
Showing posts from May, 2012

mp4 import problem

i'm trying edit few mp4 files in premiere audio comes in out of whack: in 1 file, audio started off fine , in sync video sometime between mins 2/3 audio's off, , gets worse video progresses; in video, timing's off start.  thing is, running either video through player produces no problems.   so far, i've been manually cutting audio , video , relinking them clips need, it's pain.  i'm new program i'm not familiar nuances , features, if it's possible "shift" audio track.  that, though, might not work considering issue of increasing audio delay video progresses (by end there's 30sec of delay, video coming first).   the files encoded h264 , aac; resoultion's 1280x720.  suggestions?  i'd prefer not have re-encode them, if so, suggestions on front?   thanks! hmmm.   the aac encoding makes me think not camera original media, should using, type of tv broadcast or blu-ray rip, you're not allowed reedit.   if that's case, solution st

"moduletable h3" - Titulos dos modulos não aparecem! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

olá pessoal, eu criei um template pra joomla, instalei o template depois fui instalando os componentes e os módulos quando peço pra exibir o titulo modulo simplesmente não aparece. [ exibir título: não (x) sim ] quando vou inspecionar o código fonte tags <div class="moduletable"> <h3>notícias</h3> </div> não aparece.. ja instalei o template puro pra testar se era algum componente ou modulo, cheguei conclusão q é realmente no template, pq quando mudo pra um template padrão joomla ele exibe os titulos numa bôa. iurytaillan wrote: olá pessoal, eu criei um template pra joomla, instalei o template depois fui instalando os componentes e os módulos quando peço pra exibir o titulo modulo simplesmente não aparece. [ exibir título: não (x) sim ] quando vou inspecionar o código fonte tags <div class="moduletable"> <h3>notícias</h3> </div> não aparece.. ja instalei o template puro pra testar se era algum componente ou modulo

Crashing on startup: CS5 Apps in OS 10.6.4

sos   i've searched forum database , haven't found enough comments problem: computer: imac i5 core running snow leopard 10.6.4 adobe: cs5 design standard illustrator version 15.0 indesign version previous cs design apps: cs3 (currently unistalled/deactivated) font management: suitcase fusion 3   problem: ai , id crash on launch--either directly app or existing file. after intial install, programs opened fine. photoshop opens fine , others won't.   in previous posts i've seen discussions on possible font , font management culprits , permission culprits. based on comments come across "best guesses". considering number of posts on problems, has not adobe released resolution statements or fixes somewhere??   so, seems consensious on problem , solutions? thank in advance responding , prompt on answering questions because i'm forced work on older g4 after spending gazillion $ upgrade 2010 era.   ps adobe: i'm share holder , undermines value of inve

Admin Templates - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i getting ready start working joomla develop site. read things admin interface not being ideal. learning curve or efficiency improve if use different admin template? any comments on adminpraise2? any recommendations templates better above? thanks. i don't know mean admin interface not ideal. did explore admin section of joomla? i don't think template improve learning process. enjoy first steps joomla. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

New Website Design Thoughts

i thought might "nice" use page-flipping software uses single-sheet pdf files in next website i'm concerned doing in right way save me additional work. i use word "nice" in way because appreciate these days asthetics (how website looks , functions) important element not important content, have. other that, page-flipping software in merely eye-candy, don't want cause more work it's worth. i'm going use pageflip software found at giving guy full credits.   so i'd appreciate thoughts on following concerns, plus more can think of.   obviously, want function book, need "standard" alternating headers , footers find in books, how go having done automatically page-flipping software loads pdf sheets page-by-page. not want copy "dummies" books format, layout simple , thought use similar white-space layout.   also, work-in-progress on few years, add content do when content exceeds page , pages after needs re-numbering? thoug

Thread: My Beans Don't Go Up!

