
Showing posts from January, 2011

Thread: install blocking problem - SATA disks not recognized

hi, try install ubuntu 10.04.1 on pc fails @ beginning because of hdd problem. messages such : code: atax.00: status {drdy err } atax.00: error { unc } ... atax.00: failed command: read fpdma queued atax.00: ... and after while: code: udevadm settle - timeout of 180 seconds reached, event queue contains: /sys/devices/pci000............/block/sda /sys/devices/pci000............/block/sda1 /sys/devices/pci000............/block/sdb /sys/devices/pci000............/block/sdb1 /sys/devices/pci000............/block/sdb2 /sys/devices/pci000............/block/sdc /sys/devices/pci000............/block/sr0 ... kernel panic - not syncing: attempted kill init! while these wierd messages appear, hard drives strange sounds. (i able install windows xp without problem) have tried without success : i have unplugged each drives consecutively see if hardware problem bios updated latest release changing in bios sata config id

Thread: How to change sidebar color in pcmanfm ?

hi. wondering of there @ forum can tell me how solve problem: there screenshot of nautilus elementary: sidebar on left different background color other background area in nautilus. white sidebar blue same in pcmanfm file manager, don't know how change sidebar color. looked gtkrc files in elementary theme folder , other .rc files there. problem don't know gtk element sidebar, don't know how this. nautilus it's example: code: style "nautilus-sidebar" { text[normal] = mix (0.3, @sidebar_color, @text_color) font_name = "regular" gtktreeview::odd_row_color = @sidebar_color gtktreeview::even_row_color = @sidebar_color # these make padding left window edge little more sane gtktreeview::horizontal_separator = 15 xthickness = 8 ythickness = 0 } ... widget_class "*nautilus*places*sidebar*" style "nautilus-sidebar" maybe knows d


hello got sony ex3 , start shooting hd clip. of client still need final out put on sd dvd. which ways better if shoot hd clip , edit on sd project or edit on hd project , down convert sd dvd? and how quality of movie output on sd dvd? help i have found shooting, editing, , authoring in hd before outputting dvd via encore produces great results.   ps : use xdcam ex footage ex1/3 , pmw-350 hd work. More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Forum without site menu displaying - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello installed agora forum on site using ja purity template. want not display menu when launch forum. want forum menus displayed without the left menu navigation of site. how do this? thanks. you can hide published modules (including main menu , top menu modules) given menu item (your agora forum item in instance). have @ guide ... c_pages%3f . Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Beitrag in mehrere Kategorien einordnen? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, ich bin blutiger neuling und versuche grade rauszukriegen, ob joomla für meine anwendung geeignet ist. meine frage: kann man einen beitrag in mehrere kategorien einordnen? und wenn ja, wie geht das? oder kennt jemand einen ganz anderen ansatz für mein problem: ich habe sehr viele beiträge, die gleichzeitig zu mehreren themen gehören. die anwender sollen beim klick auf einen menüpunkt eine liste mit allen beiträgen sehen, die zum thema des menüpunkts gehören. sowas wie eine filterfunktion. das muss doch irgendwie gehen? danke für jeden hinweis! hi, um die frage mal zu beantworten: jein.. mit den joomla! board mitteln könntest du lediglich die beiträge in die verschiedenen kategorien kopieren allerdings sind diese dann mehrmals vorhanden. alternativ liese sich das mit einer erweiterung lösen z.bsp. ... eased.html jxtended labels achtung: kostenpflichtig oder aber k2 erweiterung zoo light (ko

Acrobat Pro issue NOT answered...

there have been multiple problems acorbat pro 8 recent update... adobe says answered not... did suggested uninstalling acrobat 8.2.4 (not working) , tried install again  install cd did not work - install wizard asked fordisc 1 of 4 , cs3 orgiainally installed has 2 , quit the  installation.   adobe need fix asao... have work... have clients... , treat them whole lot better adobe... give proper solution problem caused.... ditto. More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Community Builder and sh404sef - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

cb 1.2.1 sh404sef 1.0.11_beta joomla 1.5.14 i've noticed in site i'm setting user profile pages associated home page menu , elements i've reserved home page showing on profile pages. i use sh404sef. there way tweak settings profile pages associate elsewhere? what adding prefix cb profile... rather ? would make difference? , there quick way set in sh404sef? thank you! i'm not sure understand issue. can give example user profile page , show how want changed? there may easy fix this, want make sure i'm understanding problem before giving advice (possibly wrong advice). Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: 10.4 LTS 64 bit - easiest way to set default runlevel 3

new (ish) ubuntu..... easiest, minimal step process set boot runlevel 3. preferably without have run telnit? or editing multiple files. there 1 step process this? don't need gui, please let me know key file edit without have edit 3-7 other files, in advance... -cheers edit /etc/default/grub grub_cmdline_linux_default="quiet splash" grub_cmdline_linux_default="single" , sudo update-grub Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] 10.4 LTS 64 bit - easiest way to set default runlevel 3 Ubuntu

