action provides several of final steps need, including "save as".  clicked "modal" option "save as" step, can edit name need before saving.   my problem action "remembers" directory path in action created (i.e. first folder).  when run action on images i've opened other folders, defaults first folder.  need navigate current folder every time.  pain.   how can have action open save dialog same directory open image? you use file.automate>batch . set source folder folder images.   set destination folder folder (does not matter in case)   check override action "save as" commands box.   under play, choose action save step.   with enable dialog checked in save step in action, using batch should open save dialog in source folder.         if rather open images first, instead of 1 @ time,  can set the sourc

Thread: GRUB lost sight of my Windows XP

iv installed ubuntu many users never had happon....on own hardware too! did dual boot install of ubuntu 9.10. after that, when rebooted windows xp gone? did update-grub , still nothing. popped in grub super boot disk 2 , browsed around, think found says "error: invalid signature". iv googled , havent found solution yet. booted off xp cd recovery console, sees windows partition , lets me , browse files. know there. tried fixmbr fixboot , loads recovery partition. booted supergrubdisk again , same results, sees ubuntu. reinstalled grub , square 1. tried checkdsk /r , tried on again. nothin'.... have encrypted files on drive using efs....i guess ok loose them, put lot of work them.... have ideas on how can "wakeup" xp again? can post results of; in terminal in ubuntu. code: sudo fdisk -l Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Offic

PSE 8 will not run on my mac

hi there,   i have installed pse 6 orignially , not run.  tried fixes suggested adobe, no success.   i use pse pc success.   i have tried install new version pse 8 on mac in hopes glitches have been fixed, apparently not!   when click start program, shuts down @ open window says, "initializing shared components".   anyone have same difficulty or suggestions.   thanks, frustrated! can please try deleting older preferences , launch pse? for this, double click on editor application, @ same time, press following keys together: option + command + shift   let know if good.   regards, ankush More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Wrapper with restricted access - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everybody, i'm creating site on joomla 1.5 i have buttons on main menu, 2 of them use wrapper, registered members have access part of site. want when member visitor clicks button on main menu, go page restricted members. how it? sorry bad english i created wrapper menu item , set access level registered. when go front of site, don't see menu item until log in. if try paste menu item browser (after copying while being logged in), sends me login page. is looking for? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Problem with video clips in Elements

video clips i've taken canon dslr cannot opened in organizer.  if try open them system crashes.  have win 7 - 64 bit op sys enough memory choke horse.  familar how stuff works 1 has got me stumped. have opened them before has changed , don't know what.  when opened them before played poorly ... start , stop motion.  went through prodceedures correct (updated v card drivers , such) nothing helped.  got ideas?  in advance. do know format video files saved as? have updated video codecs on system?   pse rely's on codecs installed on system play many video formats. if 1 camera isn't there, can't play video. if working, isn't, it's possible other software updated or changed codec being used video format. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Newbie with performance... Starting with htaccess? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this htaccess: ########## graf performance # <ifmodule mod_deflate.c> <filesmatch "\.(css|js|x?html?|php)$"> setoutputfilter deflate </filesmatch> </ifmodule> # begin compress text files <ifmodule mod_deflate.c> <filesmatch "\.(css|js|x?html?|php)$"> setoutputfilter deflate </filesmatch> </ifmodule> # end compress text files   # begin expire headers <ifmodule mod_expires.c> expiresactive on expiresdefault a600 expiresbytype image/x-icon a2592000 expiresbytype application/x-javascript a604800 expiresbytype text/css a604800 expiresbytype image/gif a2592000 expiresbytype image/png a2592000 expiresbytype image/jpeg a2592000 expiresbytype text/plain a86400 expiresbytype text/php a21600 expiresbytype text/js a21600 expiresbytype application/x-shockwave-flash a2592000 expiresbytype video/x-flv a2592000 expiresbytype application/pdf a2592000 expiresbytype text/html a600 </ifmodule> # set expiry erro