this has been happening long time , i'm getting pretty frustrated @ it. beans stay @ 15 through posted maybe 30+ replies/threads on forum. have idea why happening? posted tyblogger5 this has been happening long time , i'm getting pretty frustrated @ it. beans stay @ 15 through posted maybe 30+ replies/threads on forum. have idea why happening? your beans/posts not counted in non-support forums, such cafe , forum. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Forum Feedback & Help [SOLVED] My Beans Don't Go Up! Ubuntu

Link in title? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! i working on first joomla website, site lower divisions in football in sweden. want collect news other websites there , link theres articles. possible have link in title? had me thanks hi, yes, can specifiy in article parameters. go article manager , click on parameters. can configure globally there. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Forcedirectio and llock

i need mount nfs share on netapp device. can mount it, without 2 of our options our sun unix boxes can: forcedirectio , llock. ubuntu 64-bit server platform. code: servername:/sharename /admin nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,proto=tcp,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize= 32768,forcedirectio,llock 0 0 hi, on linux there no forcedirectio option, use actimeo=0 same behaviour (no caching). there isn't equivelant local locks option in linux. guess depending on data run nolock option same performance benefit llock. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] Forcedirectio and llock Ubuntu

Thread: Problem regarding buying music

hi gradually turning anti-piracy, there hitch. live in third -world country , here stores selling original music far , few between, , not stock type of music hear megadeth, hillsong, dc talk, metallica etc. neither ubuntu 1 store have them, amazon applies us, can't use itunes since on single boot. guys know online international store stocks these bands? posted jfreak_ hi gradually turning anti-piracy, there hitch. live in third -world country , here stores selling original music far , few between, , not stock type of music hear megadeth, hillsong, dc talk, metallica etc. neither ubuntu 1 store have them, amazon applies us, can't use itunes since on single boot. guys know online international store stocks these bands? i believe napster , limewire (yes, limewire) drm-free mp3 vendors, pricing similar itunes.

Display an article inside another... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

what i'm trying acheive here is: i have articles "a" , "b" in category "letters" and "1" , "2" in category "numbers" lets i'm trying include 1's content "a"... just like: "this content a, this inserted content 1, and end of content." i don't wan't use wrappers or iframes since take page navigation it... i think matter of scripting "a" page content, don't know if can article , don't know php... :-s anyone!?! i don't know off top of head reckon there'll extension somewhere jed. if can't find , need code can use jumi or sorcerer extension put php in article. (that'd last resort though). sorry not helpful answer, something... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Photo wall plug-ins - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm looking plug-in allows registered users post pictures , few lines of text photo wall-style page. (preferably non-commerical). key ability user post directly site (after administrator approval), without giving them access site's media manager. any suggestions? thanks. you can try plug-in ... eshow/6579 hope helps tell if not looking for. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

'Statistics for this cycle' is not updated properly

i trying track daily usage of lccs. 2 days ago 'statistics cycle' displayed $0.06 consumed. today says $0.03 consumed.   one more question when following 2 updated during day? statistics cycle usage on time hi ali,   could send on account url lccs(at)   we'll @ logs , figure out happened stats.   thanks, julien lccs qe More discussions in LiveCycle Collaboration Services adobe

Squeezebox wont work - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, im new joomla , have been trying solve issue day long. i used templete beez starter , none of squeezebox pop ups work right open normal pages. i noticed other templates iframe added bottom of code including original beez template. not seen in view source if use firefox addon firebug shows hidden div iframe stuff inside. not sure if has squeezebox thought might. section of code dose not added template. here example still highly under construction got stuck @ point , didn't go further. ... &itemid=56 click on little magnifier glass under photo. know added component buttons should open in squeezebox same thing , im not sure if there 1 guest can use. thanks in advanced problem solved! i had javascript causing conflict. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

New to Joomla! (Activation Token) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, it's there posibility login using token in joomla? , if answer "yes" tell me please how this, many thanks, it depends. if want use token in validating new account, no problem. in global configuration, on system tab can set new registrations emailed. new member must click on link validate account. if want use token people have forgotten password, no problem there either. login module offers that. however if want use token allow enter site registered user, don't have account, that's not possible. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

