
Showing posts from April, 2011

Displaying calculated field only when data exist

hello,   is there way display calculated value when data entry field being used. instance, if have several fields vertically aligned, don't want display bunch of zeros if data fields not being used.   thank you!!!! you can check rawvalue in calculate event before script.     event: calculate   //formcalc    if(field1.rawvalue ne null) then      // write script here    endif     //javascript if(this.rawvalue != null){    // write script here }     thanks srini More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

Integration with Drupal / Ubercart

hello,   i'm new adobe's content server 4, , question 'pre purchase'  question - if answer 'yes' purchase content server 4 , use it. have read through posts on forum, similar forum on ubercart's website can't find answer, , pre-sales people @ adobe on telephone don't seem know. perhaps spoke wrong people but....   i working small number of niche market book publishers,  none of whom have money invest in drm, want books  protected.   so, collectively, work them convert their  books .epub, , use adobe's content server 4 handle the  protection need. without adobe's content server 4, publishers not converting ebooks.   so, question is, can drupal , ubercart made work , in conjunction adobe's content server 4? have read user manual through , conclusion seems yes, don't know definite. seems content server 4 kept separate shopping cart, , made work shopping cart?   if yes, have or know of example website taking place can see it? or there not

ezautos - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

zanima me ova komponenta imam je malo radim neki sajt za auto salon slucajno cackajuci po neti naletim na jedan sajt koji mi se jako svideo isto koristi tu komponentu sve e sada me zanima kako da napravim kao kod njega vako raspored auta u sredini... radi se o komercijalnoj stvari. ako je legalno imaš, oni će ti pomoći. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum Joomla! dodaci

bugs_LR3_ web module

i finding way many bugs in lr3 , thinking of uninstalling it  , going lr2 or dare consider competitiona! in post cover bugs can not seem resolved in the  web module: trying create web gallery in flash mode site title "zachary's 4th bday party".i enter name  in the  appropriate box (fyi  collection title prove have same problems site title discuss)   lr3 not seem want play nice . title shows highlighted in blue, , shows in site info list of possible choices... not stay there long!  prior this  gallery had created  1 shoot "dukes of hazzard" , now"zachary's 4th bday party"  keeps reverting "dukes of hazzard "  changed colors on backgrounds , texts go along blues clues theme of party ,that not hold. seemed working until checked sharpening box. ( colors , text , but  not images) reverted gallery "dukes of hazzard " had done previously.   this 1 of many glitches keeping me getting done in lr3 since installed it. fyi computer softwar

Philadelphia Photographer & Modeling Consultant (USA) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello fellow joomlanians, tell me think... care opinion... i use joomla! same reason of do, it's free, powerful, , easy modify - , joomla! community rocks!!! thank you! -------------------------------------------------- website: designer: phillyphotonerd location: philadelphia, pa, usa category: photography, photographer, modeling description: a photography website built local models names , faces distributed around internet. place me showcase of photos. contain list of every model pose can find reference well. has extensive list of active usa based casting calls registered users view. extensions used: joomla 1.5.14 joompack - website backup easycaptcha - captcha jcomments - comments jsimple content protection - no right click / copy bigshot google analytics - google analytics joomgallery - photo gallery readmoreext - article images link story tmedit - article editor joomlawatch - ajax visitor monitoring modules anywhere - embed modules articles alpha

AS3 script syntax error?

hi all, i'm trying backengineer flash script, , complete newbie flash (but  smart enough otherwise, hope : ) ) anyways, get   symbol=sprite 29, layer=initclip script, frame=1, line 1 syntax error. symbol=sprite 29, layer=initclip script, frame=1, line 3 syntax error. symbol=sprite 29, layer=initclip script, frame=1, line 4 syntax error. and don't know why, if can take , point me in right direction....   thanks!   dynamic class gametoolbar {     var setupfinished: boolean = false;     var selectedthumbindex: number = 0;     var tweensfinished: number = 0;     var toolbarinitialized: boolean = false;     var animating: boolean = false;     var thumbwidth: number = 68;     var toolbarposition: number = 0;     var assetsloaded: number = 0;     var largeswfinitialized: boolean = false;     var currentgameurl;     var currentlinktarget;     var gamelibrary;     var gamexml;     var lastselectedthumbindex;     var leftscrollx;     var pagetween;     var preloadfadetween;     var right

