
Showing posts from August, 2014

Broken links - Strange 404 problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i testing joomla , activated sef urls , apache mod_rewrite. menus selected category blog layout. i having strange problem of broken links looks cache issue. have created menu using "british celebrities" category. page should appear like: http://localhost/joomla/british-celebrities but send 404 - resource not found error. if rename alias britishcelebrities or else, appears correctly!! gives error british-celebrities alias. i noticed while testing have deleted pages , menus , created them again , such testing things. can suggest how can solve issue? or shall check? have deleted cache many time , didn't solve problem. thanks in advance. desperate solve need live site tomorrow. take care. did try empty joomla cache? do have url so, can have @ it? olaf Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Old domain appears sometimes in virtuemark - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys have big big problem with old domain name , know if can me out pay if like i got new domain working sometimea old 1 shop in products in virtuemark i have change virtuemart.cfg line 35 , 36 // these path , url definitions here based on joomla! configuration define( 'url', '' ); define( 'secureurl', '' ); to new one // these path , url definitions here based on joomla! configuration define( 'url', ' ); define( 'secureurl', ' ); but error and don't know if have change global conf. system: /homepages/26/d137924393/htdocs/rodolfo/books/joomla/logs server: /homepages/26/d137924393/htdocs/rodolfo/books/joomla/tmp please me . what? explain pointing old domain? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5

Trouble with size of web - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello , firt of time. we have problem size of screen, i have in website joombla 1.5 modules.... screen 23" , see perfect size, people writte me problems of size in ours screens. i open website in 1 monitor 15" , dissaster... joombla don't have autosize of scrren? i can have size in pixels or %..... not in autosize..... thanks all its set width of template. why not set @ 950px, screens today can display easily. can use dynamic page resizer (using javascript , css) allow users set screen size fit screen, clicking on button. set screen sizes of 800px, 950 , 90% example. site uses such concept. click button left of "a" under joomla! logo above see working. have research though or find template implements feature. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Flash borders

whether possible borders of mine flash movie changed on vertical depending on maintenance? mean borders swf movie.   please prompt such make, if possible. i have no idea trying describe.  if can try again, , maybe include screenshot of mean, may able determine want , try help. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Double folder problem

in lightroom 3 (and 3.2 rc) subfolder appears twice in folder list. database integrity tested several times, optimization has no effect. lightroom  shows no pictures either of these folders. still see them under parent "opname digitaal\2010". i moved files temporary folder: tmp08. when try move files tmp08 201008 message:   could please explain wrong , how can rid of these folders? it's obvious data integrity problem in catalog.   i still see them under parent "opname digitaal\2010". try this: go "opname digitaal\2010" folder. select files know "201008" subfolder. try move them new subfolder. right-click "opname digitaal\2010" , choose create folder inside , click option move selected photos. if files moved ok (check in explorer/finder), remove both "201008" folders should empty. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Pick Whip disappeared?

hi, i've been using ae cs5 couple of days , noticed little "pick whip" icon isn't i'm used being. it's right next frame blending, motion blur, , 3d layer controls. suggestions on alternative appreciated.   thanks! it sounds have parent column hidden. see "columns" . More discussions in After Effects adobe

How can I swap components in my app?

i have application (flex3)  contains canvas.  canvas contains hbox 3 components - call them team1, middlesection , team2.   team1 , team2 canvases containing several components inside of them representing 2 sports teams (home , away).   middlesection contains button called "swap" swaps team1 , team2 (like football teams change ends @ end of each quarter).   team1 , team2 both instances of custom team component extends canvas , contains panel, data grid, , other goodies.   unfortunately, can't life of me them swap.   i had hoped this:   private function doswapteams(event:mouseevent):void {            var temp:team = team1;      team1 = team2;      team2 = temp; }   but no luck.   i tried getting array of children , swapping that...again, no luck.  tried invalidating - no luck.   any ideas?   thanks!   all doing changing references. not effect gui.   to define 2 states. 1 inital setup, , 1 swapped setup.   i.e. in initial setup set postion of team1 top of screen, , in