problem with inserting logo into header - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i'm trying add own logo header, when remove text have there @ mo joomla logo appears, have uploaded logo template images , named logo.gif , renamed joomla logo logoold.png, cant see why not working heres site if helps regards adele you need rename file .png well, not .gif. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Default Article after Publish Finish Date Reached - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i looking elegant way remove obsolete items they reach date. among them are: - articles: there way display page/article when publish finished date is reached? example, replacing expired article indicates old expired. - menu item image. can display menu image such "new.jgp" indicate content under menu item has been updated. be inventory. there way automatically remove menu image after given time listing no longer "new"? - menu item expiration: similar article publish finish date, there way automatically un-publish menu item? thanks felix Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

fourpaws update

i have gotten arround sorting out links fourpaws site no longer have 4 text bases links ubove main banner   what people think of new navigation style why this?   #container {    min-height: 100%;    margin-bottom: -140px ;   and what's this?   .cont {      height: autopx ;      width: 400px;     the navigation ordinary image swaps, right? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: what is an application programmers wage?

hello in maths doing tax , part of tax need know wage. without trying rude or inapropriate if there application programmers read average wage. important can include curreny (example australion dollars or euro, etc) i found answer question. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe what is an application programmers wage? Ubuntu

Thread: No system beep/bell on UNE Aspire One D250

hello, i'm trying enable system beep on aspire 1 d250 running une (10.04). have enabled audible bell in gconf-editor @ /apps/metacity/general/audible_bell have bell enable in gnome-terminal have bell enabled in ccsm (compiz settings manager). have system sounds enabled on gnome-volume-control have: code: sudo modprobe pcspkr i have "visual beep" working, audio not. ideas? thanks, narnie well, i'm not sure if have system speaker on netbook. i'm guessing don't. work-around, found link ( ) essentially, install vorbis-tools beep sound , command line tool ogg123: code: sudo aptitude install vorbis-tools then do: code: mkdir ~/.xkb nano ~/.xkb/ putting in file: sounddirectory="/usr/share/sounds/" soundcmd="ogg123 -q" bell()

Article editor damaged, please help! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello guys. i've got j1.5 installation, installed dodgy component , result half of site blown away. managed restore site's files in admin section editing of articles looking weird , not functional. there's screenshot of it: is there possibility fix without reinstalling whole thing again? many thanks. iz need bit more info. "dodgy component"? seeing strange characters, database issue has been changed. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

SEO Frinedly Homepage URL - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, how should change homepage url www.mydomaincom/custom-url.html ? is there way how that. please help. thanks! this 3 step process. first, make alias name of front page menu name = custom-url. second, activate 3 sef features in joomla's global configuration settings. make sure create [dot]htaccess file correctly. action make home page link www.mydomaincom/custom-url.html . thrid, create 301 redirect host control panel or within [dot]htaccess file redirect requests www.mydomaincom/custom-url.html . Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Freezing video and small screen

hi there! a beginner @ editing , using premiere (i using cs4 version) right now... have used canon 7d camera shoot video... have added clips timeline. when in source (clip) screen see clips well, entire image visible , wasn't freezing. however, added videos , audios timeline , want playback sequence on screen on right cannot figure out how make video stop freezing frame frame , don't know why image shown small fraction of actual frame (even though set on fit option). problem not occur on source monitor screen...   when imported clips in beginning of editing process using cs3 , freezing problem did not occur, small frame situation...   hope can me... i'm sorry if may have said terms incorrectly, but, said, new me , trying learn myself! welcome forum, , welcome prpro.   as canon footage pretty heavily-compressed h.264, let's start full specs. of computer. article give tips, , some.   also, here article links might useful footage.   good luck,   hunt More discussions

Move to Another Server? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

a client called me week complaining host company , requested take control of domain , website. i transferred domain control , prepared server website. i went old server, downloaded client's files , retrieved mysql dump of database. uploaded files server , inserted sql statements. the next step updated configuration.php contain new details of database. tested site using sub-domain of pre-hosted website. i have yet change dns of domain old server new server. have never dealt joomla site before , nervous might break , have change dns. can tell me if on right path? is there steps missing? also, related not important (i think), within configuration.php there 2 paths tmps , logs folders. know location of log folder on server. need tmp path too? definitely need temp path, same path logs, make folder called /tmp. did test work in subdomain? if so, did right. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Que

