
Showing posts from June, 2010

Flash Activity works fine on PC and laptop but not on 'Net.

i've put little flash activity educational website, , although works on pc (i zipped , passed onto laptop, works perfectly), when try open after uploading website, shows background.   can help?   htm file: swf file:   to download zip file passed onto laptop: (contains no exes)   cheers, david 1.  let flash publish html , retest using it.   2. isn't loading More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Login error with weird display in url - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

problem description: cant login , weird url when try log in joomla site works first time, right after logout , want try logging in reloads homepage extension url. so ?time=1257383275 gets added. log/error messages: actions taken: 1. attempted edit home module, no help 2. attempted clean cache didnt either anyone know how fix this? jamie that's not query string i've seen joomla. talk "edit home module", perhaps have inadvertently edited incorrectly? don't have sef activated, it's not sef thing. think need review things you've hacked (edited). Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Captivate 5 - Trim FMR problem

i'm trying trim fmr clip, seems pretty easy, doesn't work. i select in filmstrip,  choose 'trim' in 'fmr edit options',   set trim & to  points,   hit 'trim' , a  message blinks 'deleting frames',   nothing happens , nothing gets deleted. i've tried both start & end of clip hi there,   couple of questions here:   1. duration of fmr slide before trim fmr clip , duration of fmr slide after trim fmr clip? basically, observe change in slide time after trim action? 2. trim duration i.e. difference between 'trim to' , 'trim from' points? 3. after trim action, did play fmr clip (on stage pressing f3)  confirm whether trimming happened?   additionally, if want me have @ issue, can send .cptx file across @ maanand (at rate of) adobe (dot) com.   -manish More discussions in Editing adobe

Can't get into Article Manager _ Error 500 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

500 - error has occurred! db function failed error number 1 can't create/write file '/tmp/#sql_1124_0.myi' (errcode: 13) sql=select c.*, groupname, cc.title name, editor, f.content_id frontpage, s.title section_name, author jos_content c left join jos_categories cc on = c.catid left join jos_sections s on = c.sectionid left join jos_groups g on = c.access left join jos_users u on = c.checked_out left join jos_users v on = c.created_by left join jos_content_frontpage f on f.content_id = c.state != -2 order section_name , section_name, cc.title, c.ordering limit 0, 20 help! my website has error on front page , dodgy looking articles , re-renrollment period! no one??? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

add to cart buttons don't always show - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i don't know if can one. in categories , add cart buttons show. here working example: here non-working category: - on page 1 add cart button shows. on page no add cart button shows: anybody has ideas on this? appreciate it. need have fixed asap. thanks much! have checked display options tab product has add cart button , 1 not see if there different settings? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Sound files

hello,   i have got premiere pro cs5, complete beginner @ this.   when input video file, video part goes "video line 1", however, audio part of goes "audio line 5" , cant seem change it.   when try , import music, music file goes "audio line 5" in turn cancels out sound video.   how can fix this?   and please remember complete beginner @ this.   thank you. there 3 types of audio files ppro can produce audio lines for.   stereo, mono , 5.1   when create project, can state how many of each want.  (you can add , delete them project once have started it)     you can place stereo, mono , 5.1 audio clips in track of same type.     the tracks identified by  single speaker icon mono,  dble speaker icon stereo. , 5.1 More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

performance button to access scratch disk freezes elements 8

i can't change (or access) scratch disk on elements 8, when performance button pressed see scratch info, error message comes up, "an integer between 50 , 27 required," , freezes. are still getting problem or solved? More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Thread: Prompted for username and password at startup

sorry misleading title, but, it's not typical username , password use log computer. it's prompting me, upon startup/reboot have me insert name , password, in appears command prompt. still noob ubuntu , linux in general, have no idea did make happen. it's not terrible , zomg if doesn't fixed i'll die, inconvenient have "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" every time reboot computer. know have fix this? apologize if has been covered in topic, not find on it. do mean you're getting text login? did ever have working graphical login, , perhaps did change it? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Prompted for username and password at startup Ubuntu

navigation frustration...