Flex. How to get textinput text values in dynamic..?

hi all.,           have using dynamic form get  textinput text values. <fx:script>           <![cdata[ public function init():void {           frmitem1 = new formitem();             frmitem1.direction = "horizontal";             frmitem1.label = "customer name";             txtinput1 = new textinput();   "txt_custname";             txtinput1.width=170;             frmitem1.addelement(txtinput1);             userinfoform.addelement(frmitem1); }     public function search_click():void    {      user.text="custname"+.text;     }         ]]>             </fx:script>     <fx:form id="userinfoform"/> <fx:label id="user"/>     <s:button id="btn_search" label="search" click="search_click();"/>     error displayed.  how textinput id , text any 1 problem...     ling's use,   str = txtinput1.text   which return text contains in textinput.    

TextField Focus

hello there,   i new as3 , trying figure out how set focus textfield on stage. found out if use stage.focus = tf; tf focus , does, when type letters go directly textfield. problems are,   don't have blinking cursor in textfield. added event listener catch when user press the  enter  key catches enter key after click textfield mouse , having blinking cursor in textfield.   any idea ?       regards, are seeing behavior in testing environment or when put flash html page?   in testing environment might want go control menu , select disable keyboard shortcuts. give better representation of how things work when standing on own.   also there kind of issue around setting focus. swf object has have received click before can set blinking i-beam input text field. "security" type of thing. prevent malicious swf looking kind of interactive password field , grabbing someone's password or like.   depending upon doing can have "start" button or make sure user has click

Joomla 1.5 site using VirtueMart component - comments please - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have built first website joomla 1.5: it e-commerce shop, offering wide range of body jewellery. it uses virtuemart component e-commerce. have installed joomsocial component, our users can interact each other (although has not been successful i'd hoped). all comments, feedback , suggestions gratefully received!! very nice looking site! love layout! Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed 1.5 Site Showcase - Archived

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Thread: 10.04 stalls after boot

everything working well, updated few packages (not sure of which) through update manager , i'm able run in failsafe graphics mode (from "recovery" option on grub). i've turned compiz off , i've tried 3rd party drivers graphics card. i'm not total linux noob, has me stumped. when computer locks up, things remain working (mouse moves, windows minimize if click on bottom taskbar, have use ctrl+alt+f1. though can use windows up, have use keyboard / mouse combination because keyboard way select option on pop dialog, mouse not click these. i've played xorg file, replaced xorg file backed version had month ago or so. i'm pursuing wrong graphics @ point, ideas appreciated. specs , xorg file attached. thank time. attached files (6.7 kb, 0 views)

Show/Hide Captions Across Slides

using captivate 4.   i'm trying create button / advanced action shows , hides captions across movie.  know can advanced actions, not looking forward doing movies 100+ captions.  can use closed captions, it's problematic when you're demoing software , user has read closed caption , around find area i'm talking about.   i found article ( explains current way i'm trying show/hide), i'm hoping might have better way or widget this.   thanks guys. hello,   rollover captions not option?   lilybiri More discussions in Advanced Adobe Captivate Users adobe

Thread: newbish tendancies w/lvm raid 5 initramfs

ok, let me start off saying there lot don't know. took me long long time far , having problem takes whole computer down! , have read lots of how-to's , documentation ubuntu wiki , such. things work , don't , it's causing confusion me right now. i'm turning you! knows stuff of hand lol! now... onto problem! have "server" running ubuntu 10.04 desktop 32-bit running 3 1.5tb drives in raid 5 lvm. when lightly set feet ontop case foot stool or set drink down on it, think 1 of hard drives knocked off array. 1st time happened stuck @ initramfs prompt , couldn't figure out how because how-to's read didn't tell me how deal /home directory encrypted (dos guy here). great idea using encryption when i'm still dunce on subject re-installed w/out encryption. later read have disabled array, removed faulty drive , re added , started array again! ohh lost pictures , music spent 2 weeks ripping library well, computer bumped again ,

I am unable to open my Organiser in PSE8.