.htaccess for two websites on one hosting contract - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear forum users, readers , advisers, i have 2 joomla websites on 1 hosting contract. both websites need sef url's switched on. the 2 url's example: i have done joomla install i made sub domain i did joomla install in www2 folder both domain names registered same company @ same time hosting company on same hosting contract. allow 2 have 2 domain names on 1 contract. i know need have .htaccess file in root redirect, need .htaccess in www folder , in www2 folder. sef url's have work. .htaccess files not original text files anymore renamed .htaccess. for reason there www1 folder...? now problem not having correct .htaccess files causing incorrect redirecting , if redirect work htaccess files, sef url's cannot used. think in poop. i sorry if simple question, @ wits end. hosting company say: contact web developers,...uhh,huh, that's me guy! th

Warning on website - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, added compnent eventlist , looked good...the calendar showed nicely. i added 4 events , worked well...and calendar works well. have warning above calendar click on month of event: (the web site is: ) check out if u think u can help! warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/neurose1/public_html/components/com_eventlist/helpers/route.php on line 87 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/neurose1/public_html/components/com_eventlist/helpers/route.php on line 96 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/neurose1/public_html/components/com_eventlist/helpers/route.php on line 87 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/neurose1/public_html/components/com_eventlist/helpers/route.php on line 96 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/neurose1/public_html/components/com_eventlist/helpers/route.php on line 87 warning: invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/neurose1/public_html/

solved -301 redirect - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, had problems 301 redirect on godaddy hosting control panel. walked me through 301 redirect using c-panel, yeah, waste of time. i'm going way should have begin with. few question. code correct , place in .htaccess file? : options +followsymlinks rewriteengine on rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc] any place special needs go in .htaccess file? thanks, sean i've got redirect work placing : rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [l,r=301] right after rewriteengine on, version right after rewriteengine on: options +followsymlinks rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [l,r=301] Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Coldfusion Report Builder 9 and Cyrillic fonts

i trying output, using coldfusion report builder report, text in cyrillic pdf. whether come database or manually paste them report, come out ???? or if specify font, blank. have seen several suggestions fix none have worked. can create, using cfdocument pdf without problem. can use reportbuilder , flashpaper. output reportbuilder pdf not working.   anybody have detailed solution work?   i using coldfusion 9.x report builder 9.x sql server 2005 (though pulling database or not doesn't matter). windows 2003 server   thanks   alan anyone have solution this?  i'm stuck witht same issue.     here bug logged this. More discussions in ColdFusion Builder adobe

Thread: Can't share mounted ntfs disk on network

i have samba installed. have windows ntfs disk mounted on ubuntu. share file, migrate folder file manager, right click on , select "sharing options". message 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot share path /mnt/windisk/<path> restricted sharing directories own. ask administrator add line "usershare owner = false" [global] section of smb.conf allow this. disk mounted system line /dev/sda2 /mnt/windisk ntfs-3g defaults 0 0 in fstab. here's i've tried: ========================= adding line fstab , rebooting not solve problem. still error 255, without advice. changing ownership not help. tried sudo chown -v root:sambashare /mnt/windisk/<path> and sudo chown -v mylogin:sambashare /mnt/windisk/<path> changed ownership of `/mnt/windisk/<path>' mylogin:sambashare chown confirms change, right clicking on file, properties tab still shows

Thread: Login Screen has Reverted back to "oldskool", How to fix it?

hey, issue should easy enough fix (im guessin) lol can't figure out. it's simple , im overlooking, login screen(box) has gone default of 10.04, example~ these yucky, oldskool colors~ can see, synaptic package manager has gone funky.. lol not sure how screenshot login screen, used spm it's same color "theme". so, important question how 'normal'? and, of less importance, did make way? lol else (i think, normal. in advance. can't stand look. lol attached images screenshot-synaptic package manager -1.png (60.3 kb, 16 views) ok, used phone grab it.. lol see? fugly.. attached images screenshot.png (311.4 kb, 13 views)