howdy,   i have slides a, b, c, & d. has click box link c , c has click box link a. a, forward button on playbar advances b. love b last slide of project don't know how that.   1. so, created slide d last slide. clicked b's properties , 'on slide exit' told b jump slide d. don't want involve click box, nor should have to, because having "on slide exit" variables modify. should not able set "on slide exit:" "jump slide=d" , when forward button clicked on playbar, goes slide d told? again if not, navigational "on slide exit:" feature?   2. in addtion, slides b & d not showing in 'branching' view. see & c. ideas why?   thanks help,   keith i believe reason slides aren't showing in branching view because click boxes have option "pause project until user clicks" selected. More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Thread: Newbie problem: aspect ratios, TVs and no xorg.config

hi all first post, please gentle... have installed ubuntu (lucid) onto dell optiplex gx280 - pleased , it's better (in every way) windows. using gnome xbmc. onboard graphics "integrated intel extreme graphics". plugging dell monitor (just regular 1280x1024 panel) works fine, including xbmc, totem and... well, everything. however, when move box through living room , plug panasonic x10 hd ready plasma (using vga cable - box doesn't have hdmi or dvi output) aspect ratio seems wrong. x10 funny beast it's 16:9 tv native resolution of 1024x768, distinctly rectangular pixels. want allow in linux (both gnome , xbmc) when play dvds , display photos. i've done fair bit of googling haven't found solution i'm competent enough perform (remember i'm complete newbie , still getting grips sudos , apt-gets , like!). seems solutions involve editing xorg.config file - install doesn't generate/use 1 of these. alternatively, xran

Adjustment Layer to Mask?

hi,   although opposite way possible, i wondering how can apply adjustment layer to a layer mask. means have image, will be masked, want have dynamic adjustment layer applied layer mask, can change the mask on fly...   any appreciated,   thanks no, cannot apply adjustment layer mask (the whole concept doesn't work there...). you can use refine edge , masks palette on mask make simple changes. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

RokBox music function not working in IE 7 8 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

rokbox works fine in firefox.. but seems have problem in ie 7 & 8... specially when trying play mp3 , m4a files... player not load in ie 7 , 8.. in firefox small player comes , plays fine... ie 8 normal mode pic: firefox: ie 8 compatibility mode: please me out.. firefox loading player.. ie not... tried mp3 format too.. having same problem.. pls suggest other solution play , download music or me out solve error.. want use rokbox awesome! pls... thank vinit hi i ahve same issue did find soloution thanks mike Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Posting on JED - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

alright 2 questions concerning posting new modules/components/plugins jed (joomla extension directory) 1) please direct me instructions page on how that? 2) can post plugin non-commercial , after while transform commercial? thanks might answer start here: Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information

Alternating main menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i want show 2 different main menus guest , registered users. so guest user have a) home (default) - showing frontpage b) products c) services d) help and registered user - being customer: a) account b) products c) services d) help as can't deactivate menu item registered users assume require 2 sets of menus. these should shown in same location found way achieve manually checking user status in template , show 'guestmenu' position guest user , 'membermenu' registered users. this works until joomla user timeout occurs when guest home page displayed registered menu still visible instead. doing page refresh shows correct. what right way implement without doing hacks? many in advance review extensions metamod ( ). extensions displays or hides module(s) based on rules. sure extension need. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support

Custom Module for Video - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys site in question i struggling custom module work video!! working looked getting pop work! since trying new extensions pop work old custom mod not work now! all want show [youtube] video in right module when click on it opens pop in size clients can see!!! any ideas i server not found when go url. there bunch of extensions on jed doing video might looking for: let me know if still having issues , can try help. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: can't choose between OS (No grub?!)

hi all, installed ubuntu 10.04 inside windows vista un-installed , created extended partition , created inside 2 partitions 1 of them ext4 size 10 gb , other size 3 gb swap. installation done when boot system couldn't have option of choosing os opens ubuntu . tried fix mbr using vista recovery disc. , succeeded (windows installed in mbr) same problem windows system boot windows used ubuntu life cd , got info boot files , dirs code: boot info script 0.55 dated february 15th, 2010 ============================= boot info summary: ============================== => windows installed in mbr of /dev/sda sda1: _________________________________________________________________________ file system: ntfs boot sector type: windows vista/7 boot sector info: no errors found in boot parameter block. operating system: boot files/dirs: /bootmgr /boot/bcd /boot/grub/core.img sda2: _____

Thread: Good Lightweight games?

hi. have laptop 184mb ram 64mb graphics 1.9 athlon xp processor , wondering if knew games have assault cube urban terror cube 2 sauerbraten openarena battle wesnoth planet penguin racer , pingus rpgs alot , shooting games. super mario dont know Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Gaming & Leisure Good Lightweight games? Ubuntu

message board script

hi, does know of message board script, flat file or php/mysql can include page current design.   i have page called message-board.php want call script into do google search:  "free php forum software"   there ton of them... unfortunately don't lend being integrated web site, tend want web site. may consider creating sub domain can still brand message board, such -- - allow take space wants.  common solution problem.   -- lawrence carmer - *adobe community professional* complete shopping cart application dreamweaver, available in php , coldfusion     stay updated - More discussions in Develop server-side applications in Dreamweaver adobe

Stopping an image when using flick panning

when using cs4 when using flick panning can hit space bar stop movement.  cs5 not seem work same way.  there preference need change?  use pen tool lot , clicking mouse stop panning point gets put down.   thanks help you need click again hand tool stop pan.  space bar brake not work longer in ps cs5.  sorry inconvenience.   dave More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