Highlight the button when the slideshow switches slides

hi all..   i have slideshow works forum.. 3 externally loaded swfs  rotate fade in/outf effect on own per button click. add having the buttons change appearance (tint or anything) - show slide user seeing. i'm new , appreciate point me in direction of should place function. ahead of time - here's code:     // attach music var req:urlrequest = new urlrequest("squeeak3.mp3"); var sound:sound = new sound(); var controller:soundchannel = new soundchannel();       var b:boolean;   if(!b) {     b=true;   function soundloaded(event:event):void {     controller =,1000);         play_btn.addeventlistener(, playsound);     stop_btn.addeventlistener(, stopsound); }   function playsound(event:mouseevent):void {     soundmixer.stopall();     controller =,1000); }   function stopsound(event:mouseevent):void {     controller.stop();     soundmixer.stopall(); }   sound.addeventlistener(event.complete, soundloaded); sound.load(

Phoca GuestBook - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi have question,,my site's template has blacks grays , such on it,i have installed phoca gb , when go post comment can see fine, when want see has been posted prior it's black,now know take editing somewhere dont know how it,,any great, if can point me in right direction i'll try , take care of rest..not css of html please spell out me,, see here mean ... &itemid=27 ok solved myself did lot of research , kept coming nothing,i started looking around , did this,not sure how did did went components/com_phocaguestbook/views/phocaguestbook/view.html.php found code , tried few changes till worked changed code: select all if ($params->get( 'font_color' ) != '')         {$css['fontcolor'] = $params->get( 'font_color' );}       else                                  {$css['fontcolor'] = '#000000';} where font color "0's" changed , works fine on site code: select all if

RSC3.1 (with RH8) randomly adds binary info to topics

rsc3.1 adding binary info top of random topics. discovered when few output files discovered missing entire chunks of content (up 150 lines of code). opening source file in rh project revealed red block containing "xmlns," , displayed error message third-party editors; clicking yes assign design view seemed clear problem. opening file outside rh project, using editor notepad++, revealed 3 instances of nul|nul|nul before "<?xml " header. deleting these cleared problem.   not knowing when or if happen again, guess we'll periodically use notepad++ "find in files" function search "nul" in entire directory. (notepad , wordpad not reveal type of info, free notepad++ best bet.)   i've posted bug report issue.     good luck, leon More discussions in Source Control adobe

Security sandbox violation

hi all,               getting below error             unhandled securityerror:. text=error #2048: security sandbox violation: http://localhost/httprequest.swf cannot load data from           https://domain/exchweb/bin/owaauth.dll .                loaded cross domain policy file in flex                       [security.loadpolicyfile(" https://domain/crossdomain.xml ");]     crossdomain.xml      <?xml version="1.0"?> <!doctype cross-domain-policy system " "> <cross-domain-policy>         <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>         <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/> <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*" secure="false"/> </cross-domain-policy>        using apache server,included crossdomain in httpdocs.            me. More disc

industry and private category - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello! so i've got question, on site want able switch between industry , private (they differ having different submenu items) and want implement switch header, seen here: hope answers soon. thanks! what problem that? both "switches" implemented menu item? olaf Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Live Trace - 'black out'

what doing wrong?   i trying live trace technical drawing (tiff file) has call-outs. works ok, when try delete of call-outs, large black areas appear on drawing in place of parts have deleted.  tried adjusting threshold, have found once set, ai remebers setting, , not allow me adjust again!   help!!!! so after tracing expand trace , delete objects? please show screenshot of before , after.   if want adjust settings should not expand trace , instead open settings dialogbox (see online how that). More discussions in Illustrator adobe

PS8 Elements Organizer hangs on me...

hi,   i have ps8 on vista, accessing jpeg , dng files shared folders on hp mediasmart server.   when start basic manipulation e.g. 'hiding' files ps8 'hangs', displaying vista 'circle' pointer.  task manager shows elements organizer not responding. wait maybe 3-4 minutes , starts responding again, hang on next action.   tried same thing local files, , doesn't seem same thing.   looks problem shared folders, hardly bleeding-edge technology - seen it?   regards. More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

