
Showing posts from February, 2015

UTF-8 page encoding is not coming out true

hello, i'm trying get  site speed utf-8 , it's giving me heck of a  time doing so. i've checked , double-checked , can  see appears file decoded utf-8. inside text editor, cfeclipse, file encoding set utf-8. in application.cfc, have <cfcomponent output="false">     <!--- force encoding (don't trust default) --->     <!--- note adobe forum-goers, not inside cffunction, inside cfcomponent tag. --->     <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8">     <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=utf-8">     <cfset setencoding("url", "utf-8")>     <cfset setencoding("form", "utf-8")>     ... </cfcomponent> in each page uses valid html5, this: <!doctype html> <html> <head>     <meta charset="utf-8"> even so, smart quotes end looking this: “ , â€� , other characters em dashes , accented characters share similar fate.   i checked pag

Elements 8 Trial vs. the non-trial

i have been looking video editing software months now. i have used full versions of pinnacle studio hd 14 poor. as others.   power director 8 seems ok, lacks features need.   ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- so questions:   i have tried using trial version of premiere elements 8 , have following issues, these trial limitations - no 1080p saving movies (using .mts raw files) fxp/mxp - 1080i saves video black space on top, bottom, , sides - background rendering slow. takes quite while. ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------   is full paid version alot better, because when downloaded it, page said full features, limited 30 days.   i adobe products, have been using since old macromedia days, have used following had no issues. - macromedia flash communications server 1, , 1.5 - fireworks mx (still use) - flash mx - flash mx 2000 - freehand mx - entire studio mx   here system spec can eliminate that.

Thread: Getting dual head and hibernate working on a Toshiba Portege M200 with nouveau

chaoslayer got dual-head working , thought i'd give try. have toshiba m200 hasn't been hibernating on new 2.6.32-24 kernel, suspect because of combination of vesafb , nouveau drivers. reverting 2.6.31-22 kernel gets me hibernate (using nvidiafb , nv drivers), i've never gotten vga out work it. i'd try new kernel again, there's bug prevents me removing vesafb , using nvidiafb, documented: current xorg.conf pretty basic, edits wacom tablet: code: $ cat /etc/x11/xorg.conf # xorg.conf ( x window system server configuration file) section "device" identifier "configured video device" # driver "nv" endsection section "monitor" identifier "configured monitor" endsection section "screen" identifier "default screen" monitor "configured monitor" device "configured video device" end

Thread: RAID1 + multiple OSes

hi, have setup 2 1tb drives run in raid1. to have both ubuntu server , windows server on box residing on 1tb array. possible , reliable? making ubuntu server run on "hardware raid" (on-board controller) reasonable? or dmraid, lvm take care of array better making software raid? in case, perhaps can run windows server in vm? setup array using controller bios , added both drives 1 single raid1 array, partitioned approximately follows: sda1 200gb ntfs (unused atm) sda2 32gb swap sda3 1gb /boot sda5 767gb logical, rest of linux ext4 --various sizes / /home /usr etc. @ moment can't seem ubuntu boot following installation. think? hard of soft raid? windows in vm? if it's real hardware raid card, use it. if it's onboard 'fakeraid', i'd pass. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Instal

Thread: Speed up ubuntu?

i'm using samsung nc10 netbook minimal specs. want glorified, distraction-free typewriter, file management , syncing abilities. end, i've installed ubuntu 10.4 netbook edition (exclusively, not dual-boot machine), , removed games , music/email/chat applications. i've installed pyroom , dropbox, , left openoffice on there. it's slow dog. when clicking on left-hand menu bring netbook browser, takes 10-15 seconds show up. there noticeable lag when typing. main function want computer for, that's real drag. readily admit netbook lethargic running windows 95. what settings can fiddle maybe eek out little more speed on thing? i'm linux newbie , don't know using command line things. elsewhere on these forums saw recommendations crunchbang , puppy linux, don't know or how them, or if they'd suitable newbie (read: command-line phobic person) me. thanks, cb try peppermint f

Blurry Illustrator images when zoomed in within AE?

hi, i'm animating images created in illustrator cs4 using after effects cs4, , having problem illustrator images being blurry when zoom way in using camera layer within after effects. i've tried hitting 'continuously rasterize' switch within ae. when that, camera layer isn't working right because i'm unable zoom in or out. i'm relative novice in both these programs, i'm puzzled problem because right involves scaling illustrator layers down , not up, thought better if layer wasn't vector-based. (someone suggested making sure layers vector layers. assume are, because created them rgb layers within illustrator. please let me know if i'm wrong on point.) again, i'm scaling these layers down, , not up, i'm confused problem, because understanding kind of thing involves scaling layers up. context i'm trying create shot zoom extreme cu on person's face, extreme wide shot of room person's in. any advice on problem hugely appreciated! n

.htaccess redirect

hey everyone,   i need .htaccess file on website. working on issue noticed having 2 separate pages pretty much. have www , no-www trying show www. used other programs edit website , swtiching dreamweaver need know best way accomplish redirect through .htaccess. there specific should into, normal code have found on various sites gives error page? let me know should @ fix problem.   thanks, ben check article , sure whole idea behind . link More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Joomla Search is not working properly . please help me - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello friend, i inform that, website http://www .[***].biz/outsourcing-company/component/search/ip%20501/?ordering=&searchphrase=all i trying search word like ip 501 501 ip when enter values , search box , submit it, it takes the 501 entred value. don't know why not consider entire input. please try enter values @ above url, see that. please let me know how can fixed? many many thanx in advance. i grateful you. thank you, kind regards, amit kumar words shorter 3 characters not valid search arguments , removed function searchhelper::santisesearchword() in /administrator/components/com_search/helpers/search.php. the idea of filtering short words search based on minimum length of full-text search word in mysql server default 4. if want search succeed 3 characters, can adjust server system variable, restart mysql server , rebuild fulltext indices. more details @ . Board index Jooml