Use teplate bought in iTeplater in default joomla istallatio - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i've imported template i-lela (the first template big shoes in frontpage) but when import , make default template can't see nothing default istallation of joomla. maybee menu areas must configured populated automaticaly sections default ? how can ? in zip file there's not istruction file ... thanks in advance i think use specific module position names. should check main menu module position. other module positions. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Has anyone got a USB Geniatech DVB-S2 ( HDSTAR ) to work

hi there first post here hope ok everyone! has been able success device viewing tv via means yet works under xp , have tried in virtualbox (xp) environment no success ( unsurprisingly cannot find hardware ) failing have old sky plus box use. sadly not hd. best method of viewing output ubuntu. many Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Has anyone got a USB Geniatech DVB-S2 ( HDSTAR ) to work Ubuntu

adding xml or other files

hello woundering @ moment website has flash objects navigation bar , ive madea post saying il pay 20 pound people fix errors   but while wait people reply that. woundering, on flash site want login page relam status have been told can't make them in flash, cause flash isn't good, for  website images etc, not login details etc   so how go mnaking realmlist status , login on there? here of links create login pages using flash 290.html More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Can't connect to network even with the right wep

hi, have little problem laptop , home connection. see i've been trying connect home connection uses linksys wireless g router. i'm using usb network card thinggy laptop. see's home connection, when try connect sits there , asks wep key. wep key 128-bit key , put in key right few minutes later, asks me again! have ubuntu 10.04.1 installed , did ifconfig command , used wlan0 mac address. want note i've used 2 different types of network cards , got same result. ideas? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Can't connect to network even with the right wep Ubuntu

New to Adobe After Effects (CS4)

i'm relatively new ae , have basic question:  can after effects import , work long files - 1+ hours or more?   i have thought of ae tool small clips less 10min. i'm new , not know.   i working on research project harvard university , university of michigan.  studying educational practices in classrooms around country.  these "observations" conducted remotely using web interfaced camera.  files being given lower quality asf files.    in cases identity of students must masked - can work in premiere pro.  in other cases entire video needs "identity concealing" treatment - these files i'm hoping edit within ae.  i'm looking @ using toonit's rotoscoping filter this.  when use toonit in ppro slow (many hours) process.   also, advise on working asf files helpful.   i forgot mention file details:   352 x 240 (1.0) 7980+01, 30.00 fps 8000 hz - 16-bit - mono   i not know of means "7980+01" - not clue. More discussions in After Effects

How to drag MC and change Another MC's x

hi guys....      trying create mc drag question how change movieclip's x value when drag first mc...     videoslider.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, scrollmc); videoslider.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, stopscrollmc);   private function scrollmc(event:mouseevent):void{,new rectangle(0,0,500,0)); secondmc.x; //this doesn't work..... } private function stopscrollmc(event:mouseevent):void{; }   thanks help! that code should change other object's x property (once per drag interaction).  if intend have following dragged objects x value, need incorporate constant adjustment.  code below not written class document, can adjust that...   videoslider.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, scrollmc); videoslider.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, stopscrollmc);   var eventtarget:object; // allow more global access dragged object   function scrollmc(event:mouseevent):void{   

centralized server

how connnect centralized  server flex?     here  connected local server  ?if may put http: before server , error diplayed illegeal argument . can u please help  me ? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Fla file is not playing in web browser, asking me to install a newer version of flash player, pls

i making own website an d have inserted fla videos receive " content on page requires newer version of adobe flash player" there any way can make it. pls me thnx...... hi,   in knowledge *.fla-files uncompiled flash movies, ie flash-player (one of  browsers plugin) cannot "understand" them. to flash movie in right format should compile/convert (*. swf  e.g).   hans-g. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

