
Showing posts from August, 2012

Template know how? default extension .asp?

does know why when open new page using template, make modifications , "save as" default .asp rather .html? , each time thereafter defaults .asp after editing?   using dreamweaver cs4   thanks help! self answer...   i found there double extension  temp.dwt.asp   once deleted asp default save .html More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

.mod files won't open in CS5

i high school teacher uses everio cameras teach film class in school.the camera saves files in .mod format.  last year when used adobe premiere cs3 able rename files .mpg files , worked fine.  year upgraded cs5 , no longer work.  should instead?  please! read bill hunt on file type wrapper what codec... primer what codec inside file?   once know codec inside file wrapper, should able find/install files work   otherwise, convert edit   tools convert dv-avi convert convert files dv-avi type ii 48khz 16-bit audio   edit wmv and i have not used products below, forward due other mentions     $9

Acrobat 9.3.3 Print Warning/Error Message contains no text

we using reader 9.3.3 , getting strange error when print.  window comes warning symbol, has 3 radio buttons , checkbox says "don't show again" , okay button.  if check first radio button , select ok, nothing prints.  if choose second or third radio button, prints come out.  know options warning/error.  happening on windows 7, , windows xp 64 bit.  has gone away on 2 of 5 computers has shown on.   thanks help.   dave More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Thread: Bootup Problems

i'll try include detail possible if there's forget, i'll mtry tio supply it. upgraded 10.04 after slew of problems caused accidentally uninstalling important packages 8.04 installation. after lot of difficulty , late nights, managed 10.04 , running, has seemed have boot problems 8.04 never had. @ moment, has stopped booting altogether. if try normal ubuntu boot, screen hangs @ "starting up...". if try boot recovery mode, in middle of loading various hdds, stop, though hard drive makes noise you'd think doing something... tried unplugging usb devices, since else said fixed problem them, problem remains, though time, manages load way network drivers. now, hdd ubuntu on has os , it's detected during boot, since normal boot procedures start. however, when boot live cd , try mount hard drive, run fsck, etc., complains drive , won't mount it. answer i'm sure people want give first drive dead, doubt true. whether true or

Photoshop CS can't show the actual print size & other bugs...

although have set in preferences display's exact dots per inch (which 92.72) , rulers in mm , real print size of document, when click on view print size, document displayed smaller actual size! have set printer (a virtual pdf printer) in a1 avoid possible scaling of print size. software has required information, still can't figure out actual print size!  guys think that? think developers couldn't figure out how simple task either!  though work on photoshop cs occasionally, have found many bugs mention.  frustrating one, stops responding key shortcuts! have select menus or save, exit, restart , re-open documents -now imagine being in middle of complicated task...  huge annoying bug: when "select all" in order copy layer, if layer happens have parts surrounded transparency, photoshop destroys position , image overall, arbitrarily centering parts in pasted frame!!!  also, disappears temporarily if pause second while drag selection rectangle etc. haven't made curs

The specified capability is not currently supported

i'm passing .php url audioelement constructor, , getting "the specified capability not supported' error at   how can explicitly set soundtrait, or in way around error?  thank you for further clarification, php script outputs mp3 readfile() & headers set audio/mpeg.  using as3 sound class works.  i'm not clear how handle osmf More discussions in Developers adobe

Cross-Media export in InDesign CS5

where "cross-media export" feature in indesign cs5? used in cs3 move files cs2 our printer, cannot find in cs5? have trial, not update computers on our site unless have capability, since our printers use various versions. you can save cs4 using idml. why sending native files print?   best recommendation use pdf.   bob More discussions in InDesign adobe

data bind problem in txtbox?