Thread: Unbuntu 10.4 wont boot after disconnecting optical drive!

running ubuntu 10.4, loaded external optical drive, works fine cd/rom still attached (no cd in it) when disconnect it, no longer boots. i've made sure boot order correct. stops after bio screen, ubuntu screen never comes up, stalls @ blank screen flashing cursor in upper left. if reconnect cd/rom works fine. let me know other information helpful. time! posted nickspider running ubuntu 10.4, loaded external optical drive, works fine cd/rom still attached (no cd in it) when disconnect it, no longer boots. i've made sure boot order correct. stops after bio screen, ubuntu screen never comes up, stalls @ blank screen flashing cursor in upper left. if reconnect cd/rom works fine. let me know other information helpful. time! any master/slave jumpers on disks if ide? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Com

Some text edits don't appear after emailing PDF

i'm using acrobat pro edit pdf files sent coauthors. not using "managed reviews", sending pdf files , forth comments , edits, 1 file each author. (yeah, email review features make easier coordinating author, don't think push unless can fix problem simple method authors can understand.) setup: os 10.6.4, acrobat pro 9.3.3.   here's what's happening: coordinating author sends me draft. open acrobat , add comments using sticky notes , make various edits using text edit tool. when roll on or double click comments , edits, show normal. save file, attach email (using apple mail), , send coordinating author. receives thunderbird , opens acrobat reader 9. can see sticky notes , deletions strikethrough text, edits replaced or added text don't appear @ all. he's running os 10.6. i've tried enabling comments acrobat reader, didn't change anything. i've sent file myself via email , works fine, don't think email system screwing up.   any idea might

Problem with adding new links voice to Joomla Menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

good morning boys from today have serious problem joomla website (1.5.14) i not able add new voice link menu step step: 1) select 1 of menu 2) click on "new" create new link voice 3) select article or component link in page appears after should link have created , complete wit various configuration.... page showed blanck , there no link in link box! what's happen?? hoe can solve problem? i have not modify database , no deleted file joomla core please me thanks all sorry english mistakes look on right of page: parameters (basic) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Can I Create a New Structured App that's a Copy of a Current One?

here's situation:  new using dita in framemaker, have become competent authoring process. not understand development end of things well, however. want have second dita structured application identical first in every way except in, page size set 11x17, not 8.5x11.  , want able apply structured application of dita documents, not of them.   i tried create such situation, first copying , renaming dita folder (i called new 1 dita-big) in adobe framemaker 8\structure\xml\ and, within dita-big, making small change   i added renamed structured app (again, did copy , paste of dita-topic-fm element there), changing name of element dita-topicbig-fm , urls point in dita-big directory.   the new structured application appears in framemaker when select structuretools --> set structured application, , can select/apply 1 of documents. however, document's page size doesn't change. tried saving document, closing , reopening document,

Getting a PowerPoint to work in CS3

i'm trying powerpoint ot work in cs3, , when try , have open in browswer, instead of downloading it, following error message:   not found the requested url /utah open meeting laws_files/frame.htm not found on server.   additionally, 404 not found error encountered while trying use errordocument handle request.   does know how fix powerpoint opens in new tab or new windo? getting powerpoint presentation web not great experience.   you have save presentation powerpoint web.  creates oodles of files built within framed environment, of must uploaded webspace.  recall, save pp folder , creates index.html file in folder.  upload folder, , of contents website, , link index file created in pp folder.  it's messy, last time did it, seemed work after fashion. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Image Resizing

hi all,             have rectangular  image below how select , resize image on mouse drag . can 1 me?   thanks raghu.   an example of need on page   or More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Card Deck Shuffle

hey, everyone,   i looking way shuffle deck of cards last week , provided code so. decided straight shuffle work better project randomizing coordinates (as doing). i'm trying implement code, , think i'm pretty close, i'm running few snags. i'm using document class, , external class called control flipping , drag action of cards. @ moment, i'm getting message when try run swf:   1084: syntax error: expecting leftbrace before deck.   i think indicative of error somewhere else in code, i'm not sure where. see upon first glance? in advance help; appreciate it!   peter code:   package { import flash.display.movieclip; import; import card; import boarder; import blueboard; import redboard; import snow; public class card deck {   private var _card:card;   private var _boarder:boarder;   private var _blueboard:blueboard;   private var _redboard:redboard;   private var _snow:snow;         private var co