PSE 8 refused to handle 16 bit color

when tryed import foto took last in pse 8 , photo-panorama section   i got following message photoshop elements triangle , yellow[ ! ] action cannot performed on file 16 bit color depth do want convert 8 bits/channel   the other problem did not load fotos had check loaded any ideas why happened camera pentax k10d should not problem? when box came saying want convert 8 bit, did check yes and happened? (your not hurting original image doing that)     it's idea change 16 bit images 8 bit, before trying photomerge. can in pse camera raw dialog by setting output 8 bit (bottom of camera raw dialog). then save images psd files.     mtstuner More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe

Overlapping modules - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

our site @ has issue modules overlapping, you'll see there part of countdown timer in user 2 position fp slideshow in user 1. an apparent cause html (possibly in user 1 position) overriding position. however doesn't seem case have in user 1,2 & 3 postions disabled except 2 , don't contain code. i've tried adding module code try set width of user 1 no avail.... help i'm out of ideas! tia has active forums these issues, please search definite answer there. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

How to roundtrip drawings maintained in FrameMaker

hi all,   i have book of > 1000 pages, containing > 1000 drawings. currently, book source maintained framemaker files, , drawings maintained within these files. far, xml used output format gif images.   my goal use xml source, raises question of how handle graphics.   is possible export drawings internal framemaker when saving xml , later open xml book, retaining graphics internally? i have tried doing via cgm files, seems graphics imported reference only.   before investigating further appreciate input on whether or not possible.   any ideas?   best regards,   gunnar eldevik gunnar,   from framemaker’s out-of-the-box point-of-view each anchored frame object may contain everything. purpose of xml output product has 2 options:   a) anchored frame contains 1 (1) referenced graphic , no (zero) other graphic objects: framemaker can instructed output single file reference.   b) other situations: when saving xml framemaker creates single object in selectable format (gif, cgm, png..)

SOLVED: Templates not working past home page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my home page template looks great, when click on link, template blows , second page displays unformatted text. my site is: i running joomla 1.5.10 i same result 3 default templates. any suggestions? turn off seo settings in global configuration. if want enable seo settings, review following documents , set seo settings accordingly. may have type site url in variable $live_site in file configuration.php or use .htaccess file.!_1.5 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Automatically fill in field based on data from table rows

hello, users in our organization have complete number of different forms when accident occurs. creating .pdf combines these fomrs one, first portion being data input section user inputs data , populates other sections (pages of form) can later saved , printed. the data input section contains subforms tables. tables have row has "add new item" , "delete item" buttons.  rows have dropdown list fields. i create field automatically filled in values dropdown lists, including values new rows added using 'add new item' button. any assistance in regard appreciated.  first time on forum, apologize if have not been clear. thank you. this pretty complicated. you'll have use scripting , i'll tell how i'd approach javascript.   first of need decide @ point want populate field drop down selections. think have 2 options.   option 1 - automatically calculate field each time user makes drop-down selection. it's possible user enter data , change drop down v

PPro CS5 Subject Column is half width

as of today, subject column half of normal width each thread takes several lines instead of 1 or 2.   what happened? i'm user, think happened because of long user name... , forcing on right since long name not wrapping (i'm not there, don't remember if long name has spaces or justrunalltogetherlikethis) More discussions in Forum comments adobe

Översättning av formulär till svenska - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej, nu har jag smurfat runt en massa trådar som går långt bakåt tiden men hittar ingen lösning. jag vill översätta delar som "download information a" vcard, "enter name" och send knappen till svenska. Även "search" sökrutan skulle jag vilja ändra till "sök". jag har loggat in på mitt webbhotell och kollat språkinställningarna phpmyadmin och dom är inställda på svenska. tacksam för tips hur man löser detta. hej och välkommen! har du installerat & aktiverat de svenska språkfilerna till joomla? de finns på Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Översättning