[JS CS4] How to allow "returns" in multiline edittext in scriptui

hi,   i can build simple dialogs using scriptui.   var w = new window('dialog',"label",undefined); w.minimumsize.height = 250; w.minimumsize.width = 250; w.mytext = w.add('edittext',undefined,myvalue, {multiline:true, scrollable:true}); w.mytext.minimumsize.width = 240; w.mytext.minimumsize.height = 240;;     is there way allow return key used create new lines? , how recognise these returns when reading content later.   thanks   simon. afaik, within multine edittext return key works on mac platform. on win platforms user can press ctrl+enter insert new line.   then, in order parse resulting lines in array this:   var lines = w.mytext.text.      replace("/[\r\n]+/g","\n").      split("\n");   @+ marc More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

JoomlaDay Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City November 1, 2009 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

see details here: i'm excited! now.. off practice vietnamese... i) overview event joomla open source content management system , solid framework web application developement. joomla written in php , use mysql data storage. end-users, joomla allows building website faster in simple , cost-saving way. web developer, joomla offer solid , easy extend framework mvc structure. joomla!day event organized co-operation of: * open source matters inc. * rochen ltd * bravebits co.,ltd * hoang nguyen education jsc * nam viet online solution , technology co.,ltd ii) event's objectives: * promote joomla open source spirit in viet nam * celebrate 3 years of joomla viet nam community * build , maintain relationship between joomla's community members * develop e-commerce in viet nam. iii) target audiences: * joomla community members * information technologies enterprises. * interested in joomla , open source iv

Rendezvous security worries.

ok, i've read on basic implementations stratus through rtmfp.  worrying security vulnerabilities of rendezvous implementation.   from understanding, stands right stratus server not validate user id , developer key provided client.  preventing malicious user obtaining proper developer key , user id, mimicing security transcoding of both, , connecting stratus while pretending user who's credentials comprimised?   i looked through forums rather , haven't seen posts discussing sercurity related issues stratus server.  can tell, appears stratus server relies on client alone provide userid validation.   if stratus server not provide user id validation, have useful client side implementations talk about?  also, adboe plan implement stratus server-side userid validation?   again, if stratus provide user validation, apologize not knowing. stratus doesn't know "user ids".  purely constructs of application.  stratus knows client's peerid, unforgeable (by mean it

Community Customer Support Module like Getsatisfaction - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

has created module or mashed series of joomla tools works ? this amazing module joomla! crowdsource customer support using joomla community builder or joomsocial. know there support forums there system incorporates wiki support forum guides user through pre-screening process vex common questions verifying past solutions before creating new post? getsatisfaction this, among other things, control content inside joomla site , not rely on cloud saas solition. any thoughts or ideas? kersten in calgary Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Radeon 9550 128MB

hi, decided older posts 9550 card on google: first found guy had glxgears: code: 33209 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6641.661 fps 33193 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6638.420 fps 33188 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6637.470 fps 33188 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6637.562 fps and radeon 9550, frankly mine 3700-4300 frames in 5.0 sec... secondly somewere had suggested rune: mount , see if tmpfs mounted in /dev/shm/ , got this: code: none on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev) none on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755) i'm using open-source drivers. direct rendering yes. glxinfo: code: name of display: :0.0 display: :0 screen: 0 direct rendering: yes server glx vendor string: sgi server glx version string: 1.2 client glx vendor string: mesa project , sgi client glx version string: 1.4 opengl vendor string: dri r300 project opengl renderer string: mesa dri r300 (rv350 4153) 20090101 x86/mmx+/3dnow!+/sse2 tcl dri2

MySQL/PHP user login - Any email.