hai friends,   below code   in resdata2 inclde data   dname->document name, dnum->document number             xmlns:fx=" "   library:// "   library:// " minwidth=" 955 " minheight=" 600 " >     <fx:script>     import mx.collections.arraycollection;   import mx.containers.formitem;   import mx.controls.alert;   import mx.controls.text;   import spark.components.combobox;   public function txtchange(): void     var a:string=txtarea.text;   public function search_click()   //var date:date = new date();     //"date: "+date.tolocalestring());     //logon.fnatt("view","4563","0");     //logon.viewf("1","4436","","file_view","open");     //logon.fneditatt("edit","4080");     //logon.editattr("do_edit","b59baa32cd9c28e5825fc

exporting quizzes to .mov format

i want use captivate add interactivity quicktime-based training video i'm building. don't want add quicktime files captivate project, because need video available in several formats. basically, want make quizzes in captivate, export them video files, , incorporate them larger video project through final cut pro. however, fcp accepts .mp4 or .mov files, not flash. is possible? can retain interactivity of quiz in quicktime-based file?   thanks! welcome our community   i'm going crawl way out here on shaky little limb , claim won't easy (assuming it's possible @ all).   here's why make claim. captivate video format final cut pro may accept require publish form of video based format. , inherent problem best of knowledge (and never claim remotely close knowing all, wrong) video formats "view only" , means no interactivity.   i hope definitive answer comes along either confirm or refute belief is!   cheers... rick     helpful , handy links begin learning

Problem with CF9, Apache2 and aliases (mod_alias)

hi   we're running coldfusion9 apache 2 , want access .cfm files without specifying extensions. used work cf5 (don't ask... ^^) , apache1.3.x.   here's simple example 2 aliases accessing administrator pages of coldfusion:   entries in httpd.conf:     alias /admin        "/usr/local/httpd-2.2.16/htdocs/cfide/administrator/index.cfm"     alias /admin.cfm    "/usr/local/httpd-2.2.16/htdocs/cfide/administrator/index.cfm"     when accessing page http://localhost/admin.cfm , works fine. when accessing page http://localhost/admin though, 403 (forbidden), , that's it.   it seems, jrun looks @ extension of original request (that is, before alias mapping takes place) in order find out whether has forward request cf server or not. can't specify nonexisting extension addhandler-clause.   is there way make work?   using redirects instead of aliases works, redirect involves client inacceptable since double #requests.   kind regards! daniel More discussions

Migrating / upgrading Projectfork from Joomla 1.0 to 1.5 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm doing migration 1.0 1.5, , web site using projectfork. there way migrate 1.0. version 1.5. version? i've been searching web , forums, haven't found answers, really. thanks in advance help! your best chance find user has done it. doesn't possible though post on forum Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Steam wont mximize

hello again , sorry such newb questions installed wine , playonlinux,but have installed steam under wine simple guess ,but seem runing problem ,for reson if chat im's come wont come ever stay minimized , have no way of bringing them , same happens steam main window can offer insight .oh , question relating if steam come linux have delete wine version , reinstall via software manager in ubuntu programs use because read somewhere deleting stuff in wine kinda of tricky , not sure on how really.thanks can ,and im running ubuntu 10.04 lts. bump no response Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Steam wont mximize Ubuntu

First click on site menu goes to wrong location - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i'm hoping can this. if go site: , click on of menu items first time, goes this: ... &itemid=54 . when try again, works correctly. it happens when add link external document. take here: ... news2.html and click on 1 of photos , there's chance you'll end @ wrong location. url seems irrelevant. i'm @ loss on how rectify this. can help? i have same problem, , have been looking around time now. appreciated. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: /boot partition question re: RAID and LVM

i've been doing lot of reading installing ubuntu server have not found answer question. have machine has 4 hard drives in it. 500 gb sata. want set raid lvm on top of raided drives. understanding /boot partition can not put on lvm. question is: need put /boot partition on each drive or on first? scenario 1: drive 1 = 1gb /boot, 499 gb lvm drive 2 = 500 gb lvm drive 3 = 500gb lvm drive 4 = 500 gb lvm scenario 2: drive 1 = 1gb /boot, 499 gb lvm drive 2 = 1gb /boot, 499 gb lvm drive 3 = 1gb /boot, 499 gb lvm drive 4 = 1gb /boot, 499 gb lvm 1 correct? appreciated. bump Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] /boot partition question re: RAID and LVM Ubuntu