please help,   i cannot pse8 organiser open @ all. error saying organiser has unexpectedly quit. editor open normal cant access organiser via editor either.   the 2 things occured prior issue 1. upload of 20 pics smugmug account interrupted, when lost internet connection , 2. prior problem shut laptop down , installed 14 new windows updates, however, did system restore point prior these updates see if conflicting elements made no difference.   i havent yet tried uninstalling , reinstalling option.   can me organiser working again have 10,000 pictures cannot view @ present. crashes More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Thread: Screen blank on boot up

hello, i've been using ubuntu time , working excellently, although not huge problem i've noticed on boot ubuntu plymouth purple screen no longer displays , instead shows black screen apart system boots perfectly. there easy way back? help, what graphics card have installed? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Screen blank on boot up Ubuntu

Thread: dual boot windows 7 & ubuntu // mount issue

i want new laptop (dell studio pp39l) dual boot win7 , ubuntu 10.4. burned ubuntu 10.4 disk -- checked errors -- checked md5sum -- looked @ - physically -- , ok used disk 'try ubuntu 10.4 without installing'. worked fine... until... windoz 7 installed updates. after updates ubuntu disk not mount: busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash) enter 'help' list of built-in commands (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: input/output error can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs ... suggest move forward install of ubuntu 10.4? cheers, mw posted xigen what suggest move forward install of ubuntu 10.4? at point, suggest don't move forward. dells notorious coming preloaded maximum limit

Thread: Lucid cannot wakeup from suspend for Asus G51J-A1 Laptop

when laptop suspends cannot wake again. nothing works. keyboard, or mouse or alt+sysreq stuff. here syslog after trying suspend code: aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> sleeping... aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> (wlan0): unmanaged aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> (wlan0): device state change: 3 -> 1 (reason 37) aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> (wlan0): cleaning up... aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> (wlan0): taking down device. aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> (eth0): unmanaged aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> (eth0): device state change: 8 -> 1 (reason 37) aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> (eth0): deactivating device (reason: 37). aug 28 15:54:55 kthakore-laptop networkmanager: <info> (eth0): canceled

Problems with administration login - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i manage transfer joomla site local pc host's server , web site on web. now, want edit articles can't enter site thrue http://www.xxxxxxx.yy/administrator . tried 3 usernames , passwords have: 1 database, 1 conecting filezilla , 1 entering local pc. is normal? should make changes of site on local , each time went thrue same proces of uploading joomla!? (my english not good, hope understand question) thank answer this not problem @ all. but security problems, recommend use different password. but, not problem. so, go ahead. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Thread: Cant install Nvidia Driver

hi need been trying ways install driver of video card nvidia geforce4 mx 440 agp 8x old card drivers driver tool not best me , 1 nvidia read ways install cant need newby did sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf code: blacklist nouveau blacklist nvidiafb blacklist rivatv blacklist rivafb blacklist vga16fb dont know if add files black list correctly tried sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-* sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau fist 1 told me cant not find nvidia-* second telling me not installed uninstall synaptic nvidia , been trying install typing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop out of graphic mode , log nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' creation time: fri aug 27 02:45:34 2010 installer version: 256.44 option status: license pre-accepted : false update : false force update : false expert : false uninstall

Can the border of an image be removed in an article - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there option or way – remove borders of image i.e. if post png image on article , ground transparent still thin black border around image thanks assistance barry barry, may have turn off (from global configuration) tinymce (or whichever) editor, (else change stripped out) go html mode , add " border='0' " image attributes.. code: select all <img src="okjoomlahosting.png" alt=" best!" border="0" /> Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Yet another ssh no route to host

i have googled extensively on several days none of posts found seemed explain solution well. obviously, have routing problem. entire issue resolved when plug lan cable laptop want able ssh iphone wireless. setup have is: desktop running ubuntu 10 msi wind running ubuntu 9 upgraded 10 using update manager jailbroken iphone 3.1.3 firmware ssh installed can ssh pc laptop , iphone. can ssh laptop pc, no route iphone. iphone can ssh pc times out when trying ssh laptop. weird thing when first installed ssh software worked perfectly. after few ssh sessions problem surfaced. have idea how fix this? appreciated. dominik can ssh iphone other system? can "ping" iphone's ip address or hostname? happens when try? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Yet another ssh no route