hi there,   i'm such noob this, have built php website, with of many tutorials , , have uploaded database clients phpmyadmin use on login page of website.   the login page simple email , password form, , works fine allocated email , password client has chosen, have asked me make email can used in form, when go table in database , delete email , leave blank, keep password only, doesn't seem work in site. there simple way allow email in username/email field of form? of course keep password we've allocated password field.   unfortunately else built database, used 'log in user' table it. i'm not familiar phpmyadmin interface.   thanks! you should have no trouble if update field email,  preferable if these fields supposed used log in. deleting email , leaving field blank may lead other application errors, depending on how things written.   to asking may need open database , set field allow null values delete emails in field. again, i'd advise against this.   --

database automatically imports xml data into pdf - issues

hi guys,   i have important question. have lcd 8.0 created pdf form.   an access database should pull information xml , import automatically pdf file without human interaction.   the code using importing (which on form docready event is:"data.xml"); -- information not being automatically filled in, there particular syntax path? or there way accomplish this?   thank in advance!!!   diana are getting error messages (check javascript console - ctrl-j in acrobat). did bind fields inbound xml structure? @ object palette , choose binding tab. have @ data binding field - there set there?   paul More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

Connect Pro Publication Prob 2-MAC

number 2 newbie post me.   when attempt publish captivate connect pro continue box stating:    connection failed.  verify connection settings , network connectivity , retry.   all setting , network good.  can't seem publication directlly captivate.  can go directly connect pro not recognize captivate .cptx   help!!!   thanks much, ted More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Save multiple imported images (originals) in one swoop from a CS4 file

been googling on "where , how save multiple images (links) without having each file/image , save seperately." 3 hours ttl before coming here.   i have cs4 file more 40 images , objects (90% images) on pages. need find way save images in 1 swoop. don't want copy , paste each of images/object manually. i've done before, don't want again =(.   there should way it, don't know yet , can't seem find it.   all links working order.     regards   vincent - lost in indesign... what mean “save images”? images not created in indesign, imported files on disk. definition files saved. if want copy images 1 directory without hunting down each file, use file > package. copy of indesign file, links, , fonts (if choose) copied 1 folder. More discussions in InDesign adobe

CS4 using a Mac and want to play video using windows media player

hi having issues file types play video using windows media player.   i producing video using premiere cs4 on mac , need know format use have files play in windows media player .mp4 not compatable wm player.   thanks     More discussions in Premiere Pro CS6 & Earlier adobe

Thread: NEWBIE: Problems Installing Ubuntu 10.04; I'n Loosing Patience

all, i'm new linux , ubuntu. downloaded ubuntu 10.04 older computer. here's info on hardware: host bridge: intel corporation 440bx/zx/dx - 82443bx/zx/dx host bridge (rev 03) pci bridge: intel corporation 440bx/zx/dx - 82443bx/zx/dx agp bridge (rev 03) isa bridge: intel corporation 82371ab/eb/mb piix4 isa (rev 02) ide interface: intel corporation 82371ab/eb/mb piix4 ide (rev 01) usb controller: intel corporation 82371ab/eb/mb piix4 usb (rev 01) bridge: intel corporation 82371ab/eb/mb piix4 acpi (rev 02) multimedia audio controller: yamaha corporation ymf-740c [ds-1l audio controller] (rev 03) ethernet controller: admtek nc100 network everywhere fast ethernet 10/100 (rev 11) vga compatible controller: s3 inc. savage 4 (rev 02) problem: "black screen" else has received when loading ubuntu older machine. have been using boot cd days , need machine running. have on 600mb of ram, running os should no problem. have tried number of possible

link to download es2 administration server

hey new here , in love product. link try   link download es2 administration server play with   i have designer app 8.2 already.   thanks go   then under started.   jasmin More discussions in LiveCycle installation, configuration, deployment, and administration adobe

Can DW CS5 create Joomla 1.5 templates?