How to migrate LOTS of content from 1.0 to new 1.5 site? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, have new joomla 1.5 site our newspaper, old 1.0 site has ton (thousands) of content items in variety of sections , categories, not using same sections , categories on new site - question how best migrate on old content ideally new section called archive ? or won't mess current sections/categories, ideas? extensions? thanx, goodtimesjeff this 1 may it Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Getting sick and tired of jos_session and sql errors. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i launched website 9 months ago, , on time frequency of errors increasing , increasing. at point, every 1 or 2 days site crashes , need repair jos_session in phpmyadmin. it's getting worse day , don't know why happening time. somehow "rows" need repaired because has more rows should have or something. strange... the server website hosted on atm getting slow amount of visitors have now, don't think mess jos_session every day? does have similar problems or have tips or tricks? have had serious downtime lately , it's messing our growth. please help!!! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Help needed for enabling the users to send mails - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi every one, i have designed joomla site using lampp & joomla 1.5 , presently being used intranet site haw can enable registered users send mails or recive mails via google or yahoo though dont have access internet. , server has access internet . can possible if please suggest me. -nag this might help, don't know if can set accessible users Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Migrating and Upgrading to Joomla! 1.5

Access is Denied?

i needed download important pdf firefox telling me couldn't launch acrobat uninstalled , tried reinstall newest version, 9.3.3 , around 80% gives me error message saying:   access denied.   file: c:/documents , settings/[user profile]/local settings/application data/nos/nos00820//nos#.tmp   i've tried installing 4 times , each time # different number, when in folder specified, there no file in there number. there other nos temp files different numbers however. wtf?   -callista More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

?:0: attempt to call upvalue '?' (a nil value)

i can't seem rid of error (' ?:0: attempt call upvalue '?' (a nil value) ').  "?:0:" ?   thanks in advance help!   script:   local lrapplication = import 'lrapplication' local lrdialogs = import 'lrdialogs' local lrfileutils = import 'lrfileutils' local catalog = lrapplication.activecatalog() local lrtasks = import 'lrtasks'       function searchntag()         local targphotos = catalog.getallphotos()         _, photo in ipairs(targphotos) do             local status = photo:getpropertyforplugin('com.jonathonlefaive.tagstatus', 'tagboolean')             if status then                 if status == nil then                     local location = photo:getrawmetadata('path')                     if lrfileutils.isdeletable(location) == true then                         photo:setpropertyforplugin('com.jonathonlefaive.tagstatus', 'tagboolean', false, 2)                     else                 

Thread: Sony Vaio F series

i'm thinking of installing ubuntu 10.04 on new sony vaio f series laptop. specs: quad core intel core i7 processor (1.73ghz) turbo boost (2.93ghz) questions: still able use blu-ray? run faster, 32bit or 64bit ubuntu? there way disable backlit keyboard? personal experiences running ubuntu on f series? i've been using ubuntu since version 7.10 on acer 5920g laptop canonical upgrades. acer laptop broken because of unknown hardware malfunction. therefore, bought new laptop sony vaio f12s1e/b (f series) 2 days ago. when switch acer's ssd sony's hdd, ubuntu recognize new computer , greets welcome screen. however, sound cards not recognized correctly. quick search on google show me sound card problem fixed on new alsa release. ubuntu 10.04 shipped alsa 1.0.21 , need alsa 1.0.23. follow instruction on site fix sound card problem after al

Finding bounds of nested clipping paths...

this topic has been touched on before, muppet & sonic have pointed me in right direction, i'm stuck right now....   seeing how "savemultipleartboards = false" broken in cs4, , scripting kind of epssave results in artboard size being bounding box, trying see if can find out if "visible eye" bounds of artwork exceed artboard size.   i can find non-clipped objects hanging outside artboard comparing document's visible bounds artboard size. likewise "visible eye" bounds of clipped objects :   var docref = app.activedocument; docref.rulerorigin = [0,0];   ////get size of artboard var mydocsizearray = [0,0,docref.width,docref.height]   ////check items on page if(docref.pageitems.length != 0){   /////find out if top item clipping mask if(docref.pageitems[0].typename == "groupitem"){ if(docref.pageitems[0].pathitems[0].clipping == true){   ////compare bounds doc bounds var mycliparray = docref.pageitems[0].pathitems[0].visiblebounds if((myclip