How to buffer file sequence?

hello dummy in web-programming!   so imitate streaming video playback small personal website need play several short video files sequence. (for example, splitted chapters in adobe encore web-dvd) however in default mode there gaps in playing previous , next video. i appreciate if tell me how organize buffering of sequences videos played smoothly. you'll have gap between videos play in same player. work-around, try loading second video in hidden player, behind 1 playing. when "complete" event (the first video finishes playing), hide first player, show hidden player, , start playback of second video. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Taxi reservation system - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there.. i've got final sem project build taxi reservation webpage. i've planned use joomla cms need here. extension @ module @ component best used manage taxi reservation ? suggestion , comments welcomed.. i haven't used myself, start looking @ few of these: let know find. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Malaysian Forum

Thread: monitor not working?

ok stangely, monitor stopped working. , keyboard did too. (i pushed caps lock see if light come on , didn't) turned off , on. nothing. computer turned on , monitor stayed in normal "nothing happening i'll take nap state" yellow color on power button. okay, waited little while on, , pushed caps lock, num lock on keyboard see if worked. nothing. don't know video card have not think it. took hard drive out own piece of mind. have clue happened? not virus....i mean hahaha linux right? ~ubuntu 10.04 my guess motherboard defected, might try check of bios settings, guess mobo faulting. might try booting live cd see if can work way. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] monitor not working? Ubuntu

Newbie help.

well, i'm pretty new indesign. infact istalled hour ago. seem having plug-in problem. can me? i want open word document, software says,   "cannot open file xyz.doc .adobe indesign may not support file format, plug-in supports file format maybe missing, or file may open in application."   infact software does'nt recognize any file type .pdf , .txt etc. etc. . i need work because got design article.   i need on finding how-to guides of indesign. appreciated.   p.s. detail solution in step-by-step way please? you can't "open" word doc in indesign. can though create new indesign doc, , place (look under file menu place command) text word document indesign.   as far how guides, there's classroom-in-a-book if want exercises, visual quickstart guide indesign if want quick write-up  of lot of functions might need in program, video tutorials, , instructor myself, i'd taking class @ adobe certified training center speed fastest. expensive thoug

False File.exists; flex cannot open SQLite.db file

i have program uses sqlite database. instead of creating , importing database, sqlite databse exists, data.   i trying open , read information (select* table - example); nothing seems work. the error getting is: 'error #3125: unable open database file.', details:'connection closed.', operation:'open', detailid:'1001'. have checked path repeatedly, file exists. run flash builder administrator (win7). code: i have moved database file around. in final version of program, database stored in seperate drive on network (z:/database.db, example) need use absolute path; although have tried others (application storage directory, etc)   var dbfile:file = new file("c:\users\public\documents\graduates.db"); trace('exists:' + dbfile.exists); //above being important bit. dbstatement = new sqlstatement(); dbstatement.itemclass = grad; aludb = new sqlconnection(); dbstatement.sqlconnection = aludb; aludb.addeventlistener(, ondatabaseop

CS5 Bridge can't find my "Documents" folder

i'm running cs5 on windows 7 64 bit, downloaded after purchase, if makes difference.   "my documents" available favoritestab in bridge, can't find documents or documents anywhere in "folders" tab, rather use, since faster browse multilevel folder system way.   i know documents doesn't exist in windows 7 , it's more mirrored folder or compatibility, wasn't surprised didn't exist in folders tab, can find documents under c:/users/myname/documents, folder doesn't show either.   does else have problem?  ideas might causing it? there indeed problem bridge cs5 under windows 7 (both 32-bit , 64-bit). apparently, code bridge never updated recognize libraries feature of windows 7 in special directories such documents, music, pictures, etc. implemented under version of windows. (for unaware of windows 7 libraries feature, windows 7 allows 1 or more user-specified locations used each of special directories. example, can have multiple directories o