i've heard dreamweaver cs5 can create joomla templates without additional extensions. how do this? thanks. creating joomla template nothing different writing html code, place modules inside template , create proper css. yes can dreamweaver.   i never use joomla lot site i've made hobby , believe me there far better sites know More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

cURL - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i wondering if have enabled curl weather module, why still not working? keeps display message " curl extension not available on server " @ frontpage without weather displayed. there other possible requirements have not been fulfilled? thanks. regards jl go - system info - php configuration. scroll down until see following: code: select all curl curl support     enabled if not find lines, curl not enabled , need talk hosting provider. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Needed to add code to shutdown PC in my bash script.

bonjour guys! i'm making bash script in i'm downloading urls 1 one through wget. after task done, need add code shutdown pc automatically. know, code: sudo shutdown -h now but need type password... there way store password script , when script reach execute shutdown line, automatically pass password? you need run script sudo or root have permission shut system down. so, instead of starting script "sh ./", start "sudo sh ./". before that, make sure through script , make sure more specific ~/downloads/blablabla. make read /home/your-username/downloads/blablabla. using ~ instead of /home/username may result in things being downloaded /root/downloads/blablabla. if run script root terminal, example, typing "sudo su" , running script. honestly, wouldn't hurt post entire script intend run root second or third pair of eyes take @ first

Fade in from left to right

hi trying fade in symbol (movie clip or graphic) left right  (have actual image start fading in 1 edge - not actual image moving).  symbol drawing object imported , converted symbol.  tried settng frame alpha set @ 0 , 30 frames later setting alpha @ 100, , in between these frames creating linear gradient.  however, graphic 5 pictures put - imagine " m e t r o " pictures put together.  when linear gradient on " m " , separate linear gradient on " e " , not 1 linear gradient start out dark on " m " , end white on "o", do linear gradient each letter.  tried grouping, ungrouping, setting layers, highlighting different parts, etc.  no avail.  know method such 'fade in' 'left right'?  if not linear gradient maybe through gradient mask ? i can't sure after, if create gradient movieclip (msk) intention use mask (it needs sufficient non-gradient area cover whole image when done), , havethe image movieclip (mc), ,

Thread: Ubuntu or Xbuntu for a slightly older computer?

i have question installing ubuntu. mother running ubuntu 8.04 on computer , i've been able of part. claims it's running slowly, going try , reinstall ubuntu her, , upgrade lucid. problem computer older. it's using 2.0 ghz processor 512 mb of ram. since don't know requirements, want know if installing ubuntu 10.04 ok, or should give xubuntu try. she's use ubuntu don't know how she'll adjust xubuntu. advice please. xubuntu not run noticibly better on box. boot live cd 10.04 , see if works on there. slow working ram. first thing see why 8.04 running slow. drive getting full? try running; code: sudo apt-get auto remove and; code: sudo apt-get clean and see if not speed up. check specs box , see if install more ram. have enough run if 1gb of ram quite bit better. might want check deals on larger drive if 1 filling up. drive prices quite reasonable on 3

SQL Command after data entry - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys had data entry done team metakey field in joomla. however there's been minor errors whereby space , comma have appeared first characters in meta key. so this: , dog, cat, fish, can sql command remove space , comma @ start of these fields (it's not present on fields need include variable?) result should be: dog, cat, fish, any appreciated. anyone @ all? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

wrong url in list mainmenu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have joomla set subdirectory in godaddy hosting account (which tied domain), making default url site want access joomla installation, i've set redirects, etc. it. the problem when use mainmenu module "list" style, home page url changes if user clicks this, site redirects, , of links become instead of all of other links on correct, , if change mainmenu module "legacy - vertical", link correct. having similar problems in end (many buttons want redirect, seems break user session), can live if front end working. would willing me resolve issue? if follow correctly, may work: is "home link" set artlices > front page? maybe set link external link - link want , try out. if it's still showing had marked front page should okay. try out test link first - can unpublish front page link

cs4 bridge

hi had cs3 xp.this gave me thumd nail function. have changed cs4 on windows 7and have lost thumb nail function need more detail.  screen show? just make sure @ default settings click on window/workspace/reset standard workspaces More discussions in Bridge General Discussion adobe

Image disappearing using bone tool.