Thread: Improvements to Ubuntu

hi! thread improvements can think of can on ubuntu (tell me if there thread talking it) opinions, 1. smartboard compatibility (you know, school boards except "smart" 2. ... ill think 1 (had on tip of tongue) * open source graphics drivers * nothing locked down (like new gdm, root account, etc.) * smaller bare system size * less crap installed default, know how use package manager install movie editor thank much. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Improvements to Ubuntu Ubuntu

is there no hornav module position in siteground-j15-19? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i'm trying figure out how joomla works... i set siteground-j15-19 template , can't set main menu module in hornav position: why that? if it's because there no such position in particular template, there way know these things before trying? thanks try appending ?tp=1 after site url see positions available in particular template. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Windows 7 issue with Reader

i purchased new hp computer windows 7.  saved pdf files didn't show adobe reader icon. when attempting open pdf, windows asked program use , reader not choice. after reinstalling reader 9.3, problem persisted.  when tried choose program open pdfs, accidentally clicked on recommended adobe acrobat pro 9. program fine open saved pdfs, cannot open them emails.  don't know how remove acrobat 9 program open pdfs. opening pdf adobe reader 9 works fine, it's step , doesn't solve email/web problem.  advice? there several ways of changing file associations, easiest right-click on pdf file , select 'open with...', select adobe reader , check 'always open...'. More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Printing 8.5x11 size on home printer - quality of pictures reduced - help!

when print page within program ( on editor go file print change setting "actual size" - because created page 8.5 x 11 when first started album) quality of images , less when print jpeg (from "my pictures") on same printer.  reason, within program, quality of photos reduced original quality.  have idea why?  have tried saving page jpeg (on editor, go file, save as.., , pick jpeg) , printing jpeg's folder instead of within program.  saved jpeg decreases quality of photos in page (compared unedited jpegs in pictures). discouraged because feel bought program , can't print pictures. know have doing please! More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Opening article Editor is annoying slow after adding 150k us - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, question subject, opening article editor (jce 154) takes ages, annoying slow , if remember right started after updating user base , adding 150k of users site , i’m curious if problem? it gives 150k users possible editors makes problem , imo if possible limit editor show users editor or administration privileges should fast before or maybe wrong? is possible or not? tried search no luck far  thanks in advance, teo when uploaded users external source, did set users "editors" ? believe when doing bulk upload of users, 1 can set status of users. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Modifiable stamp

how make shape can repeated stamp?  , if make change original "stamp" of them used in image change accordingly? what want symbol. drag drawn object onto symbols panel. don't worry pop-up asking graphic , movie , that, that's use in flash. can give name if though. drag copies out of symbol panel onto artboard. or spray them out using symbol sprayer tool. edit symbol , change everywhere, double click on icon in symbol panel. More discussions in Illustrator adobe

Suggest MySQL query methods - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i little frustrated in searching forum preferred ways add/update tables , query joomla database. often, find link pursued has been removed. so, should use jquery , mootools, try using jdatabase object via jfactory, build own components, etc.? i working james kennar's "mastering joomla! 1.5 , seems involve days of work setup few tables used in phpmyadmin in few minutes. is there tutorial on site or place else guide me? thanks it's hard tell, post, whether programmer or user. users have no need deal database. joomla's extensions you. programmers should use joomla objects data access , other functions extensions able utilize joomla updates in regards security, etc., , extensions won't require upgrading when mysql/php versions change. setting tables sql scripts super fast , requires text editor , ftp. if lack know-how, suggests user, not programmer or need books , time study mysql databases. Board index Joomla! Older Version Suppor

problemer med skabelon og "pop-up" - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej har en akvarieforenings side . fandt endelig en skabelon der kunne rotere billeder foroven. det er en købt skabelon (at_galeta), men desværre uden vejledning- nu er den sat op og alting, men desværre er der en bjælke der hele tiden kommer op foran billedet () med lidt tekst - kan ikke finde ud @ at få denne bjælke væk, så det kun er billedet man ser. en akva. forening, har vi trods alt ikke så mange oplysninger. det er moduler, og hedder ex. user1 - næste billeder "popup" hedder user2 osv. den eneste måde jeg kan få det væk på er hvis jeg ændrer menu module væk fra moo og til css, men så smutter billedet også - æv. (har inge ide om moo og css betyder) hvis det ikke kan lade sig gøre kan man så sætte den til css og finde en plug-in der kan skifte billedet på denne plads? eller er der nogen der kender en god template med skiftende billede toppen - har godt nok kigget mange igennem hej duppe ! det ser mig ud som om der kunne være 2 moduler på s