Photoshop CS5 freezes when opening files

since, belive, last cs5 update week ago, photoshop freezing few seconds (5 or 6) everytime opens image, image, regardless of size, color mode, layers, etc. not happening before. same problem? i have mac pro 2x2.66mhz 11gb ram , mac os x 10.6.4.   thx is there solution this? have same problem photoshop 12.0.1 x64. have mac pro 2,4 ghz 8 core 16 gb ram , os x 10.6.4.   someone? More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only) adobe

tabnavigator :navigating differnt tabs

hii 1 first question in forum newbie in flex , actionscript(although have knowledge javascript) . i having tabbar control having tabs : createuser/login, view user, edit user . now untill user login or register himself,the tabs view user , edit user remain invisible. like   if(login==true) { //navigate view user //viewuser.visible =true; //edituer.visible=true; } else { //label.text="user name/pasword not match"   }   is there way achieve in flex actionscript. thanks. you have add children dynamically tabnavigator. read on view states. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: MMC card Read Only

i can't seem write of flash cards, or change permissions. keep getting; block device /dev/sdc1 write-protected explicit `-w' flag given when trying use command line -rw , have checked lock on side of card. heard putting tape on side of card i'm not sure where. also, i'm using mini mmc , placing in converter. i searched everywhere...can't find anything. please help Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] MMC card Read Only Ubuntu

How and where to write the code for hyperlinks in joomla ?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello friends, i new joomla. installed , started exploring on this. want task on this. actually in front page of joomla, have provide 2 hyper links in left hand side ie link 1 , link 2... after clicking link 1 , need load , display swf file in same page , link 2 also. any suggestions appreciated. rajesh you'll need create articles swf file called them, create menu items link articles, publish menu module. here more instructions: 1. turn off text editor finding user in site -> user manager in backend. set text editor editor - no editor. need because default text editor strip out flash try embed. 2. go content -> article manager , create new article. in body embed flash file. 3. best bet find menu has module published in left column. in milkyway template main menu. go menus -> main menu. create new menu item. use type articles -> article layout. in parameters on right select article created in step 2. 4. test out refreshing homepage , looking menu item (link) in mai

Error during subscribing to a destination

hi,   i'm using blazeds pushing messages server flex client using , messages published destination using tibco rv.   while launching flex client. i'm getting following error, though clients able receive message , update self.   could please let me know reasons kind of behavior , possible solutions this.   [blazeds] [error] endpoint id 'my-streaming-amf' cannot service streaming request either supplied fle xclient id 'df7ddc7e-a419-9c0c-feff-2a9ee5cb79af not valid, or flexclient id not valid.   also, significance of using below code snippet uuidutils.createduuid() while forming message.   string clientid = uuidutils.createuuid(); // creating new async message , setting state content.    asyncmessage asynmsg = new asyncmessage();    // setting destination message.    asynmsg.setdestination("chat");    asynmsg.setclientid(clientid);    asynmsg.setmessageid(uuidutils.createuuid());   is used bind

Thread: Make a video?

i couldn't find simple guide (or really), on how make simple video in ubuntu. can put video/audio in pitivi, lacks effects , more advanced editing require. have attempted save "ultra-simple" version mp4 , import kino, after conversion (which find extremely annoying), comes out twisted , odd shades of red. have tried lives, refuses import minus .wav or .flv (and when attempting so, crashes.). haven't found other programs work. need do: create videos series of still images. add audio. add effects (fades, etc...) export/save mp4. suggestions? i recommend openshot . has set of effects , can else want. try kdenlive bit more advanced harder use. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Make a video? Ubuntu

Problem with swf on 1 page of my website?

i have created simple flash swf have added pages of website. reason when load 1 particular page blank screen appears. when delete swf page appears! doesn't happen on other pages , wonder if 1 offer suggestions? thanks   <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" " "> <html xmlns=" "> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>our clerks</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #apdiv1 { position:absolute; width:264px; height:115px; z-index:1; } #apdiv2 { position:absolute; width:159px; height:66px; z-index:1; left: 48px; top: 8px; } #apdiv3 { position:absolute; width:794px; height:115px; z-index:2; left: 34px; top: 85px;