[CS4] Can't drag images around

i've used photoshop extensively have never run particular problem.   suddenly i'm unable press space bar , mouse drage images around in main screen.  doesn't matter 1 of screens available pressing `f'.   its image made of 4 layers.    loading single layer images has same result.  unable move image around in screen area.   for example if blew image ctrl-+ , wanted work on not visible in screen press space bar, hand, , mouse drg desired area view.   can't now.   i did reboot machine incase unusual process problem... did not help. try resetting preferences:   on other hand, if hand tool doesn't activate when hold down space bar problem keyboard (dirt under space bar key) More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Lost Front Page Articles. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have no idea did, lost articles on front page. must have done simple , stupid i'm barely missing it. on menu manger main menu in top position , has star next it. type is: articles » front page. front page shows title inside module. double checked settings within module on right side , compared site have , working , identical. i have articles showing publish front page , in front page manager showing display them well. also, have tried both template , stock templates. tested logged in , logged out. same. please help. thank you. hi teddybear69, hmm, did once set accidentially "finish publishing" date , time... if not , have check both, frontpage , published flags set green, last thing think if have maybe touched access level in article parameters. should set public (unless desire registered users can read). hope helps, ralf100 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration

How do I fix Validation Issues? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i relatively new hope can :-) i 163 markup validation errors when check site, cannot work out go fix each 1 or how trace each 1 relevant part of joomla. realise should have done right start there must way identify code generated using information given validator (eg:the validator gives - line 195, column 101, found?) ? if shed light confused! i can little closer: use "view source" page in question make more sense of line , column numbers. usually, copy text editor line numbers, crimson editor. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Change preferences for double click on images in Bridge

hiya,   i feel bit silly asking because seems obvious, onvious way doesn't seem work me.   when double-clicking on image in bridge, opens photoshop - suppose in cases helps, drives me crazy because slows system down much. want open camera raw 6 or have bigger preview of photo.   i tried edit/preferences: under general ticked option double clicks edits camera raw settings and under file associations tried associate jpg files other photoshop camera raw 6.0 not offered me there , can't find path leads it. path? or there different way?   thanks much!!     (oh , question, when when filter 2 keywords, files have either 1 or other, how can make them show ones have both???)   don't think jpeg open in camera raw double click not normal route, raw image.  if right click on image have option open in camera raw. if search 2 keywords want images have both have click if criteria met in match drop down box. More discussions in Bridge General Discussion adobe

Thread: network administration tool missing tab?

hi absolutely new linux installed ubuntu studio 10.04 x64 unlike described in files "network administration tool main window contains 4 tabbed sections connections - general - dns - hosts" connections tab missing!!? unlike described in ubuntu pocket guide - "ubuntu’s networkmanager apple can found @ top right of desktop" there blutooth symbol no network manager button directly plugging in lan cable doesn't auto connect internet, windows. clues? having modified grub 'spash quiet' , replaced 'nomodeset' in order nvidia graphics display worked have caused problem? (thanks forum solving issue ) using intel 6000 series wireless driver - looks driver linux pre-installed in firmware library guess thats not problem. [vaio cw series i5 4gbram dual booting windows 7 x64] can post out put of 2 terminal commands code: ifconfig and code: lshw -c networ

SOLVED - Title Module on Frontpage in Free Template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i'm putting finishing touches on 1 of first joomla sites. check out: my problem on front page, module right below menu bar. hardcoded template somehow , can't figure out how remove it. there no reference in front page article , i'm placing content need within article "stepvanstore module" not necessary. i'm relatively new joomla might "template override" means ... if can point me in right direction fix little issue, i'd appreciate it. thanks, shotdsherrif try following: open menu item set default edit , in parameters (system) tab/slide see parameter labeled show page title. set no. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Splitting Home Directory

is possible split home directory 2, 1 personal files (documents, images, videos, music, etc.) , setting files (config, temp, etc.) posted daksai3 is possible split home directory 2, 1 personal files (documents, images, videos, music, etc.) , setting files (config, temp, etc.) configuration files stored in hidden folders ,you can make additional directories in /home , edit permissions sudo nautilus Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [SOLVED] Splitting Home Directory Ubuntu

How to link a dropdown menu to a pdf - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there i using template dropdown menu ie: rt_afterburner_j15 rockettheme. now want when click on dropdown title directly open pdf or ask save pdf, insted of going article. are there tutorials or threads explain how this. always appreciated. thanks bonjour, see posts in thread answer; although 1 link in email, method same menu item; use external link menu type cheers! lyle Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Deleted WIndows Can't boot

i had 2 separate harddrives in laptop. hd1 contained winodws 7 , hd2 contained ubuntu 10.04. formatted windows 7 harddrive , removed it. moved ubuntu harddrive hd1. want use old windows drive external harddrive. problem black screen blinking cursor , no grub menu whatsoever upon boot. can please me fix this? posted mamamia88 i had 2 separate harddrives in laptop. hd1 contained windows 7 , hd2 contained ubuntu 10.04. formatted windows 7 harddrive , removed it. moved ubuntu harddrive hd1. want use old windows drive external harddrive. problem black screen blinking cursor , no grub menu whatsoever upon boot. can please me fix this? post boot script in sig in code tags. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Deleted WIndows Can&