Thread: Remote Control Other Systems

i using remotedroid control other system setup mediapc hooked hdtv. unfamiliar with remotedroid java server , client allows me turn phone touchpad (with left , right click, multitouch) full function keyboard. wondering if there similar software linux let me use keyboard , touchpad on laptop control keyboard , mouse of system. not talking vnc or rdp or that, want able send inputs laptop on couch mediapc. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Remote Control Other Systems Ubuntu

detect font style in text field

hello. wonder if there way (in as3) detect font style of text loaded dynamic text field (via php).     any ideas?     regards it's not clear intend when style, can use textfield's gettextformat() method determine different properties of text.  if have textfield instance name "tf", can use following output font...   trace(tf.gettextformat(0).font); More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Issues with Custom Package in Lightroom 3...please help

i having issues custom package in lightroom 3. selecting diferent cell sizes (with different aspect ratios) , placing multiple images in these cells.   on screen looks good, when prints of these cells coming out stretched!! example, 6x4 cell comes out fine (same aspect ratio original capture), have 2 x 1.5 inch cell image comes out stretched??   the first thing thought of "zoom fit" option, not present in picture package.   then thought perhaps print settins, cannot find there. on screen looks good, when prints of these cells coming out stretched!! by stretched, mean distorted? or magnified fill cell?   the first thing thought of "zoom fit" option, not present in picture package. it's there, in different place. it's called "lock photo aspect ratio" , can found @ bottom of cells panel. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

Where do I change the hypen in title tag to a | - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying figure out in code can change hypen between page title , site name pipe | i saw in previous posting using following code documented @ . <?php $document =& jfactory::getdocument(); $document->settitle($mainframe->getcfg('sitename') . " - " . $document->title); ?> if case change code follows: code: select all <?php $document =& jfactory::getdocument(); $document->settitle($mainframe->getcfg('sitename') . " | " . $document->title); ?> Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Cannot install ACR 5.7! Please help.

hello,   i have production premium cs4 mac os x snow leopard.  having trouble pp cs4 deleted , re-installed. when re-installed, updated programs adobe updater.  installed except 2 things--acr , adobe output module update (see below).  go adobe updater, , try update these 2 things again.  keeps saying it's been dl'd , installed.  when try open d300s raw file, says it's file isn't compatible.  went acr "about" settings, , shows has not been updated (see below).  i've tried reinstall again , error keeps happening.   how fix this, please? appreciate might able offer!!   thanks.     loyalty4life wrote:   how fix this, please? appreciate might able offer!!   go camera raw mac updates , download , install camera raw 5.7. More discussions in Adobe Camera Raw adobe

Error occured opening file...Please help!

good morning everyone,   i have .fla file i've been working on hours , hours. seemed fine when went bed last night, woke morniong find can't open file, message "an eror occurred openning file 'c:\users....'.   is there way can fix this? need file interview monday morning. still needs lot of work , i'm stressing. can offer!   bee if haven't tried,   1.  right click fla , click open (and select flash).  if fails: 2.  flash open, click file/open , navigate fla.  if fails: 3.  move fla directory , try 1 , 2.  if fail: 4.  rename moved fla (with same file extension) , try 1 , 2.   if fail, upload fla server , post link. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Subpicture highlight is out of line with button

i ran same problem lot of other people online have seen: button highlights out of line button text.   my menus created in photoshop, using correct group layer names [i.e. (=1) etc.] , menus looked fine in both photoshop , encore monitor, edit menus. when selected preview here in encore, see subpicture highlight off.   a lot of suggestions found didn't me: selecting create subpicture object menu, selecting interperet footage, etc.   here solution worked me: make photoshop image size 720x480 , select dv1 pixel aspect ratio. had been given menus 720x540 , assumed right.   hope helps in similar bind. are using encore cs4? problem happens encore preview , not on final output. btw, issue got fixed in cs5. More discussions in Encore adobe

Pronunciation Modifications Not Working?

  i have downloaded installed kate , paul voices neospeech. work relatively well.   however, not able make modifications make using included “userdiceng.exe” program apply in captivate 5. kate still reads words if did not modify dictionary.   question: how make changes dictionary apply newly generated text in captivate 5?   i have tried saving it, deleting old text, restarting captivate, , other nonsense that. feel there disconnect somewhere missing. userdiceng.exe program included when downloaded kate , paul voices. assume should able edit dictionary kate, save it, generate audio in captivate 5 , should work, right? unfortunately, changes read correctly in userdiceng.exe editor.   the contents of kate's bin file attached:   More discussions in Audio/Video adobe