Edge calculations in Flash

is there way suppress edge effect pb in flash? i'm doing nxn convolution.  think ignore pixels 'outside' image. i have:    float2 pt = outcoord() + float2(1.0, 2.0); how test if pt in image before passing samplenearest?   my convolution mask depends on parameter. looks dependents ideal, not supported in flash. will supported in future version of flash? More discussions in Pixel Bender adobe

Show all articles on frontpage - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is there way show articles in frontpage without selecting frontpage option when writing articles? this idea website working on. i wanna allow users post own articles, remove option show on frontpage. have 4 different sections, , wanna show articles submitted in blog style on homepage. you want show each article's first page? teaser? headline? how much? either way, sounds you'll need custom component. copy default com_content component, customize it, link "home" menu item. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

SoundChannel and other bug?

hi.   i' ve problem sound or soundchannel classes. my project "vector drum" , action mouse_over play mp3 embbeded in swf.   i have 9 soundchannels , 9 sounds classes, 1 each part of drum.   the  action works but, when pass mouse on drum for  many times(or during long time), sounds stop moment (delay),  , never play. wait seconds , work normaly.   there bug in sound or soundchannel class? how fix it?   url project:   *ps. turn on sound system.   the code simple. //canalname = soundchannel class , mp3name = sound class.           private function som(pad:movieclip)         {             if(pad == mccaixa){                 canalcaixa =;                       }             if(pad == mcbumbo){                 canalbumbo =;             }             if(pad == mcchimbal){                 canalchimbal =;             }             if(pad == mctom1){                 canaltom1 =

CS5 Image Watermarking

i may wrong.....but sure saw cs5 had watermark generating feature built in. so?. if not, need idiots guide generating them. thanks. mike. hey!   try this:   -- tomaxxi More discussions in Photoshop Feature Requests (Locked) adobe

API.Initialize() never called. Perpetual "Loading..."

using catptivate 5, outputting scorm 2004. when run without lms, runs fine, when launched lms, perpetually says "loading...".   i did javascript debugging in files output captivate scorm package. noticed find api, never calls api.initialize().   doing logging within "function captivate_dofscommand(command, args)" function, notice gets "cpslidechanged" "command" parameter in endless loop. never else.   any ideas @ all? solved:   ok, captivate file (i found out) unhappy getting arguments passed it. near end of generated html file in scorm package line looks this.   strurlparams += (strurlparams==""?"?":"&") + "scorm_api=" + g_zapiversion + "&scorm_type=" + g_intapitype;   peeking "strurlparams" variable, noticed had value of:   "?usercmiid=42&width=1024&height=768&scorm_api=undefined&scorm_type=1.0"   i figured out causing problems changing above code th

Thread: defaults for Nautilus: how do I open with 2 tabs?

hi community: when open nautilus, want open default with: two tabs, each opening pre-specified path locations. how do this? thanks! phil smith duluth, ga maybe, maybe, gconf-editor can you. code: gconf-editor Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] defaults for Nautilus: how do I open with 2 tabs? Ubuntu

Thread: wpa_supplicant will not connect

i have been attempting wpa_supplicant work automatically connects wireless network (ie when machine starts, before log in) have been following guide @ gave me command code: sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and wpa_supplicant.conf (substituting l letter , n number security reasons code: # reading passphrase stdin network={ ssid="lllllllnlnln" #psk="nnnnlnnlnnnn" psk=nnnnllnnnnlnnnlllnnnlnnnnnllnlnnnnnlnnnnnnnnnlnlnnnnnllnlnnlnnnn } which generated running code: sudo wpa_passphrase lllllnlnln > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf however when try connect with code: sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf i message code: trying associate 00:01:e3:f0:a2:d8 (ssid='orangef0a2d6' freq=2437 mhz) associated 00:01:e3:f0:a2:d8 ctrl-event-disconnected - disconnect event - remove keys ioctl[siocsiwscan]: dev

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