Thread: Viruses, windows apps, emulators, and WINE

hi all, non-specialist using ubuntu (10.x) primary machine, installed on lenovo x200 laptop. i'd know if windows viruses threaten ubuntu machine, or files saved on ubuntu-formatted hard drive, if windows viruses introduced system through emulated windows xp machine running in virtualbox. have guest additions set up, virtual machine can access, save, , delete files through "thinks" network (z) drive. intuitively, seems risk. don't understand viruses or how work, appreciate advice. don't care if virtual machine becomes corrupted, want main machine (and files saved on it) safe. know if windows viruses threaten system if accessed via wine. never able wine working in 9.x, , have not tried since upgrading 10.x. heres article viruses in wine; Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Supp

strange url problems and redirects to https, Why ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i have issue cache settings in admin panel. i turn off because when activated site directs me/users secure url (https). i dont know if still causes strange url problems (ex., , or but can resolve https issue cache? , problems trange url's. thanks in advanced in global configuration, make sure "force ssl" set "none" Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

How do I extend a custom JView class? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i find myself using lot of duplicate functions in each of jview classes, example, making dropdown menus of lists database , keeping jsubmenu on page. i'd make 1 master jview class holds these functions, have individual view extend myparentjview class. (obviously not called that.) is doable, , if so, create it? i know it's doable custom controllers - have main controller.php, sub-classes in controllers/ folder. store parent jview class other views still conform mvc , know find it? i've looked @ code of other component i've installed , don't see using custom jview class, maybe it's not done, seems should possible! thanks. jenstechs wrote: hi, i find myself using lot of duplicate functions in each of jview classes, example, making dropdown menus of lists database , keeping jsubmenu on page. i'd make 1 master jview class holds these functions, have individual view extend myparentjview class. (obviously not called that.) is doable, , if so, create it? i kno

An extension that repacks only other extensions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone, i signed whoaa whoaa... now down business. i have recalled seeing extension while ago repack specific extension choose , make them ready installed on site. i looking choose specific things joomla site, not whole site, not cloning site, not backing site, repacking extension before installed. thanks time, seo4theweb Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Problem when drilling down oafter upgrading 1.5.12 to 1.5.15 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

after upgraded 1.5.12 1.5.15 receive following error when drilling-down on article: warning: cannot yet handle mbcs in html_entity_decode()! in /home/redwi4/public_html/libraries/joomla/application/pathway.php on line 209 please help. what version of php use? ... _decode%22 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Output file size doubled

i have created movie in premiere elements uses hi-def video, still images, narration , soundtrack. movie 1 hour long. once movie reached final length of 1 hour, output file size of movie burned blu-ray consistently around 11 gb. reasons don't understand, output file size has abruptly grown 26 gb. have not added significant footage or effects since reached 1 hour mark. i've made small tweaks audio balance , transitions.   the thing can think of might have caused growth went project settings , turned off "optimize stills." may have turned on "maximum bit depth." when clicked ok, premiere elements told me had re-render project, did so. since then, though, have re-enabled "optimize stills" , turned off "maximize bit depth." have re-rendered project again. file size still 26 gb.   i running pe on 3.06 ghz laptop 6 gb of ram. running windows 7, 64-bit.   has else run issue? the thing can think of might have caused growth went project settings

Thread: Network Share Password problem

im running ubuntu 10.04 on laptop, , have desktop running windows 7(64bit). set shared folder on desktop computer, whenever try navigate folder, linux machines, using samba, asks username , password. havnt set passwords on windows desktop, , imputing ubuntu username , password doesnt seem @ all. ive read many guides on setting up, none of them seem help. .... edit : image may describe better... just put in username no password , click connect? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [SOLVED] Network Share Password problem Ubuntu

Leading problems converting Pagemaker to Indesign

indesign uses baseline leading. proportional , top of caps  leading in pagemaker convert baseline leading in indesign, resulting  in text shifting. has been constant problem hundreds of forms have filed going 80's. cannot convert them upo useful indesign file updating purposes. there kind of plug-in or solution automatically resolve leading dilema??? thanks gary More discussions in Adobe PageMaker adobe