i'm teaching bunch of kids use flash @ school using cs4.  1 of kids having problems image moving bone tool.  after eighty frames image disappears bones stay.  how image stay? i tried reproducing same unsuccessful in reproducing issue.   ideally scrubbing time line should produce same effect playing swf movie. so check if there hey frame on 80th frame , set 81st frame blank frame , verify. i think should work. if still have issues, upload fla file or atleast upload screen shot of same More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

where can i find brochure templates?

specifically 8.5x14  (legal sized paper) when folded has 4 columns.  tried  forums , none of template sources listed has size.     thank you! i assume you've tried stocklayouts ?  if so, finished size?  don't know how successful you'll though... More discussions in InDesign adobe

Menu dispearing in child - items - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, have page on here: when go mha / lectors (lektoři) : and choose sub menu item : i, ii, iii, iv. menu disapears! i have set module menu right - items of menu visible! any ideas? hi, are sure module position exists in template? olaf Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

What is a good newsletter with time delay? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i see lot of newsletter extensions there 1 time delay, don't mugged server host or recipient domain many emails @ once? had huge newsletter zinester, service has fallen pieces. it's time handled myself. oh, i'd handle bounces intelligently. don't want scrub address on first bounce, since come back, after number of bounces. as aside, zinester example of needing total solution joomla. used have working website, hotshot talked them ruby site. nice looking, doesn't work. can't access newsletter, half functions don't work, , none of emails work can't alert them site non-functional. wonder why losing business, without working emails, how gonna find out (the new webmaster spelled zinester wrong - it's zinster in 1 place. needs drop bleeding edge programming , switch joomla ) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

NativeProcess fails to work correctly with UAC

hi there,   i'm using air 2's nativeprocess api run downloaded update application.   on computers without uac enabled, works fine, when calling nativeprocess.start(), starts installer , runs absolutely fine.   on computers uac enabled however, after calling nativeprocess.start(), stops, , not run of lines of code after within function. (in case, creates log message , calls nativeapplication.nativeapplication.exit(), tested trace statement before , after; trace after calling nativeprocess.start never displayed.)   i elsewhere in application starting javaw.exe make use of merapi bridge/amf messaging. starting javaw works uac enabled. seems issue may isolated installation programs come uac warning "this program make changes computer" type message.   i tried using file.openwithdefaultapplication open directory containing installer, _also_ doesn't work on machines uac enabled!   is there work-around problem can't use applicationupdater (since it's targeted @ .a

no images showing - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have reinstalled backup of site last week, went fine, tried install modules got message not able write folder, left day , did not change anymore thinking have in folder permissions (which 755 , files 644). next time looked @ site there no images displayed, no images uploaded or images template. @ backend there no images displayed @ well. seo off, url is: legacy mode on php built on: linux 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5 #1 smp mon aug 24 08:21:56 edt 2009 x86_64 database version: 5.0.81-community database collation: utf8_general_ci php version: 5.2.9 web server: apache/2.2.11 (unix) mod_ssl/2.2.11 openssl/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 frontpage/ web server php interface: cgi joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.6 production/stable [ vusani ] 12-august-2008 22:00 gmt user agent: mozilla/5.0 (windows; u; windows nt 5.1; en-us; rv: gecko/20091016 firefox/3.5.4 gtb5 anyone has idea solutio

adobe email will not accept verification key

hi,  use photoshop elements 7 , have been using adobe email sending attachments.  changed email address , life of me cannot adobe email accept verification key new address.  it's invalid.  in organizer went edit, preferences, sharing , able change address.  have put in verification code on , on , not accept it.  missing?  turned off firewall , didn't work either.  worked fine previous email.  getting frustrating , worthless in getting help.  please, anybody, have suggestions step step instructions?  steps on did not work.  frustrated! hi,   try following , see if helps :   1. launch preferences dialog 2. go adobe partner services 3. "clear online services data" , 'reset accounts' 4. relaunch organizer , try   please results after following these... More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Login Failure- Front or Backend, access denied. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