Thread: Search for File Modified at Specific Time

how find file modified march 17, 2010, between 3:30 pm , 4:05 pm? know must missing somewhere. how search info this? goggled "search files time linux" , got 38,300,000 results. looked through first 4 pages , did not see looking for. do need calculate how many minutes ago , give find . i want in gui can operate on files found without typing in stuff. posted clcressman how find file modified march 17, 2010, between 3:30 pm , 4:05 pm? know must missing somewhere. how search info this? goggled "search files time linux" , got 38,300,000 results. looked through first 4 pages , did not see looking for. do need calculate how many minutes ago , give find . i want in gui can operate on files found without typing in stuff. 1. , 3. got inspiration. opened terminal in /tmp, , executed following commands. code: touch -t 03171530

Created doc in CS5 trial, and can't open it in CS4. Help please?!?

hi all,   i created brochure client in cs5 using trial, expired. can't open in cs4 of cs5 plug-ins. tips?! how save down indd cs5 cs4   (also ) More discussions in InDesign adobe

Convert mpeg?

hi! i have made little slideshow thats 15 sec long. it´s homemade commercial.   the specs needs in is:   fileformat = quicktime (version 7) format= 720x576 video compression= motion jpeg b or jpeg 2000 standard= 625 pal standard     what program need convert 15sec mpeg2 video?   btw, it´s made in elements 7   cheers hi, stiffmeister1973. photoshop elements forum, , you'll better on video questions in premiere elements forum, here:   good luck! More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Flex drops out decimal zeroes??

hello, i´m facing problem this:   php file returns output ( example.php ):   <tests> <test1>this string<test1> <test2>100.03<test2> <test3>100.00<test3> </tests>   in mxml file have ( data.mxml ):   <mx:httpservice id="userrequest" url="./php/text/example.php" result="_resultcontaineron=0;"> <!-- , non-important stuff --> </mx:httpservice>   <mx:datagrid id="resulttable" dataprovider="{userrequest.lastresult.tests}" >                             <mx:columns>                                 <mx:datagridcolumn headertext="test1" datafield="test1" />                                 <mx:datagridcolumn headertext="test2" datafield="test2"/>                                 <mx:datagridcolumn headertext="test3" datafield="test3/>                             </mx:columns> </mx:datagrid&g

Joomla Directory Change - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have joomla 1.5 site in subdirectory , need move root, how do that? need change. thanks backup files , folders in root folder(folder above joomla folder) remove files/folders, except of course joomla folder. copy files , folders joomla folder root folder. need edit configuration.php file in root , change paths tmp , logs folders removing joomla folder path. may need update live site var if in use , ftp root path if in use. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Pass a value to a Module?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there guys! i'm updating module wrote , need help. for starters current version o module makes query database , outputs results on page. the new version i'm tryin make needs recieve value (id). this time module needs have selectable items (maybe html list) send value can adjust query accordingly , display result. without loading page (ajax). i have no idea how pass value module... believe thru url works components... i'm guessing "menu" items have onclick execute javascript code pass value , reload module (ajax) new results database... any suggestions? maybe link or 2 read on topic. thanks! update: so far found how load javascript file within module , have menu item this: <a onclick="javascript: testmenu();">click me!</a> to execute function.. simple alert message! hi, if want id url, use this: code: select all $id = jrequest::getint('id'); olaf Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructu

I am having major problems with the Flash Player Download

i have downloaded 12 times +. have tried know , keep coming boards more. don't know else do. have i/e 8. use avg 8.5. use net 0 , proprietary pop blocker. download have downloaded older version , tried that. tried manual download. made sure avg off. internet setting @ medium.i have ccleaner installed. blocker on.i see whirling f video , have corresponding download right, , downloaded. go control panel , in there shows download manger actively installed quantity of size. shows adobe flash player installed @ least in name, there no quantity displayed file size. tells me somewhere, not totally installed or stuck somewhere. remove each time reload , restart before redownload. far remember had operating while ago , of sudden game site wouldn't work on facebook. troubleshot it. said download latest version if game won't start did. , when whole download problem began, week , half ago.i have windows xp pro in believe 32 bit, says check says 128 bit capable, think word.

CS5 file busted - need urgent help

i've got file, it's text, no images.   i created grep style square tick boxes, using wingdings glyph (i copied , pasted glyph grep style appears little square, did not think use unicode)   now file won't go anywhere, can't adjust styles, can't move text.   in find font comes wingdings bold missing. replace , it's still there.     i tried on machine, , no avail, came warning used in conditional text (which presume it's talking grep style?)     i can't copy or cut text out of document. i can't export file rtf i can't export file idml   i've had designer on mac (i'm on windows) take , works externally. , crashed on him too.     this file working fine yesterday - i've completed setting (it's 30 pages) there's lot of intricate things. start again - don't want go route if can avoid it.     how going fix file? ok got rid of grep style - kept crashing when trying remove it.   but - deleted pages bar first page (all frames thread