Contact Component - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have few questions contact component. first off, how hide contact id? next have list of 30 people members. want break members down 3-5 sub groups. want have link on page goes page similar to.....members name, members sub-group, members profession. is there extension can give me flexibility. have tried looking keep going in circles. thanks ahead, adam hi adam... for hide contact id, can use plugin : hp router : and create multiple user / contact in 1 contact page, can use extension : mad4joomla mailforms : ... 97/details hope helps Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

User profiles and registration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi installed jommla on server , everytyhing fine...problem im new , modules vast find right one. im trying accomplish: i need user registration/login system - need each user have own account profiles => user logs in , gets taken own profile can manage information , other "stuff" right now. i implementing many many many more features essential right now.. could please guide in right direction best modules need? thank much amxcorey looking on available extensions can daunting , mind boggling. plus reviews can lead believe simple, when not. your best bet make list of features need , want them do. go through extensions directory , see if close. lot of times, have make compromises. things want may not available. try adding small features , build upwards. simple stuff @ first. if you're new, take time figure out how works. right out of box, joomla stuff. there login can use comes joomla. if guest clicks on login, can log in or register. profile isn't much,

Ordering of index subkeywords: how to change?

i'm using rh8 produce html help. in index pod, have 1 keyword 3 subkeyword entries alphabetically ordered. how appear in generated index well. however, if click keyword in generated index, 3 subkeyword entries in reverse alphabetical order. i see there sort item on right-click menu options aren't available when click keyword or subkeywords. see below. thanks, victoria hi victoria.   i think meant using rh html application produce not outputting html help. of example provided looks nothing chm file index. looks more webhelp output. correct? bad news if i'm not sure suggest. try testing output on different machines , browsers see if same occurs.     the robocolum(n)   @robocolumn   colum mcandrew More discussions in RoboHelp adobe

Import hang. Anybody can help ?

i try summarize issue.  last time tried import photos i: 1) selected "import photos disk" 2) selected source folder 3) filled import screen (move 1 folder, presets, ...) then saw progress bar on top left not moving several minutes. checked in finder , discovered first photo moved not renamed. as stop process , retry i'm not presented import screen. lr let me select source folder , nothing happens.   i thought there corruption problem in catalog created new catalog, imported new photos (worked perfectly) , imported 7000+ old catalog.   unfortunately i'm importing more photos , got same issue in newly created catalog: if try import disk f rst stops after moved first image , after doesn start. if import in new catalog works. does have right answer ? there numerous reports of import problems:

Setting up Apache under Windows 7

i'm trying set test environment using php , apache on laptop running under windows 7. have followed instructions in david powers "php dreamweaver 8", , apache service monitor showing in tray (with red dot), when enter http://localhost in browser "internet explorer cannot display web page".   i suspect windows firewall may blocking it, cannot find how prevent this. haven't seen warnings apache being blocked. suggestions?   (while researching this, curious notice apache icon on desktop shows red dot, although apache , php working fine.) i can not on state how easy xampp makes setting local development environment.   1. go to: 2. install it 3. done! you've got need - apache, php, mysql , more!   if have installed apache, uninstall first.   easy stuff.   -- lawrence carmer - *adobe community professional* complete shopping cart application dreamweaver, available in php ,

Thread: My Wacom Pen tablet stopped working

i know, know, had thread had tablet not working @ all, once update came about, tablet worked, today, tablet started not working again, weirdest thing. updated ubuntu today update manager,does have it? can tell me whats going on? should do? hi kurtless, if example wacom tablet needed compiled wacom.ko work, bamboo pen tablet, kernel update or kernel header update knock out. because each kernel comes it's own modules directory , default wacom.ko release, 1 didn't work, placed in new modules directory. have recompile working wacom.ko , copy on old non-working default wacom.ko. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Art & Design My Wacom Pen tablet stopped working Ubuntu

Thread: Laptop Slow to Boot. is VMware the culprit?

hello everyone, ubuntu taking upwards of 1 minute boot. don't expect achieve ten second mark, bit of improvement nice. have created boot profile, have disabled bunch of startup items, nothing seems speed process. have attached copy of bootchart, see bunch of vmware stuff starting don't know how stop it. use vmware xp specific things , checking out other distros having services start seems waste of resources. anyway.... maybe @ bootchart , me trim fat. appreciated attached images mike-laptop-lucid-20100831-2.jpg (10.2 kb, 2 views) vmware has been removed, boot time in 20 sec's. know way of having vmware player not having services run @ boot? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help