problem description: i can no longer signin via front end or backend (admin) every effort change, modify, edit, update codes using phpmyadmin @ godaddy has failed. set , reset jos_plugins openid. turned on , off. i\\\'ve replaced core components clean them up. diagnostic information joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.14 stable [ wojmamni ama naiki ] 30-july-2009 23:00 gmt configuration.php: not writable (mode: 444 ) | rg_emulation: n/a architecture/platform: linux 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5pae ( i686) | web server: apache ( ) | php version: 5.2.8 php requirements: register_globals: disabled | magic_quotes_gpc: enabled | safe_mode: disabled | mysql support: yes | xml support: yes | zlib support: yes mbstring support (1.5): yes | iconv support (1.5): yes | save.session_path: writable | max.execution time: 30 seconds | file uploads: enabled mysql version: 5.0.67.d7-ourdelta-log ( via tcp/ip ) extended information: sef: disable

This only happens in internet explorer. Firefox is cool as a - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, need or advice please. i have clean installation of joomla , virtumart have problem template. the product module form virtuemart pushing left hand margin on left. happens in internet explorer. firefox cool always. in ie page fine: but 1 pushed left: would appreciate help thanks mike i'm getting page not found trying links. ie8 comes developer tools let inspect html , see what's going on: if using ie8, suggest seeing if helps. if can point me page or site going again, can take look. let me know. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Installing a .py

i not new ubuntu, new installing programs command prompt. found cool looking system monitor called manometer , figured use practice installing stuff, has .py file instead of tarball expecting. (after bit of looking around online) have found python file , working (but dosnt). when (and if) want me use terminal please realize have little experience far. welcome forums looked application. runs using application called screenlets (its in repos , easy install software center too) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Installing a .py Ubuntu

Search Engine Friendly URLs not working properly. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when turn on "search engine friendly urls" home page displays properly. of other pages turn plain text--no graphics , page formatting. is there can fix that? i want url this: not this: ... &itemid=29 however, noticed, when turn on "search engine friendly urls" not page display incorrectly, inserts index.php/ in url, so: index.php/ about-us if remove url, page displays fine. there way can keep friendly url, change css or html coding not include index.php/ on links? why adding that? read attached: sef urls.odt Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Problems in using extended menu module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i new joomla , have no idea of modifying css , html files. have searched , read many forums , discussion boards on making drop down top menus , totally lost on best error-free way. so please guide me joomla module use , how go - needs minimum css or html coding. i have joomla 1.5.12 version installed , have alread tried extended menu module version 1.0.6 , used following guide make menu: ... n_menu.htm it hardly helps sub menus not displayed @ all. please help! search joomla extensions directory. there extensions create dropdown menus you. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: How to rename and delete lines in boot list (GRUB 2), Lucid Lynx

hi all, long time since searching solution , still can't find it. question simple: how change (rename, delete) lines boot list in grub 2, ubuntu 10.04? example, when boot pc, have boot list options "ubuntu 10.04", "memtest" , "windows 7". want delete "memtest" line, don't need it, , rename "windows 7" line to, example, "windows 117". how can that? should , edit? in old grub enough edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, in ubuntu 10.04 there no such file , other grub2-related files (like grub.cfg) not contain info rename or delete lines. so, can't figure out do. highly appreciate help. in advance. it lot harder using grub2 because have (1) disable default config files, , (2) hand-code own custom config files. details on doing can found in linked post below: Forum

new to adobe

hi used product years, thought photoshop hard , techy, decided bite bullet , pleased great products lovin it   steve steve, have just purchased pse8, , don't have clue doing, didn't come information winging it.  first software did get, if got 1 of more costly ones doubt if work same.  want make digital stamps colored pictures, , learn word art.  can't find info on tools editor, have managed take color picture , turn black & white.  yeah!! there don't have clue.  said yours, thought might have clues me how around , want do.  j hobbit. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe